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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 8, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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“if you don’t trust me, then don’t, no, since you voted, the issue is resolved, varya, a worthy candidate, that’s right, well, well, mash, it’s time to go home, it’s so strange, you are now my husband, why is it strange, i don’t know, denis, denis, don’t, get ermakov for my uncle! denis, don’t, that’s enough,
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someone help, someone help, please help, well, disperse, guys, get away from the yas, yourself. you were, come on, calm down, stop, denis, let me hit you, let’s flow! ok, it hurts, maxim, he should write a statement, no need, i’ll sort it out myself, grandpa, but what about you? alis, no, i had to stand
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and watch, more than zakharich, no, it’s bearable, it was worse, walk away like little hands, okay, i, well , why did you get into a fight, i’m like you, well, like a little girl, it hurts, come on , i ’ll walk you home, it’s not enough. what are you doing, uh-huh, oh, irka, when you introduce me to your son-in-law, i’ll introduce you, if i can help you with anything, the house for specialists is not all occupied, you’re the chairman. bear, you give me an apartment, but do you
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have nowhere to live? no, give it up, huh how are you suggesting that i organize my life, and i’m actually not 17, so you’d be ashamed to hide around the corners, but why should i be ashamed, i’m ugly in the sakuni, it seems, and in general this is a normal human desire, i’m like a postal worker i have a complete one. i have the right to have my own home, i can’t give what people will say, misha, either you write me a warrant yourself, or i’m in a vacant apartment, i’ll break the lock, i’ll take it, and you’ll throw me out of there along with the mill into the street,
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everything that concerns you , everything that concerns me, god, what a man, and i want, the main thing that a man must have is a propeller, fantastic. on friday at
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the first, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the division’s political department, colonel ramzin, he’s generally a man of army bearing, he doesn’t need to. but for my country, on that shore where i have never been, my footprints are in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalets, when i’m gone, on sunday on the first.
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happiness is, first of all, internal harmony, i feel like a happy person, then when i live here now, clean air makes me happy, sunny weather, when a person trusts another, when he does not change him and accepts him for who he is, for me, happiness is the health of my children, grandchildren and the well-being of my country, for me russia is everything, this is no longer for me... nothing it is necessary, i wish all families a family year, and be happy, do not be afraid to have children, may you have a lot of them, i have four, happiness and love, never lie, love your children and believe in them.
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well, nothing, it suits me, just great, marya, you are amazing, thank you, really, heels are uncomfortable, what can you do, beauty requires sacrifice, yes, and i’ll take it, i’m not now, don’t, please pack your old dress, and you can go in this, i suggest we go straight to the restaurant, let’s celebrate your high appointment, no, you know, i don’t go to a restaurant, okay, then ice cream in the park and the theater, well , this program suits me, oh, really, i wanted to go to the hairdresser, great, let’s make
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adjustments to the program, beauty, ice cream, art. but please, thank you, thank you for the wonderful day, when will we see you again, i don’t know, somehow, i great time, thank you very much. yes, but i have a lot to do, i understand, yes, now it’s especially a lot, both domestic and social, it’s good that you understand, goodbye, i’ll wait, cooking. back,
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alexey ivanovich, you go, and i ’ll walk, i still have things to do here, i’ll spend the night at the specialists’ house, and tomorrow after lunch you’ll pick me up, i understand, come on, girls, now, now. oh, man, god just sent you there, lyubk, do you hear your prayers, screw in a light bulb for us, of course, let's go, hello, here you go, you
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i accidentally broke my shoe. hold it. ready, thank you, savior, drink to my housewarming with me, we’ll be neighbors, well, i’m not really a neighbor, sometimes i sleep like that if i’m late. rarely, and i’m glad that it’s rare, let’s drink, i suggest it for a drink.
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you know, there's not enough bed. the kids sleep in twos, this is incomprehensible, 10 years have passed since the war, and still there are more orphans, look, you tell me exactly how much is needed, i will try to help, but what about your supplies? they provided us with cereals, but there are not enough eggs and milk, and meat, of course, i i’ll talk to our chairman, i think we’ll solve this, oh, that would be good, we need toys, notebooks. “hello, sketchbooks, and colored pencils, well, there’s just a shortage, everything
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that is allocated flies away, mom, mom, take me home, mom, i want to go home, take it, take it, my, mom, take me home, take it, i want it, why don’t you look after the children, i want to go home, take it, take it, mom, take it, take it, mom, mom, take me, i was lonely, without a husband or relatives, no one, that yes, he doesn’t remember his mother, she died in childbirth, but he rushes to everyone like that, no, only to you, i don’t even know what came over him, but don’t pay attention, he’ll forget, children forget quickly. do you often have children adopted? you
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know, after that they came often, but now they come less and less often. what is needed for this? certificate from work about living conditions and characteristics. so we can help with meat and milk? yes.
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“you just said, there’s not enough heart for everyone, and am i worse than others, or something, he’s everyone’s child, varka already has a grandson, and i’m still alone, well done, that’s right, take the girl, otherwise we have just boys."
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let's go, who is this? this, this is my son. tolik, do you want some seeds? i’m hungry, so let’s come home and i’ll cook some potatoes for you. in the meantime, chew on it, auntie, where is my mother? tolik, come here, tolik, now i, your mother, you understand, uh-huh, certificates and characteristics, when i can
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pick him up, barbarian palatona, you want to take the child, yes, tolik, the one who cried. remember why you didn’t tell us earlier that you wanted to adopt him? and what? so he was taken from your collective farm just this morning, woman. now, here is ermakova, irina zakharovna, have you read it? maybe you should look at someone else? no, i, i just wanted that well, the main thing is that he now has a family, yes, that’s the main thing, you’re asking for it to happen that way, yes, yeah, there’s a big game on the air. what kind of world do we
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live in? sometimes it's not so easy to figure it out. today , indian prime minister narendra modi arrived in moscow and called putin his friend. actually, it is normal that when you fly to another country to negotiate, it is normal to say something positive about the leader of the country you are visiting. but in the world in which we live, and... taking into account the logic of the collective west, even such a normal manifestation of civilization, well, in general, requires a certain courage, viktor orban unexpectedly flew to moscow before this, it’s even worse there, and it’s even worse there, because firstly,
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hungary is a member of nato, and secondly, he once called russia sympathetically, but at the same time called it “ encouraging, and this shows, well, if you want, that our world is not completely lost. on the other hand, tomorrow an organization called nato is meeting in washington, it was created as a defensive alliance in 1949, during the years of truly
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serious confrontation, when the soviet union was a completely different country. with a different policy, with different leaders, well, if you want, you have to admit with other possibilities, because the soviet union then liberated then controlled a significant part of europe, and somehow it happened that nato, which was created in order to contain the soviet union and soviet allies, at least somehow .
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behave this way, in the end, in the end they forced russia to answer its challenge russian challenge and is really facing today, but...
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to finish off a dog that has fallen into the water. our former partners had such an opportunity in the same nineties, they decided not to do this, according to the principle, it will die, it will not die, on the contrary, it will come to life and insist on recognizing its equality, at least in balance sheets, in various kinds of international balance sheets. this is the simplest answer, it seems to me , but a more complex one, after all, probably, as for nato, of course, in the presence of yevgeny petrovich, general buzhinsky, i somehow it’s probably not right to discuss
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anything related to nato, but it seems to me that the position that you outlined in your introduction is not connected at all with the behavior of russia, with the internal logic of the development of this military alliance itself , they simply with inexorable logic moved towards... they say, here we are, we are against everyone, and it ’s not only, or rather, against all our enemies, and it’s not just about russia, in general it will be interesting to see how this nato summit will end, but for now, in any case, everything it’s getting to the point where we’re discussing condemning, and moreover, stigmatizing, it’s not just russia that will be taken away, but some kind of bloc where russia could be second, and china, china, russia, north korea and iran first. here they are the enemies, here are the outcasts, here we are the forces, the forces of light, fighting against the forces of darkness, you know, much more distant than the eighties, the years
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you outlined were such a political, to some extent ironic verse, like two different poles, in we are hostile to everyone, we fight for light and peace, and below for the kingdom of darkness, but then it is clear who was the kingdom of darkness and who fought for light and peace, right now exactly. the same thing, but only with the opposite sign, this apparently explains the change in nato’s behavior, the extreme, last remark, but which, i would say, has such an essential meaning, after all, nato is the north atlantic, once again, north atlantic treaty, that is, it limited the scope of its action to the zone of the north atlantic and adjacent to them, now, again, due to the inexorable logic of its ... internal development, it has moved to the east, now it is already declaring a zone, while may not be their responsibility, here again, knowledgeable
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people should still say, but the zone of interest to them, where they carry out their policies, is a much larger space, and today it is no longer even the pacific ocean, as they say, but the indo-pacific region, that’s probably it, general, do you know very well what happened?
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two army corps, the fifth and seventh, a whole number of regional commands were reduced, uh, in general, the americans, frankly speaking,
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uh, well, began, i wouldn’t say lose interest, but in any case they somehow cooled down to this organization, because the enemy really disappeared, but nevertheless, of course, there were people in america who in no way accepted the idea that nato could, so to speak, disintegrate or self-destruct, i’ll tell you, the most exotic options were considered , to the point that...
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it has finally become, i would even say that now the situation is worse than during the cold war, because nato openly and doctrinally already considers us its enemy, which must be contained, which it is desirable to completely dismember and destroy, during the period of the soviet union such tasks were not set doctrinally, there was a question of simply containment, now they have gone further conceptually and doctrinally. that what documents will be adopted at tomorrow's summit, we will see, but i think that ukraine will be mainly discussed there, and well, naturally, china and russia will not go anywhere, but basically it will be ukraine in all its aspects, so i think that everything, all the forces that were withdrawn from europe are gradually returning, the fifth army.
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after practically in europe, uh, there are plans for the further transfer of american forces, especially to the eastern flank, so we came to that natural end, which, in fact, i think we should have come to, because otherwise we should have just , well, to put it in completely everyday language, lie down with the americans and recognize their leading role in this world and abandon our national goals. well, fortunately, we have not come to the end yet, in general, i know your position, the others who stand at this table, in general, we proceed from the fact that the end can still be completely avoided, but before, before we talk about what can be done about this and where, something can be done, i want to ask you, you spoke several times
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in ... in the program in other places that we are dealing with today, but if you want, with a combination of civil war in ukraine, patriotic war for russia, yeah. what does this mean in practice? well, i’ll dare to argue with you, at the beginning of the program you said that we live in a strange world. in my opinion, we can say that we still live in war, and this war, when i said in a strange world, you understand that i used the spelling world in another conte, well, a lion, a tolstoy lion, he thought, put it in the title,
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pretend, the beginning of the nineties, i’m fine i remember i went to the united states, held aspin dialogues in colorado, together with the same beautiful-hearted idealists from the american side, then indeed, after they did not believe in positive efforts,
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yes, the soviet union did not exist, and it was the impression that full, complete the opportunity to live in a new, unfamiliar, brilliant world, but i will say that even then... now, in general, this has been proven by all sorts of memoirs, testimonies, everything else, there was a point of view that has not yet been challenged publicly, but in the bunker a completely different atmosphere reigned, in the bunker where decisions are made, in the national security council or somewhere else, it was prevalent to finish off the enemy in his lair, to ensure that never again, what period are you talking about, i ’m talking about the nineties, already in the nineties, already in the nineties and from here everything under the clinton administration.
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we understood, but you never know what will happen in russia someday, we need to be at russia’s throat at this moment so that it cannot change the deck and behave differently in some way, so in this case we are talking about institutional opponents, who have not gone anywhere and who are simply now acting in a revelation, believing that they can take advantage of this situation where we are now, explain your own description of the situation.
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tighten it up as much as possible, prolong this war, now there are some attempts to prematurely or unsuccessfully give birth to a child of peace, because there are those who, like orban, want to stop. significant destruction on russian territory, which will push russia to withdraw
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from this operation, this is what we are talking about, in my opinion, today, and of course, there is a lot of competition unfolding, the fact that the same hungarian prime minister managed to travel to russia, to china, of course, he has largely created a problem for those who will gather there in washington tomorrow for this anniversary session, because he withdrew from...
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better conditions at the negotiating table, this is
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one explanation, another explanation is that they want to take advantage of the kiev regime in order to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, which will at least put an end to russia as a great power . what do you think? well, i think that both are true, they are just different stages of the same process. in fact, konstantin fedorovich has already said about this. the ultimate goal, and it is no longer hidden, is the destruction of russia, well, maybe not physical destruction, not smearing, as they say, because this is impossible, we are a nuclear country, ultimately somewhere, someday we will simply be forced to respond if things come to this situation, well, in this, well, more gentle mode, allowing, at least according to their calculations, to avoid a nuclear conflict, yes, first defeat russia on... the battlefield, bargain for themselves, for the ukrainian
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side, for the american side, well, let’s take this ukrainian side as a decoration, more profitable negotiation conditions, as soon as things come to the point that various kinds of voices proposing certain negotiations there, in one form or another, will probably sound louder and louder and maybe even, as they say, the number of countries in that camp that to these very negotiations. they call, well, the second thing is yes, it is that in this way, in the end, the issue is not resolved in one day, not in one sitting, it is decomposed into certain stages, this is the advanced stage, yes, this is the strengthening of the ukrainian regime, this education, cultivation of such an open threat to russia, which ultimately, after some time, will again allow us to return to trying to achieve the goal we are talking about, i mean the strategic goal, but as for what they want or
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wanted to see russia, i would simply refer, in my opinion, i even did this already to such a short passage from the memoirs of the deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia then in the first half of the nineties, anatoly leonidovich adamishin, because when complications began in the former time at that time in yugoslavia, well , the approximate year is our 94... the americans at first, i repeat once again, this is written by a person who participated in these processes, were simply surprised, they did not understand what was happening, well, how can this be, we but now that’s it, we are no longer enemies, well, we are, if not allies, then at least like-minded people, so why do you have the desire to object to us in general, that’s
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what this was all about, i’ll never forget the conversation, which i had in the second half of the nineties with strobe talbot.
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that varontsov expected that the new russia would be taken into account, just as the soviet union had recently been considered, and it seemed, well, what is this, well , if not a problem with vorontsov’s character, then at least that it’s a blast, okay, let’s change the subject, general, it starts tomorrow nato summit dedicated. the summit will be held in washington, i assume that the leader of the world, joe biden, will be at the head, you know that last week he explained that there is no point in even questioning his intellectual abilities, because he
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rules the world, it’s not that he made it clear, he just clearly said, i rule the world, well... i think everyone has the idea of ​​exclusivity in their subcortex, what will happen? i repeat once again that i think that the main topic, of course, will be ukraine, and even things that do not directly concern ukraine, it would seem, well, such a funny plot, one of the issues will be the creation of a separate
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command that will coordinate the provision of military assistance to ukraine once. a command is being created, which means this it is imagined that the conflict will last for at least years, and what will happen after the end of the conflict will last for a decade. the plot, of course, is very funny, because, as the europeans explain, the idea of ​​​​creating such a command arose from them, although this is not true, the idea arose from chairman brown, so that, apparently, austin was simply tired of presiding over these. i sat like in ramstein, well, maybe my health doesn’t allow it, maybe i’m just tired, but nevertheless, the europeans believe that this is some kind of insurance against trump’s coming to office president, it’s very funny, because firstly, all this will be created in wiesbadan, as we say, there is
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an american army aviation base in wiesbadan, i think that it will be created on their territory, at least on their infrastructure, representation of this team, that is , such a powerful bureaucratic structure, well paid, this is what is called in english jub protection - these are jobs - this is sacred, but... the most interesting thing is what the europeans think, given that 80% of the assistance provided is american
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assistance, that they can somehow, so to speak, firstly, a manage american assistance, b, that they can somehow influence this process, and c, what if trump comes and becomes the president of the united states, he can simply cover up this matter, cover it up in what way, simply say that the americans are not participating in this, do you want to create it? but ukraine, it will receive this so -called mission, it will receive help, it will be promised something, no, no, no, no
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promise, yes, they are now forming the final declaration, i think, is already 99% complete, the only thing, well , judging by the open press, the only thing is that they still can’t come up with something else to insert into this text, so as not to promise anything to... ukraine, but confirm the inevitability, so to speak, of ukraine joining nato. well, i remember bucharest, the eighth year, when merkel and sarkozy, in fact, were stubborn about providing ukraine and georgia with plans to prepare for membership, they simply stubbornly said, no, gandalisa rice was there, uh, well, i wasn’t in the room , of course, there these tvs are big, uh. rushed between the german and french delegations, pounded the table with her fist, finally got it
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to be written there that ukraine and georgia would be members of nato, they even used a verb in english instead of pitchfork to give it, so to speak, more weight from my point of view, but now we need to write something like this again, so as not to promise anything specifically, because ukrainians. plus it doesn’t work, decisions will probably be made to strengthen the group, especially on
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the eastern flank, it’s the americans in this, so to say, they are not interested, it will be done, as for these plans of stoltenberg, to indicate specific amounts, there are 40 billion annually or 100 billion one-time, this will not work, because the main europeans are not ready for this, well, the united states is not ready for this either.
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simple, all this is very interesting, but what do we care about, but now we’re moving on to advertising. “let’s
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put an end to our miserable situation, but we feel good together, listen, i’m reliable, i earn good money, but she still won’t marry you, but well, she loves misha all her life, my brother, we found our hay, i told you, we need a reliable place, i know for sure that this is your doing, you will go to court with me, skolchin, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program time" "making this mistake, what? there is a big game on the air, it so happens that
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elections are taking place in a significant number of the main states of the collective west, changes are possible in the united... states, elections will only be in november, but the election campaign is already in full force, usually it begins, by and large , only in september, but now due to it is unclear whether president biden is capable of running, much less governing the state, as if america is absorbed in this election topic. what do you think from the point of view of russia's interests? this is what we just discussed.
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they mainly think that i won’t make it, they need to stop trump, no matter what it takes , maybe they have some kind of plan in their back pocket how they will still remove trump from this race, because of the courts, because -for something else, but in the end, sometimes they shoot not only at presidents, but at candidates for presidents, this also cannot be discounted, so maybe they are inspired by this, but at the same time they believe that... we must continue to pretend that biden is a candidate who can defeat trump, especially since he has already defeated him, since the previous presidential campaign, and there are others who say, we can’t do anything anyway, joe, and they are just considering different options, such a cursory examination of different options has led to the fact that there seem to be no options, any
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other candidates, currently according to polls they... trump loses if biden leaves this election campaign. the only one, as far as i understand, is michelle obama, who herself doesn’t want to, or doesn’t want to, or will win... the elections, and you know, the simplest answer that we always give, and i most often give, is that both are worse , both for us
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, the amount does not change from changing the words, because on the issue of attitude towards russia, there is a general agreement that russia needs to try to inflict defeats, but the devil is in the details, biden’s defeat despite all the fact that we are not we can definitely expect from trump. anything, of course, causes a wave of comments, causes a wave of fears, causes all sorts of returbations, which during this period may well be beneficial to us, i do not exclude this, another thing is that trump himself will come into force in the event of a victory, with with all my complexes and problems, with my seven beatings in one fell swoop, that is, i will solve everything, i will immediately stop everything and so on, this is what will come... to deal with, and this can also be dangerous in itself, given trump’s unpredictability and the fact that he is his own foreign policy dinner, when he cooks it, he gives it to others, his
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assistants, advisers, here we have already found out, in my opinion, that these advisers and assistants, firstly, are unknown to anyone, and secondly, when they finally become known, it turns out that these are not at all the people we expected in this post, like bolton, for example, who was trump's national security adviser, so here... material from one of the respected us american experts, who several times spoke very intelligently on this program, and he is really against
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the united states getting too carried away in support of ukraine. yeah, but here i developed my thoughts further, we need to immediately start testing nuclear weapons, we need to.


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