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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:51am MSK

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it’s because the music is very branchy with its variations, it’s a very beautiful polyphony, it seems to me, well, it’s impossible not to fall in love with it, tell me, you, in fact, like me, i love, if i’m going to do something, then it’s directly with immersion and your immersion in folk music is not limited solely to melodies, you even have a collection of costumes, the truth, how it happened, how it came into your life, this love for collecting everything russian, well, you can probably already call it a collection of authentic clothes, which i collected in ethnographic expeditions, expeditions took place in the villages of the penden region, that is, you also perform in them, yes, yes, here in the photograph you can see an authentic ponyova, a shirt sewn according to an authentic model, by a penden craftswoman who specializes in such costumes on such clothes as -the things were given to me by my friends who know that i... am engaged
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in such creativity, i am fond of collecting such clothes, okay, thank you, this is a genuine antique scarf, you see on my head, which is very many years old, it is more than 100 years old, and if we say penzi from the point of view of russian folklore, how to characterize the music that this particular region gave birth to, well , firstly, this dialect is so inimitable, in general, each region has its own dialect.
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it’s very different that these are such drawn out words, here are the lyrical songs of the pendensky region, yes, they can stretch one syllable into very, very many sounds, which makes it not always clear to the average person what is heard in the song, it is not always possible to make out the words, but i believe that in addition to just understanding the words, you can immerse yourself in such a meditative state, listen to this beautiful music, this beautiful polyphony and enjoy: today here are your colleagues, with whom you communicate, like-minded people, absolutely the same age as my children, some are already old enough to be granddaughters, that is, many people love and carefully promote russian folk song, i wonder if you have some kind of community today or do you stay quite isolated? i want to emphasize that not only young people who are old enough to be your children, yes, but also many children, who are old enough to be my children, are engaged in folklore. and i want to give an example that
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music school number three in the city of penza, where i studied, there are a lot of children studying there, the folklore department is very large, it has grown, and the children themselves ask their parents to take them to study at the folklore department, folk music , not only folk music, this is folk art, that is, everything related to folklore, culture in the broad sense, it’s wonderful that such an approach is comprehensive, because children are not only study music, they basically. immersed in our native culture, connected to our roots, to our history, and generally know where we came from, what is it? but tell me, when young guys and girls do all sorts of symbioses with modern rhythms , everything turns out differently, it all depends on taste and how to do it, delicately or indelicately, are you a supporter that it should be authentic and there is no need to mix genres, or there are examples that you think work well.
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we collect in the same ethnographic ones from our grandmothers, we heard from our grandfathers, we expeditions folklore, music, dances, costumes, therefore, as for mixing such genres and styles, i think that this is... wonderful, because in this way we give folklore a new path, a new life, and the more people he will hear and become interested, even if through different forms, the better, and you have a large team that helps you, we have a large team, in addition to folk music, i perform original music, the wonderful author pyotr aleksandrovich andreev, who writes songs for me, we expose this v this is already my folk style, why does it turn out to be folk, because initially i sing on...
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in spirit it is perceived like this, we have very specific authors, but it’s just a balalaika, and you compose yourself on this instrument or on different ones, on the balalaika yes, i’m composing myself on this one, i have several balalaikas, today i have this balalaika with me, now i would like to sing just a song, the girls took flax, this is a song from the village of kanaevko, pendensky region, this is a very famous village, colorful, famous for its folklore, there is a group there, this is very important for me, because this is my small homeland, even though i was born in the city of khabarovsk, my wonderful years were spent in the city of penza, and in the ninety-first i wrote the lyrics to
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the melody of zhenya khavtan for the song moscow beat , if by chance you might have heard, there is right in the chorus the first word, penza, the first city, because it happened to us then. they braced, they took, they chose, they braced as they ran, oh, they braced between them, they hurried along with the ladies,
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and my shepherds.
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i call this mood light sadness, i listen to different types of music, but just for this mood, yes, evening, night, i would like to perform a romance from the voronezh region, this is a folk romance called mut from the repertoire of the volya folk ensemble, a gorgeous group and a gorgeous romance, i really like it i love him, he drinks quietly and without stirring.
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we meet new, bright representatives of folk music. my guests are two charming representatives of trio khvoya, a folk group khvoya from the city of penza. let's talk about you, how this love for folk music appeared in your life,
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there must be some kind of story, tell me. it so happened that since childhood i had always sung, they wanted to send me to the pop-jazz department. but it turned out that we entered the wrong door into a class where they taught folk singing, folk vocals. and you? at first i was sent to academic vocals, i studied there for 7 years. but then i realized that i was still drawn very strongly by some inexplicable love for folk singing, that’s how i came to this, how would you characterize yourself, you know, in folk creativity there are some apparently sub-directions, let’s say, i say, i always play what kind of music do you play, people who are completely unfamiliar with me ask me, i say, i’m a promoter of classic rock and roll and soviet songs of the fifties, sixties , and it seems to me that it is already approximately clear what the person is doing. in this diversity of folk songs, as one might say , are you representatives of what branch
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of folk music? it so happened that everyone also asks us what exactly, where you are, but we don’t have a clear answer, because we are experimenters in our field, we have folk with almost all directions, which in principle exist in our music, so to speak, linings of modern rhythms, some kind of mixes, that is, we end up with folk-rock songs. it ’s not there, that is, look, my podcast is called the melody of my life, and you and i have been talking for quite some time, but the beauty of folk music is that it does not require any additional funds, and i know that you will perform a cappella of a lot of works that let's sing today for our tv viewers, let's sing a song, oh on the mountain of the knee, well... let's oh on the mountain of the knee yes oh on the mountain
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of the knee oh my pity my knee yes zhakhenka pity my knee there the girl went and there the girl wanted oh pity my pity mine wanted yes zakhonka pity my knee wanted i broke my knee . here is the first, the first door was opened by this particular performer, you know that
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we are celebrating 95 years since her birth this year, something in your repertoire comes from the repertoire of lyudmila zykina, our favorite song from her repertoire is 18 years, so here although we are no longer 18 years old, we sing it with joy, if suddenly we are going to visit each other there or for some events, we really love to sing it, now we want to perform it in an arrangement - grishina. grishin was the director of the choir named after oktyabr vasilyevich grishin in our penevsk region. so, khvoya, 18 years old. across the river, beyond the forest, the sun is setting, something is wrong with my girlfriends, i can’t sit at home. sweet from that motherfly
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color. have you sat at home for 18 years, tell me, girls, what other music do you listen to besides this, are you devoted only to this genre? they protected themselves from this overseas infection. we listen, of course, to folk songs in their authentic sound, but we also cannot do without modern music, we are lovers of both rock and pop styles, that is, in our life there is a little bit of everything, that is, when you mix, you will with something heavy, right? yes, we even have a fit with one musical group, where we mixed folk sounds and metal, core, which we will give, so to speak, as ours... the title performance, the group khvoya will perform today for our dear tv viewers a song: ledok,
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ledok. girls, thank you for visiting our podcast melody of my life, i wish you that in your life there are only those melodies that you want to listen to, don’t take anything unnecessary to heart, you and i, our country, will succeed. this was the melody of my life podcast, valery syutkin, for you. dear tv viewers, channel one, good mood. oh, my heart hurts, oh, it’s burning, my heart has no
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peace, oh, it hurts. keeps its silence, the wind keeps a curtain, he moves carefully, the darling under the window, he says to another girl, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, he says to another girl, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, my heart is screaming for an explosion, there’s a lot of ice on my terez, i’ll throw it i’m a sad handkerchief, i’ll go from home to people, my heart is young, i’ve found a lot, i’ll throw a sad handkerchief, i’ll go from home to people, oh
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, it hurts, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts. oh, yes it hurts, oh, yes it hurts, oh, yes it hurts, oh, you hurt, oh, you hurt, oh, you hurt, i keep thinking, i think, how can i live in the world, i’ll think again how nice it is for me to forget oh, it hurts. oh, it hurts with another girl, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, my heart is screaming at the explosion, my heart, poured a lot, a lot, i’ll throw a sad apple, i’ll go from home to people, my heart is lit, a lot - there’s a lot of ice,
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i’ll throw a sad raft. i’ll go from home to people, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts, just hurts, it hurts, it hurts, oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts. oh it hurts, oh it hurts, oh it hurts, oh it hurts, it hurts, oh it hurts.
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one and you in a white dress, two in my arms , three burn a night ago. to the other end of the world, and there let it be with you only my voice, my voice somewhere in flashes
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of meetings, but... if music spills, remembering that together with you we are calling the rainbow.
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and this is roman, nikita, arkady and alexey, and of course, me, anton lavrentyev.
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who came to us today? who? the performer of this hit, do you know what? which one? i know i'll lose you soon. by the way, 70% of men sing this song to the girls they are in love with, and 30% of men sing this song when they get divorced, right? their salaries, meet us today as a guest, they say that they are beautiful women, men are afraid, she keeps asking, asking to be looked into her eyes, but not everyone can do this, meet in our studio today an incredible beauty, dana sokolova, in fact, we didn’t just invite you two, because well, for you both of you were not born in russia, i understand correctly, and for you it’s like conquering another country, you saw how you looked at it in a new way now. and so you are your own, so well, for you it’s like a new, new country, a new mentality, so i would like to know how
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each of you conquered, conquered, as it were, our the country, conquered our language, and i can say that this is exactly dan, here is your indigo track, this is simply not the most popular music show voice on our television, and children, adults all come with this song, each one in a new way . as if he interprets it, tell me, this is how you felt it, how you did it, well, i don’t know exactly, for me it’s a song that always makes me feel like this, well, to this day it really excites me terribly , each one is a new story, because there are already a lot of songs years, it really is still there, i god forbid that there will be many more years, and in general, as i always say, it will definitely outlive me and, as it were , the children, yes, well, in general, music seems to me to be like... this there is a mission, a task, and a goal for good music, so that it remains in history, that’s how it was created, well , that is, we wrote it, of course, meticulously,
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this song was born right away, well, in different states, apparently, that’s why it is still imbued with such different emotions, you can feel it, and a variety of feelings it evokes in people because it is filled with them, so you know that abraham is like a real man. with a gift for you, seriously, yes, today you will hear indigo in a different performance, god, i really want to hear this soon, can i? well, always, of course, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, but don’t freeze in them, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes and read that in the world where we were raised, so there is a lot of rot, the world is so small, but you will be strong, that in the world where we were raised,
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there is so much rot, so little in the world, but you, it’s a special thrill to see another artist sing your song, no, i’m generally extremely pleased, i feel proud now even a little bit, but i actually have a question : have you always chosen your clothes yourself, how you will look, what you will sing, or do you have a community, a team where you decide together how you will look on stage, maybe it’s the producer, my advice, not a single person knows, that is , another, a stranger, himself better than i do, right? like a designer, i have
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designer, i approach him, i seem to draw him completely, i show him all the details, so periodically i change, that is, the image, then the next question is for you, dana, i know that you were in a fairly large label, tell me , how was it with you, did you coordinate everything together, or did you defend your rights in that i want to look like this, you were absolutely the format for them or sometimes you were not the format for them, that’s how you were very, i was very lucky, we found a common language almost immediately, we moved somehow like that in one direction, well, without interfering, so to speak, with some of my visions. avram, have you ever been unformed? i’m always unformatted, but what does he do? wait, i remember you, i remember you, honestly, in my associations, in fact, we always prepare for the program, the point is that it seemed to me that i didn’t know your songs, but when i discovered your songs , i realized that by some miracle i...
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everything and the chorus is generally easy to sing along with , you immediately know what’s funny, valya, not only the chorus, i know the verses from somewhere, i it seems that this was passed on through mother’s blood with mother’s milk, because you had an image, so when i asked my mother, mom, tell me please, this is how you describe abraham rousseau, she says: well, this is aladdin, such an oriental prince, tell me please, you always had this image, that is, how was he born in the first place, or did you act like this yourself, i was born like this.
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lost paradise, i look for you in it, like a stream in the desert, lost paradise, i know, it doesn’t matter, no, you won’t be mine.
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my day is filled with the breath of your love, hot blood and warmth without love, the night does not give warmth, hot blood, i know that being with you is still not given to me for a full day, my breath is your love. all rights reserved . all rights reserved. .
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this is my television family, and each of us also has our own family, and we also each have the family of our parents, in which we grew up and became people, this whole year has been declared the year of the family, and today is also the day...
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of love, family and fidelity, let us celebrate both him and we will tell you a lot of important and interesting things, in the program live healthy, july 8th. on the first one, yes, but i have this question, well, i’m just purely interested in this, i remember you completely different, you didn’t look like that, you don’t behave like i remember you, because i like your tracks very well i know, and i will share with you, there is one moment, for some reason i always cry when you sing, i don’t know how to explain it, but it’s your voice, no matter what song you... sing, that evokes in me some kind of compression of everything inside, crushes the tear glands, straight away, no, i ’m telling you seriously, there are just these songs and there is one more song, it’s soviet, but these are two songs that just bring tears to my eyes, there’s one song just like the heart of a lion , it’s her, yes, tell me, i
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want to first, before you perform it for us, i want to ask you first, why that image that was inside you, why you were like that, because it’s close to me, these ones ... that now she has completely left me and i am just like that, all i consist of is only the harmony of happiness, i in general i think that this is a person’s journey of inner work, it never ends, that is , some changes, some elaborations, and so on must always occur, it was just that time. well, that’s the very beginning, when i stepped onto this stage, and i needed to tell my story, tell it through my songs, through my own, including how we started, and about the image, but i can’t say what it is there was something
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again invented, throughout all this time i continue to say that after all, you are a translator of what ’s inside you, only then does it work, then it’s right, so then the same... different ones, these negative and angry ones, probably, at the world, i don’t know, at my haters, those people who offended me, these are the feelings, and i , in fact, took them out of myself, this is how we performed for quite a long time, i wanted to ask about the fact that, as far as i understand, you are not now alone, maybe it was your man who influenced you so much that well, you’re completely different, i’m on you now, i’ll say this, of course. of course, any woman blossoms when she falls in love, this will not be a discovery, but i’ll probably say this, that as soon as i personally found this love, internal, this, probably some kind of my, well just a dense
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female shell, then the feeling of love came to me, yes, i mean , as it were, for my partner, for my beloved man, then i generally began to look at many others differently. things, that is, it just changed me in general and kind of, well fell into a completely different plane, i suggest a song: just love you, or just play, now we’ll all sing together, i’ll give you to anyone, please, i see any of yours, i’ll rub myself through so much petty, we love you with such happiness, i won’t give you to anyone, i’ll forgive
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anyone your guilt, having gone through only poor losses, it is such a happiness to love you, just to love you. well, after such a song, i can’t help but ask how to make an offer, wait , it was all, it was all just, he approached her and said, since you’re in a white dress, two, that’s all she swam, no, now, too, it will be fine, everything is clear, okay, yes , tell me, what are they like, maybe it happens differently for everyone, it’s interesting to know how it is for you? absolutely, of course, an amazing story, because it was very unusual, unexpected, and of course i was shocked that it was and we were flying, that means we were flying out of
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indonesia, returning, in fact, to moscow, that’s where in the sky, in fact, yes, a man was gone for 3 seconds, i didn’t have time to understand anything, because... i was sleeping quite such a deep sleep, that is, we somehow woke up like that, no, no, and i took off this mask for and he says: i’m now, i’m now, wait, i’ll come, well, i... with a ring and the whole plane is just in applause
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in general, we sing, it turns out there are no options here , and you’re in a white dress, two of mine again, there are three of them.
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dan, i would like to hear from you this song indigo, from you it ’s so completely different, because i heard you perform this song live, when you were like that in those days, that’s when you growled into the microphone, and i would like from you hear this song already.
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put me in the red book if my bite seems strange, but we are children of the indigo sky, no outside, no inside, yes, i have not seen day and night without sleep in this sea of ​​worlds, i am a wave, i have not seen fear for so long, i, on there are a bunch of words on my lips. look into my eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, but don’t
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linger in it, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, that in the world where we were raised, there is so much rot, so there is little peace, but i, i will be strong, otherwise... there is so much rot in the world where we were raised, so there is little peace, but i, i will be strong, strong, wow, and the fact that in the world where we were raised, there is so much
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rot, so little peace, but i, i will, wow, i knew it would be so , i don’t know, very cool, it was awesome, wow, why aren’t you crying, i’m crying. you have a very large layer of makeup, i’m crying, someone should hold it, it’s so beautiful, by the way, the music was, guys, in general, very cool, they reinvented the music for this song, it’s true, one way or another influenced your fate in any way case yes, but you had people who influenced your fate, which are kind of connected with creativity, because well, i know that many artists always say that no, everything is fine, but everyone always
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has some problems when you have to be creative , and you are engaged in some kind of showdown, here. that there is a man sitting in front of you who was shot in the sixth year, it was like an attempt, that is , an attempt on his life, and what did you do, you mean anything that i can do, that i could do, well , there are a lot of envious evil people, no matter what
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, my case still means in the prosecutor’s office - let’s just say i had the same situation, they didn’t shoot me either, they pointed a gun at me, well, on the road, well, that is, i cut off a man, well, more precisely , no, he cut me off at first, but then when he got out, i i already realized that i had done it in vain, for the first time in my life they looked at me not as a woman, but as specifically a person who had messed up, that’s
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the only thing i remembered, my dad is always there, well, i’m all these films of the nineties, we grew up on all these films, and i was a fool and said, well, he got it. we were at a concert and they wanted to take me out so that i wouldn’t take pictures with the fans, but i said, let’s take a picture, the guys stood for a very long time, waited, come on, come on, but one fan came here today, meow, and i come up, we take a picture, and i feel like they’re just tearing out a clump of my hair and running away, well, that’s what happened, but there weren’t any with pistols,
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there’s a song, but abraham, unexpectedly, it’s not yours, but yours, it’s called the lion’s heart song, i want it of course it is. by itself, naturally, this is in my opinion, this is the most the most difficult thing that happens in a person’s life, everything else happens easily and spontaneously, from jump to flight there is only one step, you know, everyone dreams of flying from birth. from the jump to the flight, your whole life flashes so quickly in your eyes oh, we don’t want to die from the jump to the flight , we muster up all our strength without even knowing what will be there
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, but it’s only harder to fight with yourself, fight with yourself, fight with yourself. myself, by myself, fight, for the right to be me, no matter how much my heart beats, fighter, fighter, he is alive, no matter how much i hit you, don’t hide your face, face, hold on! an amazing attraction, unexpected, look, the story is such that it is now very fashionable to fit, that is, roughly speaking, a well-deserved, wonderful, very... beautiful artist with an even more beautiful artist, releases a song that - during this artist in in
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was very famous in the past, but has now lost its popularity, and thanks to the young blood of this hot, beautiful latvian, in fact, the song gets a second wind, or they write something new and wonderful, which is what i’m getting at, there is a song, know this it’s just that i thought that together now. you, firstly, performed this song, and secondly, you further confirmed the amazing feature of our podcast, all the artists who come to us later participate in each other’s lives in one way or another, larisa dollina and vanya chibanov came to us , please, please, natasha koroleva and gazan, all the guys came to us, they all either have fetas, or sons, or children, because children are the flowers of life, we really want you to sing a song with each other now,
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i see, why did you come to me today? for the first time, i know i’ll soon lose you, but my heart doesn’t want to understand, and it’s hard for me to calm it down, i find out, i promise you in vain that happiness will return again, now you...
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by the way, i wanted to say that i use yours very often songs in your videos, your videos, because they fit so perfectly, you know why, why, because you have the most wonderful taste, taste, excellent, by the way, i know who else also has very amazing taste, because dana, it turns out , you know what’s in the playlist for a minute, grigory leps,
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they’re doing their thing with such great trepidation favorite thing, like grigory leps, including, so i know that i still know something, i know that you would really like to sing with grigory leps, that’s right, well , i’ve been living with this thought for a long time, of course, dana , so amazing, we are here for you now, not everything is so fast, you need to first contact the camera, you can look directly into the camera, gregory. now you’re in touch with grigory
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lemsem now.


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