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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 7, 2024 3:30am-4:15am MSK

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secondly, is it necessary to think about limiting it somehow, generally speaking, in fact, all the generative models that are being created so far, and those that will be created, they are inclined in some way -the moment to hallucinate, this is the official term, it means that if the neural network doesn’t know something, and you still asked it to create it, it can create it, it cannot create it, let’s put it this way, that is, it creates something, well, not what you want and something wrong, but... it creates anyway, and this is probably best seen with and can be traced, as it were, with language models, you know, when gpt came out, these problems were especially visible, and then they asked what was heavier, a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of lead, well, it’s clear that she saw the neural network in the training data, as if the word fluff with the word light, she saw much more often than fluff with the word heavy, well, on the contrary, which is logical, and of course she answers that a kilogram of lead means heavier, a kilogram of fluff is lighter. yeah, and explains why, well, this is
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a point for perfection, there’s three three paragraph, why? this is dangerous, in fact, because a schoolchild, for example, who looks at the answer of this model, he will believe it, then he will go on to broadcast this thought further to his peers, and so on, and what to do, we must fight hallucinations, in principle, this is the area that is now most actively developing, like this large language model, the generative model, to teach people to hallucinate less, well, we started with the fact that we are, in general, lukewarm, so to speak, if, if our digital the images were created by artificial intelligence, it would be interesting to look at them, of course, here are our models, lena was thinking about what we could look like, we just have something about this, oh, yoshkin, no, it’s okay, that’s what it is. some kind of de oh, you know
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how kandinsky sees us like that, yeah, wow, wow , why has he made us look so young, look , he’s giving compliments, and he’s hallucinating, and i see you in the form of prom in my head, that’s exactly what you look like too, huh? i'll actually tell you how photorealistic ones turn out it’s portraits that we have a team that deals with detecting fakes, you know , this is especially important now. an urgent problem, well, with the development of generative models, you can generally make a bunch of fakes and post them on the internet, and this can bring huge losses to both companies and the state and all sorts of reputational costs, that is, we need to learn to distinguish between what is created by a neural network and what is not, here we are in fact, as part of detecting fakes, they decided to make a model that generates fakes, why, then, so that on the dataset that generates the generative model for creating fakes, we finish training the detection model and here we are... as if within the framework
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of this work on fake detection , we made a model for generating fakes and applied it here, that is, how kanzinsky creates your model face? first there is a model that describes you, then kandinsky creates your image, with a tiger, for example, you can type in anything, there at the sea, there i don’t know, in winter, on skiing, and then a model for generating fakes, this one is ours, which helped the fake detection model, it simply transfers the face, that is, this is the real you, in principle, that’s how it is, yes. dear friends, denis dimitrov is our guest in the creative industry podcast on channel one, the man who created neroset kandinsky of a wonderful team, and the main conclusion, even if we don’t have everything, in general, in the end we understood, there’s still nothing to be afraid of, look at what nice, smart people are doing those things that you and i may be afraid of for some reason, but there is no need to be afraid, because this is what is competitive.
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well, today our relations with former allies in the second world war, of course , couldn’t be worse, but it must be said that in that period they were far from simple, and of course, the main sticking point was the opening of a second front, they argued there... about geography
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about terms, well, in the end, in june 1944, the second front was opened, and this famous landing in normandy took place. it turns out now 80 years, if i’m not mistaken, so let’s remember this landing, and at the same time let’s remember operation bagration, which was carried out by our our armed forces. it seems to me that the main thing in this conversation is that on the one hand, on the western side , it is accepted to overestimate the significance of the landing in normandy and in general the opening of the second front in 1944, almost the main event of the second world war, yes, along with the battle.
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the way out of this situation is to create a second front somewhere in the balkans or in france this year, i will repeat this , september 1941, the germans will return to leningrad, this is the most difficult situation, which means we are already they said that in fact the second front appeared
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only in 1944, at the beginning of june, which means that before that, before the opening of the second front, in fact, the most important help from the west. it may also not be necessary to increase it, especially since in general it was not gratuitous assistance, we then paid off debts to polenlisa for a very long time, the position of roosevelt and churchill, they very often disagreed in fact, and roosevelt
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was much more decisive in favor of assistance to the soviet union , he also pushed through the lentlis congress, he also argued with churchel over the opening second front, but to convince churchel then...
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unsuccessful for two reasons: well, firstly, as these researchers believe, and these are generally military historians and experts, they believe that the allies at that time did not have an overwhelming advantage in aviation, then that is , they could not dominate and completely control the battlefield, but the second argument is also a very important argument, that by the forty-second year the wehrmacht was not yet exhausted, therefore, if they tried to open a second front in the forty-second year, then
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the allies would have met completely different resistance in france than in forty years, here it must be said, continuing the theme of landlease, that landlease, of course, covered up weaknesses. soviet economy, in our country, when they remember landlease, they often talk about tanks, airplanes, this is all important, but in addition to airplane tanks, there were machine tools, there were steam locomotives, there was aviation aluminum, there were explosives. here is a military historian, a very famous military historian, alexey valerievich isaev, he showed that the components for the money, yes, were relatively small explosives supplied through lindlease allowed the soviet union to produce high-power shells, because soviet similar factories that produced these chemicals were lost during the german offensive back in 1941, there was actually nowhere to take them from, if not for this, then large calibers of soviet artillery would simply be left without ammunition,
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soldiers, but it was also important for the development of the american economy, because this money went, these funds went to the development of
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the american economy, the american industry. in addition, roosevelt, when he convinced isolationist circles, and here it is important to say that when the land lease act was adopted, the united states had a fairly powerful isolationist movement, one american politician even stated that if the soviet union defeats germany, we should help germany, if germany defeats the soviet union, we must help. to the soviet union, let them kill each other as long as possible. that politician was harry truman. so rooseveld convinced: if your neighbor's house is on fire and you have a garden hose, lend it to your neighbor before your house catches fire. when the fire is extinguished, the neighbor will return the hose to you, and if it turns out to be damaged, he will pay for it when he saves up some money. this is understandable, a conviction. but nevertheless, this idea that a neighbor’s house is on fire, and that simply sitting with arms folded while it burns is a completely unacceptable thing, rooseville had this, as he also... quite rightly noted, a completely sincere conviction, i must say ,
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which roosevelt’s position certainly played a big role at the tigeran conference, when at some point stalin simply presented his negotiating partners with a choice: either the negotiations end, or we make a definite decision on opening a second front. many military historians, as you also quite rightly noted, believe that in 1942, yes, the americans were unlikely to join the british, they simply did not have enough amphibious means, yes, the strength of aviation was not enough. would hardly have time to carry out a successful landing in the same normandy, for example, with on the other hand, this is the year forty-three, when we need to remember, our western allies had a choice, either to continue from africa to italy, but there, after all, the italian boot is narrow, yes, and, accordingly, the scale of hostilities is completely different, or still to land in france and under pressure from churchill, again from churchill, since the british fleet was to play a fundamental role in these operations, the direction was chosen.
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the decision to open a second front, and it is no coincidence that this opening of a second front coincided with the well-known operation in belarus, well, i’ll just name the dates, which means that the operation in normandy dates from june 6 to august 25, and the operation in belarus took place from june 23 to august 29, that is, a coincidence in general... complete , and yes, this is the result, so to speak, of the agreements that were
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reached in tahran, after rather difficult negotiations, here it must be said that both of these operations and the landing in normandy, and operation begration, they, there you can pay attention to one aspect or another, there are many interesting details, but i would draw attention to the enormous work that was done. uh, so we would need to demonstrate that we would attack either in the south or in the extreme, that is, in the north, but not in the center, and where the operation actually took place then, and uh, 2/3, this is the result of our misinformation, and 2/3 of the tank
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divisions were just shifted to the south, so this played... a very important role in the success of operation bagration, as for the allies, then there was also a very famous operation, especially in the west, called bodygard, this is also a disinformation operation, it must be admitted that it was a very delicate work, including with the re-recruitment of german, german agents, there are different versions about the interaction of intelligence services, because there was some kind of interaction between the allies and... our general staff, of course, there was this is indisputable, as for the detailed information, here, in general , both sides were a little dark, this is understandable, because both operations were a very difficult task, and well, naturally, a cover of secrecy is always present in such cases, there is version that
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we received almost all, so to speak, vital information for us through the famous... cambridge five - this is a network, an intelligence network of soviet intelligence in great britain, the well-known names of the three most important agents from the allies who conducted this game in order to convince that the allies would land in padikal, well, among them was juan pujol, a spaniard and double agent of germany and britain, and he managed to receive an order -
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at one time he gave it to soviet intelligence information also about operation citadel, this is a kurdish battle, and also provided information about the wehrmacht’s plans for ’44, he had a very wide network of informants in germany itself, quite high-ranking figures, which, however , this network of informants suffered greatly after july 20, ’44 years when the opposition to hitler was destroyed to a large extent after a military coup attempt, but in general battles are not won by intelligence alone, it must be said here what the soviet army was like. rising from the ashes, dedicated to the red army, because, of course, it seemed to the nazis, by the way, to many american observers it seemed that the soviet army was destroyed in 1941. glans shows that a significant part of the army commanders, the front commanders, the majority, were people who had experience
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of defeat in 1941, who learned to fight, yes, who from their own experience, bloody experience, but... to say that, despite the defeat under kursk, despite the collapse at stalingrad, the nazis continued to greatly underestimate the red army, that is, they believed that a large-scale offensive, like the one that was carried out, namely operation bagration, not to mention other operations that in soviet times were called there in stalin's time 10 stalinist strikes, but north of the kirkinevo itself operations before
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the liberation of crimea in the south. so the germans believed that large-scale offensive operations would be carried out against soviet troops. inaccessible, that they can only operate on relatively local sectors of the front, and if they can to act broadly enough, then the germans will be prepared for this, their defensive ones will either not work, and here they were fundamentally mistaken, they once again underestimated the enemy. the americans, of course, did not have the same experience as the soviet troops, the americans and the british did not have, they had a ground operation in africa, but this is not on the same scale, of course, a completely different theater of military... operations completely different from europe, on a different scale. the british had experience of an unsuccessful landing in france. yes. this was a demonstrative operation by churchel, who thereby actually proved, well, in quotes. proved, yes, that the landing in france was impossible in 1942, this was a raid on dzip, an anniversary operation. we
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continue our podcast, today we are talking about the allied landing in normandy in 1944. it must be said that churchel in particular had ideas to try, so to speak, in the race for berlin, and win, including in 1945, but it must be said that. commanders and montgomery isenhauer, really assessing the resistance of the germans, in general, they considered this plan, these ideas to be generally mythological, that is, there is also in some soviet historiography the idea that on the western front the germans surrendered in entire units, and that, accordingly , the walk across germany was so easy for our westerners allies, but... the thing is that they began to surrender only in the very last weeks of the war, and then for attempts to surrender they were shot on the spot, there were very harsh punitive measures, only in
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in the very last days of the war, indeed , a significant part of the germans wanted to surrender to the americans and the british, because the cat smelled whose meat it had eaten, and especially the setsov officers did not want to be captured by the soviet troops, because accordingly they understood that they would have to bear responsibility for that what they did on soviet territory. but that will come later. in addition, germany was able to launch a counterattack, this is the famous offensive operation in the ardennes and order. in december of '44. esenhaur later said that the german command made a serious mistake by launching the wardenach offensive. it was an attack by the desperate. this is partly true, but the americans lost 30 thousand prisoners, only prisoners. the city of boston would have been besieged there, and the americans bombed it a couple of times against their own troops. well , friendly fire is also a common situation in the history of wars, but nevertheless this operation in the ardennes showed that the german army was still combat-ready, capable of launching counterattacks, and the counterattack
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ended with what: when it started, properly flight weather, then the breakthrough of german tanks was stopped again by air strikes, well -prepared positions of the americans, as a result, the german troops rolled back to their original positions, i must say that hitler really hoped for this attack, he hoped that he would be able to push back quite strongly americans and british, then transfer resistance to the eastern front, and then , prolonging the war, still wait for a conflict between the allies. hitler already believed then, but in addition to the hopes of methic superweapons, there were hopes that the allies will quarrel among themselves, that at the final stage of the war the united states and great britain, on the one hand, and the soviet union, respectively, will come into conflict with each other. well, as a result. we can say that this normandy landing, for the west it became , perhaps, the most important event
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of the second world war, they consider the landing in normandy to be a turning point in the entire second world war, forgetting about all previous battles, forgetting about stalingrad, kursk bulge and so on, and not to mention defeat.
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advanced to a depth of 600 km, the scale, yes, of course, this did not make it possible for berlin to transfer any additional allied forces to france, in general, an example of a combination of operation bagration and overlord is an example. the clearest example of cooperation between the allies, which ultimately led to the decisive defeat of the nazis in the understanding of the fact that the war was lost, in fact, many germans, even generals, understood that the war was lost after stalingrad, after kursk this conviction began to grow a conspiracy against hitler was taking shape, which was carried out on july 20, 1944, an attempt on hitler’s life, but what finally pushed it was the fact that pincers came from both sides, on the one hand there was an operation. that the front line was broken through by the soviet offensive, in general, there was nothing to do for a long time, but to resist this
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for a certain time, on the other hand. allied offensives in france and the german front collapsed in the west and east, then, respectively, for part of the german generals, for part of the german establishment, the only choice was to remove hitler and try to make peace on less shameful terms than otherwise, but the plot failed, history, unfortunately, did not follow this path, which maybe would have saved hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions lives, but unfortunately, again quite soon after this example of the allied... unity, when reconnaissance operations were carried out together, a company of disinformation, you mentioned three possible landing points, but the germans were fed information about a possible joint the landing of soviet american troops in norway, for example, yes, that is, they were completely disoriented, so they were forced to scatter their forces, so the year 1944 is perhaps the year of the maximum rapprochement of the allies in the anti-hitler coalition, the maximum unity of their forces, well, in conclusion we can say the following, well, if... the landing
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took place in 1943, then of course we would celebrate victory day not on may 9, but much earlier, and if this landing had not happened at all, then we would naturally celebrate later, this is indeed a very important operation of the second world war, but at the same time, of course, this is still not the decisive battle of the second world war, because they led to victory ... these are all our heroic battles that we know very well, of course, the main the power of the wehrmacht was crushed on the eastern front, this is a fact, yes, with which, given the most varied ideological positions , nothing can be done, and of course, without soviet victories near moscow and especially, of course, near stalingrad and in the battle of kursk, an exhibition in normandy would have been simply impossible in the
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form in which it happened, but for... i want to tell you what, from the russian point of view , the presidents of the united states did to win the war. the most important things in this war are cars. i'm missing a fragment of the quote. russia can produce the largest 3.0 aircraft. united states from 8.00 aircraft. thus, the united states is a country of machines. without the cars obtained through lending, we would have lost this war, or in another possible translation, we would not have won this war. well, or there is some debate about how to accurately translate a phrase. it is clear that this
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was a toast. yes, it was. a sign of favor towards the american allies, including in order to split roosevelt and churchill, it was still a tricky game, but nevertheless, stalin realized and emphasized the importance of landlease, you have already quoted his famous phrase about the significance of the landing in normandy, when he said that this was undoubtedly a brilliant success for our allies, history will mark this matter as an achievement of the highest order. the fact that in the west they prefer to remember only the landing in normandy, well, what can you say, well... uh, we shouldn’t follow this example, because a story with torn out pages is a distorted history, and a distorted history always distorts the soul. it was a historical podcast, russia-west on the swing of history. today we talked about the normandy landings and what role it played in world war ii. pyotr
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romanov was with you. and sergey solovyov, study history with us, you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the channel one website. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. this is a must see, a grandiose show dedicated to the completion of the russian exhibition at vdnkh, favorite artists, a sea of ​​music and incredible beauty, channel one will show everything. the village of sookol is ours, the russian army is knocking out the enemy from the donetsk people's republic, what is happening in other
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directions of the northern military district, the launchers have been destroyed. parliament, our correspondent, about the balance of power. a little bit, rules the world and passes a cognitive test every day, new revelation of american president biden.
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almost half of the monthly rainfall per day in some areas of the capital region is recovering from the downpours. and what is happening at sheremetyevo airport, where dozens of flights were postponed due to bad weather? last days to visit the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh. the final day of work is monday, but we can already sum up the results. since november 4, the exhibition has been seen by over 18 million people. today alone, the exhibition was visited by more than 200,000 guests. this has exceeded a record set on the first day of the forum. then 190,000 people came to see it. a platform that talks about the achievements of our great country. entered the top ten most visited places in the world. today at vdnkh the media who covered the large-scale forum were awarded. the first channel among the laureates. and the main event of the day is a concert dedicated to the end of the exhibition. russia doesn't end anywhere. watch the colorful show
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immediately after our program. our correspondent, kristina levieva, saw how it was prepared. the main forum of a large country - 8 months, 18 million people, traditions that we carefully preserve and achievements that we are proud of. today everyone. a grandiose concert awaits visitors to the russia exhibition. artists, so different, unique, but united in love for their country, will appear today on the main stage at odnkh so that we can once again see how many talented people live next to us, how vast, rich, beautiful and musical our russia is. the crown of the earth, the white birch tree, for me the bright russia for others is my guardian. i don’t know greater happiness than living with the same fate, sadness with you, my land. today, in the seventy-fifth
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pavilion at the dnh, a solemn ceremony of awarding participants of the russia forum exhibition took place. when our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin came up with this idea, he set the task of holding such an exhibition. i won’t hide it, we dreamed that it would be a success if 5 million people visited the exhibition, well, it’s like a dream, well, almost unrealistic, there were 10 million people, about the fact that we can break through to 15 million, such hypotheses were expressed, but those who said this, in general, so friendly they chuckled, it seemed impossible, you know, i looked now... and there are world rankings of the most visited places in the world, the russia exhibition during this time became one of the ten most visited places on our planet. and this is how we managed to achieve such results. the most
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important thing is quality. quality is the emotions and feelings of people with whom they come to the exhibition, with whom they watch everything that their regions are proud of and the country is proud of. colleagues used computer graphics to design 3d models of pavilions and special design for the virtual studio channel one, with the help of which all these months you have seen everything in real time, and today you can find yourself inside the legendary fountain of friendship of peoples,
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this concert number promises to be so incredible that a special podium has been built here for it, the cup will be filled to the very brim and the spectacle will be so vivid and unforgettable that its details are kept secret until the very end. for the first time we will see how fanta... of course they will get wet, but it’s just so interesting, it’s so beautiful, this is how the dancers will shine in the water without getting wet, cinematic, why? the homeland begins. friendship of peoples will simply shine, as this song will be picked up by a large folk choir from voronezh today. 68 voices will merge into one, a total of 500 artists from different parts of russia will not just sing, dance, but give you their hearts. friends, i invite you to join the concert at the russia exhibition. the soloist of the marinsky theater oscar abdorzakov also confesses his love of life from the stage. there will be a grand concert. don't miss out, we are waiting for you. together with oleg gazmanov they will appear on stage at the fountain
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more than 100 artists, several choirs and dance ensembles will show the diversity of cultures and one common emotion for all. our country is the best, russia in general, well done, he organized such an exhibition for all people. we already have vdnkh on schedule every weekend. we want to hear the performers, yes, our shaman, gazmanov, pelageya, our main character is waiting for dmitry kolun, but he knows all his songs, yes, so that you, our viewers , can see everything that will happen here, across the entire vadenkha at an altitude of 50 m , the cables are stretched, a special camera is installed on them, which during the concert will fly between all three stages, the viewer will see many details, costumes, ornaments, incredibly interesting choreographic compositions that...
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a huge architectural platform, it is necessary this is new for us, this is a huge platform, preserve the spirit of this exhibition, this place, we are trying to hang cameras on cable roads, install cranes, stage cameras, we have arranged the cameras so that it will be very interesting for you, we will see the most unforgettable fragments, we will be close to the artists. close to those events which will develop here. this exhibition
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gave rise to the most important thing that a person who lives in his beloved country should have: respect and pride. family is a country. a country is a family. the grand concert with svetlana zeynalova will be hosted by timur solovyov. only the viewers of channel one today have the best seats in the stalls and you will see much more than the guests at dnh. kristina levieva, alexey zotov, pavel romanov, larisa nikitina,
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veronika ilvuchenkova and alexander kovalev. first channel. so, a big concert, dedicated to the completion of the russian exhibition, watch on channel one immediately after our program. in the meantime, other topics of the day. a special operation unit of the center group of troops liberated the village of sokol in the dpr. the bridgehead for the further offensive expanded, and part of the ukrainian group in this area found itself in a semi-circle. the russian military has the initiative in other key areas. directions. enemy losses over 24 hours per day. among the destroyed equipment are nato howitzers and self-propelled guns. bradley bmp. and about attacks on the rear. oil refinery and storage facility hit fuel that supplied the militants. a warehouse for aircraft missiles and parking for turkish drones at bayraktar at two military airfields. and this is how our iskander m destroys two launchers of the s-300 air defense system in the poltava region. and along with them the combat control cabin, vehicles and ssu personnel. hitting targets.
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artillery support, an indispensable condition for the advance of infantry in the donetsk front sector near dugleddar, artillery units and groups of vostok troops work around the clock, firing from all guns, not allowing the enemy to raise their heads, from our forward positions, report by sergei ponomarev, gun, shot, this is called taking fire control, artillery units, vostok groupings under coal do not allow the enemy. supplies, the main thing is komikazes, drones, well, everything else is this, and so, well, the shells don’t fly yet, thank god, the drones are met with all weapons, the artillerymen of the first army corps of the southern group have a whole arsenal in the warehouse, every anti-drone gun is configured to certain frequencies, directed everything, if he starts with the remote control there to catch interference, then
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there is, he is trying to get away if he has already grabbed him tightly, that is, you can even land him, we often fly here, i call him “shiremetego”. here our people fly, well, everyone flies, so it’s better to be in cover all the time, especially since there is a workplace here, a rapier anti-tank gun, there is ventilation for removing powder gases, and also a special chute for throwing spent cartridges out, right here communication at a safe distance a little deeper, the ammunition depot is all underground, one roll, a layer of brick, a layer of clay, a layer sand, a layer of earth, that is... well, there is probably about one and a half meters of earth above the top, plus logs, so any arrivals are not scary, they have been digging in like this for 2 months, construction continues, of course, in free time from work, so here there will be a place to rest, the deepest in this position, but only finishing work remains, their
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brigade is rushing forward, perhaps soon they will have to leave these positions to other soldiers, they say they will make the same shelter in a new place, it’s a pity, it doesn’t matter. a lot of effort, so much has been done, but what is needed, we need to go further, we will go build, what can’t be borrowed from the soldiers of the first army corps is motivation, almost all the locals are from the foreman of the rszzo grad batteries with the call sign base, in donetsk he has a wife, two children, he volunteered to join the ranks of the then people’s militia of the dpr in in 2016, well , no one called at the call of the heart, but inside the heart told me that i had to do exactly this. in general, i was involved in furniture, and i’m a furniture maker, yes, i’m not not in the military, well, that’s what happened, well, i don’t regret anything, i think it’s right, we did everything, there are a lot of very young guys in the unit, alexander is 22, a gunner, he already managed to take part in the liberation of volnovakha, then maryenko, avdeevka, as soon as they started chasing the enemy in the donetsk direction in donetsk it became
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much calmer, i want the shelling to stop, there are a lot of friends walking around the city , i would like everyone to walk calmly. to do this, they are always ready to support our attack aircraft with fire; visits to rocket artillery positions are now taking place around the clock. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov, channel one. the negotiations between vladimir putin and viktor orban, which took place the day before in moscow, were the center of attention of the world press. a remarkable reaction from the american publications the washington post calls the meeting a diplomatic triumph for russia. the new york times notes that orban is challenging the european union and nato. myself. he is 100%, even more than 100%, a rational person, when he negotiates, explains his position, puts forward proposals, when he agrees or denies something, he is
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even super-rational, he presents everything in development, so the negotiations are a real challenge if you want to maintain an equal intellectual and political level with him.


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