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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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well, i had no idea about her existence, especially about angelina, saying, well, i don’t want to communicate either, because this would be manipulation on tatyana’s part through angelina. sonya, how is life with your grandmother? okay, is dad often with you? yes, he helps, he comes to us. don’t you also want to communicate with your mother and angelina? no i do not want to. and you, why? offense against whom, against mom? yes, for what? for giving up. despite this, you still want her one day? they offered to meet and what did she say? i don’t know, i’ll think about it, when was this? 3 years back. i talked with the girls before the program, and of course it’s easier for nastya, because , firstly, she already learned this news at that age, when her psyche was more or less stronger, and secondly, she lived in the feeling of a full-fledged family, as if she thought that she had a mother and father, she had a strong emotional... connection with them, so this
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news is for her, i think now the whole situation is easier, for sonya it is much harder, she has a serious resentment and serious psychological trauma due to repeated denial that she is with as a child, i constantly saw that my mother was abandoning her, and even now you are not trying to do anything, next to you, being with your children, you have never even looked at them.
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they give you a term, but they don’t give you a term, in fact, this is a separate criminal offense, a small administrative fine, correctional, forced labor for up to a year, let it be distracted, all this is in your hands, we need your statements, after the transfer i will leave you contacts, free of charge i’ll prepare them for you, thank you, you have something to say, girls? you shouldn’t be doing that, girls, you don’t know the whole truth, good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today is a big holiday for our fraternal belarusian people, on which we congratulate them with pleasure.
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eightieth anniversary of the independence of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders. belarus, unlike many other post-soviet states, celebrates not the day of independence from russia and the soviet union, but the day of independence from hitler’s germany. and for this we can already thank the belarusian. this was the most important minsk operation. when our troops entered there, marshal zhukov found almost no one, and did not find almost a single intact building. every ninth person died in belarus, the contribution of the belarusian people to the common victory will forever remain in our memory, and today a parade dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of independence was held in minsk, and a parade with participation, of course. and
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the armed forces of russia, china, uzbekistan, the belarusian armed forces, but also azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, which also marched along the central streets of the capital of belarus, and it is no coincidence that, in almost the same composition, today the issue of belarus’ accession to the shanghai cooperation organization, the shanghai organization, will be considered. cooperation just now gathered for its summit, which began in astana in astana, but the russian president, before flying there, congratulated the belarusian people on the holiday, let's listen to our president, exactly 80 years have passed since that day, like the red army, in whose ranks we fought shoulder to shoulder.
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russia and belarus interact fruitfully in various areas and effectively coordinate efforts in countering external threats and challenges. i am confident that further expansion of the entire complex of constructive non-lateral ties and simplification of the institutions of the union state fully meets the interests of our fraternal peoples. vladimir putin. well, now putin is almost finishing it.
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they have relations within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, this organization was created more than 20 years ago as an organization for, in general, security in central asia, but after that both india and pakistan joined there, belarus is added, that’s true, iran was added, this is an organization that already represents 40% of humanity, so for a minute. and these 40% have just gathered today to discuss the most important relations, the total population of the shanghai cooperation organization is huge, as i said, 40% of humanity, 3.4 billion people, the total
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territory included in the shanghai organization cooperation between countries is 34 million km, this is the gdp of the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization. i must say that this gdp is noticeably larger than that of the g7, so that the shanghai cooperation organization at a new stage is becoming, i think, a really very important global player, this is certainly so, and we can say that we are simply observing how a number of organizations and associations that are now being formed, among them, of course, brix and the shanghai cooperation organization, the sco are the most leading. are getting more and more the first plan of world politics, not only economic issues are discussed there, but issues of global politics, and unlike the regime that exists in the seven, where there is a dictate of one country, everyone else unanimously supports it, it is truly
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such a good organizational and a discussion club where countries can be represented differently, looking at certain issues, but nevertheless looking for an opportunity to come to an agreement, this is exactly the same image of a multipolar world that russia consistently advocates, and of course, we must congratulate our western partners, in quotes, on the next step towards the political isolation of russia, but we see that this political isolation is becoming more and more successful, support for russia, cooperation with it, by the way, with belarus too, because i want recall that the task of political isolation of belarus was set even earlier after the presidential elections. elections, it was said that lukashenko is now an outcast, that no one recognizes him as president, that belarus is now an inferior country, we are happy to see, that our closest partners and allies are enjoying increasing international support, developing independent
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bilateral ties with other countries, including china and india, and will now become full members of the sco. by the way, another interesting point, such a petty, vile affair that western leaders launched before the show meeting, they announced that vladimirovich putin’s alleged visit to north korea, and then to vietnam, offended the people’s republic of china, that we allegedly got into zone of their interests, and now the chinese will definitely take terribly revenge on russia, we don’t see that there is nothing like that, of course, there is no such thing, our president is meeting with...
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well, i must say that they will always separate china and russia as long as our union exists , and it has existed for quite a long time and will continue to exist, so little by little they will try to create a quarrel, but this obviously does not work, let’s start with what is happening now, with the meeting of putin and sijinpin, this is what happened during this our president said at the meeting, i would like to remind you that our country stood at the origins of the creation of the shanghai cooperation organization in 2000 , the first year, with the expansion of the circle of participants, and tomorrow belarus will become another full member of the organization, and the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of a fair multipolar world order .
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of course, we will support china’s chairmanship of the sco in 2024-25. it has been stated more than once, with good reason, that russian-chinese relations are a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history.
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industry is steadily moving along the planned course. in the face of a far from simple international situation and external environment, we need to remain committed to our friendship forever, work hard for the well-being of peoples, enhance the unique values ​​of china -russia relations, cultivate new drivers of cooperation, and make tireless efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests, and also basic norms international relations. the summit in eston, which starts tomorrow. will be the most important event of the shanghai organization, cooperation this year, i am ready to hold
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the most detailed conversations with you and our other colleagues on the topic of strengthening the sco and cooperation in various fields, to promote the sustainable development of our organization in the interests of forming a closer community with a common destiny for the sco. this is what distinguishes the shostrix meetings - this is such a calm confidence, but just listen to western leaders after their meeting. that we are competing with china, tug of war in central asia, well, the sco is the same idiotic propaganda idea - it’s an organization for... the security and economic development of this region and that’s why someone decided that the chinese and i
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would be each other there to displace, the facts over the 23 years of the sco’s existence have shown that exactly the opposite is happening, complete complementarity, the chinese actually trade more there, about 90 billion in central asia, and we have about 46 billion, well, which is understandable, taking into account our economy, so there is not the slightest competition here, now we see... the coordination of two organizations that intersect, about these two organizations, their intersection of brix and sco, you know, i generally have the feeling that we have entered unnoticed into the post-war world, that is , this is no longer the same situation as a year ago, much less 2 years ago, and that now there is a quiet, calm development in part of this world, in the changing part of this world, of some rules, principles of what in the post-war world it will be, another thing is that the west is missing.
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martakayev says that tomorrow an important document will be adopted, in which there will be a message to the world community about how to resolve the current conflict and how to adhere to it further, when you start to look at these declarations, what it will be and how they are already commented on by the kazakh and let’s say there chinese press, then you see the familiar and familiar principles of fifty years ago, the five principles of peaceful existence, which were launched first in negotiations between china and india about peace, then they switched to the bandun principles; in addition to security, of course, they include
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respect for sovereignty and equality in reaching any agreements. this is all the sco will do, its intersection with brix - this is, of course, a very interesting story, because well, this always comes up once, when we were the chairman and brix, we just sat there together, and there were two summits almost in a row, indeed, these organizations now exist in such a symbiosis, and you are absolutely right that the shoos and brix form the world order is not only of the future, but of the present. because this is, in general , the mode of relations between states that should exist on planet earth, when countries simply agree with each other, come to a consensus, no one imposes anything on anyone, no one interferes in anything, and in principle it is the west cannot exist in this paradigm, it is the only one, the only civilization that falls out of this paradigm is the west, everyone else can agree, that’s when everyone else
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come to an agreement, they will have to do something, well, in any case, i think that... soon it will come to mind to negotiate with the sco or brix, they will still try to do something, but more and more countries are really showing interest in cooperation with our country, actively interacts with the sco, but pakistan is a large country, larger than russia in population, yeah, and really was an ally of the united states, this country has been meeting for a very long time, and is meeting today. putin with shahbaz sharif, prime minister of pakistan and let's listen to our leaders. we met 2 years ago, also on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization in samarkad, i must note that during this time relations between our countries have been developing and
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developing in a businesslike, friendly manner, i note. and our prospects here are very good; we would pay special attention to two areas, first of all, this cooperation in the field of energy and agro-industrial business, supplies of our energy resources to pakistan have begun and we are ready to increase them, at your request, russia tries to make its contribution and... ensure the food security of pakistan, we are increasing the supply of grain to the pakistani market, our ministry of foreign affairs is cooperating in international organizations, on international platforms, as i said, including on the ngo platform. well, let's
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listen to the example of the minister of pakistan, he came up with an innovative idea that reminds us that everything new is good. forgotten old, at the moment, our mutual trade turnover amounts to 1 billion dollars, according to in response to my request, you kindly provided us with the opportunity to increase our energy cooperation. we have received oil supplies from your great country, we are very grateful for this, we must continue to follow this path. our attitudes are self-sufficient, they do not depend on any geopolitical situations, conditions, and they do not depend on attitudes.
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economy, this is 2003, look how the coordination of efforts to integrate into the global one has changed the world. now there is simply no need to integrate anywhere, because the shanghai cooperation organization is and there is a world economy to a greater extent than any other parts, very little time has passed, but how things have changed, here is the prime minister. pakistan, which today proposes to return to our good past, actually challenges the west, because in essence it says: we bought oil from russia, we don’t care what you
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think about it, and we will supply goods to russia and will be russian once again, we don’t care what you think about buying products, and so that you can’t spoil us, let’s think about how we can get around all these stupid dollar payments, which are an anachronism of this damned past, something like this is possible.
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no, i see people, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, ruin, worms, the state house, i went to work, and if he flies out of the country today, you will never unravel this matter, i was told, you have the ability predict, he didn’t cheat on you, that well, see what ordinary people don’t notice, i’m with you, of course, where would we go now without you, there’s a map, there’s a navigator? here, you think your grandfather is out of his mind, yes, come on, attract her, fortune teller, today on
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the first, white woman in the corridors, sorry, guys. on friday on the first. the most grandiose event in modern russia. traditions and
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advanced technologies. the greatest achievements and discoveries. all corners of the country. all areas of life. 247 days, 89 regions. more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised by, we have something to be proud of, the grand closing of the russia exhibition is on july 6, at the first, how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio. two stars. it was some impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i love him, and he hung up for a while and asked me why, without you,
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you had a very serious accident, it was ira, the person who brought you back, yes, ira returned, i had post-traumatic epilepsy for 7 years, my first husband drove a journalist to me who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago. i mean, i’m a month old and he’ll be with me, like all this, probably, if i hadn’t married him at 18, i wouldn’t have married him later, so what? you’re so serious, you’re afraid that i ’ll tell you something, i remembered, no,
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and i wrote, wrote, wrote, it was all i’ve seen all my life how my mother sat at the table related to treatment, her task was to determine the disease, i i remember when she told me at home out of pride that i said that the tumor was in that place, and it really turned out to be in that place, sick? she cared like a mother, she said: treat the patient as your closest relative, and she treated the employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters; when we begin to mix with the live electrons, miracles are expected of us.
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here we are trying our best. arrange some kind of miracle, for the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva, the premiere on sunday on the first, a big game live, the most important international event, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which is taking place in astana, and today is the day bilateral meetings... putin had several of them, his meeting with turkish president erdogan, with whom they had not seen for a long time, attracted a lot of attention, the meeting was postponed, and the context for the meeting was constantly changing, and moreover, there was talk that perhaps during the sco summit there will be a meeting between erdogan and basher al-assad, but as often happens in such cases, someone is in...
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we have noted over the previous few months a slight decline in trade turnover, but it remains quite high level, 55 billion dollars, if we count in dollar equivalent, we are implementing all our major projects, in this sense, everything is going on schedule, according to plan, there are no glitches, new projects are planned, we are very happy about this, we...
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this is very important, that is, we will receive russian tourists in our country, we attach great importance to this, we are sincere and decisive about this issue and will continue to work in this direction, the main thing is that russian tourists are satisfied with our hospitality, the route along which our countries are going is well established
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constantly perfect.
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turkey has its own policy in relation to a number of regions, but it is important that if the west
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closes itself off from russia at the slightest problem and does not solve it, then russian-turkish relations are developing progressively, regardless of the presence of problems; if there are problems, we are trying to solve them.
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russia iran were able to form this very troika to resolve the syrian issue, here we also need to move forward, despite all the problems that turkey itself has, but turkey stated that it is ready to interact with syria, as erdogan said, grievances do not last forever, although i’m not sure that the bashsad can divide. it with the countries of the region and there are a lot of topics that we undoubtedly need to discuss. now, if we return once again to the constant intersection between
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brix and shus, then our friends, so to speak, familiar from brix, the emirates, qatar, they are also observers in the sco, and they have status there , this is a multiple-time invitation, but what is there in astana in this time... the problems, firstly, are that the americans stood there and could, well, in theory, so to speak, somehow, well, hang over the edges central asia potentially drugs, which, well, it’s not that the americans themselves were breeding, but in fact, if you look closely, then yes, now
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there seems to be nothing taliban in astana, but this is still interesting, because if before it was an existential threat central asia, now this could become an opportunity, and the same pakistanis there can very well take part in this, finally, well, i hope that we will wait there for the taliban or anyone in our ranks, who will develop with us, we really we'll wait, because that there is a meeting taking place with, as i understand it, cooperation with potential members of the shanghai organization, turkey is a possible potential member, although we’ll see how it will behave, as in brix, as in brix too, well, there was a meeting today between putin and aliyev , with the president of azerbaijan, he is also not a member of the shanghai organization.
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will be on an official visit, so it is clear that a meeting on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization may not be planned, but at the same time, today it turned out that the volume oil supplies from russia to india have become truly record-breaking. let's listen to rbc. supplies of the russian oil brand eurols to india in june updated their historical maximum, reaching one. 600 thousand barrels per day. the figure increased by 13% compared to june last year
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and by 2.2% compared to may, in which the previous record was set. at the same time, in general, indian imports of russian oil in june showed the second highest result in the entire history of observations, 2,130,000 barrels per day. it was higher only in may 2023, in which amounted to 2,150,000 barrels per day. quite recently it was zero, we had no energy cooperation with india, war, yeah, look how huge the indicators are, we’ve just never had this with any european country. well, just recently we talked about the fact that brix works in the sense that this community gave very good diplomatic results, economic results at a time when opponents were trying to achieve the opposite, now we can say that the shanghai cooperation organization is working great, and i think , what in these figures... the receipt of oil from russia
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by india is the answer to the question of the position of pakistan, which also sees, seeing this cooperation, wants to increase its cooperation, therefore the prime minister of pakistan makes truly, well, revolutionary proposals against the backdrop of the developing cooperation of all sco countries and brics countries. well, of course, in the west, all this is a sharp knife, it just, it just distorts them. obviously, now you’re reading reviews from all sorts of foreign media, but just for them, wow, how can they do this? don't like it, well let's listen to cnn, the club of eurasian countries led by china and russia to promote their leaders' vision of an alternative world order is set to expand again this week, this time with the addition of a staunch russian ally. expected admission of belarus to the shanghai organization. cooperation at the annual leaders' summit in aston is
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the next step by beijing and moscow to transform the sco from a regional security bloc into a geopolitical counterbalance to a western institution led by the united states. allies, as the international fame and economic weight of the sco grows, its geopolitical ambitions expand. bordering the european union, belarus' expected accession truly highlights how the sco's mission has changed over the past few years. sco leaders want their organization. was perceived as a major bloc that could no longer be ignored. with the accession of iran and belarus, china and russia want to show that many share their common worldview, says eva seiwert, expert on chinese foreign policy at the mercator institute for chinese studies in berlin, in this general worldview there is no longer a place for the united states in eurasia. that's bad luck. yes, this does cause anger, but it is something western leaders will have to get used to. and our president. he repeatedly called on them about this, including in his
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already famous interview with tucker, he said: guys, a multipolar world has taken place, this is not a question of the future, this is even what is happening right before your eyes, we mentioned india, well, let’s get straight let's say india always was perceived as the most pro-western member of both brix and sco, right, especially britain exerted constant, relentless pressure on india, precisely in order to...
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what was stopping? well, we, constantly, after all, we have a desire to agree peacefully, well, this is our national tradition, as long as there is no war, everyone spoke there from the general secretary to the grandmother, after to the bench, we always strive to give a constructive sound to those or other initiatives, in principle, at one time the organization for security and cooperation in europe was undoubtedly a wonderful organization. for 30 years, the osce was a platform for beating russia, and what we did there, these 30 years, i
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don’t really understand, because it was some kind of masochistic pleasure to go and receive slaps in the face, no one knows from whom, just like passe, well ... this goes without saying, they were not much different from each other, another thing is that in the osce there were, as it were, more participants, in theory we pinned some hopes on it in the nineties, but how much time has passed since then, today there is an interesting, of course very, message that deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia mikhail bogdanov received the delegation of the yemeni resistance ansar allah, this is the houthis, officially.
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russia is here at the forefront of building this world, and therefore we need to get out of all sorts of useless organizations that only take away the russian budget, and we need to proactively form this new polycentric world. how to proactively form it? meeting, among other things, with various subjects of the socio-political process of various countries, to which ansar allah undoubtedly belongs. and here there is quite a big perspective in the context of what the president spoke about, in terms of, so to speak.
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zakhar andreevich, what about you, let’s get into the frame, into the frame, you have a convict, you yourself understand what a shadow it casts, i think that love is joy, that this is happiness, and what is this, you better teach me how to ride go, it’s in vain that the cheremis came back here, what a brother, things are bad, she’s driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, she’s a stranger to us, don’t be offended, please. tosya, will you come tomorrow? look, i don't want you to talk to him, you are screwed together, you can only cripple the fate of people. tosya, tosya, wait. two shores, premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. i'm glad to see you, father. we have nothing to talk about with you. leave.
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revelation by former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive. the omen is bad, they are really afraid of it, the vavan and lexus show, premiere, today on the first. in fact, you brought her under the article, this is a fact, she fell into this trap. at the entrance to the legendary bamov village of zvezdna we are greeted by this wedge heel. 50 years ago , the pioneers got here on it, so they landed there on the banks
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of the tayura river, then a group of 13 people came here not from us, a year later out of these thirteen there were five left, a year later from these thirteen there were only two of us left, that is, to get used to this road, get used to routine, to the slope. i saw what an earthquake was like, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on... it’s cute for her, the whole house is covered in bears, she 15 years old, volodya, at 15 years old they give other gifts, she only has tennis, how is your pension, i ’m hunching over volodya so that yours can become a person, and you show up with this? stupid bear, of course, she loves you, you ’re so good, not a father, an ideal, where is your trash can, july 7 on sundays on the first, but
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stop nagging, she has exams, eg, well, she’s not going anywhere, wanders around the city, clears his head, comes back, wanders around the city, who has lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, kolka will appear, call, who are you talking to? i was 5 years old, i put on zhanya’s dress and
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stood, sang a song in front of the mirror, i wanted to be like her, what do women regret, about love, there were quite a lot of disappointments when you expect from a person the same emotions that you give him , you don’t get this in response, the first question, i say, when will there be grandchildren, he says: dad, tell me, from whom? i’m doing well, i’m in love, mom, congratulations, your grandson was born, that was joy, only then, silence, there is plato, plato is a continuation of zhanna, there is the memory of jeanne, premiere on sunday on the first.
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conditionally affects the situation on the front line, that is, today, against the backdrop of powerful attacks on kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, mirgorod and a number of other areas, our troops today continued to conduct active offensive operations, advancing in a number of sectors, in the rabotinsky direction they would continue to the north and northeast of rabotina, on the temporary ledge, our troops advanced north of staromayorsky in the direction of makarovka, battles also began for the center of the harvest, in the ugledarsky direction our the troops have advanced significantly. east of ugledar, somewhere 2-2.5 km, and there are also battles on the outskirts of konstantinovka. in krasnogorovka we have already advanced in the northern regions of the city, which are in the process of coming under our control, to the west of avdeevka our troops continue to attack in the direction of the already erected building, and we have already advanced directly to the village of progress, the clearing of the falcon is being completed, fighting is already underway evgenovka, as well as our troops
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attack in the direction of novoselka first, then there is a front there, essentially now. is flexible, the enemy cannot stabilize it in any way, the situation in the area of ​​​​new york and dzirdzhinsk is similarly deteriorating, our troops from the south have advanced directly to the southern regions of new york, and the village of yuryevko on the southern outskirts of new york has been practically liberated, and battles are also ongoing on the outskirts of toretsk, well, this is also zerzhinsk, in general, the situation here for the enemy is worsening every day, and in the area of ​​​​the yar hours, our troops yesterday completed the liberation of the kanal microdistrict, it was completely crossed. under control of our paratroopers from the ninety- eighth division, the flags of russia and the airborne forces are displayed there, battles are already underway for the area of ​​​​the bridge over the canal, there is progress there today, that is , we are gradually moving on to the assault on the central part, the enemy recognizes a sharp deterioration in the position of his positions in the city and expects , that in the future it will only get worse there, and there are also battles for the village of kalinovka, on the northern ledge our troops continue attacks north
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of the liberated razdolovka in the direction of the excavation station... there is progress in the ivanovka area, in general and here the front is moving in some places, well , in the kharkov direction the situation has now stabilized in greptsov and glubny, but in volchansky there are ongoing oncoming battles, which the enemy regards as unsuccessful, because the use is delayed.
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if biden, who is, to put it mildly, in a difficult mental and physical state, would be re-elected, this is such a quintessence of how the americans use ukraine, because in the economy they do the same thing, they bought up the majority of the land assets of ukraine in the same way, and this will always be the case until then. for now americans will have the opportunity to do this, but hillary clinton can only say thank you for the fact that she very briefly and clearly explained the cynicism of american
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policy towards ukraine. yes, it’s not in vain, yes. i just had a vision here, i imagine a monument, well, if someone saw the monument to catherine in st. petersburg, then you imagine the monument during your lifetime. at the debate, let's listen to her. we understand that the president, as you all know, did not have a good evening. the president had a cold, his voice was hoarse, which you all heard. did he take
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any cold medicine? he didn't take anything for his cold. but did he take any medications at all? no, he didn't take any cold medicine. tell me, was the possibility of publishing a more detailed medical report discussed? or something else that would demonstrate his mental abilities? we have published an update on the president's health from his medical team every year since he took office. as for something like cognitive test, his doctors believe this is not required. does president biden, who is 81, suffer from alzheimer's disease, some form of dementia, or degenerative diseases that could cause all these slips? i have an answer for you. are you ready for?
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and yes, i even feel sorry for the non-democrats, in general , i honestly feel sorry for western democracy as such, western countries, because against the backdrop of this calm confidence of the sco and brix countries, yes, which people are seriously talking about each other each other, they are discussing serious problems, how to increase trade turnover, how to build a new world, they are discussing whether there is a gelber nuance or not, and also in every western country, where now all the governments are pouring in one after another, here is the next one in line... there will be a sunk , now change my word, but our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it,
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hello, the evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here’s the main one. the organization that holds the future, the sco summit in astana. today is the day of bilateral meetings, vladimir has the details of the negotiations.


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