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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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the buildings with vanya are larger, and the buildings are slightly smaller, i asked to make a drawing, but i drew it with pleasure, the whole family was in the drawing, all the children, but there was no dad, as i understood, dad himself wants to communicate, if he wants to communicate, then only with a little daughter, if he calls via video conference, about the fact that i didn’t hear any prohibitions on communication from the mother’s side from these boys, their desire for both boys... is for everything to be the way it is now, because about life with dad , the memory is that dad drank all the time, he didn’t beat them, but as i understand it, that he beat his mother, and indeed a month ago vanya said that he called the police, despite the fact that i didn’t hear any direct negativity about the fact that dad, anything like that, but clearly now the situation is when they live with their mother, it’s for the children more comfortable, definitely, i haven’t heard of any aggression from... my mother.
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sergey, if you have a need to communicate with children, then you can always fulfill it, always, no one can take this right away from you, only the court, so in order to determine the procedure for communicating with children, you don’t even have to appear in court, today 21 century is in the yard, a competently drawn up application to the court, and you don’t have to come there, you have the right to communicate with... implement it simply, you don’t have to irritate anyone, you don’t have to be nervous, you don’t have to worry, you don’t have to irritate your mother and grandmother, i’ll say more, mom with your grandmother, you also have the right to communicate with your children through the court, if something doesn’t suit you, you are not given such a right, file a lawsuit in the same way, but you have time, go to court and be personally present to hear decision, now the situation is such that you are all in a quarrel, sit down, make peace for the sake of the children and agree: well, stop
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blaming each other for the past, that’s it, i’m not at odds with her, oles, you cannot leave your children’s communication without control with their father, so agree so that you are together, at least for the period of communication with children, okay? yes, okay. good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today vladimir putin is holding meetings with members of the government, this is how he himself set the agenda. as agreed, today we will discuss the issue of development of checkpoints across the state border of the russian federation, but first there are a few current issues, and of course, we need to start with the situation with forests.
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territory without serious problems, so the agenda is important, today is our day of military glory, the anniversary of the battle of poltava, well , it would seem that what the leader of what was then considered the best army in the world, charles x did near poltava, that’s what he was doing there, that’s what brought him there, really. mazepa lured him to some extent,
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said that he would support him to the fullest against the russian authorities, well, in the end he went to spend the winter in ukraine, stayed there, in the end he had to be defeated there, well, so this is not the first time we fought near poltava, there really was a decisive battle of the northern war, after which charles x fled to turkey, well, and then further... it was all a matter of technology after this strongest army in the world was defeated, but ukraine only had the colors of the swedish flag left, which still inspire them, but what to do, their flag always symbolizes either betrayal, either or defeat, therefore here these symbols remained with them, like this, well, our armed forces continue to be born.
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gave a recipe for kiev success, kiev victory. let's listen. we have. we have the best army in the world to win on our own. what is needed for this? 4 million people to be drafted into the army? 4 million people to be drafted into the army. do not pay wages, only feed,
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because otherwise it is pointless, carry out the operation for a maximum of one year. let's invest 10 million and go to the border. you 're kidding me not to pay wages. well, good evening, speaking in general, then again, this shows that all the talk about the strongest army in the world comes down to a rather inoculant recipe, that is , trying to recruit people, again, as they, well , call their compatriots meat, trying to somehow overwhelm them, but as we saw back in the offensive in the zaporozhye region,
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attempts to replace destroyed equipment with meat assaults, they did not give the enemy success, well, this alternatively gifted character, he simply suggests that it should be done. then even more success will come, but again in a modern war it’s just that this kind of local assault is unlikely to bring any significant results, while this is a guaranteed collapse of any economy, these are guaranteed riots, because people, essentially in the position of slaves, must act as handy meat, no one even bothers them for this pays, naturally this will be fraught with real riots, murders of officers and the collapse of the front, which is why... the americans who are supervising this process, they still prefer that more cannon fodder be recruited dosed without the collapse of the rear, well, of course , there are such figures who, if given free rein, will drive everyone to the front, that is, this again shows their real attitude towards their own population, but these
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statements stem from the fact that the current trends for ukraine are disappointing front, russian troops continue to carry out powerful strikes, there were strikes in the poltava region, where the oil storage facility is burning, it will apparently burn for another day or two. there were powerful attacks on the airfield in mirgorod, today three more were destroyed american hawk air defense systems, well, at the front our troops continue to operate on the rabotinsky ledge, well , they are actively operating north of rabotina north of verbovov, in the lemensky ledge our troops are active north of staromaisky, there are battles for the center of urozhayny, there is progress in our benefit, our troops continue to fight in the ugledar direction.
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our command wants to straighten the front so that in the future we can carry out the operation directly against the central regions of the yar watch, which means they are moving on the northern ledge the main battles are to the north of the razdolovka in the direction of the excavation, so in the main areas there are positional battles, in the krasnolyumansky
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direction there are positional battles in the serebryansky forestry in the area of ​​​​the villages of ternye and torskoye, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction there is tangible progress of our troops in the peschany area, here is the situation. things continue to get more complicated for the enemy, there are battles on the eastern outskirts of makeyevka, here we are also fighting for the liberation of the village, there are also advances in petra-pavlovka and there is literally not much air time.
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work in organizations that receive foreign grants, that is, if you work as a foreign agent, with foreign money, you won’t be called up, that’s an interesting twist, but zelensky actually hopes not for total mobilization and not for foreign agents, who it turns out can no longer be sent to the front, but for high technologies, primarily on the f-16, now he is already in washington, where the nato summit is taking place, he said: that he is waiting for the f16, like his mother was waiting for him from school, 128,
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yes, listen, the decision to transfer the f- to the ukrainians 16 is an excellent willful decision to convey how many they will arrive this summer, that's right, i hope we are always waiting for them, like my mother was waiting for me after school, i always found a reason to stay late, it’s the same here, but much more serious, much more serious, the problem with sv-16 is that... then until we have 128 f16, we will not be able to catch up with the russians in the sky. 127 will no longer
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save the father of ukrainian democracy, well, there’s just no way. and of course, naturally they won’t find ways to explain why they are late from school, although blinken was encouraging today and advocated that the f-16s were already on their way. i'm pleased to say that so far we we're talking fighter transmissions. the f-16 is in full swing, they are coming from denmark, from the netherlands, this summer these fighters will fly in it over ukraine, so that ukraine can effectively defend itself from russian aggression, well, whether they will fly, we’ll see, but then, what will definitely fly is stormshadow, british, today the new british prime minister, keir starmer, announced that he gives the go-ahead for the use of these missiles against targets on russian territory. federation, these are the changes, franz adamovich, nothing new from the point of view
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what we are discussing and saying here, in principle, did not happen, we understand where the decision-making centers are, political leaders change, receive appropriate instructions, and zelensky’s rhetoric, it is also associated with many circumstances of his internal... politics of 128 aircraft f -16, even those that are not the oldest, modernized, they still do not have stealth coating, they have a large reflective surface, are quite capricious, good, but very capricious, requiring a serious approach to aridromic networks, technical maintenance, today these opportunities are not available on the territory of ukraine, but they can be hidden. no, you know, i’m always surprised when we sparingly hear some statements
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from the military that strikes have been carried out, few people understand that these are such high-precision, pre-emptive strikes, they say, guys, don’t joke, well, you have a chance there is no one, the shooting of these planes with modern ammunition, the air and the ground that they are trying to...
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after all, for our candidate, who, of course, we are for biden, we are for biden, here to what extent they will supply these anti-aircraft weapons in such quantities that could change the strategic and tactical situation, unlike us, they do not have operational-tactical air defense systems, i don’t think so, well, the second point, the last defeat of their weapons and...
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non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, reform of the security council and the inclusion of india among the five, despite the fact that a couple of years ago there were 10 permanent members of the security council, and the development of a system of bilateral payments using national currencies, now this is already 70%, and there were a lot of worries about how
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china would react to this, so the indian ambassador to china actually summed up the results for china. media, kumar rawat. let's listen to him. brix sends a clear signal that the world is multipolar, the balance of power is changing and that old methods are not meeting new challenges. brix strives to become a symbol of change. i have no doubt that by following a constructive agenda, many more countries will want to join brix. the bloc could become the second un, in which everything participating countries are equal. this is the indian ambassador. in the chinese press, i know what i want to draw attention to, vyacheslav alekseevich, that russia is probably the only country now that talks to india as a global power, so the americans want india to be such a regional assistant, and there in the quad that -i did it on
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an anti-tai basis, but by and large it was not. chestnuts for americans from the fire. let's not hide the fact that china looks down on india somewhat. yes, there are very high, high rates of economic cooperation, there is a large trade turnover, but still china looks down on india a little. india perceives itself as part of a multipolar world, as a civilization that can talk to everyone on equal terms. and, as it seems to me. only russia perceives india as a global power in precisely this form. westerners would like india, and modi personally, to pose some private inconvenient questions to vladimir vladimirovich. and fashion is interested in conducting
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a dialogue about global strategic issues that determine whether our peoples? india wants to determine the global rules of the game, russia , through brix on a bilateral basis , is talking about this with india, i think that modi got everything he wanted in this regard in moscow. it is really more important than what is happening in nato for one simple reason: if you take all the nato countries together , then there are half as many people living there as in india alone than in india alone, so when they gather. solve world problems, and even india is difficult to convince of something, especially us, but the nato summit no less continues, we’ll talk about it after the advertisement, you’ve become like a stranger, well, you
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’re not my own, nothing connects us with you, lyoshka, scare me, how grateful i am to you, for the pies, why are you? i married him, misha, stop it, don’t you think it’s time for her to tell the truth about her son, but she needs it, it’s the truth, but i hate them all, i can’t stand the breath, sometimes you have to shout about love to be heard, two shores , the premiere of a multi-part film, watch after the program time, beyond four seas, beyond four suns. i still won't leave him, because he
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good, good, of course, everything that concerns you, everything that concerns me, god, what a man, and i want, the main thing that a man has, it should be a propeller, fantastic, on friday on the first, you need to get married once and for all, i think. you love me, oh, on behalf of the leaders, a fun wedding, the condition
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is serious, the spine is hurt, everything will be fine, miles, take it away, take it away. he's a joke, can you understand that now? hello, seryozha, why did you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be a man, free her, what do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself, i can’t say, goodbye, on saturday at the first, a leather coat, a hat, a wide gait, this is...
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falling into character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe that this was a decoration for any movie, we had a complete feeling that we were an ordinary family - this is a loss, the loss of the head of the family, that we all called him dad, a wonderful artist who made a big mark on the theater and cinema scene, on his eightieth birthday from the birthday of boris klyuev on saturday on the first. i haven't learned. rest, when i tried to do this, i almost went crazy, our studios are wonderful artists who gave their
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voices to their favorite characters, go ahead, kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced, i tried to play so that it would be comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but it was very very... it was, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough funds to call, i’m in a car voiced, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me, so call me, call me, i have covered so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because this is brilliant, come to your senses after shock, and then answer my question, well, of course, this is only possible for me. no one else, the route was built, don’t forget to give us a rating in the app, i somehow flew in, in fact, you didn’t have
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to do anything else, go. everyone is asked: have you been on taita? tonight with nikolai tseskaridze on the first. big game live, anniversary summit of the north atlantic bloc. 75 years ago nato was created, a. an organization whose sole goal has always been, is, and as they prove will be, the destruction of our country. they have been doing this for 75 years, they have succeeded in some ways, but mostly not very well, if the main goal is still the destruction of russia, but several people were missing from the family photo, for some reason macron did not come, some of his problems seem to have arisen within the country
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in... in britain, too, sunok did not arrive, and starmer had not arrived yet, so well, as if the key figures had not appeared, so next to biden stood on one side stoltenberg, on the other hand erdogan, as the representative of the country with the largest army e in in the north atlantic bloc, and of course the main speech was from the most powerful leader of nato countries around the world, as they... often say from joseph biden, he read carefully, without looking up from the prompters, but nevertheless, well, let’s first of all, he said about the nato mission. in in 2020, when i was elected president, only nine nato countries were spending 2%
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of their gdp. defense, this year there are already 23 such countries, such significant progress proves that our commitment to the alliance is broad and deep, so that we are ready, willing and able to deter aggression, to defend every inch of nato territory anywhere, on land, at sea, in cyberspace in space , that nato has territory in cyberspace and even in space, so their territories are so vast, and at the same time, naturally, when they say defense spending is something what they spend to fight... with us, and as for ukraine, biden there said an interesting thing, however, he confused ukraine with one of the planets of the solar system. putin wants nothing less than to completely subjugate ukraine, put an end to ukrainian democracy, and destroy the culture of uranus, that is, ukraine, to wipe it off the face of the earth. we know that putin will not stop in ukraine, but make no mistake, ukraine can stop him.
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putin, but what exactly is this nato summit for biden and don’t you think that this was a speech addressed to a domestic american audience, more than to anyone else. quickly commenting on what biden said, i would say that now questions are being asked about who makes decisions on what on what problems, but we know well, the mention of uranus, to me personally, seems to be no coincidence, because since the time of reagan it has been said that in the white house plays a big role.
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actually a summit, in addition to these, well, traditional anniversary speeches. biden, how would the administration put in the main idea, perhaps, that at least at least as long as the administration is in power, this is until january, at least twenty-fifth year, the course towards the strategic defeat of russia is the main one, in general, all allies.
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it’s even what is being discussed more in washington, either ukraine’s priorities in american foreign policy, or the fate of biden, the president, his fate in the white house.
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russia's war against ukraine is the biggest security crisis in decades. ukraine has shown amazing courage, and nato allies have provided unprecedented support. but let's be honest, even our support for ukraine was not a given. it is not easy because our support comes with costs and risks. costs cannot be avoided when the neighbor is an aggressive russia, and there is no war without risk, but remember, the biggest cost, the biggest risk will be a russian victory in ukraine, we cannot allow this, this will not only embolden president putin, but also embolden others authoritarian
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leaders in iran, north korea and china, all of whom support russia's brutal war, all they want nato to fail, so the outcome of this war will determine global security for decades to come, time to stand up for freedom. i would like to ask such comrades: what bad did russia do to you? moreover, china, iran, north korea, they didn’t attack, or something, something is preventing someone from living, he imposed sanctions on someone, an amazing comrade, but he actually specified how they will help ukraine, naming five new areas of cooperation. nato and ukraine. let's listen. as for ukraine, i i expect that the allies will agree on a significant package that will consist of five elements. one of them is the nato command in ukraine, which will help provide security and
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training. this is a long-term commitment to continue to support ukraine. new announcements of immediate military support, as well as new bilateral security agreements. finally, we will intensify our efforts to ensure full interoperability.
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they said that within a year the military doctrine would be changed, where the european, the european theater of military operations takes first place, but there the basis of all this is increased by two to 2.5% funding, well , 40 40 million, 40 billion allocated by europe, also in the twenty-fifth year matters, apparently, the americans did a lot a clever, very clever two-step move and, firstly, destroyed the european economy.
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briefly the first day of the nato summit, which was
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primarily noted, means 1 billion for strengthening air defense systems, developing a joint integrated air and missile defense architecture, five additional patriot air defense systems and tt itself continue to work on integration into the euro-atlantic community - this is nothing, they made 650 f-35 fighters to replenish military arsenals, they are flying apart. and 50 submarines, these are , in my opinion, the most dangerous aircraft they have, and four joint projects in the security field, australia, japan, south korea and new zealand. as for these 40 billion, well, as far as i understand from the white house statement, it will not only be european money, let us hear what it really is the white house said. nato countries will announce their intention to provide a minimum core funding of €40 billion.
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ukraine from the united states will come from funds already allocated by congress as part of the supplemental national security agreement signed by the president as part of this pledge of contribution by biden in april. this is the minimum basic funding, which includes the money that the united states allocated under the bill signed in april.
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the united states, having its own resource, transferred, including other nato countries, to eastern europe, which gave our old soviet property for money, and they are given old property for money, these 650 aircraft will go to the main consumers. nato countries f 35 is a very expensive aircraft from the point of view of the fact that they will be able to supply such a quantity of weapons in the near future, including the previously announced weapon systems that will be installed on these new aircraft. therefore, this war, as a commercial event of the united states of america and announced, again at this summit. nato created the so-called control center, it has been there for a long time, it
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has been there for a long time, it was simply officially announced, and it was announced in such a way that those generals representing nato countries who are also present, by the way, die, they will no longer say that they died in car accidents, they will say that the russians, whom we said should not happen, struck , our generals died.
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parties are banned, journalists are priests they are put behind bars, christianity is being attacked. the authorities there are bandits, so the democrats will not make a fundamental issue out of this, on the assumption that soon it will not matter, and putin will dance on their grave. they laugh at biden, funny memes appear all over the world that make fun of him in different ways, either biden shits his pants, or falls asleep on stage, no one abroad knows who to deal with, so for american politicians, ukraine is a dead end. abroad no one knows who to deal with, you might think that in america they know who to deal with case. now for the democrats there is a much more important problem than ukraine, who will represent them in the 2024 elections after the advertisement. so many
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events we have held, well, at most they will break dishes, break furniture, punch each other in the face to kill, beautiful. work, guys, work, lyus, but it’s true that you dreamed of a dragon with three heads, but not with three, with two, and not with heads, but with faces, i don’t understand what’s happening, we’re working, fortune teller, today on the first day, you and we fight with nadya all the time, throw yourself at me, we’ll survive, i think there is someone. i won’t tell them their real name, you remember rudolf abel, my friend, we worked together during the war, the center knows that we were friends. you will smile in another place, colonel, i will call myself rudolf abel, then they will understand
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that i have been arrested. rudolf ivan avichabel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident. throughout america, put pressure on him, scare him, for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr you face the death penalty, silence will not help, the only way out start collaborating with us, you hear me, you can think whatever you want, but we have to save you, they will kill you in prison, my beloved, they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, then tell the authorities that i’m terribly scared, we agreed . on the birthday of the legendary us government intelligence officer against rudolf abel on saturday on the first. it seems to me that this is not a sin, because this is love. the great vera vasiliev already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. the girl with
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dimples was adored in the ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater. was walking she was playing and was... forced, i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels, lately she rarely appeared in public, she didn’t give interviews at all, we were lucky to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick, i felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make to play the leading role, why did she not dare to give birth? i didn't expect anything good. she called someone else's daughter hers. when i know that. dressed up, i'm not afraid of anything, now that i'm gone, we're in the same apartment, gifts, gifts, gifts, who will now have the incredible inheritance of the great vasilyeva, who will get her... valuables, we lay out these decorations so that everyone chooses what they want. our exclusive, the last
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interview is the last will of the great vera vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, dignitaries. raikin agreed to act. the film is only because i voiced it, i tried to act in such a way that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough funds to call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me, so call me, call me, just a quail, but everyone knows that i just call me, call yourself
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after the shock, and then answer my question, of course , only i can do this, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget we should rate it in the app, i’ll arrive somehow, in fact, you don’t have to do anything else, go and ask everyone if you’ve ever been there, it’s evening. he is holding the frame, have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he
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could do so much for cinema, for his country, on that shore where i had never been, the traces of my feet on the wet squeak, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipalev... when i won't be there, sunday on the first, big game on the first, after unsuccessful ones for joe biden presidential debate there were many excuses on his part from his press secretary karenjampier, they repeated more than once that he was simply in bad condition and he is usually able to work until 8:00 pm, which
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naturally raised questions from american journalists, and peter doocy voiced them at a press conference at the white house. let's listen: the president recently said that he feels well, but he only thinks until 8 pm. it was a joke, i want to make that clear right away. it was just a harmless joke. you know that our the president loves to joke. he also said: "i know i look 40, so he likes to joke." it was a joke and i think everyone laughs when he says something like that. and if, say, the pentagon at some point detects a nuclear bomb at 11:00 pm, who will you call? first lady? he has a team that keeps him informed of any news concerning the people of america. he has someone who will obviously break the news to him. this is decided by the national security council. can you imagine the dialogue? yes, but vyacheslav alekseevich, i want to draw your attention to the fact that this was the main point about 8 pm, that then he was not able to work,
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the main question was about his wife, because it turned out that his wife was present at meetings of the national security council and this arises the question is in what capacity, who is she, to be present in the situation room when absolutely secret issues are discussed and decisions are made, who is she. such as to be present there, why biden cannot hold these meetings without her, and here is the key the theme in this question and in jeanpierre's absolutely stupid answer was exactly this, she had no answer to this, all this means only one thing, i apologize for repeating myself, that now is an ideal situation for the american deep state, in place of the american ...
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whether to leave him in the race or not, the democrats held a meeting, headquarters in the apartment of the democratic party, all this was covered in the darkness of the unknown, but still, some congressmen, going out, allow themselves some frankness, so let's listen congressman steve cohen, at least you're already on the same page, no, in what sense,
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we're not even in the same book, well... and the other congressman was overheard by jacob sherman, a journalist. let's listen. the democratic house chamber where president joe biden's political status was discussed is beginning to empty. one house democrat supporting biden told me the session felt like a funeral. there is definitely no consensus on biden was. well, they didn’t have a definite opinion, but jel biden had a definite opinion. let's listen to it too. despite all the talk about this race, joe made it clear that he's in it. this is the decision he made and since he has always supported my career, i fully support him. well, continuing what ivan alekseevich said, i would say, further, according to the scenarios of the well-known joke, who is our
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honorary president, who is our odd number. the situation from my point of view is very tense, and i just want to attract attention to the forefront, or rather to the statement of the editorial board of the new york times, which appeared literally yesterday on the opening day of the nato summit on july 9, from my point of view , this statement contained essentially an ultimatum from the white house, as they say, to urgently withdraw from the race, or , or rather, immediately leave the race. moreover, in this document there was a paragraph, completely unprecedented, from my point of view, by american standards, where a certain order was directly given for the leader, the leader of the democratic majority in schumer, democratic
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minority leader in the house of representatives jeffreys and, well, maybe... behind this intensity, according to many sources , obama with his hapless vice president is behind this, it’s just going on, you know, at the level of just photographs, here obaba, everyone seems to be making it clear, this is what is called this isopian language, this is who today determines what will happen to biden, maybe in the very near future,
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well, we’ll see, especially since obama has a candidate for the presidency, he has. and also with family is the same, no worse, yes, but - i kept waiting for when, when will this start in the american election campaign, well when, just waited, cnn, listen, russian agents and propagandists are planning to secretly use social networks to influence public opinion to undermine support for ukraine in swing states during the 2024 us elections. "we're starting to see russia targeting specific voter demographics, promoting divisive ideas, and smearing specific politicians," he said. to journalists, a representative of the national intelligence agency spoke on condition of anonymity. the official added that russia's preferences for us presidential candidates have not changed compared to previous election cycles. we believe china has no current plans to influence the outcome of the presidential
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race, as it sees little benefit in choosing between the two parties. which, in his opinion, are striving to contain beijing, - said the intelligence representative, i have a stone in my heart, i think, how can this be, we are not interfering in these elections, well, how can this be, yes, they took out the old folder, every time, it’s interesting that... besides the obama cheat , mrs. hillary clinton is also actively preparing there, she lights up everywhere, collects money, as one correspondent quoted, she goes to receptions with fundraisers, even to places where she is not invited, in fact, the famous folder of russian disinformation, this is her favorite technique, which she has repeatedly used, i think, of course, the democratic party will definitely resort to its favorite things, except for the graveyard of mail and migrants, naturally should...
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yes, it is complicated, the situation that has developed with biden today, you probably read his speech after the speech at the
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nato summit, in order to support him, and maybe to give some kind of compliment, biden was called the fuhrer of the free peace. imagine, in a world where the word fuhrur, even if it is german, is discredited. the united states itself has more difficulties, and the more difficulties they have, the easier it will be for us. well, from the fuhrer of the free world, it is quite easy and mental to move on to to call themselves the fourth reich,
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which they actually are. nato represents the modern incarnation of the reich, this is really the fourth reich, which has already completely drawn you in with the entire third reich with all its allies, yes, well, and added the anglo-saxon world, then that. which made the reich even more dangerous, aggressive, but the fate of this reich will be exactly the same as the previous one, it will lose, because the countries of the world majority are much more organized, they now understand their future unitedly, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. about eliminating the consequences of spring
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floods and forest fires, about the situation on the labor market and so on.


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