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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. this is a must see, a grandiose show dedicated to the completion of the russian exhibition. at
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vdnh, your favorite artists, a sea of ​​music and incredible beauty, channel one will show everything. the village of sokol, our russian army is knocking out the enemy from the donetsk people's republic, which is happening in other directions of the northern military district, the s-300 launchers of western equipment were destroyed. made the bull korban, slovak prime minister robert fitso, appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt and supported his. colleague from hungary, and what did viktor orban himself respond to those who criticize his visit to moscow? the screen star, soviet television announcer, one of the first presenters of the program did not become azli kichenko. let's remember what it is? the new president of iran, masoud ezeshkian, a supporter of reforms, the results of the second round of elections and france on the verge of a new vote for a candidate for parliament, our correspondent, about the situation. not much, not little
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, rules the world and passes a cognitive test every day, a new revelation of the american president biden. almost half of the monthly precipitation per day in some areas of the capital region comes after the downpour. and what is happening at sheremetyevo airport, where dozens of flights were postponed due to bad weather. the last days to visit the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh, the final day of work is on monday, but we can already sum up the results: since november 4, the exhibition has been seen by over 18 million people, today alone the exhibition was visited by more than 200,000 guests, this exceeded the record set on the first day of work forum. then at him 190,000 people came. the platform, which tells about the achievements of our great country, is among the ten most visited. in
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the world. today, the new dnh awarded the media that covered the large-scale forum. the first channel among the laureates. and the main event of the day is a concert dedicated to the end of the exhibition. russia doesn't end anywhere. watch the colorful show immediately after our program. our correspondent, kristina levieva, saw how it was prepared. the main forum of a large country, 8 months, 18 million people, traditions that we we carefully preserve the achievements that we are proud of. today russia is waiting for all visitors to the exhibition. grand concert! artists so different, unique, but united in love for their country, will appear today on the main stage of vdnkh, so that we can once again see how many talented people live next to us, how vast, rich, beautiful and musical our russia is, chicken land, white white woman, for me, bright russia, for others there is panic behind me, i don’t know. greater happiness
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than living by one destiny, be sad with you, today in pavilion 75 at vdnkh solemn ceremony of awarding participants of the forum russia exhibition, when our president vladimir vladimirovich putin came up with this idea and set the task of holding such an exhibition, i won’t hide it... we dreamed that it would be a success if the exhibition was visited by 5 million people, well, such a dream, well, almost not marketable, there were 10 million people, about the fact that we could break through to 15 million, such hypotheses were expressed, but those who said this, in general, laughed so friendly, it seemed impossible, you know, i looked now and, there are world... ratings of the most
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visited places in the world, the russia exhibition during this time entered the top ten most visited places on our planet. the most important thing is quality, quality is the emotions and feelings of the people with whom they come to the exhibition, with whom they watch everything that their regions are proud of and the country is proud of. 96% of exhibition visitors said that they learned something new about their country, 99% said that they felt a sense of pride, that they were proud... for being russians, for being residents of a particular region. sergei kiriyenko especially noted and the work of the first channel, which from the very beginning widely covered all the key events of the exhibition. our correspondents visited every corner of it, talked to thousands of people, our colleagues, using computer graphics , designed 3d models of pavilions and
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special design for the virtual studio of channel one, with the help of which all these months you saw everything in real time, and today you can to be inside the legendary... for the friendship of peoples, this concert number promises to be so incredible that they built it here for it a special podium, the cup will be filled to the very brim, and the spectacle will be so bright and unforgettable that its details are kept secret until the very end. for the first time we will see how the fountain of friendship of peoples will simply sparkle, how the dancers will sparkle in the water. won't they get wet? of course they will get wet, but it’s just so interesting, it’s so beautiful, it’s so cinematic, where does it start? for the homeland. this song will be picked up today by a large folk choir from voronezh. 68 voices will merge into one, a total of 500 artists from different parts of russia will not just sing, dance, but give you your hearts. friends, i invite you to join the concert at the russia exhibition.
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the soloist of the marinsky theater oscar abdrazakov also confesses his love of life from the stage. and i hope it's mutual. there will be a grand concert, don’t miss it, we are waiting for you. together with oleg gazmanov , more than 100 artists will take the stage to the fountain, several choirs and dance ensembles will show the diversity of cultures and one common emotion for all. all the worlds i am barriers, destroying all svens, we are together, our country is the best, russia in general, well done, such an exhibition arranged for all the people, we already have vdnkh on schedule every weekend, we want to hear from the executives, right? our shaman, gazmanov, lageya, our main character is waiting for dmitry kolun, she knows all his songs, yes, so that you, our viewers can see everything that will happen here, there are cables stretched across the entire vadenha at a height of 50 m, they are installed a special camera that will fly between all
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three stages during the concert. the audience will see many details, costumes, ornaments, incredibly interesting choreographic compositions, which, if you look at them from above, they are very beautiful.
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only the viewers of channel one today have the best seats in the stalls and you will see much more than the guests at dnh.
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in the meantime, other topics of the day: a special operation , a unit of the center group of troops liberated the village of sookol in the dpr, the bridgehead for further offensive expanded, and part of the ukrainian group in this area found itself in a semi-circle. the russian military has the initiative in other key areas. enemy losses per day exceeded 2,000, among destroyed equipment nato howitzers and bradley infantry fighting vehicle self-propelled guns and attacks on the rear. an oil refinery and a fuel storage facility that supplied the militants were hit. a warehouse of aircraft missiles and... at two military airfields, this is how our iskander m destroys
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two launchers of the s-300 air defense system in the poltava region, along with them the combat control cabin, vehicles and ssu personnel. the defeat of the targets was recorded by objective control means. artillery support, indispensable conditions for infantry advance in the donetsk front sector under dugleddar artillery units and groups of troops vostok work around the clock. they are striking from the ground... not allowing the enemy to raise their heads from our forward positions, report by sergei ponomarev. gun shot. this is called taking the artillery artillery under fire control and the vostok groupings under coal do not allow the enemy to stick his nose out of the fortifications. we often work at strongholds, quite a few, yes, they opened strongholds, put them in an unusable position, so to speak, no one else will appear there. enemy artillery rarely responds; apparently they are saving ammunition. basic - this is kamikaze. drones, well, everything else is this, and so, well, the shells don’t fly yet, thank god, the drones are met with all weapons,
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the artillerymen of the first army corps of the southern group have a whole arsenal in the warehouse, each anti-drone gun is tuned to certain frequencies, sent everything , if he starts to pick up interference from the remote control, that is, he tries to leave, if he has already grabbed him tightly, that is, you can even land him, we often fly here, i call shiremetev, here ours fly here, that’s all... so what's better be in cover at all times, especially since there is a workplace, an anti-tank gun, a rapier, there is ventilation for removal of powder gases, and also a special chute for throwing spent cartridges outside, there is also communications at a safe distance a little deeper, an ammunition depot, everything this is underground, one ramp, a layer of brick, a layer of clay, a layer of sand, a layer of earth, that is, well, there is about, the earth above, plus logs, so any
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arrivals are not scary, they have been digging in like this for 2 months, construction continues, of course in free time from work, here there will be a place to rest, the deepest in this position, but only finishing work remains, their brigade is rushing forward, perhaps soon they will have to leave these positions to other soldiers, they say they will make the same shelter in a new place, it’s a pity, it’s still a lot of effort, i’ve done so much. well, what is needed, we need to move on, we will go build, what not to borrow from the soldiers of the first army corps is motivation, almost all local ones are from the sergeant major of the rszzo grad batteries with the call sign base, in donetsk, a wife, two children, volunteered, joined the ranks of the then people's militia of the dpr in 2016, well , no one called at the call of the heart, but inside the heart told me that i had to do exactly this way, i generally worked with furniture, and i. ..
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in his attempts to find a peaceful solution in ukraine, viktor orban is supported by robert fitze, the prime minister of slovakia, for the first time since the assassination attempt he appeared in public at the celebrations on the occasion of the day of saints cyril and methodius: europe needs peace, not war.
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colleague for many, teacher, master of news broadcast, announcer of central television, one of the first presenters of the program, over many years aza vladimirovna was known and loved by millions of people of different generations, they trusted her, they looked up to her, at first she didn’t even think about television, but it became destiny. good evening, kuban has finished harvesting rice, dancing vega-1, exploring venus, you need to talk to one person.
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belonged to aza likhitchenko, everything in her somehow merged and created a very expressive image on the screen. this is what the audience remembered her for. aza lekhichenko enjoyed age, considering old age a wonderful period, for example, to finish reading books for which there was not enough time in youth. my dears, good health to you, the most important thing
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is that life is interesting, that it is interesting to spend at least the last years, everything will be fine. the iranians made their choice and in the second round voted for... the number became the key factor, the winner managed to attract his supporters who did not come to the polling stations a week ago, the voting was extended three times. these
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presidential elections are extraordinary, they were called in may, after the death of ibrahim roisi in a plane crash, they were considered unpredictable from the very beginning. according to polls before the second round, the gap between the candidates was small. as a result , masoud will be the president of the islamic republic for the next 4 years. more than 30 million citizens came to the polling stations, masoud pezeshkian was elected as the fourteenth president of iran, the elections were held at a high level in a calm atmosphere. the winner himself was absolutely calm on voting day. i went with my granddaughter to the mountains, where i learned about the results. the gap from the competitor is almost 3 million votes. the election competitors are my brothers. i will extend the hand of friendship to everyone and involve everyone in the development of the country. we argued for power. but if we continue to do everything for the sake of allah, there will be no disagreements, i am grateful to everyone who voted for me. pezishkian is called a reformer in iran, but this does not mean that he is against the islamic foundations of society. during
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a debate with conservative said jelili, he quoted large paragraphs from the koran by heart, while promising to protect women's rights, including on the issue of islamic dress code, wearing a hijab. i want the new president to improve the situation in our country and make decisions. to stop isolating iran and the islamic republic has been under sanctions for 45 years, i want the elected president to fulfill his promises, interact with the world, solve the housing problem, the people should live better. an azerbaijani by nationality, pezishkian promised support to ethnic minorities. iran is a multinational country; kurds, jews, and armenians live here. there is also a small russian diaspora here, these are the descendants of emigrants who left russia after the revolution, on their donations in the last century , the church of st. nicholas
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the wonderworker was built in tehran. we met a woman in the iranian capital who studied with the elected president at medical school; he is a cardiac surgeon by profession. masoud pezishkiyan lost his wife and son in a car accident, he raised the remaining two sons and daughter alone and never remarried.
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president biden, meanwhile, continues to assure the public that he will win future elections, but his abc interview only raised more questions and heightened democratic concerns about his participation in the election. race. it is also clear from the interview that biden appears to be suffering from delusions of grandeur. otherwise, how can one explain his passage about governing the whole world? or is there something we don't know? i take a cognitive test every day. everything i do, you know, i not only run a company, but rule the world, who else besides me can pay nato like that, who can keep the pacific basin in this
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form? in france, tomorrow is the second round of parliamentary elections, observers are discussing the main intrigue, how the party will fare marina lepen will get the right and a significant advantage, the situation is tense and even lepen’s former enemies are going over to her side, about the balance of power the day before in ivan blagov’s report. enin bamont is a former mining town in the north of france with a population of only 26,000 people, what makes it so remarkable,
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once the birthplace of the left... in the electoral district that includes this city, lepin received almost 60% of the votes in the first round, it was here she announced that macron’s camp was almost destroyed, we started at the morning market talking about politics. tell me why lepen's support is so strong here? because everyone loves her. this is not a rich region, macron only deals with the rich. we never heard any kind words about the french leader. in france the president is not very respected. he disappointed everyone, i voted for macron, i thought he would do something for france. and even so, we need putin. the main intrigue is whether the political force lupine will receive an absolute majority in parliament? in this case, the position of head of government will be claim the chairman of the national
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association jordan bardela. now in france the usual combination of everyone against lupine is playing out, so more than 200 candidates from the centrist bloc and the left alliance of the new popular front party withdrew their candidacies so as not to take away each other’s votes in constituencies where there is a chance of opposing the right. music artists and the captain of the french national football team, kylian mbappe, have joined the campaign against the national unification. we cannot leave the country in the hands of these people, we have seen the results, this catastrophe. the last word will be with the new head of government, while the position of her party remains unchanged. we have two red lines: sending french troops to the territory of ukraine,
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because the french are completely against this. supply of long-range weapons that could hit russia and therefore make france a party to the conflict. the presidential camp is missing blow after blow, the picture in the media is negative. this is how, for example, the last day of campaigning went for the current prime minister atal. but where is the president himself? he was last seen wearing a bomber jacket and dark glasses almost a week ago. on the night when his political bloc suffered a crushing defeat in the first round, emmanuel macron sang ch... paan at a friend’s birthday party. the political publication writes about democratization; the president was persistently not recommended to participate in the election campaign. the leader underestimated how much the public was repulsed by his personality. macron is using the time to reassign people loyal to himself to responsible positions in government agencies. we are also talking about leadership of the police and gendarmerie. lupine has already called this an attempt at an administrative coup aimed at preventing the future right-wing prime minister from ruling
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the country. or maybe. here is one of the inscriptions of 12 million fascists, this is about those french who voted for the lepin party in the first round, almost a week passed, and city services still did not erase the paint, perhaps intentionally. after tomorrow's vote, the french capital is likely to face another hot night. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichnogo, yulia razindor, evgenia stefanchuk, sergey
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nashchekin, channel one. one day with the russian guard in moscow on poklonnaya hill: one and a half dozen sites from sections introduce the department to the history and present day, see the latest arsenal and special equipment, test your accuracy. they imagine what the russian guard is, that they are ordinary people of the country, they don’t quite fully understand what it does, their goals and objectives, here we have it very clearly shown, that is, we have presented equipment, weapons, we have presented the equipment of fighters. his you may even need to clarify your vocation for yourself in terms of how to get into the russian guard. and in the very
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heart of the capital on red square , graduates of the moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia were awarded diplomas of higher education. among more than 700 young police officers, this year there were 157 excellent students and nine gold medalists. we received diplomas together with russian graduates. you have to actually apply the knowledge and skills acquired in classrooms, there are a lot of areas of activity, counteracting ordinary economic... crime, corruption, the fight against extremism and terrorism, in general, the protection of individuals, society and the state from illegal attacks. to unite families through common causes, this is the goal
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the organizers of the project have set themselves, this is a family task for us, and just today the finalists from all over the country are completing competitive tasks. 300 families out of more than 100,000 who decided to participate in the competition reached the decisive stage. many say the draft presidential platform is a russian country. central russia eliminates the consequences
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wildfire, which hit several regions at once, in moscow, the moscow region, as well as the oryol, kursk and tula regions, 195 trees were felled, 24 cars were damaged, in some areas of the capital almost half of the monthly norm fell the day before. now the situation is returning to normal, but passengers are still urged to arrive at the airport in advance. as for the weather, the storm front brought a slight cooling to moscow, but tomorrow it will be warm again up to +29, with monday even hotter - about thirty. great weather for a walk around moscow, including the russia exhibition. on monday, let me remind you, the last one. the day of her work, today at vdnkh there is a big concert dedicated to the end of the grandiose forum, favorite art and an incredibly beautiful spectacle, from the best angles, the team of the first shows everything for you, russia does not end anywhere, watch it right now.
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there is no more beautiful land in the world, there is no brighter homeland in the world, russia, russia, russia, which may be dearer to the heart, who was equal to you in strength, suffered defeat of any russia. russia, russia, we are in grief, happiness is with you, russia, like a blue bird, we protect and honor you, and if they violate the border, we will protect you with our breasts.


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