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tv   Tsaritsa mozga  1TV  July 8, 2024 12:00am-12:41am MSK

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how life slowly changed, how they lived, and all the neighboring boys did it to them like this, that they will put you in prison harshly, her father had lenin’s safe conduct letter, which was one, what he treated, and it was written that this was a family don’t touch when the father said, “ha, we’re accepting you on your own merits, it’s such a mess here, it’s just so that they understand, and it was very difficult when her mother was arrested, because she was left all alone, they were brought to the distribution center , oddly enough,
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she even knew latvian at one time, and he once called her, that she was a c student, she said that you have one, one alternative: either you go to a brick factory or on the street, literally, or you become excellent, then you will be allowed to go to college, she became the first student, graduated from school and entered two institutes at once: the university, the faculty of chemistry, the faculty of medicine, then she finally chose a medical institute. the first months of the blockade. she walked from
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the orphanage, where she still lived, to the institute and back, through the snowy zezhny peter, what she told, she said terrible things, that they ate both people and people, and in general everything was quite scary, she was taken away from you... she lived there, in general, at the ivanovo institute, studied at the ivanovo institute institute, ivan to the medical institute, and she lived very hungry, she had to give blood, here his veins became quite bad, after that, what could i do, then i returned to st. petersburg, and... and it so happened that the rosary
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compacted, the rosary had an apartment of three rooms, one room 14 m, 14 s to m, the other room, two small rooms, about 10 meters each, they lived with their husband, they didn’t have children, they decided to pay for them, someone else, and to prevent this from happening, anatalya petrovna clearly attributed it to herself. so she got at least a small room, and i remember that until the age of 9 , the three of us lived in this fourteen-meter room, it’s often scary to imagine how it was, well, then somehow everyone lived like that, and i still . life i saw how my mother sat at
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the table and wrote, wrote, wrote, and that all the time i saw both my father and mother working, this is a lot, and... and she moved forward very quickly, she wrote a great dissertation, she wrote two monographs, but these were generally very applied monographs, raynaud’s disease and bi-large hemichari of the brain, it was all related to treatment, its task was to identify the disease. determining where the tumor is, now you take it, look, and you immediately see the tumor, then nothing is unknown, and i remember when she told home with pride that i said that the tumor is in the place where they were certain slow fluctuations, and indeed she ended up in that place during
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the operation, but they operated, try to find where she is. in these laboratories , problems of higher nervous activity of humans are studied. neurophysiology is a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalia petrovna bekhtereva. she is a great scientist.
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the departments of the institute corresponded to the departments of the large academy of sciences, the department of genetics, molecular biology, environmental physiology, the department of physiology named after pavlov and so on, that is, the main branches of science at that time were represented. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of living electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses, and so on.
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were not in the cortex, in the subcortex, that is , these are, so to speak, such dark dungeons of the brain, which before that, in general, so to speak, few people knew anything about them, but natalya petrovna believed, she believed that these subcortical
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structures, they they are located in the brain for a reason, they perform many other functions, including particularly cognitive functions. it seemed to me that i couldn’t do it myself, but let’s say, my favorite lekprods. we started by telling doctors, neurosurgeons, neuropathologists that in this way it is possible to treat the most severely ill patients, in this way it is possible to recognize epilepsy in the depths of the temporal lobes, but it so happened that others did not take it, and patients passed in front of us . we knew we could help them. i remember her first patient, maria goldobina, a woman who was a mathematics teacher, 35,
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in my opinion, years ago, the worst kind of conventionalism, so much so that the math teacher forgot what a circle is a square. i saw this woman 2 weeks after surgery.
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then as to her closest relative, and this was her inner way, she did not prepare herself for such work with the doctor’s patients, that is, the doctor, if you came to the patient, you should not see the patient, but you should as if, that’s it yes, of course, you should see all this objectively, but treat it as if you were the person closest to you.
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350 drug patients, we have a very a high percentage of cure, very, practically here, those of our uncured patients are those patients who returned to the same society and who again came to drugs, we can, we could return a person to the state before drugs, but we could not do it enough so that he wouldn’t cut...
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petrovna, she can also say about her that she worked, she, it was service, it’s in the very, most beautiful sense, you know, service to people, service to the country, at all levels, her the activity is very multifaceted, so here it is for the employees she. and so treated with care, you see,
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natalya petrovna always had a large number of people devoted to her, and devoted students, which allowed them to then gather around themselves, people who did a common cause with them, in fact, to inspire so many people to do this , so that everyone plows , as they say, without looking at salaries, time and so on, this is a very big deal, it is only possible here with big big ideas and for all, i say articles, it always evoked in me:
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morning, it was sacred , so usually so, we called each other, i said, i want to talk to you, so she said, well, come, i came with my data, research, we discussed this data, she suggested how to move further in this area, she suggested some ideas.
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which is, so to speak, the key very modern method of mongo research, supercopper processes have now become very fashionable, and people began to use these processes for treatment, diagnosis of mental illnesses, in particular the method of biological reverse with the help of these processes, well, this is one example, super-slow processes. brain for the first time, were first discovered, discovered in studies on patients with living electrodes, now they are used, well, few people cite, of course, few people cite these studies by petrovna, in the joint work
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of neurocybernetics. in a word, of some specific type of mental activity, we have received a lot from machines, but we will also be useful to machines, based on what we have spied in the brain, i i think that if machine designers listen to us, they will be able... purely cerebral, let’s say, from their point of view, and it is precisely the complexity of using the ideas laid down back in
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those days that allow us, in addition to theoretical directions, patented, published there...
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well, imagine, you leave the house, suddenly it seems to you that you forgot something, you may return, you may not return, in the first case, if you returned, indeed, maybe you found keys to the house, or found an unplugged iron,
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began to act in a stereotypical way, your leaving the house is a stereotype, as for these unusual phenomena, she didn’t do this, she didn’t study it, but she was...
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and her son ivan ilyevich on the same day, after these tragic events, natalya petrovna hung a portrait of ivan ilvich in the bedroom, when he passed away, a portrait, she talked to him because...
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she had that, it was important to her, that’s what it was, she also drove in a van on purpose, that’s exactly what things that are very
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difficult. to say experimentally, but interest in them has always been very high at all times, precisely because predictions, harbingers, these things, they have always aroused burning interest, so to speak, but they have always been inaccessible, because these are one-time, separate, unique events that , as they say, it is difficult to catch a firebird by the tail. therefore, this has always fueled interests and motivated scientists, successes are due precisely to this enthusiasm, but from the point of view of what we have learned, what we have not learned, the balance between them, it is exactly that, of what we can and know a lot less than we don't know. i saw vanga, i talked to her, she told me that my mother had come, but i myself, as
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a brain researcher, can only do it now. a person dies, and before he would never have said that yes, then when the clinical person returned to life, now he is brought back to life, then something of the soul can come out of the body, and this soul has amazing properties. atari petrovna was interested in things, well, let’s say, the mirror world, the mirror world. and i, now that i have stopped working as a director, i too i started doing this when i was a director, it couldn’t be done, because such a thing, it compromises a person, why did i suddenly go to the monks, i work in monasteries with buddhists, with meditation and everything else, and this is generally very
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this. .. an altered state of consciousness is what will allow, say, us to avoid huge disasters, because disasters, as a rule, now occur due to the human factor, she essentially taught me how to get into these things, i can say i went do these things in in many ways, not according to her, she had already died by this time, but according to her ideology, that natalya petrovna needs to do such interesting things. she never explored otherworldly things, she described strange things and tried to somehow give them a scientific interpretation. those things that natalya petrovna described later, they come to mind precisely because she already has a whole life behind her, she
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worked in neurosurgery.
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individuality, what a particular person feels, what dreams he has, what his thoughts, this is a slightly different industry. do you know what natalya petrovna was different about? yes, this is faith, faith that the work he is doing is correct, in the end, we will learn some truth, and learn more about the brain than we knew - before, that is, she believed, she infected
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others with this faith. when i saw him, i realized that yes, this man understands, knows, and i believed, maybe, of course, this is not a scientific definition. but this was not blind faith, it was faith, firstly, so to speak, in that she understands and knows and sees more than we do, she knows more than us, she has intuition, her intuition was very highly developed, which means the first is faith, the second is love, that’s faith in that , that we are doing the right thing and... that in the end, this business to which we have dedicated our lives will help us discover something new , brains that did not know before us, this, it was, it is inherent in everyone to those students who
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worked with her, faith, love, without faith and love, as it turns out, nothing will work out. there are a lot of different questions in our field, there is the question of what after death? so it turned out, then, when our researchers began to study this issue, it turned out that indeed at the moment of clinical death, sometimes,
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but not always, something like the exit of the soul from the body occurs, i do not specifically use another term other than the soul, the soul from the body , but we don’t know now what it is? this is the phenomenon of clinical death, this is not yet the death of the organism, or this is what will remain when the organism dies biologically.
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hello, this is a psychics podcast, and today our release is dedicated to the centenary of one of the greatest russian scientists, natalia petrovna bekhtereva, and we will talk in general about the bekhtarev dynasty... their generations of scientists who discovered the secrets of the brain, discovered the secrets of consciousness, and glorified russian science with this , well, they made many things that were unclear until that moment more transparent, but no less mysterious. today our guest is natalya bekhtereva, granddaughter of natalya petrovna bekhtereva, ideologist and head of the institute brain, a man who revealed an absolutely incredible secret. natalya, as i understand it, you didn’t. physiologist, you became a psychiatrist, but you continue to study these secrets of consciousness, i must say that initially i was not even a psychiatrist at all, i came to psychiatry in a roundabout way through obstetrics and
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gynecology, wow, but in fact, like my grandmother, i’m also a doctor, and this is already a certain style of thinking, anatalya petrovna, when i came to this interest in this idea, what? and i also want to study consciousness, i want to study these seemingly mystical questions, she was born, as i understand it, in a very soviet family, in a rather... materialistic context, let’s say, this is what you know about her childhood, about her youth, how it all began this passion is so hereditary, let's just say that in childhood she had no passion for medicine, she was such a hooligan in childhood, a c-grade student, as she said, here i kind of want to say that the soviet family, but not quite, here for example pyotr vladimirovich yes, son of vladimir mikhailovich, pyotr vladimirovich was an engineer, but he... was an outstanding engineer, he
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participated in secret developments, which precisely led to the fact that he was repressed, on the same day when he was arrested and shot, but when he lived with his father vladimir mikhailovich, for example, in the quiet coast, yes, the quiet coast is an estate near st. petersburg, which is now 125 years old, which vladimir mikhailovich built to go there on vacation, and he loved it very much and spent six months there, that is everything. he did at that time so that on this quiet shore there was a water supply system that supplied water not only to the estate itself, but to the neighboring village, there was a power plant that he designed, that is, it was always located in a very innovative environment and not at all medical. vladimir mikhailovich was still with her, yeah, she... remembers him, she told him, that is, from both sides, yes, that is, on the one hand
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, grandfather, who knows about how the body works, on the other hand, dad, who knows , an engineer who is an engineer, yes, that is in general, this is thinking, innovative, non-standard, critical thinking, it has always been in the family, but at some point it all ended in one day, because pyotr vladimirovich was arrested on the same day and shot, and this is really deletrovna she remembered, yes, she did... she remembered it very well, and for her it was, she was a teenager, yes, for her it was just this, it was a very big trauma, because she was very attached to her father, she had been with him for a long time after that, well, that in itself was quite a traumatic event, but she didn’t yet know that he had been shot, yeah, and for a long time she lived and wrote letters to him when he was no longer there, and after some time her mother was arrested and... the mother was in the camps, respectively, three children, then she
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was basically an orphan, yes, she, her brother and younger sister and vrodika, they ended up in an orphanage, grandmother and brother in the same orphanage, like, since she was very little in the orphanage, it’s interesting that grandma’s she's a brother, they have an eternal argument about who is older and who is younger, because grandma always said that she has younger brother, and andrei petrovich always... said that he had a younger sister, in fact, in fact, he was a younger brother, it ’s just that when the great patriotic war began, he prescribed himself several years to go to the front, so he ended up older, in fact he was younger, when they ended up in an orphanage, the whole world collapsed for them, because they were used to living in fairly comfortable conditions, and i also want to note the fact that vladimir mikhailovich had a large family, and so it turned out: that no one did not take in as children of enemies of the people, and
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my grandmother lived for a long time with the fact that her relatives abandoned her, but when we began to collect family archives, one of the second cousins, who was the grandson of pyotr vladimirovich’s sister, contacted us, and he told such a story that when his grandfather was dying, he asked him to come to his grandmother. and tell them that they, well, wanted to take these children, they took them at first, but the authorities came to them and said that if you leave these children, then the same thing will happen to you, that is on the one hand, this is a very painful story that everyone abandoned them, and these three children ended up in an orphanage, but on the other hand, well, there is some explanation, there is an explanation, that this is a threat that hung over everyone then, finding themselves in an orphanage home, my grandmother realized that... something needs to be changed in this life, because...


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