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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 3, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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they trust you for now, for now, but you understand, an apple from an apple tree they say, yes, yes, hello, zakhar andreevich, excuse me, i’ll come back later, no, no, come on in, what question do you have, yeah, here’s the list of students, who need permission to enter. they will go to college, that zakhar, young people are running away from you, who will carry out the plan, i’m joking, i’m joking, education is necessary, but you’re right, some don’t have to leave at all, blind people - makar, spankov valentin, and skolchin antonina.
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i bought you a cockerel. do you remember me she said that you were crazy about them as a child. thank you. talk to your grandfather, tell him, let him give me permission. wait, i don’t understand anything, what? he’s disrupting my admission, if i’m late for exams, then that’s it, i’ll lose a year. what, he didn't give you directions? oh, don't pretend that this is the first time you've heard this. are you unhappy with something, girl? you are not my command, zakhar andreevich.
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i’ll have to, i’ll go to the district committee, you’re a tyrant, the collective farm needs workers, in our country, by the way, we are rebuilding the economy destroyed by the war, doctors mean in the country doesn’t need it, but which one of you is a doctor, you are made to only cripple the fate of people, but how can you, so tosya, tosya, wait, if i do something, then... it’s just like that, believe me, you don’t understand, we wanted to leave together, and now because of you, well, it’s not time for you, thank you, then you’ll say that, brother, things are bad, she’s driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, she’s a stranger to us. “of course,
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i understand you, they’re getting along, they’re saying agatyn, kolokmut, but i can’t calm down, you know, i remember her eyes, her lips, my blood is boiling, father, if he finds out, he’ll give you this she’ll let out the blood, but who will he find out from, not from you?” “since it’s been a year, think about it, brother, okay, she at least loves you, not yet, but she will love you, you know, i know how to get my way, i have a rival, well, it’s okay, he’s leaving the road on his own, i made an appointment for him tomorrow in the forest, we’ll decide everything ourselves. like a man, once
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and for all, lord, heal god’s servant olga, give her strength, raise her to her feet, heal god’s servant olga, this is the day, yes, what did i tell you, oh. i think so, we need to make a couple more trips, we’ll pick a day this week and go, you you’ll eat these first, what’s there to eat, with moonshine, and in pots, stewed meat, to your sweet soul, by the way, you should drink to a successful hunt, come on! pour it, why not drink it,
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since this is the case, so salt, while you wait, it’s hot. huh, it’s hot, well, for the hunt, for the hunt, lord, forgive her sinner, send a guardian angel, comfort her, i heard that they saw a bear further on, yes, come on. let's kill the bear, uh, you can't take the bear with shot, here you need bullets, but i have them, yes, yes, well, well, for the bear, for
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the bear, i love her, but you don't like her at all you know, we will have time to get to know each other, you don’t understand, we are soul mates, and you are a stranger, you will always be... for love there is no difference, she loves me everything, and you are sure she told me the same thing, shut up, i said, so what?
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anton, get out of the way, give in, i said, i won’t give in to her, i love her more than life itself, understand? taska, taska, i have something for you, come here, quickly, antoshka’s poems were published. newspaper, hold it, read it, i can’t, let me do it myself, i wanted to say, not that there are many, we have
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our own path of poets, ermakov, wait, but i’m the one i’ll get enough, but right now it’s not you i need. there is no need for views from your life, and you admit that you are an unclean soul, this is for your mother, you reason so abstractly, and the feeling that the enemy is coming to us, everyone who does not believe, is in the way, let love, you hear, i remain.
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the big game is on air, undoubtedly the main international game today.
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where exactly is it located now and what does this meeting in kazakhstan mean? i want
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to ask academician vitaly naumkin, scientific director of the institute of high-russian studies, about this, thanks to dmitry, i am now i remember the year ninety-six, when this organization was just being created and it was not clear where it would go, it would seem that its horizons were very narrow, because the focus was on resolving border conflicts, relations between the countries that were part of this so-called five, then there were five of them, russia, china, three central asian states, and even central asia, which has now become a very significant player in this structure, was then represented only by three, in fact.
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and harmonization of relations on the borders of these states, and the borders were not even all normal or legalized yet, they were still a little in limbo, so to speak, and it would seem that the main thing was to avoid any conflicts, and over time, this not only became the only may even be the main thing in the activities of the sco, but to this has been added...
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the globe, and it seems to me that today’s tomorrow’s session, firstly, uh,
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will be a new step in expanding the format of the sco’s activities, firstly secondly, uh, new members will be added to the sco, we are in any case in case, we know that one will definitely be added - this is belarus, which should be admitted there as a tenth member, thus we will have two dozen organizations. in which russia and china, china together determine the main trajectory of development, this is brix and the sco, these ten members, today they are clearly completely ... taking leading positions in the world community, when belarus becomes a member of the sco, if you look from a geopolitical point of view, it turns out that in the west the sco will reach the borders
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nato, in the east the sco will reach the borders of american alliances.
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the sco did not oppose these resolutions, did not vote against, but not a single sco member country voted for it, that is, in other words, this is the world majority that has not yet formed as pro-russian, but has definitely formed, despite very strong american pressure, definitely not formed, what... this colonial association, ready to follow american ideas and american pressure, i described the situation correctly, absolutely correctly, i i think that this is exactly the case, this course, as i dare to hope, will remain the main course for the shanghai cooperation organization, because despite the fact that many sco members
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are trying not to spoil relations too much.
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go into detail, especially at such a sensitive moment, but he said, of course, it’s not because modi didn’t want to meet with putin, because modi is going to come to moscow literally next week, this speaks for itself, of course, plus you can just one small nuance to add, that india traditionally follows a risk-avoidance strategy, and this is, in principle , a course that is understandable to everyone, but... i agree, and of course, you always want more, but what we have in this case is very , very much, it was very, very difficult, and
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should not be taken for granted, today president putin has already met with chairman sizempin, and let's listen to what both leaders said after their meeting, let's start with president putin. our cooperation is not directed against anyone, we do not we create no blocs or alliances, we simply act in the interests of our peoples. currently, joint efforts are aimed at the consistent implementation of the plan for the development of key areas of russian-chinese economic cooperation until 2030, approved following your visit to moscow, dear mr. chairman, in march of the twenty-third year. russian-chinese interaction in world affairs is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena and we continue to strengthen our
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interaction in this area. now let's listen to what chairman xidzenping said. our multifaceted cooperation is steadily moving along the planned course under the conditions. far from being the easiest international situation and external environment, we need to remain committed to our friendship forever, work hard for the well-being of peoples, enhance the unique values ​​of china-russia relations, cultivate new drivers of cooperation, and make tireless efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests, and also the basic norms of international relations. these statements, it seems to me, are clear, precise, they do not...
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after all, events change, the world changes, it is dynamic, but our relations remain, they
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, like a ship, go calmly, in this case, understanding the resource that they have, this in itself is big news, look what mr. xi said, for example, that he mentioned the phrase friendship forever, such a small, such a small phrase, but very capacious, it covers all aspects of cooperation. mother such things are not by chance they say, correctly, and most importantly, that both china and russia are countries with a centuries-old, multi-thousand-year history, and both countries cannot afford, and especially china, such inconsistencies, as many european or leaders of european states demonstrate, declaring one thing the next day , changing his position, here the position is stated, moreover, it is said that these relations... they are not directed against anyone, because in fact this is also positive, we look, we have only had a very fashionable last few years has become a topic, but fashionable in the good sense of the
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word, the topic of multipolarity, we are talking about the fact that the unipolar world is being destroyed by the events taking place around russia, china, ukraine, excuse me, not only there, but in the world as a whole , changes are characterized by the departure from a unipolar to a knokalny world , but how important it is that this organization was already creating back in the nineties, that is, even then... the idea was formed that there is no other way than to create organizations based on respect for interests and work for the interests their own peoples, because the weakness of, for example, the european union, not even talking about nato, is that they politicized the unification process at a certain stage and turned this union into a political union where there is no basis, because there is no equality, no common interests, or rather, even if they exist, they are directed against someone, but this is this interest. cannot be durable and effective, but here the sco today demonstrates exactly the position that is associated with a constructive attitude towards cooperation between our countries. if possible, dmitry, small,
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a small remark to what i said. alexander mikhailovich, i would also add that in other formats, including nato, where cooperation is developing there and so on, but there is always an element of fear that holds the state together , a lot rests on this, but in ours it rests on trust, look today, i remembered our friend karen shakhnazarov, who determined the mood and even, so to speak, the mood of people by their facial expressions, what the facial expression of chairman sidin was.
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which sets itself the collective the west means isolating russia, including isolating it in every possible way and i’m not afraid to say insulting the russian parliament, so i have the feeling, a strong feeling, that in china they communicate with the russian parliament very willingly and consciously accept it at a very high level. organize meaningful discussions, i also proceed from the fact that the chinese are not doing this by chance, what can you say about parliamentary cooperation with china, you know, you very directly emphasized an important point in our relations, because comrade senzimbin at one time, during the visit of vyacheslav viktorovich volodin to china , expressed an idea or he personally accepted him, yes, he personally received the delegation and in a conversation
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with... he said that we need to find opportunities to deepen relations between the two parliaments, we have a lot to learn , we have something to exchange, we have something to resist together, and so the reaction to all this was the decision to create a working group there between the two parliaments, but this is an important, but special case, and if you look broadly, then today the relations between the two parliaments are built so respectfully that, firstly, they are at the highest level. secondly, we discuss the most delicate and most complex issues that concern us , china and the entire world community. we are talking about security, security in the broad sense of the word, we are talking about the legislative framework for combating terrorism, we are talking about the legislative framework for working with young people and involving them in the creative process in china, here. we are talking about how the parliaments of our countries should ensure legislatively, as much as possible effective and speedy implementation of the tasks
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facing us. only the chinese, conversations, security issues, of course, there was a high level of chinese comrades heard from us the content of the status, of course, we were prepared, but how did they throw away all these official papers and switch to the same meaningful, confidential, but very serious conversation on these problems, you know,
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all this is going on, yes, border issues were really being resolved, some other small issues, but gradually the organization found its way, and we see how countries, countries the founders, and the countries that joined later, are participating more and more actively, now belarus is also going to join the sco, the same can be said in principle. and about brix, so this organization really has a very important role, and this role is becoming more and more important over time, especially taking into account current events, because the world is constantly changing, and organizations such as sco and
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brix also develop and evolve over time . today's meeting of the chairman of the siya, president putin. yes she it wasn't very long. we, of course, do not know what exactly was discussed there, unless, of course, the leaders themselves tell us, well , offhand, based on their statements, i would say that what was discussed was probably mainly an open declaration regarding relations between the two countries, and the goal was to once again show the whole world what it is. just a bilateral relationship, not directed against anyone else, why did our leaders want to emphasize this so much, i think, so that people understand that china and russia
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they are not going to divide the world into two competing camps, perhaps the west would like this, judging by...
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president putin comes to beijing, he is greeted very lavishly, after which a joint statement is published following the meeting of the leaders of the two countries, even during
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the visit, this joint statement was published, and it was not some ordinary joint statement, it was a voluminous document of 10 thousand words, where... including on issues of global governance, this is an unprecedented situation in the history of relations between our countries, and i think, even during today’s meeting in astana, what the fi chairman said today about the relationship between our countries, what he said is friendship forever, the relationship between our countries, between our peoples - this is so important. that no one can
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interfere in this and somehow spoil it, so we saw this very clearly today, so you say, yes, brussels is also trying to put pressure on china, just in the last couple of days stoltenberg, leaving his post, is nato secretary general , also announced that china allegedly supports the russian military machine. and because of this , the biggest war since world war ii is raging in europe, because china, they say, supports russia. china sees all this, china hears all this, but how does china react? china has taken a very strong position. china does not give in to pressure and maintains its relationship with russia because china believes that this relationship is in the interests of our two countries. so i think everything is very clear. professor wong, thank you so much,
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thank you for your time, thank you for being always help us understand the situation better. we hope to see you on our air again soon. thank you, let's go to advertising. thank you. i didn’t remove it, you had no right to leave it, tosya, tosya, don’t touch me, i don’t want to see you, tosya, what happened there, denis, i really didn’t mean to, damn, it happened by accident, you brought it on we're in trouble, look what you've done, i'll excommunicate you from your family, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program it's time.
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there is a big game on the air, although, naturally, the meeting between the leaders of russia and china attracted the most please note, so far, the sco itself in kazakhstan has already had another important meeting, and there were concrete results. nothing to spoil her relations with
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her partners in the bloc, although there are many problems there, she says that erdogan is not afraid not to meet with putin, not to discuss very serious substantive issues on the international agenda, on many of them, including those related to peace on the eurasian continent, it seems to me that there is a tendency towards rapprochement. erdoganan's position with our ideas about what is happening and what have to do. i think this is the most important thing, if you don’t go into details. well, without going into details, it seemed very important to me that it was announced that erdogan was inviting putin to visit turkey in the near future. and, as far as i understand, this invitation has been accepted, in principle, and putin will make such a visit, it will happen.
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your colleagues and compatriots treat you with suspicion that there might be some, so to speak, insidious plans of someone behind this, but it seems to me no, it seems to me that here there is an additional platform for collaboration, cooperation between, say, here isos, with
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which we discussed, regardless of what position turkey will take, whether it will approach or try to enter. there or or brix or other dialogue partners who, who already have a lot, but the very fact that some new groups are emerging that do not oppose russia, what the united states is trying to put together, is not succeeding in turning them against russia , on the contrary, new ones are being added that do not spoil relations, at least with russia, moreover ...
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you spoke about organizations that are created and developed in the interests of their participants and even going beyond the boundaries of these organizations, you mentioned the osce parliamentary assembly, like the very recent situation with the pose parliamentary assembly, i can tell you that absolutely other organizations left the fold, yes, suspended their participation and stopped paying, and here, similarly, decisions were made, and synchronously with the federation council, since we have this presence in this organization in both chambers, so here i am i want to say that these osce organizations, in particular the osce parliamentary assembly, well , they have turned, not only have they lost their independence, they have generally turned into a mouthpiece for such american propaganda through the ukrainian broadcast of this propaganda in a language we do not understand, because what are they talking about? it’s hard to imagine, and
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moreover, they completely emasculated the content that was laid down during the creation of these organizations, and thus they actually... the economic, ideological and diplomatic battle that russia is waging with its allies against the west. therefore, changes in attitude are a completely normal process arising from logic. well, i think this is purely my personal opinion. i believe that it was a mistake for the soviet union to sign
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these agreements in 1975, and it is clear that the soviet union was slightly deceived. there is a separate topic about what motivated people, especially some. brezhnev's advisers, who offered to cooperate with all this, i won't give away any secrets now, i just read their memoirs, where they say openly that they wanted russia to begin to comply with european norms at home, and this was one of the reasons why they seemed to advocate joining the osce; naturally , they did not share this motive with leonid leach brezhnev.
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so the events taking place in the united states are able to explain american interests and help the russians understand these events correctly and objectively, and kristiyan thank you again for your willingness to give us your time to share your knowledge.
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and what can force him out of this race go out? this is possible, and these were quite surprising events for everyone who watched the debate, it is obvious that biden lost, lost due to his age, some people familiar with the history of the soviet union even compared him... i would even say that
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the case it’s not just that he was slow to answer some questions, got confused in his words, and so on, but he couldn’t answer any of trump’s arguments, when he talked about the economy, about security, there was one issue on which the democrats expect to win.
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3-4%. and if we take into account that many of them are not national figures, and
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not very well known, then to me immediately. it occurred to me that if you nominate one of them, start promoting him, such a person will very quickly become a national figure, as far as one can assume that if biden leaves the electoral game, then almost any alternative candidate will also not be able to win. yes, there is such a possibility, especially.
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how humiliating, in what humiliating position did the united states find itself on the world stage? yes, you're right you say the gap is not very big, 2-3% according to polls, but i will remind you that the president is not elected by the people, but by 50 states. what matters is what happens in the real battleground states that
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are not clearly republican or democratic. thank you, thank you for your time in helping us better understand this very complex, american election situation. we hope to see you again soon on our air, we're off to advertising. thank you, dmitry. revelation by former us secretary of state hillary clinton, specially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive, i’m doing everything i can to re-elect president biden, we’re just used to saying that, well, hillary, they’re downed pilots, and her husband is also a downed pilot, they’re puppeteers, she they believe, they give money based on her words, biden will win, we’ll do all this, you’re already dying, she said it, the main threat is trump, he wants to end
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the conflict on russia’s terms, i know he’s a very bad guy, the hatred is personal to trump. due to the fact that he did it like that in the elections, if a similar recording had appeared with the participation of not hillary clinton, but one of the republicans, then they would have decided the case that they were striking a blow to american democracy in the districts establishment, they say, god forbid you criticize her, it’s a bad omen, they’re really afraid of her, the vavan and lexus show, premiere, today at the first, in fact, you brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she got caught in this... big on air game, academician, we talked about a lot, but we couldn’t discuss even more, among other things, we failed to discuss security problems that are related, including the sco. yes, this should, of course, be touched upon, perhaps in future meetings,
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but what is very important is that all states, regardless of... their weight, one way or another stand firmly on their feet in terms of security, primarily because a certain part of these states, we know which ones, they are members of the world nuclear club, while others either have experience in trying to build some kind of nuclear programs, then abandon them, here is brazil, which was there, there are threshold states, which we also know about, there are also unrecognized ones, india and pakistan. and i would like to look at this from the side that these states are somehow capable of defending themselves and resisting the forceful pressure that can be expected from the collective west. thank you, and mr. deputy speaker, how do you look at the role of the sco and brix in global security? both organizations, generally formal, are not
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created to do this, but their influence. world security is undoubtedly growing, well, it is growing, not only their influence is increasing, but also their activities and the position they occupy, here you are in several stories today. showed the american situation, the contrast is that the two presidential candidates allow themselves to devote most of their time to personal relationships, even in an offensive form, and the whole world is waiting for at least some views on the internal situation of america, maybe on the external external situation , but this is not happening, and the sco and brix are countries, they are an organization, which includes these countries and the leaders of these countries demonstrate constructiveness, in fact , a readiness to offer the world a new world agenda, accordingly a new look and a new perspective on this and explain how our future, the common future
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of humanity will be built through the efforts of these countries uniting in different organizations for these organizations, but not against anyone. thank you, i want to quote statements from american officials about why we have...
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a good, typical american approach, we we determine what is legitimate, what is illegitimate, to hit these territories, well, this is what is possible, what is not, i believe that we in russia still have a lot to learn from the united states in this regard, and we really must show moderation, respond symmetrically, so i propose that russia accepts its obligations. do not hit new york against washington, because they are undeniably american territories that became part of america on the basis of relevant treaties with great britain, unlike some
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other territories, unlike some other territories, these are the territories that, for example, california, such as texas, texas, such as florida, were the result of openly predatory. the united states is in dire need of modern long-range weapons. taximetry, just one remark that they read very poorly what our president said, that the buffer zone will depend on the range of those weapons that will be transferred to ukraine, than...


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