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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 5, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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done, after all, i made some small discovery and an animated diptych, yes indeed, but still, when you were filming, and you studied the life of astronauts, you did some research, i don’t know, or it was all a collection of impressions that a person gets his whole life when he watches how the space industry develops, because of course we all know just from documentaries, from programs a lot about gagarin, in general, such a script could probably be written by any person who watches the development... of the space industry last decades, well, in the first film , at the beginning there is specific preparation for space, and such as it is, i lied a lot, probably there and then i had a question, who advised, because everything down to the smallest detail includes a centrifuge, everyday life, everything exactly as it is during the preparation of cosmonons, i suspect, you tell me now we have a video, we can watch this piece a little, yes, you know, i practically came up with all this, i...
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understood, but i had the feeling that i'm lying, i'm lying godlessly, but it's clear that i'm not an idiot i tried to be a little bit literate, uh , so that i wouldn’t be caught in some kind of falsehood, just uninitiated viewers, naturally, i looked at something, and what i looked at, there’s not much material on the internet, yes, these centrifuges, there are some separate small fragments, and they are not of very good quality, but it doesn’t matter, i somehow summarized all the material received and drew something general out of... their considerations, i suspect that i lied a lot, but my task and it wasn't, i'm not making a documentary about the astronaut, you know, yes, no, but very realistic, very, i say again, the first moments are how the selection goes on, that is , one of our stages is physical education, that is, swimming, running, push-ups are tested, that’s it one on one, and naturally it all ends with a centrifuge, wow, well, look, it turns out that the artist still feels something, some truth of life, i don’t know anything about it.
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and festival qualification, to get to the oscars, it’s not enough to just make a film; a colossal number of films are made in world, and not every film made is sent there, the academy will simply be overwhelmed, it will not sort it out, thousands of films are produced, and therefore the academy makes the first important filter, in order to send to the oscars in this race to get into the longlist, you must receive at least one main prize at some significant festival and then... you get the right to send your film to the oscars, and there is a list of festivals, yes, yes, on the academy’s website there is a list of festivals, which are called the academy’s qualifying festivals, you have badge of a member of the ovskor committee, academy of 2009, it was issued long before your film was actually epiced, no, it was issued after the first nomination in 2009, i would wish every filmmaker one.
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democratic, professional get-together, in the literal sense, where you feel like you did something so significant, they saw you, yes, this is such a small professional feedback, this is great, this is nice, lady gaga, this is lady gaga, yes, she i was also nominated for some song, i think, that year, yes, that’s why she’s there, and this is a whole complex of events, it’s not just the ceremony itself, and there’s a whole series of different events, shows, meetings with the press, with the public, and so on and so forth, it doesn’t last one day, it’s
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about an event, festive the event lasts about 2 weeks, it's amazing, it's so permanent, it's john lasater, it's in the pix studio, a great man, that is, we don't have it. people who are not initiated into all this are close, they have the feeling that this is all just a ceremony, the ceremony is the apotheosis of everything this professional holiday, so it’s great, it’s true, it makes sense to visit, you’re lucky, yes, it’s true, i’m lucky, well, in principle, as if in the best examples of soviet animation, very often there are no words, there’s not a single dialogue , besides in english there are connections somewhere there, classic animated pantami, acting animation, when exactly here... i also wanted to say, colleagues, and i was not mistaken, indeed, colleagues, at least for the situation that we are children of this whole universe, we are then we are colleagues, of course this is correct treatment, colleagues, i have a feeling that i have never thought about this either, this is a way of telling
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a story, i did not choose it, for some reason i started telling stories without words from the very first film, i am very careful about words in cinema, i have great respect for the profession of a director, and... in a word, even more so behind the scenes or in dialogue and animation, you can tell anything you want, and if words come to the director’s aid in explaining something, it turns out that the director is not copes with its task, i chaplin's student, he is the first animator for me, for me animation is music and sign language, these are pantamimes, right, yes, how long does it take to create such a masterpiece? it's different for everyone, for words. the average production schedule, it exists, after all, cinema is about deadlines, this production is expensive, deadlines are inevitable, directors are not free here, and it’s good, otherwise they would never finish the film, the average schedule for a ten-minute film is a year and a half, i have a film literally 5
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minutes more, 15 minutes, both one and the other about astronauts, and but each of them took me 4 years for the first, four for the second, i’m very slow. god, i’ve been working on it for a long time, it didn’t stick together for a long time, it seems like everything came together on the screen, we were working on the script or yes, well, in general, the script, although there is such a professional term as animatic, a storyboard that has already come to life in time, with rough sound, that is , on the one hand, you continue to work on the script, constructing these situations, on the other hand, you are already working on the film, this is the skeleton of the film, it was already drawn, and whoever drew it was me, well, not all the animation was then drawn by the studio, when i was drawing the animatic for 3 years, everything was drawn there too... it is necessary, i did it all myself, well, for example, there , remember, there is an episode of the dining room lunches, so they eat, yes, they have fun there, so to speak, they play with this little one, for a long time i could not find a place for it in history, and why, because at the beginning of the film before breakfast was going on, and you understand, i kept catching myself
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feeling that this is bullshit, this will happen, they had breakfast and immediately there are shots of them spinning in a centrifuge, and i understand, yes, you see, you are laughing, and you understand why, yes, i... i understand that the viewer will have a basically bad, unnecessary feeling a feeling of physical discomfort, like this after breakfast, and then then, finally, it sounds so simple now, after a long time of searching for this place, i found that it would not be breakfast, but dinner, then everything fell into place, they they are having breakfast, they are delayed, they are being urged on, it’s time for the guys to go lights out, and there they still have time to jump on the beds, but in general, how is it in the author’s animation? which, in general, is the antipode of commercial animation, because in commercial animation everything is strictly according to plan, the script is actually ironclad, as it was in the soviet years, and so on, how directing happens in author’s animation , how the plot is searched, that’s why in one of the excerpts that we will now look at, what happens in your film is
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that very turning point from everyday action, when the heroes simply jump on beds, at some point all this turns into a metaphor, with every jump they get closer to... like an auteur film, the task is exactly the same, i turn on 200%, it can’t be otherwise, i just think that it’s this happens to many directors, the way of thinking and the method of work, it is always the same, there is a task, i must captivate the viewer, i must balance somewhere all the time on
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the verge of tragic, funny, by the way, chaplin again, i took it from him , this is an endless balance all the time, step here, step here, as in life, is there anything funny at the station, anton? well , of course, without humor in general it’s hard to be in the same western space with the same people for six months or more, so of course, humor is generally welcome, no matter what language it’s in. we always welcome jokes, and just stories, or to make fun of someone, so of course, but please tell me, now i’m the host, but please tell me, anton, has it ever happened in the practice of space travel that an astronaut gets a lack of sense of humor, and is checked whether this is, well, checked or not, i can’t say, but in any case, from the stage of selection for the cosmonaut corps, then preparation and... directly to the flight, they go against the backdrop of psychological selection, that is , psychologists work on us all the time, i
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think, if we’re like this, well, we’re just a 100% introvert, who doesn’t joke, he wouldn’t have gotten into the cosmos squad at all, they would have figured it out right away, there are people who don’t talk that much, for example, as i personally won’t blurt out, but you can always find a topic with him that will make him laugh, so when you see this person laughing, you feel doubly funnier, because you have never in your life, well, for example, for several days, heard him laugh. here we gathered at the same table, we told some joke, and it was his joke, or he himself brought it, this joke, when you see a man who always walks, well, so serious, a real colonel, a military man, it doesn’t matter whether it’s ours or ours , and he suddenly said something so funny, maybe even to me it’s not very funny, but the way he behaves, he laughs, it’s already funny, so well, it’s definitely impossible without a humorist, so we’re trying, maybe even joke once again, well, in a kind way, of course, to somehow cheer up the crew, so that yes...
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mom, we can’t live without space, i wanted, while they show it to us, to ask, these characters are similar to those that you met among your colleagues, among people who were trained to be cosmonauts, maybe they didn’t make it, because there are different heroes here, there is this person who comes to replace that cosmonaut who died, and he is so completely serious, feeling yes, he seems to be from a different generation, yes it doesn’t fit in at all, well, of course there is , and you can... somehow draw this parallel between the characters in the film who exist in real life
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, of course, we have it, since you’re military there , we necessarily behave somehow more carefully, well, this is the army, that’s all -after all, you are an officer, but there are moments when they don’t see us, or if you get to know us better, we have the same humor, maybe even more than the one who always behaves so relaxed, with a smile, but in life there may be when not for show, he behaves completely differently. so i think here some two military men who, if necessary, carry out everything strictly, well, in moments when you can relax, they can play like children, like in the canteen, this is interesting, because an adult, he understands the selection system, here i thought, maybe the astronaut, understanding what kind of competition he is participating in, in the qualifying competition, and imitate the humor, so to speak, play something, yes, well, in order to pass, this is possible, well, theoretically, i think, yes, it’s probably possible, if you get to know them, you can still play along with the tests they give, but then there is a long process,
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so i spent 8 years preparing for the first flight, in 8 years i had already been thoroughly studied, and many who were already selected for the cosmonaut corps were undergoing training, they already broke down or , well, stepped aside later, well, for example, in the entire history of astronautics, only half cosmonauts who have undergone full training, flown at least once in... this man, he went through everything with me, it seems to me that he was no worse than me, he was also physically and mentally, he also took tests,
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but for some reason didn't hit, unknown the reason, well, there are a lot of them, they are different and medicine, here is psychology, there are some personal problems, it’s just bad luck, i ended up in a program that was closed, it’s a dead end, he was transferred to another program, it’s closed again, time flies, man grows up, health, naturally, is not acquired every year, and a person goes, i... the second film we are talking about today, he cannot live without space, yes. yes, because you said, someone dreamed of it since childhood, prepared for this, like our hero from the second film konstantin, how the idea of ​​this film was born years later, because at some moments, well, to be honest, i was even creepy when i watched it, it seemed like such a horror, yes, especially in this scene of the main character’s nightmare, when the house like an umbilical cord pulls him back, he can’t
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tear himself away, and in general, of course, my film is much more dramatic, despite its apparent simplicity. some kind of divine error may happen, something is wrong, some kind of glitch, but still
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leave this glitch or change it a conscious decision, anyway, of course, here it is... here it is, how will he eat it, well , it’s a pity how he eats, how he doesn’t try to breathe, i don’t know if i spent so much time in a spacesuit, crazy i got off, and how much maximum time can you spend in a spacesuit ? it depends on the spacesuit, this one is more like a spacesuit that we go into outer space, but i went out and this is a record, well, for now it’s still 8 hours, in my opinion, 13 minutes, this is in outer space, there we'll add an hour there, well, somewhere around 10 o'clock, sorry, it's in diaper? in principle, we put them on, but we don’t walk, 10 hours is enough, we can be patient, and somehow, by the way, there was no such thought, well, i don’t know, everything was fine, uh, the spacesuit in which we are, uh, in space ship, but it’s already there with food, with airflow, you can sit there longer, yes, but still
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i definitely wouldn’t have been able to stand it for a day without really opening it, but why do you need a spacesuit in a spaceship directly, or in? from spacesuits, both here and abroad, and there are probably children’s spacesuits somewhere in the store, but i haven’t seen them yet, for children yet we didn’t send it, but there is such an idea, but in general children will someday be sent into space, step by step, we are getting closer to the fact that space will be accessible to everyone, now there are people flying who want to fly, but they have money
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if people who want, who don’t want, well , some kind of happy accident, just like a movie... chkalov, gromov, such seasoned men, celestial beings, only they can fly on such creatures, and what an ordinary person cannot do, i just bought a ticket, no one certificate. not asked, the main thing is it all depends on where you are if you want to fly, correct me , it seems to me that i’m right - the feeling that the two components of a flight into space are physical and psychological, it seems to me that the physical, in principle, is in the background, and the first is psychological, this is difficult , probably the most difficult thing,
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there was nothing complicated, firstly, it was my dream since childhood to fly into space, when i got there, i saw our earth, i found myself in constant weightlessness. i just had a blast and i lived and worked in space for 2 years, every day was news for me, firstly, there is no time to be bored, there is always work, even on weekends we burden ourselves with it, time flies very quickly, very, you’ve passed a month once, already twice, you just arrived, it seems, due to what you feel that you are right at the peak of everything that humanity has created, you seem to be a living person, but you don’t live on earth, you revolve around it, it’s always a subbat. plus you are one of those chosen by the space agency as your, well, state, can you imagine that there is an international crew commander, even when they ask, were you afraid to fly for the first time, this... this is a normal question, at almost all meetings, i say, the worst thing for us is always not to fly for the first time, but to fly, you were afraid, you weren’t afraid of anything, you were
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prepared, you knew, what will i do, of course i didn’t fly to mars, there to some unexplored planets, although of course i would fly with my soul, but there is no such thing, i called the ground when the flight ends and you say, i ask for an extension at my own expense, there was no, there were other cases . i just had two flights extended, yes, that is, they were extended, moreover, the first time they extended it for 2 months, and the crew, there were only three of us at the station, i was an american, an italian, and i was the commander, and the management of the command center, well, through a closed connection, asked me, like anton, are you ready to fly again, yes, of course, we are ready, with us, the more the better, that is, we are trying, we understand that we are not doing that... we are flying into space, will you still have a chance, so i want to stay in this state as long as possible in earth orbit, and i say, well, of course, you can carefully ask
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your colleagues, well, i think, okay, i’ll ask, asked, yes, the italian was happy, she was jumping all over the station, the american was a little busy, he had some business, he had already flown in, i had business, well, in principle , the crew was ready to fly further, there might even be some american there i set a record, but literally... before boarding, they also called me and said: anton, it’s the may holidays, we don’t want to keep people on the may holiday, we ’ll let you in 3 days earlier, you’re like, i say, it’s bad here, i say, what can i say here is that the crew will be dissatisfied, this is immediate, so you yourself tell them, let me not speak as a commander, i have a question, if we talk about time, the future, the past, this film, it can be considered a prequel, that is , a story that tells the events preceding the first.
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socially, you can watch the film separately from each other and not even know anything about the existence of the second film, it seems to me that this is a big plus, and what’s interesting is that i don’t remember that i agonized over the title we can’t live without space, it was right away at the level of an idea, from somewhere, with the second one, i didn’t go through everything, i didn’t try it, i didn’t have this version, it doesn’t even occur to me how much, although i already had the plot in my head, that’s it, i’m almost finishing the film, suddenly i remember in desperation, i call my friend. .. to a friend and colleague dima vysotsky, i say: dima, come up with something, well , save me, well, maybe throw some version, and i remember from the feeling on the phone, i found him somewhere, almost he was entering, either
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getting ready, or going out somewhere, that is, on the run, and he did this, apparently, to get rid of i, well, knowing about the previous film, joked, but he couldn’t live without space, it’s so simple, i didn’t even have a version of this, moreover, a little later, when... this excitement died down, that the title it was found, everything connected at once, two films came together, here it is, a diptych, i suddenly realized this is the important thing, the last thing, the title of the second film, he cannot live without space, even more precisely than the titles, we cannot live without space, to the first film, but with the first i couldn’t do anything, and by the second i couldn’t i could have refused such a tasty morsel, by the way, anton, there is a shot in the first film of two cosmonauts - in front of the rocket, before the dive, yes, before the launch, they are photographed on the site, on a polaroids . i did this for the plot, it was
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important to me, well, because the photograph as an artifact plays a certain role in this story, but then i found out, someone told me that, in principle, neither astronauts nor pilots do this, this is a bad sign , and this is great, i thought, that because this is... the flight stage, they are now broadcasting live, we we know who will fly, i can say who is planned next year, this was not allowed before, soviet times, the americans,
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even the launch to the moon, they showed from the very start... they showed who would fly, everyone watched the launch itself, so now there is no such thing, everyone calmly takes photographs, but from the film it was clear, of course, that such a photograph was needed in order to understand all this later, this is a podcast of space stories, we continue the conversation with konstantin bronzit, with you anton shkablerov and stanislav dedinsky, and they say , there is such a tradition before in flight to watch the white sun. i recently found out that this is the second year that elon musk’s ships have started flying cross-flights, here are the dragons to the iss, now on every american ship there is one russian cosmonaut on our ship , one american astronaut said that the guys who launched from florida said that they adopted this tradition. with the desert,
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konstantin, what is happening, why didn’t you put this tradition in your film, the first one, and i didn’t know anything about it, most likely, if in your film the hero was me, and what is my would fate be in this movie? good fate, happy fate, yes, yes, because a specific person is still an abstraction, colleagues, don’t forget, these are abstract figures, they don’t have names, this is, uh, in a sense, mm, you know, this the birth trauma of animation, we are forced to the viewer... to break through abstraction, a certain convention, and there is already a question for the viewer, is he able, does he know how to immerse himself in this convention, because animation requires such a skill from the viewer, this is a feature film does not require any skill, no preparation, because the entire image is real, it captures reality, there is no reality in animation, and you need to be able to get to it, especially when without text there is a need for serious immersion in this
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puzzle, what is this to you... what for oscar i i buried my film, but i didn’t care, i didn’t care about the title, this whole valuable game was more important, and why i buried it, because at the oscars in the category of shot animation, short animation, yes, they don’t like minimal serialization, i i know this, there were precedents that were similar, i was surprised, i appreciated it, wow, the film made it to the shortlist, that is, they finally noticed it , they voted for it, and even there there was
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some hope, but... but not much, they were just from -for the name, yes, and some academician friends wrote to me there, that kostya, the name still gets in the way, i say, i know, well, that’s it, i can’t do anything about it, it would even be a different name, it would have been easier, but the film would have been lost, this was important to me, konstantin, speaking about the future, i always ask what a person will do in space in 50 years, oh, anton, stanislav, imitated films, well... i won’t joke here, the topic is serious, and i’m also completely serious about being creative, and what else can you do in those conditions when everything else has already been decided, by the way, yes, in the context of what was said, this is indeed an ideal environment for creativity, because no one bothers you there, it’s true, but i’m afraid of my human feeling, down to earth, that space, forgive me, anton, space
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is hostile to man. there is nothing for us to do there, we we can explore, this advances science and so on, but we will never live there, we will fly there, do something, explore something, but the hostility of space towards us, in my opinion, is absolutely, it is a black lifeless space, absolutely cold, i think we need to look for something here on earth, here is our home, but what about the colonization of other planets similar to earth, beautiful science fiction, while science fiction, i am very, but not 50 years old. they finally filmed some new films there and we finally saw all the scientific stuff fantasy and fantasy, which we have seen, how very different it is from reality, how films on a space theme, which we have seen in large numbers over the past 10 years, and each of them is more and more perfect and it seems that my presence effect is very very convincingly with
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each new one. a science fiction film or even a real space -themed film, very high, and uh, probably like a colony will appear in the end, like what we 'll be like really like... well, yeah, space tourism should definitely develop, i only because weightlessness, a feeling , is a feeling that probably every person should experience in their life, this is exactly what the film “we cannot live without space” talks about. thank you very much, and i remind you that today our guest was the director, animator konstantin brondit, and i, as a co-host of this program , film animation historian stanislav dedinsky, a permanent presenter, cosmonaut pilot anton shkaplerov, this was a space history podcast. all episodes of the podcast laab project you can watch space stories on the website
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this is the easy money podcast. i am its presenter , mikhail khanov. today we are dealing with national payment systems and new means. payment, and most importantly with new technologies that provide all this. and our guest is the first deputy chairman of the bank of russia olga nikolaevna skarobogatova. hello olga. hello, mikhail. thank you very much for coming. there are no comments from market participants, from commercial banks in the first place, then the central bank pulls the blanket himself. here, let’s just say, if the mir payment system, which, by the way, no one believed in either, and with what difficulty and creaking it was launched, we are now de facto so accustomed to it that it stands on a par with... general global payment systems, card systems, here the role of the central bank is, let’s say, supportive, regulating, and if we are talking about such things, we will now talk in detail, like a digital ruble, like a single qr code, to what extent you
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receive comments from market participants here, that the central bank wants to become the main bank, that is why is all this, and how will we feel in this paradigm? you know, in general, the attitude of market participants is very different and , by the way, you will remember the map as an example. at the beginning of the journey, well, in addition to skepticism that it was impossible to do this in the time frame in which we did it, and there was also skepticism, and why is this necessary in general, cards of international payment systems work perfectly well for us, there was certainly skepticism, and why is it doing this? the central bank, let one of the commercial players do this, well, history puts everything in its place, and i must to say that we probably answered all three questions, why did we do it, why did we do it, what did it give us in the situation we faced? but when we talk about some other such infrastructure centralized solutions, of course some of the participants always try to interpret that we are trying to enter into the commercial activities of commercial players, which is not true
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for one simple reason: the central bank cannot and should not serve clients, then there is customer service, physical, legal entities will be issued by banks or financial market participants depending on the operations. trying to say that the central bank has become a commercial player is, to put it mildly, incorrect, because it inherently cannot become a commercial player, what a central bank should and can do is to create an equally remote infrastructure when all participants can use its services, and by all participants, i mean here not only participants in the financial market, but certainly citizens and businesses. the central bank does not take commissions, let’s do this for let's say to our audience, the central bank takes commissions from banks or from...
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often to itself, is this established by the bank or is this established by the security council as the regulator of this platform? the commercial player sets the tariffs and limits himself, but we can, in some cases we do, set a threshold, that is, nothing more. how much is it now? in your example, by the way, with 100 thousand, if we are talking about sbp, 100,000 per month is free. over 100 thousand, no more than 0.5 by the way, yes, now we are talking about so-called c2 transfers, when a person transfers to another person, in this frame over 100 thousand to 0.5, in fact, if you look, banks also set very different commissions, some 0.2,
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some 0.3, some 0.5 , this is just to the topic that yes, we have established a threshold, but then, as far as the bank works with the client, he makes this decision himself, but now just recently a law was passed that concerns transfers to oneself. i'm talking about 30 million, which you or i can transfer within a month for free to another bank account, that is, i will repeat once again this: olga said, from the lips of the deputy president of the dcb it was said that now... c2c users themselves are castomer to castomer from english abbreviations can transfer up to 30 million rubles without commission month after month for free from any account to their own account other banks banks well which are included in the sbp system, obviously , in fact, this applies to absolutely all types of payments, that is, you can transfer it simply according to your payment order, that is , from an account about this without regarding the state security. relatively or through sbp, and limits
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some into pieces, that is, how much is 1 million, 2, 3, you know, we didn’t have a limit on transferring the amount to sbp per day, there was really a division there, one operation of 1 million, we even removed that, because we we believe that it should be convenient for a client to transfer any amount, i say 30 million a month, you can 30, you can 15, you can 25, if it’s more there’s a commission or a ban, there ’s most likely a commission, we’re now... payments, probably , in all countries, it comes out on top in terms of their connection, because seamlessness, so-called seamlessness of the connection and, in general, all the new innovations that can be applied in payments, because of course commercial players... well, they are fighting for our money, they make money from it, this is understandable, the question is who
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does it faster, more conveniently, who comes up with something new , it becomes more interesting to the client, one of the projects now, let’s say, in sight and hearing is a universal, so -called universal qr code, what is it, let’s start with this, and what changes await us here? what is the central bank working on now? what did we encounter when we we have already seen quite actively the results of implementing fast payment systems when paying, that is. there are two parts: either you transfer to yourself, or to another person, or you pay, for example, to a retail and service point, i think that everyone who regularly visits stores, pharmacies, in general, everywhere we go, yes, pays please note that the number of stickers on the glass in front of the cashier, it grows with different payments, and to be honest, when there were two or three of them, well, people somehow got their bearings, now in some places it reaches 5.6 and will be 7, 8, 9, 10, if in there's nothing in this world. not to do further, the person will definitely get lost and generally stop
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understanding what and at what moment he should pay, on the other hand, why we want this payment service through sbp via qra, and not only through sbp, i’ll tell you now, that universal qr is not only a technology for sbp, let’s explain once again, a qr code is a square of dashes, it is now pasted, often it is pasted, it says, for example, pay with sbp, or pay with such and such an application bank or something like that application.
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his phone on the qr code, he chooses not only but if we simplify it, then the person simply points out which tool to pay himself and here the key word is himself, but he is not forced, yes, that is , he can pay, as i said from the bp, or he can pay he chooses a payment order from a bank or a payment service from an account in general. with which instrument to pay and chooses through which bank and confirms the payment, but the most remarkable thing is that when he then, for example, goes to some other store, if he wants to pay in the same tool and to the same banks... it simply already confirms the payment, that is, we will also create a technology that will allow the client to remember the last bank that is convenient for him, the platform took a long time to be written, you know, in general in our country the principle always works, but i i paraphrased it a little for myself, before it was a five-year plan in 3 years, for me it always sounds like a five-year plan in a year, but in principle, honestly, with a good
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organization of inspiration and the correct correct structure of the project, it is possible to do it in advance. it seems to you that they will use it more often - cards when paying for goods and services, or a universal qr code? i think that in 5 years people will use both a qr code and a digital ruble. this is the easy money podcast, i am its host, mikhail khanov, today we are talking
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about national payment systems, about new tools, about the technologies that allow us to implement these tools, ours helps us with this. guest first deputy chairman of the bank of russia olga nikolaevna skorobogatova. a scary word for everyone: bioequaling. olga, what is this? also one of our new projects. it became possible because among other things, thanks to the fact that the law was adopted, a system was created, a state information system of biometrics, which is called a unified biometric system. not a protection law. this is not 115, there are several laws, including 115, changes were made, yes, but once again the same thing. biometric system, to explain in simple language, yes, it’s voluntary, this is the key thing, which is also extremely important for us, let me also talk about all this voluntarily now, voluntarily at your request, the opportunity to submit to this system biometrics, that is, your photograph, well , let's simplify it, well, a photograph, a photograph,
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roughly speaking a photograph, the voice enters there, the voice enters there, and that is, photographs, the voice in those bank branches who provide this service is: you need to look at the website banks, they directly give specific addresses where you can go, do this, for what? so that if you later want to use, for example, your biometrics, that is, your sample, you can use this when making payments in the store, that is, even now you sometimes you see that there are terminals like pay with your face or pay with a smile, yes, but the point is that when we talk about a unified biometric system, then all participants, well, all banks. will be able to provide such a service to their clients, not just one or two participants, all banks, again, if the client wants, that is, you have submitted your biometrics, your photograph, the system, a unified biometric system once, then, if you sign yourself, this is the second , the second check is for you whether you want to use your biometrics when paying, whether you want
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use, for example, when going to the business lounge at the airport, do you want to use, for example, when going to russian railways, that is, there will be many services there, not just finance. but also not financial, which can be done precisely based on your previously submitted biometrics, but they use this biometrics when they identify you, when you go somewhere, exclusively, you said correctly, this is already encoded information, that is, they do not use your photograph, it lies and is stored, all security requirements are ensured in one place, here directly what one or another works with. organization yes, for example, a bank or there, for example, in the subsequent russian railways and so on, this is encoded information, that is, it is not a direct photograph, it is not direct in any case, yes, the so-called hashed information there, which is used by one or another organization, when you said, you take biometrics, who do i take it to, who is the owner of this database?


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