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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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nato represents the modern incarnation of the reich, this is really the fourth reich, which has completely drawn you in with the entire third reich with all its allies, yes, well, and added the anglo-saxon world, then this is what made the reich even more dangerous, aggressive, but the fate of this reich will be exactly the same same as the previous one, he will lose. because the countries of the world majority are much more organized, they are now united in understanding their future, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we hand over to the news and the big game will return at 11:00 p.m. hello, we're live. evening news in
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the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics. about eliminating the consequences of spring floods and forest fires, about the situation on the labor market and more. details of the meeting between the president and the government. instructions from the head of state. they planned sabotage on the cruiser admiral kuznetsov in murmansk and an assassination attempt on high-ranking employees of the ministry of defense. they were supposed to receive parcels with a series bomb. the terrorist attacks were prevented by fsb officers. let's tell you the details. ukrainian mig-29 plane, atacoms missiles and khaimars, 2100 militants killed. the main thing about combat work for the boats in the ministry of defense report is that our artillerymen are in action. report from the front line. to prevent reckless people from using their heads,
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they want to increase the fines for... drivers of electric scooters. the state duma adopted the bill in the first reading. the penalty for drunk driving is 30,000 rubles. boeing's troubles. the streak of incidents does not end. a wheel flew off during takeoff in los angeles. where will all this lead? and we begin with the details of the meeting between the president and the government. the focus is on the situation with forest fires and consequences of spring floods. the square has been passed. fire increased by one and a half times compared to last year. the most unfavorable forecast is in yakutia and the trans-baikal territory. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, reported on this. as for the big water, about 30,000 residential buildings were flooded. the total amount of payments to victims amounted to almost 11 billion rubles. and the instructions from the president are that damaged residential buildings must be fully restored before the onset of cold weather. however, these issues are not the only ones on the agenda.
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natural fires - this is almost a third less than for the same period in 2023, but there is a problem: the total area of ​​forest fires is one and a half times larger than a year ago. today , there are over 500 outbreaks throughout the country.
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chooses its own schedule, the region will compensate for the rental of apartments, since now this is what is being done in these areas, i understand everything, okay, please watch carefully. what is happening there and accompanying this is administrative , it is necessary, it is necessary to help us on the spot. the meeting had several topics at once in a conversation with the head of the ministry of labor, the current employment indicators were updated. summer is vacation time, but work continues, compared to last year, last year there were 73.4 million workers, this year there are already 74.1 million workers with unemployment. at a record historical low of 2.6%. one of the government’s tasks is to ensure that this value is relevant for all individual regions of russia, in some there are significant deviations. today we have an unemployment rate in ingushetia of more than 26%. in dagestan 11.5%. in three more regions
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of the russian federation, the unemployment rate is approaching 10%. at the meeting, deputy prime minister vitaly savelyev spoke about the progress of modernization of border crossings. one of vladimir putin’s instructions is to reduce inspection time. cargo up to 10 minutes per vehicle. to achieve this goal , russian portal-type equipment will be more actively introduced at checkpoints. the equipment has already shown its effectiveness at the mashtakov and petukhovo automobile checkpoints on the border with kazakhstan, where time implementation of state control was reduced from 40 minutes to 8 minutes. the results of the brix games, which took place from june 12 to 23 in kazan, are reported by the minister of sports. more than 5,500 athletes from 82 countries took part in the competition.
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mikhail vladimovich, today is your birthday, mikhail vladivich, we congratulate you, we wish you all the best, success, and finally, the ministry of culture’s all-russian tour project about culture has started, 268 theaters are participating, all 89 regions of the country are involved. this year's biggest tour donbass song and dance ensemble, which will cover more than 25,500 km. konstantin, ekaterina yarovenko, alexander kovalev, channel one. a whole series of terrorist attacks were prevented by... fsb officers. the recruitment scenario is like a carbon copy, the promise of money, life abroad. only on monday we told how the ukrainian armed forces processed our pilot in order to hijack a strategic bomber carrying nuclear weapons. and here's another try. they tried to lure
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the sailor. the sabotage was planned on the aircraft-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov in murmansk. there and serves as a military man. he reported everything that was happening to the operatives. but another of our compatriots is already a terrorist. worked actively, and had already prepared everything for assassination attempts on high-ranking employees of the ministry of defense. first things first, yuri lepatov. the first test for the supposedly recruited by the ukrainian special services allegedly took place, as evidenced by the video recording. i made a new porridge, now i’m going to try it. i arrived at the place, the bag itself, the wires, the electric match, they will now connect it. here you go. it worked out and somewhere in kiev they reported on an extraordinary allegedly a feat of employees of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, which is headed by kirill budanov. terrorism is the main activity of this organization. in the spring of 2024, they decided to recruit a sailor who serves on the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov in murmansk. in march
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2024 , a certain oleg contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link. and he said that he was. kotsepso and its activities are supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine kirill budanov. during telephone conversations using psychological influence techniques, oleg tried to recruit me to commit a terrorist attack on a warship. after receiving the video , they promised to transport him to finland with fake documents, and then there was payment. techniques of psychological influence, however, worked exactly the opposite. the sailor reported everything to the fsb. began what is called the operational game. employees of the ukrainian special service sent components for manufacturing through a transport and logistics company explosives. under the guise of a planned exercise to test the readiness of personnel, an explosion was staged at admiral kuznetsov. those who ordered the terrorist attack received a video recording.
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the logger gur immediately simply disappeared, deleting the correspondence and contacts in the messenger. the working style of the scammers from the ukrainian intelligence service remains unchanged. they recently promised money to escape abroad with a change of name to a russian pilot. who was persuaded to ferry the tu-22m3 to them, this became known only 2 days ago, on monday, my interlocutor did not even hide that from ukrainian special services, introduced himself. a similar thing happened 2 years ago, when the security service, confident that they had bribed and recruited a russian pilot, gave away
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the location of the ukrainian airfield where they hoped to land the plane. instead of su, calibers arrived there. today it became known about another success of the fsb. a russian citizen born in 1994 was reportedly detained for trying to organize the delivery of three high -power chargers in gift wrapping to the residential addresses of the division's managers. russian ministry of defense. the bombs were to be detonated after the couriers reported the delivery. the terrorist attacks were prevented, and the fsb investigators continue to unwind the chain leading to kiev in the main intelligence department of ukraine. yuri lepatov, natalya lobanova, sergey nashchekin, channel one. ukrainian militants fired at shibekin again today in the belgorod region. according to local authorities, one person was killed and nine others were injured, including a twelve-year-old child. three were damaged in the city apartment buildings and... social facilities, the ukrainian armed forces also attacked graiveron, it was hit by drones, a civilian was injured
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, a man was taken to the regional hospital with shrapnel wounds. and energodar, the city where the largest nuclear power plant in europe, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, is located, was once again subjected to artillery shelling. as a result , the water intake building was damaged, the power supply was disrupted, and there were interruptions in the internet connection. and the latest report from the ministry of defense. russian troops improved their tactical position, immediately on... several sectors of the front the enemy suffers significant losses, another 2,100 ukrainian militants were destroyed in a day, and a large amount of equipment was also destroyed, in particular the german marder infantry fighting vehicle. in addition, three launchers of the inkl anti-aircraft missile system, made in the usa, storage depots for unmanned boats, a downed ukrainian plane, a mig-29, four american atacoms missiles, three rszzo hymers missiles were hit. there were also reports of attacks in odessa on targets associated with the armed forces of ukraine. local authorities confirmed port infrastructure was damaged. and from
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chernomorsk information came about the explosion of an ammunition warehouse, where foreign mercenaries were also located. our military is conducting the most complex artillery duel with the enemy on the side. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to gain a foothold in the forest belt, but the plans are thwarted by soldiers of the fiftieth artillery regiment. the menacing geocinths of the tornado installation do not cease. g. ukrainian militants are hunting for this equipment, launching drones, but our guys react with lightning speed, a film crew from channel one is working with them, reporting valentina solovyova, right now, together with the geocinth crew, we are moving towards the fire station, the soldiers received the coordinates of the target, this is an enemy gun, we are moving along the runway, very quickly, there are many... drones in the sky, visit, report, shot, the crew is hitting the
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enemy gun, which he disguised in a forest belt in the orekhovo area. a direct hit for the geocinth today is the third target successfully hit. the barrel is constantly hotter, as i understand it. wow, we have to work fast because they're watching us. as soon as the enemy had whitewashed the hole, he began to pull up engineering equipment to try to dig in in the forest plantations. geocint crew, like... but in the rear they are haunted by our rocket batteries, right now, together with
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the tornado crew, we are going to the firing position, the soldiers will work in the far square behind the village of ravodina, we arrive at the firing position, open, well, one and a half to two minutes, now you’ll see everything for yourself, a tornado can hit 40 km, they didn’t run out of shells, no, there was a period when there was such a long calm, then at one moment everything flew away at once and cassettes and landmines in unlimited quantities now. one feels that the enemy is using much more artillery, that is, they have supplied such ammunition, as soon as a tornado package is released, it begins to maneuver to get away from the enemy drone; the hunt for this combat vehicle has been going on for a long time. do you understand how needed it is here? yes, of course, i honestly feel
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that my, my presence here, this calmness there i have before... i have two children growing up, i want them to grow up with a peaceful sky above their heads, conquerable, victory will be ours, good luck! valentina solovyova, sergey kuznetsov, islam mustarkhanov, victor averin, channel one, zaporozhye direction! and across the ocean today is the trail of the western sponsors of the kiev regime. at the nato summit, us secretary of state blinken announced that allies denmark and the netherlands are now sending f16 fighter jets to ukraine. they'll do it already. this summer, norway announced the same intention; the fact that a number of countries are giving away obsolete equipment that they themselves no longer need is, of course, not a word. the summit participants in washington are literally competing in promises about who is willing to give what systems and how much to zelensky. at the same time, intense attention was focused on the host of the meeting; joe biden was obliged to speak with such protocol again
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misfired. first, reading the text from a prompter, he called for protecting the culture of uranus instead of ukraine. and then got lost in space, trying to find a way out of the stage. constant embarrassment only fuels the debate in the states about whether biden is capable of managing a nuclear power? the abc news tv presenter found himself at the center of a scandal because of this. he took interview with the president after his recent debate failure, he himself was caught off guard by a question from a random passerby in new york. do you think biden should quit the race? have you talked to him much lately?
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frozen assets of russia, according to bloomberg, the ministry of finance privately warned the g7 countries about this, and although there is no official confirmation, the publication, citing its sources, claims: in europe, erriyad’s warning caused serious anxiety. the west, let me remind you, wants to seize almost 300 billion dollars belonging to our country in order to direct it to support kiev. most of these assets are stored in the eu. the mechanism has not yet been invented, because outright robbery is possible. undermine confidence in europe as a safe haven for capital, and a chain reaction could follow. this year, saudi arabia privately hinted that it might sell some european debt if the g7 decided to seize the frozen russia's assets amount to almost $300 billion, sources familiar with the situation said. the kingdom's holdings of euros and french bonds could amount to
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tens of billions of euros, but are probably not large enough to matter much if they were sold. but european. officials were concerned that other countries might follow saudi arabia's lead. the news is important for many russians. the family mortgage has been extended until 2030 by order of the president. the ministry of finance clarified the details today. they can get a loan at 6% families with at least one child under 6 years of age, as well as those raising disabled children, regardless of age. in addition, in 35 regions the program will cover families with two or more minor children. the maximum loan amount is 12 million rubles. installed for residents of moscow, moscow region, st. petersburg and leningrad region. in other regions - 6 million. let me remind you that the family mortgage was supposed to end on july 1, but in february, vladimir putin, in a message to the federal assembly, proposed extending it, while maintaining the main parameters. state the duma today in the third final reading
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approved the law on a progressive scale of personal income tax. and today the initiative. what is important is that the changes will affect only citizens with high incomes, but for the majority of russians everything will remain as before. report by dmitry kochitkov. the flat tax scale that has existed since 2001 will be replaced by a progressive scale of the country's tax system that will become more balanced , taking into account the interests of citizens, business and the state. the package of bills was supported by state duma deputies and senators. the meaning of the amendments is you earn more, you pay more. already 22. it is important that increased rates will
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not be applied to the entire amount, only to that part that exceeds the established threshold. the bill has undergone significant changes. the logic of all these changes is clear: those citizens who have higher incomes should pay more, and these resources should be available. aimed also at those people who are in greater need of government support. the progressive personal income tax scale will affect only a little more than 2.5 million taxpayers, that is the vast majority of citizens will not be affected by tax changes; they will benefit from the changes, in particular 4 million families with children; a mechanism for returning 7% of the tax paid is being introduced for them. families with two or more children and raising children will receive a family tax payment. up to 18 years of age or up to 23 years of age if the child is a full-time student; in order to receive a tax refund, family income must not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum per person. the president
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of our country played a key role in defining the concept of these changes in supporting the protection of low-income citizens and families with children, and even a proposal after his recent meeting with large families. we also managed to take into account introducing into the bill, as i already said, tax changes not so that there are no rich people in russia, but so that there are no poor people in russia, and this is also what these changes are aimed at. the bills were finalized by the two chambers of parliament taking into account the instructions of the president. this progressive scale will not affect svo participants and those who receive northern bonuses at all; all this is excluded from. they will pay the same 13%, but svo participants in many cases are generally exempt from paying. and the tax on income on
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deposits up to the threshold of 2.4000 rubles, as before, will be 13%. above this amount, 15% without further progression, that is, most private investors will not be affected by changes, everything will remain as before for 10 million self-employed people, and income tax will increase for enterprises. another innovation: municipalities will have the right to establish a tourist tax. the federation council received bills from the state duma, where a last third reading. the law on amendments and improvement of the tax system opens a new stage, which is associated with a progressive scale. for 20 years there was a scale. flat, now it will be progressive, we have all decided that tax legislation should resolve
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issues on a fair basis, the rich should pay more, the economy should develop, the tax system should be stable, this is the ideology of the law being adopted today, also among the innovations of the increase in the so -called. .. rent taxes for mining companies enterprises, and for businesses operating under a simplified taxation scheme, the income limit is raised from 265 to 450 million rubles, this will allow many to switch to a simplified system, at the same time, vat is introduced for entrepreneurs with an income above 60 million, but the vast majority fit into this threshold, expanding the limits will help in the fight against business fragmentation, and for those entrepreneurs who are ready to give up... illegal practices, the government is offering an amnesty, this is not a neutral tax system, it is a stimulating tax system system, investment incentives,
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difficult laws, but we have reached an understanding of how to act correctly in this area, no sudden changes, we are talking about improving the tax system, we agreed with business, with the regions, that we will constantly monitor practice of enforcement of this law, if necessary. we will finalize all the issues that arise in the administration of the law that we are adopting. laws on additional adjustment of the tax system will come into force from the beginning of next year. dmitriy kochitkov, dmitry vishnevo, yuri yarchenko and zulfiya khakimova. first channel. in moscow today they said goodbye to aza lekhichenko, the announcer of the central television, who is well remembered by viewers of the older generation. the ceremony took place at the troekkurovskoye cemetery. relatives and friends have gathered,
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few people can help, a new incident with a booing aircraft, an aerophobe’s nightmare, no less, in los angeles, right on takeoff, a wheel fell off the plane, these are the shots, it is known that the plane was heading to denver, nothing happened injured as it is reported that despite the breakdown, the pilots still managed to land the plane safely. for the company itself, the incident was another blow to its reputation, which was already tarnished by a series of emergencies,
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problems with the landing gear, once during... the flight , the emergency exit door was torn out of the airliner. this week, buing agreed to plead guilty to fraud in connection with the investigation of two disasters: in indonesia, in the eighteenth and in ethiopia in the nineteenth, when a total of almost 350 people died. the concern admitted that it deliberately introduced inspectors' misconceptions regarding technical problems. now boeing will additionally pay a fine of a quarter of a billion dollars and will likely lose major government contracts. traffic safety on the ground was discussed today in the state duma. in the first reading, a bill was approved to toughen the punishment for those who like to ride electric scooters; it was proposed, in particular , to introduce a fine for driving while intoxicated, up to 30,000 rubles. speeding will also be punishable by a ruble, up to a maximum of 5,000. and this applies not only to scooters, but also to others, so-called personal
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mobility aids, gyroscope. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will be here in the studio discussing current events, the most important, the most relevant, important, they are relevant because
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a lot depends on them one way or another , not in everything, but... in many ways, how we, our children, our country, our economy, will continue to live, and well, in many of the most different, including practical, meanings of this word, because we have a rather difficult confrontation, an existential confrontation for us, and also for our opponents from nato, from the american-centric west, when we ask each other the question, when will this end, we must understand , that we have not yet even entered the toughest phase of this confrontation, it’s even more of a stage of assessing each other, and there are very heavy battles going on, and at the front it sometimes seems, so to speak, like a branch of madness on earth, but in reality in fact, for now you need to understand that in a global sense this is still only such a mutual assessment of the real potential capabilities of our opponents, they evaluate us, so that they
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do not write in the press and say: at press conferences, they evaluate us, we evaluate them, and what conclusions are and how correct they are?


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