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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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the children will simply be taken away and this is impossible, she cannot do anything, that is the problem. alexander, i hope and expect that right at the exit of this studio, maria will take a shovel and rake in her hands and go with her children first of all to dig a garden, listen, well, you’re a lawyer, well, you’re not an idiot, well, you understand, that this will not happen, i am the person who offers help, and i am the head of the center, masha, i don’t know how to offer you help, because you, everything is fine with you, and you defend your position, now... i also already sympathize with the children, because the models have been formed, it’s only the last three months, some of them are four and three, it’s still possible to change something, but really the environment and society in which you live, if you return to the same place, most likely it will be the same, you are an adult who is already formed, but if suddenly, in general, there is another life, i will say so, and if you want to know about it, then i
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will leave you my contact, i’m wondering, maria, what if you were given not six months, but 7 years, what would it be like? the same thing could have happened, and drugs would have been brought in, they would have made you the organizer of this criminal gang, so you would have received 7 years, but what would have happened to the children, well, you would have lived the same way, well, you would have lived, because your brother took the blame for the drugs, what would you change? of course, you can’t change anything, well done, nothing, i ’m only interested in one thing: how now, after everything that the country has seen, will the guardianship authorities get out, that’s what i’m interested in, i would like to take my grandchildren here to live with me, and here you are what do you want, to have her deprived of parental rights, even if it’s already will allow...
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yesterday he was indeed very solemnly greeted in our capital, a guard of honor was lined up at vnukovo airport, then a very warm meeting took place in novo ogorevo, where the leaders of the two countries, vladimir putin and narendra modi, talked for more than 3 hours, i suspect that it was there that all the main decisions were reached, for the sake of which, in fact. this meeting took place, today was indeed an official day, although it began very unofficially at rendro fashion, he met with representatives of the indian diaspora, and listen to how he started this meeting. hello moscow!
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so moscow greeted him with loud applause. yes, the indian community understands russian perfectly, as we see, it is very active here and works on many fronts. then president putin. at rendromode we visited vdnkh, the atom pavilion, by the way, i advise everyone to visit it, it is very interesting, where they discussed, as i understand it, issues of our cooperation in the nuclear field, and this cooperation is very , very extensive, not to mention kudam kulam nuclear power plant, which is operating and which will be expanded, and agreements have been reached on the construction of new power units. with the participation of rosatom,
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so there really was a big breakthrough in this direction too, and then official negotiations took place, behind closed doors we cannot judge what was there, there was probably something very important, too, and then there was a solemn ceremony, presentation on rendra mode, in general, the highest award of our country , the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle, moreover, i would like to emphasize that the decision to confer this order was made several years ago, now, when at renermode in our country... this chain, truly the highest body of the order of our country, ended up around his neck, axios, indeed it is worthy, this is what our president said at the award ceremony,
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awarding you with the order of st. apostle andrew the first-called reflects the sincere gratitude of the russian side for that significant contribution.
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about expectations, we do not yet know the final results of the visit, it continues, but still, comparing with your yesterday's expectations, what happened next, this informal meeting, this atmosphere, these awards, does this exceed your expectations or more or less correspond to them? good afternoon, it seems to me that we see a lot of symbolic things, a lot of really friendly positive things in this visit. starting with that informal conversation we saw yesterday. by the way, during the dinner at renermode, during the conversation, he made sure to emphasize that he would serve the people of india, focusing own audience, as always, yes, it is important
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for a leader, being elected for a third term, here is the fact that the order of st. andrew was formally awarded at the rendremod back in...
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over the past almost 25 years of your leadership, relations between russia and india have strengthened in all areas. every time we see new milestones, new heights that we reach in the context of the strategic relations of our countries. the relationship flourishes and only gets stronger over time. this partnership turns into hope for a better future for our citizens. as part of our negotiations, we made new important decisions.
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honor, thank you, please note narendra modi speaks hindi, he speaks hindi in conversations with putin at official speeches. this emphasizes that on the one hand he strives to modernize india, on the other hand india is turning to its own roots, this, of course, can be difficult for our translators, they do a brilliant job, but in general this is the spirit of today's india, on the one hand cooperation in nuclear industry, advanced technology, on the other hand, a return to its roots, for example, manifested in the fact that the leader of india speaks hindi, well, i think any hindu-speaking hindu speaks hindi better than english in any case. as a rule, he too, he speaks english,
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when i was there, i know him personally, that’s why i really spoke to him in english, his english is excellent, but it’s clear that it’s easier for them to speak their native language, on the other hand he really is a policy of returning to the roots of india, after all, and even india is, in general, a term not not not indian, british, so it is no coincidence that now... lately at meetings, summits, he puts a sign in front of him with the inscription pharod, and not, not india, so he really is oriented towards, well , tradition, just like putin, and this also brings them closer. well, i must say that it is very important that this is the first visit after he became prime minister and this first visit is always symbolic, but after all, they have talked a lot in recent years about the fact that india. reoriented towards the united states, which here she is one of the four kuat there, that
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the americans even came up with the term indo-pacific community in order to draw india into their games, but nevertheless fashion comes to moscow on its first visit, and what we hear here in in general, it clearly refutes many of the concerns that have been expressed, doesn’t it, well, in order to achieve their goals they will come up with some kind of... packaging for us, they have completely different forms for india, but when they once prepared a partnership with nato, for render fashion says and says hello from 1 billion 400 million, this of course sounds very significant, it is clear from everything that a friend has arrived from the very atmosphere, from the beginning of this conversation, and it seems to me that it is very important to pay attention to who modi is meeting with, he is meeting with, so to speak, his compatriots , well, and apparently with those
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western countries, if we take nato, their allies there in europe, in asia, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, then there won’t be one billion, but india alone, one and a half times more than the entire west collectively, this is not a figure of speech, it is literally possible to say that all indians feel this way, feel this way, and well, not all, there are different indians there too, i can tell you a few names who are very disappointed with the politics of fashion, there is quite serious opposition to it. but this is really a country, so we are used to thinking of ourselves as a multinational country,
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yes, but india is 420 ethnic groups, much more than ours, well, really less than in papuano and guinea, where there are almost 800 of them, so when we think of ourselves as a multinational country, we sometimes even exaggerate the number of ethnic groups we have in comparison with other countries, but in the west naturally... this meeting caused a rather stormy and, i would say, negative reaction, suffice it to say that matthew miller, the speaking head of the state department.
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chinese influence in the region, the revival of a format like siat, then they suddenly begin to pay attention, the entire press explodes in how who hugged whom, how who communicates with whom, what order they gave, that is - firstly, the absence of any realistic pragmatic pragmatic approach and an absolutely emotional reaction inappropriate for the status of a superpower, so to speak, but of course this is a blow for
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a blow, this is the second serious blow for the united states after xi’s arrival. this and after the visit, after the visit of our delegation to china, this is, of course, in general, the hardest, heaviest blow, here, most likely, right before the elections, this will also complicate the situation for the democratic party, even if they want to change the candidate and come up with something- something new, and something new is most likely chinese-oriented, well, i must say that the shouts that are really spreading from washington, they have a very correct influence on india, that it will actually be difficult to tear india away from russia, at least
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bloomberg writes about this. it is becoming increasingly difficult for washington to isolate vladimir putin, russia-china. the relationship makes strategic sense given that both countries have emerged as washington's main rivals. india's relations with russia are perhaps a more bitter pill for washington. american diplomats have worked hard to make india a stronghold for confrontation china. they channeled investment flows, encouraged technology exchanges, and developed defense cooperation. part of the reason for washington's inability to tear india away from russia lies in history, but there are advantages here too now. india. uranus. washington seems powerless to tear away from the kremlin what miller called a strategic partner. well, this is really, let’s say, a fait accompli. the fact is that about 3 years ago, the us intelligence community released a document called global trends. and just like that
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advised to build new rivals against russia in the asia-pacific region. it was necessary to include vietnam and india in washington’s orbit, but most of all they relied on india, because it is a big country, a big economy, that is , efforts were really made for this, including in military-technical cooperation, in 1919 the americans , probably for the first time at an exhibition in bangalore, they presented an extensive thematic exhibition, as they say, where they exhibited everything they could useful in india in exchange for it giving up russian weapons. military equipment, but despite such a powerful, as they say, beginning, the fact that they brought there all the allies of the fans, including israel, and india remained faithful to the chosen path, yes, it localized the production of some types of our military equipment , these are the t-90 and su-30 mki tanks, we
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worked together with them and continue to develop brahmos missiles, and now we are expanding cooperation. looks much more attractive for india because what we supply to them, we do not demand in return, this is their sovereignty, or to participate in those adventures that we, if we wanted, would undertake. the americans clearly say: here are boeings for you, here is something else for you, but let’s build a front there against china, then refuse or condemn russia, that is, they always supply something, demand in return, but india somehow made it clear that they have long been a sovereign country like this... this is the spread of hegemony on them in some cunning way, it has absolutely no effect on them. the indian foreign minister has spoken about this more than once, openly and clearly, but in washington.
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does not respect human rights, well, as is customary, well, of course, well, i also have a question about indian democracy, for example, i don’t really combine democracy with the caste system that exists there in my head, but nevertheless this clearly a democratic country, if only because its government expresses the interests of its own people, which cannot be said about the governments of a huge number of countries that call themselves democracies, but in fact, has nothing to do with democracy, so... today there are just a few events that demonstrate this very clearly, and the berry for democracy after the advertisement, a leather coat, a hat, a wide
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gait, this is klyuev, this klyuev is coming, of course, that i dude, we are from the state security committee, do all the items in the room belong to you, 575 horses. this is called a herd, stop saving, i was in my poor youth, i really wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, what is there for me to unload the carriage, any the job must be done well, hello sherlock, hello my boy, one hundred percent hit the character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe that it was a decoration for any movie, we had a complete feeling that we were an ordinary family, this is a loss , this is the head of the family that we all called him dad, a wonderful artist who made a big mark on the stage of theater and cinema, on
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the eightieth anniversary of the birth of boris klyuev, on saturday on the first. i didn't learn to rest when i tried to do it, i i almost went crazy, business. i need acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly, wtb we help with business, i love kazan, this is st. petersburg, i know, but with mts travel i will receive 25% cashback from this trip, i will spend it on kazan, and quickly here, to dream about kaliningrad, book a hotel on mts travel and get 20% cashback, with mts premium 25. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. polarris - convenient and technologically advanced. everything for the home and kitchen. create a cozy atmosphere with smart polaris cookware with discounts on
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70 years old, so it turns out that she has a lover, as for her personal life, she doesn’t really like to discuss it, i’m doing so well with you... max. me too. knosh, what am i like? i want to know how my father will die. this is a long-standing matter. i don't advise you to get involved in this topic. what's happened? was he detained? like this? look where you are looking there? well, now just tense up. i can not. lyuska, look for it, fortune teller. today is the first one. and... and he will still look for the last one, and you will be the first in line, even if, well, really, let there be two shores, i also had a son,
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it’s interesting.
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“my beloved, they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, then tell the authorities that i was terribly scared, we agreed, for the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer, the us government against rudolf abel, on saturday on the first, big one.” game live broadcast: for quite a long time we were taught democracy, and we even learned, well, who did we teach democracy? what is democracy anyway? democracy is the will of the people, it is the power of the people, which means the power of those people who receive the support of the majority, but what happens to those politicians in the west who receive the support of the majority? trump, the most popular politician in the united states of america, several
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criminal cases have been filed against him because... the people love him, demos, yes, that’s the deep state not very well, elections have just taken place in france, and the first place, if you take parties, not taking into account election blocs, was taken by the party of marine lepin, she is now the most popular politician in france, what is happening in france, well, let's listen, the paris prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into suspected of illegally financing the company marine lepen in the 2022 presidential elections. the judicial investigation was launched following an april report by the national election campaign and political finance commission. during elections, candidates it is prohibited to exceed the legal limit of expenses. if candidates do not comply with the rules, the commission may take the matter to court if necessary. that is, well, it was 2 years ago, well, i suddenly remembered something. what is this? and this is no coincidence. let's remember that at one time it was precisely for such things that
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nicolas sarkozy was brought to justice. it happened, and now it happened immediately after the end of the election campaign, that is, of course, we can say that if you don’t win in one company, they start asking you uncomfortable questions questions or invent them based on the previous one, but i believe that we are now facing a situation where the lepen party, which has nevertheless strengthened and entered parliament, they personally want to, as they say, hobble it in advance so that it does not go against the mainstream, so that this... the strengthening of such-minded french deputies did not run counter to the pan-european pseudo-values ​​of the policy of confronting russia, that is, this is a warning to marie lepine to behave well with her comrades in parliament, i think it is possible. to regard this unexpected criminal case as such, but in any case, this is an attempt, again, to trample on the will of the people.
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because marina lepen voted more than anyone else, but then questions naturally arise, because she is not satisfied with the deep state, and most likely the american one, even more so than the french one, and the fact that america does not play in elections in france, for example, or in germany, well , only probably the most naive person believes in this, we are accused of interfering, but in fact there how is the central election commission actively working in all these elections? there is such a rusaphil movement.
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at 5:30 in the morning they came to his house in plovdiv, broke down the door and took him away. his mother was shocked, said socialist mp ivan petkov. after the arrest, employees of the state national security agency searched devlinsky's office at the plovdiv headquarters of the bulgarian socialist party. according to petkov, the head of the rusaphila movement, detained by the bulgarian special services, did not have access to state secrets, accusations of her disclosures are absurd, there is no evidence of illegal actions. head rusafilov helped organize patriotic events in plovdiv, in particular victory day.
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that, of course, there are rules behind this, rules that were most likely written in washington, there is a feeling that it was during the period of macarthyism, when they were chasing the communists, now they are chasing those who are russophiles, they are chasing, well, just like the word has been changed, but the technology is the same, the main task is to ensure that there are no more in europe those people who would support us so openly, but history shows that such people usually then go underground. is already beginning to act using other methods, all this policy that pits people against each other sooner or later fails, but it is clear that bulgaria is the first sign, we will see it in other countries, and if this is the process that is going against maria
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lepen , they will definitely say that she received the money that she exceeded from russia, you will see, a russian trace will definitely appear, and the cia will say, we know for sure, where is your evidence, these are russians, there can be no evidence. likely or halley likely, but i would like to note that political repression is carried out against politicians who are not politicians of the same flank, the right in france, the left in bulgaria, and the bulgarian socialist party, what is the criterion? and it is very simple: if russaphiles love russia, if political forces in france look at the situation around our country sensibly, they all need to send signals, it is necessary to put pressure on them, it is necessary to initiate politically motivated criminal cases, well, i... would call these signals, criminal cases are not signals, they are criminal cases, but signals are sent to politicians of a higher rank, who are now headed, for example, by the european union, like victor orban, chairman of the european union. orban
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actively began his presidency, went to kiev, went to moscow, went to baku, went to beijing, is now in washington, where the nato summit is opening, but at the same time, naturally... caused a storm indignation in european political circles, since he didn’t coordinate them, how come the head of the european union, the sovereign head of state, didn’t coordinate this with the european bureaucracy, how can this be, now the orc conclusions follow, read today’s euroobserver. the european union is unhappy that orban used the logo of the hungarian presidency of the eu council during his visits, despite the statement that it exists. only on behalf of budapest. according to sources, some countries are talking behind the scenes about the scenario, according to in which hungary may be deprived of its chairmanship, and its place will be taken by two countries at once - spain and belgium - by the end of this year. in addition, several european countries are discussing the possibility of moving the venue
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of the european political community summit, which is scheduled to take place in november in budapest. an unofficial decision on the postponement could be made on july 18 in london. note that london is the capital of the country, which... are not part of the european union, yes, it’s interesting here from orban’s point of view that this happened after, firstly, that he said that he was regularly on calls with trump, after a meeting with zelensky and suddenly became a rather unexpected negotiator on the peace process, not that they paid attention to hungary as the basis of a diplomatic settlement, everyone was mainly looking at the arab east, at china , and orban in this case surprised with its effectiveness, how quickly it was all done, well prepared from the point of view of media coverage. timing is right for the nato summit, where most likely, as they say, in most sources experts, it will be announced that ukraine is too corrupt to become a member of this alliance. accordingly, naturally, from all sides, and after the recognition
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of the administration, the kiev regime that they really simply cannot withstand this pace of military operations any longer, they simply do not have people, they are already beginning to recover from these losses, everything is adding up at a moment when zelensky is not the best, and apparently, as one correspondent said, even taking into account his exorbitant pride and arrogance, he will have to admit that this should end sooner or later, well, he may even... admit, will they allow him to admit, most likely not, of course, since the decision is not made in kiev, but still orban, the legitimate elected president of hungary, and no one is putting him under there is doubt that hungary takes turns presiding over the european union, although they are already calling it into question. lepen actually gained more votes than anyone else in the elections to the european parliament, to the french parliament and became the most popular.
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for a visit, you can’t talk to india like that,
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in delhi they definitely completely see this tone, these signals, and if the western powers at some point restrained themselves, all criticism of india was left to non-governmental organizations and the media, but now criticism is also heard from quite official officials, and of course for india this well, it’s completely unacceptable, it’s impossible to talk to india in such a tone, this is probably once again dotting the i’s. who is who in today's world? yes, that is, if zelensky wanted to somehow attract india to his side, then he reached right back, so did i i think so, based on my understanding of the psychology of indians, despite the fact that india is sincerely interested in the peace process, it does not blame anyone, fashion spoke a lot about the peace process, indeed this is a very important agenda for india, but how does india do it without putting a stigma without blaming anyone.
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the intention of the current georgian government is unclear to the leaders of the european union, the law on transparency of foreign influence is clearly a step back, and the anti-western, anti-european rhetoric is completely incompatible with the declared one. with the aim of accession to the european union, unfortunately, at the
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moment, georgia's accession to the european union is suspended, speaking of cooperation in the field of defense and security, unfortunately, the leaders of the ip also decided to freeze the money that was allocated to support the georgian defense forces within the framework of the european peace fund. the 30 million euros that we planned to transfer to the ministry of defense have been frozen. well, the european peace fund, of course, in order to finance military expenses, well, orvel is resting, but here’s the most interesting thing in this situation, there after all. in georgia, there is a conflict between the president and the government, and president zarubeshvili, a french citizen, actually came out strongly in support of sanctions against her own country. let's listen. the cancellation of the us exercise was followed by the european union's decision to freeze 30 million euros earmarked for defense forces. this is a response to the anti-european and anti-western rhetoric and actions of this government, this is a response to...
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in this case there is the will of the people of georgia, but no one cares about this, because it does not suit the european union. but within the united states, also an interesting story, the republican party has prepared a bill that provides for citizens of the united states of america to vote in federal elections, seemingly
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democratically, democratically, nothing of the kind, the biden administration vetoes, here is the statement of the executive office. us president. the administration strongly opposes the american voting rights act. non-citizens are already prohibited from voting in federal elections. this is a federal crime punishable by prison. and fines. states have effective measures to verify voter eligibility and ensure the accuracy of voter rolls. this bill will do nothing to secure our elections, but it will make it much more difficult for all americans to register. eligible voters will increase the risk that eligible voters will be removed from the voter rolls, non-citizens rarely break the law by voting in federal elections, the president has made it clear he will continue to fight to protect the sacred americans' rights to vote in free, fair and secure elections. there are a lot of
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words to explain that non-citizens can vote, well, naturally the reaction of michael johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, with whom... elon musk also agreed. why are democrats so adamant about allowing only american citizens to vote in our elections, they want to turn illegals into voters. we must pass conservation legislation to prevent this. their goal is to let in both as many illegal immigrant voters as possible. yes, it’s very interesting, it’s probably worth explaining to the russian viewer what the main idea is, and i think it’s completely incomprehensible. that the republicans are proposing a form in which when you vote, you have to show a passport or any other, any other document that says that you are an american, a citizen, now you can vote with a driver's license or anything, and you can be anyone, or you can it’s not possible to do anything at all, and for them it’s naturally scary thing, well, we know that the democratic
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party has three main sources of votes, in addition to everything else, which they rely heavily on, these are illegal immigrants, this is voting by mail, where you can... draw and dead souls from american cemeteries, it's like would be that that is most likely the source and 300 long-standing parts of the victory of the democratic party on an elective resource destroying all its competitors in the legal field, but apparently the despair of an absolutely democratic party, apparently combined with the impossibility to choose a replacement for biden, there will probably be some kind of announcement on friday from his side, where he will say that everything is very bad, after all , they put pressure and there is already a struggle going on, they understand that none of the candidates who... at the moment, it will not be able to win without administrative resources and outright fraud. well, biden is not going to leave yet, although a majority of americans, 72% , believe that he is not capable of leading the country, but democracy has some meaning. biden now has a different task, he is preparing for the anniversary summit
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nato, where, of course, ukraine will be discussed, well, our special military operation, we will talk about this after the advertisement. “let’s put an end to our cool position, but we feel good together, listen, i’m reliable, i earn good money, but she still won’t marry you, but misha loves my brother all her life, we found our family, i told you, a reliable place it is necessary, i know for sure that this is your doing, you will go to court with me, skolchin, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time" don’t make this mistake, what? i think that this is not a sin, because this is love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples was adored in the ussr. she turned into the queen
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of the satire theater. she was playing and was dressed up. i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels and shoes. lately she... rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all, we were lucky to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick, i felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make in order to play the main roles, why did she not dare to give birth? i don't care about anything i didn't expect anything good. she called someone else's daughter hers. when i know that she is nearby, i am not afraid of anything. now that kuzma has passed away, we are in the same apartment. i want our exclusive, the last interview, the last will of the great vera vasilyeva, exclusive with dmitry
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borisov, on saturday on the first. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, kalievo usady. kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting. i tried to play in such a way that it was convenient in the frame. vanya, i'm yours. forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough funds for call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me, so call me, call me, i quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, that’s it.
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i won't tell them their real name. do you remember rudolf abel, my friend? we had worked together during the war. the center knows that we were friends. you'll smile somewhere else, colonel. i will call myself rudolf abel. and then they will understand that i have been arrested. rudolf ivanovich abel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident throughout america. put pressure on him, scare him. and for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr you face the death penalty. silence won't help.
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the only way out is to start cooperating with us. you hear me! you can think whatever you want, but we must save you. in prisons, you will kill. my beloved, they won't succeed. they won't break you. then tell the authorities that i was terribly scared. agreed. on the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer. the us government vs. rudolf abel on saturday on the first. here star families fight with each other, but absolutely everyone benefits from this. you felt so good, it was transmitted here in waves.
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sunday on the first, in direct communication with the big game boris aleksandrovich rozhen, our permanent military expert with the latest news from the fronts special military operation. boris alexandrovich, what's new with you? and good evening, if we talk about... the situation on the front line, then our troops in most sectors retain the operational initiative, if you look from south to north, then firstly
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it is worth noting the immediate destruction of two hymers on the right bank of the dnieper, yesterday three installations were destroyed, and today two of them were tracked, that is, the total losses amounted to five installations, including up to 10 foreigners among the dead, and as for the direction of our troops... liberating it, which means that to the west of avdeevka, our troops completed the liberation of the village of yasnobrodovka, and
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the enemy was practically expelled from the village of evgenovka, there is. advance to the outer edifices is a serious advance towards progress; in general , the enemy here was unable to stabilize the front, so our offensive continues over a fairly large area, which means that in the area of ​​new york and dzerzhinsk our troops continue assault operations in the southern part of new york -york in the direction of the central quarters, in the dzerzhinsk area our troops they continue the assault on kirov, there is progress again in a block of high-rise buildings in private buildings, which means in the area of ​​an hour.
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boats, this means that in the svatovo-kupyansk direction we have tangible progress, the breakthrough in the peschany area has allowed us to significantly advance in the direction of the oskol river, the enemy calls the situation here threatening, we also have progress in makeevka on the eastern outskirts of the village, we have progress in the area petropavlovka, we also continue to put pressure in the senkovka area, well, attacks have been repelled in the kharkov direction the enemy on the village is deep, the village is under our control, the enemy suffered a lot... there was no success, and the battles for the center of volchansk continue, there are small advances in our favor, the enemy is trying to counterattack, but also cannot achieve their goals. in general, in most areas, as we see, the russian army continues its offensive and liberation of populated areas. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhens, for your accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts, as always. by the way, i note that we, of course, with great we are closely following what is happening in new york, the interest is understandable, but here
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it was noted on our map that there is complete ukrainian control there, this is no longer the case. so our troops are already in the center of new york, meanwhile germany has accepted a new aid package, let's now see what it looks like, in my opinion, well, three, but no, this is a mirror, patriot one, one, one, missiles spare parts him, ammunition for leopards, two radars, 30 uavs, what is this about, well, the thing is that the main thing is a patriot, right? patriots are supplied, but in such quantities that they can provide together with combat crews, yeah, because just recently, when kiev was attacked, two launchers were destroyed, of course with foreign specialists, because it is impossible to quickly train ukrainian specialists to replace those who were out of action, if they were such, it is impossible , so these supplies are coming, putting pressure on the europeans, and these
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are forced to give, well, the netherlands and... germany spain are supplying these crews , they go with these crews, and let’s say the combat crew , yes, but the question is, where do these crews end up, now the most common name for such an area is western ukraine, but the front line will make do with other complexes that are also supplied from european countries, that is, the europeans are getting more and more involved, but in this entire list there is not a single complex of an offensive nature, all of them defensive, well, we see that... our high-precision destruction systems quite calmly overcome the systems now, especially the air defense in kiev , they hit quite powerfully yesterday, there were six confirmations, just video confirmations defeat to the artyom plant. well, in washington they are democratically building fences around the white house, an anniversary
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nato summit is expected to be held, dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of this organization, the only goal of which... has always been and is, the destruction of our country, they are thinking about what to say about ukraine, nothing can be said , but something needs to be said, cnn seems to have unearthed what they want to write there, according to three knowledgeable sources in the draft text of the joint community alliance, ukraine’s path to joining nato is described as irreversible, the draft may change before the final version, but the presence of irreversible wording will be an important signal for kiev and... since the war in ukraine continues with no visible signs of ending. one american official said the white house supports the use of this word in the final committee, provided that the text of the document also confirms that ukraine's work on democratic reforms will continue. well, nikolaich, our conditions for even starting negotiations are a refusal to expand nato to ukraine. irreversibility in the document is what they
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have written. the pen cannot be dug out with an axe. this means the irreversibility of the destruction of ukraine and statehood. if this is included in the document, and there is a high probability that this is exactly how it will be, then this will at the same time be a violation of the requirements that russia is up to... why are there arms deliveries, why are they not listening to peace initiatives, well, in fact , those who have eyes yes if he really sees this term, what will it mean for us and for ukraine? well from the point from the perspective of the united states, this is natural, there is a fairly strong
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commitment to the fact that the conflict will not be stopped in any way, the maximum that we can see is a short-term freeze with an attempt to pump ukraine with additional weapons and continue hostilities, thereby also strengthening all this in the black sea waters . seas to be strengthened with a romanian nato base and so on and so forth, on the other hand, for ukraine this means, as you rightly said, the end of statehood, because our determination from the point of view the end of this regime will be simply inevitable for them. yes, so by wanting to help ukraine, they may actually bring its end closer. here is india, how it sees itself as a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict. firstly, india understands the russian position. from the very moment the nwo began, although it was very difficult for india to accept and come to terms with this situation, it really reminded india, firstly, of the crisis around kashmir and how
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an anti-india was created from pakistan, plus, of course, india remembers the education situation bangladesh, under what circumstances was bangladesh forced to appear. in general - these are historical parallels, they largely explained india, russia’s position on ukraine, and although i would say that perhaps educated and elite indian politicians, in particular, this is a consensus between indian political parties , understand russia's position in such a broad geopolitical context, for ordinary indians - the fact that india stands for a peaceful settlement, the most important thing is that they, well, that i too i heard in india, for most indians, putin is a hero, just with a capital letter,
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now, by the way, we are seeing footage of putin and modi saying goodbye, on the threshold of the large kremlin palace, a warm handshake and i’m sure there will be interesting words that will be said , remember what sidinpin said then in the same place, that we... hello, the evening news is on the air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main themes: constructive.


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