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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 8, 2024 1:25am-2:10am MSK

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there’s a goal in football, or even in hockey, people stop breathing, there’s a funny video when a dog freezes, then when a goal happens, it falls off the sofa, our little brothers also like to get dopamine, then it’s so addictive , yes, you want to experience it again, experience it again, but it’s better, of course, looking at the athletes playing there, and we continue on... the podcast and today it’s dedicated to the hormones of happiness. with you is zukhra pavlova, an endocrinologist, and olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. here, by the way, the interesting thing is that you can do a genetic analysis to find out your predisposition, what, to what, what hormones do you naturally produce more? well, it’s possible, but it’s possible if we know something about ourselves, well, or i look at the patients, if i see. in a person with
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connective tissue dysplasia - this is such a large, how to say, pool of diseases, conditions, in these people, as a rule, or maybe, say, there is a balance between adrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenal hormones and cortisol in favor of adrenaline, norepinephrine and serotonin in these people it may also be less, they are prone to various depressions, a reduced emotional background, but as a rule they have it. a fairly good level of dopamine, so they have a good ability to learn, they are so interested, active, so you can even, what is called by phenotype, looking at a person, by the way he looks, guess what characterological features he will have, but analysis it’s still more reliable, of course, not only that, very often when i communicate with patients and i see that there is... a certain discrepancy with
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clinic and results, and let’s say the laboratory is definitely objective, i have no complaints about this laboratory, it has been tested, everything is fine with it, the clinic does not correspond, the clinic means signs, yes, signs of the disease, yes, manifestations, that is , then the thought about the characteristics of the receptors does not disappear, so when we had the opportunity to obtain results on the constructor and on the sensitivity of the receptors, this made the work even more difficult. interesting, because here lies something that is generally, well, not always thought about. by the way, here is dopamine, when they tell me: i submitted the results for - the sensitivity of the receptors, their structure, at this moment i freeze, i really want to see this result, because i immediately begin to calculate, it will most likely be this, this, this, yes, when i see what has coincided, then serotonin joins me, just pleasure and happiness, by the way, when there is a lot of oxytocin, with some good
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level of serotonin, these people are so loving, indiscriminate, their they can even brand it somehow, as they say, yes, they are not very guilty, their balance of hormones is such that they themselves are not very khazeev, well, what to do in this situation, only social norms, self-education, control, well, so as they say, not to go into all seriousness, that’s how it is this truth is often determined by some properties, that’s how i say it. when you walk down the street, three people beat one, what is your reaction? he says: what a fool to bother, maybe he’s supposed to, should i add something else? i immediately understand that a person with cortisol has everything decently, here is adrenaline and norepinephrine he is under control when a person says: i don’t know anything, when there are three against one, this is all injustice, i went there and climbed in , so i need to break it all apart, here the person doesn’t have time to think, especially he doesn’t have much nuradrenaline, huh. .. this
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is just enough for him to immediately be in the thick of things, then he may even regret it, but a person is not always his own master, he often acts on such impulses, on such basic ones, yes, on how he is structured, that’s it, what to do? well , actually, life experience helps a lot, scars, yes, yes, yes, yes, because no one is able to learn from other people’s mistakes, this is this, this is a myth, another medical myth, moreover, one of the most. big tragedies in my life there was information that only 5% of people learn from their mistakes, everyone else repeats them regularly, so i really want to be in this most wonderful pool, but history shows that only a select few get there, here’s another one a very important point: excess or deficiency of hormones of these neurotransmitters, yes, biologically active substances that affect brain cells, well, actually. they affect the entire body,
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various diseases arise, for example, autism is absolutely associated with a pronounced deficiency of oxytocin, not only will there be serotonin and dopamine, but this does not mean that there is not enough dopamine, dopamine, and they are very learnable, they are not capable give out this information, but in the form we are familiar with, let’s say, in parkinson’s disease there is such a nucleus, such a place in the brain, called the substantia nigra, substantia nigra, the latin name, it is destroyed, the metabolism of that same dopamine is disrupted and parkinson’s disease develops, in everything. the world are struggling with this complex disease, there were very interesting works on such, say, non-standard use of testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone restoration therapy at the polish andropause institute, where they got good results in relation to
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parkinson’s disease, but they restored the level of testosterone in parkinson’s patients, true, they stimulated the synthesis of this very testosterone, improving... these motor disorders, here, but still the main active first-line medicine, as they say, are drugs based on and acting on dopamine receptors, you can even touch on one more such, i would say a global topic, it extremely interesting in relation to our current hormones of happiness, this is obesity, which means that we have such a zone in the brain “shaped nuclei and not only in it, they have a lot of serotonin receptors, there are simply a minefield of them, which means that if you influence one receptor is some kind of h2s, then a person, this is a serotonin receptor, will immediately go throw himself out of the window, serotonin is the hormone
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of happiness, and not this, if you influence the receptor there of some kind of a1, then the person will have a feeling of love, falling in love happiness. if you influence any a2 receptor, then the person will lose his appetite. and, by the way, look, when a person is in love, remember, he doesn’t want to eat, he doesn’t notice fatigue, the world is beautiful, he lives in the same house, the same people live around him, but everything becomes beautiful, good, kind, wonderful, and i don’t feel like eating, i mean, when and once in the fifties a drug was created to reduce. weight, it acted specifically on the serotonin receptor, it had the name fenphen, everyone happily rushed to lose weight on it, but a very large number of people began to die in suicide, with cardiovascular complications, it was only then that it became clear that the receptors for one and
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the same hormone have different modifications and completely different actions, that’s when you create a medicine that affects some... and you don’t have subtle knowledge of this selectivity, that is, selectivity, you can get any results, consequences, but not the ones you expected. very often we use a class of antidepressants, they are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, that is, it is clear that we act on serotonin, all this is a class of antidepressants, but for some drugs, we know for sure. there is a weight loss effect, and other drugs are either neutral or contribute to weight gain, when an overweight patient comes to me, and the psychotherapist prescribed him medications that are really effective against depression, there is
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more serotonin, the person lives a much better emotional life, but he is gaining weight, and i say: let your psychotherapists and i try together, in agreement, to help the patient, we... let's change one drug for another, if possible, in order to achieve two effects: reduce weight and, as they say, overcome depression. moreover, if a person improves his appearance, this is a priority for him, well, someone really realizes as much as excess weight is harmful to health and he wants both, when he has also achieved this goal, his emotional background will definitely improve. zukhra, i don’t understand a little, if there is... the same effect, but one has a side effect of excess weight, and the other , on the contrary, has a beauty injection, why is it used with excess weight? look, when a patient with depression came to a psychotherapist, he still thinks
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more in terms of depression, the doctor is more inclined towards this, just like in gynecology, let’s say two are absolutely identical a drug from the class of progesterone hormones. one has long-term negative effects on the cardiovascular system, and the other does not, well, so far, firstly, no one wants to look, and many do not even want this information.
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all tissue organs, and amateurs who jump from trains, from high-rise buildings, and so on, and people who stimulate adrenaline syndes, we always say: oh, adrenaline junkie, yes, he drives fast there or something else, he’s somehow taking risks, this is also about very strong sensations that literally cause addiction, and a person takes risks and risks and cannot stop, this is a kind of mania, this is a podcast of deceptions. we are talking about hormones of happiness, with you olesya nosova from ukhra pavlova. you said that there is a lot of dopamine,
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for example, this is mania. yes, maybe serotonin is a safe hormone of happiness, can there be too much serotonin and what negative consequences can this have? well, they are extremely unpleasant, these are severe conditions, including hallucinations, sensations arise when a person is lost in space, he experiences extreme distress. negative sensations, they are reminiscent of such heavy sensations associated with fear, almost with animal fear, so an excess of anything from the most wonderful substance, it will be negative for a person, the basic principle of medicine, after do no harm , quantumsatis, as much as necessary, then the person is happy, moreover, very often we say, we we we are chondrim, yes, we are chondrim. there the weather is hot, then the weather is cold, and then, when we tell ourselves, listen, legs,
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arms in place, a roof over our heads, parents alive, the children are healthy, everything is fine, suddenly you directly, as they say, feel this pleasant state, but really everything is fine, why am i, that is, here, yes, this is all modifiable, that is, we can stimulate the synthesis of good substances, first as would be aware and then felt, but we can eat something. yes, it’s very interesting what you can eat in order to become happy, is it really a cake? well, that’s how the human body’s system works, when we first of all have to want to eat, when we lose energy, when we can face incapacity, or, i don’t know, lose consciousness due to low sugar levels. in order to quickly replenish this same energy when we lose energy, we reach for something. quickly compensating us, it’s sweet, we really experience this
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feeling of pleasure, but it’s short, that ’s true, first you ate candy and such, and then you sit and feel sad, why am i so blasphemous, seconds on your tongue all your life on your hips, yes, there is a well-known saying, well, okay, but alcohol, alcohol is like a hormone alcohol stimulates, that and everything that leads. this is about addictions, yes, that is , they are all a little bit here, not only, and dopamine causes addictions, and serotonin leads to such needs and adrenaline too, it will all be acetylcholine, by the way, it will all be a little bit, by a little bit, but stimulate this dependence, directly create reflexes, and a person, like a zombie, will then be drawn to this, because someone...
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but he gives us an amino acid, tryptophan, from it, just like in bananas , let's say, from it serotonin is produced, and from serotonin a wonderful hormone is then produced. melaton, but if there is a lot of this melatonin , very serious all sorts of unpleasant conditions also develop, that’s why there is a deficiency, a person does not sleep, becomes angry, irritable, tired, incapacitated, that when there is a lot of it, all sorts of terrible psychological nuances are formed, melatonin is a hormone night, well, let's call it the night hormone, it
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is also called the sleep hormone, but not only, but the sleep hormone is everything, everyone says that no, it does not cause sleep. no, let's just say he's preparing for this event, but in most heads, and ours, it is still associated with sleep, yeah, but, in addition, with the correct functioning of not only melatonin itself, but also, let’s say, related melanocyte-stimulating hormone and its receptors, forgive such complex names, this also provides us with very serious oncological protection, therefore. it is important that there is plenty of everything, by the way, when there was such work, when results were revealed showing that when melanocyte stimulating hormone leaves ahead of time, it decreases, and earlier time, and the person sits faster, and this is one of these indirect signs that there may
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be a higher oncological alertness than in people for whom this process does not occur so quickly, oncological alertness is no longer a death sentence, it is, of course, just alertness, you need to go to a medical examination once a year, go through the basic research methods that are required by age and gender, protect yourself from walking around with some formidable, unpleasant conditions and wait for them to manifest themselves, which means there will be late, uh-huh, good, what else can make us happy? and physical activity, you know, many athletes go to the gym not because some kind of necessity drives them there, but they enjoy it, and when i exercise regularly without, say, long breaks, this unfortunately happens in life, then i i’m starting to experience pleasure from physical activity again,
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what’s more, it even happened that i didn’t work out, went to bed and you directly feel how this body is for you, that called. knocks on the head because he didn’t have enough, this pleasure, it arises when a person has acquired training, there is such a phenomenon, such an effect of training, this is when inflammatory factors do not increase greatly due to physical activity, but are built in such a balance that a person receives a greater release of the same oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine after physical activity or during physical activity. it becomes a pleasure for him and the next time he goes to the gym with more with pleasure, because he will again receive this pleasant feeling, when we learn something, develop habits, it is always work, without work there can be no achievements, stories that you need to do nothing just form thoughts correctly are of course a misconception, but zuhrashalipovna,
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depending on how you look at it, i read a book here, i can’t remember how it was. but it’s about a new theory of the brain, well, it turns out that the brain is a prediction machine, yeah, no, why are you laughing, it’s actually very interesting the logic is there, a model has been built, a computer model of the brain, it showed that we receive, our brain receives information from the environment, yes, it sees with its eyes, touches through the skin, hears there, and so on and so forth. all this enters the brain, here the most interesting thing begins: the amount of incoming information has been measured and the amount of outgoing information has been measured, and the amount of outgoing information is much greater, that is, the brain , based on all this, builds models, builds
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models of its body, well, the human body, builds models of the universe and so on, this is wildly interesting. it turns out that in general, everyone hallucinates a little due to, so to speak, uh, his idea of ​​beauty, due to what the brain gives him, so, but here there are no such contradictions, no contradictions, but very interesting, of course, very interesting, remember, i told you all the time, i give this example, you and i looked at the same sand, only i left it on one side, and you on the other, you say, look how beautiful it is, and green, and yellow, and marsh color, and brown and so on, i looked carefully, took off my glasses, put on my glasses. and that's why you see things that i will never see. and the artificial brain, unlike
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a human, has the ability to retain, analyze, and produce different options for all this information. if you look at the events 100 years ago, you can predict what will happen about now, because everything in this life repeats itself, we just forget, we cannot realize it. we can’t analyze anything else, but artificial intelligence can, here’s another thing such an interesting fact is described, if you remember, in 2015 , a picture of a dress went around the internet, everyone was arguing whether the dress was black and blue or white and gold, well, something like that, yes, everyone was breaking the copy and so on, well, everyone thought that this is such a joke, so scientists began to analyze who thinks what color the dress is. it turns out that uh, the larks, uh, thought that the dress was white and gold, because it seemed to them in the morning light, and the owls
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believed that it was blue and black, because they looked at it in their imagination, eyes in the evening light, in fact, this fits very well with the topic of our podcast today, if you want to be happy, then you need to... give the prerequisites yourself, that is , exercise, eat the right food, communicate with people for in order for you to produce oxytocin, in fact, you will be happy to tune in, even if you look at the greenery that is around now, this will create a greater likelihood of feeling happiness than at some gray concrete scenes, this true, this was a podcast deception of substances, olesya nosova from ukhra pavlova was with you.
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hello, dear friends, this is the life of the remarkable podcast, i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and we have two wonderful guests in our studio today, the director and founder, which is very important, of the moscow design museum alexander sankov and...
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to her stuck, yes, because she was a great sculptor, a great artist, really very talented, she led for a long time, was the artistic director of the leningrad art glass factory, of course, from under her signature, after the artistic councils , a lot of things went into production, well, because the art director, as always, even now in the modern world also signs everything into production or into production, so there were probably glasses, and glasses for water, for wine, and there are many stories about how she tested everything herself, even...
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so charming, what do you think, yuri, about this? well, it’s a legend, if someone likes it, you know, let them like it, well, there’s a good song, faceted cups, but in general, let’s go back to vera mokhina, we need to say that this is why i love our podcasts, because i discover some completely unexpected people for myself, for example, when i looked at this brief information about the fate of this woman, it really amazed me and captivated me, because just imagine , that in 1889, by the way, in the same year anna akhmatova was born, in reg, in the family of a very... rich industrialist, philanthropist, a girl was born, who, it would seem , was promised a wonderful, happy life, there were loving parents and family , but then the parents die, die, or rather, yes, first the father, then the mother, or vice versa, first the mother, then the father, yes, she moves to feodosia, then such a dramatic event happens to her, when she was a young beautiful girl, she was sledding somewhere in the smolensk area and sled very poorly from the mountain, a twig hurt her
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nose so badly. that in fact she was left without a nose and had to undergo eight plastic surgeries to restore her face, and of course, her girlish dreams of a happy life, about balls, dancing, she loved all this, all this collapsed somewhere, and how i i understand that it was some kind of push when she turned to art, well, in a form of life, she had already said goodbye to her feminine happiness, but no, in the first world war, where she was a nurse, but that’s where she went , she meets... a wonderful man, a military surgeon who was born into a peasant family and became a colonel in the tsarist army, alexei andreevich zamkov or zamkov, i don’t know how to put the emphasis correctly, and these two people who, it would seem, should during revolutions had to go to paris, but with them past, with their attitude to everything, they remain in their homeland, they remain here in the soviet union, and she becomes such a cult figure in soviet architecture,
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sculpture, culture, he becomes one of the largest scientists, uh, doctors, yes, despite the fact that everything is complicated for them there, as there were moments of threat of arrest, yes, there was some idea to leave the country after all in the late twenties, but still they remain here, and even paris is from her didn’t leave, because , as we know, yes, she came to paris together with this article, that is , some absolutely amazing fate, that’s what’s interesting, yes, why exactly we have two guests today. studios, that on the one hand, the workers are collective farmers, yes, firstly, the workers are collective farmers, you said very well, yes, you will be a worker, you will be a collective farmer. well, that means vera ignatievna is known, yes, as a monumental sculptor, if you call it correctly, yes, and as a clothing designer, that is, this woman had such talent, such energy, such there was enough, well, perhaps, alexander, you will tell more, probably better, about the fact that women may be more interested in everything that
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is related specifically to design. but it’s interesting that in the twenties the situation in general was already very difficult, that is, there was literally nothing to eat, there were no materials at all, and it was impossible to get some of the most basic things, but women still want to look good, their wives even want to dress there was, rather, a story not about dressing well, but about the fact that such an offer was received to perform with new models of soviet clothing at the 1925 exhibition in paris, it was an exhibition of decorative art. and there were different aspects of what was presented in the soviet union, it was architecture, and graphic design and fashion, well, in general , they absolutely wanted to show everything. we completely amazed everyone with our constructivism and melnikov built a pavilion, and there they actually showed all aspects of constructivism, when the whole world celebrated, they even call the art deco style the style of 1925, because everyone
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either built in the national style or... some kind of historicism or art deco, here we suddenly have a beast completely unknown to science, we introduced everyone to constructivism and of course, it was necessary to show different directions, how soviet design, architecture, art developed, but in general they offered nadezhda lamanova, and vera mokhina, along with her, evgenia arrived, the three of them began to develop new clothes, and there was absolutely nothing to do, it was they... lamamanova, she was a very famous fashion designer before the revolution, she worked in st. petersburg, and the court ladies were also dressed by our imperial family, in fact, all of them, in fact, there were very many artists who were famous even before the revolution, who were established, they later became important figures in soviet art in soviet design
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and architecture. and of course, it was necessary to apply, it was necessary to rely on something, nadezhda lamonova, as a professional fashion designer, understood very well, and since this new country was a country of workers... what they had left from their grandmothers, from grandfathers, from parents, and began to see that they can do with it, because there was nothing, there was nothing new, they took a towel, took scarves and began to work. what was, that is, as if there was only the most ordinary canvas, the very same, yes, cloth, the simplest, or there was at that time - a lot of what was produced, these are for soldiers' overcoats, these are woolen fabric, and
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steel from these very simple fabrics , based on the traditional ornament of traditional techniques, they began to make, create a new soviet fashion, it came to the point that there was simply nothing, there was nothing to decorate hats with, they went to the field, collected little pieces, collected peas, made decorations from straw, and it was so bad that there was nothing, they had to make something out of nothing to represent the country, it’s surprisingly simple, they sipped from black and sculpted buttons on they did it, they squeezed out such a relief from bread, it came to this, this is of course an amazing thing, but you know what ’s interesting to me, it means it’s 1925, what 12 years will pass there.
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let's say, in 1937 there was an exhibition in paris, in new york which year was it? at thirty-nine? yes, they took place quite often, they happened quite often, again they have a tradition of these expos, they have a tradition, what continues now, yes it continues now, it goes on in general, in my opinion , the middle of the 19th century, for example, this the crystal palace, the so-called one, was also there in 1861 or something, yes, that was also a huge expo, in fact... orientalism was discovered there in paris, when japanese art appeared at one of these exhibitions, everything they suddenly got carried away, and indeed they were scattered all over the world, in america, in
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europe, and somehow this apparently alternated, but once again, i did not specifically study history, but this is easy to find out, of course, but nevertheless it turns out that in 1925 , a soviet country where the civil war had ended not long ago and which was... and his wife with great difficulty broke out to him, because they didn’t want to let her out, that is, not everyone went there, because as i understand it, it was also costly to send a large delegation from us, so we went only those who are directly needed, okay, alexander, but if we still return to the topic of design in mukhina’s work, what
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else did she do besides these wonderful costumes and this exhibition? she had very broad interests, in general she was very fascinated by the synthesis of arts, she was one of the first to make sculptures from glass, for example. she was interested in this plastic material, she also said that there is no need to go against the properties of the material, that is, you need to adapt to it, then there will be natural forms, that is, it turns out on its own in fact, she was not a sculptor in the literal sense of the word, like an artist, as we imagine, she was like a figure who is like the people of the renaissance, but like a person who can work in any direction, i think that if they had probably offered to do architecture, he would also have made a rather solid and somehow confident object, because in principle she also made dishes. if you look at what they are showing us now, yes, these are her works, yes, you know, that’s it i have never seen this item, but it looks like it is, but another vase, she made all these flower vases, asters, tulips, that is, design is not necessarily clothes, design is anything, it can be,
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it maybe dishes, for example, her first projects that were not realized, she made sketches, she made watches, for example, she made writing utensils, and some objects for the table, for writing sets. she supplemented them with small figures, that is, she was still thinking like a sculptor, she was already starting to make some objects, in fact, from the very early period of her creativity, as it were, on her creative path, then... even when she was a member of the art commissions on the council and the leningradsky lfz, and lfz - what do we have? leningrad plant, she was there in the management; did she actually live in leningrad or in moscow? in general, as far as i understand, she lived in moscow in leningrad, but in leningrad she had two such very serious positions, this is the artistic director of the leningrad art glass factory and... this is also her work, yes, this is her work and she was in
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art council of the leningrad porcelain factory, she is also interested in these works of hers, which she did at krasno lfz, because she very carefully put away the clothes for her sculptures, and when there were reliefs and three-dimensional sculptures, she looked at how they would be exactly so that this it was firstly logical for the character, and secondly, so that it was harmonious. character itself, so that she seemed to think that clothes complemented, complemented the image, she researched a lot, that is, all her works were based on before design research, for example, before making glass, she studied the archives of the russian museum, everything that was related to glass and the hermitage, that is, in fact , now in the modern world designers work exactly like this before making any project. well, any project, not only a designer, an architect, yes, all design people who
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are involved in activities, they look first and foremost, follow everything in this direction, that is, she had - not a purely creative interest, but she really wanted to make - life everyone it’s better for a soviet person that they have some kind of normal dishes, and normal objects in the interior, of course it was difficult, but at least everything she could, she did, in fact, lucy, the work is necessary, the language wears out the most and boots, wow... the man had everything, health and money, everything except his personal life, and that he had no one, he was red-haired, his father, no, brunette, a thief, a fortune teller, tomorrow on the first day, we are two women who love the same man, you are love with a habit do not confuse. dear friends, we continue our
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conversation about vera mukhina, my guests are the founder of the moscow design museum and director of this museum alexandra sankova and the architect and artist yuri avakumov. well , what happens is that this woman, yes, who did these lovely things that are so necessary in everyday life and which, it would seem , so...
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this style is very, on the one hand , industrial and all built on such a kind of stratified movement, so in this pavilion in particular, everything is like this time is knocked down, knocked down step by step, and the form stretches, as if it was filmed in slow motion, it’s all stratified and at the same time this is the style of holdings. in these corrugated suitcases, in clothes, it manifested itself in all sorts of corrugated corduroys and so on, this is the style of this, well, i don’t know, but the plot was really difficult, because we got it, although we bought a large plot, it was above highway, and therefore the only thing that could be done was to make it very long, firstly, that is, it was 160 there with
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something meters, very narrow, literally 20 meters wide, it turned into such a suite. sculptors and the best there also participated , such as shadr, who, by the way, also studied with mukhina with burdeli, yeah, that is, in general, yes, it is important to emphasize that mukhina studied in paris, and in fact mukhina won everything, this is one one of the best sculptures of the 20th century, so if you compare it in its
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genre, in the genre of monumental sculpture, compare it, roughly speaking, with the statue of liberty, then in general it certainly wins, that is, this is our statue. freedom is only better, well, it’s different, although if i had to compare mukhina with someone, i would rather turn, of course, to barthold, the author of the statue of liberty, if i allow myself, it means to make such a very short connection to find a connection between the classical a figure that we know in particular in the depiction of the vedruvian man by leonardo dovinci, and where everything was calculated; his arm span is this. well, in his ten books about architecture, he had a connection between human proportions and proportions architecture, it means that this
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connection has been going on for a long time, and this connection, in fact, it is expressed in the fact that we are starting, we believed for a long time until the eighteenth year. in russia, and we counted in regrets, yes, we counted in spans, we counted in inches, there and so on, this is all, parts of a person, this is all , as it were, a human dimension, which means, here, this is all, this is such anthropometrics, it’s ergonomics, and ergonomics, as it ’s called now, it’s all connected with a person, so when we were french there in the first place, then we, that means in the eighteenth year, were all sorts of...
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