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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 4, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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he looked at me carefully and stroked my head, that’s what i remember. bogomolov loved the film zosya, based on his story, dearly, the audience grieved for unfulfilled love, again in every phrase his personal memory of the war, everything was often burned, there is not only a skinny little cow in the area, you won’t find a living cat. which of the bandera leaders was hunted by the smershe mantis officer in the lvov area 5 years after the victory until now. the secret in ukraine was full of traitors who served the germans, they were worse than the fascists, nazis, animals. we need a moment of truth. i read this novel, which is called slaughter. lieutenant general of the fsb of russia, vasily khristoforov, has seen thousands of secret documents from the war, and understands why the writer is behind the invented reports. they were accused of disclosing
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state secrets, in terms of content, what vladimir bogomolov wrote, which means, in spirit, they were 100% included in the smerzh counterintelligence documents. in the margins of the manuscript in august forty-four, although the writer himself preferred the name moment of truth, the censors left more than 300 complaints, and bogomolov defended everything. for example, his military men are discussing women, this is not our little girl, he stroked the fur and purred.
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don’t shoot, we’ll live, i’ve missed bogomolov’s photographs once or twice, but this portrait is special for raisa alexandrovna, when she needs help, she looks at him, and bogomolov has never let her down, i always remember vladimir just like that, never be afraid of anything , if you are right, you defend it to the end, i defend it, then more will come. will thank, weapon doctor, alexey zotov, boris leonov, maria emelyanova and yuri rublev, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one, the continuation of the serial film two shores.
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there was a warm spring in the urals in 1951, peaceful life was getting better, denis kolchin returned home after the army.
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new houses appeared, a collective farm club opened, where high school students anton and maxim ermakov, and masha stepanova rehearsed. comrade koshkin, i’m up to you, what’s the matter, i need to have two rooms, because i also make acquaintances with good comrades, and she gave me one boudoir, and even a spring seat, let her give away the guest room at once, i have ten more guests, tomorrow my friend whirlwind will come to me for coffee, what will he sit on, what? so , comrade, who exactly are you? of course, the servant. well, you need to join an alliance to protect your interests, together. not without need, i will defend myself. safya
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mikhailovna, forgive me, he makes me laugh. no one makes you laugh, skolchina. eermakov, anton, i have a question for you: how do you understand the image of comrade koshkin? well, he, the commissioner, no, he doesn't he’s just a commissar, he’s a representative of the party leadership, he’s a courageous, strong-willed man, he’s fighting counter-revolution, he knows that without nagant you can’t make a revolution, he’s thinking about a new life, and are you thinking about it, anton? i think, sofya mikhailovna, i just think about her, day and night, koshkin’s ideological opponent is officer yarovaya. maxim ermakov, go on stage. come on, artist, come out.
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here he is our enemy, devoted to fanaticism to the white movement. sofya mikhailovna, can i have another role? which one? don't worry about another, i don't need another husband needed, excuse me, excuse me, what are you worth, well, should i run after her, or something, of course, here’s another thing, masha, what are you doing, who offended you, was it your father again, or what? oh, i need to, i need to bring this question to a meeting, well, as much as possible, but no,
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no, this is something else, that i fell in love, no, what are you talking about? who should he fall in love with? well, tell me, who is he? yes, maksimka, yours, why can’t he see how i feel about him, he’s a coward himself, i thought that love was joy, that it was happiness, but what is this, love is different, different, so i’ll stop loving him, he’ll know, i want cry. behind i’ll stop loving him, if it was so easy to stop loving him, sometimes a person is no longer there, but the feeling for him is still alive, as if he had gone somewhere, is about to return, stupid, of course,
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you know that he won’t return, eh. .. it is, as you can imagine, your heart tightens, in other men, you keep looking for his gait, manners, gestures, everything, oh, lord, why am i fooling you, don’t listen to me, everything will be different for you. that's it, tell me where you will go to study as a doctor in a medical school, and i will be a writer, and where he teaches writers, in
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moscow, in moscow, what is it, we will have to break up, no, no, i ’ll go to sverdlovsk with you, you’ll go to medical school, and i’ll study journalism, well, a journalist is the same writer, what will you write about, about love, and you will be my most important secret, oh, well , why do you have to hide everything all the time? well, i understand the dog. “i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather let your father down in prison, that is, i don’t know
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what to believe anymore, i know one thing for sure, my father is a good person, let’s not talk about it, as you say, oh, look , what a beauty, and what a beauty, just look, yesterday what?" "it was a bloody sunset, why was it bloody right away? well, how can you imagine, a blood- red sunset painted the sky, the sun, the sun set behind the mountains, hid there, like a bear in a den, so that we would yearn for its warm light all night, beautiful, as you yourself wrote? yes, just what, are you so good at it? but say something else, you delight my eyes, you console
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my ears with laughter, how heartily, galloping up the mountains, so my spirit strives for you, the desire to sing you is burning, you also wrote this yourself, and a little orator. you know, toska, how it is it’s stupid to see you all day at rehearsal and pretend that there’s nothing between us, i know, this is probably how people grow up when they have secrets, be careful, here’s a mad cherry, the sweep won’t even notice, what, did they scare you? not at all, i’m not afraid of horses,
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she’s beautiful, but what’s her name? mardesh, in your opinion, this is the wind that is so fast, if you want, i’ll pump it up, check it out, my name is ishko, tosya, and this is anton, well, let’s go? tuch, we have to go, yes, another time, my mother is waiting for me, goodbye, what, anton, we’ll see you again, so girls, let’s come here.
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styopka, styopochka, styopka, what have you become? how have you lived all this time? god willing. forgive me. “ i can’t get up to meet you, father afanasy wrote to me about you, i will pray for your healing, god will hear and help, where were your god, when i was carrying funerals throughout the village, and this was a test, oh, even don’t start, i don’t even want to listen to this, that’s it, no, this is more than your god for me, my faith died along with nazar, okay, i’m also lashing out at you,
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it’s not your fault?” "yes, well, hungry, go, you're hungry, olya, you'll sit a little longer, or call the boys to carry you, so i 'll help, you're as light as a feather, don't, go, don't, okay, let's go, banter, let's go. look at yourself, i forbid you
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to walk around the village like that, so i was appointed to our church, father. i will help, dad, i graduated from seminaries, and i also came to make peace, to talk, we have nothing to talk about, go away, go away, wait, wait, dad, send him away, please, you are not strangers , that’s it that they are not strangers. look, don’t come into my sight, live as you know, eat, you’ve still grown a beard, go, stepan.
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go, change my word, the power of god will heal you. well, that's it, let's go, that's right, as they say, get ready, sleigh in the summer, and moonshine for dinner, falk, ass after work.
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eat, cottage cheese, bring milk, but look , don’t lower the prices, i’ve picked up a habit, you yourself know how people have money now, it’s a pity , there’s no money, let them die of hunger, oh, hello, hello, denis, already i filled up the blockage, and what, are you against it, i want it, i drink it, i want it, i’m walking,
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well, he’s right, we forget, we began to why we went to the collective farm, we wanted to poison life with sugar, in the end, well, that case is especially needed, we have to wait, nothing, platasha. we 'll take ours, okay, i'm on duty. there’s nothing, there’s a newspaper for you too, thank you, there’s no letter, no, no, aleftin, the whole letter is from my daughter, so,
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here you go, thank you, daughter, thank you, olga ermakova, from mikhail ermakov, varvari from kolchina, mishkin. signature, my dear, my dear varenka, i didn’t dare to write to you for a long time, you know that every day, every minute i think about you, from a dog, so here you go so, great strong wicker ones,
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they lure health, come and swoop in, fresh, just when they killed you, last time your vice was good, it was fresh, thank you, it’s no worse today, try it, i’ll probably take it, okay, come here - here, so maybe you can give it to me? “hello, you’ll give me for six, i’ll give you for six, and if you take the butter, i’ll give you everything up to 20, so i’ll probably take it all, everything,
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it’s not expensive for you, i have the money, otherwise i’m standing, standing, i thought i’d have to take it all back, i arrived late, so we can give you a lift, it’s on our way, thank you, no, let’s go, let’s go, and you are cheremis, yes, beautiful places, uh-huh, you are from here yourself, yes, you wanted to leave somehow, but it didn’t work out, the war began, and how many of you are there? oh, here and there, now i think that settling down is life, it’s better, that’s why we came back, we ’re not getting any younger, i want my own home and for
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children and grandchildren to live together, you have children , daughter, oh, i wanted a daughter, my sister and i wanted girls, but what does she have, that i have such short hair? there was also a son, he died, ah-ah-ah, forgive me, yes, it happened a long time ago, in a past life, well, we’re right next, just a stone’s throw away, true, you’re completely invisible during conversations, well, happy, oh, carefully, don’t lose it, thanks again for the ride, come on,
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oh, my bride, she’s coming, hello, ah... why are you looking so unkindly, grandpa, please, and i ’m in a hurry, where are you in a hurry, we just started talking, i’m human, oh, oh, ugh, ugh, ugh, what’s disgusting to you, yes, get used to it, a man should be like that, strong, brave, drunk, that’s it , move away, drunk, go, come on guys, let's teach this asshole a lesson, go, say goodbye, little wolf, get lost, okay, get lost? you've covered yourself, get out of here, you're just moths,
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there's no reason for the cheremis to come back here, there's no point in it, so, come on again, friend. ok, give me some wood, then which one of you gave my mom a lift? well, i, return what i stole, maran otora’s brother, what happened, and what’s missing, my wallet, what’s wrong with me, what was cut off, yes, what is it, father, he’s accusing us of theft, what? and you don't
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believe how much money was in the wallet? everything that mom sold? i'm not a thief, i swear i didn't take it, then where is he? let's go to! let's go! are you sure it’s here, here or a little further, look, don’t get distracted. what was he like?
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at least, brown, like this, with a pattern, well , look for it, well, what if someone has already picked it up, well , that means they will again say that we are to blame, here it is, and you check if everything is intact, if everything is in place, otherwise you'll be there later... he says that i planted it, forgive me, please, but no, i understand, it's very convenient, it almost immediately blames the cheremis, well, really, forgive me, do you want me to go and apologize to everyone, no, don't , i’ll explain everything myself, let’s better see you off so that no one steals along the way, well, let’s go.
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come, here is my house, it’s beautiful here with you, with you the houses are also beautiful, we call them kudi, your language is interesting, you want me to teach you, you better teach me to ride a horse, okay, we agreed tomorrow afternoon, will you come? i’ll come, thank you for helping, well bye, why are you hanging around here, you cheremis muzzle, knocking out clinics, i hate you and your
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vile tribe, forgive me, brother, you’re the first! began, stupushka, you thought about my words, the priest cannot live without his mother, but i want to leave the parish to you. there is a church here in a neighboring village, my good friend serves there, he has a daughter of marriageable age, a beauty, maybe you’ll go, styopa, have a look, get to know each other, father afanasy, bless
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me for an important deed, about which all my thoughts are, and then, perhaps, i can think about something else you’re talking about, stepan, i ’ll pray for 40 days about solitude, about healing, god's servant olka. tomorrow at dawn i’m leaving, when i return, then i hope a lot will change, relax, no need for fear, horse, she feels. if she throws me off, well, oops, now she definitely won’t throw me off, hop, hop.
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are you following me? no, well, a little bit. yes, i understand where you're going with this. listen, i urgently needed. compose an element for masha. well, as if it was me who fell in love, or what? but i never composed it, here it is on you. masha is not a fool and will understand everything. well, make sure you don't understand. well, what does it cost you? you take them out of thin air, but okay, listen, love, love, the legend says, the union of the soul with the dear soul, and their fatal merger and
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fatal duel, i remember, well, well, sort of, and where is there about masha, well, look , the union of the soul, with the dear soul, wouldn’t you say, it took a long time to come up with? i was composing, choosing an image, you understand, yes, that’s it, come on, come on, come on, go, go, go, otherwise now the point will come, fell in love or something, ah, go, come on, we will rehearse our excerpt, but she won’t come, in what sense, so she ’s galloping through the fields with cheremis on horseback, guys, you saw, okay, ishka, i’m coming to see you one conversation? serious, do you promise that you will tell the truth? i promise i will never deceive you, tell me, during the war in 1941, did you
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live here? i was little then, but in general they lived, yes, but what? then they killed my grandmother, shot her with a gun, she saw how... some people on horses were digging up potatoes in a neighboring garden and wanted to stop them. so was that your grandmother? is that really true? tosya, i swear, the murderer paid for everything and was punished. how come they didn’t find him? it was my uncle, mordan. he was convicted and executed. how so? we have our own laws and murder is an unacceptable sin. “i apologize on behalf of my entire family, can you forgive? tosya,
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oh, i’m sorry, i have to go, i’m sorry, we were just riding, i completely forgot about the time, please don’t be offended, tosya, you’ll come tomorrow, listen, i don’t i want..." to communicate with him, it’s unpleasant for me, god, so what you keep telling me who to communicate with, who i should communicate with, i didn’t do anything wrong, listen, please, i have to be. alive, alive, yes alive, alive, mishenka, mishenka,
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i mourned for 2 years, received a certificate that he was killed under the bridge, but what do you have, what is it, let me see, you’re sick, your arm is hanging, but nothing, war, how are you? , you know what, come on, let’s hold hands here like this and look into each other’s eyes, well, what do you have? where is the wolf cub from, no, dad likes to raise it when he drinks, mother i’m used to it, it scares me right away, but i don’t want to put up with it, so i get it, but i have a friend, a puppy, such a cute little one, he found his way from somewhere, my dad really won’t let me take him, but i feed him, but if you want , i’ll read you poetry, i myself am on... love, love,
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says legend, union of soul with soul of soul, thank you. and mother, where masha is merging, that’s enough for you, this understanding little bobcat, you’re lucky, mikhalych, have a snack, oh, let’s go gallivanting, we need to go hunting, but well, it’s still early. just right, i know they nest there,
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the two of us will go, all the spoils are ours, without permission, but as soon as zakhar finds out, on your day off you are free to live your life, so you go fishing, well, zakhar has something against it, but no, of course, no one here has to report to him i don’t have to, it’s your family, what ’s going to be against it? if you bring home game, and what a world-class appetizer, mikhalych, and you think, okay, oh, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll go. azima,
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it’s that vkarmakovsky is pawing your little car, i’m small, well, go into the house, and you come here, asshole, let’s talk, so, you don’t dare, why don’t you...
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i’ll get to you all yet, just know that , yes face, let's go. oh, hello, i wish you, pankrat grigorievich, my front-line comrade, please look around. while you were driving, you quickly, zakhar established the economy, understood everything, in other collective farms, it’s worse to say the people are starving, and you, the first among the best, pankrat
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grigorievich, on behalf of the district committee, the first secretary, congratulations to you, zakhar, thank you, have a seat . we are preparing a large group to award the best agricultural workers , we note that this is very correct, comrade chairman of the district executive committee, this should have been done a long time ago, people are on my collective farm wonderful, glorious, they deserve it, and everyone, everyone without exception, needs to be rewarded, you... wait, rejoice, this was already on this list, they made it cross off, your son is convicted, you yourself understand what a shadow it casts, and i believe that mishka is not guilty,
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but he could not have poisoned the milk, and i believe. so the facts are against him, well, how it all came together, captivity and this poison, they still trust you, for now, but you understand, apple to apple they say, yes, yes, hello, zakhar andreevich, excuse me, i’ll come back later, no , no, come on in, what's your question? here is a list of students who need to be given permission to enroll, they will go to the city to study at the institute, what zakhar, young people are running away from you, who will carry out the plan, but i’m kidding, i’m kidding,
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education is necessary, but you’re right. some don’t have to leave at all, blindsov makar, spankov valentin and skolchin antonina. and we went to the regional center. i bought you a cockerel, remember, you told me that you went crazy about them as a child, thank you, talk to your grandfather, tell him, let him give me permission, wait, i i don’t understand anything, he’s disrupting my
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admission, if i’m late for exams, i’ll lose the whole year, he didn’t give you directions, oh, just don’t pretend that. this is the first time you’ve heard this, you’re dissatisfied with something, girl, you’re not my order, zakhar andreevich, i’ll have to, i’ll go to the district committee, you’re a tyrant, the collective farm needs workers, in our country, by the way, we’re rebuilding what was destroyed by the war economy, doctors are not needed in the country, but what kind of doctor are you, you are made to only cripple the fate of people. how can you do this, tosya, tosya, wait, for now, wait, if i do something, it’s for a reason, believe me, you don’t understand, we wanted to leave together, and now because of you, well, it’s not time for you, thank you, you’ll tell me later.
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what, brother, are things bad? she's driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, she's a stranger to us, of course i understand you, i can't calm down, you know, i remember her eyes, her lips. the blood is boiling, father, if he finds out, he will release this blood to you, and from whom will he find out, think about it, brother, okay, does she even love you? no, not yet, but he will love you, you know, i know how to
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get my way, i have a rival, but nothing, he’s leaving the road on his own, i’ve made an appointment for him tomorrow in the forest, we’ll decide everything ourselves, like men, once and for all. heal, lord, the servant of god, olga, give her strength, raise her to her feet, heal the servant of god olga, this is the day, yes, and what did i tell you, i... i think so, we need to make a couple more walks, yeah, we’ll pick a day this week and let’s go, you
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’ll eat these first, what’s there, with some moonshine, and in a pot, roasted meat, i’ll give you my soul , by the way, you have to drink for a successful hunt, come on, pour it, but what not... .drink and if so it's so hot, i'll wait for you, but it's hot, it's hot, well, for the hunt, for the hunt, lord, forgive her, i'm a sinner, send a guardian angel, consolation. i heard that they saw a bear further on, yes, let’s take him down, uh,
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you can’t take a bear with shot, here you need bullets, but i have them, yes, yes, well, for the bear, for the bear. i love her, but you don’t know her at all, we will have time to get to know each other, you don’t understand, we are kindred spirits, and you are a stranger, you will always be, for love there is no difference, she loves me everything, and you are sure that i she's the same i said, shut up, i said, so what?
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anton, get out of the way, give in, i said, i won’t give in to her, i love her more than life itself, understand? taska, taska, yes, you have something, come here, quickly, antoshka’s poems were published in
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the newspaper, hold it, read it, i can’t, let me say it myself, i wanted to, not that there are many, we have poets. your own way, ermakov, wait, let me get enough, well, now i don’t need you, i don’t need views from your life, and you admit that you are an unclean soul, this is for your mother, you reason so abstractly, but feelings, what? the enemy comes out to us, everyone who doesn’t believe, let love, you hear, i’m staying.
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good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with
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the first channel, on the calendar july 4th, thursday, my de. birthday, congratulations, thank you, we have a beautiful, bright, sunny july day ahead of us, at least that’s how i imagine it, but it will be like that, i assure you, be happy, today yulia zemina, roman budnikov, and we have very interesting plans, we will talk about financial marketplaces, find out who the secret shopper is, and what he actually does there secretly buys, let’s learn how to pack a suitcase correctly, let’s conduct a comprehensive study of bell peppers, it’s high time we tested ice cream makers, this is not a woman. and this is no, this is a device, i will definitely cook something tasty, there must be a lot of tasty food today, in general, we have a big program, let’s start, according to tradition, with a warm-up, in order to master it all, russian champion in oriental dancing olga miroshnikova suggests dance early in the morning, as i support her, in honor of your birthday, good morning, it is customary in oriental dances to practice barefoot, girls do some elements, for example, walking, leaning
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only on their socks, and it doesn’t take long to twist your leg. i suggest doing an exercise that will help strengthen your calf ridge. it will be useful for everyone, especially girls who wear heels. legs wider than shoulders, feet apart, arms extended forward, palms clasped. we squat like on a chair, like this, until the knees are at a right angle. we make sure that the joints are clearly above the toes. now we stand on the toe of our left foot and lower ourselves. perform the movement first one, then with the other foot. version for experienced athletes. we rise on both toes at once. the exercise
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is very powerful if done regularly. you will strengthen not only your ankles and calf muscles, but also your thighs and buttocks. for those who dance, this is a must, join us. so, the most suitcase-holiday season is underway, but if vacation is something that everyone likes, then pack a suitcase, but you know, not everyone needs it, i hate this one, i’ve somehow already come to terms with it, i’ve gotten used to it, you know, there were times when something didn’t work out, something didn’t fit, that's how it is for everyone. how do you do it, but pack a suitcase for vacation, decide what to take, how without this dress, she will also go, more than fifty things are just for one, and how to fit everything in, the task, everything is ready, as usual i collect, yes, i put things in piles, a couple of minutes a mountain has formed in the first compartment, we move to the second, here are some clothes, shoes, a cosmetic bag and a hair dryer with a straightener, a solemn moment,
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you can close any suitcase, especially if you lie down or sit on it. a familiar motto you can close your suitcase without much effort if you fold everything correctly. varsanosi, how will it be? let's check the advice from the internet: first, we make a list of things, second, we learn to fold clothes, fold it exactly as they do in the store, the sleeves are in the middle, and now we roll it up into a roller, all the clothes are collected, well, there is a feeling that this is no longer here it fits very well, let's move on to the second part, cosmetics, first aid kit, everything for the shower , they advise you to put away the large cosmetics bag, it's safer, we put it in the middle then... we cover it all with equipment, no, we have to go down putting jackets, this is a deviation from the advice, in case the suitcase is thrown unsuccessfully, it is advised to fold shoes approximately as they are stored in
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boxes, but to save space, add socks inside, besides, this will help avoid deformation, and what about jewelry, you can put it in a large cosmetic bag or in clothes, there are also wires, it’s not so scary, it’s closed, that’s the main thing, there’s also... a way to buy vacuum bags, you only need a vacuum cleaner, put things away and get started, and now you need to very quickly put this lid on so that oxygen again did not fill the bag and it did not increase in size. it’s not easy to do this the first time, and he also advises that you first put it in a suitcase and then remove the air so that it doesn’t happen like that. it seems to me that this bag won’t fit in my bag right now. we take the vacuum cleaner again and repeat the operation, like this. it’s better to have a dress on top so it doesn’t wrinkle, yes, minus vacuum bags, you’ll have to iron everything again, least of all spoils the appearance in the roller, everything fits, is there any free space left, no, although on the internet they say that vacuum bags will save up to 70% ,
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apparently in winter, when you bring down jackets, but most importantly, don’t forget the most massive, voluminous things, it’s better to put them on yourself, a lot of things will fit by hand, but i hope our plane will let me in this way, although at +30 it’s better this way. not to do. elizaveta nikishova, denis ponomarev, channel one. i love our country for its power, for its history, for the fact that it provides all opportunities to any person who wants to receive them. i’m proud of russian composers, because they brought it. i’ve lived in the north my entire adult life, now i’ve been living for the last time
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20 years in sevastopol, the best city in a lifetime, a person cannot get around all our corners of our greatest beautiful country, thunderclouds and lakes, silence, oh, russia, russia, you are like that. next on the air is a news release, we'll meet in a few minutes, this is the news on the first floor, in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, russian sud-34 fighter-bombers struck at the camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated a unit of militants. in the zone of responsibility of the west military group. they hit us with unguided aerial bombs with universal planning and correction module. they allow you to deliver precise strikes while being at a safe distance from the line of contact. having received
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intelligence confirmation that the targets had been destroyed, the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. our artillerymen demonstrated accurate shooting. the crews of the malka self-propelled guns destroyed the enemy's temporary deployment points. the guns operate on designated targets at long distances. it takes only 4 minutes to prepare for a shot, but the crew leaves the firing line even faster and camouflages technique. if good specialists on the other side can determine by the sound of exit and arrival the approximate range, the approximate direction where the vehicle is standing, but due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let’s say, a good chance of hiding from observation. the separation at the line of contact is ensured by strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems in the ovdeevsky direction; the crew of such a machine was destroyed by the enemy valkyrie drone, which was conducting reconnaissance of our positions. the fighters hit another drone with a kalashnikov machine gun. and more about
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those who selflessly and courageously fight on the front line. guard sergeant igor bondarenko, as part of a howitzer battery , repelled an enemy attack, coming under enemy fire when changing positions, quickly brought the gun into firing position and hit the artillery mount with an accurate shot. enemy, the militants were unable to hold their positions and fled, suffering losses. guard senior lieutenant maxim borisov and his anti-aircraft division covered our troops from air strikes. during the shelling, maxim destroyed the ukrainian one. drone, as well as six rszzo shells. the united states announced another package of so-called military assistance to ukraine. its total volume, the pentagon reported, will be approximately $2 billion 350 million. the first tranche is 150 million to pay for the supply of weapons from the american arsenal. this will include artillery shells, ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems , hymers and air defense systems, and anti-tank missiles. the remaining 2 -plus billion is intended. the
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pentagon noted that the us administration intends to redirect it to the kiev regime out of turn. on a powerful explosion occurred at one of the weapons factories in varkansas, which now largely works for ukraine; this enterprise of the american military-industrial complex reportedly produces caliber artillery shells. 155 and 105 mm, rocket for lifefires, javelins, ammunition for mortars and others, two casualties and one missing are reported, there is no data on the causes of the explosion yet, an investigation is underway, the plant has currently suspended operations. in the uk today, early elections to the house of commons are being held due to the fact that prime minister richa sunok dissolved parliament after his conservative party posted its worst showing in local elections in 40 years.
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starmer will win an unprecedented 431 mandates. in fact, the outcome of the current elections determines whether rishisun will retain the post of prime minister. the unprecedented heat does not leave. every day a new temperature record. another forecaster promises that today the air may warm up to 34°. but tomorrow a cold atmospheric front will pass through moscow and the moscow region from west to east. a sharp decline temperatures and pressure can trigger thunderstorms and even death. forecasters predict that on friday afternoon it will begin to rain, large hail is possible, and the wind will increase to 25 m/s. a real storm. the day before, muscovites had already experienced the first weather fluctuations, several. areas of the capital there were heavy
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rains, lightning flashed, and trees were blown down by the wind. the open -air festival “summer music-museum” opened in istra, moscow region, in new jerusalem. this year it is dedicated to the russian seasons of sergei dyagelev, a significant phenomenon in the culture of the last century. it was dyagelev who opened the world to our outstanding artists, composers, painters, and made everyone admire russian ballet. at the foot of the monastery, to the music of strovinsky, the stage seems to come to life or... this is a wonderful idea, it seems to me, very beautiful, colorful, this generally well reflects our meaning of our festival, because the meaning of the festival is the promotion of high art, high music, and dyagelev with this studied wonderfully, and even such...
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worthy people, creators as rimsky korskov learned only in the world, thanks to dyagelev. the music festival was opened by one of the greatest pianists of our time, nikolai lugansky, and the culmination will be two concerts at the bolshoi theater dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the roman korsky. soloists of the opera troupe, a choir, and an orchestra will appear on stage; classical music will be played in the open air until july 7. that's all. now a word to my colleagues from good morning, good morning to everyone who is greeting a new day with the first channel on the calendar july 4th, thursday, i don’t even believe i’m saying this date, it’s hot, it’s gone, but why the date, because today is my birthday, let me remind you again, thank you yulia zemena, roman budnikov, by the way, by the way, almost 30 temperature records were recorded in russia, can you imagine, this, by the way, is in honor of your birthday, in moscow, for example, last tuesday was the hottest in the last 134 years plus. 32°
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wow, well, it should be hot in the summer, but we’re unhappy with everything all the time, it’s cold in the winter, it’s hot in the summer, well, yes, up to a certain limit, i agree, after that we start somehow to feel yourself, it doesn’t matter where the limit is, at what temperature you can’t work and what thermal laziness is, thermal deer sounds good, ksenia ionkina was not too lazy to find out all this, the alpaca of the moscow zoo is hiding in the shadows, the giraffe refuses to go outside. the cats are sleeping and don’t intend to wake up, even the birds don’t have the strength to roam around other people’s feeders, everyone is in energy conservation mode, because it’s hot. this is true for animals and people. in the heat, performance decreases by 50%, mental activity decreases 10, air heated to 29° and above no longer relaxes, but takes away your strength, and you don’t want to work, not because you’re tired of everything, you’re just thermally lazy, but there is work,
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when you want it or not, go to sleep, this team needs to repair the road, the thermometer is +34, it’s good that employers know the labor code and adjust the working day from... we start the working day an hour earlier so that the cooler, let’s say, weather has time to work a little, the lunch break has been extended us for an hour, we have organized the supply of drinking water, because it is still difficult to work with asphalt, there is always an additional temperature, alexey avdeev inspects the yards so that everything is repaired, identifies a violation, issues an order to urgently correct it, but in such heat he can make a relaxation. request from the head of the organization with a request to extend the period of this order due to the prevailing hot temperature, we have the right to extend the validity of this order for several days. rospotrebnadzor has a list
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of recommendations on this matter. working outdoors with temperatures above 32.5° are considered extreme; it is recommended to perform it in stages. 20 minutes work, 10 rest. and there are recommendations for those in the premises, or rather for their employers. the temperature in the office or pavilion is +28.5°, the working day is shortened by an hour, +29 by 2 hours, + 30.5 by 4 hours, and this should not affect the salary in any way. the term heat laziness seems far-fetched, such a good excuse for those who want to go to the beach instead of work, but the therapists of this clinic have already seen several patients with that same heat laziness and... it unpleasant symptoms, decreased performance, muscle pain, constant drowsiness, headaches, dry mouth, thirst all the time, if patients associate these symptoms with heat not for the first time, then there is no need to panic, everything is fine with you, you
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are not sick, the heat will pass, the symptoms will pass, but while the air temperature is approaching body temperature, it is enough not to take on stakhanov’s tricks and do not forget to drink water. ksenia ionkina. hurray, thank you said, thank you for that, you would have walked 3 km to the coptic base, employees instead in order to help with vegetables, a fuss was made that a beaver couldn’t come for food, look on the internet how many such
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cases there are, i wanted to sit in a secluded corner, but no, they called a tow truck, and now the base employees know what they say: without a beaver it’s like it’s empty, we miss the emotions that we got when we caught him, when we saw all this, but we are very happy that he is now free, in nature, goodbye, he surfaced again, which means he wasn’t too offended, so maybe will come again, it will be like these comrades who... seem to walk through their own forest, elk, wild boars, roe deer and all this in the midst of urban development. over the past week, we went out three times based on reports of the discovery of a moose, most often the animal is driven out either outside the city or into a forested area, where
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it would not pose a danger to others. and this company from udmurtia is in full swing in the villages of ilyinsk and baykuzino. together with the kpa. the springs are frozen over, even the water for them , the locals say, is used to it in winter, when the neighbors left it, after all. anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, sergey fedotov, channel one. nordic walking is a great thing, you need minimal equipment. many young people are
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skeptical about nordic walking and in vain, this is a great way to strengthen the joints of the arms and legs, and muscles at the same time. it is important, of course, to do everything correctly. to begin with, let's select the poles to suit your height, place them on the side next to you, the handles should reach your armpits, like this. what else to pay attention to is the material of the handles. if the coating is hard, it is possible. rub palms, in this case you will have to wear gloves, but it is better to immediately choose a soft, pleasant-to-touch coating, a good option made of cork, like mine, we also check the tip, or as they also say, the shoe of the stick, this nozzle at its end, i i advise you to use wear-resistant rubber tips, they smooth out impacts on the surface and protect your wrists from overload, now you can go. we put our hands into the so-called lanyards and fasten them so that they tightly, but not
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too tightly, wrap around the wrists joints. the back should be straight, we take a step forward with our left foot, at the same time we bring forward our right arm and elbow to the end, do not straighten it, we walk, alternating the positions of our arms and legs, we push off with sticks as hard as possible. the essence of nordic walking is to shift part of the body weight from your legs to your arms and shoulders, breathe evenly and deeply, start walking with poles with a minimum load, so 15 minutes a day will be enough, we walk like this at least two or three times a week every 7 days we add 5 minutes to the workout if you if you are over 50, i advise you to use a heart rate monitor, making sure that your heart rate does not rise. above 120 beats per minute, training will help strengthen
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muscles and joints, as well as the heart and lungs. nordic walking heals the whole body, the main thing is to practice regularly, a child and a dog, sometimes these two immediately find a common language, but sometimes there are cases when it takes time for them to become friends, in order to become friends, well, i think that this is normal, and advice they also need an experienced person, such as... we came to visit friends, and they, it turns out they got a dog. in this case , it is important to teach the child how to properly handle the dog. we ask the owner to introduce you to summer is the time to travel, imagine you are a dog, we give it a treat. do you know how to hand out a treat correctly? like this, on an open palm, without squeezing your fingers. don't pull your hand away. well done! we explain to the child that the dog should not be grabbed by the ears or tail.
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when the dog is eating, we do not approach him; he will defend the food and may bite. in any case, we do not leave the child alone with the dog. another situation you need to address prepare the child. he was alone on the street, he met a dog, and its owner was not nearby. now we stop, under no circumstances should we run, the dog’s instinct will kick in, if someone runs away, you need to catch up, you shouldn’t talk to the dog yet, much less smile, in animal language this is a sign of aggression, we’ll act like this: take off your backpack and we hold it in front of us, now it ’s as if we are creating a barrier between us and the dog, now it’s important to leave the danger zone, we move backwards with our backs. very slowly, like this. if there is any obstacle nearby,
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a bench or wall bars on the playground, we climb onto it. now visually we have become taller, more powerful. and the dog will not attack. we just have to wait, the owner of the animal will appear soon. here he is, please take the dog. be sure to tell your parents what happened. and... you, dear adults, think about what to do about this. maybe it’s worth talking to the dog’s owner, or changing where the child is walking. this is cute for her, the whole house is covered in bears. she is 15 years old, volodya, at 15 they give other gifts, she has one tennis is like your pension. i hump my head so that your doom becomes a man. this. you show up with this stupid bear, of course she loves you, you’re so good,
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not a father, an ideal, where is your trash can here, at the exit, and in our yard... from july 7 to sunday on the first, but stop it nag, he has tests, exams, eg, well, she’s not going anywhere, she’ll wander around the city, clear her brains, come back, wander around the city, she’s lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, kolka will appear, call, who are you talking to, volodya, oh, what took so long, i really miss you, come on, come on, come on in, come on in, let's go to bed, come on! right away, an excellent choice, congratulations, he speaks russian normally, he speaks, and we don’t waste time talking, on the new stage of the bolshoi theater, the world premiere of the ballet the tempest, shakespearean passions were translated into the language of dance by choreographer vyacheslav samadurov, the music was written by yuri krasavinin. all the details right now.
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a big storm is coming. world premiere, ballet, the tempest. shakespeare's passions on stage.
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the dancers were transferred to the weightless tights, next to the luxurious golden vestments of the magician prosper. i found these ornaments in books from the times of shakespeare, by hand in the workshops of the bolshoi theater, this laconicism, which even seems to me, a deliberate, minimalist philosophical thought in the ornaments, which was present in those times, we transferred to this cloak. the production is about the eternal themes of betrayal and revenge, forgiveness and, of course, love, but for choreographer vyacheslav samodurov it is not the main theme; composer yuri krasavin , on the contrary, focused on the lyrics, and there was some controversy. slava really doesn’t like sentimentality, but i’m the opposite, on this one because we had a lot of fights with him, as a result he won in this sense, and our love line here is somewhat muted. the ballet
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features sanata bidhovin storm, there are folk english melodies, and the orchestra has harpsichord, accordion and a lot of percussion. they give dynamics, they give rhythm, they give energy, there are a lot of drums, there are probably 20 different types. a whirlwind that will whirl you around from the first minute, a storm, the premiere of the ballet on the new stage of the bolshoi theater today. rita larkina, sergey morin, channel one. let's move on, marketplay. today everyone knows what it is, it is an online platform where you can purchase various goods or services, including financial ones. yes, financial marketplay is an electronic platform on which banks, insurance companies and other financial organizations offer their products, and this is a whole ecosystem. yes. how does this system work? is its offer profitable? let's figure it out now. what is a financial marketplace? this is a site on the internet that allows you to compare certain
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financial services, products and services by set of parameters. the offer is tempting and take it. gleb found the same deposits at 20%. i saw an advertisement, wrote to the bank, clarified that it’s true, there is this offer, it’s real, but they told me that yes, such conditions are only for those who open a deposit through marketplay, a deposit for 3 months, but where does such generosity come from? , there are no such offers, even on the websites of the banks themselves, we checked that the bank does not spend the employee’s money, does not spend money on reaching the client, as they say in the financial market, and greatly reduces its acquisition costs. client, that is, raises rates by reducing advertising costs, the bank of russia advises using those marketplaces that have 10 in the register, in which case the transaction can be tracked in the register of financial transactions. those that are not on the register of the bank of russia do not carry out illegal activities. there may be such platforms, and there are quite a few such platforms, but you can trust them as much as
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any information on the internet. are offers on marketplaces generally profitable? let's figure it out. click on deposits, high rates. at that same 20% they are issued only to new clients of the bank, moreover, for a short period of up to six months. you can place money for 6 months at 20%, but 20 per annum. everything is much more complicated, well, there are no stakes, why? because they can’t, well, they don’t know me as the borrower of this money, there are a lot of factors, yes, a lot of factors, while you are not in
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the system, or it hasn’t checked you yet, it offers an approximate monthly payment, just to understand how much you will have to overpay it’s simply impossible, we saw the monthly payment 46.054 multiplied by 12, that’s what you say here it would be 10%, but in reality we don’t have 10%, we have to recalculate, it will be... at least 20%, here we have a compound interest. marketplaces are, of course, an excellent opportunity to choose a product for yourself, compare everything, but this is not a way to make money; at best, it will help fight inflation, and for this you need to study all the conditions very carefully. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. bell pepper, simply the king in terms of vitamin content, has surpassed even the orange, can you imagine? i completely agree. evgenia popova conducted a comprehensive research. pepper and found out how its color affects the taste, does the shape matter, and what does chili pepper have to do with it? eater of hot peppers. margoshi's parrot eats red chili,
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the hottest of all peppers. it’s hard to believe, but it is he who is the progenitor of sweet bulgarian. the homeland of peppers is brazil, all the peppers there grow wild, they are hot by nature. after europeans discovered america and discovered hot peppers, they naturally tried to transfer it to europe. for growing for more in the northern territories, the vegetable lost its pungency over time. this was not due to the fact that the breeder conducted a targeted selection of sweet taste, but rather to the characteristics of the pepper itself. in hot climates, peppers always accumulate more copsaicin. this is exactly the substance that gives the spicy taste. true, there is still a little of it left. mainly in red fruits, more spicy in taste. it is believed that they improve blood circulation and, as a result, have a good effect on the functioning of the heart. but other flowers have their own. in green pepper most of all chlorophyll, which is why it is green, it is great for vitality, for raising mood, increasing endurance,
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vitality, which is why athletes prefer to use it, and yellow contains carotenoids, which, as is known, help us see better, but the main advantage is ascorbic acid: we ate half the fruit, received the daily requirement of vitamin c, this is regardless of the color, or the shape too. the pepper that i am holding in my hands now, it... has the so-called cubic shape, literally 10-15 years ago it was generally a rarity, and then they began to select and indeed these cubic peppers, they have proven themselves well, they usually have a fairly thick wall, that is, a large amount of pulp, a small the number of seeds, plus, unlike cone-shaped ones, they are more juicy, it remains to figure out the price, why pepper is usually more expensive than other vegetables, from the moment of flowering to the moment of ripening, it takes from 120 to 140 days. depending on the variety for comparison, cucumbers ripen three times faster, besides, it is difficult to maintain peppers, they can crack, hence the high cost, we remember and choose carefully, when
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the pepper has been sitting on the counter even a little, you will immediately see it, it begins to develop these are the characteristic wrinkles, characteristic external signs, decay, but the fresh peel is smooth , shiny, without damage. evgenia popova, elena savina, olga sorokina, channel one. eras change, the lives of heroes change, in this life something happens all the time, and we we watch this with pleasure, and that’s why we love sagas, in the evening there will be a movie, can you imagine, lyubka, stop it, i’ll stop it, come on, come on, dance, the family saga is a favorite genre in our country, let’s remember those films that don’t disappear at noon,
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if we talk about the era, the main thing is that the memory does not fall apart, so that these cells, puzzles from our personal lives do not fall out, these are our ancestors, these are the ancestors of our ancestors, this is where we are from, what they did, what they loved, zakhara’s family - daughter , two sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, live in a ural village, his ancestors are in this house rejoiced and were sad, the memory of them is in the heart, to preserve this main thing, barely perceptible, and not to lose children, the new generation, sons,
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are always different from children, they go... a little in the wrong direction that the fathers would like, well, it’s natural, it’s quite russian, the post-turgenev style is appropriate, the saga is like a river, the narrative is unhurried and smooth, human destinies are like droplets in a big river, as you can imagine, the heart clench, the women in the drama are different, but support each other, the director of the film two banks olga subotina, only another woman can understand a woman, the name of one of the heroines, by chance,
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this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! russian sud-34 fighter-bombers attacked the camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated militant units in the zone of responsibility of the west military group. they hit us with unguided aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. they allow you to deliver precise strikes while being at a safe distance from
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the line of contact. after receiving confirmation reconnaissance about the destruction of targets, the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. our artillerymen demonstrated accurate shooting. the crews of the self-propelled guns destroyed the enemy's temporary deployment points. the guns work at designated targets, at long distances, and it takes only 4 minutes to prepare for a shot, but the crew leaves the firing line even faster and camouflages the equipment. if good specialists on the other side can determine by the sound of exit and arrival. approximate range, approximate direction where the car is parked, but due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let’s say, a good chance of hiding from observation, the unit’s cover at the contact line is provided by strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems in the ovdeevsky direction, the crew of such a vehicle was destroyed by the enemy valkyrie drone, which was reconnaissance of our positions, also the fighters
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hit one drone with... a kalashnikov machine gun. and also from those who selflessly and courageously fight on the front line. guard sergeant igor bondarenko as part of a howitzer battery, repelled the enemy attack, coming under enemy fire while changing positions, quickly brought the gun into firing position and hit the enemy artillery mount with an accurate shot. the militants were unable to hold their positions and fled, suffering losses. guard senior lieutenant maxim borisov and his anti-aircraft division covered our troops from air strikes. during the shelling, maxim destroyed the ukrainian one. drone, as well as six rszzo shells. the united states announced another package of so-called military assistance to ukraine. its total volume, the pentagon reported, will be approximately 2.350 million dollars. the first tranche is 150 million to pay for the supply of weapons from the american arsenal. this will include artillery shells, ammunition for hymers multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, and anti-tank missiles. the remaining 2-plus
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billion are earmarked. to purchase ammunition for patri air defense systems from american manufacturers, and other countries that have placed orders for the same missiles from them will have to wait, everything that is currently being manufactured, the pentagon noted, the us administration intends to redirect it out of turn to the kiev regime. a powerful explosion occurred at one of the weapons factories in forkansas, which is now largely working for ukraine. this enterprise of the american military-industrial complex reportedly produces artillery shells of caliber... investigations, the plant has currently suspended work. the uk is holding early elections to the house of commons today as prime minister rishu sunak dissolved parliament after his conservative party posted its worst performance in 40 years.
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years result in local elections. they took place in early may. whether such a maneuver will be successful for sunak is the main intrigue. according to polls, the position of the conservatives is now perhaps the worst in history. the tories can count on only 102 parliamentary seats, then... in fact, the outcome of the current elections determines whether reshisun will retain the post of prime minister. unprecedented heat does not leave the capital; every day there is a new temperature record. the next weather forecaster promises that today the air may warm up to 34°, but tomorrow in a cold atmospheric front will pass through moscow and the moscow region from west to east. a real storm, the day before muscovites had already felt the first fluctuations in the weather; in several
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areas of the capital there were heavy rains, lightning flashed, and trees were blown down by the wind. an open-air festival, summer music, and a museum opened in the new jerusalem region of istria near moscow. this year it is dedicated to the russian seasons of sergei diaghilev, a familiar phenomenon in the culture of the last century. it was dyagelev who opened the world of our outstanding artists, composers, artists, forced everyone admires russian ballet. at the foot of the monastery, to the music of strovinsky, the stage seems to come to life with illustrations by bakst and roerich. the ballet firebird is inspired by russian folk tales. this is a wonderful idea.
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that's all, now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning, dear tv viewers, on the calendar it is thursday, july 4th, a secret shopper or, as it is also called, a secret client, that is, there is such a profession. mystery, what are all these people doing, secret, what is it like to be such a buyer, our correspondent, anna soldatova, i must say, you know, she had to worry, any of these buyers could be secret. mystery
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shopping is a method of marketing research that allows you to evaluate how well the quality of service in stores, hotels, restaurants meets the standards established in companies that... organize these checks, in other words, so that the employees smile at us, don’t be rude, spoke in detail about the product and helped with the choice, ahead of the question, reviews in the internet is biased. it is very important to remain neutral, not to find fault with the brand, but simply to soberly, calmly evaluate all stages of service or sales, you need to pay attention to details so that later the sellers or other employees whom we check do not suffer. anastasia antonova came to this profession as a student and started working part-time. more than 10 years of experience, can give a master class, so as not to scare off the sellers, we film on the phone. where is the fitting room? yeah, thanks a lot. lyushka,
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please forgive me, there’s a dirty t-shirt here no, is this new? let's look again. yes thanks a lot. can i put it off for half an hour? looks simpler than ever. the most difficult thing, probably as well as the most important, is preparation. for any visit, it is important to undergo high-quality instruction, remember everything and during the visit use the acquired knowledge, instruction to go shopping, okay, let’s try, you don’t take the initiative to say hello, accordingly, if they greet you, you say hello in return, here i realized that there are so many papers, and then in theory i need to fill out everything, and if, but there is some sharp sections, a unit of working with infections, this is the first time i’m so nervous before going to... a store, by the way, the secret shopper must make an audio recording, we remember, the main thing is to behave naturally, i remember the instructions, the first one - don’t say hello, come to me no one is leaving at all, i couldn’t wait,
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what price we have is 5.5, which is a bit expensive for a floor, but not a sprint, so it’s more expensive, there is a plain floor, they are at a discount now, it turned out it’s not as easy as it seems , the most difficult thing is to be impartial, they didn’t approach me right away, of course, but in general, when i asked, they were very polite and very helpful, or i’m a very kind secret shopper, this is not my thing, payment for one visit from... thousand rubles depends on the brand category of the complexity of the research. an experienced mystery shopper can do about ten checks per month. anna soldatova, mikhail volkov, boris repin, bela pagasyan, channel one. good morning. in oriental dances it is customary to practice barefoot. some elements, for example, penetration. girls do it using only their socks. so it’s not enough to twist your leg. i suggest you do an exercise that
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will help strengthen the calf horn. it will be useful for everyone, especially girls who wear heels. legs are wider than shoulders, we spread our feet to the sides, we stretch our arms forward, we clasp our palms together, we squat like on a chair, like this, until a right angle at the knees, we make sure that the joints are clearly above the toes, now we stand on the toe of our left foot, and lower ourselves. we take turns performing the movement with one or the other leg. version for experienced athletes: we rise on both toes at once. the exercise is very powerful, if you do it... you will strengthen not only your ankles
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crown muscles, but also thighs and buttocks. for those who dance, this is a must, join us. good morning, the fourth of july thursday continues on the calendar. the astrological forecast for today is on air, but i already know something about myself. july 4, 28 lunar day, 17 sunny, good-natured, energetic, very company. what is called a team player, he doesn’t tolerate loneliness well, he can make him sad, the stars advise to lift your spirits by taking a walk in some beautiful places, parks, gardens, museums, shopping however, especially for jewelry, they are not advised to go, you can leave all your money there, but this day is an excellent helper for everyone who needs to fix, fix, improve or invent something. on the downsides: on such days , some absurdities often happen, things run into small but annoying obstacles, all sorts of nonsense makes you... out of yourself. aries, keep this in mind and
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pay less attention to all sorts of little things so as not to spoil the mood for yourself or others. and so the day is quite good, including for career growth. if you are on vacation and your career is not yet relevant for you, be careful with the sun. there is a risk of overheating. taurus will have a chance to correct some mistakes and part with harmful illusions and misconceptions. taurus men, try not to argue with ladies today, especially if you are the boss, or mother-in-law. gemini may feel some opposition to their plans, as if someone is putting a spoke in their wheels. the stars say: don’t look for secret enemies, it’s just such a day, tomorrow everything will return to normal, and be careful while driving. not a bad day for crayfish, it will open up some prospects, it will teach you something, suggest something, and it may also throw up some event that will be pleasant to remember later, be careful with air conditioners and drafts, the summer cold is an insidious thing. leos are just having a good day when they have enough time for... everything, just remember, you are very noticeable today and
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not only your merits will be noticed, some of the lions may hear your address, something like you today a lot, but here the stars are powerless. virgos will have an interesting meeting, some news, possibly pleasant troubles. for those who are now taking a break from the labors of the righteous, rest 100 percent . it looks like some new business awaits you upon returning from vacation. libra has a normal working thursday, mostly full. ordinary, familiar affairs and various routines, and the evening, oh, this evening, he clearly has something interesting in store for you, alcohol, just don’t get carried away. a pleasant acquaintance or date is promised by the scorpio stars, and in general the day is one of those when everything is mostly pleasing; however, colleagues or business partners may add to the hassle, but this will not bother you much will strain. for sagittarius, this day may slightly change plans, but this may even be for the better. and today, one of your relatives or friends may ask you. well, see for yourself and take care of your wallet and smartphone.
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capricorns can be frayed by some hacks or slackers, there is also a risk of running into a scammer, in general, be more careful and remember. taurus women never say nice words just like that; the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining for you. aquarius today can be envied: career, work, finances, home, they will be in everything luck will accompany you. just remember, she is a capricious lady, she doesn’t really like those who rely too much on oats and take unnecessary risks. pisces are at risk of quarreling with one of their friends, neighbors or colleagues. you shouldn’t have started this, say the stars. you now need good relationships with others, and go to bed in the evening. go to bed early, good luck to you, mom, please find that recipe for homemade ice cream that you lost, because i can’t eat store-bought now after your homemade one, i’ll find the recipe, but by the way, i can’t get by here without a good ice cream maker, let's find out how to choose one, fried ice cream, by the way,
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will also cool, this technology came to us from asian countries, the freezer looks like a large frying pan, only it seems to be fried. in the cold, a mixture of milk, cream and sugar is sent straight to the frying pan, under it there is a real freezer, the surface temperature is -2.30 °, so you need to act not just quickly, but very quickly, as if if you don’t have time, then it freezes and , as it were, the rollers don’t come off very nicely, the seller marks out the filling with spatulas, strawberries, raspberries or cookies, then twists the tubes, no different from the usual, the only thing is that they cook very beautifully, and you can add auntie. to see how it cooks, well, maybe just watch, such a router won’t fit in a home kitchen, but an ice cream maker is easy, you also need milk, cream, sugar, vanillin, we will be cooking for the first time, i wonder what we can do while mother and children mix the ingredients , the bowl of the ice cream maker has been cooling in the freezer since yesterday, we have it without a compressor, that is, semi-automatic,
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let's analyze it under the control of tech blogger pavel trukhachev, it consists of two elements, this is a kneading element and a container with... a special refrigerant, but before preparing the ice cream, you need to cool it at a temperature of -15° in the freezer, here in 18 hours you can already completely freeze such a large volume of container, take the prepared bowl out of the freezer , pour the ice cream mixture into it, set the timer for 40 minutes of kneading, i’m the first, it’s time to evaluate the result, spoon it together, delicious, would you try it again? once, of course, yeah, the kids want it, but mom would like it even faster, it’s a fairly long process, plus the preparation for making the ice cream itself, of course it takes a lot of time, but you can do without 18 hours of preparation, that is, without cooling the bowl in the freezer, if you choose an automatic ice cream maker . the freezing unit is already built-in, that is
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, the bowl itself is cooled there and you can prepare one serving of ice cream within 40 minutes and in 10 minutes. the next portion of ice cream, unlike, for example, a semi-automatic machine. automatic models take up more space the volume of the bowl is up to 2.5 liters, but how many servings can be prepared, saving time, but not money, prices from 10 thousand rubles, semi-automatic ones are cheaper, from 200. arina anisova, yuri lebedev, konstantin leonov, vladimir popov, channel one. day of family, love and fidelity, festive concert. on the first in the new season on the first, a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and the heart isn’t breaking, do you know how it’s torn, just the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted , orientation towards you
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exists in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was the stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel
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kostenko, the confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov, is ahead. in addition to packing suitcases, now many are doing all sorts of other pleasant chores, booking hotel rooms, collecting documents for the trip in a folder, by the way, by the way, about documents, if with adult passports... from another state, i don’t know, he seems to be going to abkhazia i need this stamp, but i don’t know
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apparently, in this case, i can be a citizen , i don’t know, they said you need to put some kind of red stamp about citizenship, i know something, but i can’t remember, it turns out that without it it is now impossible to register a child in an apartment and get passports, both regular and foreign in order to leave the country, if this stamp is not there, then either the registration officers or the border service officers simply will not let this child out... they may ask for a birth certificate, even if the child has a foreign passport. i stamped my adult son because sometimes demanded at the turkish border. if you don’t want to carry an extra document with you, just add your children to your passport. this also confirms citizenship. if a minor flies only with a birth certificate, this is allowed in six countries, a stamp is required. but first, check the back of the document, it may already be there. since 2012, it was installed automatically; if not, you can get it. at the regional office of the ministry of internal affairs, in moscow, at the mfc, by appointment or on a first-come, first-served basis, please check by phone. what other documents will be required for
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crossing the border? if children travel independently in the presence of teachers or there, firstly, a power of attorney is required, and secondly, the consent of one of the parents. both documents are drawn up by a notary. please note that all countries in which the child will stay are specified in the consent. he flies to... yes moscow, dubai, vietnam, if he has an agreement stating that the child is flying only to vietnam, then they won’t let him through, all transit countries must be registered. traveling around russia it’s simpler, here you only need birth certificates, while you can without a stamp on citizenship and an ms policy. this is a so-called paper policy, it is a policy in the form of a plastic card with photographs; digital policies have already been issued for 2 years, they are in the form of a barcode. any will do, however, and here is a nuance: if , after receiving the policy, you did not write an application for choosing a medical insurance company, it is better to do this before the trip;
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emergency care will not be denied to him, routine medical care may be denied, but you you also have the right to travel; for this purpose , we assign the child to the clinic in the place where he will live; by law, this can be done every time you move. evgenia popova, yulia kuvabina, dmitry likhachev, channel one. so, the most suitcase-holiday season is underway. but if a vacation is something that everyone likes, then packing a suitcase, well, you know, not everyone needs it, i hate this business, i’ve somehow already come to terms with it, i’ve gotten used to it, you know, there were times when something didn’t feel right it worked out, something didn’t fit, somehow everyone had everything fits, how do you do it, pack a suitcase for vacation, decide what to take, how to do without this dress, this will work for me too, more than 50 things are just for one, and how to fit everything in, task, everything, ready. this is how i usually pack a suitcase, put things in piles, a mountain has formed in the first compartment for a couple of minutes, go to the second, here are some clothes, shoes, a cosmetic bag and a hair dryer with
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a straightener, a solemn moment, you can close any suitcase, especially if you lie down or sit on it , a familiar motto, you can generally close a suitcase without much effort if fold everything correctly, in arstanof, how we will pack it all, let's check the tips from... the internet, first - make a list of things, second - learn to fold clothes, fold it exactly the way they do it in the store, sleeves in the middle, and now roll up the roller , all the clothes are collected, well, there is a feeling that this doesn’t really fit here anymore, let’s move on to the second part, they advise putting cosmetics, a first aid kit, everything for the shower in a large cosmetic bag, it’s more reliable, we put it in the middle, then we cover it all. no equipment, need to go down putting jackets, this is a deviation from the advice, in case the suitcase is thrown unsuccessfully, they advise
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folding shoes approximately as they are stored in boxes, but to save space we add socks inside, besides this will help avoid deformation, and what about jewelry, you can put it in a large cosmetic bag or in clothes, wires there, it’s not so scary, it’s closed, that ’s the main thing, there’s another way to buy vacuum bags, you’ll only need... a vacuum cleaner, put things away and get started, and now you need to very quickly put this lid on so that oxygen can come back didn't fill it package and it has not increased in size. it’s not easy to do this the first time; besides , they advise: first put it in a suitcase, and then remove the air so that it doesn’t happen like that. it seems to me that this bag won’t fit in my bag right now. we take the vacuum cleaner again and repeat the operation. it’s better this way, with the dress on top so it doesn’t wrinkle. yes, minus vacuum bags, you will have to iron everything again, least of all spoils the appearance in a roller. does everything fit, is there any free space left? no, although
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they say on the internet that vacuum bags will save you up to 70%. channel one, i hope that you have all woken up, you are in a great mood, if someone is limping, it’s time to look into the world wide web, what’s new, what ’s interesting, he knows best. egor uspensky, he is prepared, ready to show us everything, let's see, here he is our first hero, a cat named santas from portugal, who diligently helps his owner fix the car, by the way, this is why he has been idle on the internet, 5 million users have already installed he likes, and as you know, football in brazil is more than a game, the next shot is proof of this, this
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dog really likes to kick the ball with the local boys, his... words goalkeeper, as you can see, he does a great job, by the way, some people can even learn from him, some just need to learn from him , master of balance, this is how 150 thousand fans nicknamed their favorite, this is a drake named dexter, according to the owner, he can hold a lot of different objects on his head, starting from a pencil and, for example, even a tv remote control, is it any wonder that the videos with they use dexter incredibly popular on the internet? well , now about laziness, which sometimes does amazing things, it still gets someone up off the couch and still forces them to do something, one canadian apparently got tired of making sandwiches for himself, so he built a fully automated sandwich shop factory and from designer parts, the unit slices bread and puts delicious fillings on it, but dangerous, yes dangerous, but you have to eat,
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a family business for... it turned out thanks to a national project the heroes of our next report are all small and medium-sized businesses. the turintsy family started their family business 8 years ago, taking everyone on dog sled rides for one ride. 1,300 clients in winter. so, nina and alexander came up with the idea of ​​opening an eco-park. it is imperative that the whole family work there. the place was quickly found, a former camp. in 2019 , an enclosure area for dogs was built and landscaping began. the dogs earned money only in winter. in the summer, we organized a recreation area and purchased swimming pools. there was not enough money for more. they began to actively develop only in 2020. we received a regional grant in
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the field of tourism. this is one way to support entrepreneurs. nina manages, her father does renovations, her husband alexander does construction, and her eldest daughter helps in the restaurant. it’s been hard, of course, over the years, it’s a huge school, everything works out thanks to the fact that we work as a family, we’re happy with the result, in the summer there are at least 700 clients, in the winter 500. stable, we get great pleasure from visiting the nursery, we are frequent guests, and this is astrakhan region, here in 2007 the kurbanovs opened dental center, head of the family is a dentist, wife is responsible for documents, sons, orthopedists. the advantages of working with a family are constant breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything is on schedule, i
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never have a headache about this, my mother controls everything, in the past. year, the kurbanovs also received financial support, a preferential loan for new equipment. radiography helps to find a defect in the teeth; it exposes our patients to less radiation, because staying in the sun for 10-15 minutes produces more radiation than radiovision itself. beginners receive support entrepreneurs. sisters olga dutko and tatyana komkina founded their own brand of home textiles a year ago, without any business experience, they studied a lot, and an educational trainer especially helped. “the alphabet of an entrepreneur, also within the framework of a national project, now all responsibilities are clearly distributed. tatyana, my sister, is responsible for sewing, i am mainly involved in promoting our business, success.” there are about 25 sets of underwear per month, they started with children's, now clients include large hotels, to each their own an approach. we order fabric individually for each client, discuss all
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the nuances with him, we have closed seams, that is, you never get tangled in your duvet cover, so it’s safe to do common business with your family, and according to the chamber of commerce and industry, among small medium-sized enterprises more than 70%. it’s the family news that’s on the air next, we’ll meet in a few minutes, this is the news on the first floor, in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, russian so-34 fighter-bombers struck at the camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated them. militant units in the zone of responsibility of the west group of troops were hit with unguided aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. they allow you to deliver precise strikes while being at a safe distance from the line of contact. having received
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intelligence confirmation that the targets had been destroyed, the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. our artillerymen demonstrated accurate shooting. malk's self-propelled gun crews destroyed the enemy's temporary deployment points. the guns work according to designated targets at long distances. it takes only 4 minutes to prepare for a shot, but even faster the crew leaves the window line and camouflages the equipment. if good specialists are on the other side, they can determine by the sound of exit and arrival, the approximate range, the approximate direction where the vehicle is standing, but due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let’s say, a good chance of hiding from observation. the touch is provided by strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems in the ovdeevsky direction and the crew of such a machine destroyed an enemy drone valkyrie, who was conducting reconnaissance of our positions. the fighters hit another drone with a kalashnikov machine gun. and also about those who are
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selfless and courageously fighting on the front line. guard sergeant igor bondarenko, as part of a gun battery , repelled an enemy attack, coming under enemy fire when changing position, quickly brought the gun into firing position and hit the enemy’s artillery mount with an accurate shot. they were unable to hold their positions and fled, suffering losses. guard, senior lieutenant maxim borisov and his the anti-aircraft division protected our troops from air strikes. during the shelling, maxim destroyed a ukrainian drone, as well as six mlrs shells. the us continues to pump arms into ukraine. for these purposes , washington is allocating approximately another $2 billion 350 million, the pentagon said. the first batch will consist of items that will be written off from the warehouses of the american department of defense. this arsenal is being assessed. $150 million, it will include artillery shells, ammunition for hymers multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, anti-tank missiles. the remaining two- plus billion will be spent on ammunition for
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air defense systems, including patriots. they will be purchased from american manufacturers, including those already made to order from other countries. but they will have to wait. the us administration intends to redirect everything that is currently being manufactured to the kiev regime out of turn, the pentagon noted. a powerful explosion occurred at one of the weapons factories in arkansas, which now largely works for ukraine. this is an american company the military-industrial complex reportedly produces 155 and 105 mm artillery shells, missiles for helfires, javlins, ammunition for mortars and others. two casualties and one missing person were reported. there is no information yet about the cause of the explosion; an investigation is underway; the plant has currently suspended operations.
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31 mandates, in fact, the outcome of the current elections determines whether rishisun will retain the post of prime minister. unprecedented heat does not leave the capital; every day there is a new temperature record. another weather forecaster promises that today the air may warm up to 34°. but tomorrow a cold atmospheric front will pass through moscow and the moscow region from west to east. a sharp drop in temperature and pressure can trigger thunderstorms and even death. forecasters predict that a real storm will begin on friday afternoon. it will rain, the wind will increase to 25 m/s. large hail possible. the first manifestation of bad weather was felt the night before: heavy rains covered several areas of the capital, lightning continuously flashed in the sky and was distributed. in
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the moscow region in new jerusalem open air festival summer music museum opened. this year it is dedicated to the russian seasons of sergei dyagelev, a significant phenomenon in the culture of the last century. it was dyagelev who opened the world to our outstanding artists, composers, painters, and made everyone admire russian ballet. at the foot of the monastery, to the music of stravinsky, the stage seemed to come to life with illustrations by bagst and roerich.
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nordic walking is a great thing, you need minimal equipment, you can walk anywhere and there are no age restrictions, absolutely. if you haven't done this walk yet you tried it, be sure to try it, you definitely won’t regret it, but first, listen to what the chiropractor, neurologist, sergei dlin has to say. many young people are skeptical about nordic walking, and in vain - this is a great way to strengthen the joints of the arms and legs, and muscles at the same time. of course, everything is important.
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to do it right first, let's select the poles to suit your height, place them on the side next to you, the handles should reach your armpits, like this, what else should you pay attention to the material of the handles if the coating is hard, you can rub your palms, in this case you will have to wear gloves, but it is better to immediately choose a soft, pleasant-to-touch coating, a good option made of cork, like mine, we also check the tip or as... they also say the shoe of the stick, this attachment on it end. i recommend using wear -resistant rubber tips. they smooth out impacts on the surface and protect your wrists from overload. now you can go. we put our hands into the so-called lanyards and fasten them so that they fit tightly, but not too tightly , around the wrist joints. back must be straight. let's take a step forward. with the left
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foot, at the same time we bring forward the right arm and elbow to the end, do not straighten it, we walk, alternating the position of the arms and legs, we push off with poles as hard as possible, the essence of nordic walking is to shift part of the body weight from the legs to the arms and shoulders, breathe evenly and deep, we start walking with poles, with a minimum load, so 15 minutes a day will be enough, we walk like this at least two or three times a week, every 7 days we add 5 minutes to the training, if you are over 50, then i advise you to use a heart rate monitor, making sure that your heart rate does not rise above 120 beats per minute. exercise will help strengthen your muscles and joints, as well as your heart and lungs. nordic walking heals the whole body, the main thing is...
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to do it regularly, while you and i are sitting at home, wild animals come to us, very often we hear or read that a beaver, an elk, a wild boar came to visit people, rum. well, you know, everyone likes it when you are treated to something tasty, of course, but in general wild animals should returning, of course, to the natural habitat, everything went, hurray for the journey, thank you. he said, why, thank you, you should have walked 3 km to the copting base, instead of helping with vegetables, the employees made a fuss, as if a beaver couldn’t come for food, look on the internet, how many such cases there are, i wanted to sit in a secluded corner, but no, they called a tow truck, let’s take it a little bit, and now the base employees, do you know
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what they say? it feels empty without the beaver. we miss the emotions we got when we caught him, when we saw all this. but i’m very happy that he’s now free, in nature, goodbye, he surfaced again, which means he wasn’t too offended, so maybe he’ll come again, it’ll be like these comrades who walk through the penda as if walking through their own forest, elk, wild boars, roe deer and all this in the midst of urban development, over the past week we went out three times on reports of finding a moose, most often driving out the animal...
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not all pies are complex, making goleta, a flat open pie, is as easy as shelling pears: shortcrust pastry, berries are the secret ingredient. sift 250 g of flour, add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of vanilla sugar. i chop 100 g
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of cold butter along with flour and rub the crumbs with my hands. it is better to do this with gloves so that the butter does not melt too much from the heat of your hands. i'm making a hole. i add two eggs and two tablespoons of ice water, quickly knead the dough, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator while i prepare the filling, it can be any set of fruits or berries, i have currants, gooseberries and raspberries, the galette will turn out to be very bright juicy, add 20 here g flour so that it absorbs the juice that will be released during baking and sugar, its amount depends on taste. if you don’t like sweets, you don’t have to add anything at all, i roll out the dough right away on baking paper so as not to tear it when moving it, it’s very tender and aromatic, i won’t even out the edges, i like it this way, i put it on the opposite side, grease the dough without reaching
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the edges, lay out the berries , close the edges, press down like this with a fork, grease with yolk from... put in an oven preheated to 200° for 20 minutes, you can decorate with mint, powdered sugar or lemon zest. i grate it on a coarse grater so that it can be seen. galetta browned and became very beautiful. let it cool and decorate with zest. beautiful summer breakfasts. kavanovich! do everything that you are told, we are nearby, everything will be fine, so, so, so, guys, we are working, we are working,
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scumbag, fortune teller, today on the first, god forbid you get into the same situation, i would look. if you were in my place, it seems to me, i know, we were looking in the wrong place, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, gin cnop, a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product. here's a wedge: 50 years ago, the pioneers got here on it, they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just
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continuous, impenetrable taiga, in frost, and 50 and 53 °, in rain, under any conditions we do not look . and when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what ’s beyond the horizon, but the horizon goes away, and you ’re chasing after it, we had a group of 13 people, a year later those 13 were left... “it’s cute for her, the whole house is covered in bears, she is
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15 years old, volodya, at 15 they give other gifts, she only has tennis, how is your pension, i i’m hunchbacking to make your daughter become a person, and you show up with this stupid bear, of course, she loves you, you’re so good, you’re not an ideal father, where is your trash can here, at the exit, and in our yard with... " july 7 on sundays on the first, stop nagging, she has exams, the unified state examination, well , she’s not going anywhere, she’ll wander around the city, clear her brains, come back, wander around the city, she’s lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, she’ll appear kolka, call, who are you talking to, volodya, oh, what’s taking so long, i’m really bored, come on, come on, come in, come in, let's go to the bedroom, let's go straight away. great choice, congratulations,
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he speaks russian normally, we don’t waste time talking, yeah, let’s move on, marketplace, today everyone knows what it is, it’s an online platform where you can purchase various goods or services, including financial, yes, a financial marketplace is an electronic platform on which banks, insurance companies and... financial organizations offer their products, and this is a whole ecosystem, yeah, how does this system work, how profitable is it? proposal, now let’s figure out what a financial marketplace is, this is a site on the internet that allows you to compare certain financial services, products and services according to a set of parameters. the offer is tempting to take the same deposits, gleb found it at 20%. i saw an advertisement, the bank wrote -
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interest rates are the same as here, read the conditions. the maximum bonus amount is rub 3,750. with loans, everything is much more complicated. well, there are no bets, why? because they can’t, well, they don’t know me as the borrower of this money. there are a lot of factors. while you are not logged in or she is i haven’t checked you yet, it offers an approximate monthly payment, but it’s simply impossible to understand how much you’ll have to overpay. we saw the monthly payment,
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the orange is driving. by the way, i agree with him. i agree with them. evgenia popova conducted a comprehensive study of bell peppers and found out how its color affects the taste, does the shape matter, and what does pepper and chili have to do with it? eater of hot peppers. margot the parrot eats red chili, the hottest of all peppers. it’s hard to believe, but it is he who is
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the progenitor of sweet bulgarian. homeland peppers - this is brazil, all the peppers there grow wild, they are. hot by nature, after europeans discovered america and discovered hot peppers, they naturally tried to transfer them to europe for cultivation; in more northern territories, the vegetable eventually lost its pungency. this was not due to the fact that the breeders had a highly targeted selection of sweet taste, but with the characteristics of the pepper itself in hot climates, pepper always accumulates more capsaicin, this is precisely the substance that gives a pungent taste, albeit a little it still remains, mainly in red fruits, which are more spicy in taste, it is believed that they improve blood circulation and , as a result, have a good effect on the functioning of the heart, but other flowers have their own advantages: green peppers have the most chlorophyll, which is why they are green, great for vitality, for lifting mood, increasing endurance, vitality, which is why athletes prefer to use it, and yellow
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contains carotenoids, which are known to help us see better, but the main advantage is ascorbic acid, eaten half. received the daily requirement of vitamin c, this is regardless of color, or shape too. the pepper that i am holding in my hands now, it has a so-called cubic shape, literally 10-15 years ago it was generally very rare, and then they began to select and indeed these cubic peppers, they have proven themselves very well, they usually have a fairly thick wall, that is, a large amount of pulp, a small number of seeds, plus, unlike cone-shaped ones, they are more... juicy, it remains to figure out the price, why pepper is usually more expensive than other vegetables. from flowering to ripening , it takes from 120 to 140 days, depending on the variety. for comparison, cucumbers ripen three times faster. in addition, it is difficult to handle the pepper; it can crack. hence the high cost. we remember and choose carefully. when the pepper has been sitting even a little on the counter, you will immediately see it.
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these characteristic wrinkles, characteristic external signs, and decay begin to appear. but the fresh skin is smooth shiny, no damage. evgenia popova, elena savina, olga sorokina, channel one. the america's cup continues. we pass the pass to our colleague, channel one sports journalist, viktor gusev. the brazilian national team is supported at any football tournament by an impressive delegation of noisy and cheerful fans. the current america's cup, which takes place in stadiums. the usa is no exception. the cherished dream of fans of all ages is to get the autograph of star striker venicius. true, the most beautiful goal of the brazilian national team in the group stage of kupa america was scored not by venicius, but by his partner rafinha. he distinguished himself in the match with the colombian team with a cool free kick,
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hitting the near nine. in the quarterfinals , the pentacampions will meet with the national team. which also scores goals for every taste here, the best of which is scored by maximilian araucho. in the match against the panama national team, he managed to create a real football masterpiece. from outside the penalty area, arauja impressively curled the ball into the top corner. the panamanians themselves also pleased the fans. for the first time in history, reaching the quarterfinals america's cup. in addition, one of the best goals of the group stage. panama midfielder cesar yanez scored. for the first time in the entire tournament, having appeared on the field, within a minute he put a beautiful end to the game with bolivia. the mexican national team, on the contrary, disappointed its fans by failing to reach the playoffs. moreover, in three matches jaime losan's team scored only one goal, but what a goal.
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gerardo arteaga hit the national team's goal with a powerful shot. the jamaicans failed the group stage and the us national team players. the hosts of the tournament can add to their assets, except perhaps this cool goal by christian pulisic in the game against bolivia. now local fans can only support the main star of their league, lionel messi, who continues to fight for the trophy as part of the argentina national team. true, leo probably failed to distinguish himself in the group stage. his time will come in the playoffs. channel one continues the project with the whole world 7375. our common project is with you, it is designed to unite everything. to all caring people, so that there are more good deeds, you and i can help charitable foundations for their wards, who really need this help. do it simply, send
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any amount feasible for you in numbers to the short number 7375, or send two words to the same number 7375 with the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the translation in response messages; you can find out all the details about the project with the whole world on its page, on the website of the first one. channel today our wards of the fund are really looking forward to your help. live now it is in our power to give them a full life. each moving through unbearable pain, sitting in a stroller is like a test. just 7 years ago denis mityugov played football and worked as a cook. then they made a diagnosis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or just bass. now the muscles and body don’t obey, it’s hard to hold the phone, or even breathe and talk. all words.
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i had to return from kostroma to the village, my wife left, she lives with her mother, her seventeen-year-old daughter ulyana helps. they said that she would not live long, she cried, but now it’s scary. patients with a diagnosis like denis’s desperately need a device non-invasive ventilation, as well as an expectorant. this is an nvl device that helps us sleep at night, but these are his lungs. medical equipment, consumables, stroller. not
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to experience pain, not to experience the terrible sensation when a person is suffocating. the foundation has more than a thousand clients, we can help, the whole world, just send an sms with this phrase or any amount in numbers to the short number 737. the live now charitable foundation also helps those who are just at the beginning of their journey, accept the diagnosis, and simply reassure them. in such victoria melnikova also found herself in the same situation when her mother olga suddenly became ill. i heard her voice over the phone and it wasn’t the same as usual, and i was worried that maybe she was having... a necrostroke or something like that, because there was a slowness in the meeting, and therefore she was coughing. the diagnosis of bass was made only after a year and a half. speech has almost completely disappeared, but olga
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continues to work. she is an interior designer, raising her youngest seven-year-old daughter, doing homework with her. alice understands her mother one by one just a glance. there is a difficult path ahead; a gastrostomy tube will be installed, and medical equipment will be needed. i have never felt stronger in my life, i simply have no right to be scared now, i have to be strong for them, overcome all sorts of routine issues, including legal ones, because i simply have no other choice, we can help you, just one sms to the short number 7375, with any amount of numbers or phrases to the whole world, another option is to read the qr code on the unique promotion page. channel you can leave any donation and support denis, olga and other wards of the fund, help them live now. let us remind you that to help
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the beneficiaries of the live now fund, send an sms to the short number 7375. this can be any amount in numbers, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages. or send two words to the same number 7375: with the whole world. then a fixed amount will be debited from your account - 75 rubles. the main thing is to confirm the transfer. reply messages, all the details about our project with you the whole world can be found on his page on the first channel website, right now there is a news release, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today in kazakhstan is the second main day of the sco summit, in which vladimir putin is taking part. at the council of heads of state in astana, they will sum up the work of the shanghai cooperation organization over the past year, consider issues of its further strengthening, expanding interaction in the areas of security policy, economics and humanitarian
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ties. as a result of the summit, 24 document, the central one of which will be the declaration of the council of heads of state of the sco. in it , leaders will consolidate consolidated approaches to current regional and international issues. also, among other things , a statement on the principles of good neighborliness, trust and partnership will be adopted. as the day before, on the sidelines of the summit , vladimir putin will also hold bilateral meetings, in particular, negotiations are planned with the acting president of iran mohammed makber. new blow. at the airfield of the armed forces of ukraine russian high-precision missiles iskandar m complexes attacked equipment at the dolgintsevo airbase in krivoy rog. it was used for attacks on crimea and zaporozhye. there is no official confirmation from our ministry of defense yet, but as reported in various sources, three aircraft were hit as a result of the arrival of a russian missile. one of them , the mik-29, was destroyed, and two su-25 attack aircraft were seriously damaged. in addition, aerial shells and several cars stored nearby were blown up, and about
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15 militants were eliminated. a few more enemy targets struck by the crews of the towed guns of the iatsib group of troops north, our reconnaissance , using drones, detected the enemy’s location in the vicinity of the settlement, identified the coordinates of its firing point, and from there the american m-777 howitzer worked on our positions. the information was transmitted to the artillery, the salvo of nato equipment was destroyed. and in the yuzhnodonetsk direction there are crews of buk anti-aircraft missile systems. the eastern group of troops was shot down by several rockets. for buk there are no targets that he cannot hit, the complex scans the sky around the clock within a radius of 100 km, the main task of the crew is to cover units on the line of combat contact, and in order for the fighters themselves not to become a target for the enemy, they are constantly improving the protection of their vehicle, we have attached a transport tape to our vehicle so that in case fragments from himorrs,
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the so-called rszzo. the united states announced another package of so -called military assistance to ukraine, its total volume was reported by the pentagon to be approximately
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2.350 million. first tranche - 150 million for payment for the supply of weapons from the american arsenal, this will include artillery shells, ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, anti-tank missiles, the remaining 2-plus billion are intended for the purchase of ammunition for air defense systems, including patriot, from american manufacturers, and others countries that have placed orders for the same missiles will have to wait; everything that is currently being manufactured, the pentagon noted, the us administration intends to queues. send to the kyiv regime. one of the largest donors of the us democratic party, the ceo of netflix, through the press called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race so that, as he put it, someone more energetic could defeat donald trump in the election. this was the first public statement by the party’s main donors; the rest are still expressing their dissatisfaction with biden privately. the head of state himself, despite criticism,
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is not going to leave the race, he stated this yours. associate during a video conference, cbs reported. meanwhile, joe biden's rating has seriously declined as a result of his disastrous performance at the debate; a new york times poll showed that only 41% of voters are now ready to vote for him, while almost 50% are for donald trump . the russian l-76 aircraft delivered more 30 tons of humanitarian aid for residents of the gas sector, the board of the ministry of emergency situations landed at the airport in el-arij in egypt, where the cargo will be handed over to representatives. as reported in our emergency department, just from the beginning the humanitarian mission has already completed 28 such flights, delivering more than 700 tons of food, medicine, clothing and basic necessities. russian graduates are retaking the unified state exam today for the first time. more than 100,000 people decided to take advantage of this opportunity, that is, almost every fifth. for the second attempt
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, 2 days were allocated today and tomorrow. you can take only one exam, and, regardless of the result obtained, the previous one will be canceled. the results will be announced no later than july 17. most people want to improve their unified state examination score in social studies. in second place. let me remind you that vladimir putin instructed to give graduates a second chance. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar: july 4, thursday. even i myself can’t believe that i’m saying this date. it’s hot, it’s gone, why the date, because today is my birthday. let me remind you again, thank you zemina. roman budnikov. by the way, by the way, almost 30 temperature records were recorded in russia, can you imagine, this, by the way, is in honor of your birthday, here in moscow, for example, last tuesday was the hottest in the last 134 years, + 32°, wow, well, it should be hot in the summer,
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we’re unhappy with everything all the time, it’s cold in the winter, hot in the summer, well, yes, to a certain limit, i agree, after it we already begin to feel somehow, no matter where this limit is, at what temperature you can’t work and what thermal laziness is, thermal laziness sounds good. ksenia ionkina was not too lazy to find out all this. an alpaca at the moscow zoo hides in the shadows. giraffe refuses to go out. cats are sleeping and are not going to wake up. even the birds don’t have the strength to roam around other people’s feeders, everything is in energy conservation mode, because it’s hot. this is the norm for animals and people. in the heat, performance decreases by 50%. mental activity. air heated to 29° and above no longer relaxes, but takes away your strength, and you don’t want to work, not because you’re tired of everything, you’re just thermally lazy, but there is work, when you like it or not, go to sleep, this
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the team needs to repair the road, on thermometer +34, it’s good that employers know the labor code and adjust the working day taking into account the abnormal heat; we start the working day an hour earlier, which is cooler. let's just say the weather had time to work a little , our lunch break was extended by an hour, we organized the supply of drinking water, because it is still difficult to work with asphalt, there is always an additional temperature. alexey avdeev inspects the yards so that everything is repaired, finds a violation, issues an order to urgently correct it, but in such heat may make some relief. and the receipt and malice from the head of the organization with a request to extend the terms of this order. due to the persistently hot temperature, we have the right to extend the validity of this order for several days. rospotrebnadzor has a list of recommendations on this matter. working outdoors at temperatures above 32.5°
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is considered extreme; it is recommended to do it in stages: 20 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest. there are recommendations for those in the premises, or more precisely for their employers. temperature in the office. or pavilion +28.5°, the working day is shortened by an hour, +29 by 2 hours, +30.5 by 4 hours, and this should not affect the salary in any way. the term thermal laziness seems far-fetched, a good excuse for those who want to go to the beach instead of work, but the therapists of this clinic have already received several patients with that same thermal laziness and its unpleasant manifestations. performance decreases, muscle pain appears. constant sleepiness, headaches and dry mouth, thirst constantly, if patients associate these symptoms with heat not the first time, then there is no need to panic, everything is fine with you, you are not sick, the fever will pass , the symptoms will pass, and while the air temperature
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is approaching body temperature, it is enough not to take on stakhanov’s habits and do not forget to drink water. ksenia ionkina, stepan erofeev, evgeny marinkov and alexander ostrookhov. first channel. good morning, continues on the calendar for july 4th, thursday. the astrological forecast for today is on air, but i already know something about myself. july 4, 28 lunar day, 17 sunny, good-natured, energetic, very sociable, that called a team player, but he doesn’t tolerate loneliness well, he can get sad. to lift your spirits, the stars advise taking a walk in some beautiful places, parks, gardens, museums, or shopping. i especially don’t recommend going to jewelry stores, you can leave all your money there, but this day is an excellent helper for anyone who needs to fix, fix, improve or invent something. on the downsides: on such days, some absurdities often happen, things run into small but annoying
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obstacles, all sorts of nonsense drives you crazy. aries, keep this in mind and pay less attention to all sorts of little things, so as not to spoil the mood of either yourself or others, otherwise the day is quite good, including for career growth, if you are starting up and a career is not yet relevant for you, be careful with the sun , there is a risk of overheating. taurus will have a chance to correct some mistakes and part with harmful illusions and misconceptions. and today he doesn’t argue with ladies, especially if he’s the boss, or his mother-in-law. gemini may feel some opposition to their plan, as if someone is putting a spoke in their wheels. stars they say: don’t look for secret enemies, it’s just such a day, tomorrow everything will return to normal, and be careful while driving. it’s not a bad day for crayfish, it will open up some perspectives, teach something, suggest something, and may also throw up some event that will later be nice to remember; be careful with air conditioners and... the summer cold itself is an insidious thing. leos are just having a good day
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when they have enough time for everything. just remember, today you are very noticeable and not only your merits will be noticed. some of the lions can hear their address, something like somehow there are a lot of you today, but here the stars are powerless. virgos are in for an interesting meeting, some news, perhaps some pleasant troubles. for those who are now taking a break from the labors of the righteous, rest 100 percent. it looks like there will be something waiting for you upon your return from vacation. some new business, libra has a normal working thursday, mostly filled with ordinary, familiar affairs and various routines, evening, oh, this evening, it clearly has something interesting in store for you, just don’t get carried away with alcohol, a pleasant acquaintance or date promises the stars are scorpio, and in general, it’s one of those days when everything is mostly pleasing, colleagues or business partners may indeed add trouble, but this will not stress you out much, for sagittarius this day may slightly change plans, this may even be for the better, and even today someone close or
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friends may ask you to borrow money, well, see for yourself and take care of your wallet and smartphone. capricorns can be frayed by some hacks or slackers, there is also a risk of running into a scammer, in general , be more careful, remember, flatterers never they say nice words just like that, and the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining for you. aquarius today can be envied; career, work, finances, home, they will be accompanied in everything. good luck, just remember, she is a capricious lady, she doesn’t really like those who rely too much on oats and take unnecessary risks. pisces are at risk of quarreling with one of their friends, neighbors or colleagues. you shouldn’t have started this, say the stars. you now need good relationships with others, and in the evening go to bed early. good luck to you! mom, please find that homemade recipe ice cream, which you lost because i can’t eat store-bought, now i’ll find your homemade recipe. but, by the way, you can’t do this without a good ice cream maker, let’s
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find out how to choose one. ice cream, fried, by the way, will also cool you down. this technology came to us from asian countries; the freezer looks like a large frying pan, but it just seems to be fried in the cold. the mixture of milk, cream and sugar is sent straight to the frying pan. there is a real freezer underneath, the surface temperature is -20-30°, so act it doesn't just need to be fast. yes, very quickly, like... but if you don’t have time, then it freezes and the videos don’t seem to come out so beautiful. using spatulas, the seller crushes the filling: strawberries, raspberries or cookies, then twists the tubes. it’s no different from the usual one, the only thing is that it’s cooked very beautifully, yes, and you can add whatever you want and you can see how it’s cooked, well, except to watch, such a router won’t fit in a home kitchen, but an ice cream maker is easy, you still need milk and cream , sugar, vanillin. we will cook for the first time. i wonder what we can do? while mother and children are mixing the ingredients,
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the bowl of the ice cream maker has been cooling in the freezer since yesterday. we have it without a compressor, that is, semi-automatic. let's look at it under the supervision of tech blogger pavel trukhachev. it consists of two elements: a kneading element and a container with a special refrigerant, but before preparing ice cream, you need to cool it at a temperature of -15° in the freezer. here, in 18 hours you can completely freeze such a large volume. container, take out the prepared bowl from the freezer, pour the ice cream mixture into it, set the timer for 40 minutes of kneading, i’m the first, it’s time to evaluate the result, a spoonful of it is delicious, we’d try again, of course, yeah, the kids want it, but mom would like it even faster, it’s quite a long process, plus the preparation for making the ice cream itself, of course takes a lot of time. but you can do without 18 hours of preparation, that is, without cooling the bowl in
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the freezer, if you choose an automatic ice cream maker. the freezing unit is already built-in, that is, the bowl itself is cooled there and you can prepare one portion of ice cream within 40 minutes and the next portion of ice cream after 10 minutes, unlike, for example, a semi-automatic machine. automatic models take up more space, the bowl volume is up to 2.5 liters, but how many servings can be prepared. saving time, but not money. prices start from 10,000 rubles, but semi-automatic ones are cheaper, from 2,000. arina anisova, yuri lebedev, konstantin leonov, vladimir popov, channel one. i am a precious girl of the night, raspberries, raspberries, hello blondes, mom, i dance to our base, but where is the heart that will love me,
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holy neighbors. polar bears, goodbye, mom, goodbye, mom, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost, fantasy, tomorrow on the first, the most grandiose event in modern russia, traditions and... advanced technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors,
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we have something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition on july 6th on the first, a child and a dog, sometimes these two immediately find a common language , but sometimes there are cases when they need time to make friends, in order to make friends, well, i think that this is normal, and they also need the advice of an experienced person, such as security expert osman dilibash, imagine, you came to visit friends, and they, it turns out, got a dog. in this case, it is important to teach the child how to properly handle the dog. we ask the owner to introduce you to the dog and give it a treat. do you know how to hand out a treat correctly? like this, on an open palm, without squeezing your fingers. no hand
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pull back. well done! we explain to the child that the dog should not be grabbed by the ears or tail. when the dog is eating, we do not approach him; he will defend the food and may bite. in any case, we do not leave the child alone with the dog. another situation for which you need to prepare your child. he is alone on the street, he meets a dog, and its owner is not nearby. and now we stop, under no circumstances can we run. the dog's instinct will work if... someone is running away, you need to catch up, you shouldn’t talk to the dog yet, much less smile, in animal language this is a sign aggression, we will act like this: we take off the backpack and hold it in front of us, now it is as if we are creating a barrier between us and the dog, now it is important to leave the danger zone,
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we move backwards, with our backs, very slowly, like this, if there is some kind of obstacle nearby . change the place where the child walks. so, the most suitcase-holiday season is underway, but if vacation is something that everyone likes, then pack a suitcase, but you know, not everyone needs it, i hate it, i’ve somehow already come to terms with it, i liked it, you know, there were times when something didn't work out, something it didn’t fit, somehow everything
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fits in for everyone, how do you do it, pack a suitcase for vacation, decide what to take, and how without this dress, it will also fit. there are more than fifty things for just one person, and how can you fit everything in? task. everything is ready, this is how i usually pack my suitcase. i put things in piles, a mountain formed in the first compartment for a couple of minutes, we move to the second, here are some clothes, shoes, a cosmetic bag and a hair dryer with a straightener. solemn moment. you can close any suitcase, especially if you lie down or sit on it. a familiar motto close your suitcase without much effort. exactly the way they do it in the store, the sleeves are in the middle, and now we roll up the roller, all the clothes are collected, well, there is a feeling that this
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doesn’t really fit here anymore, let’s move on to the second part, cosmetics, first aid kit, everything for the shower, advises putting away the large cosmetic bag, it ’s more reliable, we put it in the middle, then we cover it all with equipment, no, we need to put the jackets down, this is a departure from... suddenly the suitcase is thrown unsuccessfully, shoes are advised to be folded approximately as they are stored in boxes, but to save space we add inside the socks, besides, this will help to avoid deformation, and what about jewelry, you can put it in a large cosmetic bag or in clothes, there are wires there, it’s not so scary, it’s closed, that’s the main thing, there’s another way - buy vacuum bags, you’ll only need vacuum cleaner, put things away and get started, but now we need to do it very quickly. place this lid so that oxygen does not fill the bag again and it does not increase in size. it’s not easy to do this the first time, besides, they advise: first
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put it in a suitcase, and then remove the air, so that it doesn't turn out that way. it seems to me that this bag won’t fit in my bag right now. we take the vacuum cleaner again and repeat the operation. that's better. the dress is on top so it doesn't get wrinkled. yes, minus the vacuum bags, you will have to iron everything again, least of all spoils the appearance in the roller. everything fit. is there any free space left? no, although they say on the internet that vacuum bags will save up to 70%, apparently in winter, when you are carrying down jackets. well , most importantly, don’t forget the most massive, voluminous things, it’s better to put them on yourself, a lot of things will fit by hand, but i hope me in this form they will be allowed on the plane, although at +30 it is better not to do this. elizaveta nikishova, denis ponomarev, channel one. family business. for many, these words sound tempting.
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thanks to the national project , the heroes of our next report have all small and medium-sized businesses. the turintsy family started their family business 8 years ago, taking everyone on dog sled rides. in one winter , 1300 clients. and alexander came up with the idea of ​​opening an eco-park, it was imperative that the whole family work there, a place was quickly found, a former camp. built in 2019 the enclosure area for dogs began to be improved. the dogs earned money only in the winter; in the summer they organized a recreation area, purchased swimming pools, but there was not enough money for more. they began to actively develop only in 2020, and received a regional grant in the field of tourism. this is one of the ways to support entrepreneurs or small and medium-sized businesses under the national project. first they made a restaurant, then they updated the water park, made two rope parks, they did everything
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themselves, nina manages it, her father does the renovations, her husband alexander does the construction, the eldest daughter helps in the restaurant. it’s been hard, of course, over the years, it’s a huge school, everything works out thanks to the fact that we work as a family, we’re happy with the result, in the summer there are at least 700 clients, in the winter it’s stable at 500. we feel great pleasure. from visiting the nursery, we are frequent guests, and this is the astrakhan region, a dental center was opened here in 2007, the head of the family is a dentist, the wife is responsible for documents, the sons are orthopedists. the advantages of working with a family are constant breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything is on schedule, i have a headache about it never hurts, mom controls everything, last year the kurbanovs also received financial support.
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in your duvet cover, so it’s safe to do common business with your family, and according to the chamber of commerce and industry, among small medium-sized enterprises, more than 70% are
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family-owned. channel one continues the multi-part family saga of two shores, the story of two ural families against the backdrop of the history of the other side. the river of time flows, eras change, the lives of the heroes change, something happens all the time in this life, and we are behind it we’re watching with pleasure, and that’s why we love sagas, there’ll be a movie in the evening, can you imagine, oh my love, stop it, i’ll stop it, come on, come on, dance, family saga.
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a daughter, two sons, a daughter-in-law, grandchildren, live in a ural village, in this house his ancestors were happy and sad, the memory of them is in the heart, to preserve this most important, subtle thing, and not to lose children. the new generation, as if sons are always different from children, they go a little in the wrong direction that their fathers would like, well, this is natural, it is quite russian, according to turgenev it is appropriate, a saga, like
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river, the narrative is unhurried, smooth, human destinies are like... piggy banks in a big river, as you can imagine, the heart tightens, the women in the drama are different, but support each other, the director of the film two shores is olga subotina, only another woman can understand a woman, name one of the heroines, olga, by chance, olga, a person who may seem soft, but this is not entirely true, a very powerful core inside, harsh war years, trials, hardships, raising children alone and faith in love, eras change, but feelings. female roles played in my opinion, well, anya taratorkina has been entrusted with such a, albeit difficult, mission, the mighty shillovskaya, well done, what a knife she also shouldered herself with, the idea of ​​the clan, the memory of the family, special attention to detail, i really wanted to fill it with all sorts of little ural delights, because these are all kinds of mugs that were made by ourselves, grandfather sergei made these mugs from aluminum, he beat them there himself, if everything was so smooth, i will excommunicate you from the family, the situation, frankly
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speaking, is not sugar, the premiere was on channel one. apple trees say, victoria obalinskaya, maria while they trust, and you understand, the apple is from bronzov, konstantin struchkov, yuri lebedev, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service, let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news is live, we will get back to you soon. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, russian sud-34 fighter-bombers struck at camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and eliminated a unit of militants in the zone responsibility of the west group of troops, they hit with unguided aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. they allow you to deliver precise strikes while being at a safe distance from
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the line of contact, having received intelligence confirmation of destruction. the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. our artists demonstrated accurate shooting. malka's self-propelled gun crews destroyed the enemy's temporary deployment points. the guns work on designated targets at large at distances, it takes only 4 minutes to prepare for a shot, but the crew leaves the firing line even faster and camouflages the equipment. if good specialists on the other side can determine the approximate range and approximate direction by the sound of exit and arrival. the vehicle is stationary, but due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let’s say , a good chance of hiding from observation. covering the unit at the contact line, support and missile systems strela-10 in the otleyevsky direction, the crew of such a machine was destroyed the enemy valkyrie drone, which was conducting reconnaissance of our positions, the fighters
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hit another drone with a kalashnikov machine gun. about those who selflessly and courageously fight on the front line. guard and sergeant igor bondarenko, as part of a howitzer battery , repelled an enemy attack, coming under enemy fire when changing positions, quickly brought the gun into a firing position with precision... maxim borisov and his anti-aircraft division covered our troops from air strikes, during the shelling maxim destroyed ukrainian drone, as well as six rocket launchers. the united states continues to pump arms into ukraine; washington is allocating approximately $2 billion 350 million more for these purposes, the pentagon said. the first batch will consist of items that will be written off from warehouses. of the russian ministry of defense. this arsenal is valued at $150 million. it will include artillery shells, ammunition for hymers multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, and anti-tank missiles. the remaining two-plus billion
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will be spent on ammunition for air defense systems, including patriots. they will be purchased from american manufacturers, including those already made to order from other countries. but they will have to wait. everything that is currently being manufactured, the us administration intends to redirect to the kiev regime out of turn, they noted. at the pentagon. a powerful explosion occurred at one of the weapons factories in varkansas, which now largely works for ukraine. this enterprise of the american military-industrial complex reportedly produces 155 and 105 mm artillery shells, missiles for helfires, javlins, ammunition for mortars and others. two are reported injured and one missing; there is no data yet on the causes of the explosion. an investigation is underway. the plant has currently suspended operations. in the uk today , early elections to the house of commons are being held due to the fact that prime minister richa sunok dissolved parliament after his conservative party showed its worst result in 40 years in local elections, which were held
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in early may. the main intrigue will be whether such a maneuver will be successful for the sunok; according to polls, the position of conservatives is now unlikely not the worst in history, the tories can count on only 102 parliamentary seats, while their main rival , led by keir starmer, is unprecedented. 431 mandates. in fact, the outcome of the current elections determines whether reshisun will retain the post of prime minister. unprecedented heat does not leave the capital. every day a new temperature record. weather forecasters promise another one today. the air can warm up to 34°. but tomorrow a cold atmospheric front will pass through moscow and the moscow region from west to east. sharp a decrease in temperature and pressure can provoke thunderstorms and even tornadoes. forecasters predict it will start friday afternoon. a real storm will result in heavy rain, the wind will increase to 25 m/sec, and large hail is possible. muscovites managed to feel the first manifestation of bad weather. the night before , heavy rains covered several areas of the capital, lightning continuously flashed in the sky and
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deafening peals of thunder were heard. the wind blew down the trees. an open-air festival and a summer music museum have opened in the moscow region, in new jerusalem. in that year it is dedicated to the russian seasons of sergei dyagelev. a significant phenomenon in culture. century, it was dyagelev who discovered our outstanding artists, composers, artists to the world, and made everyone admire russian ballet. at the foot of the monastery, to the music of stravinsky, the stage seemed to come to life with illustrations by bakst and roerich. the ballet firebird is inspired by russian folk tales. this is a wonderful idea, i think it’s very beautiful and colorful. this reflects well our meaning in general. our festival, because the meaning of the festival is the promotion of high art, high music, and dyagelev did this wonderfully, and even such worthy people, creators as the roman
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corsycas, were recognized only in the world, thanks to dyagelev. the music festival was opened by one of the greatest pianists of our time, nikolai lugansky, well, the culmination will be two concerts at the bolshoi theater dedicated to 180. good morning, dear tv viewers, on the calendar it’s thursday, july 4th, a secret shopper or, as he is also called, a secret client, that is, there is such a profession , not a secret, but what all these people are doing, secret, what it’s like to be such a buyer, ours experienced. correspondent anna soldatova, i must say, you know, she had to worry. any of these buyers could be secret buyers. mystery shopping is a marketing research method that allows you to evaluate
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how well the quality of service in stores, hotels and restaurants meets the standards set by the companies that organize these checks. simply put, the employees should smile at us, not be rude, tell us in detail about the product and help us with the choice, ahead of the question, reviews in the internet is biased. it is very important to remain neutral, and not to find fault with the brand, but simply to soberly and calmly evaluate all stages. service or sales, but we need to pay attention to detail so that later the sellers or other employees we are checking do not suffer. anastasia antonova came to this profession as a student and started working part-time. more than 10 years of experience, can give a master class, so as not to scare off the sellers, we film on the phone. where is the fitting room? yeah, thanks a lot. lyushka, please forgive me, this is a dirty boy here no new one. this is preparation for any visit,
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here it is important to undergo high-quality instruction, remember everything and during the visit use the acquired knowledge, instruction to go shopping, okay, let's try, you do not say hello proactively, accordingly, if you are greeted, you say hello in return , i understand, there are some sensitive sections, a block of work with infections, this is the first time i’m so nervous before going to the store, by the way, the secret shopper must make an audio recording, remember, the main thing is to behave naturally, i remember instructions, the first one - i don’t say hello, no one comes to me at all, i didn’t wait, but at what price are we 5 and a half? a little expensive
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for a floor, but they are sprint, so they are more expensive, there is a plain floor, they are at a discount now, it turned out that it is not as easy as it seems, the most difficult thing is to be impartial, they didn’t approach me right away, of course, but in general, when i i asked, they were very polite and very helpful, or i’m a very kind secret shopper, this is not my thing, payment for one visit from 3.00 rubles depends on the brand category the complexity of the research, an experienced mystery shopper can make a de...
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border without him, just like that, there are so many questions, i hope that now we will find answers to them, definitely, the birth certificate should have this citizenship stamp , but why do parents know, it’s written on the front side that both dad is a citizen and mom is a citizen, and the child, apparently, can in this case be a citizen of another state, i don’t know, in abkhazia it seems like they need this stamp, otherwise i don’t know, i don’t know, they said i need to use some kind of red one. i know something, but i can’t remember, it turns out that without it it is now impossible to register a child in an apartment and get passports and a regular foreign passport to leave the country, if this stamp is not there, then either the registration officers or the border service officers will simply -simply this child will not be allowed to go abroad, they may ask for a birth certificate even if the child has a foreign passport, i gave a stamp to my adult son, because they sometimes demanded it at the turkish border. this also confirms citizenship.
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if a minor flies only with a birth certificate, this is allowed in six countries, a stamp is required. but first, check the back of the document, it may already be there. since 2012 it was installed automatically. if not, you can get it at the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, in moscow at the mfc, by appointment or on a first-come, first-served basis. check by phone. what other documents will be required to cross the border? if. power of attorney, secondly, the consent of one of the educators, there, firstly, it is necessary to travel independently in the presence parents, both documents are drawn up by a notary, please note that the consent states all the countries in which the child will be staying, flying there, for example, yes moscow, dubai, vietnam, if he has consent it is written that the child is flying only to vietnam , then they won’t let him through, all transit countries must be registered. traveling around
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russia is easier, you only need birth certificates, while you can without a citizenship stamp and a compulsory medical insurance policy. this is a so-called paper policy, this is a policy in the form of a plastic cards with a photo, digital policies have already been issued for 2 years, they are in the form of a barcode, any will do, although there is a nuance here: if after receiving the policy you did not write an application for choosing a medical insurance company, it is better to do this before the trip. he will not be denied emergency care, but routine medical care may be denied. you also have the right to it when traveling. for this purpose, we assign the child to the clinic in the place where he will live. by law, you can do this every time you move. evgenia popova, yulia kuvabina, dmitry likhachev, channel one. in the new season on the first. a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken. do you know how it breaks? so only the shoulder is pulled by the elbow. okay, let's
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think about it. let's say you're krotov, you're wanted. there are targets for you in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified. is this a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello,
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colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book. a stellar group product, old barrel cognac, a steller group product. bourboon stirsman, a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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on the first, the pressure is normal, bye, what do you mean bye, single men don’t live long, you heard, you know, i’m coping, they cook the food, wash the floors myself, well, what does the floors have to do with it, twice a week, at least, okay, one, but regularly, and in our yard from july 7 on sundays on the first, that you became nervous, maybe you too? twice a week, what, well , the doctor says, twice a week, that ’s it, nordic walking is a great thing, you need minimal equipment, you can walk anywhere whatever you want and no age restrictions, two sticks, yes, yes, yes, if you haven’t
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tried this walking yet, be sure to try it, you definitely won’t regret it, but first, listen to what the chiropractor, neurologist, sergei dlin has to say, many young people belong to nordic walking. skeptical and in vain, this is a great way to strengthen the joints of the arms and legs, and muscles at the same time. it is important, of course, to do everything correctly. to begin with, let's select the poles to suit your height, place them on the side next to you, the handles should reach your armpits, like this. what else should i look for? pay attention to the material of the handles. if the coating is hard, you can rub your palms. in this case, you will have to wear gloves, but it is better to choose right away. the coating is pleasant to the touch, a good option is made of cork, like mine, we also check the tip, or as they also say the shoe of the stick, this nozzle at its end. i recommend using wear -resistant rubber tips, they smooth out impacts on
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the surface and protect your wrists from overuse. now you can go, we put our hands into the so-called lanyards and fasten them, so that they... but not too tightly around the wrist joints. the back should be straight, we take a step forward with our left foot, at the same time we bring forward our right arm and elbow to the end, do not straighten it, we walk, alternating the positions of our arms and legs, we push off with sticks as hard as possible. the essence of nordic walking is... part of the body weight from the feet to the hands and shoulders, we breathe evenly and deeply, we start walking with poles with a minimum load, so 15 minutes a day will be enough, we walk. so at least two or three times a week, every 7 days we add to training for 5 minutes, if you are over 50, then
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i advise you to use a heart rate monitor, make sure that your pulse does not rise above 120 beats per minute, training will help strengthen your muscles and joints, as well as your heart and lungs. nordic walking heals the whole body, the main thing is to do it regularly. while you and i are sitting at home, wild. animals come to us, very often we hear or read that a beaver, an elk, a wild boar came to visit people, but that, you know, everyone likes it when you are treated to something tasty, of course, but in general, wild animals should return, of course, to their natural habitat, thank you, he said, thank you for that, would you walk 3 km to the coptic base? and the employees raised it as if a beaver wouldn’t come for groceries instead of helping with vegetables,
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there might be a fuss, look at how many such cases there are on the internet, i wanted to sit in a secluded corner, but no, they called a tow truck, and now the base employees know what they say, without the beaver seems empty. we miss the emotions we got when we caught him, when we saw all this, but very happy that he is now free, in nature, goodbye, he surfaced again, which means he wasn’t too offended, so maybe he’ll come again, it will be like these comrades who walk through penda as if walking through their own forest, elk, wild boars, roe deer and all this in the middle of the city. during construction sites over the past week, we went out three times based on reports of the discovery of a moose, most often driving
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the animal either outside the city or into a forested area, where it would not pose a danger to others. and this is a company from udmurtia, in full control of villages of ilyinsk and baikuzino, we dig potatoes together, we during the day, they at night, slaughtering is useless, it doesn’t help, we don’t have enough strength, they come in like that, everyone listens to the leader, those who saw him up close say:
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not all pies are complicated, prepare goleta, a flat open pie is as simple as shelling pears, shortbread dough, berries are the secret ingredient, sift 250 g of flour, add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of vanilla sugar, chop 100 g of cold butter along with flour and... rub the crumbs with your hands, it is better to do this with gloves, so that the butter did not melt much from the warmth of the hands, i make a hole, add two eggs and two tablespoons of ice water, quickly knead the dough, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator while i prepare the filling, it can be any set of fruits or berries, i have currants, gooseberries and raspberries, the goleta will turn out to be very bright , juicy, i add 20. flour here so that it
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absorbs the juice that will be released during baking and sugar, its amount depends on the taste, add, roll out the dough immediately on paper , if you don’t like sweets, you can not use it at all for baking, so as not to tear when transferring, very tender fragrant, i won't compare edges, i like it this way, put it on the opposite side, grease the dough without reaching the edges, lay out the berries, close the edges like this and press with a fork, grease with yolk and put in an oven preheated to 200° for 20 minutes, you can decorate with mint, powdered sugar or lemon zest , i grate it on a coarse grater so that it can be seen, the goletta has browned and become very beautiful, i let it cool and decorate it with zest. have a beautiful summer breakfast!
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the world premiere of the ballet the tempest takes place on the new stage of the bolshoi theatre. shakespearean passions in the language of dance translated. comedy, i liked this complexity, the same complexity in the dance, modern choreography, minimum synchronization, solid broken lines and sharp movements. plot: shakespeare's sorcerer about spera lives with his daughter miranda on an island inhabited by spirits. the mystical role of the wind will be performed by lead singer mark chino. this is stronger than just a flow of air, after all, it’s a personality,
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even if it’s not a person, so i still rely more on... it seems to me a deliberate minimalist we transferred the philosophical thought in the ornaments that was present in those days to this cloak. the production is about the eternal themes of betrayal and revenge, forgiveness and, of course, love, but for ballet master vyacheslav samadurov, it is not the main theme; composer yuri krasavinin , on the contrary, focused on the lyrics, and there was some controversy. slava really doesn’t like
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sentimentality, but i’m the opposite, on this basis we are very... rita larkina, sergey morin, channel one. channel one continues the project all the world 7.375. our common project with you. he is called to unite all caring people so that there are more good deeds. you and i can help charitable foundations and their wards who really need this help. it’s easy to do this, send any amount feasible for you
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in numbers to the short number 7375, or send two words to the same number 7375: “peace to all.” then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages. you can find out all the details about the project around the world on its page, on the channel one website. today we are really looking forward to our help wards of the fund live now. and it is in our power to give them a full life. every movement through unbearable pain, sitting in a stroller is like a test. just 7 years ago denis mityugov played football and worked as a cook. then they diagnosed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or just bas. now the muscles and body don’t obey, it’s hard to hold the phone, or even breathe and talk. we duplicate all denis’s words in printed text. i guess, just so you understand, it’s like i ran 12 kilometers.
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denis doesn’t complain, he starts every morning with exercises, due to illness i had to return from kostroma to the village, my wife left, lives with her mother, my seventeen-year-old daughter ulyana helps , they said that she would not live long, she cried, but now it’s scary, patients with a diagnosis like denis’s vitally need a non-invasive device. lungs, like a cougher, this is not a device that helps us sleep at night, but these are his lungs, medical equipment, consumables, a stroller, paid for and provided by the live now charity foundation. we often face what we are asked questions, why help hopelessly ill people, we give them the opportunity to feel
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more protected, not experience pain, not experience a terrible feeling. when a person is suffocating, the fund has more than a thousand wards, we can help, the whole world, just send an sms with this phrase or any amount in numbers to the short number 7375, the main thing: be sure to confirm the transfer, or point your smartphone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen and leave any donation on the promotion page. the charity fund live now helps and for those who are just at the beginning of their journey, accept the diagnosis and simply reassure them. victoria melnikova found herself in this situation when her mother olga suddenly became ill. i heard her voice on the phone, and it was not the same as usual. and i was worried that maybe she was having a mini-stroke. speech has almost completely
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disappeared, but olga continues to work, she is an interior designer, raising her youngest seven-year-old daughter, doing homework with her. alice understands her mother from just one glance: there is a difficult path ahead, a gastrostomy tube will be installed, and medical care will be needed. equipment and never. i’ve never felt stronger in my life, i simply don’t have the right to be scared now, i have to be strong for them to overcome all sorts of routine issues, including legal ones, because i simply have no other choice, you and i can help, just one sms to the short number 7375, with any amount, numbers or phrase to the whole world, another option is to read the qr code on the page of the unique promotion of the first channel , you can leave any donation and support denis, olga and other wards of the fund, help them live now. let us remind you that
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to help the wards of the fund live now, send an sms to the short number 7375, this can be any amount in numbers, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages. or send two words “to the whole world” to the same number 7375. then a fixed amount will be debited from your account - 75 rubles. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with reply messages. all the details about our project the whole world can be found on its page on the channel one website. and right now there's a news release. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva. hello. today in kazakhstan is the second main day of the sco summit, in which vladimir putin is participating at the council of heads. states in astana will sum up the work of the shanghai cooperation organization over the past year, consider issues of its further strengthening, expanding interaction in the areas of security policy, economics and humanitarian
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ties. as a result of the summit, 24 documents will be signed, the central one of which will be the declaration of the council of heads of state of the sco. in it , leaders will consolidate consolidated approaches to current regional and international problems. also, among other things , a statement on the principles of good neighborliness, trust and partnership will be adopted. as the day before, on the sidelines of the summit , vladimir putin will also hold bilateral meetings, in particular, negotiations are planned with the acting president of iran, mahammad mahber. a new attack on the airfield of the ukrainian armed forces, the dolgintsev airbase in the dnepropetrovsk region was attacked, the target of the russian iskander m high-precision missile systems was the equipment used by the militants for attacks on crimea and zaporozhye. as reported by our ministry of defense , the mig-29 multi-role fighter, aircraft weapons and a vehicle were destroyed. engineering services. several more enemy targets were hit by crews of the geocent b towed guns of the north group of forces. our reconnaissance
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, using drones, detected the enemy's location in the vicinity of the populated area, identified the coordinates of its firing point, and from there the american m-777 howitzer operated at our positions. the information was transmitted to the artillery. volley of nato equipment destroyed. and in the southern donetsk direction there are crews of anti-aircraft missile systems. the buk of the eastern group of troops was shot down by several hymers rockets; for the buk there are no targets that it could not hit. the complex scans the sky within a radius of 100 km around the clock. the main task of the crew is to cover units on the line of combat contact. and so that the fighters themselves do not become targets for the enemy, they are constantly improving the protection of their vehicle. we attached it to our car. tailor's tape so that in case of fragments from the rszzo the car it was possible to save as much as possible, well, as much as possible, we have iron welded on top, such objects
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as baba yaga, it was possible to save our ammunition, also for protection from loitering ammunition. the airspace in the donetsk direction is controlled by our pantser s1 complexes. the vehicle carries 12 anti-aircraft missiles, in addition, it has two double-barreled guns restored. with a charge of 1,400 rounds. the crews work continuously; upon arriving at a new location, they are able to switch from standby mode to combat mode in 10 seconds. the shell is supported the latest s-350 viti complexes. one such installation simultaneously destroyed at least twelve hymers missiles. they were spotted at a distance of about 90 km and hit within 3 seconds, preventing them from reaching the target. the united states announced another package of so-called military assistance to ukraine. its total volume, the pentagon reported, will be approximately $2.350 million. the first tranche is 150 million to pay for the supply of weapons from the american arsenal. artillery shells will go in there.
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anti-tank missiles. the remaining 2 plus air defense systems, billion are intended for the purchase of ammunition for air defense systems, including patriot, from american manufacturers, and other countries that have placed orders for the same missiles from them will have to wait. everything that is currently being manufactured, the pentagon noted, the us administration intends to redirect out of turn to the kiev regime. one of the biggest. sponsors of the us democratic party, the ceo of netflix, through the press, called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race in order to put it, someone more energetic was able to defeat donald trump in the election. this was the first public statement by the party’s main donors; others are still expressing their dissatisfaction with biden privately. the head of state himself, despite criticism, is not going to leave the race, he told his associates about this during a video conference, reports cbs.
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meanwhile, joe biden's rating is a failure. for donald trump almost 50. the russian l-76 aircraft delivered more than 30 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of the sector gas the plane of the ministry of emergency situations landed at the airport in el-arizh in egypt. there the cargo will be handed over to a representative of the local red crescent society, who will send it directly to the palestinian one. our emergency department reported that since the beginning of the humanitarian mission, 28 such flights have already been carried out, more than 700 tons of food, medicine, clothing and basic necessities have been delivered. russian graduates are retaking the unified state exam today for the first time. more than 100,000 people decided to take advantage of this opportunity, that is, almost every fifth. for the second attempt , 2 days were allocated today and tomorrow. you can only retake one exam, regardless
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of the result obtained. the previous one will be cancelled. the results will be announced no later than july 17. most of those who want to improve their unified state exam score are in social studies, with computer science in second place. let me remind you that vladimir putin instructed to give graduates a second chance. and that's all for now. so, the most suitcase-holiday season is underway, but if vacation is something that everyone likes, then pack your suitcase. well it do you know? not everyone needs it, i hate this thing, i’ve somehow come to terms with it, got used to it, you know, there were times when something didn’t work out, something didn’t fit in, but somehow everything fits in for everyone, like you you're doing, but packing a suitcase for vacation, deciding what to take, how to take it without this dress, that will do too, more than fifty things, that's just for one, and how to fit everything in, the task, everything, ready, that's how i usually pack, why yes, i put things
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in piles, a couple of minutes it formed in the first compartment. mountain, go to the second, here a piece of clothing, shoes, a cosmetic bag and a hair dryer with a straightener, a solemn moment, you can close any suitcase, especially if you lie down or sit on it. a familiar motto: you can generally close a suitcase without much effort if you fold everything correctly. in arsanof, how are we going to pack it all? let's check the tips from the internet: first, make a list of things, second, learn to fold clothes. we fold it exactly as they do in the store, the sleeves are in the middle, and now we roll it up into a roller, all the clothes are collected, well, there’s a feeling, that this doesn’t really fit here, let’s move on to the second part, cosmetics, first aid kit , everything for the shower, they advise putting it in a large cosmetic bag, it’s safer, we put it in the middle, then we cover it all with equipment, no, we need to put the jackets down. this is
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a deviation from the advice, in case the suitcase is thrown unsuccessfully, they advise folding shoes approximately as they are stored in boxes, but to save space, add socks inside, besides, this will help avoid deformation, and what about jewelry, you can put it in a large cosmetic bag or in clothes , there are wires there, everything is wrong it's scary, it's closed, that's the main thing, there's another way - buy vacuum bags, you only need a vacuum cleaner, put things away and get started. now you need to put this lid on very quickly so that oxygen doesn't fill the bag again and it doesn't increase in size. it’s not easy to do this the first time; besides, they advise you to first put it in a suitcase and then put it away. air, so that it doesn’t turn out like this, it seems to me that this bag won’t fit in me now, take a vacuum cleaner again and repeat the operation, it’s better this way, on top the dress so that it doesn’t wrinkle, yes, minus the vacuum bags, you’ll have to iron everything again, least of all spoils the appearance in
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the roller, everything fits, there’s still some free space left, no, although on the internet they say that vacuum bags will save up to 70%, apparently in winter when you bring down jackets, and most importantly, don’t forget the most massive voluminous one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar, july 4th, thursday, i don’t even believe that i’m saying this date, it’s hot, why the date, because today is my birthday, again let me remind you, thank you, yumina, roman budnikov. by the way, almost 30 temperature records were recorded in russia, can you imagine, this, by the way, is in honor of your birthday; in moscow, for example, last tuesday became the hottest in the last 134 years, + 32°. wow, well , it should be hot in the summer, we’re not
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happy with everything all the time, it’s cold in the winter, it’s hot in the summer, well, yes, up to a certain limit, i agree, after that we already begin to feel somehow, no matter where that limit is, at what temperature can you not work and what is it? thermal laziness, thermal laziness, sounds good. ionkina was not too lazy to find out all this. an alpaca at the moscow zoo hides in the shadows. the giraffe refuses to go outside. cats are sleeping and are not going to wake up. even birds don’t have the strength to roam around other people’s feeders. everything is in energy saving mode because it's hot. this is the norm for animals and people. in the heat , performance decreases by 50%. mental activity at 10. air heated to 29° and above no longer relaxes, but takes away your strength, and you don’t want to work because you're tired of everything, you're just thermally lazy. but there is work, when you like it or not, go to sleep. this
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team needs to repair the road, the thermometer is +34. it’s good that employers know the labor code and adjust the working day taking into account the abnormal heat. we start the working day an hour earlier to keep it cooler. with the temperature still hot enough, we have the right to extend the validity of this order for several days. rospotrebnadzor has a list of recommendations on this matter, working outdoors with
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a temperature above 32.5° is considered extreme, it is recommended to do it in stages: 20 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest. there are recommendations for those in the premises, or more precisely for their employers. the temperature in the office or... 4 hours, and this should not affect the salary in any way. the term heat laziness seems far-fetched, such a good excuse for those who want to go to the beach instead of work, but the therapists of this clinic have already received several patients with that same heat line and its unpleasant manifestations. performance decreases, muscle pain appears, constantly. there’s no need to panic, there’s nothing wrong with you, you ’re not sick, the fever will go away, the symptoms will go away, and
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while the air temperature is approaching body temperature, it’s enough not to take stakhanov’s tricks on yourself and don’t forget to drink water. this is not the first time that ksenia ionkina, stepan erofeev, evgeniy have been associated with the heat, as marinkov and alexander ostrookhov, channel one. let's move on, marketplace. today everyone knows what it is? this is an online platform where you can purchase various goods or services, including financial ones. yes, a financial marketplace is an electronic platform on which banks, insurance companies and other financial organizations offer their products, and it is a whole ecosystem. yes. how does this system work ? is its offer profitable? let's figure it out now. what is a financial market? this. a website on the internet that allows you to compare certain financial services, products and services according to a set of parameters. gleb found a tempting offer to take the same deposits at 20%. i saw an advertisement, wrote to the bank, clarified that this is true
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offer, it’s real, yes , they told me that yes, such conditions are only for those who open a deposit through the marketplace for 3 months, but where does such generosity come from, there are no such offers even on the websites of the banks themselves, we checked, the bank does not spend employee’s money, does not spend money on, as they say in the financial market , reaching out to a client, greatly reduces its costs of attracting this client, that is , raises rates for... reducing advertising costs, the bank of russia advises using those marketplaces that are in the register, there are 10 of them, in which case the transaction can be tracked in the register of financial transactions, those that are not in the register of the bank of russia, they do not carry out illegal activities, there may be such platforms, and there are quite a lot of such platforms, but you can trust them as much as you can trust any information on the internet, and are the offers on marketplaces profitable at all? let’s figure it out, click on deposits, high rates at that same 20%, you... only for new clients of the bank, moreover, for a short period of time up to six months.
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you can place money for 6 months at 20%, but 20 per annum, yes, very important, you get 10, in most cases, everything is very strict here, no early withdrawal is possible, replenishing the deposit is also impossible, if we increase the term, the rate will go down, that is, already yes, already 17%, 16. special attention to bonus interest, as here, read the conditions, the maximum bonus amount is 3,750 rubles. with loans everything is much more complicated, well, there are no rates, why? because they can't, they, well, they don't know me as the borrower of this money , there are a lot of factors until you are in the system, or it i haven’t checked you yet, it offers an approximate monthly payment, but it’s simply impossible to understand how much you will have to overpay. monthly payment 46.054 multiplied by 12, that’s
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what you say, here it would be 10%, but in reality we don’t have 10%. should be recalculated, it will be at least 20%. here we have compound interest. marketplaces are, of course, an excellent opportunity to choose a product for yourself, compare everything, but this is not a way to make money, at best it will help fight inflation, and for this you need to be very careful study all conditions. anastasia savelyeva, sergey morin, channel one. a child and a dog, sometimes these two immediately find a common language, but sometimes there are cases when to become friends, in order to become friends, they need time, well, i think that this is normal, and they also need advice from an experienced person, such as an expert safety osman dilibash, summer is the time to travel, imagine, you came to visit your friends, and it turns out they got a dog, in this case it is important to teach the child correctly. treat,
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like this, on an open palm, without squeezing fingers, don’t pull your hand away, well done, we explain to the child that you shouldn’t grab the dog by the ears or tail, when the dog is eating, we don’t approach him, he will defend the food and... he might bite. in any case, we do not leave the child alone with the dog. another situation for which you need to prepare your child. he is alone on the street, he meets a dog, and its owner is not nearby. and now we stop, under no circumstances can we run. the dog's instinct will kick in; if someone runs away, he needs to catch up. you shouldn’t talk to the dog yet, much less smile. in the language of animals - this is a sign of aggression. we will act like this: we take off the backpack and hold it in front of us,
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now it’s as if we are creating a barrier between us and the dog. now it is important to leave the danger zone, we move backwards, with our backs, very slowly, like this. if there is some kind of obstacle nearby, a bench or a wall bars on the playground, we climb onto it. now visually we have become taller, more powerful. and the dog will not attack, all you have to do is wait, the owner of the animal will appear soon, here he is, please take the dog, be sure to tell about what happened to the parents, and you, dear adults, think about what to do about it, maybe you should talk to the dog’s owner or change where the child is walking, channel one continues the project with the whole world 7375, our common project with you, it is called to unite all caring people
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so that there are more good deeds. you and i can help charitable foundations and their wards who really need this help. it's easy to do, send it to a short number. 7375 any amount feasible for you in numbers or send to the same number 7375 two words to the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the translation in response messages, you can find out all the details about the project with the whole world on its page, on the website of the first channel. today , the wards of the fund are really looking forward to our help. now it is in our power to give them a full life. every movement through. unbearable pain, sitting in a stroller is a challenge, 7 years ago denis mityugov played football, worked as a cook, then he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or just bass, now the muscles and body don’t obey, it’s hard to hold the phone, and even breathe and talk, we duplicate all denis’s words
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in printed text. i guess, so you understand, it’s like a kilometer away from the medical center, yes. you can run for me, but they don’t have the strength, but look, i’m on my way home, cyber, except for hunger, denis doesn’t complain, every morning he starts with exercises, because of illness i had to return from kostroma to the village, his wife left, lives with her mother, helps her seventeen-year-old daughter ulyana , they said she wouldn’t live long, she cried. yes, it's scary now. patients with such a diagnosis like denis’s requires a non-invasive lung ventilation device, as well as a cough cougher. this is a non-vl device that helps us sleep at night, but these are his lungs. medical equipment, consumables, a stroller were paid for and provided by
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the live now charity foundation. we often come across the fact that we are asked questions, why help hopelessly ill people, we give them... the opportunity to feel more protected, not experience pain, not experience the terrible feeling when a person is suffocating, the fund has more than a thousand wards, we, the whole world, can help , just send an sms with this phrase or any amount in numbers to the short number 7375, the main thing is to confirm the transfer, or point your smartphone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen and leave any donation on the page stock. the live now charity foundation also helps those who are just at the beginning of their journey to accept the diagnosis and simply reassure them. victoria melnikova found herself in this situation when her mother olga suddenly became ill. i heard her voice on the phone, it wasn't like normal, and i was worried that maybe she was having a mini-stroke or something like that,
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because her speech was slow, why because she was coughing. the diagnosis of bass was made only after a year and a half, speech. almost completely disappeared, but olga continues to work, she is an interior designer, raising her youngest seven-year-old daughter, doing her homework. alice understands her mother just by looking at her. there is a difficult path ahead; a gastrostomy tube will be installed, and medical equipment will be needed. i have never in my life i didn’t feel stronger, i just don’t have the right to be scared now. i have to be strong for them to win. all sorts of routine issues, including legal ones, including, because i simply have no other choice, you and i can help, just one sms to the short number 7375, with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world. another option is to read the qr code. you can leave any
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donation on the channel one unique promotion page. and support denis, olga and other wards of the fund, help them live now. let us remind you to help your wards live now fund, send an sms to the short number 7375. this can be any amount, in numbers, the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages. or send two words to the same number 7375: all over the world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer in response messages. all the details about our project the whole world can be found on its page on the channel one website. and right now there is advertising. oatmeal with milk, incompatible foods, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, today on first, don’t worry, do everything you’re told, we’re here, everything will be fine.
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well, well, well, guys, we're working, we're working, fortune teller, today's first. god forbid you get into the same situation, i would see how you would behave in my place, it seems to me, i know, we were looking in the wrong place, for the anniversary of zhanna frisky, zhanochka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very little, she was born just like that, mom, here is your artist, we gave 50 concerts a month, but we already... joked that if we let's get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, what happened to me and what is happening to me, i didn't even dream about it, let's
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go there with you, cute, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky , very similar to one actress, i honestly say this, it’s true, i was zhanna at the very, very top, a superstar, an unattainable dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition for the circus, i came all in shadows, well zhana , well, maybe you don’t need it, like you don’t need it, no, you need it, i want it, i want it to be mine it turned out, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, but she is so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, well done, the premiere is on sunday on the first, the multi-part series continues on the first channel. the story of two ural families against the background of the history of the side. the river of time flows, eras change,
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the lives of the heroes change, something happens all the time in this life, and we watch it with pleasure, and that’s why we love sagas, there will be a movie in the evening, can you imagine, oh, lyubka, yes stop, i’ll stop, come on, come on, dance, family saga, a favorite genre in our country, let’s remember those films that don’t disappear at noon, the eternal call, now here are two shores. the history of several generations of a family, the history of the country, a time period of 60 years, very great sacrifices so that this grain of the family, it is preserved, so that the clan in which the children are raised, the ermakov clan, it exists, so that it does not collapse, and tragedies , which happen, they happen, there are a lot of them, he , of course, tries to somehow smooth them out. zakhar ermakov went through more than one war, the twenty-fifth rifle regiment, a machine gunner, in the forty-fifth he returned from... now he is working for the good of the country, developing the collective farm. eh, zakhar andreevich, how are you? let's get into the frame, into the frame. if we talk
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about the era, the main thing is that the memory does not fall apart, so that these cells, puzzles from our personal lives do not fall out. these are our ancestors, these are the ancestors of our ancestors, this is where we come from, what they did, what they loved. zakhara’s family, daughter, two sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, live in the ural village. in this house his ancestors rejoiced. were sad the memory of them in the heart, to preserve this most important, subtle thing and not to lose children. the new generation, sons are always different from children, they go a little in the wrong direction that their fathers would like, well, this is natural, it is quite russian, turgenev-like, appropriate, a saga is like a river, a leisurely smooth narrative, human destinies, like droplets in a big river, as you can imagine, the heart clenches, the women in the drama are different, but... support each other, the director of the film two banks olga subotina, only another woman can understand woman, the name is one of heroin, olga, by chance,
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olga, a person, uh, who may seem soft, but this is not entirely true, a very powerful core inside, harsh war years, trials, hardships, raising children alone and faith in love, eras change, but the feeling remains, the female roles are played, in my opinion, well, the truth is entrusted to anya torotorkina. difficult mission, mighty sherlovskaya, well done, what a knife she also took on herself, the idea of ​​the clan, the memory of the family, special attention to detail, i really wanted to fill in more all sorts of little ural delights, because these are all sorts of mugs that they made themselves, grandfather sergei made these mugs from aluminum, he beat them there himself, if everything were so smooth, i will excommunicate you from the family, the situation, frankly speaking, is not sugar, premiere on the first channel the saga of two shores tonight, they still trust you, but you understand, the apple is from... they say: victoria olinskaya, maria bronzova, konstantin struchkov, yuri lebedev, channel one. well, this is where our program
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ends, but a new summer day is only begins, we wish you that it turns out just great for you. good news to you, good health and that everything goes well. stay on the first page, see you, bye-bye, bye. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. the main day of the summit in astana is a meeting of the council of heads of state of the sco, vladimir putin takes part in it, it began with the signing ceremony of documents on the admission of belarus to the association.
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our vitez is self-sufficient and reliable. this the machine does everything, roughly speaking, itself. the newest fvo s-350 complex is a worthy response to american systems. the main goal of vitezh. each launcher has 12 anti-aircraft guided missiles. and an iskander strike on an enemy military airfield in krivoy rog. disappointing forecasts for conservatives regarding the possible historical success of the leipzers. britain today. early elections to the house of commons irish sunok risks becoming the first prime minister to fail to qualify for parliament. for the first time, on instructions from the president, today and tomorrow graduates have the opportunity retake any unified state examination subject if you are not satisfied with the scores received, no matter how many people want it.


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