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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 8, 2024 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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strives for his cherished goals, everything will definitely work out, hello everyone, on the first channel of the podcast everyone wants to fly, i’m its host, leonid yakubovich, i’m testing it today. a special feeling, my guest is a legendary person, and i say this without quotes, because i know the attitude of so many people towards this person, here in the studio is lieutenant general of aviation, hero of russia, nikolai fetrovich gavrilov, hello, hello, well, i’m glad to see you, we won’t hide it, we have known you for almost 30 years, and i have the honor to call you as my teacher, because you gave me heaven, did you graduate, i graduated from the cyzrona higher military. at the pilot school
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in 1979, and how did a boy from a small chuvash village suddenly end up in a military aviation school? well, the chuvash people raised their worthy sons, also our representative became cosmonaut number three, this is andrian grigorievich nikolaev, and i was just a little boy, as you said, and this message struck all of us when asked boy, what will you be when you grow up, all the boys answer: an astronaut, and the path to space then lay through a flight school, usually a military school, so since childhood i dreamed of going this way along the path of andrian grigorievich nikolaev and chose a school closer to the chuvash sizran higher military aviation school for pilots, and i applied there and got accepted the first time, yes, wait, but if the path to astronautics, as i understand it, always lay through aviation, well, how should i say, fighter aviation, and you are
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a helicopter pilot? well, i didn't get into helicopter training school, i entered the military school, when i arrived in tsyzran, i saw that instead of fighters there were helicopters flying there. naturally, i was upset at first, but now i realize that this is god’s command, i was lucky that this is a very wonderful type of aviation and i became a helicopter pilot, you have been the eighth all my life, i conventionally say that i, the final exam at the sizaron higher military i passed the aviation school on the mi-8, began serving in the armed forces and flew from lieutenant to lieutenant general on the mi-8, and retired from civil aviation, flying the mi-8. such there are probably no people. i was lucky with this helicopter, it is a unique aircraft that will certainly be included in the guinness book, and it has been flying since sixty-one and is now the best helicopter on the globe. are you done? lieutenant,
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of course, so, of course, you went to the unit, how did you end up in afghanistan? my unit was located in the south of the country, in the mountains, and of course, one of the first aviation units that was then attracted by the border troops of the kgbsr was the southern mountain aviation units, our commander was once the commander of this unit, where i ended up as a lieutenant, knowing the level of training, the peculiarities of flying in the mountains without... of course, he decided to be the first to send representatives of our unit to afghanistan, in the seventy-ninth year, back in october, in november, even before the deployment of the main troops of a limited contingent, two of our crews from our regiment had already been sent to afghanistan to prepare for the deployment of troops. of course, subsequently the main part of our crews were constantly involved to... providing international assistance, this
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is understandable, you left school, now you are talking about mountainous areas, these are complex, these are difficult conditions, these are not difficult conditions, these are special conditions, there are documents, a special case, special conditions, in the current documents, to unfortunately, they were generalized, this is incorrect, a special case is understandable, and a special condition is a high mountainous area, an altitude above 200 m, one can assume that the mountains begin, and before that these were flat conditions, and... the part where we were located , flew to altitudes up to 4 to 400 m with landings. the ceiling, the static ceiling of the mi-8 helicopter is, then it was just 4 km, 400 m. then they allowed us to fly from 4,500 to 6 km, this is the afghan experience. and our mi-8 helicopter copes well with such conditions and performs. is still the best
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in the world, it was these flights in hot and high mountain conditions, until recently , the very participation of the kgb border troops. in the afghan events was not advertised, but you already understood that in october, in november of the seventy- ninth year, partial forces of the border troops of the kgbsr already obviously knew that a limited contingent of soviet troops would be brought into afghanistan into afghanistan, they were preparing savod, security in the border area and of course... in the strip from the state border 100 km deep into afghanistan, was entirely the responsibility of the border troops of the kgbsr. so, how did the lieutenant feel when he found himself in combat conditions? i am now interested in the psychology of a young man who finds himself in a critical situation. the situation is not critical, i still
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graduated from military school, of course, military operations are the main activity any officer. so i thought, well, i should have graduated from a special educational institution. and thought that military affairs would never be useful again, because the power of the soviet union was incredible, there was the warsaw pact, no one thought about war, so in 1979, at the numerous requests of the leadership of the afghan government , our country decided to introduce a limited contingent of soviet troops to afghanistan. everything is clear, the mood, the shoulder straps, but still a young man who has never shot in his life, he has never been shot at in his life. it turns out that in a combat situation, this is how, how, where this breakdown happened, when you realized that you were in a combat situation, that you had to fight and, on occasion, press the trigger. i still remember my first combat mission with the actual use of weapons against ground targets. indeed,
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this was a serious case. i was given the task of striking at the bandits who, in principle, squeezed our outpost. when approaching the combat area, our troops identified themselves with a rocket on the radio and said that the enemy is literally 100 m from us, firing with unguided missiles, you understand, does not provide such accuracy plus or minus 100 m. my task was not only to strike the enemy, manpower, but also not to hit my troops, so i i remembered this first combat flight very well, but... i remembered everyone, how not to hit our own people, because if you just shoot far away, there will be no effect, you need to shoot accurately in order to protect our troops and effectively use the weapon , so i took aim, approached the minimum allowable distance, how much? well, the minimum
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permissible distance is 600-700 m, because the mechanism for long-range launching of unguided missiles is triggered at 400-450 m and “yes, at an extremely low altitude, and we had to open fire, in general, the task was completed and there was air support effectively rendered, the most vulnerable stage of a combat flight is exiting the attack, this moment whether the enemy will hit you in the side or back or not depends on the combat complexity of the crew, we we fly in pairs, if..." you are the leader, then the wingman covers the leader’s retreat so that he is not beaten at the exit from the attack, there is no one to cover the wingman himself, so we came up with such a battle formation as a carousel, even with a pair of helicopters you can create such conditions that the enemy i couldn’t raise my head,
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covering each other, in this way you can effectively leave the battlefield, your second, if i’m not mistaken, was nedviga, yes, yes, yuri dmikovich nedviga is a very good pilot, my comrade in arms, thank god he is. alive, well, now a veterans organization leads and is also a hero of the russian federation. have you ever met the head of the border troops at that time? i have never met the chiefs of the border troops, i just saw his photograph, why am i asking about this, you and i, you to a greater extent, i to a lesser extent are familiar, at least.
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the border troops were led by sailors, he was the best specialist, at that time he was a participant in the great patriotic war, he carried out special missions, had many military awards, and also subsequently carried out a number of successfully completed special tasks abroad on behalf of our then powerful state. i have to admit that i didn’t see him as a lieutenant, but 5 years after college i... became a squadron commander with the rank of captain and i had the great honor of receiving the order
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of lenin when i arrived in moscow, and the order of lenin was presented to me by sailors. i can ask a question: why were you awarded the order of lenin? we carried out a serious operation involving a large number of forces. up to 30 helicopters from our aviation participated, this was in zardevsky gorge, highland part of afghanistan on the second day of the operation, when the enemy was squeezed into... into the mountains and he was forced to fire back, direct contact with the enemy took place, because bandits, as a rule, have the habit of leaving without a trace at night and disappearing, here we are they were pinned down and they began to fire back, unfortunately they managed to hit our helicopter, the helicopter was piloted by the chief of staff of the regiment, lieutenant colonel kornev, in the blue sky, as i remember now too, a vertical black column of smoke rises, and i feel that this is not the explosion of a mine or
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a shell, but this is a serious fire, obviously this is a helicopter, it so happened that the helicopter was shot down, the cabin of the helicopter was torn off and it flew into the gorge, from the torn off cabin the crew was thrown onto the slopes and he... . remained alive, but it was in the mountains, surrounded by enemies, all the other helicopters, as luck would have it, ran out of fuel, and i was performing another task in a parallel gorge, seeing this situation, i unloaded all my ammunition, which i was transporting to a new site, and flew up to the place. tragedy, having examined the situation, i realized that the helicopter is burning, exploding, mine fragments are flying, and the crew is running down the gorge, and they are surrounded by bandits. of course, i
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came from below, so as not to get hit by fragments of mines exploding in a helicopter, to meet the crew high in the mountains, i managed to sit on one wheel so that it would be more convenient for the crew to run up, at what altitude, from top to bottom, at an altitude of about 3,500 m, and really hurt. the commander was carried by the crew members, and i took all three crew members and flew to the field base, giving the wounded commander an injection of promidol along the way so that the painful shock did not play its cruel joke. were you shot at while leaving? there was not a single hit on my helicopter. you showed me a small piece of the control shooting about how you and...
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were done at night in the mountains without communication, without light, by guessing by touch. fortunately, already at that time our aviation specially prepared helicopters, not serial ones, but experienced helicopters that could fly in the mountains without communication, without lighting, using night vision goggles, that is, we flew below the lower echelon at an extremely low altitude. with glasses night vision literally 10-15 meters from
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obstacles, that is, this flight can be compared with a flight like during the day, for us this is a flight that allows us to control the underlying surface, our enemy was not allowed to accurately fire at us, so we had a great advantage , this is the first time in our country that night vision goggles have been tested in combat conditions, of course making the mountains more difficult. flying with night vision goggles, but nevertheless, knowing this area quite well, we prepared using the map, found our bearings, we managed to complete a filigree... flight of gorges passes at a great distance to reach the goal, to complete the entire task that the management set for us. we inflicted very significant damage on the enemy, but we ourselves did not suffer any damage; this is the effectiveness of special operations, daring, daring and unexpected for the enemy. well
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, okay, we met in chesnya. yes, i had to, the time difference is quite significant. does a military pilot’s feeling from combat operations differ here and there, or is it about the same thing? having extensive experience combat operations in afghan conditions, in the afghan mountains, the formation of character had already occurred, and for me, the conduct of combat operations on my territory in the chechen republic, in part of the russian federation, from the point of view of the situation and tactics, did not have a significant role. but morally it was harder, because we were waging a civil war within our state, so we would like to quickly end this misunderstanding, and this misunderstanding, as you know, was led by mercenaries from abroad, so our task was to drive out the mercenaries from abroad, which we did you manage to do it? well, let's talk
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about this: every person, i think, is happy that there is someone who is waiting for you at home, of course. did you get married when and at what age? i got married on august 8, 2008, no, well, well, you have lived in istana for many years, yes, everywhere, as i know, wherever you are, she is next to you, yes, this is the person who knows how to wait, of course i was lucky, and the life of a military man, of course, and probably any other person depends on his girlfriend in battle, on his family and... when a man has the soul is calm and a person is able to use his maximum potential for the sake of his homeland, for the sake of his profession, when everything is successful, calm in the rear, then the person feels comfortable, and his effectiveness is 100
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times better when a person doubts or needs something, from this point i
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don’t know how you got out at all? well, we always got out confidently, reliably, without receiving any damage and without losing our friends and comrades. this is achieved through careful study and preparation of the operation. participates in the preparation of the operation in advance before the start of the operation, all intelligence data, all information, all training, all all combat coordination, when we ... carried out comprehensive reconnaissance, used intelligence, intelligence data, and in order to deceive cunning terrorists, after all, they also sophisticated. having most of the information,
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we carried out a multi-stage preparatory part, so we remember, we destroyed one of the terrorist gangs high in the mountains, after which, as a rule, one or two wounded remained, who then reported on one or another losses, but terrorists. quickly appoint field commanders, ideological leaders, and so on. in this case , the entire gang was destroyed, ground and reconnaissance units, intelligence units, in general, uh, forces were used, as a result of this lightning-fast, unique operation, in the end the entire gang was 100% destroyed, is this chechnya or afghanistan? it was chechnya, and after... uh, it happened, there was no one to even report to the other side what happened, you were the head of the aviation department for many years fsb of russia, yes, the most difficult task that
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you had to solve in this position, the most difficult task was a school in beslan in 2004, when terrorists captured innocent children and parents, for three days our service... carried out counter-terrorism operation, where quite a lot of, unfortunately, innocent children suffered, you were there, and we were there, now this terrorist attack is still one of the most severe and sacrificial, inexplicable in terms of cruelty, terrorist attacks in my life, well, we are a lot once we spoke with one of the officers of group a , alexei felatov,
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to significantly improve the armament and technical capabilities of our aviation. with the help of our domestic design school, using all our developments, we made night vision goggles, guided missile weapons, made light aircraft, finist-type attack aircraft, as well as light helicopters, and equipped ships for the border protection of sea borders with light ones. if it's not a secret, the aviation of the fsb of russia, which began with the aviation of the border troops, is in
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mostly helicopters, or this, i ’m not talking about the movements of protected persons and so on services, i’m now talking about the maximum use of military equipment in the air, aviation has a large fleet of aircraft and in the state... i checked with an instructor, of course and gave clearances to young pilots, during this time a lot, i believe that i trained students,
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i remember one situation when, in the interests of surveying the climate on the globe, we found a mountain in mongolia that was cup-shaped and accumulated for many 100 years, precipitation has fallen, so an international expedition took it. ice kernov, from this ice floe, and for this i flew there myself, landings had to be done at an altitude of more than 4 km, i took with me a local pilot who had been flying in the mountains for a long time, when scientists had already collected a ton of ice, it was necessary to take it from this site not only scientists, but also a ton of cargo, i asked him, can you take it yourself, he said, no, if... you say, before they trained me to do this, i would have taken it, but now he’s talking to you, so i remember, i took uh ice, scientists from the left seat
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took... a young pilot, well, not a young, already experienced pilot, but he looked into my eyes with great gratitude, learned from me, and at the end he came up and said, if i had met you earlier, i could have done it myself, so of course afghanistan and my young years gave me the opportunity in the right place, at the right age at the right time , to learn how to pilot a helicopter in the mountains, this helped me during... my service, both in chechnya there are mountains and in afghanistan there are mountains, so piloting helicopters in the mountains is the most difficult matter, of course i have prepared a lot students, and i managed to land even on the top of elbrus. tell me, well, i know this simply, you carried out a certain flight as a couple in places where you can’t fly at all, you were in antarctica, i was lucky enough to visit both
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the north pole and the south pole in the same helicopter. we were in northern poland, i was with you and i’m proud of it twice, but antarctica is impossible there, the weather is constantly changing, the winds change directions, updrafts, downdrafts . antarctica is definitely the southern hemisphere and everything that happens in the northern hemisphere, everything is the other way around, we have summer, there is winter, we have winter, there is summer, of course our northern hemisphere, i think that we are lucky, we have the warm gulf stream current and... that even in moscow we feel the influence of the gulf stream, there are no warm currents in the southern hemisphere, so the climate in the southern hemisphere is sharply different from the northern hemisphere, this is a foreign hemisphere for us and of course it requires a different approach, and since we rarely go there, we rarely fly, for us it's very difficult section, we managed to successfully complete the fifty-third high-latitude...
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polar expedition in 2007, when we from south america flew through the drake passage under our own power and reached the point of the south pole, this is some kind of, this is a very very quiet, sweet story, passing the strait drake - how many miles? the drake passage is more than a thousand kilometers of clear water, the risk is huge, of course it is a risk, but we flew as a couple. we had the means of escape over the water, so we successfully completed the round trip. what was the task? antarctica - it is according to international treaties, was divided, or its use, the procedure for using the poles, international acts, signed, well , just during this period, at the beginning of our millennium, the deadlines. the acts were coming to an end,
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it was necessary for the leading polar powers to reconsider the procedure for the further use of our continents' poles, and the poles are quite strategically important objects in ensuring the security of a large territory of our state, including, therefore our state delegation had the goal of showing that russia is still is great polar power. our delegation could visit this point at any time convenient for him, visited the north pole, showed the whole world that russia is still a great polar power. nikolai fetrovich, i’ll ask a question, it’s not idle, the fact is that you, and those who taught me gave me heaven, discovered for me one word or one concept that god sees
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completely from... four, or even five crew members, this is the ship commander, right pilot, flight technician, flight engineer, and there is also a flight operator and the gunner, in combat conditions up to five people, of course, the crew is a special unit, a single unit, which consists of different specialists, different people, different positions, different levels of training, but they have one task, and...
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one victory, and if the crew is defeated, then they all meet the ground together, their last flight ends together, so there is an old... expression for an airplane, it makes no difference who pilots it, a cadet or a general, so everyone in the crew is equal, the fate depends on everyone each of crew members, so a special brotherhood arises in the crew, so the ship’s commander must be able to unite the crew, prepare them, and the maximum potential of each crew member must be summed up, then the crew receives combat coordination and such... the crew is a real combat unit, it’s very nice that the friendship that arises in the crew is extended not in flight, on the ground, then it continues throughout life, so you and i, too, as members of the same crew, we understand what we are capable of both
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in the air, on the ground, and in life, therefore a crew proven in battle will never let itself down in peaceful conditions, and you have had cases when one of the crew members understands that he is not... one of his own, i probably said, not a stranger, but simply not one of his own, and left. i had many cases, psychologically, uh, you have to understand, each crew member, each person in each different situation. the crew that died in afghanistan was, uh, it consisted of two instructors, both an instructor, the ship’s commander, and an instructor, the navigator. but while performing this task, where the crew died. the navigator was unnecessary and he remained on the ground, that's when the crew died, and the navigator accidentally remained alive, this is major slepov, alexey ivanovich, he was my navigator in a funny way, he came up to me and
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said, i should have died, i accidentally remained alive, what should i do next? to live, how to look me in the eye, i say, alexey ivanovich, you are not to blame for anything, it so happened that you are not to blame for the death of the crew, he says, but i’m afraid to fly there. i say: alexey ivanovich, it’s good that you admitted to me that you are afraid to fly there, but we need your experience to train young crews at the base, so that the young lieutenants trained by you will continue to carry out the tasks that are there on the battlefield, and he agreed and trained more than one crew who successfully carried out combat missions, there was another case when... in chechnya during active resistance from terrorists, often our helicopters got through, crew members were injured, one of the pilots came up to me and said: well, i’m afraid to fly when
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they shoot at us, i can’t do anything with myself, i’m paralyzed, i can’t do my responsibilities, i am not responsible for my actions, but i want to fly, but i say, in peaceful conditions , are you... afraid to fly? no, i’m not afraid, only when the fire strikes the ground on the crew, on the helicopter, i feel a sense of fear, and i also listened to such a pilot, created for him the conditions in which he can perform his duties to the maximum, he still flies, transports serious people , serious companies, and i am very grateful that among pilots there is...
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without any embarrassment, your call sign, my call sign maestro, i have nothing more to add, i’m glad to see you today, you’re passing through, god forbid you pass it completely, sit on the left cup and hold your favorite hand, we say goodbye to you exactly until our next meetings in the podcast of the first channel there was a conversation with lieutenant general hero of russia nikolai fetrovich gavrilov, an outstanding a pilot whose call sign is... maestro.
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hello. this is the easy money podcast. i am its presenter, mikhail khanov. today our guest is maxim orlovsky. hello maxim. hello. financial expert, markets expert, stock market expert, investor, private, institutional. now the general director of one of the largest investment houses in the russian federation. and today we will talk about what the year 23 was like for investments, what drew our attention, what is possible. was to make money and most importantly, what will the twenty-fourth year be like on the stock markets , what can and should be earned in 24, and the first question is very simple: the twenty-third year was good, bad for traders, for speculators, how can you characterize it? overall the year was very good, rare asset classes that are not gave some good yield, but this is primarily a ruble bond, after the central bank was almost there... doubling the key rate, of course,
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although the market did not react, in my opinion, properly, but it’s still were some of the worst investments, and these are investments protected by government obligations, that is, we buy government debt, we buy and the de facto state owes us, how much could you earn on bonds in interest, well , let’s say at the beginning of twenty-three we believed that the rate would rise or some... short-term bonds, that is, then the rate was 7.5, this is the level of profitability if your bonds, taking into account the revaluation or the bond fund in which you invested at the end of the year, you earned 8-10%, this is very good, this is very good, many funds that invest in bonds show returns near zero or negative, and de facto now, but we will come back to this, this yield is lost by the bank. okay, let’s put this topic aside
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for a bit, what else could you make money on? the twenty-third year, this is what you could basically lose on, you made money on other things, the twenty-third year is definitely the year of stocks, so the stocks grew quite strongly, the broad index there grew by almost 40%, and if we if we talk about individual names of our largest companies, this is almost a twofold increase. luba chips are all in the black, yes, great, what else is gold, which is so beloved by our ears, at least by home-made investors, an asset, the end of the year is very good for gold, who knows, we you and i understand perfectly well that if the price rises, it means that someone is buying gold , buying it first of all on world markets, maximum, whoever is buying gold now, the main demand for gold comes from central banks, from some funds. and a new trend,
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households in india and china are joining this game, buying coins, buying bars, this is a new trend, but in general we must understand that gold is still such a thing from the past, from those times when gold was money, when paper money was tied to gold, this is still the case, we'll see. how will events develop further, probably the current situation, including around russia , contributes to the fact that gold will come into circulation again, well, here’s how i can observe, gold is not directly, as it is called, a defensive asset, because when some things happen -these cataclysms, the same movements during the covid period, what is called the period, yes, when the shares, you remember how they reacted and what... there was a decrease in all indices, including the dollar exchange rate and how
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then gold fell, that is, gold fell like an ordinary piece of paper along with everyone else, and we also remember the situation, your phrase about households in india and china triggered me on this memory, you remember very well, probably 2009, when gold was at the same around the peaks of 1900-1950, when just all the analytical publications wrote that this was a new stage in the revival of gold. and that now china is buying both real gold and india, there will be two and two from three to three, and we remember very well that gold then fell to the level of 1.300, that is lost what 30% of its price, the protective asset lost 30%, and for eight long years gold was there, what is called -30, now this situation could happen again, or now we are only looking at the positive, no, everything is possible, everything is possible, so, gold loses its status as some kind of calculation. unit instability, seizure of reserves,
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impossibility of, say, russia, iran, a number of international, yes, today's other countries, served by distrust in soft currencies, can revive settlements, including in gold, as such a unit between these countries, accumulation and conservation, you would not recommend, i do not use this thing, but in our reality, look that we now have revaluation not taxed, yes, this is also becoming a good tool, what will happen? let's see further, with the passing of the generation that perceived gold unambiguously as money, and paper money or non-cash money only as a derivative of it, will leave. probably the value of this asset, let's see, here's an example, you have a ratio gold and silver, once in the united states, this was fixed at 1:15, now it is 1:80, and in fact, during this movement , many people broke their necks when they were waiting for the restoration
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of these magical - divine and ratio coefficients, but well and it didn’t happen, well, here you know, i can say that you are the first. an analyst who feels this way about gold, this very precisely coincides with my attitude towards this asset, despite the fact that as many say, you know how, if it comes, if everything goes bad, the apocalypse and so on, i say, well remember the movie mad max, the price there is usually for ammunition, weapons and gasoline, yes, you won’t run around with gold in a post-apocalyptic world and try to sell it, well, what else is bitcoin, i don’t invest in the crypto industry, so for me it’s a little bit... an otherworldly asset, what is connected with your disbelief, is it a disbelief in this institution as a means of accumulation, as a means of receiving money, or possible risks outweigh the profitability, why, if we talk about markets, about algorithmic trading, it is important here that there was liquidity, there was an instrument, and in general, in
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principle, it doesn’t matter what kind of instrument it is, right, if we look at this a little from the point of view, probably right, then money is that thing. which the state accepts for the payment of its taxes, this is a thing in which we measure the value of certain objects, and as for bitcoin, no one accepts it, yes, its emission is limited, but what can be done with it if tomorrow the largest economies will accept it on a par with their currencies, probably this will greatly increase its value and prestige in some ways, by and large. the difference between bitcoin and the ruble or the dollar in non-cash terms, that ’s all, these are just some records, right, the only question is, the state says that i accept this as legal tender, your taxes, prices in my state are expressed in this unit , justice radio, there are countries, including japan, yes,
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i’m not talking about venezuela there now, and with them, but there are large countries that accept bitcoins as payment for goods. i think it's possible now buy an apartment, and cars, it’s impossible to say, as long as there is a mechanism for exchanging for regular money, it all works, as soon as you have everything, everything will be in these units, maybe, maybe, but for me it’s not completely clear thing, it will be, it will not be, there are other things that are more understandable that can be worked on, for me there is no difference between a digital and non-digital asset, by and large , non-cash money is the same digital asset, we have had shares for a long time. exists in the same way in the form of some kind of records, that’s right, which electronic ones, which you and i can’t see, can’t touch, can’t stick on anything, okay, oil, what happened to oil in the twenty-third year and what are your forecasts for the twenty- fourth? the year was quite difficult, if we say, of course, everyone was expecting a recession in the usa, i
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will remind our audience that everyone was expecting a recession in the usa, and accordingly throughout the world, everyone expected that the economy of the largest world would not withstand such... high rate hike, but it survived and with surprise even the federal reserve system is such the equivalent of the central bank in the united states said that, surprisingly , the economy turned out to be strong, it withstood the rate of 5.5%, now we are talking about the fact that there is no recession, why then is oil falling, because the usa is not the whole world, that is, what is happening with oil and what are your, let’s say, conclusions for 2023, and once again i say the forecast for... well, with oil, it’s probably the same, there is a lot of oil, it’s a fact, you see that a number of countries forced to limit their production and supplies to international markets in order to support the price of oil, the technologies that have come to the united states, canada, brazil, allow us to get oil cheaply in
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places where we didn’t even think about it before, well, now about shale production or not only, and deep-sea mining and... sands, if you and i look, the united states is about to be practically self-sufficient in its own oil, the united states, if we take almost 13 million barrels a day there, this is generally the largest producer, so for a second, let's say for ours audience, that the united states of america is currently one of the three, there is such a struggle all the time, number one is already, you produce 13 million barrels of the usual saudi arabia has reduced it, and so have we. you and i are extracting oil along with the bastard condensate, we count, and the americans have another 5 million on top, put it down, but that’s what’s happening, that is, technology. does not stand still, and if there is an opportunity to earn money somewhere, it is earned, there is a lot of oil, there is a lot of oil, so to support oil prices, uh, these are two
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factors, the first, the most important factor is discipline within opec plus, if the cartel falls apart, the price of oil goes to where it should be, based on current economic conditions, there uh every company, it’s somewhere around 35-40, no, i would say higher, then there is... this is the level that we saw there in general , seventeenth eighteenth, here 55-65, in this range, of course, any fall at the beginning occurs much lower, you remember very well that oil was once worth negative money, after reboot, glut, first of all storage facilities, when all the tankers were floating full and the problems of expiration of this april expiration. this is the repayment of supply contracts, when everyone was ready to pay money for this oil to be taken from them, this is such a negative price, this is
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when you say along with the oil, i will pay you again, just take it, but it was not for long, it was literally there were a few days there, but nevertheless, this collapse took a long time to recover, and i hope that angola’s exit from opec plus is the only thing, well, this is a few percent, that this will not affect. on the existence of a cartel, otherwise everything will not be so good for us and for the ruble. well, we remember that saudi arabia has a budget calculated at 85, plus or minus, say, 83, already a critical figure, a deficit-free budget, the leader, in fact, the consortium you are talking about, guardianship, saudi arabia, the actual main engine and motivator of the very discipline you are talking about, they have a budget of 85, that’s how it is -
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that the cartel will exist, i hope this is from the cartel’s side, we still have demand, i hope that china next year
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will grow a little faster than expected, that demand here will recover, the european union will not sag either, although, it would seem, with the rates that are now potentially increasing, well, let’s say, i would only dream about this if i were the officers and financial and general managers. european union, that the economy will withstand, well, let's do it, i hope, i think, to summarize, i would like oil to be at 80 plus, somewhere in the range of 80 dash 100 dollars, you use oil in your stock exchange speculation, in trading, this oil is included as an instrument in your area of ​​attention, no, but commodities are not included, especially now commodities are raw materials, these are instruments such as copper, nickel, gas, yes, now, unfortunately...


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