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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  July 4, 2024 12:00am-12:41am MSK

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it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. the american elections are just around the corner, and the west is anxiously waiting to see how the united states will change if the democrats lose. why are they afraid in the usa?
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let's start by introducing the guests of the van and lexus show studio. today with us are political scientist , americanist sergei sudakov, deputy editor-in-chief of the russian newspaper, historian of special services and author of books about illegal intelligence officers, yaklay mikhailovich dolgopolov. first deputy chairman of the state duma defense committee, chairman of the rodina party, alexey zhuravlev. and political scientist, vladimir sergienko. hello friends, let's get started. we contacted hillary clinton called.
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important points, which is why hillary didn’t mind talking to former president petro poroshenko, because in principle they had encountered each other before, they knew each other before. hello, hillary clinton speaking. hello, dear madam secretary, i am proud to hear from you, and i constantly follow your statements, and i know that you are in the eermak razmasen group. the problem is that when we get help, now with these new conditions, we have to return the money. for a loan, i think let's
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do it this way, i think we will do it step by step, and then they told me that everything was placed so that it could be transferred to you in ukraine as quickly as possible, so i hope that the help will arrive very, very quickly, in time to benefit you. okay, but the problem is that when we see another threat, it concerns the upcoming us elections. the president will be different, you're right, it's terrible, and i'm doing everything, what i can to re-elect president biden, i really hope that 's the outcome in november, but obviously it 's a very difficult time in our country right now, let's, let's take advantage of this, you know, as much as we can. this
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means that you need to provide support to try not only to hold the line, but also to go on the offensive, then obviously many in our country will do everything.
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about the fact that, well, hillary, yes, they are downed pilots, and her husband is also a downed pilot, just wait, this is originally a clan of rodums, from whom it came out with, they at one time created obama, they created a whole direction within american politics, which , in general, does not care how american citizens vote, they are the puppeteers who know how to correctly build the vector that is necessary in order to it was possible to create a platform for election. in america, elections are always tied first of all, not only to governors, but above all to mayors. every person who has lived in america knows perfectly well that whoever buys measures will falsify elections. hillary today is a key player who can
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correctly create an atmosphere of falsification, people believe in her. the fact is that they give money on her word, they give guarantees on her word. and now we see when this conversation takes place, but it’s very obvious. it shows that the ukrainian case is our case, we are working on it. biden, well, there is biden somewhere, but we will send it to you, we will send it to you quickly enough. very important words were spoken when she took on what seemed to be an extra burden, but this is not unnecessary sadness. it shows that she is not a cog, she is the person who is the beneficiary, not only of the war that is happening, but in general it shows, i am part of the deep state, you are correct. made a call, it’s really interesting that a person who himself lost the election is trying to re-elect the same person who, in principle, says hello to ghosts. nikolai mikhailovich, as far as i know, i had the experience of communicating with hillary, this experience, there is
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a saying, i never rush into it i’ll forget, it was may 9, 1995, an hour before the parade in honor of our great victory, and i ended up on the podium, where i shouldn’t have been, because there was an empty podium and three people were sitting there, clinton, his wife, with whom you had such a nice conversation, and a certain medjar, at that time he was the prime minister of great britain, you know, i couldn’t help but approach them, i went down, walked up and started talking, and you know, clinton responded very well, i introduced myself that i was a journalist ,
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said: “sorry, this is probably not your stand, i showed the ticket, mine, but you know, we’ll transfer you to another one now, to the same one conveniently, you know, after all, the interview turned out to be short, but i thought, this is what, if she’s twisting her husband so harshly, yes, how can she twist america, well, imagine, this is just a person, the embodiment, in my opinion, of such evil, unfriendliness, very harsh things like that."
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well, so that there were about 200 killed a day, that is, in fact, this is half a barricade, not only does this not stop it, it does the opposite says: we need a result, let’s do it carefully, well, you see there’s still going on, that the guys are crossing the dnieper in order to surrender, just vladimir, in general , her support for biden, it can somehow turn into some kind of success, as for hillary herself. i remember when she came to lviv, it means there was some kind of madness there, who
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will find proof that she is there through some ukrainian lineage and in general their relatives, they are from western ukraine, in general she is a real native benderovka, i’m honest i’ll say, to this day i’m sure that this is true, they announced a prize there then, i don’t remember something there either 5.00 dollars, like, for someone who can completely build her tree, find the root of the family tree, that she... moreover, without a guarantee of financing, that is, i will try, i will, that is, she does not guarantee 100% financing, i
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understand that she will give it , she accumulates a huge amount of money, and it’s true that she takes money under her word and collects this money, such people are dangerous because they manage the financing, she can clearly bring someone into the office, and in the same way take someone out, then there it is absolutely not knocked down pilot, i also wanted to add interesting things, being in boston at harvard, and i was initially a doctoral student... i had one level of access and to those bases that are inside harvard university, well, that is, when you come, you attach your card , your harvard library opened when i became a professor, and there, i was somehow surprised, i attach it, and it was interesting for me to see in general, and what is written about the clintons, see his biography, and i am very many who wrote , and they wrote in including scientific works, but for some reason i, as a doctoral student , did not have access to these works, so it’s interesting... there was a part that i really liked, how bill clinton became the youngest
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attorney general of arkansas, right here click became the attorney general, i want, he took it and he was not 30 years old, but he already became the state attorney general, you can’t even imagine how cool it is for states to be the state attorney general, you decide a lot, he served one term as attorney general, click, governor, they could decide already then. they couldn’t bring her into peak physical shape, now i’m not kidding, if she was in peak physical shape, they wouldn’t have knocked her down, she fainted once, fell a second time, they caught her by the arms again, the americans don’t like her.
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as they say good life conception, they say: the concept of a good life, when i have fairly cheap food, almost free housing, and most importantly, there is a subsidy from the state, look what biden tells them: i will find the money, i will do it, so that you feel comfortable, and i will make sure that you you will live through the war, and for them, ukraine, which they do not know at all, for them it is the meat that they consume. hillary clinton in 1999, when discussing the issue of... the bombing of yugoslavia, a good phrase would be that strouptel would then say, it's just a meat,
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this concept is just meat, it works for her now, the americans are for it how they treat her, by the way, they understand that she is like this, they are afraid of her, they are sincere, that’s when trump started calling her hiv, a witch, and you don’t can you imagine how many americans supported this, they are really afraid of her, because, for example, in the districts... about obama’s wife, but don’t come to any talk show and open your mouth saying something bad about hillery. the omen is bad. ukraine’s accession to nato is a very sensitive topic, in the past we talked with british foreign secretary david cameron, he said that the americans are blocking ukraine’s accession to nato and in general, in principle, this
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is not in the near future. so we decided ask her the same question. let's see what happened. let me ask you, i was the main initiator of ukraine's entry into nato. how your closest circle sees the situation. i wrote this down in the constitution of ukraine. this is a special article. yes, i remember that, yes. how does your inner circle see the situation? we are working very hard to convince the german-americans to go for it. i don’t know what the final decision will be, but as you say, since...
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the germans need to be convinced, i know how to convince the germans in 2 seconds directly, this has already happened in history, when nato conducted exercises, according to the exercise scenario, it seemed like the soviet union had already completely approached germany, the americans gave the order to drop a nuclear bomb on german territory in order to create an impassable corridor for the soviet union, then for the first time in germany they started talking about that in this case it should be taken neutral. that is, germany will leave nato. the only conversation with germany that the americans offer, and hillary clinton, in germany she was also called a witch in this regard, is, if germany becomes disobedient, why do we need such a germany? it's a concept she's practically voiced several times. so , as for obedience and persuasion, well, i wish her every failure, because when they talk
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about the use of nuclear weapons, there are two scares on this planet, one of the scares is that the americans will drop a bomb, and this has already happened. during exercises against germany, so this woman has no other thoughts, how to force germany, and they will force her, they will vote, they will do everything that is necessary, what difference does it make? the chancellor will be there, what difference does it make who sits in parliament? what they don't say. such a war, the jivelins will come, look, from the seventeenth to the twenty-second, 5 years have passed, somehow no one remembers, i have this thought, look, you
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are talking to her, when there is such a concept we, she says, here we are trying, and then she pronounces ermak. on the territory of ukraine there are people who are intimidated, not intimidated, those who are forcibly taken into the army, but there are people who are already in the army, who see how the situation is developing, who understand that this must be stopped, who is the enemy, this is zelensky’s enemy these people within ukrainian society also have an idea about who needs to be arrested in the near future, so that there is peace, to stop the murder of the local population.
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we need americans and germans, we must clearly understand that 30 countries, 31 countries, this has nothing to do with the united states of america, let’s do it this way, but what nato budget have you never thought about, well, approximately, well , 1.4 trillion, a large amount, of course, a large one, then we begin to look at how this amount is filled, american trillion, trillion , absolutely right, so they just throw in a trillion, he says, guys, there are questions, then the next question begins, how does it begin to form next?
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don't worry, do everything they tell you, we're here, everything will be fine, well, well, well, guys, we're working, we're working, fortune teller, tomorrow is first.
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you managed to push the russians as far as possible, and i don't know what's really possible, especially with these new weapons, i know that in the relief bill there was language about even more weapons. thank you, dear madam secretary, i think the main threat is trump, because he will demand the money back, it will be a disaster. ultimately, he wants to end the conflict on terms.
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but who did she blame in the first place? it is russia that says: i will send my people, yes, of course, anything, well, there are just double standards, specific ones, well, there’s some kind of personal hatred towards trump because he did it this way in the elections, now the official representative of mitrossia, maria, is in touch with us vladimirovna zakharova, maria vladimirovna, hello, thank you for joining us, i think you have watched this video. and the first question, of course, is why the united states, instead of thinking about the upcoming elections, is so worried about ukraine? yes, good afternoon, i just liked your experience of talking with your ex.
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british defense minister from cars, it must be repeated, and now about why they are the united states of america, please, let’s also be more precise, american liberal democrats care so much about ukraine, and not about elections, they care about elections, they are just ... doesn’t care about ukraine, they don’t care about ukraine. the fact is that the elections are completely based on an anti-russian russophobic theme; this, in principle, is already a trend that was chosen a long time ago. i want to say that one of the ideologists was precisely hillary clinton’s team, because that, let me remind you, this was her own book, in which many years ago she gave a special place to hatred. russia, you are absolutely right when you said with what emotionality, with what hatred hillary clinton speaks about trump, well, let’s leave trump to them, and
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the key word here is hatred. and she really experiences this feeling, and at the same time she is really a woman and educated with certain, so to speak, as you understand, powers over a long period of time, and indeed not without intelligence, but at the same time the dominant feeling towards our country of all those who are apparently too tough for it is hatred, i remember very well how - many years ago i touched this book that she published, where, in principle , no one forced her, the situation did not force her to write nothing so extremely anti-russian, i would even say not only anti-russian, but russophobic, but she did it, and there were whole chapters, and literally , you know, permeated with some kind of, i don’t even know, poisonous hatred of russia
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and to the people. to the leadership of our country, therefore this is really all about the elections, and hatred towards our country is being transmitted through the situation in ukraine, well , she just said, in order to re-elect biden, we need you to show success at the front, absolutely true, because this is the calculation , and the topic that, so to speak, was nurtured by a team starting with...
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but the economy, as even the american, so to speak, analysts themselves state, is artificially pumped up, but the indicators that are available in recent months are near east drenched in blood due to the fault, again, of the united states of america, yes, you can spend a long time figuring out who is more to blame for them, they are all to blame, and with their american exceptionalism, that there are
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achievements somewhere else on planet earth. well, there are probably achievements in terms of competition with the european union, but it is unlikely that this can be sold to voters, it is impossible to talk about it openly, the eu business lured to america really helps them maintain economic indicators, but it cannot be presented to american voters as an achievement, therefore the same russophobia remains, for which they paid well, so to speak, well, actually. speaking, another reason is that this is closely connected with business, precisely this corrupt business of the american liberal democrats, biden himself, his family directly, you know, they have grown together with this topic, that is, this is not just hillary clinton’s hatred of our country, it not only deep state, deep state, yes, but that in fact, it is still ingrown. into the biden family or
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the biden family, which has sprouted from this very ukrainian topic, you know, i would like to draw your attention, i carefully studied the relevant fragments of hillary clinton’s conversation, as if with petro poroshenko, and you know what i want to say if a similar the recording appeared with the participation not of hillary clinton, but of one of the republicans, everything is the same. i want to say that in the united states of america they would have been given a case of conspiracy with foreigners, this is firstly, and secondly, they would have been given a case that they attack american democracy by interfering in the internal affairs of another foreign country. now let's look from the other side, if this was a conversation with someone who may not even necessarily be russian, but if it was, for example, someone,
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well, i don’t know. maybe from some other country with the same messages regarding how this person would help one of the american candidates or the nearest... election race, so this is the american candidate to undergo interference in internal affairs, here it is, only there is a nuance: this is a game that poroshenko played, as it were, in favor of the liberal democrats, and they, as they say, have all their means, and in this case they never have anything of their own, be it biden’s corruption, be it interference. of any other country in their elections, everything will do for the sake of, so to speak, their selfish interests, no one else would be allowed to do this even in one thousandth or billionth part, you
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remember how they attack their media, their political scientists, analysts , their official representatives, when, i don’t know, some businessman, public figure dares to talk to some political figure.
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because our country literally came to her defense with the whole world, with all the people we fought for her, she returned to us, including due to the fact that she is the strongest person in spirit, she did not wish harm on anyone, she did not talk to anyone on the topic of possible interference in the american elections, then everything was decided for her, on the agency, and the fact that she undermines, well, you all remember this very well, here’s an example, here’s another one for you. with what we are dealing with, this is not democracy, this is not even liberal democracy, this is a monstrosity of the american system, which is called liberal democracy, which they have imposed on a certain number of countries in the world,
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primarily the european union, which puts everything on its head, makes any crime permissible and justifies any evil, well, here ’s the last question for... what do you think, maybe there are some forecasts, whether after the elections in the usa russia will always be accused of interference, they will always find something they will blame our country for everything, the only option is when they will not blame us, but will, perhaps, even praise us, or at least have a neutral attitude, plus or minus, then when they can realize their cherished goal, it is to use our resources.
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thank you very much, dear madam secretary, i would call you vice president, but in my opinion, i thought it would be great if you ran for vice president, worked together with... bye-bye, i will convey, thank you, it
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seems that what bill thinks is not available to anyone, except for petro poroshenko, it’s not at all interesting, in fact, you brought it under the article, that ’s a fact, this phrase was said about parliament, we’ll raise it there in parliament, it’s within reason, it’s not interference yet, but when he said poroshenko is talking about that i will send you people there, she says, eu, that’s it, the article, you need to understand one simple thing, hillary has no jurisdiction in america, look, the scandal was huge.
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hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the labtiger podcast with you its host tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist sergey nasebyan, our guest today is svetlana. hello, svetlana, hello, svetlana, tell us how we
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can be useful to you? i have such a request, i already want a relationship, if i didn’t want it before, now i already feel that i want it, i’m ready for a relationship, but i can’t build a relationship, moreover, my life has been there for the last few years, well , men don’t come at all, that is, they don’t even just appear in my field to at least somehow interact with them, so i have this request that you helped. to figure this out, because well, i really don’t understand, this really can be said directly as a cry from the heart, because well , the last 10 years there, starting in 2014, when i broke up with my ex-husband there, my common-law husband, so i went through, well there were several dozen paid training courses in psychology there, i thought that i was not building relationships because there were problems with parents, and there were some open topics with parents, so i worked very deeply with this. then it seemed to me that i had there is a program, myself, with which i also
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worked and also did not help build relationships there, then it seemed to me that i was not feminine enough, i also worked in this direction, this is obvious, and it seems to me that i am already well today well, it’s not so ideal, but it’s said loudly that i’m good enough to build a relationship with a man, but here, but they just don’t even appear in my field, that is, there’s no desire even... they have to get to know me there like - to start some kind of relationship there, so i’m not really not i understand why this is happening, maybe i ’m broadcasting something that, well, that i ’m pushing them away, or that, well, somehow, well, i don’t understand the truth, i’m already confused, they should appear, and where are you looking for them, let’s do this , maybe you’re not fishing there, recently i registered on a dating site there, well, to be honest, in order to find something worthy there, you probably need to go there, well... go through a certain amount there and even dig like this.


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