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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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everyone makes it for themselves only at home, often come to dance, i come here not only to dance, but also to find a gentleman, you know, i’m already at such an age that i want to meet my love, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, in the new season on first, the woman was killed, and we... well, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you’ll be killed will be recognized equally, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, of course. would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s
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the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was the stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not... wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, well, this is where we’ll live.
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you're doing well, why are you doing well? we, varenka, will have a good time with us, we’ll have our own room, although it’s small, he’ll be happy, but after all, we’re having a wedding, we’ll have a little drink. “i am very glad that you are my wife. varya, if there is something or someone i should know about, tell me now, now we are married, there should be no secret between us.”
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now you are mine. yours.
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that's how my nine beats your ace, that's not possible , that's possible. hello, kolya, bungler, dad, iska, i'm bored, come here, i'd like to go for a ride, so let me teach you, and you can, you can, he won't mind if he's dressed, but he's sleeping, well, let's go. then, like this, come on, tolik, you're with us, wow, hello, where, on the field, no, mom, if she finds out, she'll scold you, she forbade leaving the body without permission, well then, come on, be there, oops, oops,
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i'm sorry, i should have asked, but you weren't there, he wanted to ride, he was crazy, where should he get on the horse, get off, kolya, quietly, quietly, quietly, why are you shouting, you see, everything is fine, he likes it, grandma, look, i'm cheremis, well, ah,
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wait, bard, wait, kolya, kolya, little one, kolya, kolya, please wake up, kolya, kolya, kolya, kolya, kolya, what's wrong with you, kolya, kolya, my boy, kolya, please wake up, kolya, kolya , kolya, what are you doing, my god, please wake up, kolya!
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why is this happening to me? am i cursed? i'm damned!
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why are you drunken eyes, you have your own life, and you thought to your mother that i’m fucking leaving? get up so i don’t see you drinking vodka anymore. let's go, fate decreed that kolya survived, forgot this incident, 5 years passed like one day, i'm here, tanya, catch it, come on, i here, catch me, i’ll catch you, danya, i’m here, tolik, why are you sitting,
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not our breed, tanya, let’s go, little boy, little boy, little boy, wait, little boy! kolya, mishka, wake up, wake up, your son is alive, kolya,
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everything is fine with him, 5 years have passed, you still can’t get over it, better give me some water, i don’t see my grandson, my son is growing up without a father, will you go, i forgot about you, how many times do you she said, let’s go there, no, it worked out, no, no. he only has one scar left on his hand, i have a scar left all over my heart, i’ll never forgive myself, why is there so much trouble coming against us? will burn, wind they are sending fire towards us,
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there is a big game on the air, yesterday and today, a truly outstanding international event was the visit to moscow of the prime minister... of india , nadi, we will talk in a couple of minutes about what was discussed, what we think we managed to agree on, but first let's just note the obvious that the very fact that the indian prime minister came to moscow, right on the eve of the nato summit, and spoke about putin as his friend, it had the effect of a bomb exploding, i'm sure that...
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like the shoos and brix. i thank you for the attention you give to the most acute
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problems. in particular, try to find some ways to resolve the noukrainian crisis and, of course, first of all, peacefully . now let's listen to what prime minister rende said. as your friend, i always tell you that peace is a must for our future generations. therefore, we believe that war is not the solution.
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there was no, there was no announcement of a russian-indian alliance, there was no talk about complete coincidence or almost complete coincidence of positions. obviously, such a task was not set, this is the task that, as i i understand, it was set to demonstrate the friendship between russia and india to show that india. considers russia a legitimate and desirable partner, not only economically, but also geopolitically, and that india sees sufficient elements of common interests to try to help the peace process, it seems to me that all this has been demonstrated very convincingly, but of course you, academician
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naumkin, know about it's much more than that, your assessment. thank you, i don't think i know more now, because much of the results achieved during this visit remains outside the scope of publicity, i think that we will soon find out some details, but what can already be said, in which you are absolutely right, is this iconic character of this very visit, when mode , by his very appearance in moscow, in the kremlin and... with these hugs with our president, he demonstrates to the whole world that india is a friend of russia and russian-indian relations, they are, well, maybe not so much, as you correctly noted, beyond such trust level, of course there are disagreements, but given that india is
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the most populated country in the world, they have already overtaken china in terms of the number of... inhabitants, they are developing very energetically, economically, militarily, politically, and the fact that russia easily cooperates with a state like india, and so, i would said, very nicely, vladimir vladimirovich is building his relationship with modi, who is treated differently in the world, it must be said frankly that there is, including, let’s say,
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he did it wrong, they organized the indians at blakehouse, organized a meeting for modi with representatives of political campaigns.
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direction for national security in the company, but he said that he was very busy and offered to invite you, i called the session, i knew him very well, he was on the council of the center of national interests, which he headed, i tried to convince the senator that it made sense to go and be present in person, but you, senator jabbarov, know better than me, senators are complex people, they seem to have their own idea of ​​priorities, in general, i got there.
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so when you think about this indian approach and you look at eurasia, it just seems to me that the presence of india and china in this geopolitical map, in general, very significantly changes the balance of forces in the world, here we are not talking about some kind of isolation of russia, but we are talking about, to use your expressions, that...
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geopolitical discipline for 100 years, this is precisely the emergence of a multipolar world, and india is certainly one of the poles of this multipolar world. classical geopolitics sees history as a confrontation between land and sea powers, or between a land bloc and a sea bloc. it's really a lot of things explains and this explains the last history of at least 150 years, starting with the great game just between the russian empire.
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china and india, now we are talking about india, are becoming absolutely independent, land continental powers, independent, they are no longer a continuation of russia, not satellites of russia, but they are not colonies of the west and... not colonies of civilization and the sea, they themselves continents in themselves, worlds in themselves, states of civilization in themselves, and modi represents the real foundation, the column of this multipolar world, usually russia traditionally dealt with congresses, dealt with the left, with democrats in india, but now it is modi, a realist, a conservative, a supporter of traditional values, by the way, he himself proclaimed the idea of ​​​​the need to decolonize indian...
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essentially arises , a completely new geopolitical and civilizational picture, multipolarity, that ’s what you said, a brilliant example, it’s not just that fashion stands for america or for us, he stands for a great india, which is now called pharad, and it is no coincidence that the hindus abandoned india, believing that this is a certain colonial name for calling their country pharat, so this is a new country, this is a state of civilization, this... india is completely independent of either us or the west, defining its own sovereignly interests, this is a completely new chance for us, because the attitude, good, positive and constructive attitude of india towards us is not because we attract it, because india follows with its own interests in the context of a multipolar world, but that’s why putin today called our relations with
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kharat, with india, a privileged strategic partnership, look at the word: privileged, i think that we truly only have privileged relations with these new poles of the multipolar world, with india and of course with china , here is greater eurasia, just where there are already three independent poles, and orban, who chairs the european union, shows that there is another, even the western pole in this eurasian context in some way situations maybe.
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when you look at this situation, at the potential of the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization, not so long ago, when we discussed what happened in kazakhstan, we talked about the fact that not everything is immediately visible to contemporaries, face to face, faces are not discern, but that the potential is very large, so it seems to me that fashion’s visit to moscow immediately after...
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he expressed the hope that when modi comes to moscow, they will talk about these issues in order to try to ensure as much as possible, but if you want, let it be for now not strategic cooperation, but a more harmonious dialogue between beijing and new delhi, i have a feeling that this is starting to happen, i agree with you, not only you have this feeling , many people have this feeling.
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for many years we communicated only with the indian national congress, which ruled india for decades, you know, it turned out that we are friends not on party grounds, but simply india is actually grateful to us for everything that we have done over the years , our cooperation developed very successfully, but you know, i remember in tashkent i started study in graduate school, indian films were constantly shown there, people enjoyed going there, many of us know indian films,
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we have them... good, and i think this shows that our people had a warm attitude towards india, by the way, that’s it, what vladimir putin has accomplished is deafening. i will explain why, look, at the moment when the americans are preparing for the summit, the anniversary nato summit, when they are preparing for the isolation of russia, at this moment our president is holding meetings at the sco summit in astana, with practically all the leaders, hungarian prime minister orban is visiting our president, who is now the chairman of the european council. now fashion has arrived, it seems to me that this is such a series of knockout blows, for the americans, it seems to me that they simply have not yet fully digested what is happening, it is now very difficult for them to oppose us with something, but what will they oppose, a conference, so to say, in the world in
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switzerland, which failed miserably, there is nothing more to show, i think that you know, we are very pleased that the barometer, the barometer needle has turned the other way side from the isolation of russia. to the isolation of many countries of the western world, which impose their ideology, their policies on many countries, and this is the system of unipolarity that the states continue to implement, in general it causes everyone not only doubts, it seems to me, already rejection, this is the great merit of our country, i just looked at how narendra behaved in fashion, he is quite restrained in his emotions, but it seems to me that he was overwhelmed with emotions when he met with our president. call putin a dear friend, yes, yes, well, in general, when he received our highest order of st. andrew the first called, this is dear, it was only agreed upon with india a long time ago, they agreed, and the order was in the nineteenth year, as if the decree
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had taken place for him, but then vladimirovich putin meeting in vladivostok, he said that we will present it in the kremlin, this order is awarded only in the kremlin, whoever among our foreign leaders has been awarded this order is only a comrade. fleck now narendramodi, and two former presidents, nazarbayev and heydar aliyev from azerbaijan, that’s all, this list speaks for yourself, good, that’s good, that’s not very good, the three of us have just talked, if we put it this way about all the good things, come on vladimir nikolaevich, i’ll talk to you about all the bad things, about the summit that’s starting at... their 75th anniversary , they seem to be going to celebrate it solemnly, to show that biden is still alive and will always live, at least until the end of the next
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presidential term, but what other tasks do they have, well, it seems to me that the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato is such a serious occasion and just let's talk about everything good for nato members. because their achievements from their point of view are quite impressive, they were at the beginning 12, 75 years ago, now there are 32, uh, nato member states, they experienced the shock associated with the collapse of the soviet union, namely a shock, because after that it was very many people, ah, well, in russia, naturally, in the west, asked the question of what will happen next with nato, whether it is generally necessary to maintain this structure in the same form, and after that crisis around. ukraine, nato received a second wind, because a new serious enemy appeared in the person of russia, with whom nato is now at war by the hands of ukrainians, and as we know, not only ukrainians, but also with the help of some of these
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self-made detachments that operate there, but in fact, these formal reasons for joy, it seems to me, are overshadowed by the events that are happening here before our eyes, because uh, well... a person is designed in such a way that he takes a long time to prepare for an anniversary, and he sums up some results, and life develops every day, every hour, so you can, so to speak, plan a magnificent banquet in 3 months, and during this banquet to discuss not at all anniversary, unpleasant things. it seems to me that the most important, unpleasant thing for nato, which will definitely be discussed one way or another at this summit, is that world leaders come to moscow, they meet with putin, in their words everything...
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there was a peace summit in switzerland it would be strange if mode was in moscow, as we have now heard more than once, but within one minute he said the word peace, yes, it would be strange if in moscow he meant some kind of abstract world. or peace on western terms or peace as of december 1991, he means peace, taking into account the interests of russia, and these interests of putin were stated more than once, i must say that moscow’s position in this sense has not changed there, i don’t know, well, at least since december 2021, and if we look at it so seriously, from putin’s munich speech, in this sense there is a very serious progress, and orban is coming. here with talk about peace, he ’s not declaring this in brussels, he’s
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not declaring this somewhere else, not not not not not in washington, it’s this factor that russia turns out to be a country that has proposed a formula for peace; nevertheless , many leaders are trying to take it into account; it seems to me that this is quite an alarming signal for nato, because the cementing presence of a common enemy can gradually...
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by the world majority, well, it seems to me that there are mixed feelings; on the one hand, nato is perceived as a force that strives. to dominance in the world, which seeks, the power of weapons to impose some kind of vision of the world, contrary to the values ​​that are common to global majority, but at the same time there is a certain fear of nato, of the combined power of the collective west, which motivates some countries, including even india, which, with all its power, as the largest...
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probably such formats, we don’t really like them, but it seems to me that i can probably assume that this issue did not pass by putin’s dialogue with modi, i think i am sure that the indian prime minister, he sought to adequately show his friend vladimir vladimirovich putin that this format is not directed against russia. and that india has its own idea of ​​the world, which it
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generally professes, one thing can be said is that no matter what nato, the united states, the collective west does, use these formats to try to involve india in some kind of - these are unions, not unions, but communities without russia and without china, they in no case can lead to some kind of quarrel. between china and russia, to quarrel between russia and china, russia and india, and even china and india, because the fact that they entered into brix, the sco cooperates everywhere, i think it speaks for itself that india pays attention to these formats, it develops them, it participates in them, and it seems to me that despite some such curtseys, maybe be towards the western allies. which are needed as such a technological
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base, as partners in trade, in various exchanges, in obtaining modern technologies, i think that all this should not spoil india’s relations with russia, moda showed this very well with this visit. now, if we are talking about nato security, alexandrevich. nato was created as a defensive alliance after all, in '49, not that they minded pushing their borders east.
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world power and, of course, in the situation in ukraine, nato countries have united civilization even more in this state, another matter is for how long and at what cost, at what cost? firstly, now, to fill the vacuum of the absence of the soviet union, a new
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multipolar architecture is emerging, including military-strategic, and the same india, the same china, then islamic countries, africa, latin america. they will potentially create an opposition system, oppositional, opposing this hegemony, this is inevitable, that is, by and large , such a radical consolidation of nato countries will lead to the opposite effect on the opposite policy, will accelerate the creation of an alternative world security system based on the multipolar principle. secondly, i think that the price of uniting nato countries, which biden boasts of and really has. there is some basis for this boast, it is very high, because in in the western world itself, a fundamental opposition is emerging in relation to this north atlantic hegemony, in europe these trends are maturing, in america itself embodied in trump, because in fact this is a nato superstate, it is criticized by both
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european populists and american populists, traditional american conservatives, paleoconservatives, they are just trump himself. criticizes nato due to the fact that it is a super-american, it is a globalist authority, and i think that this is a first victory, in other words, yes, they are for a short time managed to consolidate and prevent the divergence of nato, but the stronger the reverse effect will be, external and internal. if i may, in two words, i would say that, developing what alexander gelevich said, what the americans partially managed to do is create. collective subjectivity in the person of nato, they needed to have this subject, a subjectivity has been created that is bursting at the seams, this is another question, but for now, that means, we can consider this a partial success and, and despite the fact that the community we are creating or with our active participation, they are not directed against
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anyone, but if you compare this with fencing tournaments, then putin is constantly inflicting more and more painful... injections into the body of this giant aggressive octopus, you know, the whole question is what was it created for nato, if nato was created in order to unite the west to begin a crusade against the then soviet union now russia, then aleksandelich is impossible to argue with you, but i have a slightly different criterion, that is, i also fully agree with your criterion i accept, and of course the association. the west under the auspices of the united states is a kind of success. you know, i’m thinking about my neighbors in america, in the state of virginia, mostly rural areas.
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russia is not going anywhere, maybe it will scream and cry, but then, as they say, it will come to terms with it, it will fall in love, but suddenly instead they hear that the budget of american nuclear forces needs to be enormously increased, and that it is necessary to prepare new categories of nuclear weapons, which cannot even be ruled out attacks on the united states itself, we are not talking about this. this they say in the biden administration and in congress, so i think that for the majority of americans, this does not look like
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a victory at all, it looks like what they fought for, they pushed for it, let’s go to advertising, and then we will continue the conversation about our complex and contradictory world, and i want to start with you, asking you, vladimir nikolaevich: what, from your point of view, does nato want from russia today? let's go to advertising. it seems to me that this is not a sin, because this is love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples was adored in ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater. she went and played and was there. dressed up, i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels, shoes, lately she rarely appeared in public, didn’t give
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interviews at all, we were lucky enough to persuade her, i really looked after my husband when he was sick, i really felt sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make to play the leading role, why did she not dare to give birth? i didn’t hope for anything good, she called someone else’s daughter hers when i know. that she's nearby, i 'm not afraid of anything, now that i'm not verokusmic, we are in this same apartment, gifts, gifts, gifts, who will now have the incredible inheritance of the great vasilyeva, who will get her jewelry, we are laying out these jewelry so that everyone chooses what he wants, our exclusive, last interview last will the great vera vasilievna, exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday. on the first one, you 'll be bored, well, i'll be fine, don't forget your hat, otherwise
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it's cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, you're welcome, come on, well that's it, come on, bye, until we get in touch, well, we inspected the attics, the roofs, everything is clean, the owner is a dachshund... that she didn't have any conflicts, no one gave birth, that the dumplings were tired, the poplov jumped off, but we courtyard on sunday at the first, the big game is on the air, nikolaevich, that’s when i look at the statement. understand what goals from their point of view should
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i tell you that i can’t fully set myself this union, then they say that they want peace, but they just need to improve the situation on the battlefield, the situation for zelensky, then we can will start some negotiations even with participation. defeat is a goal that, these are not dreams of dreams, but this is the goal to which they still strive, and the fact that conversations about this
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dream break out more and more often. public space, it seems to me, is another confirmation of this, as for the so-called desire for peace, the desire to ensure a more advantageous position for zelensky in possible negotiations with moscow, but we have already gone through this trick many times, it concludes, its meaning is in order to suspend hostilities in conditions when they are disadvantageous to those who play on the side of the west, in order to take advantage of this...
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temporary ceasefires and respites will not be taken seriously by russia, because they will only play into the hands of our opponents. in this sense, the strategic defeat of russia is, of course, quite an ambitious task, but i think that they still think of this task as such. generally speaking, it seems to me that 75 years ago the task was approximately the same, it’s just that the methods of achieving it were different, and the resources were possible from one on the part of the west, on the other hand...
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it may be that we are all talking about the fact that the goals of nato, the goals of the collective west have remained unchanged, or it may be that both their goals and methods have changed, and have become significantly more ambitious and not i’m afraid to say, more aggressive, you know, i think, in what happened in recent
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decades, of course, if the fault of the then... leadership of the soviet union, now i am more and more convinced that we should not have left east germany, from poland , from the czech republic, czechoslovakia, where our groups were stationed troops, we were then told that this was such a burden on our economy, we were not able to, but there in the west they were waiting for us with open arms, it turned out that all this was a lie, they really, when we left, received complete carte blanche. to carry out their policies, and those of our former allies under the warsaw pact have become the most ardent opponents, look how they are being conducted on all international platforms, with what anger, and of course, i think that this was of course the mistake of mikhail sergeevich gorbachev, and he i believed that they wanted to be friends with us truly, who treats us sincerely,
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i know that how the organic-western... leaders later made fun of him when they realized that they had simply deceived us, now we are reaping these benefits, they cannot understand this, for the first time, for the first time, even when vladimirovich putin made the famous munich speech in 2007, they did not believe it, that russia had recovered, would rise from its knees and move on as a powerful state, but life has shown that this is what happens, i think you know , now the situation is so ripe, so i wanted it say, i constantly hear threats from latvia, lithuania, poland, and you know, this spring is constantly compressing our patience, but all patience comes to an end, you were absolutely right when we entered czechoslovakia, well, the allied troops entered czechoslovakia , year, to hungary, the sixth year,
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they couldn’t even make a word, no one, but i assure you that if we... some kind of preemptive strike on this boorish behavior of our former post-soviet republics, we will somehow respond more harshly, i think , this will be a good lesson, na in fact, only now they have begun to understand. you are right in the same america that sooner or later all this could lead to a nuclear war, after which there will be no one left on this earth, but i repeat that we are going the other way, we are trying to resolve issues on the diplomatic front, but at the same time i understand , that until we solve the problems of the special military operation that putin set, their position will not change, they will constantly see us, they must be stopped, they must be stopped, the whole question is where they must be stopped, and what immediately what comes to mind, of course, is the situation in georgia and the latest statement by the foreign intelligence service in moscow that they in nato, in
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general, are thinking seriously about organizing another maidan, this is my expression, not the foreign intelligence service, but the maidan and a coup in georgia, there should be elections in september, if i'm not mistaken.
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the west is beginning to really not like it, they have already tried, and saakashvili was sent there , they tried to organize color revolutions, they will try again, but i see that ivanishvili’s position.


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