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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 9, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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this question is fundamentally about this dress, it’s good, it’s asymmetrical and it’s very playful, you immediately show what else you have there, in principle there’s no need to show it like that, everyone sees it that way, i want to reassure you, and the same the very situation with the slit on the leg, with the raised hem, while you are in this dress, you feel light and free in it, it does not force you... but to press your shoulders to your ears and i understand that this is exactly the same dress - key, i’ll tell you what to do with two dresses of the same type, that hang in your wardrobe, they are long, what is most surprising, they were bought for a special occasion, but in the summer you can wear them completely calmly during the day, because maxi is now for everyday use - this is a very hot trend, you can wear them as is, with a belt from this dress, with a belt... from a denim skirt, you
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can wear them with a white bomber jacket, which was in the second set, you can wear them with jackets from the first set, any bag from all those that were given to you here on fashionable sentence, suitable for any of these dresses in any configuration that i voiced earlier, shoes do the same, that is, your dresses already fit into the capsule that the stylists created for you from your three outfits and... then one dress will cling to another, these vile creatures slipperily creep into your wardrobe and subjugate you, and you know, these are the only vile creatures that are pleasant to obey, yes, i agree, light, were we able to help you solve your problem? i want to say that you succeeded, i felt comfortable in every look, but i feel very comfortable in this dress, it’s so weightless and chic.
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can you imagine, you say this, you were afraid of dresses, your dresses are hanging in your wardrobe with tags, and now you say, i feel comfortable in this dress, that means we did our job perfectly, yes we did it, great, close lights, come in, hug her, congratulate her, kiss her, bravo, svetlana, we applaud your new look, the work of our stylists. we give you all three sets of clothes from the fashionable sentence program, wear them with pleasure. a if you, like our today’s heroine svetlana, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the first channel’s website using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you at the first one, all the best. first channel. inserts
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so that your vacation doesn’t turn into a waste, take the tests with you and diagnose yourself yourself , about tests for vacation, about many other important and interesting things in the “live healthy” program! so, dear friends, we are preparing you for vacation. it happens that you are traveling around russia, and maybe abroad, it’s not so easy to find medical help. in russia, by the way, this is very simple, but abroad it is really problematic. our advice: take tests that diagnose acute conditions with you. one of the very... first
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acute conditions is a possible myocardial infarction, that's right, german, of course, a cardiac catastrophe, look, we are born with such a vessel, atherosclerosis develops, it can completely clog the vessel, when this happens slowly, there is only angina pectoris when this happens quickly, and this happens on vacation, in hot weather, a trompe appears here, you see, there is this... a black area - this is the area of ​​necrosis or the heart attack itself, from there substances are released from this place that we determine in the laboratory when a patient is admitted to the hospital, but now rapid tests have been created that can be bought at a regular pharmacy, which can determine from drops of blood whether these substances are elevated in your blood? or not, so the test for the breakdown
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of substances, what it determines, it determines, first, tropanin is part of the contractile protein, meoglobin. and creatinine, phosphokinase, all three of which increase when the heart muscle dies. so, look at what symptoms to do this for, tell hermsha, and i, if you suddenly have chest pain, shortness of breath, or any condition, even without pain, and suddenly you have a feeling of lack of air, these tests are needed. do, look, this test looks similar to the tests we did for antibodies, remember, during the coronavirus pandemic, we how those who were shot did these tests, it’s true, the mechanism is absolutely the same, there is a lancet, you pricked your finger, dropped it into
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a pipette, then added solutions, dropped it into this window with a pipette, three substances at once, three substances will be determined. it’s clear, they exist, which means there is an acute myocardial infarction, no, that means no, the tests are freely sold in pharmacies, there’s nothing complicated to buy, and there’s nothing complicated to do these tests either. so, the first test for myocardial infarction. germansch, fold it up, it might come in handy. the second test is very important because summer is this is the time of casual connections. it must be said right away that casual relationships, such a thing, may or may not happen, so let’s start with the advice to use a condom and not have unprotected sexual intercourse, but life is life. the next test is a test for silis,
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this is one of the main sexually transmitted infections and is really very unpleasant, why? because it does not appear right away on... the first, second, or third day, it may appear slightly delayed, it is necessary to determine whether you really have this disease, because it appears after everything has happened, often this element appears here, this element is called chancre, here is the entrance gate of this tryponemia, infections that cause syphilis, it lives here... then this sore can simply overgrow or become small, and syphilis will live in the body, it must be identified, it is the same as an antibody test, as we did for covid, two drops of blood are dripped into such
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a hole, one drop of the reagent and after 15 minutes, two strips are there , bad, syphilis yes, one line, good, no syphilis, i want to emphasize that you can do this test at any time, but you must repeat it in a month, because it is not necessary that you will discover the disease right away, so the initial joy may end in sadness in a month, yes, because clinical manifestations may even be later than the test is positive, so find out before you see chancre on the lip, the joy is doubtful, but it can also be, so, once again, these are... absolutely accessible tests , which are sold at the pharmacy, a test for a sexually transmitted disease called syphilis, the plus is that syphilis can be perfectly treated with antibiotics, so do the tests as quickly as possible, take measures, then everything
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will be fine, and to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, use condoms, and another test must also be carried out. there is, but one line is bad, there is no pregnancy, or vice versa, who had what they planned on vacation, in general, in short, it’s very easy to find out by hcg whether there is
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anything in your urine, this is, well, all women these tests know, i’ll just add to michal yegorovich’s humor and say that this is the same test. it also works, clearly, so a woman can pee and omit this test to see what’s wrong with her, and a man will also be diagnosed with testicular cancer, i hope that nothing unexpected happens to you, what other rapid tests are there? there’s also an express striptococcus test, that’s all absolutely, absolutely.
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swab in the express test for streptococcus, you poke around in the pharynx with a cotton swab, and then poke around, and then testing takes place if it is there - group a bethemolytic streptocol, it is a very, very unpleasant microbe that causes not only a sore throat, but also causes complications in the heart, kidneys and joints, therefore. therefore, we need to start treatment with antibiotics urgently, i want to show you
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what a test strip looks like, here it is, women also know such strips, in general, these are all the simplest home tests, you don’t need to go to the doctors, you don’t need to run anywhere, without leaving home or hotel room, you can determine whether there is a heart attack or not, whether there is syphilis or not, whether there is pregnancy or not? whether a man has testicular cancer or not, whether he has a sore throat or not, everything is at your service today, in fact, we used to say that this is the medicine of the future, but this is the medicine of today, patients can make diagnoses themselves, and only then with their own tests. move in stripes, look for doctors, we wish you a good vacation, but with all my heart i wish you to take these tests with you, especially if you are traveling abroad, where you often don’t even know where to rush and where to look for whom, but
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here you will know exactly what’s wrong with you, let’s take a short break and then continue, the mountain apricot fruit, here they are a little speckled, with black dots, these apricots are grown without chemicals, without fertilizers, these are purely environmentally friendly apricots. we are going to dagestan, the apricot paradise of russia, written in blood, why take a test called a coagulogram? dangerous drawing. i returned home, in the evening i started itching, severe itching and some sort of blistering, blistering rash. burns, scars, this consequences of popular. henna tattoos, i was assured that there would be no allergy to henna, any allergy sufferer should know that
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he can have an allergy, at any time, to anything, how to avoid unpleasant consequences, let’s put an end to our miserable situation, but we feel good together, listen, i’m reliable, i earn good money, but she still won’t marry you, but misha has loved my brother all her life. worked together during the war, the center knows that we were friends, you will smile
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elsewhere, colonel, i will call myself rudolf abel, then they will understand that i have been arrested. rudolf ivanovich abel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident throughout america. put pressure on him, scare him. for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr, you face the death penalty. silence won't help. the only way out is to start cooperating with us, you hear me, you can think whatever you want, but we must save you, they will kill you in prison, my beloved, that i was terribly scared, we agreed, on the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer, the us government against rudolph abel, on saturday, on the first. throw me
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apricots, dear friends, this program is healthy, we are in the kitchen. everyone has a tour de france, and we have a tour de fruit, a whole series dedicated to fruits, now in the summer, today we have dagestan apricots, a tour de fruit in the studio, comrades.
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bring us dagestan apricots to the studio. i want to tell you that a guest came to us today directly from dagestan, just yesterday he picked these apricots for us, not only did we take half of them here and put them on the table for beauty, but he actually gave us a huge basket brought, magomed magomedovich.
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look, we have this absolutely amazing video, how in dagestan they dry apricots on the roofs, it’s true, yes the video, look, the roofs are just orange, look, you see what’s going on, that’s how it is, cut it in half and dry it, yes, what else is interesting , we in moscow are accustomed to these dried apricots, bright and bright. their color will be like this, and if you dry apricots with sulfur, they will be beautiful, transparent, well,
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well, with chemistry, let’s just say, yes, real shapes, real shapes they should be like this. colors, there are two different varieties of apricots, this one is called khonobakh, and this one is shalakh, and we still have a lot of dried ones - wild dried wild game, it can be very sour, sour, but it is very healthy, it, apricots, it prolongs youth, beauty , it saves you from all infectious diseases, wait, don’t go to ours. our clearing, this is us, 35 tons of apricots are harvested in dagestan per season and feed the whole country, how many varieties of apricots do you have? in general, there are more than forty varieties, but this shalakh is mainly grown at this time, red-cheeked, khonobah, this precocious
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one is called in the avar language , it’s called, well, in the literary language it’s also... called helkobarsh, but if you translate this into russian, it’s a precocious one , that’s a precocious one, yes, that’s it, that’s it until what time is your apricot season in dagestan, i actually thought before that in the fall, it turns out, no, it turns out that it’s all early, when you have apricots, by the end of may, by the end of may there are already apricots, residents of moscow, they realized, unfortunate people, deprived of apricots, people already have apricots from mid-may, and until the end of july. it also happens until the end of july, but this is high in the mountains, where they ripen late, but the main season starts from june 20 until 10-15. july, this is the height of apricots, then apricots are the most delicious, very high quality and healthy, in general, you understand, yes, that at the height, at the height, we got everything,
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well, guys, take magomed magomedovich and let’s go, now we ’ll tell you about apricot medicine , go with our doctors, magomed magomedovich, first, i draw everyone’s attention to the fact that apricots are yellow-orange, this is... and rhodopsin is consumed and thus, in general, the act of vision is carried out, and carotenoids allow this very pigment to be replenished all the time. if we do not
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get carotenoids from the outside, then, unfortunately, our vision begins to suffer. look, the podium for carotenoid. we took apricots, their relatives, peaches, there was no more orange... we took oranges, apricots are in first place in terms of the amount of carotenoids, peaches have three times less carotenoids, they are in second place, oranges have almost zero, of course carotenoids, so apricots are the most carotenoids for vision, magomed magomedovich, can i say one word literally about carotenoids, recently. pulmonologists and allergists did another study, it turned out that carodenoids are very important for lung health, less pneumonia, less infection, less emphysema by a third in people with
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high levels of carotenoids, so not only for the eyes, but also for the health of the respiratory system, cortinoids turned out to be very useful, magomed magomedovich, go to dr. gandelman, german shaich, what else is there, what do you think it is, this is cholesterol, which... we eat, this is the intestines, look, when we eat, all this is absorbed and thus the cholesterol level increases. what is contained in apricots? apricots contain pectin, which is enveloped by these fats, and they cannot be absorbed in our intestines, thus apricots can lower cholesterol levels, so the product is healthy for the heart. that's it, friends, there are three questions left to answer: how to choose? how to store and how to eat? first the question is how to choose? magomed magomedovich, dear, we came to the store, how can we choose
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apricots so that they are tasty, sweet and beautiful. so we come to the store and we start taking everything that is big, beautiful, and catches your eye. here the apricot must be taken with wrinkles. if you pay attention, here's a basket, yeah, yeah, these are real apricots, here there are a few here, a little bit, here they come a little with specks, specks, here they are not there, but then when the main one comes, here are the dots, pay attention , here are the dots. dots, these apricots are grown without chemicals, without fertilizers, they are purely environmentally friendly , this is the same apricot, this is all beautiful, all this
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is white, the dagestanis know it because of its beauty, they added sulfur to it, or they mixed something else in, in short, black dots - this is advice from a person who grows it, how to properly store apricots? magomed magomedovich, dear, you brought it to us, as i understand it, you picked fresh ones, and we see that even during the day and a half that they waited there, they had already begun to soften, yes, then it turns out that it is impossible to store them at all, and, unfortunately, the lifespan of apricots, from the moment they are harvested until they begin to deteriorate, is very short, they sometimes amount to several days. so that they don’t spoil, of course, they are stored in different ways, but the best way is to dry them, just like we dried them here, so
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they last all winter. in dagestan they dry it on the roofs, this is of course beautiful, i think the aroma there is such, i think the aroma there is so breathtaking, but we live in moscow, we don’t have such opportunities, but at least i understand, that you need to buy exactly like this in the markets, they are these luxurious beauties that we have in supermarkets, the last question is how to eat apricots correctly, fresh, and what is there...
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we have a lot of friends who go on a purely apricot diet in the summer , they eat only apricots for 15 days, nothing else, you’re lucky, and we’ll have so much money that it’s simply impossible to say in words, the dagestanis are lucky, in general, who wants to go on the apricot diet, welcome to dagestan, by the way, dagestan occupies first place in russia.
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70 years old, so, it turns out that she has a lover, as for her personal life, she doesn’t really like to discuss it, i feel so good with you, max, i too, lesh, what am i like, i want to know how my father died, this is a long-standing matter, i don’t advise you to get involved in this topic, what happened, they detained him, how did this happen, look
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where you are looking, well, now. strain, i can’t do it, lyuska, look, fortune teller, today is the first one, they will still look for the last one, and you’ll be the first in line, let them look, well, really, let them they are looking for, a challenge, every day like monday above, here are the star families,
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brinogen, germanch, this is one of the components of a blood test called a caglogram, that is, a blood clotting test and dr. gandelman and i are going to our medical site right now on our screen you will see coagulogram. so today we are interested in one indicator called fibrinogen. this is all a blood test. hello! hello, what's your
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name? milena. milenochka! mylene, i understand that you have some kind of disorder in coagulogram, yes, with fibrinogen? yes, s... i was going to have an operation, i took tests, then it turned out that something was wrong, well, let's go, we'll figure it out, so, fibrinogen, show us the norms on the screen, germansh, what is fibrinogen, what is it for? a precursor of fibrin, the thread from which the network of the thrombus is built, that is, there is a network into which the formed elements rush, and... so this is fibrin from fibrinogen, what is this for? in order for a blood clot to form in our body, you see, it means that a blood clot is cells, platelets, which
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connected by fibrin threads, fibrin is made from fibrinogen, absolutely true, so if fibrinogen is elevated, what does that thread mean? and there is a lot of fibrin, there is a lot of possibility for this blood clot to form, so before the operation this test is required, doctors need to know whether there is a risk of thrombosis or, conversely, whether there is a risk of increased bleeding, now your fibrinogen is increased or decreased, increased, fibrinogen increased, what this may be due to, the most common reason for the increase. that moment when anywhere in our body inflammation develops throughout the body, the liver is stimulated, fibrinogen increases,
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this is one of the reasons that blood clots form during inflammatory processes, remember, remember, there were microthrombi in the lungs, specific examinations. secondly, there are diseases, there are organs that produce all our proteins, one of such well-known organs is the liver. this is the liver, but here we have the opposite situation. this is
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a healthy liver with cirrhosis. the main cause of cirrhosis today is fatty liver disease. so here it is. and so when, when a diseased liver has a sharp decrease in the production of fibrinogen, the risk of bleeding accordingly increases several times, this can be with cirrhosis, this can be with acute hepatitis, when the liver is sharply destroyed, so we know that patients with chronic disease liver, without liver failure, blood must be compensated. and blood factors, all these are fateful tests in general and especially before surgery, because if you need to operate on you, let’s say you have low fibrinogen, which means the risk of bleeding is huge, which means, let’s say, but the operation
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is necessary, which means the doctors must stock up on blood factors in order for you to undergo this operation, so this examination is absolutely adequate, absolutely competent, the fact that they saw. do you have any questions for us or not, no, everything is very clear, and we are very happy about it, and i just want to wish our guest a good operation, we won’t tell you what kind, for what reason, this is her personal business, but there is an operation surgery, surgery is always necessary.
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a precursor to nitifibrin, it is fundamentally important that you have it in the normal range, if it is high, it means there is a tendency to... there are doctors who will give you an answer as to why. let's take a short break and then continue. dangerous drawing. i returned home in the evening, i started to have a toothache, severe itching, burning and some sort of blistering, blistering rash. blisters, burns, scars are the consequences of the popular henna tattoo. i was assured that there would be no allergy to henna. any allergy sufferer should know that he can have an allergy at any time, at least
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what, how to avoid unpleasant consequences, a leather coat, a hat, a wide gait, this is klyuev, this klyuev is coming, of course, that i’m a dude, we are from the state security committee, do all the objects in the room belong to you, 575 horses, this is called a herd , that’s enough, i really wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, what is there for me to unload the carriage, any work must be done well. hello sherlock, hello my boy, 100% in character. any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i think it was a decoration for any movie. we had the full feeling that we were an ordinary family - this was a loss, the loss of the head of the family, because we all called him. dad, a wonderful artist who left a big
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mark on the stage of theater and cinema, on the eightieth anniversary of the birth of boris klyuev on saturday on the first, i did not learn to rest, when i tried to do this, i almost went crazy.
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two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first. well, friends, this is the sea and the sun, and this is us at the sea in the sun. we have a special topic goes to these summer programs, it’s called resort beauty. today we will talk about henna tattoos. we will now show you how they are done on the beach, to mikhail egorovich, the first question: you see, henna is mixed and applied, it’s like a drawing, that is, it’s not getting a tattoo, it’s drawing a tattoo. some women paint their eyebrows with henna, there are
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some, raise your hand, then you know that after some time it will wash off, right, this is a good way to paint eyebrows. mikhail egorovich, tell us what the essence of the tattoo is henna? well, i must say that henna is actually a substance that is a dye, made from the leaves of the lapsonia plant, dried, ground, and this is the color you get. this henna, it... literally on the surface of the skin, we are all frozen here, so some kind of drawing is drawn, well, let’s say, living is great, but now we will apply this drawing for 3 hours, just live, elena, these are those old times, when we were young, oh herman shech, in those days we were young, and i was not born. women dyed their hair with henna, of course, they dyed their hair with henna, they still
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dye their hair with henna, that is, nothing has changed, it’s just that besides henna, a million more dyes have appeared, at one time it was one of the few, i understand correctly, of course, there is also black henna, and resins are added to it , but the most important thing is that it penetrates our skin, so if we apply it to the skin, then it penetrates this henna into the epidermis, only into the upper part, the very dead particles of the skin. look, i have this story, i went to
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the sea last year and decided to get a tattoo, but they walk right along the beach, that is, you want it or not, you will receive an offer. done here on my hand, but now there’s practically nothing left except some spots, well, i’m kind of allergic, but they assured me that there won’t be any allergy to henna, i’m also an allergic person, any allergic person should know that he could be allergic, at any time, at any time, to anything, this is such a life, you don’t need to trust anyone like that, but i believed at that moment, so i believed, i believed and nothing more, once a year the gardens bloom, and so returned. home in the evening i started itching, severe itching, burning and some kind of blistering, blistering rashes, i didn’t sleep for about three nights, that is, i was scratching, we ’ll now show what happened specifically with her hand, it’s not with with some hand, and specifically with hers,
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contact dermatitis appeared exactly according to the drawing, go to andrey petrovich, so, minus one for this henna tattoo, it’s... not a tattoo, it seems to be safe if you are allergic, you will have severe contact dermatitis, in fact there are statistics, by and large among more than 10% of allergy sufferers will respond like our guest, and approximately from one to 3% of people in general, that is, if we have 100 people sitting in the hall, two or three people will have a reaction, the trick of this process is, you and i are allergic , here are allergies, that is. not quite ordinary, look, here, just according to the picture, according to the drawing, a skin reaction has arisen, the main destructive factor is just imagine, this is our cell, this is
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a lymphocyte, and this lymphocyte says: dear man, i warned you, you caused this , on that i... got excited and look, he takes his teeth, what is called a grab, in this place where, uh, this kind of henna is applied, this problem arises, unlike a typical allergy, when we immediately swell, it takes time , this is the so-called delayed reaction, several hours, and the main peak of this is after 2-3 days, when there may be a problem at all, children who had allergies like this... such tattoos, but show us others, we showed ours guests, they have such defeats that they have blisters appear on the surface of the body, appear as almost burns and even, unfortunately, wounds that heal poorly in this place and there may be thyloid scars in severe conditions,
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this is a very unpleasant situation , the next complication is that the sun usually helps with allergies, here... the sun is a factor activating this process - here is a toothy lymphocyte, let's ask our guest how it went with you, what happened, return her picture, the tattoo, as they say, is made of blisters, yes, well, i didn’t sleep for three nights, i was combing my hair to the point of bleeding, that's all after 3 days i went to a dermatologist, a local one, but she told me that you had it in russia or not, it was yes in russia, yes in crimea, she said that you have... contact dermatitis, how do you they said i prescribed ointments and pills, and since it was at the beginning of the vacation, basically the vacation was ruined because i applied ointments, took pills and somehow didn’t go to the sea, no, i went to the sea, but so of course i went, but the russian man went on vacation,
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tattoo, valderi, oh well, but don’t go to the sea yet, it’s all paid for, yes, all inclusive, how many? it lasted, how quickly, how quickly it all went away, oh, i went for 2 weeks, but basically everything lasted for 2 weeks, that is , it won’t go away in less than two weeks, especially if you don’t treat it right away, the longer you don’t treat it, the longer it lasts , therefore, what medications were prescribed to our girl and what should be prescribed, and this is in parallel with advice for allergy sufferers, if i really wanted to tell you the devil got away with getting a tattoo. least of all you can take antihistamines , which our guests, in principle, were prescribed, after the main
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components of the inflammation go away, you can use moisturizing creams with machivyi wine, but in principle the dermatologist diagnosed correctly, gave the correct treatment, but your vacation was ruined, and sunscreen creams are a must. apply a thick layer to this place so that there is no further stimulation of these cells, because, unfortunately, these areas of the skin become the most sensitive to damage from the sun's rays, sun protective creams are on top, that is, you have anointed hormonal cream, sunscreen, and ok, what to do, 2 weeks of vacation went for a walk without exposing your hand to direct... sun rays, well, the doctor diagnosed contact dermatitis, well, there’s such a clear picture that right i really have to, i don’t
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know who to be so as not to make a diagnosis, right according to the picture, everything is swollen, we are glad that you are okay, next time take hormonal creams with you, antihistamines with you, although i have too, no matter what happens, it turns out that i forgot something, my husband already tells me, how long can you behave like this, well, you have to... and we remember this from those ancient times, when women dyed their hair nomi, they ended up with dermatitis on their heads. ancient, representative of ancient medicine, german shaevich wendelman, please sit down, well , this is our story with adventures, we have completed our program, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, there is only one thing in the end, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy.
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hello, the information channel on the first starts working live, this is the program time will tell in the studio of oles losev, we will begin our program with news from the zone of a special military operation, our forces are struck by iskander. destroyed three camouflaged rszzo hymers, which the ssu hit the sevastopol beach last month. let us recall that an american otax missile was used at that time, four people were killed, including two children, and another 153 were injured of varying degrees of severity. along with american equipment , 10 foreign specialists were liquidated. in general, russian troops actively continue our offensive in the toretsk agglomeration.
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