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tv   Shirli-mirli  1TV  July 6, 2024 2:10pm-4:55pm MSK

2:10 pm
on mitya, what is he talking about? loshkin, now ours, pantileev and liza too, oh, we already have an asset, tomorrow we’ll put together a team, yeah, with a hammer, a mixture, a mixture, we’ll make a sotritsa from bread, after lunch we’ll go to the forest, koltsov, she really asked about me, really, and what, vitya asked, how many walkers do you have? old means hysterically asking why?
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they themselves wanted to break it, but the magician hen consoles them, i’ll give you another egg, can someone explain to me the meaning of this fairy tale, then hang up everyone, let’s wish each other good night, let’s do it all wake up, good night, well done, do you believe the monsters on our lake, well people? they won’t just talk like that, if only they could see him, at least from afar, rings, in your turn, take out the bucket, decent people, first say good morning. you picked it up,
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for such questions in the zone they lower the kidneys, which means tanya, who shouldn’t, well, get out of the water, look, knead it in your hand, the main thing is not to eat. yes, yes, yuzhu, and once again i remind everyone, parents will come to neptune’s holiday, oh my god, so also, each yacht will have to prepare a performance, because a ticket to leningrad will be up for grabs, viktor sergeevich, why the city of st. petersburg, and the leningrad region?
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that according to the script, you should be neptune and the devil, but it’s a choice, i’m the devil of no bullets, and then you’re the devil, who am i, the devil, the devil, take props from the club, a snout, hooves and a tail, yes, that’s another thing, but memorize the text, read it from a piece of paper, okay, we'll deduct it, well, we agreed, yes, okay, that's it, i'm off, move on, what are you doing, garbage, what the hell am i to you, what am i to you? garbage, i told you 100 times, but not in the zone, here the devil is fabulous a character, and a rooster, a bird, a symbol of freedom-loving france, quietly, everything is here, in the forest you can always find some food and hold on for a week, or even a month, until
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you catch it, find it, here is the most delicious thing, a delicacy, hold on, what is it honey from wild bees, okay, the nest is abandoned, you can take it, viktor sergeevich, how do you know this, somehow i got lost, thank god, they found it, and if there are bees there, there’s no one there. the taste of honey from wild bees, children, this is the taste of freedom, help yourself, oops, what happened, nothing, everything, everything, thank you, the next one, how do i know, what are the bees, well, where did they come from, well, they bit a little, but now we...
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they didn’t bite the team, tomorrow is parent’s day, and we don’t have children, the japanese are quick-eyed, our ancestors are so hype, the japanese are a theme, everything is circular . "we're in st. petersburg, what's the theme, what are you talking about, japanese theater, hananamite, all the action takes place in a cemetery, yeah, okay, not in the face, but wait a minute, free spirit, path of flowers, hana namiti, and today we 'll show them a trick , will you help, yeah, you’ve already shown such a trick, article 156, cruel treatment children under 3 years old, ready to escape, vitya, come to your senses, you’re not a counselor, you’re a thieves, vitya, a thieves, oh, what warm water, but can we step, we can’t, tomorrow andreevna, it’s true, she’s very warm, but how to lose heart and quickly back,
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under your personal responsibility, tatyana pavlovna, and the sixth detachment, and where is viktor sergeevich, where is your respected? so it’s a disgrace, then so, the sixth squad is the first to swim, let’s line up, guys, but what about the monster, what a monster, well, from the lake, ha, so the monster is afraid of noise, so as soon as it appears, we immediately scare him, how are we going to do this, stomp loudly, shout, silence, the sixth detachment is being built, we are swimming. only on my command, it’s clear, but
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guys, wait, it’s me, come out to look at the monster, look at me, i think you did a good job. it’s impossible to see what we ’ll tell our parents now, what kind of teacher are you after this? a normal teacher, nikolai, follow me, here's a can, don't worry about it, take it, paint it and finally do it, boom,
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a normal teacher doesn't talk to children like that, no, i understand that children need male strength, but excuse me, not to the same extent, but i took a book from the library, it was written there that... you can hit a child, you cannot humiliate him, who said this, i wonder who makarenko is, well, makarenko, like that, come in, victor serge, come in, come in, where did you study, and i’m at the pedagogical institute, at the school, at the university, please sit down, last at the university, yeah, but... i haven’t finished my studies, what’s your work experience? , three by five, 15 years, and where did you work, at school, yes, and what did you do there, well, sewed figures, sculpted figures, labor teacher, this
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called, from the sixth to the tenth grade, exactly from the sixth to the tenth grade, of course, viktor sergeevich, in the tenth grade there is no work, i want to tell you: no, how can i talk to you seriously, why don’t you just say that i’m an ordinary policeman, what can i say, i don’t have any education, that i’ve never worked with children, that’s all, i
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’ll ask the director tomorrow about not having you in the camp and as soon as possible, please, correctional period, no, until the first reprimand? please no, viktor sergeevich, please leave. otazh, viktor sergeevich is coming, what is it, come on, go to sleep, quickly, go to sleep, i said, a fairy tale, i ’ve already told you about this chicken 100 times, viktor sergeevich, why aren’t you sleeping, na... i actually really liked it , tatyana palovna
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scolded, she’s kind of strange, women don’t need anything, the main thing is that first they give me flowers, and then she attacks me like the last stranger, flowers, well, yes, quietly on the window sills in the vazhatskaya. it wasn’t her, it was i who gave you flowers, but why? what a shock, fox, go to sleep, sleep, listen, there’s such an unpleasant story here, why, the rope is missing, what? damn, the rope you tied to the bed.
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now they will definitely kill you if they don’t put you in prison before, and if they do imprison you, they will still sew you up, you’re tired of being watched all your life, good night, good night, how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we ’ll talk about this in our studio.
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rum, castro, productlar group. neurophysiology is a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of petrovna. systems, he seems to tries to help us in all the most difficult situations, all my life i saw how my mother sat at the table and wrote, wrote, wrote, it was all connected with treatment, her task was to identify the disease, i remember when i came home and said with pride that i said that the tumor was in that place, and indeed it was in that place, she took care of the patients like a mother, she said, treat the patient as your closest...
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premiere, tomorrow on the first. mother! this is vilka sergeevich, please, wow, well, are you offended or what? well, lee, understand, you are still little, you still have to grow,
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grow, you have to finish school back and forth, by this time it’s time for you. i’ll be old, and leiznka, stop it, it’s parents’ day, and you’re crying, why didn’t my mother come to me, they came to everyone, but not to me, quiet, quiet, there was an accident, the road was probably blocked, maybe she’ll come again, but where - you live in the all-community committee, pavlik moroza street 6, just three words, kalina viktorovna, who are you, i’m
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your daughter’s teacher, i’m drunk, today i’m a parent day, and you're drinking like a cow, what day is it today, parent? “so she quietly sent her daughter to the camp and forgot, as i understand it, you ’re naturally rude, you’re a brute, and vitya, dusk, that means, listen here, woman, now you’re quickly sobering up, buying a gift and coming with me to see your daughter , i understand everything, but i don’t have money, you’ll have enough money for a vodyara for a gift, let’s change your clothes, well, that’s it, mother is called, let’s change your clothes, now, if i had known that it was parent’s day, i would have gone myself, you know, vitya, if you tell anyone that you saw me, i’ll tell you i’ll rip out your adam’s apple, i understand everything, honest drinking, don’t stop drinking, i’m not a health official, i won’t warn you, i’ll come and check, lisa, lisa, i’ve arrived, my mother has come to see me, mommy, my mother has come to see me, so what? you,
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yes, today we will be sea samurai, let’s go, i’ll show you my room, i bought glasses, put on your makeup, well, well, put on your makeup, put on your makeup, no, that’s too much, which is why zhukova drove up. great, where is he? oh, you wanted to talk to him, nikolai filipovich, kostya, nikolai, excellent makeup, it took a long time, no, 5 minutes, for the whole squad, now, i now i’ll show you where the toilet is, there,
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hello, nikolai, teacher kostya wanted to talk to you, he’s just putting on his makeup. well, why bother a person, he ’s cooking, no, no, you definitely, definitely have to talk to him, this is a very experienced teacher, viktor sergeevich, i was just here, i’ll go look for him, viktor sergeevich, viktor sergeevich, tatyana pavlovna, tatyana pavlovna, you haven’t seen viktor sergeevich, but i haven’t, i don’t follow him, comrade, why do you... yes, i’m almost ready, i’m right, it’s awkward to say, well the devils are fighting, where? viktor sergeevich,
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come on, come out, this is our teacher from leningrad. dear guests, i ask everyone to go ashore, children!
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of course, and you and it’s time for me to pull out the mermaid, well done, baby, well done, okay, well, let’s go, oh, lord, where are you going, and there, you know, yes, i already understood everything about you, that’s it, our way out, quickly , don’t drag me, i’m vlas, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, this is our vazha.
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my little mermaid daughter, i won’t give it up, don’t let me go, quietly, hey, damn, come on, give me back , my guardsmen scared you, i now there’s nothing scary, everyone performed, no, that our sixth did not perform, but is performing, that detachment, we must say hannamite, the path of flowers in japanese, i know for sure, damn, where are you going? ah, damn, he got scared, he floats away,
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he floats away, i knew that he was pretending, and you said that he doesn’t know how to swim, based on the results. the sixth ast won our holiday, we win, hurray, he will go to the legendary, now hurray, why the sixth, well, the devil was scared, well done, and now he’s leading. holiday dinner! well, you will still raise the question of his professional unfitness? no, not yet, where are you?
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listen, why do you need a ghoul? well, i don’t go around very much yet, viktor sergeevich, someone needs to go to leningrad in advance, book a hotel, organize excursions, i decided to entrust this to you, why? well, you are a reliable person! shaman, did you escape, you were released early?
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galina viktorovna, introduce me, this is a shaman, we were sitting together, hello, hello, have a drink, not a gram, run, buy something for the tooth, i’ll take it for the tooth, but i won’t drink, the dusk said, if i dilute it, it will kill the sternum it hit me, it still bothers me, why are you chasing me, what an ordinary twilight, vitya. he hooked up with her daughter at liska’s camp as a teacher, i didn’t understand, the children’s camp is here outside the city, not far away, there he is the counselors, the cabin boy’s pioneer camp, he’s also playing tricks with the teacher, tanya from the lyceum, what a trick, i need a table, you can get it ? and guys,
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now is the white dance, girls invite boys, dare, girls, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, bolder, bolder, bolder, bolder, now i know you exist in the world, every minute, i’m with you, well congratulations to you, viktor sergeevich. with victory, thank you, tazi, white dance, maybe we can dance, but what about the husband, what kind of husband? well, arseni said that his father was in jail, he had great authority in the zone, he said that he would come out and break off my horns, i was just interested in looking at this man, he came up with all this so that he wouldn’t be called a mama’s boy.
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raising your eyes, walk, there are traces left, walk, at least once, along the edge of your destiny.
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well, did you at least kiss? congratulations, uncle vitya has become a man. great, belyash, great, who is this? and this the maggot, my man, lives with me, i have a trunk, but what’s the topic, but there’s only one little man, the money from the rat, i need to return it, so maybe i ’ll take part in the deal, i have a pipe, or you ’re going with this. will arrange, uh-huh, arrange,
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listen, lads, maybe i’ll go, you’ll go, you’ll go yourself, when, why are you there for so long? well, well, i think there’s no need there, it’s mishkavat, in my opinion, or i’m out of the habit, listen, james bond, have you ever worn suits, i, but it’s great, yes, yes, great, so what?
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help! viktor sergeevich, that viktor sergeevich is nice, if you don’t come, they will they will kill children, who they are, i don’t know, they are calling you, they need some thing that you are watching, calm down, don’t say a word to anyone else, and
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under no circumstances call the police, everything will be fine. tatyana pavla, you can’t call, you can’t call there anymore, you can’t call, tatyana pavel, you can’t, under no circumstances, are you crazy, give it up, let’s wait at least an hour, nothing will change anyway, why did you even go to this forest, the children wanted to get him some honey, i couldn’t let them go, i don’t, i won’t give it, but i’m saying,
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maybe these are your friends? senior opera commissioner of the rings, homicide department, st. petersburg.
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okay, why did you throw your bag and what kind of pantai, and we’re not in the zone, i’m already a free man, two compotes for lunch are a free man for you, take it, you ’re making yourself look like james bond, oh well, i’ll leave, take it .
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i won’t give it back, i told whoever, give it to me, give it back , no, vitya said.
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“great, fellow countryman, you can’t give me a lift to the city, no, what are you just waiting for, and you care, no, just, if there’s a place for me, don’t worry, i’ll give you money, listen, pioneer, you got me, oh, come on hurry up, pick it up let's go, don't do anything bad to you, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes, please, belyash, belyash, yash, all of him, he's here, i don't
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know him, i was sitting in the car, start the car, jen, jen, it's not me, it's ozhen. it’s not me, zhenya, zhenya, don’t hit, zhenya, evgeniy dmitrievich, where are the children, yurka is in the car, he’s yours, don’t touch him, he’s a special agent on instructions from the president, put your hands on the car, he told me to run, he called me, what does all this mean? , that means it’s your job, there’s another one in the trunk, we saw children in the forest, we won’t get in there ourselves, we’re sending them away, i understand that a police van is coming towards you. he’s in charge of the colony, we’ll take the ring,
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open it, what are you waiting for, what have you got here, but he’s a friend of the police, he tied everyone up himself, 12 people.
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okay, vitka and i did this, it was necessary, just write to him, because he has no one but his mother, well, you know, he himself is the first, never, him, what, i’m on my way,
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and where is your accomplice, he left, where did he go, he left the road of flowers, no one has ever left us.
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what are you doing? okay, the tower still doesn’t know about your art. koltsov, are you crazy? did you want? no, i just don’t like the gray color. shmorokov, i have a letter for you. to me. to you, to you.
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batman and the markers are ready, ready, it’s convenient to say now, no, no, three interviews a day, how?
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well, who said, who said, there are many of us who love you deeply, and, probably, there are many who don’t know about you, not like your loved ones, they love you more and know you more. your very first meeting, was it casual? no, she was predestined because she entered the same course as me. in sixty-one, when she was 19, and he is 22, they met at the entrance exams to the school studimhat, for this it already happened.
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why do they want to be sailors, doctors, artists? and then i was promoted, i began to work as a hauler for the main shaft, they load coal, and then they have to drive these cars into elevators, very soon the puller for the main shaft came to the studiohat school again, for the fourth time to enroll in acting, i propose my candidacy, from which suddenly? i decided to read it at the intro, a fly went and a fly found some money. the commission laughed, in general it was healthy
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the guy is standing there, fly-fly, tsikatuha, it worked and was accepted, you don’t need to pass everything, it was the first round of the exam for directing feature films, vladimir menshov’s workshop, this is the person who can guide me, you are so busy, this is this one. excuse me, please, i looked, but to be honest, i wasn’t hooked, everything hooks me, but you’re not, it’s definitely scary when such an authoritative director vladimir valentinovich evaluates you, it’s still, well, yes, like pushkin, the sun, a very good suit, i’ve been wearing it for 8 years, it’s still like new, i didn’t think it was so serious, he came from a very simple environment, what is called the people, he completely made himself out of... a man who does not pursue fame is a menshov, he is completely
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indifferent to what people think about him, lord, bother me with your chicken, that’s not it comes from the head of a chicken, you know, they say that it’s difficult to play with animals, so is mneshov, he’s a very natural person, let him leave the house altogether, but he’s silent, he takes advantage of everything, he’s silent, he is who he is, here he is he’s the same on the screen, he’s the same on stage, he doesn’t invent anything, mermaids come out onto land and coquettishly wave their tails, what you like most is to be gentle souls begin to sing at the sight of me, and as an actor or director, a true director who has tried this profession, he will never return to other places, it’s like a tiger having eaten. he’s already dangerous, at least, quiet, quiet, but like something in your head, and you’re afraid, well, who doesn’t know what
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raisa zakharovna will answer now to the perfume, everyone knows, you’re a bitch, you’re painted, why? painted, this is my natural color, now the door will open and vasya will fall into the sea, beautiful zakharovna, stay happy, this is the day of capture. i passed the bastille in vain, so uncle mitya hid the bottle in the washstand, and grandma shura will find it now. what will you be with your hands? and everyone knows everything, word for word, they know, they look, every time like the first. nothing remains in the people's memory like the film love and doves, the name is beautiful, creative, non-destructive. and the main thing is that everything is true.
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it will be a movie. volodya, this is an amazing phenomenon. now i’m thinking, what is his mystery, what is his secret? grandiose intuition. what if this love, nadia. what kind of love? this is a miracle, landing on your material, on your script. what? nothing, what? officials responsible for morality in soviet cinema began to whisper about umenshov's talented movie stars singing, expressing themselves and fighting. what is it? 47, the grandmother,
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that is, his self-made wife, actress natalya tenyakova, was: just count how many years old, oh, the grandmother was 39 years old, and what did you think? i thought about casting older actors, i wanted to shoot a more documentary film, maybe a village, roosters crowing, cows chasing, i saw... that this is inorganic for this material, this is this play, it was written by a talented person with the feeling of a play, real old people are no longer needed, on the contrary , they interfere, what the hell, he’s already drawn in, he’s already drinking there with me, well, he is very friendly, he is like an actor, he really was like one big family,
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and he was like a father. ladi was 14 at the time of filming. she was the youngest actress on the set and came to audition based on an advertisement. menshov approved her for the role of olya, the youngest daughter of the kuzyakins, filming began, according to the script was to burst into tears. i tried to somehow evoke tears, there was an onion, there was some kind of red star balm that seemed to pinch, but of course nothing worked, and vladimir valentinovich, as you know, is like a tiger in a cage, back and forth, back and forth... here, like this, then he stops and says, yes...
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you were worried, and then bam, and those very good friends from large offices, responsible for morality and morality, threw up their hands, they say, we will never accept this picture, because that remove all the booze from the screen, how to get rid of it, we're crazy, how can we get rid of this uncle mitya, have a bite, don't, i don't really like to remember this, i had three months... a borderline state, let's say, when the picture had to be redone, there were episodes that volodya was forced to cut it out, how cruel it was, the positives were washed away, something was edited there, they didn’t let him in before editing, someone got in there, so they hired another director, who probably agreed to re-edit the existing material, started
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shredding it, started from it sculpt. means yours the work, and then he started editing again, it turned out that this film was worth so much blood, but there is a great expression, time will judge everything, time will put everything in its place, you turn on the tv on the may or new year holidays and most likely you will hear this famous person, and man, the viewer of the menshow believed this whole story about... love for strength, he told it honestly, perhaps because he knew it from the inside, having once experienced something similar in his life, when you secretly meet with your own wife like that, so that my daughter doesn’t know about this, we’ll sit down with them . when you parted with vera valentina, did you find some words for yulia at that moment, no, she’s a very wise girl, you don’t
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need to say anything to her, let her. old age is inevitable, so what? is my new coat great? julia was born into the menshov family 6 years after their student wedding. vera was already acting on the stage of the pushkin theater, and vladimir , after school at studiumhat, went to avgig to study as a director. menshov studied, so yulia was the daughter of the regiment. everyone who was free sat in the theater with her. yes, i have a performance, guys, students from his course, when there was an opportunity, sat with yuli, and yuli, how old was she then, 11, she was three when we parted, and why did this happen, some accumulated everyday problems? yes, yes, there was a lot, fatigue, we were strained, so guys, we have to
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finish, that is, we are not talking about this. no, yulia, during the four-year absence of her father from home, she got used to this family model, mother, daughter, grandmother, suddenly a man, yes. my own dad, but still, we have a wild confrontation began, my mother was wild, wildly jealous of him, i wrote letters of complaint to him, my mother, for example, was leaving for a play, to play, she was not at home in the evening, and he was there for something, today, when you left, he did this -this, this and that, napoleon, i kind of like him. i was the older one in the house, i don’t know why such a story developed, for example, i remember that there was another story, dad was wiping the tv with a rag, and i something from tokhta,
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something i told them from there, something blathered, and with this wet rag, he let me go too i just slammed him into the wall with a rag, and i have to tell you, he never laid a finger on me.
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well, zhana, maybe you don’t need it, i don’t need it, no, i need it, i want, i want me to succeed, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, and she- she’s so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, she’s great, the premiere, tomorrow on the first day, vodka pechora.
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watch your language, talk to your father, misha, don’t follow me, please, you have a wife, and i met someone else. two shores, premiere serial film, from monday, on the first. one day, vladimir valentinovich was invited to what seemed like a celebration of life, the presentation of film awards, but nothing foreshadowed a storm. vladimir valentinovich, he should be awarded the prize.
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he said that if there was this picture, then i wouldn’t, she was scared, she didn’t want to, why ruin the holiday for people, why, why, i said, no, it’s me who will stand to death, and why are you filming me all the time, film your mom, he once filmed your mom, so much so that the whole world knew about it. look, comrades, this is it oscar, yes, a recent one, was won by this woman, i am a master myself, from the top rank,
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by the way, i’m also not married, this speaks more of your shortcomings than your dignity, everyone told him, well, don’t film this uninteresting story, but what’s so special about her, three girls came to conquer moscow, so what, yes, yes, everyone went straight to moscow? i was categorically against him making this film because i didn't like the script. this is katya tikhomirova, the only girl at the plant who works with the adjuster.
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although everyone was against it, i, my own wife was against it, he says, and my thoughts about it keep coming back to this story, it worries me, it seems to me that it’s interesting, this is the film that i myself would like to see, no one wanted to play the main character katya, who experienced a rise in her career and betrayal, it was uninteresting, and did not appeal to margarita.
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favorite actress, you want to work creatively, he just asked me, mikhailych, i was very nervous, firstly, because verya was already according to the age limit, she was not very was suitable for this role, but i understood that everyone thought that she was present on the set through connections, so i followed her very closely, most of all i was angry with her, there were a lot of nerves on the set. no, i can’t eat fish, i ’m allergic to it, who can i yell at, well , i can yell at my wife, but they started hiding me, they’ll look for me, they’ll look for me, no, the anger has passed, you can go back out, that there was something, are you talking about that, you know what, yes, something didn’t work out, something, something seemed to me, didn’t work out, that she was worse than an ant, then i saw, i think, what i was trying to do, you can see on the screen that it works absolutely clearly, thank you very much. but, in my opinion, they haven’t
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moved on to this yet, so let’s move on, but menshov took a peek at everything, in his films there is always a lot of real life, hostels, communal apartments, fashion, words, expressions in the film moscow doesn’t believe in tears, that’s all that was once seen, experienced and heard by him, spied on in life, he has a wild number of notebooks, and as a miner, there as a diver, this is everything, all these are people with whom he communicated, of course... quietly i wrote it down, it was all useful to him, don’t teach me how to live, it’s better, help me financially, but i have practically no shortcomings, my intellect is clearly not disfigured, you weren’t so cruel before, the teachers were good, but what is this, it’s a bundle of nerves, we were young, happy, we so enjoyed filming this film and meeting each other, but at the very beginning no one believed in the success of the film, except for one person, katerina, hello, hello! "we were somehow
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all one family, and i was like this, now i am this i know, volodya created this atmosphere, he was that binder, that clay, that magnet, around which we all the time, our ancestors drove off to sochi, so long live freedom, it was impossible to be late, i was a little late there once, i have one stuck, yes, so what, he is a clear person, clear in everything, can he give you a whip like that? impartial, these are not the times, times are always the same, but he can praise you in a way you didn’t even expect to be praised like that the picture itself, not at all fashionable, was not at first they complained, the same people in large offices, there was no command to praise yet, so they didn’t praise, but there was something to scold for, for this disgrace, for example, you know, i’m always afraid to call my wife by your name, who knows, how would it all end if i hadn’t seen the film? comrade leonid ilyich brizhnev,
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at his dacha, a good picture said, it’s correct, although i received very decent slaps from my colleagues and from criticism, we can all make such a movie, but our good taste does not allow us to make such films, suddenly the next day there is a line at the cinema, two blocks away and... the doors to the cinema are swinging, my dad has this theory about filming films, if you are doing god's work by making films, then everything will help you, as... he is an example cited an episode when smaktunovsky was there when, and the grooms and kharitonov, khariton, and it was the month of october, and it was necessary to film this episode, and there was steam coming out of the mouth and the girls were standing in short dresses, they took off
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the summer nature, as soon as he said a big thank you, the shift is over, the thick fell white snow, the winner is soviet union. in the early eighties, relations between the united states and the soviet union were, as they say, at odds. soviet troops entered afghanistan, teams from the united states and many other countries did not come to the moscow olympics in 1980, an arms race was in full swing, who was stronger than whom, suddenly an oscar for the soviet director.
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gornishny worked, in arkhangelsk he fell ill with tuberculosis, and then the struggle for life began, he was in hospitals all the time, he finally died in the seventy-third year from tuberculosis, he and his mother lived poorly, very
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i suffered with him because of lack of love, they had no love in our house, they fought, they were constantly in... conflict, well, my mother was also quite a psychopathic person, well, it was hard, of course, but what if it was n’t love, what made my mother take care of my father, the feeling of long and long, god, how many families do you ask such naive questions, this is everyday life, the overwhelming majority of families, dad died when i...
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so he left, and even we we don’t know, it was the forty-sixth year on january 3, he died, and we don’t know for sure whether it was in grozny or in kezlyar, she found out, as she says, that she lit a cigarette for the first time, vera’s dad and mom were actors, probably this was the main thing that influenced her decision to enroll in the studio hut school, where she met a miner.. since he came completely unfamiliar with this world, it was very difficult for him to enter into it all, and it was difficult for him, he was given the passages that the teachers there offered him, and somehow they always wanted
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to clear him away, well, okay, since you. i need a son-in-law with capital, you will remember me, oh, you will, ah i was. what, who helped him exist, said that it was unfair, i thought that i, said that you do everything very interestingly, it’s very talented, so that you could give some advice on how to reveal this material, life taught him always, in your student years later, whether you break or not, when almost no one believes you, no, you’re not broken, i’ll check what you’re reading, guys, read the history of theater, cinema, history... cinema, read, get acquainted when we studied, vladimir valentinovich always used his favorite method of whipping gingerbread, but we never had any from him. there were no restrictions, there was always complete freedom in creativity, statements,
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someday, i’ll go crazy, i’ll get a complete impression from the kind of things we do, when you work with a person like vladimir velentinovich, your head is like they tear off the thread, i’m used to working more systematically, vladimirich intuitively adds everything, and his intuition is very powerful. this is a prank, a prank, an instinct for talent, the famous menshov, here dima khratyan, at the age of 16, still a schoolboy, found himself in a movie menshov, that’s it, his life will never be different, a film by vladimir valentinovich menshov, my first role, a new and bright life in cinema began, butterflies fly, butterflies.
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grushko dmitry kharatyan, and you, in fact, are the director’s daughter, i’m actually the director’s daughter, the first role, besides the fact that you are much darker, it’s strange, everything really went in circles the day, everyday, i’m darker, i have much hair more, a shock and in general, it’s all director vladimir valentinovich, your father menshov, who decided to create such a hairstyle, the make-up artists used to put me in the oven every morning with tongs; i had some kind of intern who was making noise. it all happened by chance, dima kharatyan played the guitar in a school
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band, and one day a girl he knew brought him to a film studio, where they were looking for guys to star in a new movie about school. menshov first saw dima’s photograph. and this photograph of me, it’s been moving from one pile to another all the time, which means it’s been wandering, as he said, look, there’s something missing in it, i probably put it in after all, then, he says, i just in case i was still reviewing the case, i think, no, there seems to be something there. that is, you understand that, what mensov did in my life, he took this photograph, put it in this pile, and not in this one, he put it here, here you go, he is a man of action, if he has something he doesn’t like it, he can say it directly, he manages to invite all sorts of people to such forums, he can ruin the dramaturgy, please tell me, did you vote today, yes, of course, as i voted against, your wife, as far as i understand, draft constitution, voted against, i too, but we are a very friendly
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family couple, he was always unhappy, in general a trait of a great artist, because a great artist is never happy, he is always unhappy, he is unhappy because somewhere there is a war, something is happening , i always said that only a miracle can save us, it happened, if the government decides to sell this diamond, then it will allow the whole country, everyone...
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it looked really good, but i started filming with great, great caution, this is a feature film about
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i was removed, or what? but i’m used to the fact that if a take ends, i look away. will you prepare the cameras, where the director usually stands, for filming? i can understand by the expression of his eyes what worked or didn’t work out, nothing is clear here, i jump out of the dressing room to my misfortune, menashov is walking there, and i see him, and the first thing i do is i scream, you don’t love me, he fell to his knees and began to crawl towards me, i love, i love myself, if. anyone saw this picture from the outside, everyone thought it was just some kind of madhouse, but the speed-bearer, the director crawls at the actor’s feet, from then on everything went like clockwork, every time the soda ran out, i looked towards the camera, there stood a shining minshov, he was necessary, he was not necessary, he liked it, he didn’t like it, he was everything,
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this the film was not recognized by film production colleagues. no one stood up for this picture when the nomination of a professional prize took place, the so-called nicky, you should say thank you for what even allows you, he put a lot of his energy into it, it seems to me that this picture was ahead of its time, how absurd our lives are, an absurd story, was absolutely clearly reflects the period of our country.
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you were supposed to start right away, we are finishing, but everything you do there interferes, the sound, the sound interferes, it stinks, and if you go to your room, it will be good, because it is very audible, i can’t live, it’s probably harsh for you to live in your own room, but at the same time you can’t help but pay attention to how vera valentinovna began to speak in half a tone more quietly after vladimir valentinovich appeared, what is it? these questions cannot be answered, no one knows their relationship changed a lot throughout their lives, when they went a long way to play a golden wedding, they went through their whole lives, side by side, 30 years ago and six months have passed since i
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first saw this girl with a brown braid, i’m happy, i adore you . this in itself protected him very much, i would say, the very fact that she was nearby, she knew how to beat off many subtle things, remembered everyone who offended him and could warn him that he shouldn’t trust this person, because he has already forgotten, they are in this sense of course an amazing couple, very different, but somehow god brought them together, ahu... his wife, and one of these roles once required the courage and courage of both, not every husband can stand this, you are a very beautiful woman, this a story about love, he
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felt this situation and talked about it, in my opinion, very well. film envy of the gods. a story about how two lovers will never be together. she is from the soviet union, he is from france. both have families. menshov made this movie 16 years after love and doves, and 5 years later after shirley-myrli, he again took the risk of opening a new name. and it worked. we can go. why is this happening all of a sudden? i didn't have any cinematic experience. he was an infinitely friendly person at the auditions, just like vera valentinovna, they obviously understood my condition very well and helped in every way they could. i guessed, you want to recruit me? his distinctive feature is probably
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that he comes to the set with a ready-made film, he has already seen it, this film has already happened. viewer, this is what i call the director's thinking, and the director's thinking had already seen everything in advance, these delicate scenes too, but if the director can probably justify for himself...
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that i was afraid for her health, to be honest, she was engaged in this performance day and night,
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it was harder for me than anyone, because i was rushing about between the two of them, but yulia has a character, yes, we all have a character, be healthy, fidget, good luck to you, she was involved in music, design, another artist and then mock him as you want, phew, so she did it anyway, as she saw fit, and dad had to submit, do what she
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considers it necessary, as a result, she saw that she was right, it turned out to be a very popular, very interesting performance, and i also wanted to stage this performance not because i wanted to express myself, but because i really wanted to give them both actual success, at some point life. when they start telling you, we love moscow so much, it doesn’t believe in tears, we love so much love for the pigeons that are there, and i really wanted them to have this feeling today now, after each performance the audience was waiting for them and with tears eyes said thank you very much, i inherited, as it turned out, indestructible fortitude and perfectionism.
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what is my grandmother, or what? for him it was a great discovery. i can’t say that in everyday life we ​​often meet, although we seem to live not far
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from each other, but what i like is that if suddenly my grandmother comes to visit us or my grandfather is also with her, then somehow it’s it immediately warms your soul that they have come, that is, although the meetings are not so frequent, they are still loved. more for tasi's granddaughter i have to decide on my path after school, my grandson andrei really wanted to become a director, and even without having to teach it somewhere for 5 years. i wanted everything at once, but my grandfather got in the way, and my grandfather told me, if you want to continue directing there, you must first go through acting school, which is destined for us ahead, there are few of us, there may be four of us, we are studying, and you are a deity, now looking back, i understand that it was indeed his words that were one of the most important, they actually inspired, i’ll probably try to see what it is, but in
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the end he turns out to be right. some people say that menchov is a person who has no shortcomings, this is really so, this is not true, of course, of course, not true, fuck it, i quarrel, i am very often dissatisfied, let's, let's do it, do it, i shout to them , so that there is no this dirt, if these are not shortcomings, then at least unworthiness, what are you doing there, i don’t know what to call it, well, forgive me, but he never became a craftsman, who can say, come make a movie, he can’t do it with a cold nose, dad was always looking for his material, he tried to read it, he watched performances, he needs to fall in love with the material, he was waiting for this...
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mutual shock, i also i see what i can, look, look what an actress i am, look what i am, and i think that my mother, to a much greater extent, even than, well, mattered to my father, he always wanted to amaze her, every movie he made, it’s built in there, but when your mother looks at it, she’ll say how talented you are.
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well, how did you sleep, let’s get fresh.
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lyudmila, what kind of chicken did you grab? oh, my god, you have to look, i put a mark on it specifically, but no, it
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’s picked up by every duck, think about it or not? bye, let's do more, one more pilgrimage, let's do it! yes, eat properly, pour some soup, take some meat, some potatoes, i’m embarrassed, who
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slurps soup in the morning, the men slurp. i still want to make a big out of you, you don’t even have your own poster, and i’m an auto mechanic, by the grace of god, they wanted to make me a tanner, i i say, no, i’m a producer, i’ll go to the philharmonic, why, what, why? because, so as
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not to chew on anything in the buffet, my husband, a great violinist, a great artist, drink kefir, from this sausage, kefir, i said, touch the second one with your hands. zepola, two, three, straighten up, four, continue, step with the right foot, tilt back, bend forward, and the old man, just an old man, like this poor old mother’s mirror, but with us everything is old, all our furniture is old, we have everything not furniture, you know that we have a hodgepodge, the violinist is not must live in a hodgepodge, i asked you to get the set christina, well, i’ll get it, i’ll get it, i’ll get it, i need to come to an agreement, well , i’ll agree, i’ll agree, i’ll agree, you, you can’t do anything, you can’t do anything, by the way, there are men there too, i could make acquaintance with them myself, yes, who
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needs me there, give me something stupid, you are not interested in smart women, give me sausages, no, she strives for everyone, children, this is who, and maybe me too, you, in the morning, okay , go where you were going, so it’s morning, no smack, are you on again have you assembled your base? manager of rural stores, call to see director baz. "i repeat, the head
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of rural stores to the director of the base, parental, you know, i know, you remind me of someone, i remind everyone of someone here, you know, maybe we studied at school, then we parted ways, you know how it is “it happens in life, can i be of any help to you, you can, disappear, okay, i’m just from the philharmonic.” that the musician wanted to invite you to the concert, that’s all, wait, great, guys, great, well done, hello, petrovich, hello, alekseevich, we've fucked off, well, i think the calves will like it here, they 'll be bored here, what, what, as you said, it's boring, who cares? selka, i say, in this cage, it will be boring, what kind
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of education do they have, that they will be bored, no, they will like it, but who will herd them, maybe one of you guys, i understand, okay, the time will come, the time will come when we will manage without you, without the vastukhs, and the cow will not be a cow. and one continuous name, no legs, no head, no tail, will they really achieve it, necessarily, the last ultimate goal of selection, since you are a dairy cow, then we will leave with you and develop only what is needed, for the sake of poods of edek nasta.
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no one even thought about how we grow, what we do, how we develop, so, you understand, my father also did little to develop me, if not for my mother, she was a rare soul, so, as you can see, i play, i speak english. they didn’t teach me french, my father didn’t want to spend money when i’m
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in the city, i love the museum, so you go again, and well, you know, it’s just something like that dishes, and sometimes you want to talk in french, as i understand you, valerian sergeevich. valeriand is such a person, such a person, no legs, no tail, just one continuous thing, in the name, come on with your time, no, well, it’s not beautiful anymore, but beautiful, ugly. and there are people who have never seen cows at all,
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never, so what’s good, but just if a person has never seen a cow, then what does it matter to him whether she has a tail or without a tail, and the name, well, what names to give to these , would you give yourself a headache for this break, but don’t nyurh, oh my god, like nyurka, maybe drink, drink, nyurh, like nyuk? her name, by the way, is lyudmila petrovna, she liked you, tried, took her home, by the way, it’s not far, home, look what she found in you, i don’t know, i don’t know, you liked her, i don’t know, i don’t know, look me in the eyes, don’t twist me, don’t twist me, look in my eyes. what beautiful eyes you still have,
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and he speaks english just like russian, it’s all his mother, she was extraordinary. man, i can’t get the chicken out of my head, lord, bother me with your chicken, don’t a chicken is coming out of your head, you know, how could you grab a white chicken to chop off its head, i don’t understand, maybe i should buy them glasses, who should vaska and vovka, not you, who? originally, like everyone else, all the time there is no chicken, i made a special mark, red on white, i can see it from a kilometer away, i ’m about to kill myself, you poor log, well, you can’t live like that, all mud, children in the mud,
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themselves in the mud we walk around, what kind of dirt, we all smell like manure, don’t you feel it, smell the manure, not dirt. i'm no longer your cattle i’m not working, i’m telling you, manure is not dirt, i ’m working closely with the children, it’s time to start , don’t overexert yourself, here’s the brush a little higher, the fingers shouldn’t turn white, here’s vasya, this is vova, vova, you look at her as if you already hate her, this is a violin, it’s not an ax or a saber, don’t push, it’s necessary to love her, vasya, you’re already doing well,
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and vova’s chins are correct, you see, well done, our fingers are no longer white. don’t worry, in general he’s not a bad person, he doesn’t drink, there should be grass for the rabbits it’s always narvana, no matter what music there is, no matter the stones from the sky, grass for the rabbits, nettles
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for the piglets, grass for the rabbits, nettles for the piglets, progress. it will, of course, but you will have to work a lot, a lot, a lot, valerina sergeevich, work, okay, i won’t regret anything for my children, nothing, i’ll create all the conditions, carefully, carefully, carefully, don’t sleep too much, this is not a violin, well , lyudmila petrovna, dad, mom, me, sports family. over there behind the house, excuse me, excuse me, i won’t disturb you, get busy, get busy, i think we need to
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take a break, valevan sergeevich, you won’t teach me, i can do it, yes, it works, it works, only when you hit the ball forward, you look at the ball, yeah, good, good, very good, have you played tennis before, never, amazingly simple , oh, now you’re losing, i’m done, we’ve been waiting for you for a long time, why don’t you change your clothes, well, fashion, what are you doing here, well, get out of here, oh,
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why don’t you change your clothes, well what are you really, why are you so sad, you brute. will come now, when this is all over, in the morning brute, brute by day, brute in the evening, ah, damn sergeich, if you only knew how limiting this is, and i feel sorry for him... and he takes evil, well, i’m not afraid for myself, i’m at any party and conversation, behavior, with him, sergeevich, how i would like you to become friends with him, you know, meeting a person like you for everything that depends on me, and you know that, and you will live with us, like in a dacha , we have air, and the children, and feadosia will be very glad to see you. i have to think, i have to think, he will kill
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me or cripple me, i feel who you are needed, to kill you, he feels, well, what about a violin? it’s interesting, it’s fascinating, it’s interesting , well, so that it can drag on for the rest of your life , probably, probably, it’s interesting, you can’t get a word out of you directly, my father and mother didn’t ask me at all what i was going to become, they weren’t interested in that, but what were you interested in? what were you interested in? what were you interested in? i was interested in
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never taking someone else’s property, in never deceiving anyone, in not envying anyone, that’s what i was interested in, what’s wrong with you? so, what was she wearing today? in blue trousers, with these blisters, on my knees.
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little branches, okay, here they are, so, how many times have i asked you, how many times have i asked, begged, explained, what kind of people are you, and oh, they’re sitting there with red faces, they can’t breathe, everyone around is probably fools, the fool came up with the idea of ​​a bath, here they are alone in... with their father in this stinking bathhouse, they are the only smart ones, come on barshvan, they don’t
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need your bathhouse, they have a bathtub. once upon a time we didn’t stand like that, once upon a time you milked cows, even. i can’t believe that this happened, it happened, she gave them beautiful names,
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kulebyaka, soloist, graduate, then this bacchanalia, are you telling me that this word is known? but i think maybe i shouldn’t marry you, we’re going to bed, well... let’s go,
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i’m a douche, how many times does he say it? you have to cross the hall to get to the bedroom, wait, wait, put on your pajamas, what are these? that’s how they sleep now, but it’s a completely different matter.
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wait a second, now, now, now, now that’s it. let's lie there like this, with bubbles saying what and what?
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well, i lay there, and you know who i am, a fish, and you are a scorpio, and our children are cancers, and this year is the year of the ox, now all this is taken into account, but what? this influences color, styles, and in general who, what, how to wear, valerian sergeevich takes all this into account, valerian sergeevich is such a person, such a person, he picks up a violin, you immediately feel it, you
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feel everything. guys, i’m already serious about you, maybe one of you will undertake to get cows, at least temporarily, but what about the udders, they didn’t achieve it, but don’t worry, they will achieve it , they will definitely achieve it, humanity is growing,
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how much milk do you need, huh? but the kids are demanding, but who are we living for? here can you imagine in a room like this, well , they just hang in baskets in tiers, tiers of tubes, on one side we pump in a nutrient solution, on the other we take milk away, it’s beautiful, and most importantly, there’s no need to herd anyone, right? it’s not for nothing that the shepherds are running away from you, stop, stop, well...
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this is how it will live with us, in order to make progress, we need to study every day, it’s clear, uh, wait, wait, wait, here i am, and i’m uncomfortable for us here both, when valerin serdeevich is there, and what don’t you understand, well, there’s no place to sleep, it’s trampled, you know this place well, pajamas under
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pillow. lyudmila, i’m killing myself there, you know, there’s thunder, lightning, we seem to have a common household, but i’ll wipe out your whole household, i understand, i’ll sell everything, everything will be clean, it will be empty,
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what are you talking about, your tongue is boneless, but i tell you that for the sake of the children, for the sake of progress, i will do anything, we won’t stink of manure here, you fool, you fool, where it stinks, there it smells. count it and don’t let it out, i sold it to the treasure, so please, the dining room, close the side, let’s go, one and two, vova,
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raise your elbow, vasenka, that’s good, after all, i i feel like a reborn person, i found strength in myself, i accomplished everything in one fell swoop, but i’m free, oh, you can’t imagine. bird, and if you study well, bleyan sergeevich will love us and invite us to visit him. and our two families will be friends, then we will come to visit valeran sergeevich, tolean sergeevich will come to visit us with his wife, and then we
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will all go to the resort together, well, i ’ll get vouchers, this is not a problem, but with our father, we need a father imagine, and i’ll be there like that. loosely vasya, vasya, listen, do you like it when i’m dressed down, huh? cattle, where? not now. where are the cattle? not now, oh, sorry, valen sergeevich, but when a person is so upset, you need to be rude with him. i was convinced of this at work.
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how's the lesson? the fingers are alive, there is a runaway. who is more lively, vasya? perhaps, although vova, yes, vova too.
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ivanovich, what is this happening? why didn't you go to work? what are you doing to us? boring, how can it be so boring? tell!
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well, what about a solid udder? and what, all in the name of ideal, are scientists working, okay, okay, as long as they have legs. i'll see who's with
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with your feet? well, do you have a cow with legs? well, as long as i don’t have legs, i’ll take care of it. and when there’s one continuous name, then it’s you. cool, stronger, stronger! twist, well, faster, faster, lord, my god, yes, what were you doing there with that car, you were assembling the screw, go to your place, armless, you are armless, start to creak.
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well, i went, why are you still dragging, who are you, i’m not pulling, everything is fine, you’re pulling, you’re pulling, what are you, maybe you should push me, don’t, don’t, iza, please, i’ll do everything myself, you do everything you'll ruin it, i remember the furniture is called christina, i'll do it all myself. look at me eyes, well, what, how do famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we’ll talk about this in our studio, it was some kind of impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i love him, and he was so stuck on for a while he asked me why?
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brought me a journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago, i still do, sasha, how you confessed your love, it was disgusting, it seems to me, girls, i say, let's argue, that's what here i am one month old and he will be with me, how is it all, probably, if i had not married him at the age of 18, i would not have married him later, never? seriously, are you afraid that i ’ll tell you something, i remembered, no, my tenderness can be seen from above, today on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we’re talking
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about the devil and our hearts didn’t break, what do you know ? , as it breaks, they just give up on the shoulder and pull on the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say, are you a mole? you are wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your no matter what preparation you have, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i always careful, major. find the head of the security service, have him immediately report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version goes to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don't have to blame yourself for
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they didn't want to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation with the premiere of the semi-legendary book by yulian semyonov. wait, wait, you were plump this morning, i ordered myself to look after you, but you calved, so where did you do it, dawn,
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what are you looking at, where did you say goodbye, i ’m asking you, in the forest, how come you didn’t notice? , and the forest? dry, yes, it’s difficult, i see you have work, revision, yes, revision, what’s the plan, that’s where you have to turn around, let’s say, with such things that, for example, one thing sold the plan, oh, they’re not buying, ah, valerian sergeevich, you’re completely out of touch with life, are they buying? even, for example, real headsets, well, let’s say, kristina, and kristina, but this is only through collective farms and for advanced workers, but yes, well, yes, of course.
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you're standing there, what's the matter tilka, don't meddle, don't meddle, don't apologize, took advantage of my inexperience, yeah, okay, don't worry, don't worry, the beast isn't here, people aren't allowed in, so we'll find him tomorrow, he's not going anywhere will get away. wait a minute, you deliberately gave birth in the forest, so, well, it’s actually strange for
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advanced workers through the collective farm, why doesn’t it count with you? no, well, with me, to be specific, it is considered, of course, the main thing is that , of course, lyudmila petrovna is considered a person. not now, in the future, in the winter, let’s say, isn’t it possible, you know, in the city, even with my influence...
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petrovna, come in, yes come in, everyone is here, don’t be shy, hello, nose, and hello, husband i saw, i’m also in the herd, well , yes, my husband is in the herd, so what, comrades, comrades. we have great news, lyudmila petrovna’s merit is here, let’s congratulate her, her husband, her husband feodosia ivanovich said he was a shepherd, you need to carry such comrades in your arms, let’s greet, greet, greet, greet, well, i don’t know, we’ll see what she tells you tomorrow, this one will hold out.
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hello, theodosius, hello, why are you disgracing me, you know what? they say around, smart people will understand, because if you are like people, i now live like a person, a person does not live in a bathhouse, well, let’s sit down and talk, why are you disgracing me, i still do... not everyone says that, and what would i become in
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this household, an aunt, lord, a year or two is all, aunt, so what, then it would be most interesting for you, yes, ah, feadosi, remember how you and i lived, it’s scary to say, it’s a shame to think, because we never went to resorts with you, well, okay, you don’t think about the children, you don’t think about me, well, at least think about valerian sergeevich, he treats us so well, oh, lyudmila, you think you’re interested in valerian as a lady, but how else, not i know, i think he ’s interested in you as a store manager. so it’s true that people told me, don’t marry him, and grandfather
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they tell you he was too, but my grandfather was smart, i’m tired of explaining to him, she’s not there, lana’s not there, who will feed the family, who is he or what, the dawn comes every day empty with nothing, why are you silent? i have to milk it, you hear, to get money for this milk, but where is the milk? sucked, and what
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happens? double theft of social property, i look for double every day, so head, spend another day with him, keep an eye on me, i ’ll graze with him, why won’t you, your cow, you’re losing, and her husband is jealous, well, at least a butch or chick. ask kara.
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the day before yesterday she calved, but i didn’t notice inexperiencedly, so she calved in the forest, the calf peeled off and left it there in the forest, you understand, you don’t understand, look, look, i understand, yes, she doesn’t want us to track her down, so
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now we’re going to bed, we go to bed, you see, we go to bed, we notice in the forest and... he goes with a full udder, so, so, now let's see what kind of udder he comes back with, i understand what he is like, yes, he understands everything, that's it, he doesn't stay at all, because she, if she stays in the forest, it’s easy to find, she’s big, she’s still a little animal, try there look for it in the bushes, no, i respected her so much, well done, zorka, she understands everything, everything is grandiose, and she’s coming, she’s coming, look, the street, you’re my beauty, she’s coming back, neat, like an udder, empty, but here as
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non-residential. it’s good, like a human being, but there’s no sleep, there’s no freshness, as if i was coming from the field, he was working, covered in dust, i need a bathhouse, that’s how i need a bathhouse, and it’s already heated, my deceased mother did her best, i can smell the spirit in the garden. i go into the dressing room, i feel hot, i want to steam, but i just don’t have the strength, i undress, i look for the door to the steam room, but it’s not there, you know, that’s it that’s it, i feel the heat, the birch spirit is coming, but
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there is no door. “it’s a terrible thing, i can’t believe it, but it’s true, when i was a boy, i translated a three-voice fugubah from a sheet of paper into another key, what are you saying, i was a salfeja as a child, and then i got married!” i have to run through lessons, agree, get it, then that’s it, i’m stuck, however, i traveled a lot on geographical maps, dolovezhskaya pushcha,
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now, at peace to sleep, “yes, she came to you, yes, diet, diet, lose weight, she says, where to lose weight, a person needs clean air, movement and healthy high-calorie food, here's the diet. normal cow, what are you doing, normal, where did you put the calf, well, you need an approach to her, like this line of soap? herd, yes, well, where are you going, for meat, where,
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last century, since you have character, get out for meat, technology does not recognize characters, we create such a herd so that everyone has the same character, weight, appetite, and boobs, look, look, look, look, how big her... boobs are, you see, how thick they are, they won’t even fit into a glass, so claudia will have to milk her with her hands, the milk won’t dry out, remember for the rest of your life, hands yes bright, what’s dearest to us is this line, tomorrow it’s for meat.
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well, well, i've been waiting for a while, look at what i brought you, huh? now, on the farm, the girls would be eating this stupid chemical, only the color looks like milk, and standing in the box, sniffing bleach, and your name would be a military one, a pistol, what do you think, the girls on the farm would call you, and some kind of chamomile or lily of the valley, but not mine? we are a pistol, well, well, boxing, we don’t know the word, and as for bleach, we don’t
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understand the smell, come on, wait here, stay here. let's go, come on, come on, come on, dawn, well, come on, come on, come on, into the forest, run, into the forest, into the forest, run, to your calf, yeah, come on, it’s bad here, wait, wait, where did you take the cow, koroum, korow, good people, where are you going , now storush will wake up and see you and me, your husband. he’ll tell you, it’ll be good, huh?
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are you really crazy, as you say, you look ahead, where you put them, i’ll look. no, feonosiy, i’ll look for you,
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you’re grazing for the last day, come on.
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yados ivanovich, i decided to live like you! volian sergeevich, can i see you for a minute? i found a boring friend alone.
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lelen sergeevich, how could you, well, how can you spend the night here, this is a bathhouse, and i had such hopes for you, i asked you to influence him, i like it here, but... “maybe you’ll at least go have some tea drink, finish everything here and come, uh-huh, feodosi ivanovich, take it with you, valeria sergeevich, please, here are some sweets, dry drinks, thank you, thank you, yes, by the way, how are our boys, how are their successes, boys, very good, yes, well, you know, maybe they won’t turn out to be great musicians, but when communicating with music, they still have a passion for music.
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never, excuse me, i’ll heat the kettle now, it didn’t harm anyone except me, okay, valillian, you can’t give a woman any slack, i ’m telling you for sure, look closely at how everything is going with us, you see, yes, ah, here i am, it’s hot, so, who to pour, time, if possible, thank you, come on, i’ll pour it for you too , come on, come on, drink, drink, yeah, fences, yeah, come on, oh, i’m so glad that you’re friends, come on,
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fire whether? well, we are on fire, ludvila, but panya is on fire, yopki.
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the prosecutor's office, manyakin, here's the thing, they need a little man from you, in a nutshell: first the calf disappeared, then the cow and the shepherd disappeared, well, who was tending this cow, and the cow just calved with this very calf. but that's not all, the children are missing, you know, such jokers left a note, listen, mom, don't worry, we're on our way, who? no, the bully has nothing to do with it.
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when i served, there were many conscriptions, whole platoons of guys after demobilization to virgin lands, construction sites, but i immediately decided to go home, to the farm, to the mother of the deceased, she was alive. and we had a captain, young, but so smart, simple, come on, he says, nikiti, along with everyone else, why, i say, i’m going home to the farm, well , as he says, why, you’ll go to distant lands, you’ll change your life, you’ll be bored, okay,
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i’m saying nothing, good for him if i home, and my mother, and the village, and my household, i will miss, he says a lot of good things, i will miss, i will remember. to want to come back and know that you won’t come back and regret it again, it speaks very well for the soul, that’s the kind of captain he was.
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he's coughing and he's sick. what's wrong with you, my dear, well, drink some water, little one you're mine, drink it, oh what you are, and his forehead is hot, he probably has a fever, he probably should, ah, well, drink, baby, drink, it will be easier for you, just like that, come on, come on, little polygon, well, ah, temperature, he has a temperature, valerin, come here. at the entrance to the legendary bamovsky village of zvezdny we are greeted by this wedge heel: 50 years ago the pioneers got here on it, so they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge or roads, just one continuous impassable
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taiga, in the cold, at 50 , and 53°, in the rain, with we didn’t look at any conditions, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is, but the horizon goes away. and you are chasing him, we had a group of 13 people, a year later from these thirteen there were five left, another year from these 13 there were two of us left, that is , to get used to this road, to get used to the routine, to the slopes, i saw what it was like earthquake, water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy for tunnels, it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, today is the first. neurophysiology is a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute, under the leadership of natalia petrovna bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem with a variety of
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different systems. he seems to be trying to help in all the most difficult situations. all my life i have seen my mother sit at the table and write, write, write. it was all related to the treatment. her task was to define. illness, i remember when she told me when she came home with pride that i said that the tumor was in that place, and indeed it ended up in that place, sick, she cared like a mother, she said, treat... the birth of natalia bekhtereva, the premiere,
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tomorrow is the first one.
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something simpler, only institutes, only a professor, let me finish with an answer to this note in which they ask me how my, that is, psychology, my science, uh, looks at the future of family relationships. valerian, let’s go straight to the pharmacy and that’s it, we’ll wait for the invention, the so -called cell, the family, that’s all. dear friends, this is my personal opinion. thank you very much for your attention, i hope to see you again
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meeting, excuse me, i’m in a hurry, there’s your professor coming, yes professor, two kopecks, i beg, i beg, yes, please, please, that’s it, well, thank you, now i’m alone, hold me, i need to call my wife, and now, very, sorry, that’s all, it was you who finally showed up at a friend’s place, three days at a friend’s place, deep immersion in the japanese language, baby, are you really missing english and french, well, yes, last time you were immersed in hindi, well , isn’t hindi enough for you, hello, hello, three days at a friend’s, deep immersion in japanese.


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