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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 10, 2024 3:50am-4:58am MSK

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you saw this, he forced her to crawl under the car in a dress, you helped me so much, i owe you to marry, all the guys, go to your room, thank you, it seems she started half a turn, and i’m not talking about the car. i liked it, well, yes, he’s a good young man, yes, very original, in my opinion, look, she’s smiling more than after the last surprise, you know, i don’t have it at all, it seems to me that your brevity and timidity, it’s here, of course, took place, he will definitely take it, so i read that you must be very romantic, he wants to wake up with you in your arms, live in a country house, but...
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greetings, my name is manche, i hope that everything will work out for you today, it’s very nice, thank you, manche, 41 years old, tiler, lives in rostov on the don, does boxing, sings in the shower and loves to cook, dreams of swimming with a killer whale. plant a vineyard,
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is proud that he built a house, planted a tree, raised a son, admits that he only sleeps on his side, having decided that an official marriage could change the bad character of his beloved, manchu led her down the aisle, but a month later i ran to file for divorce, hoping that leka would turn out to be an easy-going girl, hello, hello, in short, man, you’re the only one with no hair, honestly, you’re the only one, that’s all. it doesn’t spoil me, i think , of course, that is, and with such pure georgian agility you decided to change the bad character of your girlfriend, yes, by leading her down the aisle, i thought that the man would be confident that i was his man, i would marry on her, it will be softer, but unfortunately, in what way her character was manifested, this is a bad character, and you know, she often called me an abuser, now it’s so fashionable to say, you, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s very fashionable. after some time
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, i learned what an abuser is, i realized that the abuser is not me, but she, and why did she accuse you? oh, let’s say you sleep loudly there, walk loudly, walk wrong, sit wrong, well, here’s a joke about the robber nightingale, sit wrong, hang wrong, it’s actually funny, but not funny enough, no, it’s true, yes, yes , and she also set conditions for you: no intimacy with you while she’s on her finger. what really caught my eye was that she was a decent girl, she made it clear to me that until she sees the wash ring on her finger, i’m a stranger to her , that is, she has no intimacy with other people’s relationships, oh well done, girls, take note, he wants a family like yours, in general now it’s like, yes, it’s okay to it was time to come home, yes, listen, what ’s the story? i would like to believe that this
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is so, but the fact is that the story was that when she became pregnant, we got together, lived on her territory, two weeks or three weeks maximum, in my opinion, it was pregnancy, she said that it was all her hormones, some kind of crazy rage, although i don’t seem to be... years old, i understand what pregnancy is and how it can be, in general, created such conditions that it was impossible to be around , i moved away from her, said that everything was over between us, we can’t live, but i will support the child and i want it, i had such a cherished dream, probably still have it now, i want a daughter, listen, really, if take away the jokes, he is so conscientious, he wants a child, he said that child, cherry, i am ready to support him there, in general i’m on vacation with friends, she writes to me in the morning,
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doesn’t even call, says that you’re throwing her away, i’m naturally upset, very upset, in the evening i see... on social networks, she’s sitting with her friends, drinking champagne, i ’m like this, i don’t understand anything, i kind of know, you don’t need to understand anything about this, let’s talk about the good stuff, look, there’s such a girl sitting in front of you, a pretty girl, i watched carefully everything that’s happening here, like you - react, in rostov you need to rent an apartment, yes, but in batum you have yes, yes, just the other day i bought a two-room apartment in batum right in the center. will you go there? no, it will be for relaxation, well , it never hurts, but here i am planning to build a house, i hope soon, and you are ready to move, because you can work remotely everywhere, you see, the munchies are going to build a house, if it’s a house, then yes, a normal guy,
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evokes some kind of feeling, you know, trust, i needed flowers, i said something, let’s give, give flowers, yes, give. oh, thank you very much, oh so beautiful, thank you big, uh-huh, ah, manech, such a question, why are you sleeping naked, oh, what should he sleep in, the body is resting, of course, but what about, by the way, a very cool suit, i noticed that it even has a strap in color, very, by the way, very, by the way, show me a surprise, i know that you... are a strong girl, you can stop a galloping horse, enter a hot hut, chop wood, so i suggest you chop wood, and this is for him , to build a house, you probably need firewood, we put on
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gloves, yes, we have never had such a mockery before, thank you, that’s probably what i’ll show how... this is done, and then i can help you, i can tell you, okay, yes, i can do it without gloves, i have the hands of a builder, i’m used to it, wow, so, now stand up, be stunned, stand up - left leg here, the right one here, he’ll sit behind her now and take her by the hands, look, you’re bending your knees a little, uh-huh, don’t take it,
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thank you, but take your jacket and go to your room, she wasn’t so enthusiastic about helping him as if she was in front of a car, well can you tell me how you like the mancha? well, not a bad man, by the way, an excellent professional, tiler, in general, all construction work, including repairs, he does it simply masterfully, i was so confused next to you when i took the ax, well, just like that, look, it seems to me that the ideal man for you is not here today, but go know, you can try with sergei, it seems to me, he of all, it seems to me, will be willing to follow you wherever you want, and i’m for the mancha, because he inspires me more trust,
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confidence, that’s a plus, building another one a nice home together, it seems to me the children will be beautiful. he's so cute, and little mendison, who are you? and i agree with you, rose, i’m for the mancho, it seems to me that you won’t break any wood with him, you’ll definitely do it, but listen to yourself, no matter who you go to, we ’ll support you in any case, so go ahead, and if she will come in, what will you do, of course, i will come out, i invite everyone to come out and support the leka. unfortunately, we don’t have a couple today, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa guzeeva i wish that your loved one
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will definitely tell you, let’s get married. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. level of trust, russia-india, vladimir putin and narendro fashion at vdnkh in the kremlin. negotiation.
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showed new products that have already aroused interest abroad. with faith of hope, the day of the tihansk icon of the mother of god. arna returned to russia 20 years ago after difficult passions. and volleyball, the channel one cup, super teams of legendary coaches and current mentors. august will be very hot. so. russia, india, just over two hours ago the prime minister flew home from moscow on rendermode.
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what was the main day of the official visit? vladimir putin, having received guests the day before at his novogarev residence, today invited him to vdnkh. more details will be in our release. then the leaders in the kremlin continued negotiations. with the results anton vernitsky. the two capitals of russia and india have a lot in common. this is not just a nice phrase and it’s not even about politics. today in delhi the temperature is exactly the same. like in moscow it’s more than 30°, it’s clear that the indian prime minister, accustomed to this kind of weather at home, feels comfortable here, and if you consider that the last time he was here in moscow was in december 2015, a week before the new year, it’s even more true narendra modi came to russia back in 2019, but also not in the summer and not in moscow, but in vladivostok for an economic forum, 5 years have passed since then, yes, there have been many meetings on neutral platforms since that time, but here ... visit to russia, which caused a lot of noise, primarily in the united states, which is trying in every possible way
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isolate our country. and then modi made his first trip after being re-elected as prime minister of india to russia. in politics , this is a sign of special relations between countries. the state department expressed concern about this rapprochement between moscow and india. against this background, both putin and modi, on the contrary, noted that in the 77 years since the establishment of the first diplomatic contacts, they have always been more than just constructive. dear mr. prime minister. minister, this is your first official visit after being reappointed as a result of being elected to parliament, and i want to see you again once late. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership; we are constantly in contact and pay main attention to the development of trade and economic ties. last year, trade turnover increased by 60%, even more than 66%. during the first quarter of this year it added another 20%. in numbers, trade growth looks like this. more than 12 billion dollars 3 years ago more than 65 billion
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already in 2023 , the joint statement adopted today states that by 2030 the amount will approach 100 billion. will contribute to this, including the north-south transport corridor and cooperation in the far east in the arctic zone of russia, and according to narendramode, cooperation in the energy sector, and primarily the sale of russian oil to india , has already saved the whole world from the crisis. i must admit that thanks to russian-indian cooperation in the energy sector, we have ensured stability in the world market. some citizens of the world were in danger from fuel shortages, but thanks to our cooperation we were able to avoid difficulties, including for many indian citizens. for this i am very grateful to you. and here it should be noted that the declaration signed today talks about the development of a system of settlements with each other in national currencies. this not only suits everyone, it becomes a priority in our trading. relations, 70% of trade turnover is now already serviced by national currencies;
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separately, the topic of digital financial assets is also very important from the point of view of the prospects for establishing additional channels, additional tools, more more effective than using the traditional banking system, and the conversation at today's negotiations is not only about the ruby ruble pair, but about creating an independent settlement system for the entire global south, the dollar is too toxic, it is clear that constantly... it is necessary to create our own settlement system, we we call it the global south, in order to conduct payments in national currencies, in this regard, of course, the upcoming brix summit is also very important, india plays where a very important role in order to be independent of both the dollar and euro. as for the visit to arendomod in russia, its official part began with the indian prime minister laying wine at
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the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. in the morning, by the way, he managed to meet with his compatriots. there are many students studying in russia. from india, and also to announce the imminent opening of two additional consulates in our country in yekaterinburg and kazan. moskovskaya can no longer cope with the increased flow of tourists. if we talk about the main points of economic cooperation, in addition to energy and nuclear and hydrocarbon, then first of all these are pharmaceuticals and the military-technical sphere. thus , production of, for example, russian-indian brahmos cruise missiles will begin in 2025. the plant in northern india is almost completed. well, peaceful cooperation extends, as they say, from space, where india has expressed its readiness to work together with russia and china on the construction of a future lunar station to the sea, we are talking primarily about shipbuilding, in general, the russian direct investment fund together with indian partners will invest about 100 billion rubles in company, working in several important areas at once, including the production of
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medical equipment, we will import substitute equipment from unfriendly countries. our market have practically replaced them, and russia and india have also agreed on a program for training and exchange of professional personnel. today's talks in the kremlin were preceded by an informal meeting the night before. vladimir putin received narendra moda at his residence near moscow, from what was captured in the frame: a friendly light dinner in the open air without meat, prime minister india's vegan, the presidential stable with a horse
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named mulled wine and barking behind the scenes of the korean dogs recently presented to vladimir putin by the chairman of the dprk. modi called this meeting with russian president narendra modi very frank. yesterday at your residence we had a great opportunity to talk for 4-5 hours calmly in a home environment. i am very glad that we exchanged opinions on ukraine in an open manner. you have been very open about your opinion without any coloration. from our negotiations arose very interesting ideas and a completely new look. as your friend.
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it is noteworthy that a presidential decree on this appeared back in 2019, but such high awards are presented only in the kremlin. dear mr. prime minister, dear friend, awarding you with the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle reflects the sincere
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gratitude of the russian side for the significant contribution that you make to strengthening friendship. mutual understanding between our states and peoples. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the formation a sustainable basis for russian-indian cooperation in the international arena, where both our countries defend the principles of multipolarity and strict adherence to international law. they work together in the interests of ensuring stability, global and regional security. relationships flourish as time passes, only strengthening. narendromodi invited vladimir putin to visit india in 2025, accepting the invitation of the
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russian president to attend the brix summit in kazan this fall. anton vernitsky, vyacheslav chereshka, guram razilov, marina eliseeva and sergey romanov, channel one. a special operation liberated esnobrodovka in the dpr, it is more than 12 km west of avdievka and even further from. donetsk front is moving. the ministry of defense also reported the destruction of four american hymers multiple rocket launchers, which were being prepared for attacks on the crimea. here is a video of how iskander arrives on two of them in the kherson region near novopetrovka. two more were covered in zaporizhzhya. in addition to the installations themselves, five escort vehicles and up to twenty employees were destroyed. ssu. let me remind you that the day before it was reported that three of the same targets were eliminated. i’ll continue about the high-precision hits of the iskander complex missiles in the... region of the drone aimed at an enemy convoy, 20 cars up to 65 militants were destroyed, and repeated detonations are confirmed by the explosion of an ammunition depot, near odessa ilyachovsk a strike on
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air defense positions. in our report there are just two s-300 launch complexes. and the precise work of the north group of troops. the militants no longer have a supply bridge. hours yar. the enemy retreated beyond the seversky donetsk canal. trying to hold on to new positions, they won’t let him do this, our fighters are smoking out the militants from all their holes, the work is speeding up with new intelligence data, this time from it not only the coordinates of identified targets, but also the language, and the officer, in a report by dmitry kulko, exclusive shots from the other side, calmly walking between enemy positions, through minefields, be careful, watch the bell, remaining invisible to drones, air, air, birds, ours... scouts are making their way deeper and deeper into enemy lines in the chasovo yary area behind the seversky canal donetsk-donbass, which divides the city along which the front line runs today. during the great patriotic war, our troops liberated
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chasafyar not in a heavy frontal attack, but entered from the flank through this dense forest. through the greenery it is impossible to see the enemy’s positions from a copter, and therefore our scouts planned a pedestrian exit along the same paths as their great-grandfathers. a bird can never be replaced by a person , firstly, this instinct must be there, the bird does not have this, well, be careful here. here is a postcard, we are running, the bodies of our colleagues, the militants are not even in their rear they take away, the task is to take the maximum language that will give us information, and the developed group manages to complete this task, where and how, of course, due to secrecy, we cannot tell, but here’s the result, great luck, in captivity an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, lays out everything , what does he know, and he knows a lot, where is your base, base exactly, where is the command post, or where are all the posts, posts? ksp, i will show you on the map, everything is accepted. the ksp is a control point, but first it reports the location of ukrainian equipment. so, here there are, in any case, two tanks always. it seems like just the ruins of a house in
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chasiyar. our gun strikes, according to reconnaissance. and the tank actually catches fire. was well camouflaged. on this day , drone operators also launched a series of successful attacks on targets identified by the captured ukrainian officer. the command post of the fifth brigade is based on part of avyare.
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robin, robin, our crew was not hurt, the target was transferred to another self-propelled gun, we rush to this machine before it was covered, and the guys had to quickly change the point, already in a different place, they worked, took off the dryers. again we’re waiting, the scouts are changing the quadcopter now, the batteries are low, i’m on my own. they don’t have everything with them, buliver 415, one fire, ready, you can work, the target is quite difficult, the projectile hits exactly on point.
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control of enemy drones, on a tip from a ukrainian officer , more than a dozen targets were destroyed in a couple of days, he surrendered everyone, well, that’s it, thank you, on this day the scouts in the forest took two more militants prisoner, they took all of our unit for interrogation again to the enemy, urgently reconnaissance will not lose, since the scouts will still get there and see, they will report and give more accurate coordinates, the scouts are always ready to take the fight, so the fighter is called...
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don’t shoot in the back, just at that moment i jump out sharply and throw a grenade at them, leaving the machetes i was wounded, the next month in the hospital, and then back to reconnaissance . dmitry kulko, ilya repnin and andrey podgornov, channel one. during the night and morning, our air defense repelled a massive attack of ukrainian drones over the kursk, voronezh, rostov, astrakhan and belgorod regions; a total of 40 drones were shot down, they reported ministry of defense in belgorod, one local resident was killed and two more were injured. rocket. danger was declared several times during the day due to new attacks, both in the regional center itself and in border settlements, where six people, the shebekins, were wounded by shrapnel , a children's clinic, a social security building, and residential buildings were damaged. ukrainian terror against our regions and anti-russian hysteria after what happened in kiev the day before. their anti-missile, used inappropriately, ended up in a children's hospital,
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and our army is blamed. zelensky was noted in the kremlin needs pr on blood, just today there is a nato summit in washington, we will talk about it separately, but for now new york and un security council, grigory emelyanov is watching it. the security council meeting, where ukraine had to once again play the role of the victim, ukraine almost failed right out of the gate. procedural rules, no, we haven’t heard. russophobia is such that the ukrainian permanent representative did not feel the need to contact the russian one, but it is russia that now presides, that is, in fact, it decides who to invite. i guess the point is that they it is fundamentally important to show that they are above the rules of custom established in the security council. we, however, allow, in the absence of objections from other members of the council , ukraine to participate in today’s meeting, but only taking into account the fact that a request for this was put forward by a member of the security council, the united states. we regret that ukraine is not able to act independently even in such an
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essentially purely procedural issue. and even in this she is forced to be guided by her sponsors. of course, vasily nebenzya was prepared in advance for the fact that the magnanimous gesture will not be appreciated is not why the west requested this meeting. we are here today because russia, a permanent member and current president of the security council, struck a children's hospital, killing and injuring children in broad daylight. russian missiles struck civilian structures, including a children's hospital. we saw children, bloodied and wounded, seeking salvation. you don’t need to be a specialist in psychological treatment to understand such speeches are pure pressure on emotions. for us, this meeting is an opportunity to tell the truth about what happened. fortunately, video recordings of the hit on the hospital complex quickly appeared on the internet and canceled out all the efforts of kiev western propagandists. and here’s what ukrainian telegram channels published in hot pursuit.
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i quote: banking. i let everyone down, publish and disperse only the okhmatd children's clinic in order to divert attention from other arrivals, and there are very interesting objects there, and people could ask the authorities why military facilities are directly adjacent to residential buildings and hospitals. this is exactly what the kremlin and the ministry of defense talked about when emphasized that the strikes were being carried out against military targets. we still insist that we do not attack civilians. targets, strikes are carried out against critical infrastructure facilities, against military targets, one way or another related to the military potential of the regime. such a legitimate military target this time was the artyom plant, which produces missiles and aircraft equipment, they are trying not to talk about this in kiev, but it is possible that it was in the ruins of the plant that the ukrainians found the remains of russian x101s, which they are now passing off as rocket debris that hit a hospital. this video is cited as proof, although it is
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smaller. it’s somewhat controversial, in that it fell on a children’s hospital, the x101 is not recognizable in any way, there is no main distinguishing feature, long wings in the middle part, but there are small rudders, just like an anti-aircraft missile. most likely, this missile captured a russian target, but then lost it, so the self-destruction did not work and the missile fell directly near a children's hospital. the main reason for such incidents is
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it is due to the fact that ukraine very often places its launchers in the city. the main goal, therefore, is to cover , in fact, with a human shield, the remnants of its air defense. the authors of the telegram channel war with fake news compared the dimensions of the ukha 101 missiles, the ratio of length to diameter is 1 to 10, that of the emram missiles is more than 1:15, and this is clearly visible in the video, even though the filming was carried out at an angle, and not exactly from the side . the x101 missile is quite powerful, it has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, the power can be 400 kg or 800 kg, but imagine, a half-ton bomb explodes, of course there will be a huge crater and destruction. the buildings will also be huge from the impact, and the absence of a crater indicates that the warhead was not as powerful as that of the x-101 missile. now let's see how the x101 actually approaches the target, we have this opportunity thanks to an unknown kiev resident who filmed the arrivals yesterday,
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despite the ban, commenting, by the way, that missiles are flying to the artyom plant, pay attention to the clearly visible contrail, there is no footage of the rocket falling on the hospital, this is the fourth. so, once again, slowly, here is the arrival of the russian kha-101, here is the fall of the ukrainian anti-aircraft emr, add to this the well-known fact that anti-aircraft missiles of the ukrainian armed forces in the past lost their targets many times, hit either residential buildings, or a polish tractor, and harmonious kiev’s version is collapsing, just as the version of an alleged russian strike on konstantinovka, remember, kharm, an american-made ukrainian missile, once collapsed. accidentally reflected in the roof of a car a second before hitting civilians. that provocation was being prepared on the eve of the us secretary of state's visit to kyiv. the zelensky regime needs a spectacular picture on the eve of important international meetings, now on the eve of the washington
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nato summit. all this is being done solely for the sake of three or four minutes of footage that will be shown in washington. after all, we all understand perfectly well that these shots will be very expensive. and the rest of the words will be unconvincing. no evidence is important, nothing is important, remember one simple thing: what is not in the frame does not exist, from the same series the howl of sirens fake air raid warning, which was announced in kiev during the visit of western leaders to heighten the effects, much darker actions, like ritual visits to bucha, where it was not the russian military that killed civilians, but they accused russia of using these visits to justify new military tranches for mode. and a cynical demonstration during the visit of the nato secretary general of the wreckage of the supposedly russian point u, such missiles have long been removed from service, but the ukrainian armed forces fired at the station in kramatorsk with such a point in the twenty-second controlled territory, they also tried to pass it off as a russian attack, they were not
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too lazy to even write for children on a rocket, and even earlier there was mariupol, then still ukrainian, where , in order to demonstrate to the west all the barbarity of these russians, they created a fake supposedly our air raid on a maternity hospital, the fake was later denied herself.
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russian nuclear industry, today this is our nuclear industry, the undisputed leader in the global nuclear technology market, in the nineties we could have lost it altogether, the head of rosatom recalls how the americans did everything to destroy all our developments in the field of the atom. the details of those events are told to fashion by vladimir putin. a building was built next to the enterprises that produced weapons-grade nuclear fuel, where they lived on a permanent basis.
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enterprises, some of which have practically ceased to exist , we united what remained into one state corporation, stopped privatization in this area, and practically on this basis began to recreate the nuclear industries, what makes this unique decisions, firstly, as mr. president said, we are the only ones in the world where the control loop includes all nuclear competencies, from field development and production.
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there are almost 400 enterprises that work for our economy, for our defense industry, but this decision of putin changed the life of not only our country. rosatom accounts for almost half of all international agreements on the construction of new nuclear power plants. the scale and brightness of the largest exhibitions about the nuclear industry in russia, as a reflection of the scale of the corporation’s success rosatom. today we are the first in the export of nuclear power plants, 22 high-power reactors in seven countries and six low -power reactors in uzbekistan. india and russia are actively building nuclear power plants. skudankul two power units have already been connected to the national
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power grid, four more are in the process, as soon as all six are operational, the station will provide 50% of electricity to several states with a population of almost 200 million people. at the end of the nineties, the west refused to supply fuel to your stations, in particular to aeepur, we developed a special fuel, special tablets, we are already supplying sustainable fuel for your reactors to tarapur and rajasthan. russia is building a station in india. the use of the most advanced technologies is important for the prime minister of india, a supporter of vegetarianism and respect for nature, these technologies, including protecting the environment, are my most important, yes, that’s right, russia today is not just training modern professionals for the indian nuclear industry, many students have already become winners of magate competitions.
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the most important direction in the development of nuclear technologies - a nuclear icebreaker fleet on the strategically important northern sea route, without it there is no way, including sea transportation between russia and india, about the priority cargo of lng, liquefied natural gas - vladimir putin said. there is very great interest in this northern sea route.
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russia and india, even before the start of the event, he actively told our president something, perhaps details of the meeting of the indian prime minister at the airport. he was pleased that on the route of travel to his place of residence in the hotel, he was met by people, both russians and indians citizens who are here, especially in front of the hotel, inside itself. hotel, it seems to me that this creates a good mood, well, the mood for a further stay in our country. and we are committed to joint cooperation; immediately after visiting the rosam pavilion , a statement appeared on the kremlin website that russia and india are ready to begin active work on the northern sea route. olga knyazieva, boris leonov, marina eliseeva and kirill
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loginov. first channel. the inoprom exhibition in yekaterinburg will complement the picture of our achievements. prime minister mikhail visited her. russian manufacturers are successfully filling the niches of departed western companies, friendly countries are also presenting their products, there are 60 of them at the forum, but still there is a special interest in domestic developments, new materials, digital platforms, transport, robots, all this is in andrey golderev’s report. this foreign exchange is already breaking all records, a record number of participants at the exhibition alone , over 900 companies are represented, and a record number of signed agreements are expected. there are also many technical innovations, for example: russia's first serial robotic manipulator for loads up to 120 kg; 20 of these are already working in the southern urals. by the end of the year we plan to produce 450 robots, next year up to a thousand, entirely russian production. this is already the first robotic line; while some robotic hands are feeding the workpiece, others are already
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preparing to process it. the process was shown to prime minister mikhail mishustin today, and the door was also closed by colleagues. it ’s better to remove the operators from there, now they’ll hit you, these are industrial robots after all, but here is a robot from the company android technology from magnitogorsk that installs its own production of electric motors in the body, in fact, today we have returned a large industry that produces, including automotive robots, already seven companies, well done, this is already a very big start, because we have the corresponding efficiency indicators, which we should still be in the top 25 in terms of building construction. like countries of the world. manufacturers of public transport also presented many new products. there are also new ones on inoprom electric buses and trams. at the stand of the sverdlovsk region, ameshustin was told about the results of the project, which was launched 2 years ago. the first intermunicipal tram line in russia, which connected two cities - yekaterinburg and verkhnyaya pyshma. during
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its operation, it transported about 3 million passengers. and for ourselves, we made unexpected conclusions that when we compared the first half of the year twenty-three. the fact that passenger traffic has increased by 65% ​​in a year is the answer to your project, i want to congratulate you on this, we’ll discuss with vladimirovich what we can to do all this through the use of modern technologies; a digital public transport management platform was introduced on the route; today it is already used in several regions of the country. what is the first digital platform for managing public transport, using the platform. it will be possible to track passenger flow, secondly, it will be possible for carriers to monitor the movement of public transport, and most importantly for passengers. you can view your arrival time using your smartphone app. route, and also make payment. and this renewal of electric transport will continue throughout the country. in the ten largest cities of russia, a program has been launched
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to update urban electric transport, we are talking about the launch of new modern trams and electric buses. there we must understand that a new modern tram does not run on old rails, accordingly, by launching new modern trams, in ten cities we are changing not only the rails, but changing the city infrastructure, in turn mishustin proposed successful practices to implement in the cis countries, by the way , the head of the russian government was accompanied; today three prime ministers of neighboring countries, belarus, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan, together the prime ministers inspected the national stands. i was interested in the products of kazakhstan, the oil pumping machine is a product of our plant, but i would like to draw attention to the color, it is gzhel, like the original russian...
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our participation in the industrial exhibition strengthens our position in the global industry and economy. we are at the final stage of negotiations with the eurasian economic union and hope that we will achieve tangible results by the end of the year. technological cooperation is the key theme of enoprom this year, which shows that russia is an open example for everyone. it has already become obvious that the policy of illegal sanctions and
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unfair competition is ineffective and causes serious damage to its initiators. we intend to continue active participation in the formation of the broadest possible international economic cooperation and i want to emphasize that we are open to everyone who is committed to cooperation on principles. mutual trust, respect, consideration of each other's interests. and there are already examples of successful international cooperation, the belarusian stand presented several exhibits created jointly, while russia continues to work on its technological sovereignty, details are important here, for example, these tires are intended for the chassis of new russian aircraft, mc-21 and superjet, before that there were foreign analogues, now domestic ones, the tires are designed... at the moment , qualification tires are undergoing preliminary tests. at the exhibition other russian
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components for new domestic aircraft are also presented. the ms-21 chair attracted particular attention from foreign prime ministers. this is how you could feel like a passenger on a future airliner. but to create such developments, new personnel are also needed. their preparation was also discussed during a bilateral meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and the head of the sverdlovsk region, evgeniy. in general , industrial development in the region; last year alone, the middle urals launched more than thirty new production facilities, which is more than 2,000 jobs, the construction of a new educational campus continues, all this will allow the creation and development of new technologies, judging by the number of foreign participants in the industry, the interest in russian technologies is enormous. andrey goldrev, ekaterina yarovenko, maxim trubnikov, evgeny kuznetsov and ilya zhuravlev, channel one. there are many machines. the state duma today in the second reading adopted the law on a progressive scale of personal income tax, the third will take place tomorrow, for the vast majority of citizens everything
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will remain the same, the changes will affect people with incomes over 2,000 rubles per month, deputies approved a number of amendments, for example, along with participants in a military special operation, innovations will not affect citizens receiving northern allowances, you and i have now voted for adoption.
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and a proposal to improve the mechanism of this family payment, that is, to pay
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7% of the full amount of the tax paid. only then make appropriate deductions from this amount, which are already in effect today; this is like an additional benefit for families with children. more about lawmaking the first reading in the duma passed a document designed to control the use of dietary supplements. the point is that such products, but only officially registered ones, will be able to be prescribed by doctors. and sites selling counterfeits and... or unlabeled additives will be blocked without trial. the issue has been raised more than once and became relevant again in june, when mold, bacteria, and psychostimulants were found in foreign weight loss supplements purchased online. another important bill now in the duma it is aimed at eliminating the market of gray sim cards, when numbers are issued with
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incomplete, incorrect or simply fictitious passport data, and this is exactly what is used. criminals of all types, from cyber fraudsters to terrorists. the first reading has already been completed. konstantin with details. on the instructions of the curator, we had to obtain russian citizenship and go to the territory of crimea, where we would commit sabotage on the railway. this plausible grandfather, detained last september by the fsb in crimea, a ukrainian nationalist with the call sign gray-haired, fought in composition. national battalion aidar, banned in russia, after the start of the isn, he was trained in covert surveillance and sabotage work, after which he was transferred to russia, carried out the task of lieutenant colonel gur named shevchenko, he recruited me, set the task to check such and such coordinates, pick me up in such and such coordinates of the cache, after some time shevchenko called and said that we need to find
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a place to - blow up the railway track along which they will follow the train with calibers in the direction of sevastopol, the agents of the mountains did not reach the calibers in as a result, in may 2023 , the first train that came across was abandoned in crimea. another saboteur detained by the fsb, a veteran of the banned azov in july 23, roman melnichuk, organized the attempted murder of russian blogger alexander talipov. a year ago , a moped stuffed with explosives mixed with nail heads exploded under his windows. the mercenary followed the instructions he received over the phone and even a video recorder to spy on a potential victim; the curator at the sbu demanded that he buy sim cards. asked to look a video recorder with internet access with an expensive sim card, and a moped or scooter, they
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explained that you need to buy all this. and not in my city, first buy a mobile phone from which i will call, so as not from mine, this is just a couple of many saboteurs neutralized by the fsb since the beginning of the special operation, every time the cases involve the wrong phones, the devices themselves have the wrong sim cards, when you have gray sim cards, this means you have identifiers that the state simply does not see, be it intelligence, be it a fraudster, be it whatever who.
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allow at the same time, according to roskomnadzor, there are 265 people in our country with a total of more than 1,100,000 sim cards registered. since november 2023 , roskomnadzor has identified almost 77 million violations of the reliability of information about mobile subscribers. we see this when monitoring the shadow internet, the number of sales of gray sim cards, there are a large number of them, that is, the demand for them is only growing. gray sim cards are used by attackers, for example, to register in instant messengers. who makes accounts anonymous, while since the twenty-first year we have there is a law in force, we adopted it, i specifically voted for it, which obliges the owners of instant messengers to verify information about subscribers with cellular operators, but since there is no responsibility for this now, and none of the foreign messengers does this, some do not because there is no responsibility, someone
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does not do it intentionally because they are. tool in information warfare. anonymous sim cards, accounts registered on them, as well as channels, appeared in the recent dagestan terrorist attack against police officers, anti-semitic pogrom, in the materials of the investigation of the tragedy in crocus. according to sberbank. with the help of gray sim cards , up to 5 billion rubles are stolen from the accounts of russians every month. moreover, a huge amount of this money is transferred abroad and we know which countries, because the so-called call centers, the so-called telephony, most of them operate on the territory of ukraine. the bill, which is designed to significantly limit the spread of gray sim cards, has already passed the first reading in the state duma, it is proposed to prohibit foreigners register more than ten sim cards per person. numbers. if a citizen of a foreign country wants to have a russian number,
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let him take biometrics. as for the russians, one of the ideas for the second reading is to ban the registration of more than 20 sim cards per citizen? we also hope that in the near future there will be an addition to this law, which will regulate the number of sim cards. russians receive. the bill will also open up the opportunity for russians to control all their mobile numbers through the state services portal and there in your personal account, block unnecessary sim cards if necessary. however, all this was after the law came into force. its authors hope that the final third reading will take place before the end of the summer. konstantin paneshkin, ekaterina koryaka, andrey mikhailov, kristina neznanova, channel one. relations between russia and china have stood the test of the changing international situation and represent a model.
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threats and together write a new chapter in chinese-russian relations. america and
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the nato summit marks the 75th anniversary of the military a bloc created by the west to contain the soviet union and the main weapon against modern russia. washington will meet the expired zelensky, the outgoing secretary general of the alliance stoltenberg, and the sleepy biden. pre-election weakness, the rest are planners of where and how else to try to harm us. mikhail akinchenko will continue. 75 years is a considerable period, there is something to remember, and at least that over the years the alliance has grown from 12 to 32 countries, but for some reason there is not a word about this in the official nato video published at the beginning of the summit in washington. the only one the country that received special mention in it was ukraine, which, strictly speaking, is not part of the western military bloc.
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summit in bucharest on the topic evasively, for the 16 years that have passed since . others still prefer to talk about this year 2008, where the decision to admit ukraine to the alliance was first announced, all kinds of excuses were not invented in nato, just to avoid making specific promises, to cnn came up with a new one for the current summit, citing its sources. writes that in the draft final document the path ukraine's entry into a military bloc will be called irreversible. while many europeans emphasize the need for stronger language regarding ukraine's future in the alliance, representatives of the united states and germany
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have proposed a so-called bridge to ukraine's membership in nato. a senior us administration official said that the alliance will make new important announcements about increased military, political and financial support for ukraine from nato, which will become part of the kiev agenda. the bridge, however, has yet to be built, and so far no one has even can say how long it will be, the current secretary general of nato, en stoltenberg, who is already preparing to leave his post and for whom the washington summit will be. the last one, not so long ago, spoke about the horizon of 2034, but now it turns out that he was misunderstood . why does it take so long to admit ukraine to nato? you said a period of 10 years, why 10 years instead of two or years, considering that they are fighting a war? no one spoke exactly about 10 years, but it is obvious that the question of ukraine’s admission to nato is very serious, since ukraine is a warring country, attacked by russia, so the most important thing we must do is support ukraine so that... it wins, this is a condition for
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its future membership. for this purpose, it is expected that at the end of the summit they will announce the creation of a certain military command center in germany, which will coordinate the supply of western weapons to ukraine. it is not specified whether this center will take direct command of military operations, although the name seems to hint at this, but even american generals doubt the effectiveness of such measures. i think there's a commitment to equipment supplies are good, and we will hear about it, but there are no guarantees. there can be no security as long as there is no desire to send us and nato troops to ukraine, and this is the only effective guarantee of security, but this would be a violation of nato’s own standards, which does not want to intervene directly. you want ukraine to win, but at the same time you avoid meeting russia face to face, you hope to interfere with putin without directly interfering. this has been going on for 2 and a half years. well, did it work? not good. political uncertainty in the united states clearly does not add confidence to the alliance members. the presidential elections in november are
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a topic that, of course, will not be directly discussed at the summit, but it certainly cannot be avoided. and the feeling of defenselessness and anxiety that overcomes europeans, writes the washington post. the specter of former president donald trump's possible return is on the minds of many of the united states' european allies, and its approach is being felt more strongly as the hype over biden's ability grows. get re-elected. during his first term , trump repeatedly demonstrated antipathy toward nato and refused to speak during the recent debate. about whether he will withdraw the united states from the alliance. at this summit the presence of two presidents at once will be felt, one current, the other former. in the closed part of the summit there are quiet conversations, bilateral meetings, literally conversations over cocktails. and these conversations, of course, will revolve around former president trump and concerns about whether he will emerge from alliance, will it weaken it, capitulate on certain issues to president putin? the current american president is not giving up yet, amid all the talk about senile infirmities, he has developed. a chance on
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the sidelines of the summit to demonstrate to voters the power of confidence, but the burden may be too much for him to bear. 3 days of plenary sessions, bilateral negotiations, press conferences, biden’s participation in all events is mandatory, and even from the gala dinner, as at the recent g7 summit in italy, the head of the white house he simply has no right to evade. any of his movements will now be watched especially closely, and any manifestation of weakness will only cause a new wave of attacks. mikhail akinchenko, arkhipov, a new problem for georgia after the adoption of the law on foreign agents. today it became known that the european union is suspending the country's integration and freezing 30 million euros planned from the so-called peace fund to strengthen georgian defense capabilities. the eu ambassador to kbelisi says this is just the beginning. let me remind you that ee diplomats were spotted at gatherings opponents of the law, who are supported abroad by the pro-western president.
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the rector of the kant federal university in kaliningrad was detained, the rector of the baltic alexander fedorov and his deputy elena myalkina are suspected of embezzlement and embezzlement of cash bonuses that they wrote out to university employees but did not pay. we are talking about the amount of 18 million rubles.
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amen, if we believe in the lord, if we try to live according to his laws, if we do what he taught us, then we are together. with the lord and determine the future of our country our people. may the blessing of god, peace of mind, joy in the holy spirit not leave us as a single family, a family.


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