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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 10, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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to give the brain proof that we are doing the right thing, so we definitely need some kind of bun for ourselves, by the way, you know, here’s a bun when everything is good, but what do you think is the best thing to do so that when we’re out of budget, when we’re obviously guilty did something wrong, tell me, when i ask this question, they immediately start coming up with stories like this, for example, to take a certain amount and put it aside, that is, this is the money that would go to the wish list, where put it aside.
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wishlist article where we thank ourselves for at the end of the month, that we did everything right, but we spent it, no, not it, we just did something wrong, some kind of emotional purchase, that is, we would not have gotten it from an attentive listener, but where did we get the money for a non-national the purchase, where it came from, that is, well, it’s just that, well, we have it put aside and at the very beginning, we have this money, we have to get rid of it so that the brain understands that we have lost it. irrevocably, well, the best way to burn, physically, physically burn, that is, we take cash, cash, which we were supposed to do what is called encouraging ourselves, we gather all the wives, children, grandmothers, you are very right, it’s better to do it like this officially, in my practice i had probably seven or eight times, when people burned once, three times , when they were knocked out twice, and well, once when three times.
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it’s imprinted in his brain that i’m like this, because i made an emotional purchase, i had to burn the money, he won’t allow himself to do that later, his subconscious, the subconscious still records this neural chain, next time, yes, listen, wonderful, and if the task is to discipline yourself, and discipline is the very thing, this is what prevents us from growing and investing.
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we cannot forever reduce our expenses, optimize expenses, but we can grow our income endlessly, no one limits us, no one is to blame for the way our life is. we do it ourselves, so yes, of course, there are people who have a different opinion, but they will not grow, they will always sit still, that is, if you have a head, two arms, two legs, you breathe, walk and consume food on your own, there are no restrictions for you to grow in income, yes, and here, by the way, about mistakes, we talk about them in the process, loans, a very important point, i would like to stop. there are good ones, there are bad ones, a good loan is a loan that is justified, maybe justified, in my understanding, this is a mortgage at a low rate, again here you have to consider a mortgage at a low rate, but this can be a very good story, well loan, which it allows you to earn a business loan there, if the business both pays off the loan and makes
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a profit, well, i have a very nice example of why in my life i had a laptop, which comes at a discount this quarter, i don’t have free money, it was expensive. it shouldn’t be a purchase, but an emotional one, b for entertainment, and you know why you are taking this car and that you can even make money on it for this quarter remaining until the new year, so i usually have such examples of this kind, what is called, what is justified loan, and all actions are conscious must be aware, because in principle
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, in my universe, a loan is like a medicine, it means that you are sick, that is , if you manage your budget in such a way that you need loans constantly, and god forbid.
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which for little money allow you to insure for normal amounts precisely in case of risky diseases, serious diseases, i think this is a must-have for everyone, that is, everyone should do it, let’s go into this topic a little bit, let’s delve deeper into the airbag, are you a supporter or no such accumulations, well, what can you call them? how much, how much average monthly expenses should a family have in the airbag, well, three 3-6 months of life is enough, of course, if an entrepreneur who has an unstable income, there is some self-employed person, well, maybe for a year, but in fact 3-6 months is enough , usually in 3-4
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months a person can get up, get up and change something in his life, or this will be the amount that will be spent on those very unexpected extra diseases, something else, here we are pillows. if we are talking about medicine, and this could involve spending tens of millions of rubles, then good insurance will help, it is inexpensive, no loans are needed, you can plan everything in advance and just take it into account, think about it, think through the risks, well, in general, to summarize our conversation , the topic is actually endless, and we have now only examined the first layer, telling our audience... that the answer to the question of how to start managing a family budget, the answer is very simple: start, well, for real, no matter how funny it is and it sounds simple, just start writing down all your expenses and income, then understanding will come on its own, well, if you review our podcast again, how to work with it,
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what mistakes there are, and then correctly, having completed this task, you will come to financial planning, where you can already set long-term goals and objectives, including the actual one. development and development of children there, that is, delving indefinitely into any horizons. thank you very much, alexey, i think we had a very good conversation, sorted out the errors. recorded somewhere there , walked around there, trampled just enough to remember it, especially thank you for that wonderful advice about burning, and if you missed this moment, be sure to reconsider, about burning money, yes, yes, yes, you didn’t you heard wrong, there is a very useful guide when you need to burn money, it was the easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, and we talked about the family budget, you can find all episodes of the easy money podcast on the channel one website.
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hello, dear friends. this is the life of the remarkable podcast. and i’m with you, its host, writer, alexey varlamov. july 10 marks the 150th anniversary of his birth. sculptor sergei timofeevich kanenkov, we will talk about him today, and my guests in the studio will be the heads of the museum of sergei konenkov’s workshop, and this museum belongs to the russian academy of arts, svetlana leonidovna bobrova, and the director of the moscow yesenin museum, oleg yuryevich robinov. hello, hello, alexey! and svetlana leonidovna, we’ll probably start with oleg yuryevich, because it’s clear why you
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are present in this studio, and as for oleg yuryevich, there is some intrigue, why you why yesenin, please tell us about your relationship to our main character, well, yesenin was good a friend of sergei timofeevich kanenkov, and sergei timofeevich is my great-grandfather, great-grandfather, that is, you are konenkov’s great-grandson, yes. a huge life, there are many different myths, very different legends associated with this life, but
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if we separate the facts from the myths, what do we know are you sure about him? well , in general, in my opinion, if we talk about any life , there are always myths and legends, they are intertwined, naturally, if in the life of an artist and an artist of the silver age, then this all turns out in doubles, of course, but sergei timofeevich, his biography is really shocks and... we turn to the book my century, this is the century he lived, this is a book of his memories, one of his books, yes, his autobiography, but you can give away a secret, he wrote it himself or someone helped him, yes he wrote himself, was a journalist, literary record, mishchkova, the recording is probably kept in the museum, no, no, no, well, actually the publication was already published in a literary form,
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but the recordings were not preserved, unfortunately, they were not preserved, okay, let's go back to his biography, so he was born in a rich peasant family, so to speak, well, at least in a non-poor peasant family, still not quite rich, an ordinary peasant family, the only thing is that it was a large community, the village of karakovich, smolensk province, there were several families, when there were several households were related by family ties, they received their freedom back in the 15th century, it turns out. no, they received their freedom after the patriotic war of 1812, there is a wonderful legend,
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having freed the landowner from french captivity, they received their freedom, but not quite freely, over the course of decades they still bought themselves off, that is, they bought themselves out of serfdom, but they were already free people, the fact is that, like serfs, they did not have surnames; having received freedom, they simultaneously received the nickname horses, fellow villagers said about them, why should they horses, they are like horses themselves. therefore, the first surname was horses, their children, little horses, horses, and this is how the surname konenkova was born. konenkov was very proud of the origin of his family name, and then the peasant son sets off to conquer the capital, is that what happened? not quite, he studied in broslavl, barin’s son was just going to study, and sergei timofeevich was taken as his companion, a boy of the same age, he successfully passed the exam, they prepared for the exam together, passed it successfully, then headed to moscow to the academy of painting of voyants from patronymic, but
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this was not enough, the most important thing was to overcome the order of his relatives, who...
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as a person from the people, untouched, virgin, not spoiled by western culture, what was needed, yes, and he was accepted, he very quickly went through all stages of training, in the end in the end he receives a large silver medal for the sculpture stonebreaker, which was soon acquired by the tretyakov gallery, you understand the scale, he said when he was driving along the road, just to moscow, he saw people crushing stones making the road, this is his impression of roads in he realized moscow precisely in the sculpture stonebreaker. so for this culture he receives a large silver medal, which gives him the opportunity to live abroad for a whole year, he studies western european museums, kanenkov was certainly in the raden museum, that is, he studied the sculpture of raden, but most of all he was struck by michelangelo, he was stunned. the next work from his student work, which he created within the walls of the russian imperial academy of arts, was
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the famous figure of samson, which was inspired by michelangelo's slaves, well it's like would be the next page, this is this. yes, this samson, but samson himself was, so is it true or not that he was destroyed? no, no, this is a slightly different story, the fact is that after graduating from the moscow school, kanenkov leaves for italy, where he meets with a teacher at the imperial academy of arts, biklemish, a famous sculptor who was famous for collecting talented brilliant students when he met kanenok in the italian quarries, how he dug out marble for his future creations, he suggested to sergei: timofeevich to enter the st. petersburg academy of arts, that is, to receive a second education, and anticipating the joy of acquiring the education of a brilliant student. he enters the academy of arts, and naturally becomes a magnificent, brilliant student who completes all the classical tasks associated with neoclassicism, the prevailing style and
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education at the academy of arts at that time, it was a program naturally associated with the classical neoclassical. sculptures, when it's time for the diploma, little horse closes himself in his workshop, not even biklemishev is allowed in, and creates that sculpture that, as he believes, should amaze everyone and overcome all established norms of classicism, academic requirements, he creates his famous samson, here he is in front of you, chained samson, and naturally the model was for him internally , he saw the slaves of michelangelo, in fact this manifesto, he says i am michelangelo, i can do it. just like michelangelo, and this is precisely the manifesto, i am michelangelo or the manifesto, i’m a revolutionary, i’m for the revolution, for liberation with the revolution, of course, of course, but with his mood and his vision, this is 1902, three years before the revolution , a few more years, 3 years, well, actually a wonderful scene, i instantly see biklemishev anticipating
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kanenkov’s magnificent work , so the pre-committee appears, so what material is it made of, it was made of clay, and what was the commission? displaced, firstly, all the classical proportions are violated here, that is, he overcomes, look, here exaggerated brushes, and michelangelo also had all the proportions disrupted, well, not as much as kanenkova’s, that is, konyenkov went further than michelangelo, no, it cannot be said that michelangelo’s academic education was further - this is the framework from which konenkov came, and naturally he did what he shouldn’t do, it will be a little later, politics will certainly be a little full of thought too, the first sentence. expel konenko from the academy for such freedom and denial of all academic norms, for nihilism, the archive fought for konenko kuindzha and ilya efimovich ripin thanks. the great artist konyonka received the title of free artist, so was the sculpture destroyed or not? konenka returned to moscow, rented a workshop on arbat, and soon received an order from ivan dmitrovich filippov
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to decorate a cafe, this is the filippovskaya tverskoy bakery. and konyunkov, having told him, so to speak, about this wonderful samson, filippov was inspired and thought that it would be great to have samson in the center of the cafe. turns to the academy, where he is told that sculpture was destroyed by taking the owner’s address, of course, this was deceit, so it was possible to find the owner, konenkov’s sculpture was destroyed, so we would have gladly stayed on this story if konyunkov had lived 30 or 40 years, but he lived 100, we need we can fit these 100 years into our format, but it’s not that long, so let’s move forward, so, konenkov and the revolution, briefly 905 and 917, oleg yuryevich, there was a famous barricade on the arbat, which...
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generally cited a lot of quotes from the bible, yes, that’s when they communicated, they they were friends, they were called, the other sergei called them two sergei, in fact they were 20 years apart, after all, it turns out that konenkov was such an older friend, for example, konenkov power, konenkov and lenin, yes, it’s true that he met, yes of course, the fact is that konenkov was one of the founders of the famous leninist plan for monumental propaganda. in fact, according to this plan, the first revolutionary work was created, the first revolutionary sculpture, this is the famous plaque to those who fell in the struggle for peace, the brotherhood of peoples, which was
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installed on the wall of the sinata tower, after some time konyunkov’s work, this was konyunkov’s work for it was very important for him, in fact konyunkov depicts the angel of revolution, the angel of victory, in the hands of the angel of victory is a laurel branch. i still won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course, everything that
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concerns you, everything that concerns me, god, what a man, the main thing that a man has is a propeller. fantastic on friday on the first. so, we move on to the next period in konenok’s life in 1923. leaves for america and stays there for more than 20 years, and he doesn’t leave alone, but leaves with his young wife, this is his second wife, margarita. ivanovna, varantsov’s last name, in my opinion, was, yes, she was from sarapol, a wonderful city on the banks of the kama. so, this is the most mysteriously external plot. sergei timofeevich was invited. he
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was the committee for organizing art exhibitions and tours at the all-russian central institute in order to join the exhibition committee, the exhibition was supposed to be shown in the united states of america, as it were, the best work modern russian art, young soviet art was not young at all, the works of recognized artists of the art world were presented, the works of serebryakova, the magnificent works of kustodieva, that is, all the best that was.
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when konenkov worked, naturally, commissioned portraits, for money, he had to live on something, otherwise if he didn’t like a person, he liked margarita ivanovna, just because he didn’t like having his portrait taken, he swore, and she was a translator, she spoke a lot, but she translated little, they asked her, why does mr. kanenkov talk a lot? and you translate so little, she said that these are the peculiarities of russian speech, this is a wonderful memory, wonderful, but let’s go back, yes, let’s go back to this woman to albert einstein, einstein probably took this photograph, most likely, yes, this is exactly the courtyard , it’s the two of them, york, it’s in his house in einstein’s house in princeton, their first visit is sergei timofeevich, margarita ivanovna, again according to legend, let’s treat the memory as a legend, they were photographed by albert
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einstein, how did einstein even appear on...
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to einstein, and margarita ivanovna, after all, served as a translator, well, the fact is that she knew german perfectly well, it’s not very clear why she served as a translator, but work in russian and you need to think.
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in any case, these wonderful pieces of paper with einstein’s notes were at one time in the konenok museum, now they are, stored in the archives of the academy of sciences, that is , we have a unique document, a theory about einstein written for the wife of a russian sculptor. great, now, oleg
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yaorievich, there is a version that margarita ivanovna was actually there for a reason, margarita ivanovna actually came to america because she was part of the soviet intelligence services, ogpu, should i comment? yes, of course, i was immersed in this topic, but there were no preliminary events about these events that were mentioned, of course, there was no confirmation, let’s just say, okay, yeah, the konenkovs came to america, the konenkovs receive a huge number of orders, and the most important thing is that he participates in the famous philadelphia international exhibition, this is very important, in in the twenty-sixth year, the americans decided to create a huge global exhibition that would
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include russia as allies, and the victory over fascism was very important for them, so the help was absolutely selfless, but nevertheless , the famous, famous intelligence officer
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elizaveta zarubina came specially to the united states, supervised by margarita ivanovna kanenka, starting from 1943, everyone fought against fascism, these were our allies, so superweapons were the most terrible determinant.
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year 1945 konyunkov returns to soviet the union, and even stalin sends, as it is written everywhere, it is true, of course, that stalin sends a huge, well, huge, not huge,
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in general, he sends a court to the ship that he carries, then he comes to moscow, gets this luxurious workshop in the very center on tverskaya on gorky street. this fact can be interpreted as to what it means, well , it seems to me, obviously, this is, firstly, the merit of margarita ivanovna, of course recognition, of course, this is the first, but second, return of such a significant figure. already a world-famous sculptor who returns from the new world, and what was his motive for returning? he experienced every victory, every victory of the soviet army, he commented in his work, let's look at this photo, who is who here? well, sergei timofeevich is in the center, so shestakovich, margarita ivanovna konyunkova, well , of course sergei mikhalkov of the anthem, well, this is pyotr petrovich konchalovsky. it’s very
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interesting that there is a workshop there and not only these two floors, where my mother lived as a child, and there was an even larger area, right now, where the famous pushkin restaurant is located, this was also the territory of sergei timofeevich konenkov, it is very interesting that somehow the local residents of tverskaya turned to their great-grandfather that they had nowhere to walk and nowhere for the children to walk, and could he give it away? this territory to them, and he gave it to them, there was a children's playground, which in the nineties turned into the pushkin restaurant, great, which means that then, after returning to the soviet union, the third ranysanko began, unconditional, that is, this is the only sculptor who it's starting to feel wrong that, well, he naturally continues his creative search, but he is completely renewed, he is carried away, immersed in time. art, at the end of his life he creates abstract compositions
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and creates absolutely amazing works, modern installations. a 95-96 year old man, an absolutely modern artist of that time, which young artists strive to get into the horse’s studio, is to join new, unusual forms, this sculptor, who is 97-96 years old, yes, it’s very interesting that he arrived, returned to work, he did not return to rest on...
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bach, i would not have succeeded as a sculptor, that is, a horsewoman who created some incredible amount of works, some highest, magnificent level, suddenly values ​​this incomprehensible sculpture so highly, i can say, here about my childhood impressions, this is a sculpture with sound, it always seemed to me that there is music here, this is a very heavy thing, this work is called
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a prophet, it was created in italy in 1928, there is a very interesting story connected with it, konyunkov was very concerned about the events at homeland, various rumors reached konyunkov and he decided to find out the truth, and for the truth he went to gorky in sorento, specially comes to italy to sarento and talks from america. an important conversation with gorky, he goes very long with him, and at the same time he is working on this sculpture, which is called the prophet, in one of gorky’s letters, when the little horse left, returned to america, in gorky’s letter there is the following phrase: let’s forgive each other friend, we are russians, and russians must forgive, apparently, the conversation was heavy, olegich, do you still have some family memories, some myths and legends? legend, well, my mother told me, because she grew up
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right there in the workshop, in the apartment of sergei timofeevich, and when my great-grandfather returned in 1945, grandfather returned from the war, but grandfather was not in america, naturally, grandfather lived here, my grandfather lived here, and my great-grandmother, tatyana konyaeva, his first wife, she got married, then she married nikolai sergeevich rukavishnikov, the brother of the sculptor, rukavishnikov. they lived in the estates, they came, lived in crimea, yes, then, when in the thirties they returned to moscow, then their great-grandmother. exiled to kazakhstan, yeah, and where she died, we don’t know, this is also a story that is covered in secrets, because rukavishnikov, he died in nineteen or eighteen, he was shot, in my opinion, yes, well, that too unknown, as well as shot by the white reds, the reds, of course, here are
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the rukishnikovs, these are the merchants, here is nizhny novgorod, the house of the rukishnikovs, these are the same ones, and the same ones, that is, it turns out that konenkov was red, here is a white line one of the mittens was red cursed mouth written by ivan rukushnikov the writer was a friend of konenkov ’s own workshop konenkov often visited there that the amazing characters of basterre on the fresh water it was a girl that tatyana was a believer very much so they lived well, in principle they lived here where the sofia courtyard is opposite in the kremlin there is such a residential building, that’s where they lived, because grandfather recalled the story, once before he left for america he came to... to the workshop, and naturally became angry with him, and grandfather he also said that you don’t know how to communicate with sculpt from plasticine and stuck it to his sculpture, which he was working on, and the great-grandfather, when he was little, began to get dressed, the great-grandfather got scared, said where are you going, he says, i
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’ll call a cab driver, i’ll get there courtyard, and there my mother will pay, of course, in the last years of his life, when sergei timofeevich had already died, yes, then... margarita ivanovna was alive, yes, margarita ivanovna, well, that’s also the story that my mother told me, somehow she was in the fifth or sixth grade at school, which was located there in the gnezdikovsky alleys, and margarita ivanovna decided to give her some kind of coat, apparently it was once very expensive and beautiful, so she and her great-grandfather dressed her up, and she sees that they don’t wear it like that anymore, since she was a little girl, she said i didn’t say this nasty thing... so they were very upset because of this, well, margarita ivanovna lived, as i understand it, very modestly, because her grandfather bought her groceries and helped her with the last years of her life, when she died and he
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an urn with her ashes, brought it in shopping bags to the novodevich cemetery and buried it himself, that is, well, he probably agreed with the workers somehow, but he buried it himself and... the united states, photographs of the workshop, that is, it will be like an opening exhibition , that is, the main message of the exhibition is to show everything
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new, completely unexpected and unusual. at the yesenin museum we are preparing a large exhibition project: two sergei, yesenin icons. where there will be two halls, well, it’s very interesting that they were called two sergei when they walked in moscow, and the hall is like a sculptor’s workshop and a hall, a writer’s office, it will be an interesting immersion into the creative world of a sculptor and a writer, it will appear here as a schedule with us, something will be exhibited that has not yet been exhibited anywhere, and this is in the yasenin museum in the chernyshevsky railing , and... is also doing things together with us, events will be held at the smolensk museum, on maikovsky street, in my opinion, yes, because this museum is located, this is the house that the great-grandfather himself chose, the house, as a container for his works, which he presented to smolensk, there will be events there, and there will be events we have in the moscow region.


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