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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 10, 2024 1:30am-2:15am MSK

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hello, this is a podcast deception of substances, with you olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, and with me zukhra pavlova, a famous endocrinologist, and today we will talk about hormones of happiness, as it turns out, this is a very controversial topic, because it turns out that our hormones, which bring us happiness is very actively used in negative emotions, right? everywhere, with us everything is two-faced, you and i say in almost every program that the same substance can give us positive properties, it can give negative ones, and so everything in the body, and the most important thing in this body is balance. yes, each substance has some, well, let’s say, priority or dominant property, but when interacting with something else, this property decreases, increases, changes, and also all feelings, you know, there is such an expression: that
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love is this is a chemical feeling, the meaning is that they say that if you introduce certain substances, a person will experience the same feeling that he experiences when he is in love, is this true? well actually yes, i don't i know, however, how this can be reproduced, because yes, of course, there are some active substances, well, there are several of them, but at this moment everything in the body changes, the balance of all active substances, hormones, and neurotransmitters, that is yes. substances that act in the brain, there are a huge number of them, they all change, but the point is not only in the substances themselves, but also in their receptors, yeah, because if there are no receptors, what will hormones act on, for example, then not there will be actions, uh-huh, well, okay, let's still name what our most important hormones of happiness are, well , that's what you are, you're not a doctor, what hormones do you associate with happiness, endorphin, of course, endorphin? yeah, do you know
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the etymology of the word, something connected with morphine, no, well done, yes, enda is always something internal, and morphine comes from the greek god morpheus, who was considered such a ruler of dreams, yeah, eh endorphins also act on receptors, which we call apiate, associated with opium, yes, well, they were probably discovered, and so, and so they were named. they are associated with nociception, with pain, uh-huh, and that is, they prevent or block pain sensations, here is a historical reference, endorphin is, first of all, what doctors associate, well , it seems to me, with pain relief, but for you with happiness, yes, well, in principle, yes, there it gives this feeling of such euphoria, endorphin, so there is such a historical one. reference,
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there is a story that when some ancient greek battles happened in ancient greece there were some battles, there were many chopped people. at that moment they received a release of endorphins, yeah, they didn’t feel so much pain, they died, well , without such pronounced torment, these women had such an effect to help the wounded pass on to another world with less suffering, it turns out just that, what we talked about at the very
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beginning, when the hormone of happiness endorphin is released in response to pain, yes yes, let's see, we have a wonderful sign, the first thing that stands here is... endorphin, it gives this pleasant feeling such bliss when euphoria, that’s what it really is bottom row, this is also only endorphin, yes, pure endorphin, and there is a lot of it, because if you pay attention to these bubbles, the amount of this substance is also very important, any of these substances in excess can cause, now if you go to another picture , then there should have been such a bottle here. it should have been blue, but when this blue color is right up to the very top, then a person falls into mania or mania, yes, as psychotherapists say, when you talk about dopamine, yes, i’m talking about dopamine, when dopamine, well, let's say, a little more than
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half, then these are napoleons, these are people who are leaders, these are people who are able to take responsibility, these are people who are interested in everything, they are... literally everything captures their interest, they are capable of learning , remember vysotsky, there are few real violent ones, so there are no leaders, that is, there in that rope dacha there were few people with dopamine, with a good level of dopamine, here we have dopamine written, and many pronounce it as dopamine, this one and the same, and this is the substance without which there are no leadership such properties, it is really... a good substance, but if there is too little or too much of it, then there will be a completely negative connotation, and many medications, when a psychotherapist or psychiatrist encounters a person, let’s say, with such a suppressed emotional background, with such apathy,
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indifference and a number of other important things, then dopamine will play a big role here as a substance containing this substance and... for example, let’s take men, yes, it is produced in the scrotum, in the testicles, its main place, there are also the adrenal glands, there will be a little testosterone there, but more of this is the main organ of the male testicle for the synthesis of testosterone, so for it to be produced there,
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the luteinizing hormone must be produced in the head, in the pituitary gland, it is called lh, so that lh is produced , you need dopamine, yeah, but for dopamine to be produced? you need thyroid hormone and so on, that is, they are all interconnected with each other, but there is like some kind of entrance to this labyrinth that needs to be done so that you have a lot of happiness hormones, there is as much of everyone as you need, a little, a lot of mistakes, as much as you need, balance is needed, but they are attributed to catherine the second, she said that happiness is a good character and talent, we know talented people, they painted beautiful paintings there or sculptures or played music , but if they are quarrelsome, if they don’t have enough of that same oxytocin, now i’ll tell you about it, uh-huh, or serotonin, they are uncommunicative, they are so irritated,
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they communicate poorly with colleagues and friends, let’s say so, so, if a person has a disorder balance. then it will look either, figuratively saying, bad, or irritable, he will not be happy for himself, and it will be a burden for someone, well, for example, oxytocin, oxytocin is a hormone that is produced in our pituitary gland, we have such an organ, and this is the hormone that gives a feeling of kinship, closeness, and before childbirth and in general during pregnancy , hormone levels change, and as mothers say, it feels faster - the instinct of motherhood than the instinct of fatherhood, and dads later become involved in these parental feelings, but oxytocin also triggers for dads , yes? unconditional love
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- this includes oxytocin, but not only it, including, moreover, oxytocin plays a very active role in childbirth, it literally pushes the fetus out, it increases such muscle contractility, the same contractility will then be in the mammary glands, so milk and lactation could be a reality. has a certain grain of rationality at its core, and thus the audience
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becomes more receptive to these, i think they themselves get a whiff of this and a more receptive audience, it’s all very simple, yes, there is another one like that here's a hint: when a person wants to achieve a more loyal attitude towards himself, he offers to drink coffee, the smell of coffee itself is coffee... it promotes the synthesis of oxytocin, and this inspires more trust. zukhra, i very carefully studied the literature in search of if there were any specifically on oxytocin, because for me it was the most incomprehensible of such happiness hormones, uh, unfortunately, there are no such things - these are just one hundred percent foods that you need to eat for this so that you can develop it, well, here’s coffee, you said it right, there’s some there magnesium, our favorite there, something else, but that’s all, well, it’s very indirect. well, but one amazing thing is connected with oxytocin: every year the synthesis
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of any hormones in a person decreases, the synthesis of hormones decreases, the number of receptors with which they are attached, on which they act, decreases, and so on, with oxytocin it is a different story, there are several works quite convincing that with age, not all, but many, begin to produce more oxytocin, and this, by the way, explains why... why old people in old people believe that they lived a long, happy life there, for example, because this oxytocin, it slightly changes the perception of reality and so on, in general, this is what i think happens naturally, and what’s more, here there’s an absolutely wonderful explanation for this, you must admit, grandmothers forgive their grandchildren more than their children, it’s like razin, and the effect of oxytocin, in general, i feel like i need to buy it somewhere and spray it. should be useful, yes, we all perceive happiness as clearly
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sensations concentrated in the head, yes, well , indeed, we feel, it originates in the head, well, this is some kind of intellectual emotion, of course, well, let’s say, in order for us to feel this happiness, we need serotonin, and it is produced mainly in the intestines, no matter how strange, it’s there, but dopamine is the opposite, about 90% of it is synthesized in the brain, only 10% is synthesized in the adrenal glands, they are very similar to each other, but still dopamine was considered a hormone that gives a feeling of maximum pleasure this is it as a result, not so long ago scientists came to the conclusion that dopamine is a feeling of lust, a feeling of some kind of approaching victory, this is languor, this is dopamine, before you have to score. there’s a goal in football, or even in hockey, people stop breathing, there’s a funny video
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where a dog freezes, then when a goal happens, it falls off the sofa, our little brothers also like to get dopamine, then it’s so addictive, yes, you want to experience it again, one more time experience, but it’s better, of course, looking at the athletes playing there, leather coat, hat, wide gait. do all the objects in the room belong to you 575 horses. this is called a herd, stop saving, i was in my youth, poor, i really wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, well, what is there for me to unload the carriage, any work must be done well, hello sherlock, hello my boy, one hundred percent hit the mark image, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe
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that it was a decoration for any movie, we had the complete feeling that we were an ordinary family, this was a loss, a loss. the head of the family, because we all called him dad, a wonderful artist who left a big mark on the stage of theater and cinema, on the eightieth anniversary of the birth of boris klyuev, on saturday on the first. i didn't learn to rest, when i tried to do it i almost went crazy. and we continue our podcast and today it is dedicated to the hormones of happiness, with you zukhra pavlova, endocrinologist and olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. by the way, it’s interesting what can be done genetic analysis to find out your predisposition to what, to what, what hormones do you naturally produce more? well, it’s possible, but it’s possible - if we know
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something about ourselves, well, or i look at patients, and if i see a person with dysplasia. this is such a large, so to speak, pool of diseases, conditions, these people, as a rule, or maybe, say, a balance between adrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenal hormones and cortisol in favor of adrenaline, noroadrenaline, and serotonin in these people can be smaller too, they tend to various depressions, reduced emotional background, but as a rule they are quite good.
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here lies something that is not always thought about, by the way, here is dopamine, when they tell me: i submitted the results for the sensitivity of the receptors, their structure, at this moment i freeze, i really want to see this result, because i immediately begin to calculate, most likely it will be this, this, this, yes, when i see that it coincides, then my serotonin
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joins directly with pleasure and happiness, by the way, when there is a lot of oxytocin, at some good level. these people are so loving, indiscriminate, they can even be somehow branded like that, as they say, yes, they are not very guilty, their balance of hormones is such that they are not very masters of themselves, well, what to do in this situation, just social norms, self-education, control, well, so as they say, not to go into all serious troubles, but this is often the truth determined by some properties, that’s how i say sometimes, you follow...
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there was information that on your own -that only 5% of people learn from mistakes, everyone else repeats them regularly, so i really want to be in this most wonderful field, but history shows. yes, that the chosen ones get there, here is another very important point, that excess or deficiency of hormones of these neurotransmitters, yes, substances, biologically
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active substances that affect brain cells, well, in fact , they affect the entire body, various diseases arise , for example, autism is absolutely associated with a severe deficiency of oxytocin, not only, there will be serotonin there. and dopamine, but this does not mean that there is not enough dopamine, dopamine, and they are very trainable, they are not able to give out this information, but in the form we are familiar with, let’s say, in parkinson’s disease there is such a nucleus, such a place in the brain, called substantia nigra, substance nigra, latin name, it is destroyed, the metabolism of that same dopamine is disrupted and parkinson’s disease develops, they are working all over the world... on this complex disease, there have been very interesting works on such, let’s say, non-standard the use of testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone restoration
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therapy at the polish andropause institute, where they obtained good results against parkinson’s disease, but they restored testosterone levels to parkinson’s patients, it’s true, they stimulated the synthesis of this same testosterone, improving the clinical manifestations of the disease. that is, in people, roughly speaking, these motor disorders became less frequent, yes, but still the main active medicine, the first line, as they say, are drugs based on and affecting dopamine receptors, you can even touch on one more, i would say a global topic, it is extremely interesting in relation to our today's hormones of happiness, this is obesity, which means we have such a zone in the brain, the arcuate nuclei. not only in it, they have a lot of serotonin receptors, there’s just a minefield of them, which means that if you influence one receptor of some
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h2s, then the person, this is the serotonin receptor, will immediately go to throw himself out of the window, serotanin is the hormone of happiness, and not in this, here if you influence the receptor there of some a1, then the person will have a feeling of love, infatuation, happiness, if. specifically on the serotonin receptor, it had the name fenphen, everyone joyfully rushed to lose weight on it, but a very large number of people began to die in
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suicide, with cardiovascular complications, only then it turned out that the receptors for the same hormone have different modifications and completely different actions, that’s when you create a medicine that affects some dopamine receptors. tannin receptors, and you don’t have subtle knowledge of this selectivity, that is, selectivity, you can get any results, consequences, but not the ones you expected. very often we use a class of antidepressants, they are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, that is, it is clear that we act on serotonin, all this is a class of antidepressants, but some drugs, we know for sure, have an effect on... weight, while others drugs are either neutral or promote weight gain, when an overweight patient comes to me, and the psychotherapist prescribed him medications,
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which, yes, are really effective against depression, there is more serotonin, the person lives much better emotionally, but he gains weight, and i say: let’s go with your psychotherapist, and we try together, in agreement, to help the patient, we will exchange one... drug for another, if possible, in order to achieve two effects: reduce weight, and, as they say, overcome depression, moreover, if a person improves his appearance, for him this priority, well, someone really realizes how harmful excess weight is to health, and he wants both, when he has also achieved this goal, then his emotional background will definitely improve. zukhra, i don’t understand a little about the existence of antidepressants. the same effect, but one side effect is excess weight, and the other, on the contrary, is a beauty injection, why is it used with excess weight,
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look, when a psychotherapist... a patient with depression came, he still thinks more in terms of depression, more on this the doctor is configured as, for example, in gynecology, two absolutely identical drugs from the class of progesterone hormones, one has long-term negative effects on the cardiovascular system, and the other does not, well, so far, firstly, no one wants to look, and for many , this information is somehow not very... known or needed, the gynecologist now needs to get this, that, that, and that, but if you look ahead, this is still, these are clinical studies, not every doctor has a place in his practical activity for these studies, he doesn’t have time, yes, doctors, unlike so many other specialists, undergo constant five-year training, there is advanced training, certification, and so on and so forth, and this is not right before receiving a certificate, for 5 years
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all the time... history, and hormones, in general, hormones, they do not have one point of application, one system, gynecology or this, urology, our hormones have receptors in absolutely all organs and tissues. and amateurs who jump from trains, from high-rise buildings, and so on, and people who stimulate adrenaline synthesis, we they always say: oh, an adrenaline rusher, yes, he drives fast or something else, somehow takes risks, this is also about very strong sensations that literally cause addiction, and a person takes risks and risks, and cannot stop, this kind of mania, this is
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a podcast deception of substances, we are talking about hormones. happiness, olesya nosova from ukhra pavlova is with you. you said that there is a lot of dopamine, for example, this is mania. yes, maybe serotonin is a safe hormone of happiness, can there be too much serotonin and what negative consequences can this have? well, they are extremely unpleasant, these are severe conditions, including hallucinations, sensations arise when a person is lost in space, he experiences extremely negative sensations. reminiscent of such difficult sensations associated with fear, almost with animal fear, therefore, an excess of anything from the most wonderful substance, it will be negative for a person, the basic principle of medicine: after do no harm, quantumsatis , as much as necessary, then the person is happy, moreover, very often we say, we are chondrim, yes, we are chondrim, something like the weather
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hot then. the weather is cold, and then, when we say to ourselves: listen, your legs, arms are in place, a roof over your head, parents are alive, children are healthy, everything is fine, suddenly you just, as they say, feel this pleasant state, but really everything is fine, what is this i, that is , here, yes, it’s all modifiable, that is , we can stimulate the synthesis of good substances, first, as it were, realizing, and then feeling, but we can also eat something pleasant, i wonder what we can eat in order to become happy? is it really a cake? well, that’s how the human body’s system works, when we first of all have to want to eat, when we lose energy, when we can face incapacity, or, i don’t know, lose consciousness due to a low sugar level. so in order to quickly replenish this same energy when we lose energy, we reach for something
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quickly. compensating, it’s sweet, we really experience this feeling of pleasure, but it’s short, well, it’s true, first you ate candy and so on, and then you sit and feel sad, why am i like that blasphemous, seconds on the tongue all my life on the hips, and a well-known saying, well, okay, but alcohol, alcohol, what hormone stimulates alcohol, that and everything that leads to addiction. yes, that is, they are all a little bit here, not only, and dopamine causes addiction, and serotanin leads to such needs and adrenaline there too, it will all be acetylcholine, by the way, it will all be a little bit, a little bit, but stimulate this dependence, directly create reflexes, and a person, like a zombie, will then be drawn to this, because that someone who abuses alcohol
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says: oh my god, it’s a pipe, it’s such a disgusting smell, it’s a nasty taste, someone who loves smoking says, well, this alcohol turns into something unknown, it’s just an aristocratic habit, beautiful. and so on, but here we don’t approve of any servant, no matter how beautiful it looks and no matter how it is described, it’s all definitely very unhealthy, as for what else to eat, well, look, he gives us chocolate not only pleasure, but it gives us an amino acid, tryptophan, from it, just like in bananas, for example, serotonin is produced from it, and from serotonin then the wonderful hormone melatonin. if there is a lot of this melatonin, very severe all sorts of unpleasant conditions also develop, that’s because there is a deficiency, a person does not sleep, becomes angry, irritated, tired, incapacitated, that when there is a lot of it, all sorts of terrible
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psychological nuances are formed, melatonin is a hormone of the night, well let's call it the hormone of the night, it is also called the hormone of sleep, but not only, but the sleep hormone everyone says that no, it doesn’t cause sleep, no, it prepares for this event, but in most heads and ours, it’s still associated with sleep, yeah, but besides, with proper functioning , not only melatonin itself, but also, let’s say, its related melanocyte-stimulating hormone and its receptors, forgive such complex names, this also provides us with very serious oncological protection, so it is important that. what was there in abundance, by the way, when there was such work, when they were identified results showing that when melanocyte stimulating hormone goes away ahead of time, it decreases ahead of time, and a person
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sits faster, yeah, and this is one of these indirect signs that there may be a higher cancer alertness than in people who do not have this process happens so quickly, onka alertness - this is not a sentence, is it? of course, this is just caution, you need to go for a medical examination once a year, go through the basic research methods that are necessary by age and gender, to protect ourselves from walking around with some formidable, unpleasant conditions, and waiting for them to manifest themselves, which means it will be too late, uh-huh, good, but what else can make us be happy, but physical activity? you know, many athletes go to the gym not because some kind of necessity drives them there, but they enjoy it, and when i work out regularly without, say, long breaks, this unfortunately
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happens in life, then i again begin to experience pleasure from physical activity, little moreover, it even happened that it came to the point that you didn’t work out, went to bed and you directly felt how this body, as they say, was knocking on your head.
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brain, well, it turns out that the brain is a prediction machine, yeah, no, so why are you laughing? in fact, there is a very interesting logic there, and a computer model of the brain was built, it showed that we receive, our brain receives information from the environment, yes, it sees with its eyes, it touches through the skin, there is hearing, and so on and so forth, everything it... goes to the brain, yeah, that's where it all begins the interesting thing is that the amount of incoming information is measured and the amount of outgoing information is measured and the amount of outgoing information is much greater, that is, the brain
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builds models based on all this, builds models of its body, well, the human body, builds models of the universe and so on, this is crazy interestingly, it turns out that in general. remember, i told you all the time, i give this example, you and i looked at the same sand, only i left it on one side, and you on the other, you say, look how beautiful it is, green, and yellow, and swamp colors, and brown, and so on, i looked carefully, took off my glasses, put on my glasses, i saw only the yellow color, i think, probably, i ’m not looking at the sun’s rays the same way on the other side, i walked around, stood exactly in the same place, i didn’t see anything i saw it from no angle, then i laughed and said i have 20,000 rods and cones, and those are like devices that help us form and perceive the light spectrum, and
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you have 2 billion of them, so you see what i never i will see, and the artificial brain, unlike humans, has the ability hold all this information, analyze it, and give out different options, if you look at an event 100 years ago, you can predict what will happen right now, because everything in this life repeats itself, we just forget, we can’t realize it, we can’t analyze it . something else, but artificial intelligence can, there ’s another interesting fact described there, if you remember, in 2015 - a picture of a dress went around the internet, everyone was arguing whether the dress was black and blue or white and gold, well, something such, yes, everyone broke copies and so on, well everyone thought that this was such a joke, so scientists began to analyze who thought what color the dress was, it turns out that... the larks
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believed that the dress was white and gold, because it seemed to them in the morning light, and the owls believed that it’s blue-black, because they looked at it in their imagination, with their eyes in the evening light, in fact, this fits very well with the topic of our podcast today, if you want to be happy, then you need to create the prerequisites for this yourself.
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in my arms there are three lights, the night and the dawn on your eyelashes the sparkles of sleep and from voiced phrases the sound of hooves rings, your dream, with almost no weight , will be carried away by the wind to that holy land and there let only my voice be with you, my voice.
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no more time for sleep, no more time for sleep, if the music spills, now remembering that with you , together with the rainbow of stars, i decorated the morning, i’m speechless, from practice, in a white dress, two, my embraces are three, it’s burning.
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hello everyone, friends, this is a podcast without a format, a place where the loudest hits are heard , the most unexpected features happen, all the girls love it. guy with guitars, exactly this i conquered them with my wonderful co-hosts, karina cross and valya carnival, as well as the gypsy band behind me, and this is roman, nikita, arkady and alexey, and of course me, anton lavrentiev. who came to us today, who is the performer of this hit, and do you know which one? which one? i know i'll lose you soon. by the way, 70%
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of men sing this song to the girls they are in love with. and 30% of men sing this song to their friends during a divorce and to their salaries, welcome us today, they say that men are afraid of beautiful women, she’s everything asks, asks to be looked into her eyes, but not everyone can do this, meet in our studio today the incredible beauty dana sokolova, in fact, we called you two for a reason, because well, for you both of you were not born in russia, right i understand, and for you it’s like... well, conquering another country, as it were, you saw how now you look at it in a new way, and so you’re your own, so well, for you it’s like a new, new country, a new mentality, so and i would like to know how each of you conquered, conquered, as it were, our the country, our language conquered, and i can say that this is exactly dan, here is your indigo track,
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this is simply the most popular music show, the voice on our television and children. the adults all come with this song, everyone seems to interpret it in a new way, tell me, this is how you felt it, how you did it, well, i don’t know, for me it’s a song from which it’s like this is always your hands , well, to this day it actually excites me terribly, every new story is like this, because the song has been around for many years, it the truth is so far, i god forbid that there will be many more years, and in general, as i always say, she will definitely outlive me and, as it were, the children. yes, well, in general, it seems to me that music has some kind of mission and a goal for good music, so that it remains in history, that’s how it was created, well, that is , we wrote it, of course, scrupulously, it was born directly this song, well, in different states, apparently, that’s why it is still imbued with
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such different emotions, you can feel it, and it evokes very different feelings in people, because it has... filled, you know that abraham, like a real man, came today with a gift for you, seriously, yes, today you will hear indigo in a different version, i really want to hear it sooner, you can, well, always, of course, look into your eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, but don’t freeze in them, look into my eyes, look into my eyes, look into my eyes and read what is in the world where we were divided, there is so much rot, so little peace, but you , let us be strong, that in the world where we are raised, there is so much rot, so little peace, but you will
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strongly, and this is a separate thrill, to see how... another artist sings your song, i really wanted you to have a microphone, you really wanted it , no, i’m absolutely incredibly pleased, i feel proud now, even a little bit, but i actually have a question: always whether you chose your clothes yourself, how you will look, what you will sing, or you have a community, a team where you decide together what you will look like on stage, maybe it’s the producer, my advice: not a single person knows that is... another, a stranger, myself better than i, that's right, that means i know my disadvantages, your advantages, you need to develop your talent, stand in front of the mirror for a long time first, study, look, i choose myself, i choose myself.


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