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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 4, 2024 10:10am-10:59am MSK

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first lady, you heard, you heard, this is a huge comparison. and i, of course, today am in nitpicking mode, i would add a white strap to the jacket to raise the waist a little higher to make it narrower, and i would add to this set a white pump from the second look, there is a higher heel, this will be the maximum monochrome look, what do you think about it? i think that you are a cool specialist, and i think that after our show you should experiment with all the new things, well, yes.
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mikhail also needs to loosen up somehow, you men are serious, thorough, we have no doubt, but you have to be there, catch up, definitely, evelina, the floor is yours, and i think that now your mother is sitting and wondering how she will reattach this suit to you so that it fits perfectly, because she after all, she knows how to sew and sees what i see, she already has a couple of thoughts, they are correct, my dear, yes. so you and your mother will work on this costume, i think this is a great idea and a great ending to today’s episode, nina dmitrievna, mikhail, yulia, come up to podium, congratulate your beloved, holy, roses, beautiful, well, julia, we congratulate you on your transformation, we applaud your new image, the work of our stylists, we give all three sets of clothes. from the program
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is a fashionable verdict, and if you, like our today’s heroine yulia, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel, using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you at the first one, all the best. the first channel presents. oatmeal with milk, incompatible products, about this and much more in the program, to live healthy, well, let 's start our program with the topic of being tired with. because the sun is a serious
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risk factor for life. so, tired of the sun is a special project in our program, and today the heart is in this project. german shavach, years old.
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exactly like that, in your own garden, at your own dacha in the summer, please tell us how it was with you, i was working in the garden, and of course, it was already 12 o’clock, it was hot, i understood that it’s not worth it, well somehow i got carried away, suddenly at some point i felt that... my head ached,
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my heart ached, and not as usual, but somehow terribly, downright unbearable, i know. that you even lost consciousness, that’s right, they already called an ambulance, not even you, but your husband, that’s right, you were taken to the hospital soon, that’s right, and there they diagnosed a myocardial infarction, that’s right, well, that’s the story, so let’s start with that , that we will show a clock when at least older people and children should not be on the street, they should not, on our screen the clock is the most dangerous hours. this is from 11 o’clock to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, these 4 hours, the installation is very strong, we sweat, we lose water on the one hand, and electrolytes on the other, this leads to
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a worsening of the course of diseases of the cardiovascular system, i want andrei petrovich came to our 10 glasses of water, here are 10 glasses. of water per day, we recommend absolutely everyone in normal times of the year, not in summer, but in summer, when it’s hot, the recommendation is to increase this to 15 glasses, so that you drink at least 3 liters, i’m almost sure that while working in the garden you didn’t take a single sip of water, no, of course, but everyone is working, everyone is busy, i just want to show you again if you are sweating.
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systems, how does it work? there is a pacemaker, the sinus node, which gives electrical orders to the entire heart, it contracts when we lose electrolytes, chaos begins in the conduction system of the heart , atrial fibrillation occurs, it has been shown that hot days have a chance of developing a disorder.
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there with our vessels, the task of the vessels is to expand, why? because we must give off heat so as not to overheat. what do we have it turns out? on the one hand, we become dehydrated, on the other hand, our blood vessels dilate,
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blood pressure drops again and the person faints. therefore, during such periods it is hot for people. with hypertension, whose blood pressure drops significantly, we reduce the dosage of medications; for people with heart failure, we sometimes reduce the dose of muscle suppressants, so that no one falls and breaks something, so that you do not lose consciousness, once again, two groups medications, globally - these are all antihypertensive medications that lower blood pressure.
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there were things to do, well, right away, when she arrived soon she gave injections, then they brought her to the hospital,
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they also took a cardiogram there again, how long did you stay there? i stayed there for 2 weeks, then when i was discharged, i was still at home for two weeks, i didn’t have any strength at all, but now i have strength again in the garden, oh, now i’m already plowing, i’m very afraid now, i ’ll try less work and... let's show you again the hours where you personally should not be outside in the sun, you and other older people and children absolutely not necessary, because the sun is not always your friend. let's take a short break and then continue. my home, dear women, don’t make the mistake i made, don’t eat
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porridge with milk, oatmeal with milk turned out to be a useless dish, prepare porridge correctly, yoga for prostatitis, you can walk to the kremlin on your buttocks, but it won’t have any effect on the prostate no relation, advice. from the internet, which cannot be followed, harmful age, can out of the blue be rude to a cashier in a supermarket, or to a doctor at the reception desk, in clinic, to myself, i’m completely silent. why older people become grumpier over the years and how to understand that aggression is a disease. two shores, a lot of prime minister. watch the movie after the program, time, girl, girl, dark
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nights, raspberries, raspberries, mom, i’m dancing, well , where is the heart that will love me. your neighbors are sleeping, polar bears, goodbye mom, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost, fantastic, tomorrow is the first, the closing ceremony of the russia exhibition. july 6, on the first,
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well, we’ll go to the people, edgarova, education, why are you surprised, the twenty-fifth house over there is actually being cleaned by a candidate of science, don’t understand, don’t understand, no, don’t say, well, well, police major, red-hot sergeevich, was one of the three most promising investigators. only interpol remained, i didn’t give him my sweatshirt, what’s going on with the registration?
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july 7 on sunday at the first, well , here it is, dear friends, mikhaila yegorch and i made that dish that millions of people make, oatmeal with... at the beginning of the program he almost choked when i sternly told him: incompatible, bring it to us these two incompatible products, oatmeal and milk, in principle, both products are good,
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that’s right, both oatmeal and milk, mockups are already waiting for us, we have made them. we’re talking about incompatibility, we don’t mean we have no complaints about them, but when we are harmful to health, but the fact that you have no benefit, loss of useful qualities, so, andrey petrovich, you have the floor, drink milk, children, you will be healthy, it’s true, that’s what adults said too. why we love dairy products, because it is a source of calcium for you and me, look at calcium here, this is a good bone, when there is a good amount of calcium, and this is a bone from a person who has low calcium, he has osteoporosis, what is the difference, is that this one breaks, and this one is strong, so
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dairy products are really good for us -really needed. mikhail egorich. yes, but we should also talk about the fact that oatmeal contains fetic acid, which in itself is also good in principle, it helps lower blood sugar, reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer, and so on, but here we are we see separately, you see, this is calcium, and this is fetic acid, separately calcium takes it calmly, it... this is the intestine, this is the mucous intestine, this calcium just calmly enters our body, the vascular network, this is fetic acid from oatmeal, but when they are together in this complex, calcium cannot be absorbed where it is needed, so phytic acid simply
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blocks it and it is simply removed from our body, this is the situation, dear friends! so both products are good, but in general, dairy products are the main source of calcium in food, unfortunately, porridge, we talked about oatmeal, the same semolina porridge, and so on and so on and so on, porridge, unfortunately, does not allow calcium to be absorbed when this is important, first, this is important, when you introduce complementary foods to children, it is important to understand that no one now starts complementary foods, that’s right, it starts. only with vegetables so that children receive all the minerals, let’s say we don’t start, and we always understand that semolina, oatmeal, despite the fact that we treat them well, if they are made with milk, then calcium from them will not be absorbed, it’s bad for children, for women over fifty it’s also bad, what
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happens to calcium from the bones over fifty, it’s all very simple, osteoporosis begins because the level of female sex hormones estrogen decreases and the bones are not being completed as well, and this threatens fractures. therefore, dear women, do not make the mistake that i did, do not eat porridge with milk, how can we eat porridge, our cook alexey came to us with his ideal. lyoshka, come here, straight from the oven, straight from the oven, look, it’s the perfect theme, because i even understand that when the kids start feeding, they want the meal to turn into some kind of holiday, well, or there was some kind of variation, that is, we take an apple, pull out the hot middle, yes it does it’s just made, here’s the dry cereal, it’s steamed along with the apple
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filling, this one’s great, but put an apple here, no, put your beautiful one in, let’s do it like this. oh, super, what a beauty, yes, that is, we took oatmeal with its fetic acid, now it’s an acid it doesn’t bother anyone, no, at least we’ll get all the benefits of oatmeal, but we won’t block anything good, at another meal, please, milk and dairy products, right, right? we have to try, lyosha, your jackpot, i specially put it in the cold one, what am i putting up with in gloves? we’re worried about myself , lyosha, but i think it will cool down faster, even look, in principle, you can see how good it is. steamed due to the fact that it is warm, you see how beautiful it is, just apple juice, we didn’t do anything, it i’ve drowned myself, so i ’ll cut it into small pieces, no, it’s good, and there’s a taste,
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there’s this sourness from the apple, it’s nice, i’ve been feeding german shaevich since my student years, but take a sour apple, the taste will be a little sour, thanks mikhail egorovich, good. the breakfast is wonderful, delicious, it’s nice, guys, it’s nice, thank you, thank you, very good, well , chewing so happily, we finish the conversation about food, we are waiting for a conversation about serious men’s problems, diseases with a male character, which some people treat by internet, i want to say that we do the whole cycle in our program together with...
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botkin hospital, moscow urological center. it was opened in december twenty-third and became the largest urological center in the world. today the best urologists of our country are gathered here. the head of the center is the chief urologist of russia, a world-famous doctor, academician pushkai. pushkar's team has the greatest achievements in the field of urology and the greatest experience in performing robotics.
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adenoma and prostate cancer, the largest, the largest, the very best, all this is about moscow the most extensive experience in non-invasive treatment is the urological center. so, friends, this prostate gland or prostate, i am heading to our medical site, where today the doctor of the moscow urological center, professor and doctor of medical sciences, badre two sai, works. so, our wonderful guest, lower your sleeve, they took your blood, we took your blood for prostate-specific antigen, psa. and today we have a patient who is diagnosed with prostatitis, doctor, this patient is being treated on his own, indeed, you have been drinking for many years studied, defended a dissertation, every 5 years you study for a diploma, confirm it, and people themselves find a way out of difficult situations, i’m right, well, i tried to find it, but
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show me how you tried, it’s exciting, let’s go, while we show you what advice they give on the internet, i was amazed, it turns out that if you walk on your buttocks, who knows how to walk on your buttocks, raise your hands, you won’t have prostatitis, we watch a video, and you show us your exercises, the most popular among... in methods for treatment of prostatitis, this walking on your buttocks, hands in front of you , slowly walking back and forth, we do one on the floor, the second on a chair, on the butt in one direction then the other, 100 times forward on buns, 100 times back, your prostatitis will go away forever, well, in short , walking on their buttocks, any men walking, they were scared, it seemed to me, judging by the videos of our guest... that half the country of men walks on their buttocks, the situation is desperate, please tell me how long you walk on your buttocks, and can you walk , do this,
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if you want to walk on your buttocks, walk, really i’ve been going for a month and a half, but so far it’s not helping, it’s not helping in any way, because the pain and stinging, the moaning emission, it’s constant day and night, it’s a terrible disease, friends, how long do you want to walk until you get the result, who are you? ? these guys say how long you need to walk, like, walk for a month on your buttocks and the prostatitis will go away, and another month on your buttocks the money will come, and another month i don’t know, something else will happen, fine, they say differently, 3-4 months, that is, some things begin i didn't see any improvement, but i i feel that there are no improvements ahead , something is somehow not looming, so i would like a professional’s opinion on what to do. disturbance of urination, that
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is, it can be an increased urge, spontaneous urination, and sometimes, when obstructive symptoms begin to predominate, when the gland flows away due to inflammation, then a weak stream of urine, accordingly, there can be up to a delay in acute prostatitis , such swelling can be that there may be acute urinary retention and, accordingly, pain symptoms, that is this is pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, pain may be in the canal, but...
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i understand, i understand, doctor, where is the prostate, so, here is the buttock, this is what, this is the bone, this is the spine, this is the tailbone and sacrum , then this is what, that is, there is no prostate here, then, doctor, this is the rectum, there is no prostate there either, here is the bladder, yeah. here is the prostate gland, this is pinching, it turns out that the motiscal canal passes through its thickness, it’s clear, it’s clear, yes, i understand in this way, don’t press on the buttocks, no interpretation, there’s a bone there, i i understand, you can’t reach the prostate, that’s right, doctor, no, we are not against physical exercise, in any case, it strengthens the pelvic floor, but it shouldn’t be confused, i...
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it doesn’t happen in men, that’s when we discuss it with women there cystitis, for example, in men it is always involved, unfortunately, the representative gland is involved in ascending infections of urethritis, so prostatitis can occur, can i show you, look, here is the urethra, here it is, see, here it comes, you see, here it is
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prostate... gland, you see here, that is, there is an entrance, because the sperm is released into the urethra here , so there is the possibility of infection entering the prostate gland, understandable, so the ascending path - this may be one of the most common paths in men, let's go to another layout, so this is bacterial inflammation, really, professor, the question arises, if this is bacterial inflammation, what is it called? treat, do you have any logical thoughts, well , some kind of antibacterial, as i understand it, drugs, spasmodic, but i thought only for he walks on his buttocks, well done, everything is correct, correct, absolutely correct, when we figure out which microbe causes inflammation, accordingly we prescribe the appropriate antibiotic, but here we must remember that we must prescribe an antibiotic that will penetrate the prostate, this is not so easy for antibiotics ,
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that's why. another group of drugs, i will also show it, men may also need it or not, well, antispasmodics, yes, they relieve spasms, but here... more critical, more often we prescribe selective alpha blockers, which relax the muscle tissue of the prostate, they give an effect more easily, dear professor, i want to give you a man who has already had his way with his buttocks, it’s time to talk to a real doctor with a real doctor to solve your problems, please take him under your wing, okay, definitely, thank you.
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thank you, thank you for coming and for not being afraid, at least we were able to raise this topic, the topic is very delicate, so i kind of wanted to figure it out myself, you know, but they came out phenomenally on the buttocks, i don’t want that. tosya, tosya, don't touch me, i don’t want to see you, tosya, what happened there, denis, i really didn’t want to, dad, it happened by accident, you brought trouble on us, look what you did, i’ll excommunicate you. from birth. two banks. premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. at the entrance to the legendary bam village, the star greets us with this wedge heel. 50 years ago, the pioneers got here on it.
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so we landed there on the banks of the tayura river. then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous, impassable taiga. and in the cold, in 50, and 53°, in the rain. we didn’t look at any conditions, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what’s beyond the horizon, but the horizon goes away, and you’re chasing it, we had a group of 13 people, a year later from these thirteen there were five left, another year from these there are only thirteen of us left, we just have to get used to this road, get used to the routine, to the slopes, i saw what an earthquake was, right in the mug the water was gurgling and things were all hanging on the radiator, water... this is the enemy, for the tunnels, this is the enemy. the strong will remain, the weak will leave. in saturday on the first. how famous artists confess their love to their other halves,
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we will talk about this in our studio. it was some kind of impulse. i was the first to confess my love, told him that i loved him, and he hung there for a while and asked me why? 7 years old, my first husband brought me a journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago, he’s still interviewing me, you’re real, sasha, how did you confess your love? it was disgusting, i think.
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"a woman was killed and we're talking about the devil and the heart didn’t break, do you know how it’s torn, it’s just the shoulder giving away and the elbow pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good you had no preparation, sooner or later you will be identified anyway, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping." well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of security, let him
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urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting us help, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. so, friends, in our studio there is a trumpet of truth, this means that a person has come to us who has some problems, in these problems it is necessary to deal with the human, medical point of view, we are listening to your story, i am 47
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years old, my mother is already 80, i love my mother very much, when i was little, it was very difficult for my mother, she raised me alone, but she coped with everything perfectly, i’m very... for everything, but for some time now my mother’s character began to change greatly, she became very irritable, impatient, and does not tolerate any contradictions addressed to her at all. doesn’t listen to anyone, neither doctors nor me, sometimes even shows aggressiveness, maybe out of the blue to be rude to a cashier in a supermarket, or to a doctor at the reception desk, i keep silent to myself, i hold on with all my strength, but i really do my best to do for her everything that is needed to make her feel good, in response they only get rudeness, very i’m worried about this, and began to think about hiring a nurse
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so that my mother would be under supervision all the time, and my best friend began to advise me to remove myself from this situation and stop feeling her as my mother, since the person still does not appreciate all my efforts , then at least save your nerves, what question are you asking us? and i’m ashamed to leave my mother alone, but i really don’t know. how can i be? so, 80 years old, attacks of aggression, complete loss of relationship with my daughter. herman sherach is a medical problem, 100%. look, certain parts of our brain are responsible for aggressive behavior, the deep parts of the amegdalate, or this is the frontal part of our brain.
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or senile dementia, you just see how it has atrophied, you cannot distance yourself 100% from your mother, she is a sick person, and your it’s my duty as a daughter to continue to look after her, the idea of ​​a nurse is one hundred percent positive, but you also need to train your mother to agree to be a nurse, your doctor, these are doctors... like a gerontologist, a psychiatrist, one who deals with personality changes
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in older people , aggression can be removed with the help of medications, but this is decided by a psychiatrist. i want to emphasize, sudden changes in character may turn out to be a tumor of the frontal lobe, this is a very well-known medical phenomenon, so could this be the onset of alzheimer's disease, of course it could, could it it could be a tumor. it hurts so much, it’s so bad, she can’t get up on her own
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, that she sometimes screams, and sometimes you can’t even understand whether it’s from pain, whether it’s on us, or where, this, this is a very difficult period, very difficult, when it’s 100 times harder for our parents than for us, it’s just unpleasant for us that they show aggression towards us, it’s unpleasant, but my mother needs to be examined, what else is happening at this age andrei petrovich, there’s also the issue of loss of control, control. this is exactly the behavior, please look, we have a train here, start it, lina vasilyevna, we want to show that our emotions run in circles, especially emotions that can be aggressive, but we have special centers in our heads, these are the frontal lobes, they know how to control this negative, they know how to slow down, and if this braking mechanism works, then the aggression will be stopped at...
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yo, she told me: “lena, very calmly, i see that you change your dress all the time, i know that all the dresses are mine, you took them from me, i i understand why." you wear them, i’ve already contacted the police, but not to the local police officer yet didn’t go, what did i do, if i were an inadequate person, i would say, as you might think, how do you like this, look at your dresses, yes, i’m 30 years younger than you, why, why, i her i listened
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carefully, i understood that if i got involved, the aggression would triple, because the person had anxiety.
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no one else, it helps perfectly, the ability to communicate, nothing else. mikhail egorevich, aggression is normal, when they run at us with a hammer, aggression is adequate, aggression is inadequate, when you understand that this aggression still requires a psychiatric approach. well, aggression happens, we understand that the character changes in older people, but sometimes aggression is pathological. pathological aggression is when... older people react inappropriately to children, they can pull them down physically , including when they begin to use obscene language, that is, something that was not noticed before, when they forget about the period or
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episode of this aggression , that is, the first one came, screamed, screamed, then bang, everything is fine, this is also a pathology when they do it again. i told him about what, about whom, this is my story, he told me his life story, about his grandmother, who hated both her son and daughter, loved only her ten-year-old grandson andryusha, this one, when he was 10 years old, such is life, now we want to show you nerve cells, what active life is, when the brain,
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as german shyach showed, these are nerve cells that communicate with each other, they grow, this is memory, this is mood, this is like this, like this. this is how nerve cells connect, it’s all great, now we let's show the death of a nerve cell, this is when a brain like this is formed, the death of a nerve cell, let's show it, look, now before our eyes all the processes, all connections will be broken, old age is a break in nerve connections and interruption of connections with others,
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everything was closed , we were driving along a cobblestone street, that's who should have hit my head on this road, it was me, because i rolled her, how bad she felt, how afraid she was, when we got into the car, she says, i never did that i didn’t want to go to the hospital, i burst into tears, i said, mom, forgive me, she he says, daughter, you have good intentions, this is terrible, i’m about to start crying again, in short, i need a psychiatrist, i need to go, then what kind of person... are you a person, leave your mother, a bad person, stay a mother, a good person, yes , but, decide for yourself, yes, of course, when you know that there is a solution for this, then... you need to use it. what decision did you make? it is very reassuring when you understand that these are not just some
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outbursts of mood that are inexplicable to us, when you understand that this is conditioned, some physical processes, that this is a disease. this means that if it is diagnosed, it can be cured. and this is very encouraging. and of course, i will make every effort and... i will take my mother to a psychiatrist, we will do an mri to understand the reason for this drastic change in her character, and this is very encouraging to me, so of course i will do everything to solve this problem positively and preserve our relationship with her for many years to come. the end of life is not the best time in life, each of us will simply have to go through it. what will it be like, who will it be whether there will be children nearby, everyone will have their own way, but do not have any illusions,
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global improvements will not happen, treatment will help, will relieve aggression, but this is the end of life, what can you do, it would be nice to die overnight happy surrounded by children grandchildren, god grant that it will be like this for everyone, for you and me . okay, may you have a healthy life. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live. this. the program will tell time in the studio of oles losev. our fighters knocked out ukrainian militants from the canal area in the city of chasov yar.
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it should be noted that the fighting there was very difficult. our military pressed the armed forces of ukraine from literally every floor and every basement. now our flags are installed in the westernmost building in this microdistrict. and what is happening now in hour yar. we will find out whether our soldiers are able to advance further from the war correspondent of the volunteer corps of the russian ministry of defense, pavel. pavel, hello, yes, ales, hello, indeed, how correct, you noticed, the fiercest battles are going on in the hours of yari, here the day before, the heroic fighters, guardsmen, paratroopers of the ninety-eighth svir division, from ivanovo, managed to knock out the ukronazis from the extreme point, the fortification, the last fortification that they held in the canal microdistrict, this is on oleg byshevoy street, house 8, these are the shots where they place flags, just this fortification that was there the day before.


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