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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 5, 2024 12:10am-12:56am MSK

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you have responsibilities, you don't have responsibilities to the enemy, you have responsibilities to your country. let me tell you one little story: you are, of course, at least familiar with the familiar name of general curtis lemay, and i personally was with him, personally, yes, curtis lemay was one of the leading american military men, he was a general...
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guys you can’t trust and you can’t rely on their judgment, let’s stop on this positive note, it’s always good when in such situations, on such topics you can at least slightly laugh. dmitry, thank you so much, it was an interesting conversation, and i am always happy when you appear on our broadcast. thank you very much, thank you. it was a great game, we will be on air again next week.
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capital has one single vital desire, the desire to grow, to create surplus value, to absorb with its constant part the means of production. possible large mass of surplus labor, this is a quote from perhaps the most famous work on capitalism, karl marx's capital. hello, today we are meeting with thoughts about capitalism, its current state, and i think many other topics that we will discuss with my interlocutors today, sergei ivanov, entrepreneur, public figure, ilya kuzmenkov, media manager, entrepreneur, i am vladimir ligoida, we are starting because we started. with our karl marx, well, i started,
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tell me, how important do you think it is today to know labor, a couple of sentences from which i just quoted, well, it seems to me, the evolution of knowledge in general in that professional field, which you are doing is useful to understand, because i am an economist by training, when i was 30 years ago, the name milton friedman was, well, so indisputable. an untouchable authority, and a year ago i met with a friend in europe, a professor at a large business school, who said that capitalism is sick, that on the other side, that’s how scientific thought also talks about this, and it’s even known who poisoned it, so milton friedman did just that 60 years ago, who supposedly came up with a very simple formula that the only purpose of business is to make a profit for shareholders, that’s all the social utility... it’s gone, but in reality,
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of course, we need to move a few more steps earlier , to study our great karl, to study, but he formulated a lot of interesting things, also an economist by training, also an economist by training, yes, i think that is absolutely correct, there is no such thing as superfluous knowledge, you cannot treat this material as something that in general determines, unfortunately, in many ways determined the 20th century, but i hope not that determines the future of humanity after all, yeah, capitalism is a certain system, yes, socio-economic, for which the important, characteristic, obligatory, private property, free, free market, competition, in fact, marx had it... it’s still a kind of economic abstraction and with the help which we describe, well, it’s clear that this ideal capitalism is nowhere to be found, which will change from country to country, from era to era, it’s also clear that this is a kind of living fabric of reality, but there is our
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intellectual abstraction, who are trying to describe what is happening, well, maybe somewhere not only to look back, but forward, we can more or less agree with this, we are risking for... into the territory where it is easy to drown in the history of the concept and its evolution, he really different, it was influenced by the conflict with the soviet, there with the communist idea it changed a lot, we have a big business abroad, here we are, when we come to africa or asia, we compete with whom, with transnational corporations, these are just representatives, ideas built there rather on protestant ideas, attitudes towards money and work, here we are... we come there in order to compete for something, for minds for hearts, here is the battlefield, no, no, these are young people, yes, we must to offer something, here are some meanings in order to separate yourself from something, and i was interested in the experience of just going into this topic, in february of this
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year i ended up in rwanda, yes, so to speak, we read, followed, worried , i offered just mine there, as a reflection on history or something. and where we are, i generally report i started my own with a question, let’s try to imagine, and i’ll ask you, to imagine a world in which capitalism is empathetic, human-centric, about the benefits for the people of the planet, it does not exploit people, but realizes their inherent potential, i say, it’s easy to imagine this, and how they reacted, three hands were raised, i mean, who imagines that it’s easy, yes, i immediately said, come work for us, we really need you. and if it’s difficult, but there are reasons for it, but what are the reasons? very briefly: this idea is a little over 400 years old, the main idea, you mentioned it, competition, uh, the main rule, the main rule, everything that is not prohibited is permitted, by the way, we have the thirty -fourth article of the constitution written down, that
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is, in this model the strong have the legal right to destroy the weak, this is a very cruel world, destroy, well, economically, that is, you can so to speak, lose business, let’s say , yes, yes, yes, you can, you must turn into zero, that is, the competitive struggle so that i am left alone, but what about there marx, in principle, suggests that if this is not limited in any way, that is, your proposal says that we can build a world of capital, where there will be many successful entrepreneurs, but no one will turn into zero, and we will, so to speak, love each other, help each other and so on, this is a very big question and generally speaking. where to start the big question there with business, to start with the state community, it seems to me that with business, if we live in this socio-economic formation, then we definitely need to start with us, but we are simply at a historical point when - it is no longer possible to do nothing, that is, well , the number of conflicts accumulated in
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completely different areas of man with nature, man with man, the expected future man with something incomprehensible in the form of artificial intelligence or man... with machines, well that is, something needs to be changed, the world is going somewhere in the wrong direction, but it all starts right here in the socio-economic model, is it possible to build something so idealistic, romantic, which will make marx turn upside down, well, that’s probably question, its so simple, but at least as an ideal you can start discussing something, these three hands that were raised, and yours was the fourth, that is, you yourself believe in it, yes, i believe, we are trying.
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if you understand this cultural code, then it is important to fix a very simple thing : in the system of socio-economic relations where we now work, all the best practices that were brought to us, they were brought by western companies, well, since the early nineties they began here come, business schools, all famous, they are all built on the protestant ethic, attitude towards work, and there the attitude towards money is a little different than in our culture, let's stop here now so that we -
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for the may day demonstration, don't remember, yes, hello, feudalism, the bright future of humanity, here has it become a bright future, that is, this is initially a progressive idea, so to speak, yes, that the world is changing, the world is changing for the better, improving in everything and so on, so we are heading towards something, here again historical practice does not show and doesn’t confirm it, so as for capitalism, in fact, this is how it is believed that this is the 19th century, where england and the regions that are now called benelux began to form...
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formed their worldview, views on socio-economic development in those same years and in the late eighties in the era of the emergence of capitalism in modern russia, here i am, well , how would i define several things: the first is, well, as we know, freedom is better than not freedom, it is freedom, economic freedom, i believe that it is not an inherent feature certainly, that means, strictly speaking , capitalism as such in ancient rome had the right, here is private property, and in ancient judaea there was the right of private property with a ban on selling, for example,
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the most grandiose event in modern russia. traditions and advanced technologies,
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the greatest achievements and discoveries. all corners of the country. all areas of life. 247 days. 89 regions. more than 17 million visitors. we have something to be surprised by, we have something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition, july 6. on the first. and today we gathered with thoughts on capitalism and its current state, and what we can do about it all. ilya kuzmenkov, sergei ivanov, i am vladimir ligoida. let's continue. i want to return to your theses, which since they were voiced in
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rwanda have been heard, so to speak, in the vastness of the information field, yes, just in case i will repeat, yes, for sustainable existence in the future. uh, the business model must satisfy three mandatory criteria, yes, you already said this today, i repeat, it must be human-centric, multicultural and socially responsible, and well, you talked about empathy, a generally important concept for you, i have a question, what does capitalism have to do with it, that is, relatively speaking, because all these characteristics are connected, firstly, with the attitude of a particular person, yes, with a certain cultural-historical context, and capitalism... like instrumental history, it will naturally exist differently depending on this, well, you know, i’ll draw this analogy, there are political institutions and processes, and there are concept political culture, this is a system of values, views, and - when it appeared, in fact, it appeared when they noticed that these political institutions and processes, well, parliament, for example, yes, in
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different countries, it seems that there is a parliament there, and there parliament, and there is parliament, and democracies are different, why, because the political culture is different. yes, it seems to me that there is a similar story here, so strictly speaking, are you talking about capitalism as such, as an instrument where there is a free market, private property, competition, or are you talk about this cultural context, here in general raising the topic of capitalism, probably with one goal, that we live in some kind of socio-economic formation, it has been dominant for the last 30 years, this idea is dominant, well, this is an attempt to just think about it . probably, it can be pushed aside because it really is different at different times, so if you try to look into tomorrow, just imagine what a business should be like to begin with, just a business to stand on its feet, so i suggested these three criteria that you have to think, discuss and criticize there, the first one is human-centric, but what
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is it, what is it, and what kind of person do we put at the center, and how are we companies, and how are we in general? basic income and separated by commas, just further , the gaming industry, here’s the metaverse, the virtualization of all this, the availability of entertainment in this part, the liberalization of the gender agenda, if you look at all this from such a detached perspective, then i’m like, uh, like a person, just any person, he
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said would be that some strange thing is what am i being prepared for, is i being prepared for the transition to the state of a vegetable, but as if for something, in order to distract, to remove the nonsense , what am i needed, and what am i, that’s who we need from the point of view of the consumer who would question i didn’t ask, in the store i went up to the shelf and paid, and well, it’s like we need an ideal consumer, someone even declares this there, we need consumers, and what is a creator, and what is a creator, and in general what criteria should he meet, and this is a question, well, you can just dive in here, but of course we are talking about the creator here, multiculturalism. wealth in diversity must be respected and appreciated, because the monolith is being destroyed, it’s all in the future, most likely it will not be sustainable. and third, social utility. what is social utility? business can be done, this is how, as marx wrote, capital looks for niches where it can be stripped at maximum speed, with minimal risks. or , on the contrary, business is a benefit that finds a place in people’s lives in an economically
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efficient way. in dialectics, this, this, this creates harmony. but it's a question of questions. society was fairer, more human-centric there, well, it used to be called humanism, and we often come up with some hopes for ideal social economic relations, which in
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themselves will make a person’s life better and change the person himself, i would still bet not on but i wouldn’t bet on society, but i would bet on people, on people, well , actually, this has something in common, that is, we need to clarify, this has already been said somewhere before you, in my opinion it’s so little known. joke, but in every joke there are more jokes, here is the image in society, unfortunately, the image of a capitalist, there is a businessman, he adds up... so a little with criminal overtones and such a predatory shark, to a large extent people who grew up from below, well, creating yes , this is what dmitry is talking about, doing his own
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startups there, attracting capital, well, in general, that is, whose source of origin is not crime and not some bureaucratic, as it were, these are entrepreneurs, so let’s treat this word more like, that is, it's like about the same thing, capitalists, i can be on the side of society, but about the entrepreneur i’m saying that entrepreneurs in their spirit are no
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one, an employee, pay cheaper, take more from him, the state, don’t pay taxes, the client, that’s a model, well, but nevertheless, it’s paradoxical, if there’s such a big, look, macro-philosophical context, that is , it’s clear that if we look through, say, religious and philosophical glasses, then any similar...
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dispute between communists and socialists , it was that the communists said, that it is necessary to destroy capitalism and immediately build communism, that is, the city of soltsey, and the socialists seemed to be against this, that is, it was like there were different views in general on the development of society, and mar he seemed to reconcile them, he said that after after capitalism, communism cannot be built, because man is old, he is not ready, he is still a wolf, as if yes, he will be a wolf, yes, so we need to build socialism, socialism is a change in relationships and changing a person with...
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the topic is already there, beautiful , that’s right, like the same socialism, relatively speaking, yes, but a person to i’m not ready for it, it’s too dilapidated, but here an element of violence appears, which little by little develops, which means it’s hard into terror there and so on, they started,
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mom, i’m dancing. our base, but where is the heart that will love me, your neighbors are sleeping, polar bears, goodbye, mom, goodbye, mom, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost, fantasy, tomorrow on the first day, my only one betrothed to the wind here is my family, everything else, parental home, the beginning, began, you are in my life, a reliable berth, even if not... love, as it was and so
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it will happen again, as long as people live in the world, i will have all my family, it’s somewhere in the depths, let’s pray for my parents, for all the living and celestials, i will win you back, from everyone else, where one thing, they say that there is no happiness. day of family, love and fidelity, a festive concert on sunday on the first, and today we gathered with thoughts about capitalism and its current state, as
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well. what we can do with all this. ilya kuzmenkov, sergey ivanov, i’m vladimir ligoida, let’s continue. if we go back a little bit, here’s the topic: capitalist, correct me if i’m wrong, after all, there is such a thing as competition, it is fundamental. yes, for these free markets, relationships, competition, it actually is an incentive for growth and so on. that’s how much for that system, that’s for that, well , maybe not the system, for how you want to see it built. as you wonderfully said, we need to move somewhere, for the country in which we want to move, it poses risks, it is more of a risk or an opportunity, yes, what, what are the risks then, we we can’t refuse it or we can, this is an interesting question, uh, because the competition can be different, for example, boxers compete with each other, also how does it make sense to knock out, so that everything human from the enemy leaves, this is competition, a boxing match, a duel maybe there are
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sambo wrestlers there, but there it’s something else. there are already pain points, there are already rules, as if the competition is structured differently, chess players also compete, that is, the very concept of competition and well, the modern interpretation is more like boxing even destroy it. i feel the pain of another as if it were my own, this is part of ours, our national trait, such people are not competitive in competition, because they push them to the sidelines, because they
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don’t want to fight at the throats of intrigues there, they are about to go aside and alexander sanich auzan did a study, he counted 75% of us like that, he says, we have two hearts, russia is collective. when somehow among ourselves we learn to think about who we are, yeah, we talk about what is, in principle, possible divide different worldviews according to immanence, forgive me for this one more word, that is, naturally inherent, well , internally present, greed, vanity and hedonism, so we get three groups of worlds.
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he said that we all have our own circle of pain, yes, there are people who only feel pain when they are offended, when they are hurt, yes, there are people who experience pain that affects their family, there are relatives, there he says, a cultured person is one who is hurt by someone else’s pain, that’s what you said, you feel someone else’s pain as your own, well, probably, this is generally such an ideal of holiness, when it’s like your own, but when you basically feel someone else’s pain, yes, when it hurts you, because you can experience pleasure from someone else’s pain, right? what he needs, so he needs, i don’t know, however, how to connect all this with our topic, but of course the question of competition in our history in the middle of the 20th century, in my opinion, there was a difference, what is competition, what is competition, in
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competition, the strong have the right to destroy the weak; in competition, the strong have the obligation to pull the weak up to, that is take a march, what a thing, i just remembered our wonderful writer and... rybakova rybakov, vyacheslav mikhailovich rybakova, he says that any pragmatism in the extreme is fraught with betrayal, yeah, this seems to me to be relevant to our topic too, that is, if there is some kind of competition, which is based on the solution of some pragmatic goal, then at the limit there is always this potential risk of betrayal, well, because they can always offer you a solution. which will be pragmatically better, cooler, yes, which will lead you to your desired goal, you’ll just have to give up those with whom you started, that’s all. there is one pill, possible, as an option that can save you from this, this is
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the order of nikolai fedorovich fedorov, which i just like a businessman, uh, i perceive the order, how to do business, not for myself, not for others, but with by everyone and for everyone, that’s how it is... in more traditional industries, that is, to find
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your own business, to succeed in this business, to become a professional, subject knowledge for yourself, but if he specifically wants entrepreneurship, he is already somehow oriented, no, well, in this matter, you can try to start both entrepreneurial and projects, you can start right from the first year, here there are no restrictions at all today , but to find your own business, that is, well, this is what this is my calling , this is what i am for i am for society, what i want is like this is my business, what will it be built around, if i have an image of this vision , or at least thirst for searching, then i'll try, try, try when you will find, it will feed you with energy, and form vital forces and be such a guiding star, thank you, i would probably formulate two things, the first: when starting to engage in entrepreneurship,
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keep it in mind, maybe not even necessarily directly formulate and hang it on the wall, but keep in mind some kind of supergoal mission, that is, for what , not to earn money, not to become number one, there is number two, these are false goals, who decided to become number one , you will never become number one, but what are you for? this is what you do, what you want to change there in the world for yourself, that is, to have a mission, no matter how trivial it may sound from the point of view of such textbooks, but this is really so, the second thing is to remain a christian under any circumstances, that is, put it first place of your dignity, do not drop it, under any circumstances, and business takes a person through different circumstances, through different temptations, when it goes well, when it goes badly, when there is a team around you, many temptations, many challenges, don’t lose your christian dignity under any circumstances, can i add about christian dignity, about metaphysics in general, we started talking about this topic, a year and a half ago there was also an event in kostorik, fate also abandoned you. also some kind of conference, i had
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a slide there, i wanted to end it with it, and i showed this slide to the consultants, and they told me: remove this slide, why? this is very indecent, it’s uncivilized, you’ll offend half the room, and in general they don’t do that in polite society, biblical quotes, i’m like, well so, okay, i’ll take it away, i did a survey on my channel, it’s decent, it’s not decent, 30% of me says take it away, i’m also quoting from the gospel, i’m among the believers in business. he asks his comrades what kind it was, seek first the kingdom of god, its truth, everything else will be added to you, i ask if i can have a 50/50, like where are you going anyway, and i still have to remake it, i’ll remake it, uh, well in general, i’m flying, the flight is 36 hours, well , someone, well, one of the priests blessed me, he says, well, this is how it can be done, this is how it’s done you can, yes, i’m going, well, put it, don’t put it, put it, somewhere in the middle of the road, yes, but won’t you call me again to... i return this slide, well, and as if at the end of the speech
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i take it out, no i read what is written there, pronounce simply the words, i say: i am an orthodox christian, for me this is a very important system of meanings, but it seems to me that it generally concerns everyone present, because this is the formula for the success of a modern creative leader, or at least a message about something important from the past for us, how can this be translated into our modern language, look first to do something useful. for others, for whom, for others, for your clients, customers and for employees, everything else, whatever else, business, revenue, profit, will definitely come to you, amen, thank you very much, dear friends, sergey ivanov, entrepreneur, public figure, ilya kuzmenkov, media manager, entrepreneur, i’m vladimir ligoi, today we gathered our thoughts about capitalism, well, in general, we talked about a lot, i was very interested, all the best.
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hello, i'm flying cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a space stories podcast. today we have an unusual episode, i won’t be hosting it alone, stanislav dyadinsky, hello, film historian and my co-host, thank you, hello. today our guest is an animated film director, the author of the animated film “we can’t live without space,” and another animated film, well, there are many more of these, of course. which is also largely dedicated to space, he cannot live without space, the viewer is already confused, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, now we’re all let's explain, konstantin bronzit, hello, konstantin, why exactly the space theme, why did you make a cartoon about space, now anton, the question is not immediately in the eyebrow, in the eye, i
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always have to make a slight amendment, the theme is not space, for these two the films have two completely different themes, and they are not related. space directly, space in my films, just like the background is behind us now, we are talking here, and there is space, and so it is in the film. the theme of the first film is loneliness, the loss of a loved one, the most important thing for you man, and the character’s feelings about this, tragic experiences, the theme of the second film is destiny, but space
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dramatizes this whole situation, so it’s not like i, as a director, even chose space as a space. in which everything will happen, and this just came, i didn’t even choose, because being an astronaut, anton, well, it’s not for me to tell you, is probably the most dangerous profession in the world, well, really, it’s not a trolleybus driver, which is not true engineer, so probably always for the film it’s important to play on the positive side, that’s why space worked out for me, it came out on its own, then the story is about something else, well, yes, indeed, at first it seems that films are about space, then we understand that... it’s a completely different topic, i i just think, maybe because you were born on april 12 and 1965, after all, astronautics was on the rise, and maybe you wanted to become an astronaut, and i’m also konstantin eduardovich, it’s in honor of solkovsky, that’s right, my parents we haven’t been bothering here for a long time, and you
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you’re right, april 12, my birthday in 1965, but these are just amazing life coincidences, you don’t need to look here... for some direct connection with what happened to me with films, why they were born like that for me, it seems to me so , i’m not ready to be responsible for the choice of the almighty, perhaps i was told from above to act this way, bronzi you were born on april 12, you will also make two films about astronauts, but i have a feeling that these are all random connections when you made the first film from this ideology , can be called ideology, i don’t know, but these are definitely ideologies, it’s... so animated, thank you stanislav, this is the moment that i’m really a little proud of, because well, i generally know the historical retrospective of animation, but correct me , if i’m wrong, i have a feeling that no one
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has ever done such a diptych, connected by a certain important, powerful arch, in the animation, it would seem that a lot has been done in 100 years, yet i did some that’s a small discovery, yes an animated diptych, yes indeed, but still, when you... were filming, and you studied the life of astronauts, i don’t know if they carried out some research, or is it all a set of impressions that a person receives all his life when he watches how the space industry develops , because of course we, we all know just a documentary film, from the programs, a lot about gagarin, in general, such a script could probably be written by any person who has been observing the development of the space industry in recent decades, well, in the first film there is at the beginning specifically preparation. koslat, and such as it is, then initially, i lied a lot, probably, there i had a question, who advised, because everything down to the smallest detail includes the centrifuge, everyday life, everything is exactly as it is during the preparation of cosmons, i i suspect you have now we have a video, we can watch this piece a little, yes, you
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know, i practically came up with all this, i understood, but i had the feeling that i was lying, godlessly lying, but...


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