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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 4, 2024 12:40am-1:26am MSK

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myself, with whom i also worked and also did not help build a relationship there, then it seemed to me that i was not feminine enough, i also worked in this direction, this is obvious, and it seems to me that i am already, well , today, well, so, well not ideal, but it’s loudly said that i’m good enough to build a relationship with a man, but here they are, but they just don’t even appear in my field, that is , they don’t even have the desire to get to know me there, somehow
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dig there, so , well, but even, well, this is the situation, even if they appear there, yes, that is, conditionally, there is a man who, well, kind of likes it, yes, well, well, likes it so much, well, visually, yes, likes it, in order to somehow start some kind of relationship with him - a meeting, a relationship, and how -it seems like everything starts, then all of a sudden it just merges, that is, well, well, something like this, there was another case when a few years ago, i met a man, there was a certain party where there were a lot of interesting ... men, i met a man there, it was new year’s eve there, and well, we exchanged phones, we seemed to like each other, so we parted ways, then he said that i ’ll call you, he called me the next day and said that he was leaving there for a few days to visit friends there, he’ll come back and call me and we ’ll meet, well, he came back , yes he called me, said that he is not ready for a relationship now, he is going through some kind of transformation there, so... and well, again he merged,
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yes, well, that is, there were actually a couple of such cases, well, that is well, i don’t understand why this is so, now i’ll tell you everything, when you have a man, not if, when, how your life will change, well, i’ll probably become a little more relaxed, or something, what will he bring into your life that will make you feel relaxed, well, although right now i have some kind of... then the heartbeat started, you have children, yes, a 15-year-old daughter, uh-huh, how is your relationship with her, wonderful, really, i have a wonderful child, she is very wise, beyond her years, developed, well, just a great relationship, well, of course there are some teenage nuances there, but they are very superficial, when you have a man, how... will your life with your daughter change, well, my
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relationship with my daughter probably won’t change, she’s like that, well, she’ll understand everything, i think, well, most likely, i guess that this will be his territory, because the previous relationship was on my territory, i definitely won’t do this again, my daughter is already quite old and i will think that if she wants to stay there , there
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are unexplored topics with her parents , in these relationships i behaved well, maybe say i had a lot of complaints, i had, well , because again there were some that were not very nice, that is, he behaved ugly towards me, i behaved ugly towards him, in the end it all ended the fact that we separated, and then there was no relationship as such, so i don’t understand, i would be glad to interact in order to better understand what i’m like in a relationship, so that there would be some kind of feedback. but no, besides the fact that you go to trainings and work through childhood traumas, what else do you do, you work, yes, yes, i i work in a leadership position, that is, you are surrounded by men, yes, well, married, well wait, men, yes, they are, there are, yes, and you are there, there are, you, accordingly, have men, as in horizontal format, communication, so in the vertical, in the sense of subordinates, managers. well there are
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some, probably some kind of activity of yours that goes beyond the scope of your work, i don’t know, walking, maybe sports, maybe going to restaurants, there are men everywhere, well, yes, yes, yeah, here you are you want to say that none of them shows attention, well, even if some married men show some attention, then i don’t seem to accept this attention, so they are married, well... they don’t show it, but married men show attention, as if in what context? in your opinion? well, i think it’s more like some kind of sexual interest, great , that is, everything is closed with the sexual question, well , yes, probably, yes, i know, i can, i practice, they say, this is good, that is, you are attractive, and this is, well, indisputable ,
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you have, so to speak, confirmation of this, well, married men are attracted, yes are attracted, but if we... you show your sexuality, it’s obvious why and how you don’t show feelings, emotions, well, because, probably, now i don’t know, now the word danger has come, that this is dangerous, well, this it’s really dangerous, and what’s dangerous about this now, well, this is a state of affairs, but it’s unexpected
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for me, here’s a simple question, for some reason i want to cry, you’re crying, well, i don’t know, i went through some kind of internship there a year and a half ago. somewhere at the level of the soul, it was necessary to call, well, the soul of a man, and i, well i called, yes, then when he came, my body was so tight, and it was such an animal fear, as if, that if he came, well, a man came into my life, then something would definitely happen to me, what would happen to me? what’s happening to you now, well, it seems like i feel better , as i said about it. i remembered, this was my first relationship, the very first, which, well, then it seemed to me as a twenty-one-year-old girl that, in principle, everything was fine with us, but at some point
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an incident happened, and i decided to get out of this relationship, my boyfriend was categorically against this, well, at some point, when we... a verbal altercation began, there was a threat to my life, but then, well, i practically said goodbye to life, because it was very difficult for me to breathe , i could no longer move, you know, don’t try to calm yourself with the light, but just watch your body, what’s happening to it, just all the sensations in the body that are happening, don’t describe them, but just come back to me here through the body. well, there is an obvious connection between that story and your fear of a man? yes, but i didn’t even remember that there was one there, that is, i remember some other little one there, but i didn’t remember what was there, they remembered, i remembered, yes, and
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that’s good, yeah, look , this situation does not necessarily have to happen again, what decision could you make then, when in the end you survived, well, you essentially gave up with...
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well, yes, yes, that’s how it is, now exactly, that’s exactly who i am, yes, and that’s how i am only a married man needs you, well, probably, but how about you? it’s very convenient in this sense, i agree, yes. i wanted, that is, officially, for this to be a connection, probably, well, probably for the same reason, yes, yeah, because i understood
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that at any moment i could, well, pack up my things and say goodbye to him. and how many years were you together? and we were together at first for 4 years, then we broke up for some time, but since the child was very worried about this breakup, i decided to take him back, which i very much regretted, because... well, well there there were no more normal ones relationship, so we lived like this for another 3 years, then i finally packed his things and kicked him out the door. how, how much do you think you were in this relationship? oh, i was, it seems to me, in this relationship for exactly a year, while we had a candy-bouquet period there, when he looked after me beautifully, behaved there, well, let’s say, well, so as soon as i became pregnant, as soon as this stormy... day-to-day sex disappeared from our lives, it naturally changed dramatically, and at that moment i already understood that this man, well, wouldn’t last long
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he is my life, that sooner or later, that it was just a matter of time when we parted, because he was a rather irresponsible person, and well, naturally, i understood that this would not be forever, that, well, it was just a matter of time when we parted , you are watching the podcast triggers with you, its host is tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, we... when he said that you can handle it yourself, you, you can, you can handle it yourself, no matter what request, i would not come to him with what
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request, in general, he got the result, yes, the only thing i heard was that you you can handle it on your own, you’re great, there, dad, help here, you’re a punchy girl, you can handle it, dad, you can help here, i can’t, you can handle it yourself, well, all the time, that was such a moment, and yes, really i myself i coped with everything, and that’s natural, as if i had grievances towards my dad, that because somehow he helped my older sister, so... but it was as if i was raised as a boy as a boy, that you did everything yourself you can, but how did you explain this to yourself, why there is such inequality, why he helps his sister, don't you? well then, little girl, i thought that dad just loved her more than me, so over time i why, why , why does he love her more than you, because she was kind of quiet, so modest, all like that, and i was like, wow, bite my sister, beat my sister, that’s what they did. apparently, he believed in you more than in her, it’s just, well, maybe, yes and yes, no, in general it’s very difficult to be the father of a girl, well
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, really, because uh, no one teaches how to do it, but many men they want boys there yes, i don’t know, or do they think that a girl needs to be raised there, i don’t know, whether to be strict or, on the contrary, to pamper her, it doesn’t matter, yes, but they don’t know how to show their love, they don’t understand where this measure of adequacy is, now i’m just a little bit i will spank more, this means she will grow up capricious, or i will give her as much love as she needs, so dad is very lost in this, yes, it’s true, well, as if for men, it is clear that this is a man’s world, in him men have a lot of things to prove, explain, show, and men often don’t can relax in a relationship with a girl, with a daughter, yes, tell me, did you grow up like that, well, maybe to some extent in a boy’s world? yes, but for some reason i want to say shells in the context of a boy, but you,
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for example, on the street, at school, did you feel that your dad was protecting you? no, i don’t feel it , well, this is probably one of the most important questions that i really wanted to ask, because it was obvious, a man in himself is an object and such an object of danger, anyone. well just, how to say, by the right of strength, yes, well, yes, i agree, when you are looking for a strong man in order to feel protected, you automatically find a capable man.
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as if i, probably, yes, in this sense i am the result of such evolutionary selection, because i needed a strong one, as if, well, when you are strong, at some point you don’t know what to do with this strength, she breaks out into all sorts of, well, aggressive behavior, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of animals in our behavior, well, let’s remove this accusation from women now, it’s not me, it’s darwin, it’s just a question here, what kind of woman do you need... to be, in your opinion, in order for you to cope with this potential aggression? well, in my opinion, you need to be easy, let’s say, well , gentle with a man, not contradict him, and not be rude, not be rude, well, that is, everything like that, what did i do when i was 21, and what
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did i provoke all this? , i understand that well, i provoked this, well , again, yes, i repeat, i pro... pumped up in this regard too, that well, if before i behaved differently there, now i’m with men i behave differently, yes, i see there feedback from the same colleagues who began to treat me differently, yes i see there, i don’t know, there from the same neighbors yes, who there treat me differently , yes, how to a woman, that is, not how to a man who is there, hello, hello there, as it used to be, yes, well, differently, that is, i am different, i have changed, that is, i understand that i will not apply the methods that you used before... well, you know, when you watch this program, look at the fact that you have now your complexion and facial expressions have changed a lot, at the moment when you experienced this, well , internal drama, yes, your face has changed a lot , your face has relaxed, your facial expressions have relaxed, and your complexion has even changed, that’s why i say, look when you do, thank god, there is a recording, i can directly feel it in my body, and it’s
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just relaxed, i’m even sitting upright, a little so relaxed, in this relaxed state i... i’ll invite you to ask yourself again what will change in your life when a man appears , i'll be happy, and that's the only thing i needed i would like to answer at this moment, yeah, but here it ’s also important to postulate that you will be happy, but you yourself are the cause of happiness, and not a man, but i understand that, that is, here, too, being determines consciousness. erich frome has a wonderful book, it’s hard to read for me, it’s called being, not seeming, in my opinion, well, in general, he just describes what being is more important than having, yeah, right here just not unfeminine, not there, i don’t know, smart, cunning, something else, yes, exactly happy, yeah,
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yeah, because as soon as you become this source of happiness... a man appears who wants to essentially draw from this source, great, if he is also a source of happiness, you will also want to draw from him, yes, that would be great, this is such an important part, then it will create a very important thing, in my opinion, such a concept in relationships as distance, everyone should have a healthy, correct distance in a relationship, yeah, some time ago a couple approached me. .. the crisis is serious, and i talked to one, the second, they ask that we should do, i say, i don’t want to tell you what to do, you need to work, well, they tell you what to do, i said, you know, turn away from each other, run, without looking back, at that moment when suddenly you
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there will be a desire to stop and look back, this will be the distance from which you can start looking at each other. this freedom for maneuver, that is, to pack up things to leave, in fact, yes, that’s what you ’re talking about, that you couldn’t drive the hare out of the forest, you had to pack up and leave. you are watching the podcast triggers with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya and sergei nasebyan. we talk with svetlana about what fears
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a beautiful, successful woman might have before a relationship with a man. what makes you happy today? today, well, communication with my daughter fills me up, i love sports very much, i have a lot of sports in my life, here i am... well, i have some of my own topics that i love there, you feel good with yourself, i feel good , yes, i feel good with myself, i’m comfortable with myself, i really like solitude, so i used to think that maybe because i’m right i need so much of this privacy, maybe that’s why the man is there, i ’m afraid that he’ll be there, like, stealing this time from me, and i won’t be able to retire there myself, well, but that’s not the case. a man doesn’t approach because it’s dangerous, because he also feels that there is some kind of tension there, there is some kind of danger, i would even say now, there was danger, there was
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tension, right now i insist on this formulation, you know , i conduct social experiments with people, one of my favorites is like this, you know, i’m riding on the subway and i see a girl, for example, standing there, well, she’s 30 years old, no matter 26, well, depending on age, i ’ve been conducting this experiment for 20 years, here she stands looking at this darkness of the subway window right in her eyes, you can see she wants to get married, there’s no mistaking this, i come up and say: hello, can i meet you? , reaction in 100% of cases: no, i’m with men, like i don’t meet people in the subway, well, something like that, i understand that she stood and dreamed not of a bald... fat armenian, i understand that she will be in white, she, he and the children, all in white, dreamed of a beautiful viking who would sail on a boat, will take her to the varangian paradise, and they
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will definitely be there, and their dogs will be white, and the swings will be white, everything in paradise will be like this, here i am and i ’m trying to get acquainted with my bald head, it’s so interesting, because, well, how can i say, this is such a reaction, as if... it protects her, of course, and makes even some next step untenable, well, on my part, yes, because she refused right away, in this sense , firstly, i think that as far as dating sites are concerned, this is more than the norm, i am now i even thought about a certain, not just this week, i thought about a certain idea to describe how women behave on dating sites, because women behave differently on dating sites.
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after the last conflict with tatyana, i came up with this version of the relationship, and we are
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people, we even have scripts written about a husband and wife of psychologists who argue all the time, it’s such a comedy, i came up with this theory for myself that relationships in general, it's like being in a laughter room with distorting mirrors, just some kind of mirror of you paints, well... makes you slimmer, yes, some makes you look small, fat, ugly, some bend you somehow, some add ears, and so on, essentially being in a relationship with one person, you are in this room, because, as if from the mood of your partner, he reflects to you very different parts of you, yes, that is, your inner basis, and not every one of them you want to look at, so what... then it hypertrophies, or as i once... complained to my psychologist about e tatyana, saying that she brings me to such a state that i am ready to kill her, well,
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let’s assume, right? i say, this is impossible, to which she said a phenomenal phrase, after which i ended the session and said: “thank you, i’m leaving.” she said this: do i understand correctly that your wife will be a beast to you, which you do not want to recognize, it was exactly when it was necessary and exactly as it should be, and it was very valuable, it’s like this, you know, that is, every person, every man, every woman, and children? at all individual mirrors essentially reflect us as we don’t really want to see ourselves, uh-huh, uh-huh, but the courage to peer into your own distorted reflection generally determines the degree of your vulnerability, as a skill that is necessary in a relationship, i agree, well, wait, there is a balance, there is also a highlighting of those sides that, on the contrary, we would like to see in ourselves,
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but it’s like there aren’t some you know places, when we are there in some beautiful hotel or house or apartment, that’s all it's also nice, but it's like would be in another box in such a big one, and such important elements, they are connected with some, well, not very simple circumstances, but the fact that you went through them makes you very whole, that’s why i say that here it’s like it’s great when there is positivity in a relationship, when there’s romance and all that candy-bouquet stuff, right? but it passes, and for some reason only the negative remains, so the negative also passes, but it’s just that our experience of living these negative things is usually associated with another person, like this is who he is, there’s something wrong with him, or something else it’s worse to blame myself for the fact that something is wrong with me, that’s why he’s like this, and i offer a sober, absolutely mature look into this crooked mirror, well, distancing, but remember, if you approach the mirror, at different distances, it shows different reflections, i mean a distorted mirror, you play with
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it. this is very cool, now i want to build relationships, this was the most important thing that i sought, this was the most important thing that i sought, i generally believe that healthy people do not need relationships, but in fact i of course, i’m joking now, look what happened now, we have removed the tension from the neurotic desire to build relationships, this does not mean that you do not want to build relationships, it means that you are now more interesting to yourself than the other, from this state relationships are built. friend, i really hope that this will be the case, sergei’s favorite idea is that you need to be together when there is no reason to be together, yes, i believe that only this determines the health of the relationship, when there is no reason to be together, but you stay, super, super, it went straight, i wish you good luck, thank you very much for touching on this topic that is important for us, you and our viewers, why will you hit you, oh, i’ll leave
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with... some kind of ease, it’s just so easy for me, i feel good, and i’m really glad that i was here, i’m just sitting here and i don’t even want to leave anywhere anymore, don’t leave, let’s talk again, if i came here there’s a little tension, i’m thinking, but how, here i understand that i don’t even want to leave, i feel so good with you, i feel so good to be there in the male field, i really feel - my condition is so good, it’s just like that, it’s like this, it’s pulling me, it’s the male field and it makes me very happy, and i’m very grateful to you, it’s great, what will you do? what will i do, i’ll continue on the dating site, meet men, i’ll meet them, i’ll look at them, i ’ll interact somehow and remember the distance, remember the distance, exactly, great, how to do it so that this distance does not become, but a zone that is dangerous, like
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how to remove this? distance, but i said, you just need to play with the reflection, well , come closer, move away, healthy boundaries, they consist in the fact that you can always move them, you just can always move them in both directions, this is the health of the game. yeah, that is how it works, you come to the border and check me now, now i feel good, i can take a step forward, you take it forward, it’s alarming, but it’s still good, you can never stop like this, but don’t betray yourself in everything , that's what's most important, well, i'm very i hope that now my relationship will be built, that’s what and maybe i ’ll invite you to a wedding, i would really like that. to see such guests in my samba, and i really was very pleased to communicate with you, very comfortable, and i am happy, incredibly happy that i was here and was able to reveal
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that here i am, i’m real, i’m in therapy, i have but many hours of personal therapy, well , about 50 hours, that is, i picked myself as much as i could, and somehow nothing helped me, so far, well, i understand that sat. this fear, yes, that this is a danger, and that now, well, i believe that everything will be different, well, it’s about trusting yourself, that you can cope with any situation, yes, yes, i can cope with any situation, about what a state this is, you have changed a lot now, really, sergei, it’s not just that he says that, you really have changed a lot, what a state this is, well, a state of lightness, joy, yes, i just feel that it’s as if... i’m conditionally there joy, yes, some kind of state, it has now come to me, yes, it would be great to remember to return to it, when it is clear that everything will not only be in white and rainbow colors, but in moments
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of some anxiety, in moments of difficulty, you will remember that you can always return to this, here, here, here is your exit, now you always have the handle of this door in which. yeah, i got it, super, that’s not my question , but now i also have a recording, there will be a recording, i can review it, it’s very interesting, i just never look at what i record, where i record it, i don't like it do, i probably don’t like myself, but viking, i don’t have a problem with this, yes, and you should definitely look, it’s interesting with your experience of trainings and therapies there, i really want you to see it, then directly, well, rarely, when it's on record. happened, since it was so, i was lucky, yes, we, we were lucky, everyone was lucky, and the audience too, well, it was the triggers podcast, and with you were its hosts, tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist psychotherapist, psychologist psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, we
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talked with svetlana and somehow very deeply, it seems to me that they talked, and it turned out to be very useful for me, too, because it summed up some of my internal results, thank you very much, i am very grateful to you for. such a frank conversation, and i thank you very much, if you want to become a guest of our podcast, you can fill out an application on the website of the first channel, you can watch all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel hello, you are watching precious stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, today we decided to talk about gogol, nikolai vasilievich, for such a serious interview, i invited the wonderful
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russian writer vladislav otroshenko, he is generally a brave person and has been studying gogol for quite a long time, i, for example, am afraid, he has a whole big book, it’s called gogal. it contains essays dedicated in general to this mysterious master, artist, but i, for example, would say that these are collections of incidents and curiosities associated with gogol, such a kunskamera, well, i would say that this is probably a collection of quirks gogol, but these quirks, of course, are on the surface, in the depths, and we will talk about this, there are some things that are more, more important, well, in general it started with gogal. from the play he leaves the stage
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as a very small boy, during one he plays an eighty-year-old man, he plays so that’s it.
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venice was gogol, this is one of his favorite cities, so it’s so interesting, gogol travels with friends, he’s been there for a while, so they say, the police say , bring your passports, gentlemen, yes, and nikolai vasilyevich begins to rummage there for some... that there are bags, suitcases, everything is done there, but they are not allowed. the stagecoach is further and pogodin there says to him, well, nikolai vasilyevich, well, what are you, you have it, you know that you have a passport here in your coat in your pocket, well , take it out, show it, that’s what it means then - you have to go, doesn’t let him in, but gogol takes out his passport, gives it to the policeman , and that means he gives it to the policeman, and that means he gives it back, you have a passport on you, eat it, which means he takes the passport, looks at it, gives it back to gogol, and gogol hides his hands behind his back and doesn’t take it back passport, then... it all ended with that he wrote to the sovereign emperor, think about it,
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he wrote a letter to the sovereign, literally, i quote, literally, meaning to give me a passport, special and extraordinary, so that at the sight of it all the authorities would bow before me, where i will pass, i imagine how the tsar raised his eyebrows there, then he instructed the minister of the court, count adlerberg to answer: he was just really fooling his own mother, that means, the year thirty-nine, 839,
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mother, mother, yes, he sends her letters to the poltava province, which means he describes, how he bathes, it means in mediterranean sea, from trieste, sends her letters from trieste, that i’m in trieste, so these are the waves of the mediterranean sea, here they speak such a language, it’s similar to ours, such slavic, everything is wonderful, so i won’t be in russia yet soon, maybe after 2-3 months there, my mother receives these letters, it means from trieste, then from vienna, the first biographer of gogol, when he began to read these letters, he cannot understand anything, because at that time gogal was definitely in moscow, it is known, because there are memoirs there, he and shchepkin meet there with actor saksakov, and for many decades no one could understand that it was a complete duality, and that’s all...
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his nature was there, he was so interesting, when he and aksakov had such a conversation, and he says to aksak: never you have to tell the truth, you’re going to rome, you have to say that you’re going to coluga, and you’re going to coluga, you have to say that you’re going to rome, so it was like that, now we have platforms, train stations, yes, then we had it. at the car wash there is a brik postal coach station,
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here are the stagecoaches, here is the platform, you see there like this, that means they’re waiting, everyone boards this stagecoach, then there’s a bell, the stagecoach drives off, yes, here’s nikolai vasilyevich, he came from abroad and is traveling from st. petersburg to moscow, at this postal coach station and it was at the car wash , this station, it was, at the car washes, he goes there to this station, who also has a ticket for the same stagecoach, such... there was a very famous man, officer pyotr ivanovich peiker, this was the son of senator ivan ustinovich peiker, and ivan ustinovich peyker was the first boss gogol, when gogal came from malarussia he... served in the ministry of internal affairs in the department of public buildings and this department was headed by this baker, the father of this officer, this artillery officer comes in, he sees nikolai vasilyevich, i must say, this was the first public figure , also , few people know that gogol was so popular that there were christmas tree decorations with
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portraits of gogal, they were hung on the tree like this, that means with portraits of gogal, that means peyker sees nikolai vasilyevich and he means... to the stagecoach together in one sit down he is so happy, nikolai vasilyevich, he sits down here, he says, no, no, i say, i’m not a gogol, uh, he’s just a modest person, yes, yes, yes, he means, he introduces himself as a gogel, an orphan , an orphan, doesn’t know anyone, he starts asking him a question, here’s pogodina, you know, that means aksak, no, no, no, he doesn’t know anyone, he’s an orphan, poor, unfortunate, here he’s trying to somehow- then on the way, he doesn’t believe it, because... he looks, well, gogol , yes, that means his collar went up, no, no, no, and he told something about himself a funny story about how he was left alone there without mommy, without daddy, so poor, unhappy, and it so happened that this baker was friends with aksakov, and he comes to aksakov and says how i would
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like to meet gogol , that’s a dream, and oksa says, yes, he’ll be coming to visit me any minute now. suddenly, that means, the same orphan with whom he was traveling, a certain gogel, comes in, and peker goes into a rage, that is, well, that the man was simply fooling him for three days, and there just a scandal begins, aksakov barely persuaded them there, somehow put them in prison, made peace, began to say, yes, you see, nikolai vasilyevich is fooling everyone, that’s how he is, that’s how he is, but then how interesting that when after this the same trip when oksakov goes to see him off.
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goes to zhikovsky, zhikovsky says there is no gogal, he says: oh, what a pity, i wanted to see him, well - they’ll have some tea, they’ll come in, they’ll drink tea, he’ll talk there for another hour, then it means some strange voices are heard, here zhikovsky understands that it’s impossible to hide, he says, well, gogol is at home here, he ’s working, well, he says, in general, it’s time for him to finish, let’s go to him, they, which means he admitted that he lied to oksakov, that they were coming, opening the door, and oksakov, he, he says,
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in altered states of consciousness, absolutely closed the doors there, that is, he wrote in such conditions, probably at that time he wrote a tragedy from the life of the zaporozhye cossacks, dressed up, well , in 1945, what happened to gogol happened, in fact, what then led to the burning of the second volume of dead souls to tragedy, he wrote in frelina of the court of alexander iosipovna smirlova, terrible words that no writer would even admit to himself if... this happens to him, he literally wrote the following: god took away from me the ability to create. you are watching precious stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, my guest today is vladislav otroshenko, a wonderful russian writer, we are talking with him about google. you said there was an image to prove it.


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