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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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vaska, yes! hello, the program is on air, ektorin andreev’s studio, the main events of the day. resolving the conflict in ukraine. of course, you can turn to the sake. but in
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conditions of usurpation of power, the ruling elite in ukraine is meaningless. ceasefire conditions. it is impossible to allow the enemy to take advantage of these ceasefires to improve his position. and russia's possible response to the deployment of new american missiles. if the complexes are medium or shorter range missiles. american made appears somewhere, then we reserve the right to act in a mirror way. statement by vladimir putin at a press conference in astana. results of the summit of the shanghai organization cooperation in kazakhstan. belarus joined the show, what else did the leaders agree on? a new strike on a ukrainian military airfield destroyed a mik-29 and an ammunition depot. and ours... for
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people and businesses according to standards like throughout the country, the first vtb office in lugansk, by the end of the year branches in donetsk and mariupol will open. in iran, the day of silence before the second round of the presidential election, in the uk today the composition of the house of commons is being determined: the conservatives may lose to the laborites, will they leave? little one from the post of prime minister, we will feed ourselves, we will help others, the development of agriculture is the focus of the government, one step closer to the dream, doctors in st. petersburg have completed the first stage of treatment of five-year-old luna fener, a girl whom our doctors saved from the batman mask on her face, already 18 million
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it's hot, it's thunderstorms, the weather kaleidoscope in the capital region, a hurricane is possible, as in st. petersburg, what should we prepare for tomorrow? we begin with important statements by vladimir putin in astana, where the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization ended. at the final press conference. the president touched upon the most pressing international topics, the sco in a changing world, ukraine and the illegitimacy of the zelensky regime, and russia’s possible response to the deployment of american missiles in third countries. first things first, anton vernitsky. already at the beginning of his final press conference, vladimir putin said a key phrase, and let it concern the site summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, because such different states gathered here, nearby at the same table were such long-time antagonists as india and pakistan, but this phrase...
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the people of ukraine, the west, in general, everyone heard this, our direct appeal, to address the rada , of course, it is possible, but in conditions of usurpation of power by the ruling elite in ukraine, this is meaningless, because the majority, the rada , is subordinate to this so-called ruling elite about which i spoke, because it is illegally in power and not even appeals to the constitutional court. for
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confirmation of their powers, because, as i already said, in 2015, the supreme court of ukraine already decided that the presidential term for... is limited to five years and there are no reasons for extending the presidential term in accordance with the constitution of ukraine. all presidential powers, according to the constitution of ukraine, should have long ago passed to the rada, but it does not take them upon itself, precisely because, as putin said, the usurpation of power by the current kiev elite, instructed so called the collective west. and to apply directly to steal, putin repeated, is, of course, possible, but it is pointless, as well as unlikely. situation, according to him, the help of mediators, we have always advocated negotiations, you know this well, we have never refused them, the only question is that it seems
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unlikely to me to finally end the conflict with the help of mediators only through them, primarily because it is unlikely that the intermediary will have the authority to sign the final documents. another thing is mediation in the form of provision.
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that is why , according to vladimir putin, we simply cannot declare a unilateral ceasefire in the hope that ukraine will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of this ceasefire to improve his position, rearm himself, complete his army through forced mobilization , and be ready to continue the armed conflict. "we need to get the other side to agree to take such steps as which would be irreversible and would be acceptable to the russian federation, the questions are whether donald
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trump, who promised to stop it in one day, will help in resolving the conflict; after all, the united states is the main sponsor of ukrainian nationalists, and trump has repeatedly, albeit during the election race, spoke about his peace initiatives. you know, that mr. trump..." as a presidential candidate declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in ukraine, we take this quite seriously, i am not, of course, familiar with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this, and this is of course the key question, but i have no doubt that he is sincere in saying this, and we support this, continuing the conversation on the same topic, several months for...
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do you have your political preferences, you said, this bet was in question, nothing was in question, well, as i said then, what has changed, but nothing has changed, that we... it was unknown, or something, what could happen, it is known, in this sense nothing has changed, as for watching or not watching, but i saw some fragments, but i have enough things to do, so i don’t particularly follow what’s happening there, especially in the comments of the media, they always have certain preferences, some are for, some are against, well, in general, of course, i saw that... it is impossible to turn away from this, especially since the united states remains a great power with known
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capabilities in the field of economics, security and military affairs and the usa, a member of the security council, is constantly, of course, like this the situation in ukraine has an influence, of course it is not indifferent to what happens there, well, this is their own internal matter. however, russia is monitoring the current situation in the united states. corresponding systems until these missile systems appear in some
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region of the world, and if an american-made medium or shorter-range missile appears somewhere, then we reserve the right to act in a mirror manner. is it possible in the future to renew these agreements, or will they never be relevant again, or it’s worth coming up with something new, for example, some kind of unified concept, convention, or some other framework document. the first thing i want to note is that the truly fundamental documents that lay at the basis of international stability and security were destroyed by the united states, well, it wasn’t we who withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, but this was one of the cornerstones that we could only take note and react to these actions, what they did, invented and, not unsuccessfully, a system overcoming. about this, let’s say the vanguards of the intercontinental range are planning
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blocks with hypersonic speed, these are systems for overcoming missile technology, that is, ballistic missile technology, intercontinental range and some other things, we were forced to do this, but still the question is about creating a legal framework for international security and strategic stability , of course he’s this... he’s just standing there, but there must be the good will of not only russia, but also the united states, which is still busy with the election fight candidates biden and trump, and both in the course of this struggle declare the need to conclude new agreements, but things don’t go beyond statements, well, it’s unclear, either they want it or they don’t want it anymore, now during the election campaign, and one that wears such a very acute internal political character, and... to talk about what we can now establish with the united states, and first of all we need to talk to them about this, some kind of
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constructive dialogue, i repeat once again, time is sending us signals from time to time they want to resume this dialogue with us, but then suddenly they disappear somewhere, begin to talk about some abstract topics that are not directly related to issues of strategic stability, i repeat again, well, let us wait for the formation of a new administration and understand - what are her plans and preferences? i want to repeat once again that we are ready for this. that is , we can talk about real readiness for dialogue in the united states itself, according to vladimir putin, only after the presidential elections are held there, they are scheduled for 5 november. anton vernitsky, marand khabibulin, valery sebastyanov and svetlana barkova. first channel astana, kazakhstan. we will return to the sco summit, but for now to other events of the day. the russian army carried out an effective special operation for the third day in a row. strikes on military airfields behind enemy lines, as reported by the ministry of defense, the crew
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of the iskander operational-tactical complex destroyed the mig-29 fighter at the dolgintsevo airbase in krivoy rog , dnepropetrovsk region, along with the aircraft , an aviation ammunition warehouse and engineering service vehicles. the day before an iskander shot down a mi-24 helicopter at the poltava airfield, and a day earlier at the mirgorod airbase, five and two su-27 fighters of the ukrainian air force were damaged. again, iskander completed the target. the ministry of defense also reported attacks on several enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, an oil refinery and a workshop where drones were produced and stored. as for the situation at the front. in different directions, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 2,200 militants. and equipment, including the american british galbits. combat missions in the zone special operations are carried out by the latest s-350 air defense systems. knight. reliable protection against air attack. recently, our anti-aircraft gunners shot down a dozen american haimers missiles at once. vityaz can also handle atakom missiles. and
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enemy combat aircraft are its main profile, so the f-16 fighters promised to kiev. a worthy meeting is guaranteed, valentin gvozdev appreciated all the advantages of our new weapon. having worked on an air target, the launcher of the vitel complex immediately changes its firing position. the vehicle is not tied to the radar and can work at a considerable distance from it. each division has five such vehicles, while one is changing position to repel a missile attack, four more launchers are ready. it only takes a few minutes to put the installation into firing position. the newest russian air defense system s-350. vytis is a worthy answer to the american rszzo. haymarс and atak ms missiles are the main target of vitez. each launcher has 12 anti-aircraft guided missiles. the number of missiles is the main difference between the vityaz and the previous ones complexes. for comparison, one launcher is armed with the same number of missiles as an entire s300 division. five launchers can operate with one radar station. the complex supports
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the simultaneous operation of three stations, which triples the number of missiles on alert, making it possible to repel even massive missile attacks. the machine seems to differ enormously from previous complexes, because this complex has increased unit survivability due to the fact that the complex is very spaced far away, accordingly, there is no longer a crowd of equipment, the main goals for which we are working are ballistic, aerodynamic goals, well, i will give one of the small examples of the latest work, we were under a large attack, about 12-16 missiles, the complex coped with the target, did not miss the target, due to the fact that in this... complex there are missiles with homing heads and high-precision locators, plus the experience of the crew. the chassis has changed; there are two rotary axles, which increases maneuverability and cross-country ability. driver with the call sign cache do because of this, i served on the s-300 complex and was immediately able to appreciate the advantage of the new machine. now he is not only a driver, but also an operator, which, however, has not become a problem for him. at first it was unusual, and
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what is unusual is that this machine does everything, roughly speaking, itself, because, firstly, it. folds up much faster, as you noticed, i can unfold it in 4-5 minutes and put it fully into operation, it’s a new car, i can say that they did a very good job with it, the car is passable and trouble-free, transport and launch containers located in such a way that any of them can be changed within a few minutes. reloading the knight is also very convenient; if necessary, you can recharge one, two, three missiles or change the entire package. a full recharge takes no more than half an hour. vits’s cham does not waste time, its task is complex ballistic aerodynamic targets, such as missiles and aircraft, therefore, next to the launch site, the pantsir s1 anti-aircraft missile and gun complex is on duty, ready at any moment to destroy a reconnaissance or strike weapon enemy drone. valentin gvozdev, vyacheslav amilyutin, sergey mileev, larisa nikitina and isis grubanberdiev, channel one,
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svo holding area. an important step in the process of integrating new regions into the russian economy bank. btb arrived in lugansk. the first office in the city was opened today by andrey kostin. the branch will serve retail clients, including payroll clients, as well as small medium-sized businesses. now residents of the lpr have access to a full range of financial products and services of the bank. by the end of the year, vtb offices will open in mariupol and donetsk. our the task, of course, is to provide our citizens living in these regions with all the volume, all the banking services that people need. our citizens receive in moscow, in st. petersburg, and we plan to serve both - the population, citizens, mortgage loans, consumer loans, and also small medium-sized businesses , too, both according to government programs that are being implemented here, and in a commercial way, so i hope
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that the arrival of vtb bank here will, of course, contribute to the development of the region’s economy. and we return to astana, where today is the main day of the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. an important and symbolic event, belarus officially joined the shanghai cooperation organization. the role and weight of the organization in world affairs is steadily growing. the final declaration notes: tectonic shifts are occurring in geopolitics. the sco is one of the important elements of a new, fairer world order. the main statement, atmosphere and details of the summit in the report. protocol ceremonies within the framework of the sco summit take place dynamically, before the leaders have time to enter the palace independence, they immediately invite you to a group photo, vladimir was the last to arrive.
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organizing cooperation together with our partner in the union state. it is obvious to everyone that the sco today is one of the largest and most authoritative regional organizations. the sco's active participation in multilateral cooperation in a variety of areas is especially in demand in the current difficult international situation, when fundamental transformations have truly emerged in politics and economics. the world is becoming truly multipolar. more states are ready to defend their legitimate rights and interests in the most decisive manner, new centers of power are emerging,
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and the shanghai cooperation organization is being established as one of these. the shanghai cooperation organization unites countries in which over 3 billion people live, which is almost half of the world's population, the organization is actively expanding and today they presented for the first time a new format, expanded. numerical challenges in the field of international security, within the framework of this philosophy was provoked a conflict in ukraine, which
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continues to this day, and we know for what reason. during the summit, the leaders discussed the ukrainian crisis and specifically the peace plan proposed by russia on the sidelines at meetings. we are grateful for the sincere and concrete proposals of the sco member countries for the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis that has arisen. as a result of the absolutely unceremonious adventurous policy of the united states and its satellites. russia, as you know, has never refused and is now ready to continue peace negotiations. refused to negotiate it was ukraine, and it did it publicly, on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about it, and from washington, as ukrainian officials are saying. they say thank you for this to the president of the republic of turkey directly and openly, the istanbul agreements, mr. erdogan, who took part
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in this work as a mediator, these agreements have not gone away, they were initialed by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means, apparently , they were quite suitable for ukraine , these agreements, the istanbul agreements, remain on the table and can... be used as the basis for continuing these negotiations. the sco is not only a common view of geopolitical processes, but also economic cooperation that is beneficial for each participant. putin said that the average gdp growth of the organization’s member countries last year was more than 5%. at the same time, russia’s trade turnover with the sco states increased by a quarter. in this context, i would like to note that our countries are increasing the use of their national currency in mutual settlements. for example. their share in commercial transactions in russia with the organization’s participants have already exceeded 92% in the first four months of this year. let me remind you of
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the russian proposal to create the sco’s own payment and settlement mechanism. today at the summit important initiatives were signed to combat terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking. of course, it remains one of the priority tasks in the activities of the sco.
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enrich the mechanism of interaction in the field of security with additional means. the richer the product, the stronger it will be safety. the construction of a universal center for countering challenges and threats should be accelerated, as well as the exchange of intelligence information and joint operations should be stepped up. on the sidelines of the summit, vladimir putin meets with the acting president of iran; a portrait of leader ibrahim raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, stood on the table during all meetings. states, members of the organization. rn's application for observer state status with euraz is being considered, for our part we support you, we are united by the desire to create a multipolar world order, comply with all norms of international law, and preserve the central role of the un. first of all, i would like to convey to you greetings and best wishes from the spiritual leader of iran. i also express my gratitude for your words of condolences, which became a consolation for us after
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the disaster. the spiritual leader said that the strategic relations between tehran and moscow are so stable that they are not subject to change even after the elections. another meeting with the emir of qatar. the state is active today invests in leading russian companies and successfully develops partnerships with a russian direct investment fund. our countries cooperate in the humanitarian sphere and have the same position on the arab-israeli conflict. i would like to thank you for your efforts aimed at resolving issues of a humanitarian nature, uh.
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invitation to visit the russian federation, i thank you very much, mr. president, i accept it, for my part i also invite you to visit qatar at a time convenient for you, i would like to thank you for noting kator's mediation efforts on the issue of returning ukrainian and russian children to their families, i promise to continue this activity, and we of course would like...
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they matter when they disperse around the world, for example, we agreed in the declaration that all countries of the shanghai cooperation organizations oppose the deployment of any weapons in space, this is still a signal to the rest of the world about how we feel about the militarization of outer space. one more question: is it necessary to involve the taliban in the fight?
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an islamic state banned in russia? must proceed from the fact that the taliban movement controls power in the country, in this sense, the taliban are certainly allies for us in the fight against terrorism, because any current government is interested in the stability of its power in the stability of the state that it heads and which it governs leads, i am sure that the taliban are also interested in ensuring that everything in afghanistan is stable, calm and subject to certain rules, and we have repeatedly we received such signals from the taleban movement that they were ready to work with us on the anti-terrorism track. at the summit in astana, 20 documents were signed on a variety of issues, including joint confrontation with new threats and challenges. by the way, vladimir putin recently named the shanghai cooperation organization as one of the structures of the new eurasian security system.
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said presidential aide yuri ushakov. the day of silence before the second round of presidential elections ends in iran. in the first on june 28 no candidate received more than the required 50% of the votes. now there are two contenders. moderate reformist. shkean, and conservative said dzhelili. let me remind you that the elections are extraordinary and are connected with the tragic death in a plane crash of the president of the islamic republic, ebrahim reisi. our correspondent dmitry kochutkov reports from tehran.
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the second round of presidential elections in iran will be held for the first time in 19 years. citizens of the islamic republic will have to make a choice between two candidates, reformers and conservatives, they can be called conditionally, classical political parties.
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we are losing a lot due to sanctions, we are losing several billion every day. some people are profiting from sanctions against iran. another candidate, said dzhelili, is considered a conservative. the politician is 58 years old, he is the representative of aitala, ali khaminya, the supreme national security council. dzhelili goes to these elections with promises to continue the course of president rasi, who died in a plane crash, in domestic foreign policy. jelili was the chief iranian nuclear negotiator.
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the us withdrew from the agreement and the number of sanctions against us grew from 800 to one and a half thousand. the so-called nuclear deal was concluded in 2015 in exchange for freezing the nuclear program and part of the sanctions were lifted from the country. however, the deal did not last very long. in 2018, the united states left it. after the first round, all conservative candidates called for support for djeleli. but if the turnout is higher than in the first round, the reformer pezishkin has a chance of winning. according to pre-election polls, pezishkiyan is now leading by 4%, but this could still change. the fight for the sympathy of the electorate goes fiercely. yusifi's scale has been trading for 35 years.
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first channel tehran. how are things going in agriculture? this was discussed at a government meeting today. as prime minister mikhail mishustin noted, there is enough grain, meat, sugar, fish, vegetable oil to feed our country and send it to our partners abroad. the topic will be continued by yuri lepatov. the government is pleased with the way the state program for agricultural development is being implemented. despite the external difficulties created for us, the product market. agricultural enterprises are not expanding
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only because of the quantity, but also because of the high quality of the products it produces, in particular food products. we see this in concrete results, the work for the twenty-third year, the level of food security continues to systematically increase, grain, meat, sugar, fish, vegetable oil, all of this is enough for us to supply our partners abroad, the harvest has noticeably increased. vegetables, potatoes, and fruits, approximately 11%, we are now recording an increase. mikhail mishutin noted good results in the construction of facilities for livestock. last year , more than 170 dairy farms and complexes put into operation 49 new and reconstructed meat cattle breeding facilities. the agricultural insurance system allows producers to reduce costs, including those arising from emergency situations. as part of the state program to support the agricultural industry, 442.5 billion rubles were allocated.
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preferential lending remains the most popular mechanism in our country. at the end of the twenty-third year, banks entered into contracts for a total amount of more than 1,300 billion rubles. one of our constant priorities is to support small businesses. in addition, over 62 billion rubles. was presented to small forums within the framework of the federal project for the acceleration of small medium-sized businesses. exports of agricultural products reached record levels, increasing to $43.5 billion. she delivers. the government is investing a lot of money in
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the construction of infrastructure for people living in rural areas, this line will be continued, for example, this year the infectious disease corps will open in the ulyanovsk regional children's clinical hospital, which the prime minister visited 3 years ago. today we will consider the issue of allocating more than 3 billion 700 million rubles for the creation of about 20 infrastructure facilities in a number of russian regions. the bulk will be used to build medical facilities that people desperately need. further development of agriculture, approved today, the main emphasis of the cabinet of ministers, but the program itself will be sent to the state duma in order, together with legislators, to decide on the most effective tools for achieving goals national development in this direction. in
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britain, the balance of power in the political arena may seriously change in the coming hours. general elections are taking place there , the new composition of the house of commons will be determined, everything is heading towards the fact that the conservative party will suffer a crushing defeat. for 14 years the tories held the lead, but now, according to polls, their competitors are in the lead with a margin of 20% of the votes, which means that if they succeed in the kingdom , the prime minister will change in the coming hours. and a failed policy. in any unclear situation, look for the hand of the kremlin. behind the day before the vote british tv pulls out the trump card it has up its sleeve. the west's favorite horror story over the uk elections has cast the ominous shadow of russian interference. in 2016, russia was accused of interfering in the american elections. now there is an investigation by journalists. allegedly in
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australia they found fake pages on social networks where they wrote about the elections from moscow’s point of view, while the pages were managed from nigeria; there were only five of them on the entire internet. some australians discovered that nigeria had created some bots read their texts in vietnam. do you really think this could influence the uk elections? the question is up in the air, but it is clear that it could hardly have done without the image of the enemy russia in these elections, as in the politics of britain in general in recent years. parliamentary elections in britain are also called general elections. kanu here is not only a majority in parliament, a choice between libarists or conservatives, it is also a choice between party leaders, one of them will lead the country based on the voting results. to post rishi sunok is vying for the prime minister and the head of the labor party, keirse starmer, the winner in this pair is predetermined unless a miracle happens. all polls promise the conservative party
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a crushing defeat. conservatives are perceived as those who have failed to deliver on their promises. brexit did not bring much benefit, they promised to curb immigration... today i spoke with his majesty and asked for the dissolution of parliament. the king granted this request, elections will be held on the fourth of july. this speech was delivered by the soaked danitki and sounded from the speakers in to the crowd the anthem of the labor party. the main
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intrigue is how big the gap will be between the winner and the loser. the position of the conservatives is so unenviable that even the young reform party of the nigels can get ahead of them.
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russia is a constant threat, not only now, but in the future. that's why i'm here to thank our soldiers. it is unlikely that big changes will await britain, but at least these are new faces. the kingdom's community service conducted a voter survey. why do you want to vote for laibarites, the most popular answer is to, finally get rid of the conservatives, the same poll predicts a historic victory for the libarists, they can achieve a better result in almost two. but joe biden is not going to give up his position and refuse to participate in the elections, the white house reported this, although according to
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the washington post, party members even gave an ultimatum to either prove his suitability or resign to make room for a more energetic person. in response to this, the election headquarters released a video that should convince voters that not everything is so bad, although four out of five americans, judging by polls, believe that biden has left a presidential era and entered another, where the nuclear briefcase is already weighing on his hand. mikhail kinchenko about passions in the american elections. i know i'm not young, i know how to cope with this job, when you get knocked down, you have to get up. a new commercial that immediately caught the attention of the biden campaign. after a debate that was disastrous for him, apparently he must convince him that the current president is still is quite ready for the next term, but the bulk of american voters stubbornly refuse to believe it. just look at these numbers, it's what the debate within the democratic party revolves around. 3/4 of american voters say:
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someone other than joe biden could give the democrats a chance, only 25% of voters believe that joe biden has... a chance to win in november, but in the white house they don’t seem to see anything and don’t they hear and stand their ground, nothing irreparable happened, the president was just a little overtired and unwell, with who does not happen. i would say it was a bad evening, not the president's best, he had a cold, fatigue from jet lag, the president sees everything well, and he remains in the race, nothing more. over the past few days, biden came out to the press only once, read out a text from the prompter in which he expressed regret about the decision. the supreme court, which, following trump's lawsuit, confirmed the partial immunity of presidents from criminal prosecution, immediately left. you will leave the election race. why are you so sure that you should remain president? so far, only a select few have received answers. the day before , democratic governors gathered for a conversation with biden at the white house. the meeting was closed, but at its end,
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the participants rushed to declare their loyalty during the break. we spoke honestly about the anxiety that we hear from people. and after the president honestly told us that he would stay until the end, we all said that we would stay with him. political support from the governors of several states is, of course, good for the current president, but what to do with those who invested. their money into biden in hopes of his re-election, most now consider him a money-losing asset. the new york times newspaper quotes the opinion of one of the co-founders of netflix, reed hastings. hastings was one of the first to say publicly what many democratic megadonors say privately. biden needs to step down to allow strong democratic leadership to defeat trump for our security and prosperity. however, it is completely unclear who this strong democratic leader is, yes remove the biden election as a party-wide decision. biden won’t get the votes of delegates from the states where he won the uncontested democratic primaries, and now he can only leave on his own if
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he wants to, and he doesn’t want to, and he doesn’t give in to persuasion. meanwhile, the liberal press publishes a list of alternative candidates, including eight governors, one minister and vice president kamala haris, but their strength is clearly not the same. everyone you name and show is good in their states in the positions they occupy, but in their country know. the only person to whom it is formally possible to inherit both biden’s money and his campaign headquarters is kamala harris, the most unpopular vice president in us history, whose ratings today are even higher than those of her boss, but she stubbornly refuses. joe biden is our candidate, we already are once.
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well, how did i tell you in that debate, amazing, i just threw this old pile of crap, he's a bad guy, he's out of the race, i threw him out, which means we now have kamola, i think she'll be better, she's so bad, pathetic, damn bad. trump does not hide the fact that he is already preparing for serious negotiations, and even said that he will get to work without waiting for the official assumption of office; first of all, he promised to deal with the ukrainian conflict. moreover, according to
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some sources, zelensky tried to arrange a personal meeting with trump, but was refused. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia khodorova, nikita pakhmutov, channel one usa. you are looking at the time, now there is an advertisement, right after doctors from st. petersburg freed a girl from america from a batman mask on the face. and new tests are being prepared by the weather for residents of the capital region, stay with us on channel one. family day of love and fidelity, festive concert, on sunday on the first. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. stellar group product, veda vodka, steller group product, old barrel cognac,
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steller group product, bourbon with stirsman, stellar group product, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product. castika tomorrow on the first, how famous
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artists confess their love to their second halves, about this... interview, this was 58 years ago, he’s still interviewing, you’re real. sasha, how did you confess your love? it was disgusting, it seems to me, girls, i say, let's bet, i'm a month old, and he will be with me, like all this, probably, if i hadn't married him at 18, i wouldn't have married him later, why are you so
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serious, you’re afraid that i’ll tell you something, i remembered. but no, you can see from above, on saturday, on the first, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition, on july 6, on the first. neurophysiology - young science and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute, under the leadership of natalia petrovna bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem in its own way.
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she treated her relative and employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters. when we begin to interfere with the animated electrons, miracles are expected of us. here we are trying our best to arrange some kind of miracle. to the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva. premiere on sunday on the first. this is the program time and we continue. an important stage in the fate of the little girl luna from america, for whom russian doctors are literally carving out a new face and a new destiny. we talked about this story several times in the
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vremya program. the child has a very rare pathology, a large birthmark that looks like a batman mask. the moon is very beautiful, very soon she will be able to see her real face, no matter who starts dancing because of this, she is not resisted, and it seems that the surgeons, who all this time have been doing the virtually impossible, are ready to start dancing along with the moon, because other world luminaries refused to distinguish the girl, they simply couldn’t, ours could, and so they are dancing now. valery kuznetsov saw this happiness, which is difficult to hide. while there are only a few hours until the stitches are removed, in anticipation of another miracle, the five-year-old...
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is on her face, but the moon is no longer recognizable, she often smiles, laughs, dreams of being beautiful, of getting rid of the large birthmark on her face, which she was embarrassed about, surprisingly, but she is very calm, she can’t wait to see her face, today, as soon as she woke up, she kept saying: i want to take off the bandages as soon as possible to see my new skin. milana cytarus was able to turn into skin cancer, it was necessary to urgently operate, but the american
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doctors refused, supposedly it would take years .
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time moon without bows on her face, in russia, her parents say, she even gained a little weight, loved dumplings and borscht, happy with her new doll, russian snow maiden, russian snowy winter - says mom, my daughter really liked it so much that i also had to buy a new year's snow maiden costume, the family will go home in 3 days and will return for new operations to russian doctors in a year, oh yes, she is counting the days, she has a sheet in the hotel, she is making notes, there are 4 days left, 3 day, she really misses her home, her dog, her friends, but yesterday she said that she would really miss st. petersburg. valery kuznetsov, mikhail agiev, shamil fabrikov, ksenia ugarova, khristina ivanova and nika vishnyakova. channel one
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st. petersburg. almost 120,000 graduates decided to complete the university admission process retake one of the unified state examinations. let me remind you that this opportunity appeared on behalf of vladimir putin. and almost every fifth graduate decided to take the second chance. you can only retake one subject. most of the applicants wanted to improve their results in social studies, computer science and russian. they were retaken just today along with physics, chemistry and the written part in foreign languages. tomorrow is the oral part, as well as biology, geography, literature, history and mathematics. the results will be announced no later than july 17. 18 million people have already visited the international exhibition in russia. the new anniversary guest was elizaveta savina from vladimir. girl. came to moscow with her parents and brother, the whole family received a trip to the omsk region as a gift, a three-day program was prepared for them with excursions and relaxation in an amusement park, which has the largest
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ferris wheel beyond the urals. as for the grandiose exhibition, the main achievements of our country, it will be completed in a few days. we have exactly 5 days left until the exhibition closes, the flow of visitors is growing, many thanks to all our guests. for such attention, for such love, and today we have our eighteen millionth visitor, it was elizaveta from vladimir, we first of all go to russian railways to see, because we have a young train fan, we want to go there. let me remind you that the exhibition of the rasseiny dnh started in november, the last day of work is monday, july 8, but the closing ceremony is a little earlier on saturday, everything will be shown by channel one, watch july 6 after the program time. moscow is getting hotter and hotter, at the meth station at vdnkh.


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