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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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now, by the way, we see footage of putin and modi saying goodbye on the threshold of the large kremlin palace, a warm handshake and i ’m sure there will be interesting words that will be said, remember what sidin pin said then in the same place, what we will determine the future of humanity for the next 100 years, and if we add fashion to this, then i think even more than 100 years, because just our three countries, they are much stronger than all this for... and this means our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be for us. let's take the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. we constructively discussed the topic of ukraine
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and touched upon the entire range of important issues for our countries, from trade to security. results of negotiations between the russian president and the indian prime minister in the kremlin. and vladimir putin presented narendra moda with the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle. another settlement was liberated in the village of yasnobrodovka in the dpr, and a group strike with precision weapons american highmars, of which. they were going to hit the crimea, details in the report from the ministry of defense. a measure that will help solve the most important problems for the present and future of a large country. the state duma today adopted the law on a progressive scale of personal income tax in the second reading. suspected of embezzling 18 million rubles. the rector of the baltic federal university and his deputy were detained. details of the scandal. the energy of sports in its purest
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form: the channel one volleyball cup, legendary coaches versus current mentors, players, all stars, left a little over a month, and this is definitely not to be missed. and at the beginning about the negotiations at the highest level. today is the main day of the indian prime minister's visit to the rendremode in moscow. opening the meeting in the kremlin, vladimir putin noted: the relations between our countries are of a particularly privileged nature. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the topic of ukraine was discussed constructively, and new ideas were born as a result. in general , the communication in the kremlin was called exhaustive, the entire agenda was discussed in a narrow format and the final chord of the meeting, today at at the solemn ceremony, the prime minister of india was presented with the highest state award of our country, the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle. report by anton vernitsky.
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came to russia in 2019, he was in vladivostok at the economic forum, but 5 years have passed since then. yes, there have been many meetings on neutral platforms during this time, but here is the state visit to russia, which caused a lot of noise, primarily in the united states, which is trying in every possible way to isolate our country. and then modi made his first visit after being re-elected as prime minister of india in russia. in politics, this is a sign of special relations between countries. the state department expressed concern about this rapprochement between moscow and india. but against this background, both putin and modi , on the contrary, noted that they were in favor. 77 years since the establishment of the first diplomatic contacts, they have always been more than just constructive, dear mr. prime minister, this is your first official visit after being reappointed following your election to parliament, and i want to congratulate you on this once again. today our relations are of a particularly privileged nature strategic partnership, we are constantly in contact, and we pay main attention to the development of trade and economic ties. last year trade turnover increased by 60%, even more. 66% in the first
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quarter of this year added another 20%. in figures, trade growth looks even more impressive. 12 billion dollars 2 years ago is more than 65 billion now, and, according to narendra mozi, cooperation in the energy sector between our countries, and we are talking primarily about the sale of russian oil to india, saved the whole world from the crisis. the whole world i must admit that thanks to russian-indian cooperation in the energy sector, we have ensured stability in the world. some citizens of the world were in danger from fuel shortages, but thanks to our cooperation, we were able to avoid difficulties, including for many indian citizens, for which i am very grateful to you. and here it should be noted that more and more often our countries are switching to settlements with each other in national currencies, and we are talking not only about the ruby/ruble pair, but about the creation of an independent settlement system for everything global south. it is clear that there are always new aggressive ones from the west. in this
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part, we somehow respond to this, so it will be such a process, but in general we also tell our indian colleagues that a broader view of this is needed, we need to create our own calculation system, we call it globally. south in order to conduct payments in national currencies, in this regard, of course, the upcoming brix summit is also very important, india plays where a very important role in order to be independent from dollar and euro. at the same time, india adheres to strict neutrality and denies any unilateral sanctions. as for the visit, its official part began with the indian prime minister laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. in the morning, by the way, i managed to meet with my compatriots in russia at lander fashion ; they study a lot. students from india, and also inform about the imminent opening of two additional consulates in our country in yekaterinburg and kazan. the moscow consulate can no longer cope with increased flow of tourists. speaking about the main points of economic cooperation, in addition to energy, these are primarily pharmaceuticals, as well as
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the military-technical sphere. so, production of, for example, russian-indian brahmas cruise missiles will begin in 2025, a plant in northern india is practically built, and peaceful cooperation extends, as they say... from space, where india has expressed its readiness to work together with russia and china on the construction of a future lunar station to the sea, we are talking primarily about shipbuilding, in general, the russian direct investment fund , together with indian partners, will invest about 100 billion rubles in companies working in several important areas at once, including the production of medical equipment. we will import equipment from unfriendly countries with indian hemodialysis equipment. this is certainly very good news for many of our patients who have kidney failure, we see great potential in pharmaceutical cooperation with india, before this we signed an important agreement with the company cadilla, they will build a large pharmaceutical enterprise in russia. we also signed an agreement with sensa group that together we
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will invest in the shipbuilding industry, both in russia and in india. russia and india also agreed on a program for training and exchange of professional personnel. today's negotiations in the kremlin were preceded by informal ones.
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talk on all issues, i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems, including trying to find some ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis and, of course, first of all, peacefully. after the end of the negotiations, vladimir putin presented the order of st. andrew the first-called at rendermode for services to the development of russian-indian relations. it is noteworthy that a presidential decree on this appeared back in 2019. dear mr. prime minister, dear friend. awarding you with the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle reflects the sincere gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening the friendship of mutual understanding between our states and peoples. difficult
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reevaluate your contribution to the formation of a sustainable basis for russian-indian cooperation in the international arena, where both our countries defend the principles of multipolarity. it also became known that vladimir putin invited the brix summit to render fashion in kazan in the fall. anton vernitsky, vyacheslav chereshka, guram razilov, marina eliseeva, channel one. one of the key areas of interaction, energy, was discussed separately by vladimir putin at the rendemode today. before
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the meeting in the kremlin - an excursion to vdnkh to the atom pavilion. history is all on seven floors the latest achievements of the industry in which our country is a world leader. now rosata. builds india's largest nuclear power plant, khudan khulam. and there are new projects in the plans. vladimir putin told the guest about the unique, world’s first low-power floating nuclear power plant in chukotka. but the very near future.
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a special operation is already underway here: the russian army has liberated another settlement in the donetsk people’s republic, yasnobrodovka, west of avdeevka. as reported by the ministry of defense, units of the group of troops distinguished themselves - center. ours continue to gradually push back the enemy in this direction. more advantageous positions are occupied in other sectors of the front. during the day, the enemy lost 2,160 militants. the russian military also carried out a group strike with a high-precision weapon. weapons against american haimarc missile defense systems prepared for attacks on crimea. just the day before
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it was reported that three installations were destroyed, but four more were hit. in addition, 35 foreign specialists were liquidated. two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were also destroyed. well and the zelensky regime, against the backdrop of military failures , is again trying to disperse anti-russian hysteria, and this on the eve of the nato summit. another provocation on the eve of the arrival of a missile to the hospital. in kiev there were western- made missiles, but, as usual, we were blamed for the attack. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called this pr a blood operation and added that moscow will convey the truth to those countries that are ready to hear it. right now the incident is being discussed without the un. russian diplomats intend to expose kiev's version with facts in hand. gregory emelyanov with details. an urgent meeting of the council for the un was held at the request of kiev's western allies. it started less than an hour ago, but there is no longer any doubt. and ukraine and the west are using it to put pressure on emotions by telling how these russian barbarians allegedly
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fired their missiles at a children's hospital. moscow, putting aside emotions, promises facts that refute the ukrainian version. the kremlin calls for guidance from the statement of the ministry of defense, which ruled out any strikes on civilian targets. still we insist, we don't strike for civilian purposes. strikes are carried out against critical infrastructure facilities. a legitimate military target, but this is not discussed in kiev; it was not a russian missile that arrived at the hospital for examination. it has already been confirmed, including by numerous witnesses, that one of the missiles from a western anti-aircraft missile system hit a building on the territory of the okhmatd children's hospital in kiev. at the bank, they immediately began to blame. in the deliberate murder of children, while no one mentioned that next door to the affected clinic there is
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artyom plant, within walking distance there is a complex of buildings named after the defense of ukraine and warehouses of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders of the kiev version cite this video and talk about some missile debris, supposedly exactly russian x101. the real question here is what prevented the ukrainians from quietly dragging these fragments from the place where our missiles actually landed, that is, from the artyom plant, it’s not far away, in the video we see what we see. in that it fell on a children's hospital, it is impossible to see the kha-101; the main distinguishing feature of the long wings in the middle part is missing hull, there are small rudders, exactly like the am-120 mrm anti-aircraft missile, which is used by the nessoms air defense complex, this system has long been part of the kiev air defense, it uses an active homing head, and for destruction, as a rule, cubes are always used, and that is, the warhead breaks and cubes are formed, which directly destroy an air target with high efficiency, therefore, those cubes
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that are allegedly shown by eyewitnesses of the strike, which are inherent directly in anti-aircraft missiles, most likely this missile captured a russian target, but then lost it, so the self-destruction did not work, and the missile fell directly near a children's hospital, the main reason for such incidents is due to the fact that ukraine is very...
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slow again, here comes the arrival russian kha-101, here is the fall of the ukrainian anti-aircraft emra. it is no coincidence that, according to ukrainian sources, zelensky’s office ordered the removal of civilians from the scene of events so as not to accidentally film inconvenient footage that may leak into the network and destroy the version, just as the version of an alleged russian strike on konstantinovka collapsed at one time; remember, when a ukrainian harm missile, made in the usa, was accidentally reflected in the roof of a car, a provocation was being prepared the day before.
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there is one simple thing: what is not in the frame does not exist. the gloomy show must continue, including the fictitious air raid sirens, which were turned on for greater effect during the arrival of western leaders in kiev, and the ritual visits to bucha, where the russian military is by no means killed civilians, but politics requires blaming russia. and the cynical demonstration to the nato general secretariat of the wreckage of the supposedly russian point y, although such missiles are no longer in our arsenal, the same point. in the twenty-second, the ukrainians fired at the station in kramatorsk on the territory under their control in order to pass it off as a russian attack, they were not too lazy to even write on the rocket how much time had passed as children, the scenario is still the same, however, why change anything if the customers are in the west everything suits me. grigory emelyanov, liliya zorino, vladimir zalutsky, kirill danilov, channel one. domestic
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industry is showing serious growth. our manufacturers are successfully filling the place of departed western companies and are open to cooperation with everyone who is interested in it. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this today in yekaterinburg. an international exhibition, the foreign industry forum, opened there. 60 participating countries and unprecedented interest in russian developments. new materials, software, digital transport management platform and much, much more. and also heavy industrial robots and automated lines. the head of government was shown the new products in action. at the same time, the robot is from an industrial company.
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the state duma today adopted the second reading, the third tomorrow, for the majority of citizens of our country everything will remain as before, the changes will not affect payments to svo participants. in general, adjusting the tax system will allow us to solve the most important problems on which the quality of life of millions of people in our country depends. oleg shishkin will continue the topic. 408 for, no against, one abstained. dear colleagues, congratulations, because this is the result of enormous work. and the result of an almost two-hour discussion, during which time the deputies discussed a bill that would introduce a progressive tax scale in russia.
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the meaning of the amendments is that the rich should pay more to the budget. deputies include those who earn more than 200,000 rubles as such. the innovations will affect just over 2.5 million taxpayers. the increased tax will not be levied on the entire amount, only on that part.
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if the income per person is below one and a half subsistence levels, then with 13% income the tax is reduced to 6%, and the difference must be returned. the innovation will affect about 4 million russian families with two or more children. vladimir putin ordered such payments to be made first, before other tax deductions. this is property, in the case of purchasing an apartment, that means social tax deductions, these are deductions. related to education, health care, this main one, which is now being discussed in the duma, it must, of course, be taken into account before all
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these deductions that i said, i will ask and the government and state duma deputies make decisions in accordance with the interests of the russian family. according to deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, this is the case when the amount of tax compensation changes by rearranging the terms. first there is a refund on it, and then carry out all other deductions, if other tax deductions came first, it is not clear what the volume of this payment would be, now it is put in first place, and accordingly is the main one for reimbursement, this bill is on the ready discussed within the so-called budget package initiated by the government in...
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such irreversible tectonic changes that the entire system of international relations is experiencing today, our line of strengthening ties with china remains unchanged, we consider your visit very timely and attach great importance to it, it will give a new impetus not only strengthening and expanding our inter-parliamentary interaction, but the entire complex of russian-chinese... relations, as part of the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment diplomatic relations, the chinese country is ready to implement high-level agreements with the russian side,
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strengthen our political mutual trust and strategic interaction, counter risks and threats, and together write a new chapter in chinese-russian relations. a high-profile case in the kaliningrad region, the rector of the baltic kant federal university was detained. he and his deputy are suspected of embezzlement. and waste of funds, we are talking about an amount of more than 18 million rubles. the details were reported by the investigative committee. alexander fedorov and his deputy illegally issued bonuses to their subordinates. as a result, the money went to the university management. the suspects used this scheme for almost 2 and a half years. the volleyball universe is waiting, you, our viewers, have never seen anything like this. a little more than a month before the channel one cup, it will be held in... and here are the mentors in the national teams. each has its own signature style and its own secrets. but something fantastic will happen:
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legendary coaches against existing ones there is only one winner, the players are also stars, in general, this is definitely something you can’t miss, olga pautova’s report, you see, we have started preparations, it will be a very, very interesting game, what kind of players do i need, those who will win, the very fact of the competition makes me like excites the coach, and what they consist of, the desire to play and win, for the first time the legendary coaches will go up against the current coaches of the men's and women's volleyball teams, no one is used to losing, but only the best will get the cup, and the most important thing is that this will win volleyball. konstantin bryansky, head coach of the men's team, will be opposed by vladimir alekna. it was under his leadership that the players of our team became olympic champions in london in 2012.
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so he knows the secret of success for sure : he is hungry for the game, during the channel one cup , oleg will not ascend to the coaching bridge for the first time after a three-year break, if i’m standing here, it means i’m bored, the main thing is to get involved in the battle, i still exist, i’m still alive, at 86 nikolai korpol is not going anywhere, he is the most titled volleyball coach in world, and just like no one knows what women want, they want gold, and korpol gave them... full, with his girls he won everything possible, including twice winning olympic gold for the country, and his club uralochka produced a series out of twenty victories in a row in the national championship, no one did this. we play our own volleyball, the volleyball that uralochka plays is not played by any team anymore. the head coach of the serbian women's team, zoran terzic, will compete against karpol's team. these two are great know each other's style, have known each other for more than 20
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years. the first time i drove. and he can be understood; long-time volleyball fans know very well how korpol knows how to select the right, not even words, but intonations to motivate athletes. we have never broken the net, we won’t break it, are you going to prepare for a block against, who are you guarding here, who are you guarding? i wonder if we will hear this signature style at the channel one cup, the competition will begin even before the matches begin, because the coaches will have to assemble dream teams during the draft, when mentors select players one by one, this will happen just one day before the game. i’m very happy because karpolnya won’t have much time to prepare his team to play the way he wants. and indeed, at first glance it seems that the current head coaches have an advantage, they
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know. stronger, here we must take into account that this is a draft, we take turns doing it, as they say, there won’t be complete freedom of choice, but no matter who the coaches choose, it will in any case be an all-star match, 28 of the best players among women and men, on the world stage they could fight for gold in any tournament. for example, the technical and daring pavel ponkov, silver medalist of the tokyo games, is now one of the strongest. there are also connections : pavel’s mother, olympic champion in 1988, marina nikulina; ponkov is guaranteed strong support in the stands; his daughter, five-year-old maya , three-year-old kira, already really wants to be like dad. let's get together with the whole family, we have a very large family, the girls will cheer, may, how will you cheer for dad? ace, ace, ours the channel has prepared many surprises, for example, star assistant coaches, in this capacity
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we will see one of the most famous volleyball players ekaterina gamova, an unusual tournament and will be held in a special place in the druzhba gym, the famous shell. since 2017, a large-scale reconstruction took place here, which ended only in march, all the filling was changed, now it is a high-tech complex, the most modern arena, including for volleyball. the channel one cup will be the first big tournament to host this updated site. and this is very symbolic, because this is where the volleyball matches among women's teams took place in... august, when we will see before our eyes whether this arena will bring him luck in the battle of the best coaches who have not yet been seen in the history of this sport. olga pautova, ekaterina belova, andrey golderev, svetlana kostina, valery kuznetsov, alexey kozlov, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell."


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