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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 4, 2024 11:00am-11:52am MSK

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as you correctly noted, the fiercest battles are now going on in yari just the day before, and the heroic fighters, guardsmen, paratroopers of the ninety-eighth svir division from ivanovo managed to knock out the ukronazis from the extreme point , fortifying the last fortification that they held in the microdistrict, the canal, this is on oleg bashilov street , building eight , here are those shots and where they are - they are putting up, planting flags, just this fortification, which was taken the day before, and after... a serious assault, now we can say that the kanal microdistrict has been cleared of ukranazis, this is the eastern ledge of the city of hours, and the enemy has transferred the remnants of his units to the western bank of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, is now gaining a foothold there, the fighting continues, the fighting is very difficult, indeed the enemy is putting up desperate resistance, but nevertheless we are moving forward, here are the northern also soldiers of the volunteer corps now. cleared
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the forest area, which is closely adjacent just to the kanal microdistrict of the northern part, with battles they are advancing in the settlement of kalinovka, which is located in the northern chasyar, fighting is going on in this settlement, with its liberation we will be able to press pincers around chasyar from the north and enter this city from the north. yeah, well, i see, here of course the question arises: the seversky donetsk canal now, what is it like, is it full? naturally used as a line of defense, it will have to be forced, but again the decision is made by the general staff, we can only assume that perhaps the same path will be chosen as in avdeevka, when they entered from the north and south. our units, but the point is
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that in any case, in some place the canal will need to be crossed, to the south from the ivanovsky side we already have a small bridgehead on the western bank of this canal, our fighters are entrenched there and are pressing from the south, so , in principle, we already have experience in overcoming this obstacle, so in principle - well, let's just say that for our fighters this is of course a complication, but not an insurmountable barrier to moving forward. that is, i understand that there are groundwork, there are prospects, but in this regard , i would like to understand, taking into account how the enemy snaps, what groundwork he has, will he use his reserves and new weapons in that direction? well, oles helps a lot with this, of course, so of course the ukronazis have the strength, i would not say that they are not undertaking a huge number of counterattacks at the moment, but there is information. that they
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are quite seriously gaining a foothold, that while the fighting was going on in the kanal microdistrict, fortifications were hastily built directly on the western bank, of course they won’t surrender hours now without a fight, we are moving in the area of ​​​​the settlement of druzhba, which is literally already there, 3 km from toretsk, also in the direction of new york, in new york itself, new york - i repeat, the ukranazi was renamed novgorodsk.
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already, when the fighters move forward to new york, their motivation clearly increases, and so in this settlement there are already battles going on, ukrainian publics admit this, in the cheretinsky direction, it can already be safely called pokrovsky, since cheretinsky is ours , ahead of us is the city of krasnoarmeysk, which the new ukrainian government also renamed pokrovsk in its own way, but we already know that the expired president zelensky was photographed there, and this... that’s all, where he is photographed, yes, as a rule, we liberate these settlements, literally in the near future, our experts suggest , thank you very much, pavel kukushkin was in direct contact with us, but we can only guess what reaction the headline of some publication will cause in the united states : the russians have entered new york, but we still have to study this, but for now the ukrainians urgently need organize a new attack on front. for the re-election of joseph biden
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as president of the united states, this is such a dependence, and the former secretary of state openly spoke about this dependence, then obviously many in our country will do everything possible to... re-elect president biden, but petra, let's take it step by step, let's let's get the supplies first, give them to your soldiers, try to get some of the russian frozen assets, let's work on nato, if the worst happens, if trump wins, we'll all have to decide what to do, but in ukraine the statement is that zelensky actually sold the ukrainian people, making them collateral for another loan, with this...
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they tried to knock the russians out of the kharkov direction, this was a very necessary pr victory for zelensky’s visits to the west, meetings with biden, meetings with nato, it didn’t work out absolutely nothing, although about eight brigades were involved in the offensive, now they won’t be able to do anything strategic at all, because they don’t have the strength, at the operational level they can try, but there are a few nuances, which they are up to...
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more than 1500 killed, now it’s exactly the same thing that has no strategic consequences, it won’t do anything, at best, it will allow us to win 2-3 weeks of the war there as such, but that’s 2-3 weeks in for the benefit of life, the crisis in ukraine arose due to the absolutely unceremonious policy
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of the united states, led by its satellites, and of course this is very well connected with what hillary clinton said, that is, they want to, well, as i understand it, make this crisis as much as possible. they are protecting new york, so in this i mean, by the way, by the way, i thought, if new york takes this additional incentive for our fighters, maybe we can rename the lions london for a while, so that the british don’t give you peace, so that there’s a reason, and as for hillary clinton, listen, well
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, it’s clear that success or failure, tactical success, strategic success of the ukrainian army at the front, is unlikely to add or subtract any votes, that’s not what determines the use of the ukrainian theme, they will definitely, we saw it was mentioned at the debates, but it’s clear that there was no current situation at the front , yes, it is unlikely that this will sharply raise or lower the ratings of biden or trump, but pay attention, a very important, in fact , a conversation took place with poroshenko, so i imagined for a second if some republican party representative, trump supporter. or trump personally would have talked with some pseudo-zelensky or with someone else and said: dig up dirt on my opponent for me, let’s organize something together for our elections, now it would be was on all the front pages of american newspapers, if anyone doesn’t believe it, remember
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zelensky’s conversation with the living trump, with the real one, when, excuse me, they announced impeachment for this very matter, for the fact that trump asked to dig up documents there in kiev for... help him in the election campaign, the president was impeached for this, and so, now i see, there is complete silence, as if this conversation did not take place in the american press, well , at all... they are not discussing, well, it doesn’t matter, you know, yes, indeed, they absolutely don’t give a damn about what will happen to the ukrainians, yes, hillary can say, send another hundred thousand to the front so that the situation can be pulled up before the elections, the lives of the natives, you know, the sheriff never cared about, so the main thing is that the citizens of the united states do not die, this is the most important thing, they are people, real new -york was calm, and this can be sacrificed by itself mish, interesting. what do you think will be the outcome of this counteroffensive that will satisfy the united states? in general
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, it’s not just strange for me to discuss this, i’m surprised at hillary’s amazing impudence when she’s serious argues that the ukrainian people are an instrument of the election campaign of the us president, this is horror, well, that is, it is obvious that the entire ukrainian people are being held hostage by washington, and as hostages for slaughter they have been sold to the zelenskys, the entire ukrainian people, to the americans, and in fact, what are they they are waiting for what... this will happen until either ukraine’s weapons run out, or the ukrainian people, who are already running out, are already dying at recruiting stations, because they are conscripting cancer patients, they are conscripting schizophrenics, they are conscripting people who are not capable of conducting, let alone some kind of real offensive or counter-offensive, who are not capable of holding weapons in their hands, nevertheless they hold on to us pavel kukushkin just told us about this.
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the main result is to sell his skin at a higher price, but for some reason he does not take into account that in the west there is now too much competition in the market for selling skins. a short ad and we'll be back. it's a very berry time, and we decided to divide the word berries so that we get me and the years. the point is that it came out a huge study that showed that not all three unique berries have the ability to prolong life. about these berries about many others in the program it’s great to live,
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tomorrow on the first, girl, girl, dark night, raspberries and bodinki, mom i’m dancing, offering, batting, but where. the heart that will love me, neighbors sleeping by the wall, polar bears, goodbye, mom, goodbye, mom, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost, fantasy, tomorrow on the first day, ceremonial closing of the exhibition russia july 6
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on the first day, this is pretty to her, the whole house is in bears, she is 15 years old, volodya, at the age of 15 they give other gifts, she only has tennis, how is your pension, i am hunchbacked, volodya, that your daughter has become a person, and you show up with this... bear, of course, she loves you , you ’re so good, not a father, an ideal, where is the trash can here, at the exit, and in our yard from july 7th on sundays on the first, but stop nagging, she has tests, exams, exams, well, she’s not going anywhere will go away, wander around the city, clear his head, come back, wander around the city, lived for so many years, shut up, you go to the kitchen.
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when i was 5 years old i put zhani on a dress. and stood, sang songs in front of the mirror, wanted to be like her, well, what do women regret, about love, there were quite a lot of disappointments when you expect from a person the same emotions that you give him, you don’t get it in return, the first question, i say, when will there be grandchildren, dad says, tell me, well , from whom, everything is fine with me, i’m in love, mom,
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congratulations, you have a grandson, that was a joy, only then, but there is plato, plato - this is a continuation of zhanna, there is a memory of zhanna, the premiere is on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts haven’t broken, do you know how she’s torn, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you are krotov, you are wanted. “there are targets for you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always
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careful, hello, colonel kostenko. the confrontation of the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the information channel on the first continues, we are working live. today the main day of the shanghai
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cooperation organization summit is taking place in astana. at this moment there is a meeting of the council of heads of state of the sco, in which vladimir putin is participating. the president emphasized in his speech that a multipolar world has already become a reality. new centers of power and economic growth are emerging and strengthening. we are convinced that the shanghai cooperation organization, along with brix, are the main pillars of the emerging new world order. it is these associations that act as a powerful locomotive of global development processes. assertion of true multipolarity, a step in this direction is the initiative of the sco member states on world unity for a fair world of consent, a decision on the promotion that we must take today. this initiative is clearly aimed at
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development of confidence-building measures in the field of stability and security. first of all. in our common eurasian region, such measures that would guarantee conditions for sustainable growth for everyone equally, regardless of the political and economic system, belonging to a particular religion or denomination, or the particular cultural structure. by the way, russia’s proposal to create a new architecture of cooperation, indivisible security and development in eurasia is in the same vein.
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and prospects and measures of interaction there, naturally, in the west they are watching very closely, and in general these organizations brix, the sco - this is very stressful for them, well, the sco is primarily about measures, so to speak, of confidence in the military field, in the area of ​​​​ensuring the security of common borders, here of course the united the states are nervous because they are afraid that it will finally appear, well , for us, finally, if it appears, but for them, god forbid, then some kind of alternative to nato will appear. vladimir vladimirovich, what do you think? no, well, of course, you still while mentioning these words that are terrible for the west, they did not mention what putin just said, yes, the end of the eurocentric and euro-atlantic. europe about
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how the world should be structured, and yes, this worries them today, let’s say, you know, yes, i’m following, say, the elections in britain, in france, of course, everyone writes about their elections, but financial times knows that the main news is on the first page, the meeting between xi and putin. well, it’s clear that they will resist. you know the aukus project, you you know, what kind of discussion is currently underway within nato, about the expansion of nato no
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longer just from the euro-atlantic, including the inclusion of these aucus countries in this alliance, they, of course, will resist, and of course, they will do everything possible to this is the concept on which the birthday country is based, today, yes, the united states of america, independence day, on exclusivity in the united states of america, they, of course, will do everything to hinder the growth of others poles of the second pole, here, of course , it is very annoying for the west and many journalists pay attention to the fact that ricep erdogan came to astana, which means the president of turkey, which, by the way, is such a very serious member of nato, turkey has such a powerful army. and naturally the united states is very nervous about this, but we know very well, vlad, how nato operates. nato is also a financial pyramid, it is also, one might
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say, a gangster group from the nineties, yes, which means that it collects money for protection, if someone rebels, they just slam or start threatening, or start, well, putting pressure in all possible ways, so here we are not talking about some kind of partnership, and we are not talking about unification, here we are talking oh...
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much more than that of the united states, because the entire hegemony of the united states rests on its wealth in the dollar, that is, if the sco is, in principle , a unity economy, where each complements the other, then most of the unions where the united states is included, they are included there like such co-sponsors from whom everyone expects money, as long as this money there is, everything is fine, everything works, as soon as this money runs out, well, we can see what happened, for example, with ukraine for 4 months, until they, so to speak, were allocated the next tranche and...
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after, but look what the 20 years happened to him, so this is just the story of a mill that grinds very slowly, but very finely, yeah, well, it all started with the shanghai five, then the six, and today belarus, by the way, has become a full member of the shows and many countries, states, applicants to enter shanghai cooperation organization, mish, but one gets the impression, from what vlad vladimir vladimirovich said, that the more the united states resists now, the more. well, they will create such a backlash among those countries that have long wanted to have the right to their own opinion, and well, they will quickly enter the shanghai cooperation organization, brix
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, and so on. that’s what i wanted to say, that you compared nato with a gangster group from the nineties, there is an important difference, after all, the groups acted according to concepts, nato has not acted according to concepts for a long time, now they understand with horror that the world will never be the same again, and it was they who did it with their own hands, if they had not gotten involved, walked around the world and interfered in the affairs of other states, if they had forced us all to unite in the name of not only our own, but the world’s security, perhaps the picture of the world would not have changed. but now they will also probably have some kind of special place in the world, but definitely not the first, this will not happen again, indeed it is they who are forcing all the countries that have long been drawn to each other, to enter into alliances, defensive, economic, and to act together in the name of ensuring that a unipolar world no longer exists, because no one wants to exist and live in this unipolar world anymore, but the usa is still in first place or no longer, long gone, long gone, and this is a nightmare for them, and the hardest thing
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for them is to realize. ukraine ukraine's opportunities for bargaining are becoming less and less every day, despite the heaviest fighting in most directions, we still manage to move forward, and in the morning, as yet unconfirmed official information appeared about the progress of our fighters in krasnogorovka, and also in karlovka, on both sides of the karlovskoye reservoir there is data on our progress, which we already talked about in the new york area, directly it’s nice to voice this, and what directions are now
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the most... they said that our military carried out a record-breaking offensive in recent times . well, information has appeared about how we have already made a breakthrough, what kind of a breakthrough it is, how successful advance, what information and data do you have, yes, in fact, you have listed , probably the most, we can add more for today, but the front sectors. and the toretsk breakthrough, as the ukrainian side calls it, is probably the most outstanding, because indeed in a short period of time here our units managed to advance from the east to toretsk, from the south to new york, and new york is actually the gateway to toretsk, well we will probably say dzerzhinsk, because toretsk is a new name that was given to the inhabited
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point during decommunization, before this. was dzerzhinsk, the city of miners, so it was written at its entrance, i hope that it will also be written soon, but first things first, indeed, in the toretsk area, the most fierce and most promising in terms of occupying new ones continue, probably now territory battles, we all know about this brilliant operation, which was carried out by the veterans of the unit and the 132 brigade, when through a three-kilometer tunnel with
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t-shirts we have the opportunity and just like that calmly walking through the streets, then there are guys in full ammunition, and with ammunition, through this stuffy tunnel, it’s just, i can’t even imagine what they went through, some kind of feat, really, absolutely titanic work , here you don’t just have to go through a tunnel, i can judge from the avdeevka operation, when during the same trick , yes... in the case of kirov, they crushed it for about a month, this is covered with mud, this is clogged up to the neck with water, that is, that’s all in gas masks, because the enemy is throwing off discharges from
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tearful... such pincers are forming around toretsk and new york - this is the southern face of these pincers, we are also approaching the south, in general we see that we are approaching from the north, toretsk is, well, probably such an important point on the approach
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to konstantinovka, if we look so far ahead, we will still have to liberate this settlement, because this is where this most important line of defense in... donbass begins, konstantinovka, druzhkovka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, nikolaevka, we need all this the line will have to be taken, actually, toretsk, it is a very important connecting node on the approach to this line, but this is not the only line of defense in the donbass, there is also this line of the cities of kurakhovo, pokrov, there is a former one, and our advance there is also going very well, that is, we did not give the enemy a surprise only near toretsk, but to the west of donetsk to the west of avdeevka, where there is also an active advance, well, for
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example, in the kurakhovsky direction there are battles in full swing, as you correctly emphasized, in karlovka, yes, there are battles for this city, but also while it’s probably too early to talk about capture, about the immediate... prospect, i think that these are not not not the next few days, but nevertheless, the enemy is stuck there and is now forced to operate with his liquid reserves along this huge line, plus he needs to maintain a very serious group in the kharkov direction, where our advance has stopped so far, now we are conducting the so-called active defense, when we do not allow the enemy to counterattack, and he... tries to counterattack every day in the volchansk region, in the area of ​​the village of leptsy, tries going to the deep and losing a lot of people and equipment there, now it’s losing less, because advancing with technology there is immediately
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like death, but these battles are trying in the kharkov direction, they probably played a role in our serious advance and in the tarets direction and in the pokrovsk direction. thank you very much, alexander kot, special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, was in direct communication with us, the enemy is running out of steam, but is not exhausted yet, our guys are great, well done, they are worth not death, but stand firm, which is very important, but he must
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tell us today if there are risks for the independence of ukraine, if we lose statehood, we want to be ready for this, we want to know, zelensky is forced to tear himself apart, in the hope of finding out how to in the west they will... tear apart ukraine. zelensky’s position is indeed very unenviable. there have already been memes on social networks that biden will certainly take revenge on zelensky for such maneuvers and desires to meet with trump. some of the top donors to president biden's supporters resorted to a star wars analogy to keep nervous supporters from defecting. they say biden is like yoda, old and frail but wise and influential, while donald trump is similar. jabuhatta, a gluttonous and powerful gangster. well, such a comparison, of course, is that everyone absolutely loses from it, but let’s remember that biden’s supporters, with the help of cult blockbusters like this , are trying to present biden as an old
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, weak, but at the same time wise, influential comrade. trump already, jaba khat's character, biden supporters also gave for a reason. in the film, this character appears as a gluttonous and... domineering criminal authority, who is surrounded by a retinue of such criminal bounty hunters working for him, there is a direct correlation with the case that... was opened against trump for connections with a porn actress, but somehow biden’s supporters didn’t try to use the images of the cult film and somehow distract or relax voters, they didn’t succeed, it’s worth noting for the americans’ sake about there are very alarming premonitions of the upcoming elections, especially the other day in one of the washington parks due to the heat, trying to establish soft contact with him, as he understands that the chances of biden winning are minimal.
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at home can somehow, well , stimulate, encourage zelensky to some kind of negotiations, although it is not clear at all who zelensky is, why it is necessary to talk to him, you know, here the question rather sounds wrong, can they or can’t, here the question sounds, whether he will receive such a team or not, other teams are in charge here, he will to carry them out, whether he likes it or not, he will have to carry it out, so of course these attempts will continue to be heard, and what the other owner wants new, you know, like a dog that starts doing this on both sides.
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it’s just that biden has nowhere to go from the submarine boat, biden, his entire cabinet is up to their ears in this war, moreover, money has been allocated, money to help ukraine is already just like that before the entry into the exercise, because, by and large, it’s like there is no right to it, no one will change it now, no one will even pull him back in particular, because everyone is already becoming a naughty person who grabs someone by the pants, there is already a fight going on at another level, so who said to bargain, and if now... ukraine has something else going on, what can they bargain for? it seems to me that everything has already been sold, i
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- i really liked the comparison, of course , of biden with yodo, i think the next step is when they remember the movie terminator, one of the last parts, when they talk about biden, although it is obvious that he has become useless, well, zelensky is trying, you see, to sit on two chairs, and not even on two, on all the chairs that exist, he is trying to be friends with europe, trying to be friends with america, forgetting the old proverb that if you can try to sit on two chairs, then you can just lie down, it seems to me that this will happen to him soon, i think there’s no point in annoying him...
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don’t worry, do everything that you ’re told, we’re close, well, well, well, guys, we’re working, we’re working, bastard , fortune teller, today on the first, god forbid you get into the same situation, i would look how... not touch me, i don’t want to see you, tosya, what happened there, denis, in fact, i didn’t want to fuck, it happened by accident, you brought trouble on us, look what you did, i’ll excommunicate you , two shores, premiere serial
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film, watch after the program time, at the entrance to the legendary bamovsky...
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how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio. it was some kind of impulse, i was the first to confess my love, told him that i love him, and he hung like that for a while asked me: why? it was a very serious accident for you, it was ira, the person who brought you back. yes, ira returned, i had post-traumatic epilepsy.
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twice a week, at least, okay , once, but regularly, and in our yard since july 7, on sundays first, so that you become nervous, maybe you also need twice a week, which, well, the doctor says, twice a week, that’s it, neurophysiology is
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a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalie petrovna bekh. the same brain task can solve with a variety of systems, does he seem to try to help in all the most difficult situations? all my life i saw how my mother sat at the table and wrote, wrote, wrote, it was all connected with treatment, her task was to determine the disease, i remember when she told home with pride that i said that the tumor was this place, and she really ended up in that place, about the sick, she cared like a mother, she...
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from the birthday of bekhtereva, the premiere on sunday on the first. the united states continues to hope it can help ukraine, thereby helping joseph biden. the white house announced that it was allocating another package of weapons to ukraine. independent biden instructed the state department to send military assistance. another 150 million dollars are due, that’s what ’s interesting, because ukraine itself now has no doubt that despite all this endless promised help. west, the same west is preparing another coup in ukraine. our source says that if
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zelensky does not carry out a successful offensive this year, he will be removed from his chair president, everything will be remembered for him, including the fact that he has lost legitimacy. society has already warmed up so much that as soon as western curators give the go-ahead, mass protests will begin throughout the country, and many officials are already at a low start to change their shoes. that's why zelensky is cooking.
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with the main reserve for the next maidan and they dream about this maidan, they believe that it is then that the real national government will finally come to power in ukraine, the nazi coup is exactly what ukraine is now pregnant with, and having uprooted from herself, so to speak, zelensky, she will then get the nazis, in principle, the west will also be happy with this, because then it will prolong the war for a very long time and it will already be a civil war, but again it will be chaos, which will be... we are close at hand, that is, then as a result zelensky will become the best of all the worst, it turns out that the moment will still be alive, which i strongly doubt,
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yeah, misha, well, you were already wondering during the broadcast, when, that means, and how long will it be tolerate the ukrainian people when they come to street, well, your option, to what extent is this possible now, given that ukraine is now very seriously ill, including the lack of people, maidan in ukraine is always possible, more precisely in ukraine. and it will happen at the click of washington at any time when it is necessary. the question is that zelensky is now beneficial to them, he is complicit with washington, fulfills all their demands, continues to drive people into a meat grinder, and, in principle, satisfies all their conditions. how soon and until when will it be beneficial to them? until, until the situation is already at the front it will not just be critical, as it is now, but simply when he loses this confrontation completely, then, probably, people who remained in ukraine will take to the streets, who will it be, women with pots, maybe children who have been returned . nazis, i don’t know who will do this, because really all the most crazy ones, as you rightly said, have long been at the front or in the grave, it’s not clear when this will happen, it depends
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on us, the closer our victory, the faster the verdict zelensky will be voiced by the remnants his own people, but nevertheless, what goals do you think the west is pursuing if it is thinking through the scenario of this coup in ukraine, as a colleague correctly said, to harm russia at least by any means, a lot, a little, that’s as much as possible. it ’s convenient to act with the help of ukrainians, to harm the russians at the cost of the lives of ukrainians, well, they are pursuing this goal, spending their money and weapons on it, but nevertheless, it still turns out, what does it mean if they go against zelensky now, as is right vlad said that they would bring more the worst, for us, the worst options for us, the worst for ukraine, but the ukrainians are running out of who they are going to fight with then, the french won’t go, no one will go, no one else will go, following their example. no one will go to war with the russians anymore, i think, because it is obvious that it ends in tears, no, but nevertheless it is understandable, but this is somewhat alarming, because the united states,
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there are already very thoughtful people there, resourceful, they... .


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