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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 9, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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support for ukraine further developed his thoughts, we need to immediately start testing nuclear weapons, we just need to make a breakthrough in the field of missile defense systems. the united states is behind russia, the united states is behind russia in the hypervelocity weapon categories.
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in the internal political situation during the dawn of oligarchic capitalism in the nineties, the following line was adopted among the oligarchs: to visit in order to make friends. these are the people who actually advise this, but how do they differ from kissinger, who before agreeing on peace with vietnam, he organized carpet bombers of laos and cambodia to show what we can generally do with you, and then we will negotiate, the same thing, it seems to me, no, well, i can do it in...
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more moreover, they even reached the point of heresy, they had a very long discussion about whether they needed the ground component of the triad, and what is it, so to speak, a one-time weapon, we have submarines, bombers, that’s enough for us, not only that, that the sentinel program is inviolable, they they also raise the question that they need mobile soil complexes, which they never had, it was only... they never laid claim to it, they don’t have any, so to speak, developments in this regard, but everything is crammed there like that , so to speak, well, not just to confront russia and china, and they understand that this, so to speak, will provoke a nuclear arms race, not only in russia, in china, but will also provoke a race to build up the nuclear potential of north korea, south korea too japan will think about its nuclear... potential
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germany will think about it, that is, the complete collapse of the entire non-proliferation system, that is, such a very interesting document, you can talk about it for a long time, but in short, this is a departure from all agreements, the collapse of the entire nuclear arms control system without any prospects of return and a sharp increase , in general, the lower the expectations in moscow, the better it will be, the better it will be... the situation with trump’s appearance in the white house, if he appears, because otherwise it might turn out, that’s what they fought for, that’s why all the peacekeepers in the united states are terribly afraid of seeming soft, ideology, yes, god forbid, in the opposite direction you can go there more and more harshly towards russia, god forbid, the slightest step in the other direction is all, you are an agent of putin, okay . ideologies, well
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, elections have just ended in england, the conservatives received a crushing defeat, the libirists came to power, from your point of view , senator, will there be any changes in english foreign policy? well everyone is an expert in great britain, on european affairs they say that it is not expected, you just know, there is nowhere to change, there is no country in which they could change, but i would say a little about something else: look, in england , generally little-known people came to power people who are little known on a european scale, not to mention, as they say all over the world, we often heard the names for the first time of those who are appointed ministers, who will now actually govern great britain, in france, well, there’s just confusion instead of music, in a different way, you probably can't tell at all it is unknown who will head the government, because a certain left-wing bloc won, well, i won’t go deeper, of course. why
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is there such a turmoil, against this background, look at what is happening, as they say, on the other flank, on rendro mode, who arrived in moscow today and, in fact, is already negotiating. “hello, dear president putin, my dear friend, this is such phraseology, and at the same time...” putin was recently elected to his post and has, as they say, his entire cadence ahead, and sidzenping began his third term as chairman of the people's republic of china, and norendro modi headed the government for the third time in early june,
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elections were held in loksaphu, the lower house of the indian parliament, a government was formed, in which key positions were again occupied by well-known people, ministerial positions. videos with trump, yes, this is my purely external and personal impression, but it feels like he looks better than in 2016, when he was first elected president, these are just some kind of miracles cosmetic this very medicine or i don’t know what, which is completely powerless
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to do anything, well, or almost powerless with biden, look at the slogan, trump came with the slogan make america great again, yes. this magician, here he also flashes keep america great, yes, that is, let america continue to be great, but the new save america has attracted attention, that is, it’s time to just save america, in general, the slogans of american election campaigns, they are interesting, this is for special research, that is, it turns out such a completely mysterious alignment of forces on the world chessboard, so we don’t know where all this will lead, but what...
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another thing is that in france the election results are that they are not, this is not the end of the political crisis as a result of the elections, on the contrary, the crisis has acquired a new form, because now it is beginning to take on, yes, in the second round it was possible to unite on a completely unprincipled basis against the national front, the right, in this case the macronovskys or the centrists and the left, but now another threat arises: now the left has moved forward with its result, as a result, all three forces do not have the ability to form a government on their own without partners based on the number of votes, this is what the situation will be, what will happen to these centrists if they continue flirting with
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the left to the detriment of the right , i think that some centrists will simply step aside, because this is not typical for macronists or centrists. to block like this on a long-term basis with former or current members of the communist party in the ranks this new movement is melanchot. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes, the left has become right, and the right has become left, here's chaos instead of music. will you be bored? well, when i’m there, don’t forget your hat, it ’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, hello, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you in touch, well,
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we checked the attics, the roofs, everything is clean, the owner of the taxi says that she didn’t have any conflicts, no one gave birth, that the dumplings were boring? jumped off, and in our yard on sunday on the first. there is a big game on the air, when the nato summit begins tomorrow, i think we can predict that two seemingly incompatible things will happen simultaneously: first, they will talk about the need to provide ukraine with the maximum possible support, give more money, give more weapons. give more technical expertise and so on and so on and so on, at the same time they will
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say that no, nato is not a participant in this war, we simply support the victim of aggression in accordance with the un charter, and no claims to we cannot be, and no response to us, especially a forceful response to us from russia, cannot even be assumed, not only not...
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no, this is absolutely true, that’s what characterized the last week, that a whole series of such strikes on the airfield network of ukraine, in particular on the airfield in mirgorod, this is a key jump airfield in the territory of central ukraine, from which there is no permanent grouping, but sorties are carried out in order, well , firstly, to use their bombs,
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i think that with this also needs to end. thank you. i want to say that zelensky has just signed another standard agreement regarding...
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responded in case this really happens, that is, it will be about the fact that polish missiles from polish territory will shoot down those targets that are the reason for us to launch them at ukraine, that is, poland in this way, through this the back door is entering hostilities, and it is necessary, in this case, in case this happens, to actually call a spade a spade and react accordingly, exactly...
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the so-called exit strategy, an exit strategy, in a word, is a whole complex of very complex decisions that should be prepared not under the influence of emotions, but under the influence of, well, quite, as they say, conscious actions, and it seems to me that sergeyevich lavrov’s statement to a certain extent reflects precisely this approach, that we are not talking about desire, you know, but maybe, so to speak, to fight back blow for blow, namely...
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we know history, and we know that yes, there is a danger of succumbing to provocation, on the other hand, but the great patriotic war taught us that there is another danger, to ignore the growing escalation, to transfer the initiative to the enemy and pay
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a high price for it. i am sure that in the leadership circles in moscow they will look and will be able to find it. the right balance, it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is the maestro, ilya overbukh, ilya, hello, hello, first of all, thank you for inviting me. because i always look with pleasure, it’s such a calm time at night when you you really dig deep for sincere answers, everyone here in this chair
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opens up very much, and i was waiting for this invitation, honestly, when it came, i pushed everything out there, immediately jumped up, now the federation pays a lot of attention to the development of the artistic side of skating among athletes, that is in principle, now you have a clear field for activity. there are a lot of requests, a lot of coaches are asked, they call and ask to put on programs? well, quite a lot, quite a lot, and in general i’m so proud that there are many programs, sports in general programs with which the guys won , including when zhenya medvedeva and i collaborated, just two of her years, when she became a two-time world champion, we did all the programs, with yuli lepnitskaya there was a program, bear kolida, with a couple. .. with ice dancing, mucus tuktamysheva, we did sports programs and many artistic programs, and this of course, well
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, the main thing is to find this character, in principle, well, almost everything i worked with dima aliyev, but of course i would like to maybe with mark kadratyuk too, because the guy is very artistic, he directly feels the world, we are very similar to him, this is his charisma, but for now we are the only ones who have left exactly like that. demonstration dances, now the international figure skating federation is just thinking about moving from technical complications to artistic ones, how do you feel about this, about this initiative? well , of course i should advocate, i should of course shout, that yes, yes, because figure skating is eternal, yes it is a sport and an art, i i still think that this is... a story connected with the exorbitant level of jumps, it certainly excites and delights people more than these moments of art,
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even take the fantastic breakthrough of our girls, when our girls jumped, these endless quadruple jumps , and this is the struggle of quadruple jumps, anyway, we talked first of all about this, when everything comes together, when it really is not just gymnastics, well, in terms of execution, when it also fits into a single image. for example, probably from programs that i’m not there staged, but i consider it absolutely there, this is bolerov aleev, yes, well, you can simply admire this program endlessly, when every jump is organic, this is of course the highest story, everyone dreams of this, but if you still compare, then probably still the technique of the elements wins the interest, why are you, being a director from god, always talking about the dances, commenting on the dances?
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and honestly, on the other hand, no one, as i said, no one is inviting me, yes, if, of course, they invited me in senitsa, but who was would be happy, then the couple generally look at them, just, just do the running and you already get aesthetic pleasure, because well, they are both absolutely handsome guys, and of course, this is such material, but i’m just doing it publicly so that sasha doesn’t think, that i would sit him there, i directly ask, let me do a demonstration dance with them, what if i offered it to you?
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of course, it’s hunger and thirst, well, really, honestly , not for money, but the thirst to be with everyone and with both of them and to show your versatility of your talent, of course, it comes out of you, but this year i realized that, due to the fact that i had quite a lot of numbers, i missed some things, did not have time to finish watching them, for example, working with your students, at your taras morozov school, for me dissatisfaction remained here, i didn’t finish it, well... i didn’t see it, i didn’t wait, it was still possible to do it in such a way that if there was already this idea, then it had to be conveyed, or vice versa, as i did
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in the previous season with lesha yagudin, when... we actually did a dance, like me it seems like this, no one has ever seen him, it was the blues, it was such a sophisticated story, we tried to make humor with the sounds there, so he makes this humor, i sit, there are 2 days left, and i say, lyokha, this is complete, it’s simple, it’s impossible to watch, it’s not humor, it’s a failure, and we start sitting and getting up all night, but the planning is stupid, at first no, well, how long has everyone gone over again, then on miki toba, but then i understand that anyway, it’s like that somewhere, those elements that were already typed... the elements, as you understand, that were there, we changed came here, and by the morning the picture had taken shape, and i realized that that’s it, there would be no questions here, he and lyosha, when they understand, everything works out, i didn’t have that kind of time, that’s when you’re just already driving here, when there’s nowhere to retreat , you're going, you should have looked, perhaps you should have just said, so this is all postponed, now there is another option, and even more so with their professionalism it was possible, because of this race, because of what happened there are a lot of numbers, i
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would... you think, if there is one like this, right here, where you can tell yourself everything, but in one couple, but i would give up all the rest, well, we are just looking for ways to neutralize alexei yagudin, because not everyone is happy with his constant victories, but i repeat that for me it is lionel messi, who will receive the golden ball every year, maybe we will succeed after all, thank you for actually talking about the fact that you can win more than once, lyosha, for real.
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topic so that he can talk and tell and take away, i think that lyosha should beautifully give the opportunity to others to win next year, he showed perfectly himself, he’s above the fray, or maybe he was just distracting you so that other masterpieces wouldn’t work out, well, he wasn’t distracting, i don’t think that’s what he was like, he just wanted it, he really really really wanted this
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story, basically so it turned out that...
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you touch such a serious literary source, such a hero, this is a very difficult dangerous and responsible path, so you only i understand, at the beginning of this path, i wish you success in comprehending this path, because knowledge and translation of these highest ideas into yours art, on your technique, this is a very difficult and long path. i wish you success, and now i want to say my opinion, i gave alexei yagudin one point, victoria senitsin and nikita kasalapov two points, and i gave three points to elizaveta tamysheva, here lyosha took those points when it was already clear that that’s all, and that’s just it, but in general i want to say,
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here’s how the person who, well... puts it, i just bow deeply for the jury, which has already been sitting on the russian cart for 2 years in a row, this is fantastic, i appreciate everything 16. boris eifman never managed to get the jury of the summer period, although we constantly did this, because this is of course such a peak, it’s just enough, of course alla segalova is outstanding and the actors are everything, well for me , of course, i try to look at everything with my eyes boris eifman, but for me this is such a supreme comerton. tragic numbers or lyrical ones, they are much better. those that are in demand by judges and spectators are evaluated more than performances that are cheerful, positive, cheerful, maybe, what topic would you suggest for the next russian challenge, to satisfy everyone, so that this scale
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at least swings, okay, not standing level, but not weighing in one direction, this is the eternal problem of the ice age project, dramatic numbers always win over life-affirming numbers, so, there are funny ones. therefore , since i direct the entire episode myself, and even when, despite the fact that sasha zhulin is working, we still do, i say that there should be at least two life-affirming numbers, so that in total i have two, you have two, we have to be four numbers about positive, so that the whole episode looks alive, you can just roll dance, you can just, i don’t know, do some kind of cheerful cossack dance, i affirm a lot of life.
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installations, we support funny numbers, we support something, after all, i brought it to light, whose program did you like from those that you did not have a hand in in this russian challenge of this year? well, this is , of course, masha flying with a hedgehog in the fog, because again, well, again, it’s a dramatic number, but these words, this message is certainly like...
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i pay a lot of attention, and why did you take her hand
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? hold, let go, no, rudely, again, again badly, we stand for a long time, we look, it’s all very... stand, wait, the amateur is in a hurry, they really want to quickly put a thousand elements into one second. today our guest is a man, without whom figure skating would probably
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not exist in russia, ilya verbukh, i’ll go back a little a few steps back, because i really wanted to ask you about one thing. usually, when an athlete finishes, it’s gradually, that is, it’s already resting on his laurels, with rare exceptions. so that after the olympic games they can skate better than they did even in sports, well, i’ll say this now, no, this happens to many people, well, i think that tatyana navko and roman kostomarov skated better after sports than they skated in sports , and they have an outstanding free program, and carmen, and an oriental, oriental program, but still there was a lot of sports there, just like that when they came out and... you couldn’t take your eyes off it, by the feeling, by
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the fullness, when they don’t renounce lovingly, these are the show performances that we all remember very well , which before my eyes, for me, navkostamarov skated an order of magnitude higher than they skated in sports, few do, to me, i would probably sharpen the question here a little differently, if possible, but we have a certain feeling, for some reason many skaters, i have something to do with them in this regard. big claim, as a person who conducts a large number of ice shows, as a producer, that especially among the modern generation, not your generation, not the generation before, there is a feeling that we have done everything we need in sports, and demonstrations, well we can jump a couple of triples, in general, take it, we’re already going the way we’re going, not really someone who continues to develop himself, continues to search, for example, dimka oleev is now doing a somersault. so bravo, yes, basically the main position, we have already
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won everything and indeed, probably from it suits the audience, because the audience has spoiled them, they receive everyone wonderfully, they love everyone, we are all loved, but where are these dances that i don’t know, the bobrinsky cowboy, well , it’s been a long time since i looked, yes, which continued when the champions were still in demonstration performances, looking for images, finding different forms, learning new elements, tricks, some unique elements, mainly at demonstration performances now people are withdrawing dividends, and i believe that this is a huge part of the continuation of your career, where you are obliged to develop yourself, find new topics now you have time, you don’t have to chase quadruples there to show, well , at least two or three triple jumps, well , show us, we have some kind of jump straight away, that is, we jump all of them, and then fight for one triple. at demonstration performances, i think this is wrong, well, it
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somehow becomes especially noticeable among girls, because we saw there some incredible number of titles, victories, multi-rotation jumps, i understand that our themes are beautiful girl, let’s go with you ... on the ground, career continues, everyone is needed once again, with its appearance on the flight, it confirms to win more and more new spectators. how realistic is it in russia to make contracts that would oblige athletes to show a high level at your shows, for example, on your tour? well, we have our own mentality, we are afraid of contracts,
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well, everything seems to be based on trust, but how is it considered that this is humiliating, something of a contract story, but probably in general, it would be more honest for everyone parameters, that is , there is a certain base, it is clear that a person can feel differently, this is not it means that it should be there, sometimes it goes, maybe at least attempts, they count, not count, but some kind of story, because in general, if you take away all the... lyrics, then you, now it’s scary again i’ll say the word, you buy a service, the service of a person’s performance, and he is, yes, he can try anything, this is history, but on the other hand, how do you write it down, there is a number in the contract that the audience will win, you can write it down, i need three triples there jump, well, yes, three triple jumps, there is a triple throw with pair skating or two high lifts, in principle i think. that this would be correct and maybe even the rules of the game would be clearer to everyone, i’m generally
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always for contracts, i’m for contracts in case of transfers - from one coach to another, the fact that this topic was often discussed and now everything has calmed down a little, because no loud transition of some kind, but this is also a very important story and yours, well, because i’m not a coach, your insecurity in terms of the fact that at some second the person whom you have invested in most of your life, your knowledge, yours. .. of his time, then you understand that i invest, one way or another, you work for yourself, for him, for the country in the end, but everything must be compensated, and for me it is compensated by the coach who took the ready student or by the club that hired this coach, that is everything is quite clear here, well, you buy
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an almost finished product, compensate, who made it? returning to your direct line of work, your favorite ice show, don’t you think that this level, what we talked about, is falling, yes, in the performance of elements, attitude towards programs, he also suffers from the fact that now there is a lot of competition among you, including because there are a lot of different tours, a lot of shows, a lot of people who do this, athletes skate absolutely everywhere, in principle there are no exclusive relationships there , well, one won’t... take it, the other will take it, what’s annoying? in general, i don’t have anything special to add, you can’t resist this wave in any way, but do you agree with this or maybe i’m mistaken, athletes shouldn’t depend on the fact that they are invited or not invited, there is a name, your name, and you you go out, and the price of a name speaks of internal
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responsibility, responsibility for yourself, for your name, so here, probably, here i probably don’t agree with you, that this is discouraging, another thing... that at the same time you touched on another topic that everything skate everywhere, and almost no show has any exclusivity of its own, and in my time, of course, i remember the golden age when we were alone, and for the first 12 years, in general, we were absolute monopolists in this market, in i also had one like this an agreement with the guys that they perform only in my projects, but i... in turn give them a lot of work, in general we all stuck to this, and objectively, there wasn’t much other work, so everyone stuck to it, now, of course , it’s impossible to keep someone, you all get into a position, everyone says: guys, sorry, but we need to earn money here, here, because of this, of course, but the audience wins, they see everywhere, but
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still, of course, i would like, ideally, i think, as a producer, as a director, certainly. i wanted each group to have its main headliners somewhere, well, when you go to linkom and you understand that there you will see this galaxy of artists, you go to the satire theater, you understand that there will be your own , and there is also such competition between, everyone thinks about how to make their project better, this raises everything, when there is an absolute migration of everyone, everywhere, this is probably not good, but this is now a given, there are really a lot of shows. we basically go through all those stages that once took place about 20 years ago in the united states of america, we all know that this was followed by quite a lot of stagnation, some of them were closed altogether, i think that in any case, we are also facing a moment when there is such
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a large amount of interest ice projects, it will fall one way or another little by little, two or three will remain there. project, well, we continue our conversation with ilya overbukh, it seems to me that there is some fault here, because if we are talking about the creation of stars, now you told about everything that is being done, this is the creation of new stars. we had 11 olympic champions in sochi, 10 years ago, you had a single show, and where are 11 olympic champions from sochi in your show, well, it’s impossible.


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