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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 5, 2024 3:15am-4:01am MSK

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and the clinking of bottles, amazing, dmitry, thank you very much for the conversation, this was a must-read podcast, my guest was the writer, poet and playwright dmitry danilov, we discussed danil kharms and his creative legacy. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married. the whole world was at the feet of her beloved, and quiet happiness within the confines of one moscow apartment was enough for her. artyom is a private pilot, also works as a crisis manager, with large companies, lives in the moscow region, is proud of the fact that he received two higher educations from prestigious universities, dreams to build a house on wheels, warns that there will be no wedding in his life. artyom will not
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force the company of a lover to drink even on holidays and will never continue the dialogue with the foul-mouthed woman; he will marry an ambitious red-haired beauty who will not mind falling asleep with him in an embrace while watching the tv. hello, hello, you would dye your hair for your fiance, why? because i like my hair color. tell me, is there not going to be a wedding? it’s not that there won’t be, let’s just say, i don’t really see the point in it, well, that is, my attitude towards girls to my beloved before the wedding and after the wedding will not change radically, so for me this is not some kind of point of departure or the beginning or the end, like a wedding, since when was this done for the bride and groom, wake up, a wedding is for parents of the right people, for the right people...
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i like his idea that a wedding is far from necessary, the main thing is two people should love each other, of course, as a girl i always dreamed of some kind of fluffy dress, i don’t know white horse conditionally and huge cake tell me, artyom, you have such a rich past, how many years did you live with a woman, which one, well, which child did you raise her with? i probably wouldn't want to touch. right deep into this topic,
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because yes, i’m not deeply interested in this, i’m just going to go over the top now, yes , i had a serious relationship, it lasted 11 years, you can go crazy, you’re only 31 now, yes, yes, they ended last year, yes, it probably took me about a year to move away a little from this relationship, well, in general, to somehow it was possible, of course, i was looking for peace in sports, in work, of course, again in studies, because this is my last education... i’m finishing, i’m getting it literally now, you’re already accustomed to family and to relationships between adults and family, artyom is not walking now, yes, young, handsome, ambitious, educated, why get married again, tried the family, i like it, it seems to me that i am a semenin by nature in general, i can do it, and moreover, i get pleasure from it, why is the t-shirt interested, what a choice, we dressed up, was your woman with whom you lived jealous, jealous of you? uh, yes, yes, everyone
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was jealous of me, yes, it irritated me, as you did or was ironic about it, irritated, it could have become, well, kind of a reason for no, i take it calmly, i have shortcomings, like if only we could all put up, it’s clear that a person is who he is, she was like that at the beginning, in fact she was like that at the end, so no, yes, because i can wake you up at night because i had a bad dream, that he’s cheating on me, it’s easy to give in to rock, well, this is absolutely the same situation, one on one, the dream screamed, she climbed.
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here, probably, after such a long period of time there cannot be a fluid relationship, how do you generally feel about jealousy of the past, maybe you can be jealous of the future or the present. may not agree, it may scare her, well, it probably all depends on the chosen one, of course, well, what can you say, well, firstly, i haven’t seen the whole world yet, that is, i don’t want the choice of a country of permanent residence, again where to meet old age so that it is not forced, but conscious for... i want see everything, compare, make a choice where i want to stay, so here, of course, yes, travel, of course, maybe not even so much travel, as we all see, hotel beach, just get to know the nation, find out the mentality of people, travel, see , in russia it doesn’t suit me, no, i didn’t say that it doesn’t suit me, i’m saying that
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there’s not much to compare it with yet, well, i understood you, but i didn’t, but i didn’t understand, artyom, that means that , that larisa is a pathological retina, yes, i’m kind of like that. and examples she tells her stories quite often, so you can give me at least one example of yours, examples of pathological jealousy, okay, that means i’m in a good mood, we all know, our mood depends on what foot you got up from and how the day started, let’s say, today i’m in a good mood, i can even compliment the boss who makes me coffee, this could be the reason for such jealousy that the rest of the day could be ruined, so this is logical. ..
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work experience of more than 10 years in various spheres, hotel service sector, restaurant, cafe, construction, real estate, logistics sector, wholesale trade, including import, export of consumer goods, consulting, and hello, a pilot has arrived for you, but a pilot is a higher education, i won’t see it yet, pilot, come on, artyom, this is a higher education, secondary vocational, you can get higher, but if you already have higher, then on the basis of it you can get, what kind of pilot you are, until i see it, i won’t believe it,
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it flies cool, well, he presses the buttons, right. cool, well, i see editing in this, mom, i’m on tv, and this could be, no, he’s sitting, no, he could be sitting somewhere, it’s all today, of course, it’s all on the computer, it’s reminiscent of history 50 shades of gray, how they flew, how they turned over, i have a dream to do something like that, it’s romantic, it can definitely make this dream of yours come true, grisha, how old are you? 17 it’s good to have such a cool older brother, but please tell me, you know very well, you received, no, from the older brother, no, no, not we never fought, artyom is like that, how many are there in the family, five of us, seriously, yes, thanks
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parents, otherwise from one father and mother, as in the song, four sons, honey, daughter, it’s true, right? okay, come on in and meet me. artyom, hello, hello, unexpectedly, yes, but i’m a redhead, thank god, my name is zina, now my heart is free, it seems to me that you can settle in it, well, let’s see, maybe, yes,
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everything is possible, let’s go, let me , yes, of course, zenoid, 25 years old, car. educational courses in photography and songwriting, is proud to be the first beauties of oryol university, lives in the center of moscow, dreams of singing not only in karaoke, but on the big stage, warns that she will not deny herself lard with garlic and herring with onions, even on the first date, admits that she only recently met her own father . zenoida was counting on her lover’s help in a difficult financial situation, but he only saw this as a good reason to boast about his high earnings and hope that artyom would become her support in every sense. hello girls, hello.
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it's a very berry time, and we decided word divide the berries so that we get me and the years. the fact is that a huge study came out that showed that not all, three unique berries have the ability to prolong life. about these berries about many others in the program. live healthy, tomorrow on the first, my only one, betrothed to the wind, here is my family, the rest is all of us, my parents’ house, the beginning, the beginning, in my life, a reliable berth, let it be. the world is ruled by love, as it was and will be so again, as long as
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people live in the world, this is all my dear, it’s somewhere in the depths, let’s pray for my parents, for of all the living and the heavenly, i will take you back, from all others there is one thing, they say all happiness. no, i’ll just answer, it’s love, it chose us, keep each other throughout the day of family, love and fidelity, a festive concert, on sunday on the first, listen, anyone who doesn’t like lard with garlic and herring with onions is lying, but... somehow before a first date, well, you need to hold yourself a ton
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of chewing gum in your hands, well, in order to make an impression, why is such a stinking gum all at once? in fact i think this is not a problem, why? because we have toothpaste, a brush that will do a great job of removing odors, then chewing gum and you can safely go even on a first date, i understand everything perfectly, for some reason it seems bad when you smell like garlic, but it’s okay if you’re just.
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i’ve encountered certain financial difficulties, i just share with him, people’s relationships are what, it’s to tell what ’s hurting you, when you feel good, when you feel bad, to share, i share when i feel bad, not really yet, how to say , well settled you tell a man about your financial difficulties, it’s very annoying for them, yes, but i chose a person for a reason, it wasn’t some kind of fleeting thing, tell me, how was he supposed to prove himself?
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i would have the money from a man i practically don’t know, but only if you understand that you are really in love, but please tell me, how can you tell a greedy man from a poor one? prozhet, everything is very simple here: a greedy man gets a girl who always pays for herself, and a poor man gets a lada 07/21, i agree, i agree, this is exactly about that, it means that he was poor with you, no, he was greedy, well, that’s why now you want a man who should earn at least 300,000 a month, i still don’t understand, you
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earn, well, at least start from this amount, my dear, i need 300,000. no, the maximum i earned was 250. and now, now it’s even a little less, that’s how it happens, i’ll explain, but it’s good that it’s written there, but i ’m not me now, i’m now, thank god, accomplished, realized, i can allow these 10 thousand a day, in principle, i also had a past relationship, well i had a moment when they borrowed money from me and did not give it to me, this happened several times, please tell me, dina, did you meet your father. at the age of 25, that is, recently, yes, why so late, was my mother against it or whose initiative was it anyway? the initiative was mine, for this i want to say a big thank you to my friend, olesya, she really highlighted this for me, and after that my career took off, because our father is responsible for self-realization, for money, and i
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worked a lot, but this didn't bring resources, i i understood that at the moment we are sitting at one in the morning, probably, and analyzing my natal chart, she tells me: listen, you need to establish contact with your father, this can be clearly read here, i am very interested, you know, how she will now voice her communication with your father, to your mother, how did your meeting take place, did you call, from your side or from his too, from both sides, and he is married, he has a family, no, he is alone, well, he had a family, he promises, yes, you will help now? and thus you will improve your financial foundation. i can't now to answer this question. why suddenly? i’m just interested in this question, it hurts me, you know, the feeling of my mother, who also hurts me. no, the feeling of a mother who is probably in pain. you understand, this is my conscious decision. my mother and i
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still don’t know, i don’t want to tell her about it. that is, only during the program will she find out. a thing that is connected with travel, i am also a traveler, i love it very much, and what resonated with me was that you love to study nationalities, culture is close to you, and where would you still consciously, as you say, i would like to spend my old age, at the moment, from what i have seen, australia, the level of education, i am open to this world,
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i would really like to see even more, and i would really like to see a surprise, yes we are ready, please, let's see now. i think it will be magical, well, she is very impressive, it seems to me that she has prepared something interesting, 100% creative. how in vain, i thought, that i would get everything i want, day and night in my dreams, i flew in the clouds, you and i are walking along the stars, our love, and just the two of us, you carry me to
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hands, and i... into the clouds, and i kept flying, but i knew that dreams were too much for love la-la, and i kept flying, that the sword you are only a little, a little, thank you girls, the song is absolutely perfect fits, yes, under this topic, of course. i know her, guys, tell me what your impression is, you can say, it’s amazing, i think it’s really stunning, brilliant, but it seemed to me that it was... from the opinions of my friends, of course, under the influence of those girls, which directly, strongly depends on if her guarantee of family happiness suits you,
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then she says, advice and love, and her guarantee of family happiness is the following - this is to show themselves as real idiots, who they are and are not afraid to be themselves, but if this suits you, well, welcome, well, in fact, yes, why pretend, meet the second bride . hello artyom, hello, my name is yanina, i flew to you from belarus and i think that for great love, distance is not an obstacle, i agree, let's go, for sure, let's go. can i just go down? great, thank you! yanina, 25 years old, business owner in the field beauty, lives in minsk, is proud that she earns $5,000 a month,
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warns that she is ready to change her place of residence, admits that she is still struggling with the consequences of anorexia. the breakup with her lover cost yanina 90,000 rubles. hoping that this amount will become a symbolic payment for the happiness that artyom will give her. “hello, good afternoon, you would have flown to another man in another country if i had not seen him, if i had not known anything about him, no, channel one is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of baikal amur highways, just bravo, if only all our drivers sang like that, our conductors and builders are the best in the country, are you a lucky person? i don’t know, even the prize sector twice, and now the key sector on the reel. field
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of miracles, tomorrow on the first. shaggy, shemelya on fragrant. this city is very cinematic, and there is also a very interesting local dialect. howdy kostruma, how healthy you have to be to be round. tell me, what’s wrong with this sum of 90,000? i dated a young man, we dated for 4 years, wow, but for me it’s the same quite such a long period,
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we lived together for 2 years, this was my second loan, but the first loan, so to speak, there was no return of this money, but the amount was less, the amount was around 500 dollars, then it was it was written off that, well, we vacationed together, we went to... a cafe together - he showed you the bill, he didn’t show me the bill, he said, i just won’t return this money to you, because we are together , well i don’t know, we drove in my car, and i paid for zamidin, but i asked, but i asked i don’t remember then, there was some kind of story, i took it, and then how to give it back, he began to come up with excuses like this, but the second time i took the receipt, i didn’t understand it, and this is the second amount of money, why is it suddenly like that? did you draw?
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at home, you know, it seems to me that it’s unacceptable to use a vacuum cleaner, yes, he just forgot his vacuum cleaner to take money from a girl, if there are few acquaintances or the relationship is shallow, but they broke up for some reason, but they broke up, you know, for the last year we’ve already had a very cold relationship , that is, we already rested separately.
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you need to lose some extra kilos there, the situation was very interesting, i didn’t have extra kilos, but i decided to play it safe, first i gave up sweets, starchy foods, then i completely gave up any food except fruit, and mom, what but my parents didn’t know, i smeared the plates with ketchup, put them in the trash and just threw them away, threw out the food, and just threw the food away, that is, i wore quite such voluminous clothes and the first... who rang some kind of alarm bells, it turned out my class teacher, she noted that i don’t go to the canteen at school, oh, my dear girl, look at the screen, this is my poor child, look how it was possible not to notice, look at her hands, legs, i’m on the face, enough on face, on the cheeks, well, there seemed to be no fat layer at all on the salmon, but i liked myself, i didn’t see myself like that
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day, how? yes, well, my friends, for example, they note that i eat very little, and i forget about what i need to eat, and that is , with whom i communicate, they say when we are already there time disruptions can happen if you forget to buy food, no, i don’t have any at all, maybe i should keep an eye on you, we just need to warn you, and what about stocking the refrigerator, i’ll say this, i don’t have this psychological feeling of hunger, but when i...
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for your height, you look wonderful, wonderful, therefore, thank you, that’s why there are no health problems now, you don’t know how to cook, you don’t even understand what to do with food, that’s right, you know, i have, when i was suffering from anapsia, i had some kind of peak studying all the recipes and cooking everything, and it seems to me that during that time i was so prepared to feed everyone, but not to eat myself, but to touch the food, that now the topic of cooking does not resonate with me at all, and i don’t want to do it, i won’t, say surprise , please, i’m very interested in what surprise she has prepared, i ’m doing fasting, it’s absolutely safe, so now you and i stand on a nail, we’ll go, we’ll continue to walk towards our end point, yeah, okay, how do you feel, well sensitive, but tolerant of nails, but this is still pebbles, what’s nicer than nails are pebbles, just after the nails it’s very cool
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and cool. glass or something - yes, but i think that it won’t be super sharp, oh god, everything is fine, i’m standing like you, everything is fine, we’re almost there, listen, but it’s already nice here, yes, well, ianin high, great, well , you see, when you go through all the difficulties, then let’s say, some happy moments come, and let this path of obstacles be the biggest difficulties in our life, and let the main thing be that there are no nails , then we’ll agree, at least hug this way let's go together, thank you, my friends, come into the room,
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hello, artyom, my name is valeria, you and i have a lot in common, i love traveling just like you, i hope we can fly together someday, it’s quite possible , greetings, thank you for coming, valeria. 32 years old, a student at the higher school of economics, speaks fluent english, is learning italian, is learning arabic, is proud of the figure she has gained thanks to her willpower and regular exercise, dreams of working as a model and not depending on her parents, warns that she cannot tolerate open doors, admits that she has never missed anyone or fallen in love, and hopes that artyom will reveal his extra-sensory potential. hello,
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my due, sub-our, base, well, where is the heart that will love me, your neighbors are sleeping, polar bears, goodbye, mom, goodbye, mom, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost, fantastic, tomorrow on first. to the anniversary of zhanna frizka. shanochka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very small. damn that's how i was born. mom, here's yours
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artist. we did 50 concerts a month, but we already joked that if we got married, it would be somewhere on the plane. what happened to me. and what ’s happening to me, i didn’t even dream about it, let’s go there with you, cute, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky, you are very similar to one actress, i often say this to me, it’s you, true, i, zhanna , was at the very top, a superstar, unattainable, a dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition for the circus, i came all bruised and needed. well maybe you don't need it how it’s not necessary, no, it’s necessary, i want, i want it to work out for me, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, but she is so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful, than anyone else there, she’s great, the premiere is on sunday
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on the first, oh, i don’t know, valeria, how come you didn’t miss anyone or fall in love? that is, that is, it’s true, i’ve never fallen in love, no crushes, there ala, here’s a boy from the next class, you say, and my parents are strict, no, not strict at all, we are on very good friendly terms, that is... and why
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, by the way, does she want to get married from the age of 20? i mean, well, i don’t know how i am , there’s no age difference at all, parents on this show are basically 9 years old - that’s a small difference lera , she actually just sat constantly at her textbooks and she speaks fluently in english and that she not only speaks english in italian now arabic, yes she is learning arabic, she is learning she lives in a good apartment she lives in a three-room apartment in the center of moscow and that this makes itself felt she occupied. it was always studying that she dreamed of earn money herself, she’s learning this, her dream was to go study abroad, she’s in love, listen, she’s distracted from her studies, it doesn’t depend on you, it doesn’t depend on you, for example, if you’re married, but suddenly something this happens, and you say, no, don’t, i’m a good person, i’m a clean person, i’m already myself, so what not to do, the girl is correct, chaste, you understand that i don’t understand. but it goes away once, and then, when things get going, he still has
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a man, he understands that we have young, your parents invested in you, bought an apartment, a car, so one day you introduce a young man, tell this story, how he wanted to go for a ride at your expense, wear out your leather seat with his bones, you know, honestly, it seems to me, he was not a bad guy, but he just didn’t approach me on his own, because well, he had an ordinary job, well, he had absolutely no aspirations, he didn’t have a car... i understand when a person doesn’t have a car, he’s there he orders a taxi, but when we are after the restaurant wanted to go somewhere, the only option was to take the metro, well, naturally i say that i have a car, well, at my expense, it’s like, well, in my car, well, you can’t leave, but he runs next to him, well, of course, this it’s ugly, so somehow the relationship didn’t work out and i want him to at least have the same thing that i have, my parents supported her and her boyfriend, it’s beautiful, so the relationship is ideally convenient, just right for artyom ek'. there is such information, it is
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a very small percentage, less than one, but as a rule, such girls almost never get divorced, this is what happens when you finally get the chance to have sex, you’re not scared, no, girls, zero experience, no, no, it’s probably an advantage, on the contrary,
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but i’m afraid that for now i’m getting to this point i’m not ready, that’s what he said at all, i don’t listen to him, but i’m ready, but for a surprise, come in, show me, girl, i wonder what kind of surprise she will have, at 22 years old, she can speak english, italian , in arabic to speak, i love you, artyom, you are in excellent physical shape, i suggest you do some exercises, so i think we can get closer, because i also really love sports. of course, yes, definitely, the argument brings people together.
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on the screen we will see poses that we will have to repeat with you. oh, apparently i need to take a rug. you are the number one expert on the female form. tell us what you think about this? she looks fine. it seems to me that you and i did a great job together. yes. this is more difficult, i won’t be able to repeat it, but i have to repeat it, right? yeah, you're more athletic than me, let's see what will be our next pose, oh, well, this, this is not very easy, eh, we should have invited nastka volochkova, well done, yes, okay, well done, valeria, thank you very much, come
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into the room, our surprise won, because well he simply aesthetically enjoyed, then uniform forms, i was amazed that he knew so many languages, it seems to me that this would be very, very compatible with artyom’s profession, you will fly to different countries together, yes, i liked the girl, yes, not bad, understandable, but i'm a little scared, of course, by the difference in age, what difference does it make? headphones and i only study alone, here with someone. and i doubt you, artyom, the whole program doesn’t give me any peace, this is your pilot’s theme, mendelson, what should i do with this story, well, let’s check how
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artyom really corresponds to the high rank of a pilot, i’ll ask him a few questions, let's try, tell me? they say that the calling card of a real man is a happy woman next to him, it seems to me that only with valeria you
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can make valeria happy, because, in fact, she knows nothing and together you will show her everything.
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hello, the program is on air, quiz andreeva studios, the main events of the day. resolving the conflict in ukraine. of course, you can turn to the rada, but in conditions of usurpation of power, the ruling elite in ukraine -


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