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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  July 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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well, you lost a bad student here, and here you have a broken neck, well, for the rest, apparently the same robber as in the two previous cases, he didn’t kill before, he’s throwing worms and throwing away, what else? well, we have a spot on the cuff, uh, blood, well, most likely, more precisely from... analysis: who
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talked to the residents? nikolai is doing this, ivanovich, there is a woman from the first floor, come here, please, i saw a man run out of the entrance at about 7 in the morning, yeah, after all, it was all about the person, health and money, she flew on vacation three times a year where she wanted, everything was there except her personal life, and the fact that she had no one, i never saw that...
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ready for what? welcome!
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hello, hello, by the way, we’ve all already returned from the scene of the incident, it’s like i wasn’t late, well , this will help us unwind everything. yes, it’s a bright
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mirror, tell the bandit, decrees, congratulations on your first day of work, here’s a new workplace, here, here. mugs, cookies, yes, andryush, so, this month there were two similar robberies in our area, give me some more ticks, only in the first two cases did they attack well-dressed women who go to work early, if in the first...
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well, feel out what we know about the criminal? the victims don’t see him, he works very quickly, he covers his mouth with a gray capless cap, this, by the way, was noted by two previous victims, he deals several blows, robs and quickly disappears, yes, they also noted a red stripe on the sleeve of the windbreaker, and the specific smell of adicolone, which they installed adicolon, nothing so far. i took all the victims to the store, they sniffed there that’s all, it didn’t give anything, listen, how much did he withdraw from his previous cases? well, somewhere from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, not bad, so andrey, kolya, you know what to do, that’s it, come on, alexey
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ivanovich, what should i do, and you, and you, now. oh, by the way, you’ll be doing this together, wait, i think they told me that i would help solve important cases, but we don’t have unimportant cases, they are simply divided according to severity. “alexey ivanovich, this is an old bicycle, it’s a matter of honor for our entire department, you still don’t have it will be possible to remove me from serious matters, you will complain, no, well, fine, go for it, alexey ivanovich,
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in fact, lucy, the work is necessary, the thing that wears out the most is my tongue and boots, yes, sometimes it seems like i didn’t chase anyone across the roofs, go home you come, you don’t have the strength to do anything at all, but a good opera solves crimes with the help of a phone and a pen, have you ever arrested bandits, of course, listen, and after digging, he’s actually going to look for this killer, but as usual, how... "first they will interview relatives, then the immediate surroundings, then they will hit everyone who passed through the area for similar crimes, in our case, they will probably shake up pawn shops, buyers, and so on, that’s what else, but then they will find out who
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gets up early, who smokes on the balcony , these people could see something, who was walking their dogs, this is called working off the residential sector, in a word. mudo shadow, let me rewrite the notes, you bastard, not only has he been robbing women in my area for 2 weeks, but now after him there are still corpses left, so far only one, that’s for now, but it’s like blood will feel and decide that there is nothing to lose, you know this as well as me, but we will find, we will find, we will find in... i hope lyusya went to work, attracted her while someone else gave me the job, what a waste, are you kidding me, well i just
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thought, we need to get into the business, well, understand the basics, what the basics are, what the terminology is, we have a corpse on our hands, you’re organizing a police school for her, i assigned her first, and what is our routine work going on now? she won't help us in any way, we'll see, i'm off. i’ll ask you, good afternoon, senior lieutenant perov, this is lyusya, we are talking about your bike, come in, what did you find? not yet, but if you want, i’ve already given up, old man, i even have a statement. they didn’t want to take it, how many 3 months have passed, i thought you all gave up a long time ago, but no, well, you’ll spit, we understand
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that the loss of a bicycle is an event for you, if not tragic, then extremely unpleasant, san, for me a bicycle is precious , as a memory, left from my father, well, where did you keep it, let’s go, i’ll show you, by the battery, here by the battery, i went out in the morning, but he wasn’t there, i fastened it, yes, to the bars, i always fastened it, here, yes, but there are photographs of the bicycle, now i’ll look, lord, people, this is prehistoric junk, too... that a person has a memory, i found it, this is the father, and this is
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the bicycle, he was red, father, no, barunet, thief, we
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’ll take the photo, yes, okay, just return it later, the road is like a memory, of course, there is, well, in general, as i expected, this time he acted extremely carefully, he didn’t leave any prints for us... , from which i conclude that he has criminal experience, or likes detective stories, by the way, then the spot on the cuff of the murdered woman really turned out to be a drop of blood, and the victim’s front teeth had such cracks on the veneers that either she had a bad breakfast, which of course is unlikely, hmm, or she resisted so desperately that she bit our... killer and almost lost two front teeth, yes,
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really desperate, but this, unfortunately, did not help her, when the results of the blood come, you tell me right away, if it is not the victim’s blood, then we have at least some kind of clue, and i heard here, that your beauty has come to work again, you don't care i can’t worry about anything, a dark fellow traveler is always with me... oh, don’t worry, i can’t help but worry, i’m a woman, so here’s the expert opinion, the blood on the sleeve of a murdered man, someone else’s, maybe we’ll note, stop, this is not for you , it's
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a surprise, he's a sign, i'm there by the way. mom, alexey ivanovich, how do you know that he is red-haired, who is alexey ivanovich, a cyclist, and that’s how i saw it, it’s not clear how you see it all. hello, young people, dynama is running, everyone is running, hello, my dear, i’ll be waiting at my place this evening, okay, agreed, okay, don’t forget, i’m definitely waiting for some pies or something, well, if you need anything, i’ll grab it for you, don’t worry, it
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seems to me that it wasn’t stolen by accident. the thief wanted this particular bicycle, this particular stroller for the pharaoh? for what? i don’t know why, but he directly tracked him down. do you think there was any substantive interest? there is one store that is not easy. let's go? trash you say? it is important here that the frame is in good condition, everything else, the tube, the saddle, the body kit, tenths of things, everyone decides according to their own taste, and how much it can cost, 50 thousand, if you find the right buyer,
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it’s easy to order, here the fans have their own crowd, their own, excuse me, onks, so they could easily order, but where? good afternoon, lyubov leonidovna, i’m coming to you, yeah, let it happen, what happened? no, why did it happen, but i just
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came to visit you, and where is lyosha? is lyosha at work? yeah, i'm alone, i wanted to talk. you can come in, lyosha and i. we decided to get married, we’ll wait and see, i understand that this is not entirely happy news for you, i said it myself, love, leonidova, well, let’s somehow find a common language, i tried at one time, but you didn’t need it, yes, but during this time, probably, i could somehow be
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forgiven, especially since i don’t quite understand what i did to you, listen, “we are two women who love the same man, don’t confuse love with habit, it’s just convenient for you behind his back, i understand you, very well, yes, max, hello, but tonight”? i definitely can’t, listen, i ’m a little busy right now actually, then, okay, come on, well, let’s go there, which, i think, is the one over there,
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please ask, i don’t have red-haired friends, bye, obviously is hiding something. marry me, i ’ll make a match as expected, so what, do you think they’ll accept you? i’m their semite and the daughter of a murderer,
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i haven’t written a single letter to me in all these years, you’re dating an engineer, just tell me you’ve stopped loving me, i’ll leave, styopa, why did you marry me, you don’t love me, i’ll love you, dad, that’s it’s true, you planted a bear, misha, don’t follow me, please, you have a wife, and i met someone else. two shores, premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. vodka, pechora, product of stellar group. veda vodka product. stellorр group cognac old barrel product of stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, brush his mustache. raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it. i tried. play in such a way that it’s comfortable in the frame, vanya, i’m yours forever, i didn’t know it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, it’s me, it was a very, very long time ago, tell me anything with this in a wonderful voice, you don’t have enough money to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, my children will immediately recognize this, call me, call me, i have covered so many quails, but everyone knows that i only call me, call me, come to your senses after the shock, and then answer my question, of course, only
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i can do this, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to rate us in the app, i somehow arrive in secret, in fact, you couldn’t do anything else, go and ask everyone if you’ve been hide it,
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officer, well, where, why are you bringing me here, well, you know, there’s nothing to take from me, just load him with swear words, and i don’t even take tests from me anymore, let me go, boss, what have you done, but grocery, mixed up the wine glass, someone died again, why are you dragging all sorts of nasty things here, huh? andrey, hello, andrey pavlovich, i'm zuiko, valentina zuiko, i was robbed last week, remember, hello, what happened, come in, you
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took me to a perfume store so that i could smell the cologne that was on robbers, so today i went to buy my husband, his birthday is in a week, eau de toilette, i recognized the smell, so i even bought it specially. thank you, good afternoon, good, so you're red, what are you doing, get out, help, calm down, be quiet, be quiet, and what's wrong with the big one, all in the house, all in the house, yeah. we're glad, damn it, thank you, wait, take it,
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first day at work, it's already sulovom, yes, we found a bunch of stolen bicycles from him, ours isn't there, uh, i'm not going there, hush, hush, hush, calmer, i'm standing, i'm standing , standing, like this, 157, repeat, fence chief, attention, i’m not the boss, i hear, let me out, please, sit down as you know, otherwise i would tell you about the guy who robs a woman, how do you know about him, everyone knows about him, well, these are your policemen, all the ears they were buzzing about him in the area, and i saw him, let him go, i’ll tell you where, what are you looking at, what do you want? he’s lying,
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you still need to go to bed, yes, decide, come in, there are homeless monkeys there. walks around and says that he saw a robber who attacks women, i’ll interrogate him now, don’t bother, he’s lying, he stinks, uh-huh, nothing, i’ll manage somehow, they found the bike, they found the thief, they just brought it, that’s all lyusya, she determined where to look for it, but they found the bike, this particular one isn’t there yet, well, look, maybe you can entrust the search to atlantis?
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maybe atlantis, but first the bike, it’s a matter of honor that you stand freely, there is, well, a trump card, marvelous, let’s talk about what, about life, about the weather, about youth fashion, come on, let’s agree, you’re giving me a start highway sixty-five. and i ’ll let you go home until the trial, before the trial? this is not my guy hey, we found these pedals from you for a couple of years of general use, so what? in our country there are no episodic situations, one or two bikes won’t do you any harm, we’ll conclude a pre-trial agreement, in court you’ll get conditions,
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not much. a little bit, uh-huh, look for the fool, i’ve already found it, found it, no, this one won’t say anything, uh-huh, you know, san, when i think about this bike, i’m always drawn back, well, to the area where the redhead lives , i see the house, it’s so old, maybe we can try? let's go, jorns, why, give me the newspaper, ivanich, where did the newspaper come from, i know you have it, okay, here you go, rozhdenin, and you’ll definitely let me go, and it wasn’t i who wanted to tell you something, but you, go ahead, and well, that
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means it’s settled. i’m on my bench, well, i had a cultural dinner, it’s easy to eat, and early in the morning i hear the door in the entrance slamming, but i looked out of the bushes, and there’s a big guy from the entrance rushing out of the yard, and then your guys came in large numbers with flashing lights, they say , he killed some young lady, and he looked so healthy, he also had this, don’t touch me, well, here, well, there’s a red stripe down his sleeve, yeah. where did you see him? here in the park, he's in at the end of summer i ran there every morning, now i run sometimes, can you show me where? will you forgive me a bottle of vodka? i’ll forgive you, and the sausage too, don’t be impudent, come on. where is the bicycle, i
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actually came to visit, my daughter has a stroller. it would be better if you looked for her, i look like a cyclist, excuse me, what was the apartment number before, what was the apartment number, what, thank you, you helped us a lot, i love my job, lyus, well, what the hell with this bike, i’m now i’ll slap someone, i’m already mature, besides, we were here, here’s this, here... the woman was smoking, detective,
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lucy, let's go home, and san, why are you talking about going home, hello! kolya, everyone has been sent an orientation for the villain, let them be ready, and tomorrow i invite everyone to join a healthy lifestyle, we’ll try to catch the villains’ pieces of this by six, i hope we ’ll be lucky, uniform number one, underpants , gas mask, so i’ll laugh tomorrow , and i'm hunting, number five, pillow, blankets and bed. to prevent your vacation from turning into hell, take the tests with you and diagnose yourself yourself , and vacation tests tell you about much more
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important and interesting things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. it seems to me that this is not a sin. after all, this is love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples was adored in the ussr. she turned into the queen of the satire theater. she was playing and was dressed up. i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels. recently, she rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all. we were lucky to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick. i really felt sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera make? vasilyeva, in order to play the main role, why didn’t she decide to give birth? i didn't expect anything good. she called someone else's daughter hers. when i know that she is nearby, i am not
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afraid of anything. now that vera kuzmechen has passed away, we are in the same apartment. gifts, gifts, gifts. who will now have the incredible legacy of the great vasilyeva. who will get her jewelry? we lay out these decorations so that... everyone chooses what they want. our exclusive, the last interview is the last will of the great vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov. in saturday on the first. will you be bored? well, as i will. don't forget your hat, it's cold there. “thank you very much, everything was very tasty, good for you, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you in touch, well, we inspected the attics, the roofs, everything is clean, the owner of the taxi says that
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she didn’t have any conflicts, no one didn’t grow up, that the dumplings were tired, the poplov jumped off, and in our yard on sunday on the first”? in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and my heart isn’t breaking, do you know how it breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. well, okay, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger and... .
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suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very... good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, so what? , go home, yeah, so to shall i drop by first? and then, then home, oh,
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how is it, and now i have my own apartment, can you imagine, we came in large numbers, congratulations, oh, well, for the meeting, and dad doesn’t drink now, really , as it is, really, he’s stopped? uncle horse, well done, oh well, you better tell me how it works for you in the police, yes, there’s nothing to tell yet, i only came out for the first day today, yeah, before that she helped them solve two cases, but nothing to tell, no, but you are just sherlock, our berezovsky hill, and i always said that in our city talented people live, why, because nature, oh dad, how...
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oh, look who came, what a big man came, hello, hello, max, hello, liu, max, hello, hello everyone, yes , well, nikolai mikhailovich, she was telling us how we caught bandits with her, yeah, then someone was in the hospital resting, a hero.
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okay, i have to go, but i'm waiting for you all to come to my housewarming party, thank you, bye, i'll see you off, max, wait, and have some tea, sit down, thank you very much, you know i love smoka, come on, let's do now.
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lyusya, wait, let's go, i'll take you, oh well, there's a metro around the corner, i'll get there myself, what a metro, wait, look how late it is, you never know, two people are still more fun.
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lady, i'll be there in about 20 minutes, class, will you discuss me, yes, no. i ’ll bring the medicine, here’s another cake to eat, well, off you go , i’ve already eaten two pieces, no, no, no, i bought it especially for you, eat, eat, m,
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well done, m, you have such a flower. beautiful, it’s something incredible, well, take it for yourself, without objection, i said, take it, take it, well, what’s a house without flowers, oh, yes, i have a lot of flowers in the birches, without them there’s no comfort, thank you, yeah, oh, there could be someone.
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but it wouldn’t have happened, and i think i’ll agree, be careful, leshenka, jump, jump a little bit, just a little bit, well lyosha, let’s go, beautiful flower, yes, very much, yeah, excuse me, please, this you didn’t order the chandelier, that’s right, sorry, you’ll receive it, sign for it, i completely forgot, thank you, yes, you’re welcome, all
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the best, goodbye. look, i didn’t deceive the department, it doesn’t work, uh-huh, well, the third floor is not high, uh-huh, uh-huh, oh, be careful, can you take it to the kitchen
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please, thank you very much, what do i need? maybe coffee, i make wonderful instant coffee, but no, thank you, i’ll go, well, now i simply have to invite you to the housewarming party, and the housewarming party will be held in such darkness, well, yes. and there is a screwdriver, no, there is a table knife, come on
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, higher, yeah, now the final touch, that’s it, turn it on, yes, there is, well, wow, beautiful, thank you, who is this, this is my cat, vaska, vaska , hello. so i ’m talking to him too, well, i’m just bored alone, okay, i have to go, crawl to your health. thank you very much, no problem, goodbye, will you come to
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our place, i miss you so much, no, mish, i won’t come, this is a completely different calico, not like yours, mish is a criminal, don’t you dare talk bad about him, but how would you like to meet in the evening? this is masha, my bride, we will get married, she will never set foot in my house, i don’t want to see her, i love her, we will have a child, i don’t think that naermakova replaced me, you hear, the skolchins have not calmed down, they are hiding, if you stumble a little, there's a knife in your back they’ll stick you in, whatever, cook, i ’ll do everything for you, i’ll carry you in my arms, take it, marry me, why is this bitch getting everything, and i also want happiness, many years ago my son brought you a child, he’s alive, i wonder what it would be like if you gave up your brew, misha, two
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shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, gin sheaf, product of the lar group, cognac monte shococa, product of the stellar group. rum kastra product stellor group vodka pechora product stellar group vodka vedo product stellar group for four seas for four suns and summer rains and it’s good that he doesn’t know about someone like me. i still won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course, everything that concerns you,
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everything that concerns me, god, what a man, the main thing that a man has is a propeller. fantastic on friday at the first, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema. the finger is a dream quality for any artist. incompatible, he an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting
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to watch him, he holds the frame, you haven’t thought of changing your profession yet, no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he could do so much for the cinema, for my country, on the shore where i have never been, the traces of my feet in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puski pales, when i ’m gone, on sunday on the first, come on guys, get ready, that’s it. everything is getting closer,
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everyone, attention, we’re working, guys, be quiet, hold on, hold on, quietly, tell the police, igor is strange, always sullen, unsociable, have there been any conflicts with neighbors? no, no, this didn’t happen, then who will mess with him, he has a fist like a sledgehammer, with his wife, what kind of relationship did they have, marry her, she looks into his mouth, everything is for him. thank you, if anything happens, we will contact you. tell me, evgenia, you are a housewife,
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you don’t work anywhere, your husband. igor, he recently found a part-time job, you don’t need to go there often, but it pays you regularly, you’ve started to cope, but what kind of work is it? i don't know i i once asked him, but he brushed it off, he’s very proud, maybe it’s something unprestigious, i don’t know, all the victims identified this particular brand of decologne, yeah. does he leave for work in the morning? yes, he, he is a former athlete, a boxer, he runs in the morning. andrey, no, you don’t think it’s him, he’s never taken someone else’s property, and he doesn’t have any other real estate, an apartment, a dacha, no, uh-huh, well, well, i’m making an inventory, now he won’t get away with it, so here
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’s how.. so, they stole bicycles to order, or altered them beyond recognition, sold through different sites, i must admit that we found the thieves thanks to lyusya, alyosha, well, we need to involve our new employee, she has a real instinct, she sees everything like an x-ray, you are free, guys, yes, of course. thank you, lyosha, what do you have for the robber? they took everything normally, they found a hiding place in the house, there were things and jewelry there, yes, adikolon, the smell of which the victims heard, so we can cope, without x-rays, well, leave it alone, let’s
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get serious, take it with you for interrogation, free! eat, hurt, normal, tell me why you i was fired from my last job, my boss. you didn’t get along in character, you broke his nose, it’s your own fault, so it turns out that you were fired from all your jobs for having a hot temper, right? this happened a long time ago, it hardly concerns anyone, well, i didn’t say that, all this characterizes you as an unrestrained person, as i see, very aggressive,
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yeah, but who do you have a criminal record, a fight, yes. it has long been extinguished, tell me, citizen sazonova antonina mikhailovna, whom you attacked on the third of this month, you broke your decision to leave without a mother two young children, well, what do you say about this, boss, citizen, boss, you need to close the case, look for the lah, unfortunately for you, fortunately for us, things that were taken were found in your home. dead, this is nonsense, you smoke at home, i don’t smoke at all, i can’t even stand smoke, duty officer! let's go,
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so what do the spirits tell us, it's not him, which means it's not him, it's not him, first of all your homeless person is lying. now it’s not him, we have all the evidence, the killer smokes, excuse me, yes, max, hi, i’m already leaving, i can be free, i’ll be very grateful to you gratefully, thank you, robbery.
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artyukhov, of course, is not a professor, but he’s also not an idiot , he’ll rob in the same thing he runs around in, haven’t you met many idiots in your practice, among them every second person thinks that we won’t catch him, he ’s got brains there won’t be enough of us , they found the loot, lesh, don’t be wise, let’s tell the prosecutor’s office, okay, i’ll do it tomorrow, your guesses are pure nonsense of my poems, you didn’t penetrate, it’s good that now we can
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try together, max, we just came for dinner, okay , fine. do you like it here? now you and i let's try the sawdust salad. lyusya, lyusya, wait, lyusya, what happened, nothing,
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wait, we were sitting so well, you suddenly lose your temper, max, i’m sorry, i just need to be alone, okay, i’m sorry, i don’t understand, but if you want, we’ll go to another restaurant, i don’t want to, let’s calm down, that’s all for me, i’m maxya, it’s just all very difficult, you know, can you explain? that it’s hard, i don’t understand anything, please explain to me, these two are at the table, they shouldn’t be together today, why, she’s going to die, girl, everything is fine with you, wait, guys, i beg you, you you can’t be together today, in what sense? go home, okay, please, please, go home, mish, let's go, i don't
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want to listen to this, listen to me, go home, please. hello to the program. time about the most notable events of this day. the marathon is over, the exhibition is russia, the heritage is unique, their family budget, maternity capital, mortgage, vladimir’s important statement.


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