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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 10, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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let the people hear, come here, people, listen to what seryoga saw, come on, men, the cheremis are doing magic, they're smeared with blood, they're beating the tambourine, oh, human blood, i said a long time ago, we need to drive these filthy bastards out of our village , yes, damned sorcerers, let's go, people, why are you sitting, yes, let's go, let's go.
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it’s important to me, what’s all that noise, come to me, i’ll be right back.
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ambassadors, ambassadors, beat, men, beat, beat, stop, who to beat, women, old men.
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what's wrong with you, it was your father who brought them here, now you will answer for everything, the people as one stood up, we won’t tolerate cheremite here, people are afraid of crashes, they sleep with guns at attention, let’s drive the strangers away once upon us, calm down, guys, let’s decide peacefully, what are you doing?
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there's a big game on the air. a nato summit is currently taking place in washington, dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of this, as they said then, defensive, but today openly aggressive alliance. and most importantly, what ukraine was waiting for, what they were hoping for.
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that russia is committing new crimes in ukraine. i think it has long been established that ukraine always finds russian crimes before.
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consciousness, in order to suspect russia of this, that’s what concerns kiev’s actions, let’s listen to what zelensky’s advisor podalyak says about striking civilians in crimea. in crimea there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas and other far-fetched signs of peaceful life. crimea is a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of military facilities. the russians are cynically trying to hide and cover up their civilians, who in turn are considered civilian occupiers. want please note that you will not find such statements from russian officials. there are no such statements. there cannot be such statements, because from the russian point
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of view there can be no deliberate attacks on the civilian population by russia at all. and especially when it comes to ukraine, which... not without reason, they are considered brothers, errant brothers, brothers with whom we disagree in many respects, but the idea that russia will deliberately strike at the civilian population of ukraine, this cannot happen, because it cannot be never, that ukraine deliberately strikes at the civilian population of russia, this has been established, and we are now in the studio where i performed. several people against whom assassination attempts were made, and assassination attempts are not from the point of view of the russian special services, but this is what was openly admitted in kiev, in washington, including the central intelligence agency,
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there are several people in moscow who performed in this studio, but whom attempts were made, and in two of these cases...
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admit that we are dealing with a very a serious, absolutely ruthless and extremely irresponsible enemy, and with...
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we must proceed from the fact that our frag is not only and not so much the zelensky regime, our frag today is the collective west, which absolutely does not hide its goal to weaken russia as much as possible , but as usual they have nothing. it doesn’t work out, what doesn’t work out, look, because they expected a lot and invested heavily in this so -called isolation of russia, and what we have, and we have exactly the opposite, look, over the last 2 months our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin met with two dozen different leaders. very different states, both europe and asia, asia, africa,
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america, well, where is the isolation, you know, today the rest of the world perceives russia as a strong power that is actually reforming the balance of power on the planet, today it is such a political one. .. a symbolic flagship of new international structures of the future, the prototype of which today is the sco, brix, this is a very interesting trilateral configuration of russia, india, china, which we personally see we see you, here are two great victories in russia already, the first is economic.
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real losses among the armed forces of ukraine, so i carefully monitor the situation here and analyze it, which means that for several weeks now these losses, daily losses do not fall below 2,000 people per day, these are killed and wounded, yes these are killed and wounded, well, they don’t talk about the enemy, killed , wounded, destroyed and incapacitated, that means...
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if they have, their military science speaks about this, their military psychology speaks about this in general, the main task is the maximum damage to the enemy. in general, they don’t divide the enemy into peaceful or non-civilian, but they don’t divide at all, then with us it’s the other way around, we have never fought with the civilian population, and especially with the civilian population of ukraine, it’s our civilian population that they fooled, which they slandered, which they distorted. our historical mission is to, well
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, tear them out of this hell, lies and insanity, into which their own president plunged them. for whom they once so actively voted, you know, general, when i listen to you, i, excuse me, have a double reaction: first, i believe you, and i know that when you say this, you have, i have a basis for this, for this, you have a basis for this, and professional competence, and you are the chairman,
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to contact, this encourages them for further dangerous actions, and you know, i am categorically against a war with nato, i think that this is, in principle, a crazy idea, but i proceed from something else, that if we are talking about our choice, then russia should not make such a choice and won't do it. now, if they have already started this war, if they continue this war and expand, then it seems to me that just counting on the fact that the colossal ukrainian losses, that they will allow russia to achieve the desired result in the near future, well, i don’t have enough for this,
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but if you want, fatalism, because you know better, than me, that war. it’s such a delicate matter, where it’s difficult to predict much, except for objective factors, psychology is very important, so it’s necessary to demonstrate that the way they behave can have the most serious consequences for themselves, their loved ones, it seems to me, in the interests of russia, where i’m mistaken, but in general you are not mistaken anywhere, moreover, you are practically... expressing a point of view that absolutely exists in the overwhelming majority of european states of the nato leadership, they also least of all want a war with russia, believe me, because that they absolutely understand that they will lose this war, but this is the whole cynicism of the united states, which has built this
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multi-stage pyramid of satellites and is slowly rolling them up like balls. here's a heap for our big tank, well, today they are ukrainians, tomorrow they could be poles, well, we don’t count the balts at all, but they understand perfectly well that they are not ready for war, b. they will not be ready for this war, because they are already hopelessly behind it in terms of the development of military science and weapons systems and so... the forties. years acted so effectively, hitler’s germany in the thirties , and because the wehrmacht had the richest combat experience,
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they worked on this same combat experience almost until the end of the forty- second year, they worked successfully only when the red army learned to fight from this very wehrmacht, then in 1943 a radical change in the great patriotic war began. korin georgievich, andrei valerievich has very compelling arguments when it comes to the current situation on the battlefield, historical ones, but i still somehow doubt it, i doubt it, but you, uh, you mean a question, a question, they want whether they start a direct clash with russia, i am sure that the general is right, they don’t want to, they don’t want to.
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that we have no allies in the west, here i hear the right one here, we won here some elections, like trump, but no
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, unfortunately, we have no allies or any sympathizers on the right or the left, this is not the time of the soviet union, when in western europe there were the most powerful communist parties under the control of the ussr , there in france 2 million won the elections after the war in italy. this can happen, here i think that my disagreement with you and the general, maybe i
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’m not sure that we are all speaking like this for obvious reasons, quite cautiously, this is not a topic where there is excessive eloquence appropriate, but it is clear that i believe that these countries are already in conflict. for me this is not a question of possibility, for me it is a question of existing reality, and for me, accordingly, the decisions that must be made, they do not concern whether we want to provoke these countries to go to war, we definitely don’t want to, for me the question is what to do with the situation when they have already entered, if we don’t answer them, they are ready to go even further, well, that’s what’s new.
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web, who later became a senator, by the way, democratic senator, there are white house employees, and from the obama administration, from the reagan administration and the bush junior administration, there are recent senior cia employees, and there are recent senior
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state department employees.
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what was the reason for this letter and how did you manage to convince, as far as i understand, for the first time, so many authoritative people to sign this letter? in fact , other people were doing this work, i was asked to sign this letter, and i signed it with pleasure, the main thing is what drives these people are a concern, the fact is that... the byren administration now needs a big victory, so they want to use the nato summit to offer ukraine some more concrete path to joining nato. and those people who signed this letter believe that this would be a big mistake, it would be bad for the united states, it would be bad for nato, because in fact, this would mean that we are entering into a war with russia, a war.
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his task was to prevent war, and now it’s getting more and more so, if you listen to what countries such as, for example, france, or some nato representatives, representatives of nato structures say. they are already talking about globalism, as we have seen over the past two decades, and things are already heading towards a direct conflict with russia, the american people clearly do not want this, and congress did not give the go-ahead for this kind of action, this kind of decision, it is clear that this entry into
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the alliance should not... some issues, i already spoke on this topic in one of your previous programs, when richard nixon was a candidate in 1968, he was also asked questions, and he refused to answer them unequivocally, about what his policy would be regarding vietnam. he maintained some uncertainty, maybe kasinger knew better about this, but nixon did not openly
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talk about it. so is trump today, he also does not speak openly about how exactly he is going to end the ukrainian war, but apparently, it is assumed that he will... put pressure on ukraine, force the ukrainians to negotiate with russia, but on the other hand, naturally, he will try to put pressure on russia so that russia also agrees. we know that president putin has put forward certain demands before any peace agreements are reached, zelensky is making statements from his country, although he is also putting forward some demands.
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for ukraine to join nato would require russian troops to leave those territories that ukraine considers its own, and to assume that russia would do this at all, especially knowing that the next step, the next step would be for ukraine to join nato, unrealistic, but what worries me is that so far ukraine, as they say, is walking along this bridge to nato, as they put it.
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it’s good when russian people and ukrainians die, that the united states supposedly benefits from this. yes, trump said, in fact, the exact opposite, he said that he wants people to stop dying. but
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trump, he is not an expert in the field of foreign policy, he usually does not delve into such subtleties, he simply says: “i want the war to end.” and although... he didn’t openly talk about it and it’s clear he didn’t formulated, it still seems to me that because of the war, energy prices are rising, the united states is suffering from this, including while china and india receive energy resources at a large discount, so i think that since he wants the war ended, i think he will act like this, he will try to put pressure on both countries to force them to negotiate. and won’t zelensky be given some kind of carte blanche? thank you, and this leads me to the last question, of course, in russia there is a special interest when we talk about trump's positions, this
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the interest stems from the fact that he could become the next president. how do you see the state of the election campaign now? i just read the new york times that in two...
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a lot depends on the youth, young people usually like to vote for left-wing candidates, for example, obama, a lot of young people came and voted for obama. so this is the first thing, it seems to me that the polls do not reflect the real situation, and people are not particularly inclined to go and vote for biden, well, we, republicans, i, as a republican, i say, we don’t have to win in all these states, in all these disputed states, it’s enough to win in pennsylvania, then in michigan, the weskons can’t lose if we win in nevada and...
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do you remember rudolf abel, my friend? he and i
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worked together during the war. the center knows that we were friends. you'll smile somewhere else, colonel. i will give my name as rudolf abel, then they will understand that i have been arrested. rudolf ivanovich abel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident throughout america. put pressure on him, scare him. for collection and transfer the ussr.
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in moscow, then viktor orban, the hungarian prime minister, visited beijing, and it was clear that he would not support it. united states, but now they
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have spoken out for peace, general, what do you think, this is of course nice to hear, but from a practical point of view, this is something that can affect the real situation, i will continue the thought of karen georgivich, remember, he is about allies said, in my deep conviction, we don’t need to look for any allies in the west at all, because it’s pointless to look for them there. about this again historical experience shows how we were betrayed by our allies in the first world war in the entente, how we were betrayed by our allies in the second world war, so there is nothing surprising, alexander yaroslavich nevsky also said that we must look for enemies in the west, and look for friends in the east, rather than in in general, we are now engaged, and very, very successfully, as for orban, feco, here are the bulgarians, here it is important
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to understand that these are realist politicians, especially orban and fico, and why are they realists, because slovakia and hungary have a common border with ukraine, they know better than others what is happening there, if poland also knows very well, but due to... its specific mentality, it cannot afford to make statements that are different from the general one. pro-american course, although this used to be possible, the poles have always been proud that they are proud, independent, polish honor, legendary, now it is gone, so here i repeat once again, this very first step is important, that politicians have appeared who
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say, no, let’s let's look at it on the other hand, let's try it anyway to do differently than how... we did it all the time, because the way we did it all the time did not lead to what we hoped for, then let's try other ways, this trickle, sooner or later it will wash away this russophobic and anti-russian dam, which was cobbled together by the americans from all this european rubbish and slag, he will still wash away, but this is not a simple process, this is... a process of not a single day - this is a difficult process, because it took a very long time to form this is a russophobic, anti-russian, anti-slavic worldview in in the end, even among the slavic states, but history is moving forward, and we
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have passed this point, we are moving on, and the development of the situation it will not...
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including washington, it will not be able to interfere, but i ’m not entirely sure how you see the position this so-called new world majority, very important, but still somewhat amorphous, how do you see their position from the point of view of the prospects for russia’s struggle with the west? well, first of all, i’ll say two words, in addition to what andrei valerievich said, i absolutely agree with him, the only thing i added is, added my personal impression, i think that in all of europe, by the way, most of my personal experience i can say is still quite large, but if we talk about purely human things, the closest to us have always been the slovaks, always when
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czechoslovakia was , they have always been slovakia in this sense, the slovaks are the part that has, it seems to me , the hungarians, of course, do not have an emotional attitude towards russia, because the hungarians have complicated relations with us ; they fought and fought, i must say, unfortunately very we're fine, as they say near stalingrad, although they finished their biography there, well, then budapest was taken, well , in short, but in this case, in general, the hungarians , excuse me for interrupting you, even if you look at their uprising, how the hungarians behaved. and how the czechs behaved, it’s better to have czechs in another country, hungarians in your own, yes, it’s true, hungarians are warriors, hungarians in general, so to speak, have always been distinguished by this, and in austria-hungary they were quite a significant military force, but in this in the case of orban, of course, i agree with andrei,
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takes a pragmatic position, of course, they can’t change anything, but it’s right, let them say, at least it’s still under that isolation. russia is informational, because of course, we have no idea what kind of wave of this anti-russian information is falling on the european man in the street everywhere, in this sense, at least when fizi and orban say at least something against, this is already good, so in this sense, and it’s right then to do what the russian leadership is doing, in general, try to raise them up, meet them halfway, well yes, i think that's correct.
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more than once, this is generally a sign, and well , to accept the order so publicly, yes, to accept the order, is generally a sign, especially since you are absolutely right that mode is a very experienced politician and very carefully weighs his every move, this is of course very the sign is obvious, i have a feeling that some shifts are taking place in the position of the people's republic of china, a feeling that is in favor of russia, in favor of russia, yes such a feeling.
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84 on one side there is west, on the other side there is some ocean there, i don’t remember, but i i mean, but it’s as if his forecast is becoming more and more real, we hope, of course, that it won’t reach this very hot phase, as it happens with him, but it seems to me that in this sense, some then there is a serious shift in the politics of these two countries, china and india,
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an operation,
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the more they begin to wring the hands of even such large countries as china-india, isn’t a situation arising when they themselves are doing limited for the purposes... then , what began as a special military
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will continue to become tougher, because yes, you’re right, while this amorous world community still continues to hesitate, to take a closer look, but india, china, these are two giants, an economic giant, a political giant, a giant in terms of human resources, they have outlined their position. but they have a circle of states that are oriented towards them, which means these states will also be oriented towards them, ultimately the west will end up in a remote, desolate hole, from which it will then have to get out for a very long and painful time, america will get out, well, she will get out as usual, throwing off ballast in
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the role of which...
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it seems to me that precisely what he tried not to provoke as much as possible, it was a very right step, because if the soviet union had provoked the germans, it is unknown on which side they would be... this same love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at the age of 25. a girl with dimples was adored in the ussr. she turned into the queen of the satire theater. she was playing and was dressed up. i was taken aback when
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i walked in, she was wearing heels. lately she has rarely appeared in public at all. did not give interviews. we were lucky to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick. i really felt sorry for him, what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make to play the leading role, why did she not dare to give birth? i didn’t hope for anything good, she called someone else’s daughter hers, when i know that she is nearby, i’m not afraid of anything, now that kuzmenich has no faith, we are in this same apartment, gifts, gifts, gifts, who now will have the incredible inheritance of the great vasilyeva, who will get her jewelry, we are laying out these jewelry, so that... everyone chooses what he wants. our exclusive, the last interview is the last will of the great vero vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first.
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the big game is on air, now the leading military man will be with us on skype. who will coordinate all this growing assistance, help us understand how seriously we should be concerned about this? you know, in this situation there are two points:
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there is a public part, so to speak, at the top of the iceberg, this is what you described, and there is 80, or maybe 90% of that part of the iceberg, which are not visible and... i will then tell you about these 90% quickly, if you allow, well , the first, of course, powerful move of president putin is the transmission of an informal message through viktor orban to all nato members, that is, orban, who after the summit has arrived in beijing, it will certainly tell what putin said, and people will think about it and think twice about whether to play escalation or not, more and more different kinds are coming. confirmation, still informal, that the united states is largely they give up, their argument is naturally tough, their rhetoric is tough, but in
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behind-the-scenes conversations, in particular to everyone.


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