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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  July 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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the alleged killer is this artyukhov, it’s disgusting that this evidence base is crumbling, she’s gone anyway, he was chattering, oh well, stop it, you never know where she could get dirty, for example, well, for example, a man with a cut finger walked past and waved his hand, here’s a spot for you blood, oh, bravo, bravo, bravo, why not with a severed head, okay, stop it, you have this evidence through the roof, no... what i said about the bite, but there is no tyukha bite, well , first of all, this was just my guess, and secondly, she could, for example, grab her jacket with her teeth, but she couldn’t reach her body, well, the marks on her teeth could have appeared from some other place, let’s not be a bully, yes, i still have the feeling that we didn’t look at something, missed something, a feeling , yes. maybe
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it’s intuition, maybe it’s intuition, a patap, but you’ve got enough of your guessing machines, you don’t hear anything, let’s go home, it’s windy today, wind, sensations.
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look at me, sashenka is sleeping up there, you understand that if it weren’t for you, nothing would have happened, if you hadn’t stopped me at that moment, we wouldn’t have been here at all was alive, but little katya, who was kidnapped, would not have been alive, her parents would not have been happy, by the way, if it weren’t for you punishing your sister’s killer, you cannot refuse this, this is a gift from above, you.. .
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door, our correspondents are present at the scene of the tragedy, from where they report the latest news. anastasia, can you hear? i ask you to. a fire broke out in the club. at the beginning of ten, the fire soon engulfed the entire building; at that moment there were more than 200 people in the club, five of them have not yet been found, seven died. we learned that the club has new owners, apparently they do not pay enough attention to fire safety, although we all know that recently large-scale fire inspections were carried out throughout the country, the owners of such establishments are very quick about fire safety, now we see how... how fire trucks arrive, and how firefighters are leading people, psychologists are working with the victims, as far as we know, there are no minors among the victims, now about 20 departments are working on the site, new forces are expected, we will monitor the developments, hello, yes,
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san, where are they taking you, will you even be? “no, i won’t come today, i don’t work for you anymore,
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masha, the weather is magical today, right? let’s go! i miss you so much, forgive me, i love you, everything is as it should be, don’t be afraid, don’t run, you
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let's put an end to our cool situation, but we're already good together, listen, i'm... four seas, four suns away, the summer rains have been overcome, and it's good that he doesn't know about someone like me, it's all the same. i won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course, everything
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that concerns you, everything that concerns me, it's me. fiction on friday on the first real name. i won’t name him, you remember rudolf abel, my friend, he and i worked together during the war, the center knows that we were friends, you’ll smile elsewhere, colonel, i ’ll call myself rudolf abel, then they’ll understand that i’ve been arrested , rudolf ivanovich abel,
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citizen of the ussr, he is an illegal resident throughout america, put pressure on him, scare him. if you transfer information on atomic weapons to the ussr, you face the death penalty. silence won't help. the only way out start cooperating with us. you hear me. you can think whatever you want. but we must save you, they will kill you in prison, my beloved, they will not succeed, they will not break you, then tell the authorities that i was terribly scared, we agreed, on the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer, the us government against rudolf abel, on saturday on the first one, everything...
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a glob of broken shop windows, i understood the conta, good afternoon, hello, the fence was painted more than once, tears, tears,
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“hello, and you seemed to be meeting with us, i changed my mind, very pachan-like , very, if i could invite you to get some air, okay, uh-huh." i wanted to consult on delukhov, and that the case is not considered solved, it is considered, but it seems to me that we missed something there, instinct tells us, intuition, call it what you want, intuition, instinct , conducting, what are we mocking? no, are you kidding your boss, how is it possible, yes, intuition, my professional experience
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allows me to put disparate facts into a single whole and see something that others don’t see, i know this very well, believe me, well, let's turn it around again, come on, no, seriously, remember, i told you that the homeless man is lying, let’s interrogate him again, i have a feeling that we won’t be able to do this. we'll try, we can talk to igor and his wife, who we'll start with, let's start with his wife, come on, sanya, remember that homeless guy artyukhov, yes, you find him for me urgently, so that i can have him today, just me, yes, yes, yes, yes, i asked for time off. yes, by the way, yours, yes, is no longer a shawl, but you
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look for it in the trash heaps, and nikolai, by the way, you know where to look, so you will find it for me, i need it today i need him urgently, ivanovich, but where, he has neither an address nor a place of residence, how will i find him, how tender, that there is no work? why did they examine the head with them, in my opinion they broke it, who discovered the boys, in fact... igor, he just looks so big and gloomy, in his heart he is a very, very kind
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and good person, he is like a child, he just doesn’t get along with people, you had a quarrel with whomever happens, and he raised his hand against you, igor, well, yes, of course, no, of course, how can you even ask that, i’m without... he’s nowhere at all, i really like you please help us, please help him, don’t leave him, zhenya. calm down, if igor is not guilty of anything, we will definitely find out everything and he will be released.
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zhenya, can i walk around a little, look around you, of course, he sometimes happened, of course, that he fought with men, but it was necessary to piss him off very much, forgive me, yes, if, when, where? i see, just a minute, the homeless man was killed, he was killed on purpose, you knew, you felt, but you weren’t sure why you didn’t say it, you were afraid to make a mistake.
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good afternoon, can i help you, yes, well, a tie, what color is your suit, beautiful, beautiful, but you don’t take it for yourself, yes, for a friend, no, for yourself, well, then take this one, it will suit almost anyone, let’s go. and 8 thousand, yes, so let's give five, this is an exclusive collection, so only in one copy, last year's promotion, or what, no, yes, so he will go around the world, handkerchiefs, here and there, but
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the galskis will definitely ruin him , get away from him, maybe it’s more convenient for him to buy from us, is it convenient? of course, that's why he only comes to us during your shifts, he looks at you like a rabbit, i found it yes, please, yeah, thank you, there is a map of our store, no, do you want to buy, yes, 4.00, give two, in general, everything is not so simple, you need to know if artikhov has a scar on his back, what kind, stab wound, shooter , which one, i don’t know, hello, sanya, hi, hi, listen, i know if there is an ortech scar on the back,
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so right now, urgently, come on, wait, hang up, bye, now. wait, wait, wait, wait, it’s not, well, exactly, i understand, thank you, arsikhov is not there, that means she has a lover, a leather coat, a hat, a wide gait, this is klyuev, this is... coming, of course, what, i'm a dude, we're from the state security committee, do all the objects in the room belong to you, 50075 horses, it's called a herd, stop saving, i was in my youth, poor, i really wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, what , well what is there for me to unload the carriage, any
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work must be done well, hello sharlock, hello my boy, one hundred percent hit. in the character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe that it was a decoration for any movie, we had the full feeling that we were an ordinary family - this is a loss, the loss of the head of the family, because we all called him dad, a wonderful artist who left a big mark on the stage of theater and cinema, on the eightieth anniversary of the birth of boris klyuev on saturday on the first. i haven't learned to rest. when i tried to do this, i almost went crazy. vodka veda. product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group burbon stirсman product
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steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. сnop gin is a product of steller group. it seems to me that this is not a sin. to play the leading role, why didn’t you dare? give birth? i didn’t hope for anything good, she called someone else’s daughter hers, when i know that
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she is nearby, i am not afraid of anything. now that vera kuzmenich has passed away, we are in this same apartment, gifts, gifts, gifts, who will now have the incredible inheritance of the great vasilyeva, who will get her jewelry, we are laying out these decorations so that everyone chooses what he wants. our exclusive, the last interview is the last will of the great vera vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. decide introduce yourself, head of the division's political department, colonel ramzin. he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend. look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema. a finger is a dream for any artist to have as a partner. readable incongruous, he is an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame,
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you haven’t thought of changing your profession yet, no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he could do so much for uh cinema, for his country, on the shore where i have never been, traces of my feet... on the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalets, when i’m gone, on sunday on the first.
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hello, hello, come quickly, the kettle is already boiling, i really, really, really want to eat. is there anything happier after? no, i actually assumed that you would go to the cafe? what, did you come in? yes, i came in, but why didn’t you take me anything? because i work exactly the same as you. got it. that's it, i went to bed. hi handsome. wait, i didn’t understand what kind of complaints they were. wait, why are you wearing shoes you go to our bedroom. i took off my shoes , by the way, i heard that you and our new girl were again involved in partyukhov’s business, well
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, who snitched on you, and i don’t reveal my sources, i ’ll peel off your source sanya’s mustache, don’t you dare touch a good boy, why did you go there? , but i don’t know, something doesn’t grow together, it doesn’t work out, then this homeless person was killed at the wrong time. one thing, another, i can’t get hold of anything, but what does your fortune teller say? nothing so far, when she speaks, she speaks well, why such changes, two things unraveled, then these damn bicycles, who hung over us like a sword, they are finally gone, i know one thing that ignatyich will not pat you on the head for this, but i understand him, but you need to know. that i am always on your side, thank you, good health.
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i just hung a lester, uh-huh, just like that, they don’t hang a lester, come on, come on, what did max want from you, max? nothing, i
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just gave him a lift, that’s it, that’s it, be careful with him, why? because i know him very well, i worry about you. very much, i don’t need max, it’s a good chandelier, it hangs great.
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hello boys, hello, good morning, aunt lyuva, oh, i love it, what are you doing to us, you won’t let, you won’t let andryusha lose weight, hello, hello, lyusenka, how are you here, they don’t offend you, it’s okay, i’m getting used to it, oh, these here are special ones for you from
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the oven, as you asked. kolya, what are you sitting there, take the special ones too, hi, mom, hi, thank you, thank you, aunty love, why are they so special, oh, nothing special, let’s help ourselves, take it, not just with cabbage, but i don’t do it with cabbage, my lyoshka can’t digest it since childhood, under you can’t force someone to eat with a gun down, mom, only i tell you... that children’s photographs don’t show oh-oh, well, what’s special, but here, i understand, ivanovich, yeah, i’ll be right there, so what, what doesn’t suit you in the case artyukhova, that mikhail, wait, don’t interrupt, you don’t have any problems, you do, i, wait, you have your hangers, the carriage and the cart have been opened, processed,
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everything, thank god, and he’s rummaging around again. and it will be me, and not you, who will have problems, lesh, well , tell me, well, well, what’s in store for you, the fact is that today they killed a homeless man who pointed at artyukhov, great, oh, forgive me, lord, ok, look for the one who killed him and don’t, don’t drag anyone else into this case, and nothing, lucy also thinks that in the artyukhov case we missed some important detail, huh? you brought lucy here, right? i, yes, i am following orders, you said, to attract serious matters, so i attract, you are a cunning one. svetochka, svetochka, call lucy to me. here. yes, i didn’t have to call, i was just thinking. lyusenka, come in. misha, i'll say hello.
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hello young man. “hello, i won’t distract you, i brought some pies for your gang, yes, of course, thank you, of course, with pleasure, there you go. i’ll put it here, like this, mom, well, well, that’s it, that’s it, i’m gone, i won’t disturb you, and i left it there on the table for you, oh, lyusenka, come to me, don’t forget the guard, well, okay, thank you, smart girl , lyusenka, yes, that means it’s so, alexey ivanovich, he says that you... support him in the fact that it’s too early to close artyukhov’s case, right? yes, i'm absolutely sure of that. what are the grounds? well, first of all, i feel that artyukhov did not commit a crime.
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you feel it, yes, but it won’t fit the matter, will it? what else? you see, i saw that the killer smokes, but there are no artyukhs. what else? another wife, what about artyukhov’s wife? she’s lying to us, but she says that she loves her husband, in fact she has a lover, he has a scar on his back, and did you see it yourself? yes, well, what an interesting movie you are playing, +18, why stop, go, work, lyosha, yes, take fingerprints in this apartment, maybe something interesting will come up, here is mikhail ignadovich, you’re just like an x-ray, i’m just talking about i thought, go, go, go, work,
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you need to get married once and for all, i think you love me, oh, on behalf of the peredaliks. you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be a person, free her, what do you think, if i, and it’s up to you to think, i can’t say, goodbye, on saturday on
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the first, you’ll be bored, well how can i? “don’t forget your hat, it’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, good luck, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you in touch, well, we looked at the attics, the roofs, everything is clean, the owner of the taxi says that she didn’t have any conflicts, no one threatened her, that she was tired of the dumplings, missed the poplov, and in our yard”? v sunday on the first, and you know how we met him, our train was standing in the septic tank, well, while i was collecting bed linen, he fell into the hollow, drunk, couldn’t stand, he was staring at me with his eyes, let’s go to tashkent, let's go to
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tashkent, i say, men, what a tashkent, we are at the kiev station, the day is like monday above, here star families are fighting each other, so...
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lesh, what is happening now? when we talk about something at home, don’t bother everyone. from whom, lesh, i understand, yes, lesh! marina found
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fingers in artyukhov’s apartment, other people’s men’s bedrooms. so i was right. yes, considering how artyukhov’s wife ryana fought back and convinced us that there were no strangers at home, i think so. a very interesting character, a certain maltsev, was prosecuted for fraud. kolya, find him as soon as possible and deliver him. can? do you know this person? i remembered, i saw him, he assembled furniture for us, where was he seen? i collected furniture in our apartment for a long time, well, a couple of months ago we just bought a new bedroom, maybe you can tell me something about him, what i say about him they’ll tell you, i saw him for the first time, i was talking about some kind of crap, what exactly?
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it's a bit far from the metro. caesar, don’t whine to me there, come here, come here, come here, good, well done, so, lord, hello, hello, and i’m making homemade pizza here. knitting needle, yeah, i can’t sleep,
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how can i not sleep, let’s go, caesar, let’s go, no, i won’t get drunk, oh, oh, what are you looking at at night, but hello, hello, hello, i’ll spend the night, and what i quarreled with marinka, yes, there is some misunderstanding, oh, yes, when you had this understanding, so you also go home with him quarreled, barked at her, oh, good language, caesar, let's go, i
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have such a delicious thing for you there, now i'll go wash my paws, you better wash your paws, and let's go to the table, and don't be afraid that you're hungry too, that you climbed there , but the muzzle is still off, oh, what, go, i don’t know, i haven’t seen it.
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why did you decide, i just want to know how she’s doing, that you’re clinging, it’s me that’s clinging, it’s you that’s clinging, what’s lyusya, where, lyusya, like lyusya, leave her alone, now, so don’t make me angry, i i tolerate you only because i didn’t choose you, that my parents i was born and i wash myself, oh, your parents don’t hear you, but they know perfectly well what you are, alyusya, good, real. what about me, and you cat, martovsky, thank you, little sister, good luck, forget her, i said, i can’t promise you that, you
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understand, everything is somehow banal, at the same time, but with me it’s first time. “i can’t help but think about her, i don’t even want to sleep with her, so i can’t promise you anything, go open the door.” seryozha, what’s wrong with you? sergei igorevich maltsev, he is the one. what's wrong with your hand? did a dog bite you in the yard? yes, sometimes. you'll have to come with us. what
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exactly is the matter? we'll explain on the spot. it's because of that dog that attacked you. excuse me, but who are you, citizen maltsu? i'm serious. well, do you know someone, well, the figure looks similar to this one, the third one, the third one, yes, but i only saw him from the back, turn your back. it’s definitely him, if you choose him from these three, well, you can’t say with certainty? no, i haven’t seen him in person, so i can’t say that, okay, thank you, duty officer, two shores, premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time,
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montechoca cognac, stellar group rom castro product of stellor group vodka pechora product of stellar group vodka veda product of stellar group old barrel cognac product of stellar group. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go kalivaus! “kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it, i tried to play it so that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me. i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but it was a very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to
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make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call, i quail so much, but everyone knows that i just call me, call, well , because it’s brilliant, to yourself after the shock, and then... we say, what the hell, my heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls, okay, come on
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let's think, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second a very well thought out option for escaping abroad, of course. yes, i would run in, what will choose the moles, here is the question: be careful, i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version flies to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for ... wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko,
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confrontation, premiere the legendary book by yulian semyonov, yes, i... from the company i am engaged in assembling furniture, i assembled some cabinets, i don’t remember now when it was, a long time ago, maybe six months ago, after that you didn’t appear in the ortyukhovs’ apartment, yes no, of course, what should i do there? do you have a scar? on the shoulder from the back, and because of your youth they cut you in the truck, well
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, it has something to do with the case, nothing at all, you said that you appeared in the artyukhovs’ apartment about six months ago, that’s right, yes, we found your fingerprints there. “we found your fingerprints there on the cabinets, on the furniture, in the bedroom, so i just told them that i collected furniture from them, just in the bedroom, it seems, i don’t work with gloves, you know, fingerprints stick on furniture well, a week, a maximum of one and a half to six months, hardly, but this means that you were in the artyukhovs’ apartment a few days ago. “your truth, both a few days ago and earlier, i, in
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general, how can i say this, we have a relationship with her, yeah, but everything is with her consent, there is no crime here, ” tell me, how do you explain that your blood got on the clothes of a murdered woman, a certain citizen sazonova, what kind of woman, that’s what you think, a dog bit, yes, a dog, i say.” it was a dog, well, nothing, the experts will figure it out, yes, we have a witness who saw you running out of the entrance on the day
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murders. are we going to play the silent game or are we going to be honest, so to speak? yes, that’s true, seryozha and i love each other, is this forbidden? why then didn’t you leave your husband? i’ve been wanting to divorce him for a long time, well , igor, he’s very hot-tempered, and seryozha
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has been asking me to marry him for a long time, but i was just afraid that he would do something bad to him... he might do something bad, and seryozha himself is basically not very settled right now life, he doesn’t have his own home, he doesn’t even have anywhere to take me, he’s always with the chinese as friends, here and there, and you know what in the last few days, your seryozha has killed two people, you are joking, what kind of jokes are needed, it has been proven, and the worst thing is that you were in collusion, seryozha? he confessed everything, it was me myself, it was i who arranged everything myself, i bought him all the clothes myself, and i bought him igor’s decalon myself, and he did it simply because he, he loves me, i myself, i dictated to him myself, what
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to do, i dictated to him myself, he, he, he just... strictly followed what i tell him, zhenya, calm down, understand, sergei has another woman, he lives with her a lot years old, he was with you only because of the apartment, sir, this... maltsev subtly played with her, gently, as if pushing her to certain thoughts, so she offered to remove her husband’s obstacles, so to speak, on the path to joint happiness , and it wouldn’t have been easier for her to just get a divorce, zhenya maltsev was not interested, he was interested in the apartment, in
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the nineties he was an apartment swindler, here ba... he will sell it. he’ll throw a woman away, everything is according to the law, go for a walk, you flaw, why did he kill the last woman? she turned out to be a timid ten, she resisted, she bit his hand, his face i saw it, but this was not part of his plan, well, guys, well done, tell them my gratitude, uh-huh, lesh, hmm, what happened, no,
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no, well, you’re kind of gloomy, what? fine, okay, hello, yes, okay, and what will happen to her now? to me? i need to find a good lawyer, bye,
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i have found one. hostess, yes, lard, come on, well, now everyone has everything, with the housewarming, no one else will come. i don’t know, but i like yours, yes, seriously, i really like it, but what kind of art object is this? it was us, in general, it was me who tried to attach the shelf, as you can see, it didn’t work out very well, but i don’t know, i would have left it just like that, really, we’ll screw it up, don’t worry, let’s not bother uncle kolya, and i’ll send it to you. designer, and he’s here for you in general, you know how he’ll design everything, look how well my flower has taken root with you, it’s really livened up the apartment, thank you very much, yeah, really, yes, the birch tree
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had a lot of flowers for you, i gave it all to the neighbors, pour some for you , you have a drink and then i’ll have juice, juice, juice, whoever is there, maybe alexey ivanovich, let me open it. tada, oh, hi, hi, here he is, hello, it's pouring here, yes, it's here, hello, hello, i congratulate you on your new home, thank you, i, i, maybe you can say hello to your sister, hello. what kind of bouquet can you afford, we are different from some, nah, why, i’ll help, then,
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so, with the housewarming, max, what’s going on, what happened? i want to ask you what happened, you don’t answer your phone, you don’t answer sms? well, sorry, i was busy with work, but don’t pay attention, everything is fine, yes, maybe then you’ll pay attention to me, you’re like that to me you haven’t given bouquets for a long time, you know, i’m afraid volodya won’t understand, but he’ll understand that you’re sleeping with me , hold on, i’ll go and tell you everything, quietly, quietly, quietly, what the hell are you doing, it’s okay, you’re tired of hiding, calm down, quietly , wait, what are you, tired of? calm down, pay attention, okay, we 'll talk to you in another place at another time.
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day.


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