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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  July 8, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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yes, well, as if i was larger than she in terms of, i was taller, and it was as if, well, she was just a little, little girl, children can be cruel, children can be different to me , tell me, no, no, no, no, it’s terrible, but now it’s hard to believe, and they teased me with a skeleton, because i was very thin, well , i was just underweight until i was 50, well , that was the situation, yes, then my mother didn’t say that you were beautiful to me , dianochka, look at yourself in the mirror, mom always says and said, yes, but for me it’s like at that moment this was not enough, so you believe me, yes, you are beautiful, thank you, but larisa didn’t tell me that i was beautiful, the main thing is that we told you, that’s it, you need a separate apartment so that you can be alone, sometimes i feel like, i don’t know, i don’t know, maybe a weekend with my friends will be enough for me. sometimes once every couple of months
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because you live in moscow, yes, you are from sevastopol, no, i grew up in sevastopol, yeah, where are my parents? dad lives in moscow, mom was born in sevastopol and lives in moscow, that is, you and your parents, me and your mom, parents divorced, your dad, dad sends you 100,000, well, because you’re studying, well , my father supports me, yes, my father supports me, yeah. what are your plans to stay in moscow? i haven’t decided yet, but i really love moscow, i really love sevastopol, and you haven’t decided, so is there an opportunity to go somewhere else? i would like to study somewhere abroad further, but the age difference between igor and i, not yet a child, bothers you? no, why? why am i 16, what? why? but it seems to me that in general age is a number on a passport. but no, this is not a number at all passport.
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movie ghost, now we 're going to sculpt very romantically, try to sculpt from clay, let's try, we need to get it wet, yeah, it's comfortable for you, i'm fine, yes, okay , come on, come on, come on, be brave, be brave, press the pedal, we need a cat , how to manage this, press slower. slowly, igor, insert
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your fingers, but i don’t understand, cats, it seems to me that he can’t see what’s happening, she ’s become smaller, this has already become smaller, we need to somehow try to move her up, up, it’s already some kind of pot everything turns out well, pots there we have a wheel a wheel right from a car just your hobbies interesting work the first people once came up with a wheel yes we are like the first discoverers yes it’s not demi or patrick of course but we tried we tried thank you very much quietly quietly quietly.
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come on, guys, go to your room, well, as they say, it didn’t work out to sculpt, maybe draw, the task was to show talent, where is the talent for undressing a man, so what do you think? ana is an entertainer and an idea, nothing, i’ve never been forced to do anything like this before, well, did you like it, well, uh, she tried to create romance, it ’s great, tactility, tactility, yes, but a sweet girl, well, she’s really young, she’s very sweet, in the scene, in fact, the chemistry between you was very good, it seemed to me too, there was an exchange of energy, that’s right at all. guys, you need to choose from three brides, advise, i can choose, advise, i’m number two, and i’m number two, well, number one is very, no, number one is very cool, what he sings is closer to you, but if like this, in spirit, yes, that is, you will get along if he
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if he doesn’t come into this room, then he has very bad taste, i think it will be modest, no, then he’s with red, there will be problems, yes, you’re not ready for family? is here, this is exactly in my regard , in which it was precisely the girl who changed me who is into women, that is, before i met her, i just looked at women as a trophy, i did n’t care at all, i... had a lot yes, sort of, but after that i rethought it a little, so i decided that viewing a woman as a trophy is not determined only by the quantity that you have there are many of them, namely your understanding of why you need this woman, and i believe that
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there is no woman here who is a girl for a serious relationship, it seems to me that with marusya you were comfortable, with marusya you felt organic. it’s interesting, you come from similar families, and regarding the toturovka, you will come to an agreement with her, it seems to me so, but in any case, we will support you, no matter who you go to, okay, go ahead, yes, i even wonder where he’s going- if he does come in, i invite everyone to come out and support igor.
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so that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's get married, first, second, third, fourth, everything happens, slobbering, for quadruplets - this is a very good weight, there was no limit to joy, there are no twins between them, there are two, but they... dasha is not, he looks like a relative, well, mother, of course, they immediately distinguished, yes, dad, dad confused lisa and alisa for 3 months, we are the shabalina family, we have 11 children, we’ve been together for 24 years, and we don’t fight among ourselves, yeah, sometimes
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you help mom around the house , yes, the boys help my husband with the cattle, they feed, they clean, the girls do the housework, love each other, be happy that you are alive, how to live 50, what is the secret? mom with character, dad - fire, we have a special one, however, there is nowhere to go, but i had thoughts at least once that i would go and get a divorce, i don’t want it anymore, i don’t, but you. good afternoon the whole country today celebrates the day of family, love and fidelity. and since you and i already have such a real television family, i congratulate you and give you a chamomile, and chamomile has been a symbol
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of love since ancient times. happy holiday, sasha. doesn't love, doesn't love, doesn't love. doesn't like, doesn't like, love, today in our studio alexander and alena gordienko, hello, hello! hello, we congratulate you on the holiday, the day of family, love and fidelity, and this is definitely about you, thank you, how many years have you been together, we have been together for 10 years, of which 3 years we have been married, and for 7 years we have been doing something, dating, husband i lived in one city, i lived in another, well, of course there would be difficulties regarding the fact that he was in the same city in rostov, i studied in taganrog.
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was, listen, well, they saved for it, well , they saved, yes, well, of course they put on a dress, where without a dress, where without a suit, well, yes, in we sat in a small family circle, the women were wearing masks, no one was drinking, because the mask, no, well, it was a little under the mask, i had a white mask, i brought it to work, i work as a nurse, and at night i tried to embroider rhinestones with a pebble. glue it on so that it’s a mask, a wedding mask, yes, so that it’s a little bit more solemn. we got married and immediately had plans for children, we really wanted children, but
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something didn’t work out for us, it didn’t work out, we decided to get examined, everything is fine for everyone, everything they completely checked from head to toe, but there are no children, it doesn’t work, well, my wife was very worried about this, i reassured her, i said, everything will be fine, i say, everything has its time, it already seemed to me, well, there’s just no meaning to life , like a woman, where are the children. i really wanted it and i wanted it from my husband, it’s brilliant, yes, that is , wait, as i understand it, you still considered other options, i didn’t, well, just friends there could talk, it happened to them, but ask there, you won't have children anyway, no matter how long you've been together, you don’t have children, these friends need to have their tongues pulled out, that’s just it, at such moments, close support is very important for a woman, yes. support from her husband, a loved one, he provided support, and of course, my mother, who wanted
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grandchildren, provided support, well, my mother became very ill, and we rushed in too late, she had oncology, cancer of the fourth stage and there were already metastases in the spine, soft tissues, brain, and mom lived with you, at first she didn’t live with us, then when we already found out about this and i see... that she was crumbling before our eyes, melting, then i took her in, and my husband supported me very much, he helped, it’s just beyond words, he lifted my mother in his arms to the fifth floor, my mother died on may 14 , 2023, when you found out that you were pregnant, on the ninth day after the death of your mother, i doubted it for a very long time, but i already understood that i... was delayed, and i thought that it could be a hormonal imbalance due to stress, and i i thought for a long time, go to
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the pharmacy, don’t go, i’ll go to the pharmacy, well, buy pregnancy test, i still think, i’ll take it, what’s the difference, i took it, came home, did the test, and there was clearly, well, two black stripes, right away i was in tears, i typed it to my husband on social networks, showed it, two stripes, there.. . but i say, i don’t know whether this news will make you happy or sad, everyone, well, everyone reacts differently to this, you have
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three fertilized eggs here, but i’m already in tears, tears in my ears, i don’t have anything else. i can’t hear you at all, i still want to turn now to your husband alexander, you really wanted a child, you really wanted it, but did you want three? very i wanted, of course, there was a second ultrasound, yes, for the second and after the first ultrasound, my wife went, all the subsequent ones until pregnancy, we went together. yes, that’s right, we went to the second ultrasound together, i already went into the office, i lay down on the couch again, the same doctor told me, he says, it’s the cat mom who came, i say, well, i don’t know, now we’ll see, he starts look, looks for a long time, i say what’s there, he, he says,
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says, well, there aren’t three anymore. it’s already four here, i say, i have, i already have tears back in my ears, i’m very glad, from the office comes out, cries in tears, i worry, he’s afraid of everything, i say what happened, but she’s silent, she can’t say, she shows, right away, no, he was in a stupor, everyone was very surprised, roughly speaking, they redid it 10 times, one uzologist looked.
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turned around, yes, now she will turn around, and turned around and said that it was a girl, four girls, how did the birth go, well , our birth didn’t start according to plan, i had an emergency cesarean section, well, then all the doctors came to me and told me that it was good weight, for quadruplets , this is a very good weight, and you were big, well, belly, well, show me how... it was possible, well , i don’t know, probably just like this, well , that is, you could have your hands on top, well, you could put a plate and a mug, but listen, there are four after all, but it’s funny when they grow up there, they start having discos in their stomachs, like fish in an aquarium, just like that, that is, you just felt it, yes i feel it, i’m kicking, and
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milk, milk, i fed them for three 3 months , i fed them, four, right? how's that? you only have two? well, here i am, i’ve been expressing milk since the prenatal center and i carried it in, then they sterilized it or i don’t know what they did, then they brought me back this milk, i fed their papillae, that is, i didn’t directly breastfeed, i didn’t feed, but i expressed it in bottles, divided it between them, but of course, this is the system, yes, someone helps you with the children, at the moment your husband recently went on maternity leave and - the blood helps, the father-in-law helps, but they are all different, that is , they are all different, there are no twins between them, there are two , but they are sasha, no, they don’t look alike, no, they are not twins, but they look alike, well mother, of course, they immediately distinguished, yes, and dad, dad confused lisa and alice for 3 months, come on, we’ve already heard so much, it’s time to see, let’s see, dad, well, how
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do you like your children, dad, good, good , take it calm, the first, second, third, fourth, everything happens, slobbering, and this is all for the nineties.
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at the helm of two cars, lenushka, marusya, aliska, lizatushka, like that, and how old are the girls now, now they are 6, 6 months old, tomorrow they will be seven, these are the people who are just getting together now.
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two banks, i also had a son, it’s interesting what he would become, and don’t you think that it’s time for her to tell the truth about her son, but she needs this truth, the premiere, watch the time after the program, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the division’s political department, a colonel... he’s generally a man of army bearing, he doesn’t need to pretend to look at me, where should i go to the theater to the cinema? sergey puski finger is a dream for any artist as a partner.
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seryozha, the combination of the incongruous, he is an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera, it’s interesting to watch him watch, he holds the frame, have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with himself. human, he could do so much for cinema, for his country, on that shore where i have never been, my footprints in the wet sand, you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalis, when i’m gone, on sunday on the first, in the new season on first, woman. there are moles in all parts of the soviet union,
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you are wanted, there are targets on you and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, but is this a mortal danger, or do you have well, let's think about it, let's say you have a second very well thought out option for escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell , the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you are not blamed for not wanted to help us, you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel ostenko.
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confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. let's look at another one. a large family, we are the shabalina family, we have 11 children, arseny, pustinya, vasilisa, aglaya, timofey, savely, ulyana, yaroslav, pillageya.
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in our studio svetlana and vyacheslav shabalin, hello, hello, parents of many children, it was a dream, how can i say it, we didn’t plan this, how many children will we have? how did it turn out, i wanted two boys and two girls, but it turned out to be five boys, five girls, and then it so happened that another girl, well , every time your wife told you that she was pregnant, he grabbed his head, shouted, what are we going to do, boss, boss , everything is gone, what are we going to do, please tell me, how old is the eldest, how old is the youngest, danila will be 22-23 already, and what about glaika?
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in terms of health, it didn’t work out there even then, and i don’t have a left kidney, diabetes mellitus , spinal problems, that is, we have already started treating our health, here i was told that it’s kind of late for you to start treatment already, because you already have a child, you can feel a good heartbeat , you can hear it, i say like a heartbeat, what is it? she says, yes, yes, she, well, are you saying that you wanted something? i say, i kind of came for treatment, listen, let’s start with the sweetest, how long have you been together, where did you meet, we’ve already been together, 24 years old, 24, we met, like on the beach, well, i’m visiting my grandmother from i came from yekaterinburg on vacation to davlekanovo, this is the republic bashkirtastan, so i helped. grandma, well
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, during the day i went to the beach to sunbathe, and that’s just it, and he was fishing, but i’m bored as a city girl, well, that is, you decided around the hook, well, practically, yes, and you met, well , yes, then, i i didn’t take it as a serious relationship, just like a summer romance, yes, yeah, well, then, when i went home to yekaterinburg in the summer, roman turned out to be: no longer just a romance, why? well, because i got pregnant with my eldest, and well , what kind of reaction was it, it was still unclear, well, since i’m already an adult woman, i decided that, well there is a child, it’s mine, i didn’t tell him anything, what are you talking about, well, yes, he was young, and we have a difference of 7 years, i’m older, when they said, well , when i came to my grandmother in the summer, with the baby, well
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, yes, we already we talked to him there, he was already being drafted into the army, but when he left, well, we found out that we already have a barbarian, yes, our doctor said that you have very high compatibility, very good, so if he spits in your direction , you’ll get pregnant even then, yeah, that’s when you returned from the army, started living together, yes, well, yes, we met again in the summer with my grandmother in the village. and he saw us and said that that’s it, let’s go to the legislative office, i said, no, he said, let’s go, he took my hand, took my grandmother’s passport, mine, let’s go, submitted an application to the legislative office and it so happened that we came, we arrived at the tax office at the appointed time, and there the lights were turned off, they told us, we won’t sign you up today, come tomorrow, and our table is already set, guests are sitting,
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well, i’m so... a very hot-tempered person, i threw it at him with a bouquet she said: not fate, and proudly with her head raised, she left the administration, but he caught up with me, dressed me the ring, said fate, he took it by the hand and rammed it home, in the end, when they signed, well, we came the next day on the back of our foreheads and signed it, did you grow up in large families or not, yes, there are three of us in my family, three , yes i am the one. older, and you? and i ’m alone with my mother, oh my god, she’s in shock, honestly, really, really, really, she’s been coming for about 10 days, she’s tired, as i understand it, not all of your children came with you today, that’s right, yes, the eldest has already gotten married, and danil and his family live in another city, and varvara, she also got married, she’s in bashkiria lives, also in another city, they took houses
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each... the other nine are with you, yes, let's invite them to the studio, oh-oh, the sofa is over, so arseny is the oldest of those present, tell us, together you live together, we help each other, we always give each other, and don’t fight with each other, it happens, it happens, they are mostly in training, but what are they doing? and they train in a military-patriotic club, and the guys go to competitions in hand-to-hand combat, combat sambo, and army hand-to-hand combat. timofey, hello, hello, mom do you help at home? yes, yes, what are you doing? we wash the dishes, you know how to wash the dishes, we clean up, but
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girls do this? or boys too, and boys, we all do this together, but girls, do you know how to cook? yes, yes, what do you cook mostly? pancakes, how many pancakes should you bake? for your whole family in the morning, yes, sometimes we cook compote, when in the summer it’s in an enamel bucket, listen, well, for the new year, the olivya salad also needs to be chopped into a bucket so that there is enough for everyone, no, not everyone likes it, that’s why we do it this way, i from your own experience you know what food addictions in children, that is, you will break your head, it’s just that one needs to be fed with one thing, because he doesn’t eat it, the other with this, we have consciences, maybe they don’t eat meat, let’s say, some things, they eat selectively. yes, but how to cook, if they have a choice and you cook it like this, cook pancakes with one, cook porridge with the other, then you can just go crazy, well, we can’t go yet, but they just don’t let you do it, even when you really want to climb under the blanket from everyone and not hear
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anyone screaming, mom, i want pancakes, mom, i i want to go for a walk, mom, can i do that there, mom, can i, mom, where should i have my socks, mom, do you somehow have a schedule of duties , or is this all by agreement? day to day, or really, the schedule is written out, well, here’s how to manage, it’s true, now if it’s so serious, the children help very well, we really educate them, we try to make sure they can do everything, the boys with the cattle help my husband, then they feed, they clean, the girls do the housework, and the dishes are on them, yeah, the floors are there, someone cleans up, the younger ones clean up, someone for tea there is manna or a cupcake. they are telling you, that is, with us, this is how to raise children, how to instill all this, just do it all together with them, you, yes, you are an example for them, you show how to do things, but that is, only by your own example, of course, of course , we are always with the children, that is , we go to competitions, we go to training, we
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are always with them, then we’ll climb the hill for a ride, our dad is in shock because the hill is high, otherwise we’ll go swimming with the children, well, that is, well, life is in full swing. sometimes, of course, over the head, but it’s true, that there was a moment when the children simply physically saved you, probably not more physically, but morally, morally, well , because i, well, due to my health, i’m already able to bear so many children, my spine couldn’t stand it and i had complications, i had an operation, i it was necessary to recover, and since my husband works alone, the children decided to help him, they... broke their piggy bank, together with varvara they bought everything for soap making and started making soap, beautiful bouquets of flowers, that is, there are hearts on february 23, well, beautiful soap in boxes, well, they started selling,
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of course, it didn’t bring much profit, but they provided significant help, oh, wow, well, i hope that we are raising our children correctly, that they will be real people, thank you, and from our program, guys, you all there are gifts waiting behind the scenes, thank you, thank you very much, so that your vacation does not turn into, here , take the tests with you and make your own diagnosis about tests for vacation about many other important and interesting things in the program live healthy tomorrow on the first call every
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day like monday above here are stellar families fight each other, but absolutely everyone benefits from this. lit, i want you, like i invented a song, two stars, fathers and children, sunday is on the first,
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i’m happy, probably, when my children are next to me. my relatives, parents should have a good upbringing themselves, they should pass it on to their children. a father must raise his son by leading by example. with mom - this is work, this is daily work, taking care of children, mom, dad, brother and i, a great family, three years old already, and we are already reading at that age books, happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everything we lived well with faith, with hope, everything... well,
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getting married and having children is not a difficult matter, but maintaining your marriage for many years is a huge job. it’s not for nothing that 50 years of marriage is called the golden wedding. let's take a look at the beautiful couple who carried their love through the years. when i saw her, she was beautiful, of course, i liked it right away, we need to love each other, be glad that we live, more.
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from our entire program, from all our viewers, we congratulate you on such a beautiful date, a golden wedding, now tell us how to live 50 years, what is the secret, well, it’s easy, yeah, we got married, and now we’ve been living together for 50 years , but tell us how you met, how you got married, well, how did you get to know each other, as usual? we met at a dance, how old were you? well,
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i wasn’t even seventeen yet, so are you, so are we the same, we have one voter, but how we met at the dance, i don’t know, listen there, well, at the dance there are a lot of girls, the girls stand to the side, and there are a lot of them, of course there, well, there’s one i liked, i always like it, right immediately yes at first sight, yes no, at first well yes. i’d dance with this one, then i liked it, then i started wanting more, then again, and then it was already boring without her, we were young, we became interested in each other, so what, we fell in love with each other, but when we decided to get married, it wasn’t right away, not right away, no, we hung out, almost 3 years have passed, we hung out for 3 years and were friends.
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and as far as i understand, you worked at the mine all your life for 28 years. zoya grigorievna is 28 years old. i started as a physician after graduating from the kopeisk medical school. i worked in a maternity hospital as a midwife, and then the children grew up, there were three children, we had all three boys, and it was hard on the night shift, there was nowhere to put the children, and i had to go and look for another job, i found a job as a medical dispensary in regional, yeah, they only work there during the day, so that’s why it became easier, i’ll look after the children more, boys are boys, one goes here, the other goes there. and the difference is just their age: 5-7 years
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between them, one grows up, the other appears, look, i understand that in the soviet years, when you met, walked, were friends, then got married, yes, in general, you everything should have been fine, well, because you are at the mine, yes, you are a doctor, you lived normally, no, normal, normal, it wasn’t enough, but how the nineties survived it, here it was already different. they didn’t give us money for our mining years they detained me for 6-7 months, but how did they live? survived? i already had a car to go with it, i started driving privately after work, after work, after work or before work, when there was time, yeah, so we survived, well, many were separated by such difficulties in the nineties, on the contrary, when
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it’s difficult, we need to support each other and not separate, but where do you live now, is it in kopeisk? your house? yes, you bought your own house, do you have any farming? no, no one keeps a farm now, it’s expensive now to have a vegetable garden, a vegetable garden - yes, in a vegetable garden what's growing? everything, everything, yes, everything that can be planted, everything grows, he takes care of the beds, so, tomatoes, cucumbers, and i have flowers, bushes, i love flowers, there are a lot of flowers, well, so, i understand that you have three sons, grandchildren. what five, five, yes, yes, bye, bye, you often see your grandchildren, often, often, but how did you propose? well, of course, i didn’t get down on my knee, well , we walked and walked for 3 years, now, now, now you were quite young to me, there were 20 years old, like three, before it came out quickly when
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they got pregnant, but here and there was no such thing as this moment was formalized, yes, say it out, that’s it, let’s go to the legislative office. how was it, who said? i guess i said, let's go to the zag. we had an old zach at that time in an old two-story building, we went and wrote a statement there, and you immediately agreed, right away, of course, she agreed even before that, she was thinking before that, of course, well, the wedding was, of course, in that time, well, the wedding was done by the parents, of course, not us... yours and yours, yes, yes, yes, yes, we used to go out for 2 days, just like 2 days, as it should be, but as it should be, that with dressing up, with everything with accordions, with a barrel of beer the next day, your two sons, alexander and maxim, came to us , hello guys, maxim, you are the middle son,
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right, because, yes, i’m the average, in the middle, yeah, that’s 50 years together, your parents, and how old are you? my wife and i had a 21st wedding and we’ve been hanging out for 4 years already, but that is, well, that is, there’s absolutely nothing left, so to speak, yes, look , you grew up in a family where such a relationship between parents did it help you in life? of course always in any case, that is, if it's a quarrel, both are to blame, if it's love , both are to blame, therefore.
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we have one special bed, nowhere to go, how was your childhood, well , of course, it was a fun, playful, crazy childhood, that is, we lived in a barracks, we have 10 families in a barracks, each with two, who also had three, went out , were friends, played, from three to 20 years old all together, dad naturally instilled in us the first lessons of life, that is, where, where is car repair? while there, how can you help, give me the key, well, the first fishing, of course, that is, how to bait, how to catch, how float, mom, well, mom has golden hands in the sense that the food is delicious, very tasty, pancakes, this is the most important thing, and
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family traditions, our grandfather started this tradition of going to the bathhouse on saturdays, and so does our dad ... we see each other very rarely and at least on weekends we just sit together for at least a couple of hours, but for you this is important, i don’t know why, but yes, probably yes it is important, but have you had thoughts at least once in your entire life that i’ll go get a divorce, i don’t want it anymore, i don’t. had a fight, had a fight, went into the garden, now at the moment, there i worked on something, worked on it, and by itself it was all forgotten, what about you? well, especially not, why, where to go? maxim, as i understand it, your parents started to hitchhike not
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only because you cook dumplings, as your mother taught, pancakes, and you probably still sit with a fishing rod, because you have three children, well, yes, it turned out that you there are three of us, two girls and a boy, uh-huh, anastasia, taisti caught the extreme vasily, vasily maksimovich became like this. grandfather's name was, in fact, lyus, the work is necessary, the tongue wears out the most and boots, the man had everything, health and money, everything except his personal life, and that he had no one, he was red-haired, his father, no, brunette, a thief, a fortune teller, today is on the first day, we are two women who
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love one man, don’t confuse love with habit, it seems to me that this is not a sin, because this is love. the great vera vasilyeva, already at 25, had two stalin prizes, a girl with dimples. on her face she was adored in the ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater, she walked and played, she was dressed up, i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels, shoes, in the last while she rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all, we were lucky enough to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick, i felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make to play the leading role, why did she not dare to give birth? i...
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exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. forward. raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it. i tried to play in such a way that it was comfortable frame. vanya, i am yours forever. i myself didn’t know that it was me. yes, it's not me, me. refused , then i realized, yes, that it was me for a very, very long time, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough
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money to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i have speed, i have children will immediately recognize by this, call me, call me, i have quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call me call, well, because it’s brilliant, just recover from the shock, and then answer. to my question, well of course it is it’s only me who can do it, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to rate us in the app, i’m arriving somehow on taita, in fact, i could n’t do anything else, go ask everyone if you’ve been to taita, tonight with nikolai tseskaridze at the first, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, in general a man of army bearing, he doesn’t need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema? sergey puski finger is a dream for any artist as
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partner. seryozha, the combination of the incongruous, he is an incredible man, i understand, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame, haven’t you thought of changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with his power, as a man. he could do so much for cinema, for his country, on that shore where i have never been, my footprints in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipales, when i’m gone, on sunday on the first, and when will you... .they married him, they knew that this is immediately 50 years in advance, yes,
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my grandmother advised me to choose a husband, look, she says how he treats his mother. he will also treat you, and i saw how maxim treats his mother, that is, he helps her in everything, i think we should take it, we have our own too, our own traditions, we are developing, my husband and i, well almost every day after working days we get so tired and get ready, put the children to bed, put some tea on, drink tea, talk, discuss everything that happened during the day, we can... and stay up until 3 to 4 o’clock, we’ll discuss everything and this is very important to us helps. it is generally accepted that it is the woman, the keeper of the hearth, who creates the atmosphere in the family. look today at the examples of our heroes, these are gentle men, these are men who do not hesitate to publicly express emotions and love for their woman, to say these words, a man is obliged
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to do this. what we saw was amazing. examples of both women and men, worthy, responsible, what we today call the main qualities that are the foundation for the transmission of these very traditions, because male responsibility, female loyalty, this is of course mutual, this is the most important thing, and i get a lot of hate, and oddly enough, the main thing, the main thing that i, for example, always get for, what kind of mother is she, she can’t look like that, it’s just very funny , because we are used to seeing... some apparently strange women, or somehow we show somehow the image being formed by the public that a mother of many children is some kind of sow that didn’t happen in life, an alcoholic gives birth to everything, that’s really in fact, look how wonderful, beautiful, magnificent, interesting they are with fire, with a twinkle in the eye, unspent, such an amazing resource, such mothers need to be shown, need to be supported, and this is
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wonderful, thank you for these amazing lives. real examples, i hope our tv viewers felt it today, that a mother of many children in the 21st century is a wow woman, well, really, thank you, i would definitely like to congratulate all viewers on such a holiday, the day of family, love and fidelity, and today we saw three bright examples of exactly those concepts that are included in this holiday: in the first case, we they saw faith in people, yes, who could not have children, but their faith helped them greatly. we saw a family, and we realized that the family could achieve the dream they were pursuing. in the second case, we are not only made up of two children, three, four, it can be very large, well , you know, as a team, yes, and the third word is love that carries through a generation, but people have been together for 50 years, and their love does not disappear anywhere, it insists, yes, like good wine, and we can only take an example,
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we have in our studio... another large family mom, let's look at the screen. well, it would be strange if this program were not conducted...


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