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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  July 6, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

9:45 am
our saturday morning broadcast is ending, i wish you to spend this first july weekend with benefit for yourself and your health, to do the most pleasant and good things for yourself, for your loved ones, so that you can meet the working week in good spirits in a good mood in good health with the desire to live and love and make this world a better place, good saturday and sunday to you and see you soon, stay with us, stay on the first one, bye. bless your holy master. amen, holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us. holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us. holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal. have mercy
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on us, glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. most holy trinity, have mercy on us, lord, cleanse our sins, master, forgive our without reproach, holy one, forgive us and salt our infirmities, and we are for your sake. lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. our father, art thou in heaven, yes hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as it is in heaven on earth. give us our bread here; forgive us our debts, as we forgive the debtor.
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your eminence and eminence , the venerable father vladimir, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, i also cordially greet you on the patronal feast of the entire holy temple, the tenth feast, the ascension of the lord and...
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a world inaccessible to people who rely on their feelings, on their reason, on your own will, to your limited capabilities. and right there someone appears who says to the apostles: men of galilee, why are you standing looking at heaven? strange question: the savior, who died, rose again, exalts.
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and this imminent expectation of the coming of the savior was the dominant force that organized the community and generally strengthened the faith of the first christians, including the apostles, everyone thought that the lord jesus maranatha was about to come, but the lord did not appear with his flesh. and he doesn’t, now,
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perhaps, we should ask the question, why, if the lord would appear in person now? so maybe maybe many would believe, although there would be those who would not believe in anything at all. the lord gives time from his first to his second coming, when he actually appears in the flesh, to judge the living and the dead, gives the whole world to each person time to prepare himself for a meeting with the savior, and in order... in order to meet him, you need to be where he is, and in order to be where he is, you need to overcome sin within yourself, you need to bring repentance, you need to do good deeds, that is, live as god commanded, this is exactly how the first ones tried to live
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christians, i hope that the lord is about to come, and how many miracles they performed, and what a spiritual life. was, how strong was the faith, which was simply already identified with knowledge itself, in fact there was no faith, there was only faith in the imminent coming of the savior, but years, decades passed, and those who still continued to believe in the imminent coming of the savior, even in what in a sense, they began to be condemned by the church, which realized that there was no need for a coming to save.
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to prepare oneself realistically for a meeting with the lord, which will happen at some unknown time, and very same for each of us soon, because human life is fleeting, ending this life, we will meet the world where the lord is, this will be his second coming for us personally, and since the second coming is associated in the teachings of the church, in the minds of people with the judgment, the terrible judgment of god, then standing before god after death will be for each of us personally a terrible judgment, and we
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must be prepared for this meeting, never in the unknown future, in these years 10, 20, 30, 50 , even 100, this is all a moment before history, eternity, we must be spiritually, morally prepared for this meeting. here the lord, through the church, gives us every opportunity to prepare ourselves for a meeting with him, he gives us the opportunity to repent of our sins. and in such a way that these sins seem to be reset to zero, in secular justice , too, sometimes through the court, as if there is some kind of forgiveness for a person, but the sins and crime are not reset to zero, the person must certainly
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serve his sentence, and then some more be under surveillance for years, no matter what happened, and the lord and... he nullifies our sins, if only we want it to be so, and this desire is impossible without faith in it, this desire cannot be realized without communion of the holy mysteries of christ. that is why the church has been calling on people to live by its rules for 2 thousand years, because these rules are the ones. prepare a person for a meeting with the lord in eternal life. this message of the church, which i just spoke about, was always difficult to perceive in ancient times, because
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pagan prejudices were strong, and there was some other such inertia of the pagan perception of life, and then the next generations. temptations for human delirium, for fables, which were scattered to smithereens, even in
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the 20th century, in which they conquered the minds of people, and practically nothing remained of them, except for some dreams, including political ones, that’s what the lord is waiting for our repentance, what he requires from us is strong faith, this is god’s plan. he doesn’t disappear anywhere, he is with us all the time, and how wonderful it is that the lord has given us the means to cleanse ourselves of the sinful scum and free ourselves from the burden of sin, and this can only be done in church and through the church sacraments, through the sacraments of confession and... but on the other
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hand, by partaking of the body of the blood of christ, we cannot, as it were, tempt the savior, we repented, took communion, and left the church door and everything, everything is the same, everything is as it always was, we quarrel with neighbors, there are quarrels in the family, and parents with children, and we don’t trust someone, we suspect someone, we are angry with someone. but this also cannot continue forever, which is why we experience god’s mercy all the time, and the church encourages us to accept this repentance that would change human life, but really genuine repentance for sins, union through the sacrament of the eucharist with the body of the blood of the savior,
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ourselves as christians, then if you please, we all must live like christians and not forget about our duty, going beyond the temple. this is what i wish for myself, for all of you, my dear ones, so that we constantly remember our christian calling about the imminent coming of the lord savior, whenever it happens.
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inserts our untruth, as if it did not exist, if we sincerely desire this, we strive
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to this through repentance and virtue, amen, i congratulate you all on the holiday. hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the results of a large-scale exhibition, a bright show, favorite artists and a sea of ​​​​music at vdnkh, an event that we will follow this evening on channel one, but for now there are stills on...


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