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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:11am MSK

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let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, well, guys, take revenge, let's go with the polach! yeah, that's it, we're leaving, we're leaving, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, there will be a network, children, children, take them out, we're on fire, water, water, water, quickly, wake up!
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forgot, you are a mogankalyk ulzhida, you brought trouble on us, look what you did, i will excommunicate you from the family, rodkay, don’t, rodkay, i beg,
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i beg, don’t drive him away, don’t, he’ll be lost alone, forgive me, let him say it himself , we forgive them, that’s it, sorry. i'm sorry, mom, pick it up, pick it up,
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but it took us almost a week to collect the bread, that's what it means organizing people well, if only plato had brought a hammer, as he promised, but why do we need a thresher, we can hammer our tongues without it, that’s all for sure, then let’s be friends again, just like... before, nothing will be the same as before, leave me alone from me, that is, i also suffered, i lost my father, he would have died anyway from moonshine, a year earlier, a year later, no one will bring anton back, i mean, i mean it ’s warm, what... well, everything’s fine , don't
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worry. will give birth in april, as in april, i can’t, i’m not ready, oh, honey, which of us i’m ready, ask your mother over there, she was ready to give birth to you, no, no, no, i don’t want to, do something, please, give me this, i need to give birth, and preferably sons, there are no men left in the country who will fix this? we women, i too, i want a son, don’t be afraid, we’ll grow up, listen,
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platasha, and if we sell this part of the grain, how much will be, i’ve already agreed with the neighboring collective farm, they’ll take it for a good price, they don’t have it at all there was a harvest, well , hush, she fell asleep, got nervous, the seknitsa, if her son we’ll call it “kolka”, in honor of my grandfather nikolai, zakharka, but what does this need here? can i come to you, i’d like
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to talk to tosya about why you need her, they say she ’s expecting a baby, and she and... my toshka seemed to be friends, for example, don’t get your hopes up, it’s not your thing, let’s cancel everything, it’s too late for me, the head will appear soon. boy, take her away from me, i don’t want to see him,
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so i need to wash him, he needs to be swaddled, but i need to go to my mommy, we’re starting to bleed, what’s wrong with her? woman, come out, don’t bother me, take it, grandma, handsome boy, give me how much cheremis. ugh, it’s not our blood that flows, remember, do, do, do, how can it be, lord, my girl, well, toya!
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antor, i understood, you came last time to warn me, but i didn’t guess, now you’ll leave again, no, party, i definitely didn’t see it now. we will be together, just like we wanted.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. and we'll talk about the main thing first. at the international event of the week, the meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization, which just ended in kazakhstan, i am sure that majority.
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and the south, this completely changed the configuration of the international space, and it was important to see how the sco is changing, how these countries react, will the sco be needed at all in this situation or will it simply be a bureaucratic organization, of which there are many? now i see that the sco, firstly, has become, it has found its relevance, which is why it was in demand, countries want to have another platform.
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in this sense, creating its own scientific, cultural and educational space is the task of the sco today. another question that was said to be answered by me look, there is no way we can implement this, this is a question, oddly enough, of economic cooperation, it would seem that this is the simplest thing: trade, remove tariff barriers, but here there is an overlapping of interests, which sometimes torpedo, extinguish each other, in china in this space there is his agenda called:
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to russia, we are talking about this, we see that conflicts are now being resolved, including in the field of logistics between china and india, accordingly we can build common corridors, but this is happening with great difficulty, but the most important thing that we managed to agree on, in my opinion, is the issue of the idea that the world is truly multipolar, no, not even bipolar, that there can be different advantages, we saw the performance of indian representatives, you see young people. didn’t come, and this is also a rather important sign that he probably doesn’t want
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any conflict issues with china, but we see a speech by the very important sizenpin, who simply emphasized the uniqueness of the sco as such and the need for security, the russian president, judging by the case , speaks about this, that is, the question of multipolarity is a question of the ideology of the sco, this is what has now emerged. many do not fully understand what the difference is between brix and the sco, in general they do not coincide, but the list is very intertwined. and this is correct, because in essence the organizations are completely different, firstly, the sco is not, brix is ​​not an organization, it is an association, essentially a platform where there is no membership, where you can participate in the work of brix, but you cannot join brix as a member. there's plenty in the sco multi-level membership, full member,
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observer, that is, who can participate in discussions, and there is also a partner. according to dialogue, this is another third category that can participate in some meetings, make their proposals, but one way or another these statuses change, that is, roughly speaking, they can join. the sco has its own secretariats, that is , roughly speaking, there is a single window where you can bring your proposals, the secretariats are closed to the ministry of foreign affairs, but most importantly, the sco was born as a regional organization, today, of course, it is not an asian organization; after joining belarus, it is an absolutely transnational organization that controls.
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normal calculations are underway, the brix bank is also financing large infrastructure projects, these two organizations, or more precisely two platforms, they support each other in many ways, and it’s good when there are two of them, and not one, in my opinion, here, of course , a completely new type of coalition is being created, brix, in my opinion, means a more flexible organization, because the sco was created in another time, and it was created in a well-known manner based on standard western-oriented blocks, that is, it was like...
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in asia in general, in the asia-pacific region in particular, this was the creation of new blocks that had preceded them. okus is one of these precedents, but the most important thing is that all the time russia and china were accused of creating an asian nato or eastern nato, but there was no military organization. and now it has become clear that not a single
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security problem can be solved alone, well, the countries are economically so intertwined that... putin’s idea is a long-lasting idea and , to be honest, very complex, i absolutely understand that on the surface it is obviously simple, but in reality there is a colossal number of contradictions between countries, technically not a single problem can be solved, try to create joint security between india and pakistan, india and china, god willing, we resolve some problems, between china and vietnam, between china and vietnam, of course, who will... we take big countries there, china, india, russia, yes, countries ensure their security, who will be able to ensure whether, or rather , some countries in central asia can independently ensure their security, will they have to crawl under other umbrellas, this is an extremely difficult question, but the important thing is that putin for the first time openly said that this is the only way to move
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forward , however, i have not heard anywhere, perhaps i missed something, that he proposes to create at least some kind of military bloc. he never talks about it, can i add, bye, bye, yes, although, to be honest, i have a strong suspicion, talk now from my point of view point of view would be reckless, in politics, time is extremely important, it’s early, but on the other hand, i want to ask you, here i am looking at the map of the world and how you use this map... you see, the idea of ​​balance very much depends forces, if you see, on the one hand , the united states is pushing their... allies are pushing, i mean, naturally, nato, on the other hand, the united states, allies are pushing the far east, and if you look at
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the eurasian system, then from the point of view of geopolitics, the bulk of the earth, the central one, begins one way or another unite into security systems, i am completely with you...
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it is very difficult, so it is important to understand what security is for different countries, for example, another simple example, it was discussed at one of the commissions, even taking water security, many like it is known that rivers flow out, which flow into india, and flow out from other countries, well, people who know the map will understand where it comes from, so someone can take and block these water flows, security is, of course, this is agriculture, so ... ..
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india absolutely agrees on this the concept of border sovereignty. when the european union was created, starting with a common market, no one imagined how far it would go.
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you mentioned the contradiction, for example, between india and pakistan, naturally, between china, india, and i don’t know why modi didn’t come to kazakhstan, he’s coming to moscow in the near future, but of course it comes to mind that this is somehow connected with its contradictions with china, there are some ideas, there are some plans to create mechanisms. china and india have already begun negotiations; they directly
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agreed during the sco summit to begin resolving a number of border issues, this is already good, in fact, creating a mechanism for resolving territorial disputes, yet essentially territorial disputes are now within the framework of the sco, in my opinion, almost impossible, and i think there is no need to do this, because the creation of a mechanism. these debates, which in my opinion putin did very correctly, he threw the idea into the masses, remember, the idea took hold of the masses and so on, we, since lenin, i quote, in this sense it is very important for countries to think about collective, multilateral security, i suppose, this is what actually works in the sco, we have an anti-terrorism body in the sco that works, there is cooperation there through the intelligence services, we have, for example, the sco business council, it would seem, again. .. the simplest thing is that business doesn’t really work, in my opinion, we have, for example, the sco university, the sco network university, by the way,
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proposed by russia by putin. china and india somehow stop and paralyze the development of the sco, but in addition, they talk about rivalry between china and
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russia in central asia, and i was... a little surprised, because on the one hand it would be logical to assume something like that, and it would be stupid not to follow this problem, but at least i didn’t have the feeling that some kind of there is active rivalry between moscow and beijing. to be honest, you can understandably find rivalry between russia on any piece of earth, and rivalry with china in africa can also be found anywhere. the question is different, now the rivalry in central asia between russia and... central asia, china is actively investing in these countries, of course, exist where interests
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intersect, but this does not mean. that we have some kind of antagonistic rivalry, i don’t see it yet, moreover, i think that it will happen in the next decade, it’s already difficult to guess, it won’t develop, i understand, it ’s very important for the west to imagine that there is always some kind of explosive situation , remember, 10 years ago they said, listen, the sco is a stillborn organization, it will not work, they also said that as soon as india joins the sco, it will quarrel with china and the sco will self-block, did not happen, if pakistan enters there, then pakistan will put pressure on india, it did not happen, so countries have learned to step over opportunistic considerations, at least within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, this is what we see in reality, moreover, those the decisions that were made, yes, they are soft decisions, at this summit, but this is a collective decision , including respect for each other’s interests, that is, the reality is completely different than the west expected, and the last one.
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it is very important for india not to fall under the us, although many say that india is pro-american, this is not entirely true, although of course, the influence of the united states is great, and especially not to become economically subservient to china, so russia as a mediator is very important, this is the first point, the second is the expansion of economic ties, because today russia sells goods to india , well, first of all, oil is 10 times more expensive than india sells goods to
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russia, let's say, there are textiles, pharmacology, pharmacocopy, they do not cover this, so eliminating these contradictions, in general it is possible, finally, the third point, we have a very wide wide field for expanding interaction, nuclear energy, food, and of course, security, so i think that for both putin and moldi this greatly strengthens each other’s positions in the international arena, thank you very much, it was a very interesting conversation , and alexey alexandrovich, we hope to see you again soon on our air, although i know how busy you are, thank you, we’re going to advertising, thank you, we’ll gather the old choir and take our favorite a major, we don’t have much nostalgia, because it seems to me , such
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we live by the atmosphere, for me that’s it. on the air of the big game, now we will talk about what is happening in ukraine, to an even greater extent, about what is happening around ukraine, and we will talk with a person who
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knows ukrainian topics uniquely well, konstantin fedorovich zatulin, first deputy chairman of the committee state duma for cis affairs, except. a person who heads an institute in a cis country, and it’s a real, very interesting institute. konstantin, we are very glad to see you. hello, well, let me get you straight away i’ll ask, so as not to be too optimistic at the beginning, in order to then become more optimistic towards the end, here i am looking at the schedule of the us aid package to ukraine.
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fundamentally, ukraine does not have the resources to win, and this, by the way, in my opinion, is increasingly understood in the west, but the west has the resources to prolong the war, to distract russia from the path of peaceful development, let me be rude and frank and spill more russian blood, and it's big.
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well, what next? well, first of all, i want to say that ukraine doesn’t just have resources, resources traded item, supplied item. ukraine does not have the capacity, just the capacity, to win military action. and everyone understands this well. you are absolutely right, in the spirit of causing as much damage as possible to russia, in fact, with this idea, the west is supplying weapons. delays military operations as much as possible, uh, as for today, it seems to me that at the moment, arms supplies have already ended up in
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the hands of the ukrainian armed forces on the front line, this is the information that we we receive, indicates that they have ceased to experience a shortage of shells or some other methods of killing our soldiers, our civilian population, that they have so far used. they, apparently, have never had a shortage of drones, which they use in large quantities, but they themselves know how to produce them, they produce them themselves, that’s what concerns projectiles, especially for western weapons systems, yes, there were problems here, now these problems, apparently, are already behind us, and this creates, certainly... an alarming situation, i am confident that we will cope, we are still coping so that, despite all these circumstances, we can move forward, albeit slowly , on selected sectors of the front, but
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it is quite obvious that we are not should take a frivolous or reckless approach to what is happening with the increase in assistance to ukraine. increasing assistance to ukraine is politically motivated for the west for different countries, of course, they have different internal political schedules, but for the leading western country, the united states. trials, especially the elections in the united states. it seems to me that after the interview that, due to a misunderstanding , hillary clinton gave not to poroshenko but to vavan and lexus, what made such a splash today was yesterday. yes, it actually follows from it that ukrainians must die in order for biden to defeat trump and emerge victorious.
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secretary of state, her supporters, when they talked about how russia interferes in the elections, how it caused damage to the same hillary clinton, in the fight against trump, and so on and so forth, but it’s just worth it, what is it all comes after such revelations that should have been the basis for law enforcement agencies in the united states to open proceedings in the case of how the former secretary of state and prominent member of the democratic party is in fact... trying to organize interference from
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ukraine in domestic affairs, into important matters such as elections in the united states. what should we do? you asked this question; in fact, it is the main and fundamental one. of course, we must first of all continue our offensive, do everything to our troops did not need anything, everyone is already noting, the main thing, the main thing is that the enemy is noting. that the army that is fighting, the russian one, is no longer the same army that launched a special military operation in the twenty-second year, but it seems to me that at this moment it is especially important to pay attention to the fact that the maximum must be done so that the ukrainians were leaving the war, i mean the civilian population, i mean those who have not yet been mobilized, i mean those who are fighting at the front, that is... leaving aside the military side of the matter, because we
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can talk a lot on this topic, but in any case, in front of our tv viewers we will look like amateurs, because we do not sit on the general staff, we don’t know the plans, we don’t really know everything, everything, everything a situation that allows military decisions to be made, but we understand that ukraine is tired of the war, that mobilization is not happening, that ukrainians are fleeing ukraine, they are being tried. and beetles, in the same way, there should be a liberation army or liberation
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brigades or, well, in general, ukrainian units, formed including from those prisoners of war who today clearly express a desire, and you think there are enough such people, i believe that they exist, i will not exaggerate their number, but the trouble has begun , in our country, it seems to me that it has long been necessary to support the idea, we have been operating... since the fourteenth year, the committee for the salvation of ukraine, such a public organization of ukrainian political immigrants, let's call a spade a spade, i'm just saying that this committee for the salvation of ukraine should transform into something similar to the provisional government of ukraine, especially since, as we all know, the president of ukraine has lost all sorts of things completely, this will not cause an inconvenient reaction for russia, to say, we are not ready for peace, we only demand the complete occupation of ukraine. we are not talking about the complete occupation of ukraine, i don’t believe
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in the complete occupation of ukraine at all, i am one of those who are the most like this here, well, as if against the backdrop of all sorts of victorious reports, especially in the first days of a special military operation, when we have a dime a dozen there were so-called experts on ukraine, who believed that not today tomorrow we will host a military parade in lvov, that before we reach the polish border we will restore there
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initially more connected with russia than with ukraine, this is novorossiya, these are the same odessa, nikolaev, kharkov region, dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye and so on. i never invited us to again accomplish the feat of joseph vasirionovich to draw western ukraine into the russian federation or reach it, that is, in this sense we are not talking about the occupation of ukraine, we are talking it means that sooner or later, when a bad... good world arises, a struggle for power in ukraine will begin, we must be prepared for it, we must be prepared for the fact that, of course, with the connivance of the westerners, ukraine will continue to be turned into a sharp knife, to support it, revanchist aspirations, to make it forever hostile, i want to ask you a very important question, because the answer
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to this question, i think, has long depended to a large extent on russian military strategy, with whom are we fighting, are we fighting? one thing: this is a civil war, postponed since moment of the collapse of the soviet union for a number of reasons, which has now become actualized, and this is the struggle between those who are for the common space in which we have lived for centuries and those who are against this and are ready to counteract this by any
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betrayal of both their past and their national everything else. this is a civil war on the one hand, and this concerns. relations between us and those on the other side of the front, russians, ukrainians, not only them, we are fighting not only with ukrainians, many of those who are fighting on on the other side, these are russians like us, and ukrainians, as we know, in any case , putin insisted on this and did the right thing, this is part of our people, it’s just that, as it were, due to historical development, it became isolated, and then it acquired some kind of maximalist character, the second war, in fact, this is a much more serious, domestic war.
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then is it possible to effectively wage such a war, striking the enemy only on the territory of ukraine, and actually giving the collective west immunity to strike attacks on us, but we don’t seem to want to escalate with nato, and this escalation with nato is a very dangerous process, and we need to talk about it honestly, but i have a fear that when we...
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the west suffers losses, it suffers geopolitical losses, because as we see, at least against the backdrop of the summit that just took place in astana, how many countries are ready to cooperate with russia, not all of them have good relations with this west. recently this thesis about the global majority appeared, i would like it to be in every respect took place. secondly, the west certainly bears financial and other costs and is looking for ways. to compensate them at the expense of russian money, there is a very long story going on here, but it, of course, leads to the fact that they will still get into our pockets, uh, in fact, they have already gotten into it because they have frozen this money. but there is also specific damage when it comes to losses among the so-called volunteers or
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volunteers who die there in ukraine, and there is, in my opinion, at the moment new challenges have arisen that can lead to a clash, at least in a certain segment, if not a global clash, of a war between russia and nato, which no one here wants, and, apparently, nato doesn’t want either. we are talking, for example, about the fact, the fact that the americans, the french, the british, today are carrying out reconnaissance of targets, and as we found out, at least very recently from the history with sevastopol, the aiming of those missiles that they supplied to ukraine, which in fact in fact they shoot, because without them they simply would not hit the target, exactly, yes, this means that it has already been stated here.
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so-called food transit from ukrainian ports such as odessa. which continues, which continues, but at the same time has already arisen, here in our institute in sevastopol, we have our own branch of the institute in sevastopol, it has been operating since 2005, naval officers, frontmen who work there, say that there is reason to say that rocket launches are carried out from platforms, from these very so-called food caravans or ships, which, but this must be put end, this must be put to an end, this should not happen...
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and explain it in the same way as the americans explain how they do not strike anywhere on the territory of other countries, because their national interests require it. kazaim fetovich, this was a very interesting conversation, always when i take the positions that i occupy, it becomes somehow uncomfortable, because i look a little fierce and bloodthirsty. in fact, i want this conflict to end, with as little bloodshed as possible, and from that other country. i remember my argument very well on russian television shortly
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after the belovech agreements were signed, and i said that the fact that crimea was given away like that was easier than even ukrainian president kravchuk had expected, that it seemed to me that this was a historical mistake, and dear state deputy duma from the yabloko party, when i say, dear...
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at that moment it was not yeltsin and his team, in order to achieve independence in the ninety-first year, even the most ardent nationalists were ready, the rukhovites were ready to return crimea if we that's how they put it question, but no one officially raised them then, thank you, it was a very interesting conversation, it’s always a pleasure to talk with you, and this will not be an exaggeration, you know, it won’t be when i say that i really hope to see you very soon on our air, thank you.
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i really don’t want a big war, and i don’t want the confrontation with the collective west to develop into a worldwide catastrophe, into the old, not entirely good, but more reliable time of the cold war, the answer to this kind of problem was what was called containment, now many people have the feeling that containment, since it is...
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in short, why do you think so and what do you want to achieve? i want to achieve awareness that we find ourselves in a situation where previous ideas about strategic deterrence, strategic stability, in general about how to ensure the country’s security in conditions when...
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compare with what is happening now, what is happening around us, and say that we are nuclear weapons. applicable in a conventional, that is, non-nuclear conflict only when the very existence of the state is threatened, this means that under this bar they are set very high, as it was written in this article, under this bar nuclear weapons will not be used, and we see what conclusions are drawn from this our enemy. the enemy is constantly escalating its involvement in the ukrainian conflict, its latest steps are the provision of long-range missiles to ukraine, these are the preparations
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for the deployment in the interests of ukraine of f-16 aircraft that will attack targets in territory of the russian federation.
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for many decades, and you, as a professional military man, a military analyst, among other things, know this better than me, nuclear deterrence, in general, played a very constructive role,
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ensuring not harmony, but international stability in europe, between west and east, between nato and warsaw treaty, and you know very well about the hungarian uprising in 56. and there were people in washington who wanted the united states to do something about this, president azenhauri said absolutely no, we cannot allow imagine a direct military conflict with the soviet union. 68, prague spring, soviet union and allies drive wax in czechoslovakia.
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this change took place over several decades, over a long period, let’s say, starting from the end of the eighties, for some period, well, let’s say, until the beginning of the tenths, all these things were not relevant, because cases when russia rebelled against the hegemony of the united states so actively.
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they gained some confidence that they not only invincible, but immortal, this is a very important thing today. we are dealing with people who are not afraid, they are not afraid of words, they are not afraid of missiles that are in silos, they are not afraid of missiles that are on aircraft platforms or on sea platforms, they believe that there is no such goal today, for achievement of which the enemy, in this case the russian federation, would make a virtually suicidal threat, yes, the united states will be destroyed or...
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largely destroyed, destroyed there will be, to a large extent, the russian federation, so it’s not for the sake of crimea that a nuclear war will be unleashed, there must be something more significant, so they proceed from the fact that well, the world is different, the world has changed, people have begun to live not by ideas, not ideologies, about something much more material, until recently among our elite...
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this is the prevention of war, we are not talking about war here, we are talking about nuclear weapons, but we are actually talking about the prevention of war. you mentioned containment in connection with the cold war, it remained cold, this war because there was deterrence, deterrence was because there was fear of mutual nuclear weapons and really mutual assured destruction, now that this fear has disappeared... it is necessary to strengthen deterrence, in my opinion, we can strengthen it not with words, only with deeds, only with deeds, with all sorts of deeds, including, probably first of all, if we say something to someone as a warning, then these warnings, well, in other words, say, threats, these warnings necessarily must be put into practice, for example,
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if these planes take part in the war and will, uh, take part in the war, then these bases will become legal bases on the territory of the country, legal targets for our strikes, there was no mention of nuclear strikes, in general, there is a ladder escalation and there are many first stages, they are non-nuclear, there are about nuclear weapons, then in general they are sometimes without shock, as if yes, then there are strikes, demonstrations. strikes, strikes with conventional weapons, then demonstrations of the capabilities of nuclear weapons, only then the highest steps, when everything has already been absolutely tried and nothing... no longer works, the last resort, i emphasize, to prevent a nuclear war can be a nuclear strike, i’m talking about the theory, you will agree, the idea of ​​deterrence
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is not to launch nuclear strikes, create a strategic environment where the enemy understands that if you ignore deterrence, then you will...
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