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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 11, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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and here comes zala and lightning, drones, stealth, support for our reconnaissance, and as fighters are taught, from these units to sneak up on the enemy unnoticed, they spend no less time practicing covert movement than fire training, both young and old, they grab the call in ukrainian everyone in a row, despite the established age limits, what are you taking away from us, we are only 22 years old, and the commissioners are causing chaos with the law.
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one of the hottest areas. there are also reports of a daring attack by russian fighters near avdeevka. the scouts were able get close to the ukrainian armed forces command post. it was located in a dilapidated building and was well camouflaged, but our soldiers figured out that this was one of the most important control points in the area. the coordinates were transferred to the artillery. next is the work of calculations from the mstas installation. like a scout. it turns out to move
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so unnoticed, coherence and thorough preparation are important here, and the work of such units and not only, report by valentin gvozdev. the reconnaissance drone of the hall is most effective in bringing reconnaissance and fire adjustments. such a drone operates at an altitude of more than one and a half thousand meters, it is impossible to notice it with the naked eye. the descent of the izau catapult rushes into the sky from this moment, control of the drone is under control. in the hands of the operator at the control center, in just a few minutes the drone is already at a given altitude; neither equipment, nor enemy fortifications, nor even a sabotage and reconnaissance group can hide from its camera. overall a very good drone, long range , very good stable connection. for pvu equipment, this drone looks like a bird; its high altitudes, combined with its small size, and most importantly its composite body, make it practically invisible. the motor in the hall is electric, which means it is less noisy. the drone can run on one set of batteries. its flight altitude makes it inaccessible
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to enemy systems; its flight range of up to 23 km allows it to operate in the rear of the ukrainian armed forces. moreover, the payload of such a drone is 4 kg, such a charge is enough to hit any equipment and artillery systems. the commander divides the detachment into troikas and scouts. disappear to the nearest landing. the head patrol is the first to move forward; as a rule, these are the most experienced fighters of the unit, among whom there is always a sapper. there are no trifles in special forces training; they spend no less time practicing covert movement than fire training. you need to move silently and communicate only with gestures. you also need to constantly cover each other and watch your step. approaches to enemy positions are most often mined. even during training for scouts we have to resist better. two reconnaissance groups are moving into the area at once. everyone's task. discover another without giving yourself away, and
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this is not the only test. along the routes there are means of simulating mine-explosive barriers, just like at a real exit. a prepared group leaves in advance, places mine-explosive barriers for personnel, each combat mission, we prepare with all rigor for execution, study the route, aerial photographs, and constantly fly over from quadcopters, and after that after such study, we begin to look for an area suitable for training. as the group’s combat coordination occurs over and over again, working out various scenarios between real outings, the squad reaches such a level of mutual understanding that on a mission the group acts as a single whole, the real combat experience of fighters and instructors allows us to train truly highly qualified specialists. in their free time, intelligence officers study new equipment and weapons; no one complains about the workload or the strictness of the commanders in the special forces detachment, trusting suvorovsky has a hard time learning, but it’s easy in battle. valentin gvozdev, vyacheslav amilyutin, sergey mileev, andrey mikhailov and stanislav opletin.
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channel one, zaporozhye region. in ukraine , a group of evaders was again ambushed by border guards. 23 people arrived at the border with moldova, hiding in a grain truck. quite a short section. this is required by the law on mobilization, the milestone is july 16, then fines, confiscation of property, military commissars, when groups go and are not afraid of resistance, they feel like masters of the world, personnel from odessa, roof, come, take, what
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want, eat, whatever you want, don’t pay for anything, the final for... nato itself in washington , the final declaration, which confirmed the course of inciting conflict. 40 billion euros of military aid have been promised to kiev next year, but there are only vague formulations regarding the invitation to the alliance: integration is irreversible, but only when all allies are ready. russia and ukraine are mentioned more than a hundred times in the document. our country is called the most serious security threat. china also received a portion of accusations for its cooperation with moscow. in pekin - tough, here is the statement of the prc mission to the eu. the ukrainian crisis has dragged on, but who is adding fuel to the fire, who is fanning the flames, who is looking for selfish gain? the answer is clear to everyone. instead of scapegoating others, nato should reflect on itself and take
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practical action to defuse the situation and resolve the problem. after the summit , nato leaders privately expressed concern about the american president's condition, the speaker said. well, the nbc channel reports: after biden’s failure at the debate, sponsors intend to sharply reduce funding for his election campaign. hollywood, which traditionally sides with the democrats, is also turning away; even josh clooney, a fan of biden, called on him to withdraw his candidacy. well, here is the opinion of actor james woods. quote: the witch's brew is tormenting america today. by all accounts, biden is incompetent. two people he leans on. end of quote. at night , air defense systems operated in russian regions. the drones were destroyed over the bryansk, tambov, and tula regions. the drone that flew to moscow shot down in the stupino urban district. the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin, announced this. in
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the belgorod region , nine local residents who were wounded the day before are still under medical supervision. let me remind you that one person died when a shell exploded near a children's playground. in poland, it is the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide committed by ukrainian nationalists. the volyn massacre, tens of thousands of people killed, men, women, children, old people, who are the executioners, those who are now honored as heroes in ukraine, and this is psychological torture, that’s what descendants say victims of that terrible tragedy. their stories in the report by ivan blagov. grandfather was cut into pieces, arms separately, legs separately. my grandmother is lying in the room, also dead. these are the childhood memories that a former priest and ardent polish nationalist, jacak midlar , has been posting on his youtube channel for several years now, conversations with poles who miraculously survived bandera’s terror. these conversations are extremely difficult. they threw in a whole
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cart of dead people, chopped up, without legs, without heads, i saw all this as a child. it may be the last chance to record witness testimony. mom’s mother-in-law and mother-in-law were thrown into a well, first the dog, then the grandparents, alive, yes, these monstrous crimes are still a huge unhealed wound for the poles. victims of genocide committed by criminal organizations of ukrainian nationalists, ounup in the territory of volyn and eastern lesser poland, died because they were poles, this is a memorial stone in the city of gozhu in wielkopolska, one of many in poland dedicated to the victims. july 11 in the country national day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of polish citizens by ukrainian nationalists. the choice of date is due to the fact that july 11, 1943 was the peak of massacres.
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then 150 polish settlements were attacked. based on declassified documents from the central archive of the fsv, the russian military historical society, eyes were gouged out and heads were cut off. the volyn massacre covers the period from 1943 to 1947 until the destruction of the ounupa network. these organizations are recognized as extremist in russia, and their activities on the territory of our country are prohibited. it is not known exactly how many civilians ukrainian nationalists have killed in 4 years. the russian military historical society bases it on the figure of 120,000 people. at the same time , we are talking only about the poles, and bandera’s followers also destroyed ukrainians who did not share their views. who created families with ethnic poles. the ukrainian authorities oppose the exhumation.
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last year, the polish foreign ministry linked the solution to this issue with the topic of ukraine’s accession to the eu. however, the statement was made in extremely careful wording. polish foreign ministry representative lukasz jasina was fired for saying that zelensky should apologize to warsaw for the volyn massacre. and the head of the bureau of international policy of the office of the polish president, jakub kumach, admitted that it turns out that ukrainians cannot be expected to condemn banderra and other leaders. cast with private funds for several years there were difficulties with its
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installation, it was painfully not politically correct, it is a fourteen-meter bronze eagle with a cross carved in it, in this opening there is a child raised on a pitchfork, if you look at the work closely, you can see that the child was killed with a trident, a ukrainian trident. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, natalya litovka, sergey aksenov, natalya marshtakova, channel one. breaking news is now coming from the shimkas there. a major fire, details after the ad, don’t switch, why are you blind, you don’t notice anything at all, what are you talking about? and your husband alexei ermakova, you have him, right? lyosha, are you here? varyusha, you thought the wrong thing, i thought completely by accident, my poor thing, what happened there, why? two shores, the premiere of a serial film,
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watch the time after the program, you need to get married once and for all, i think you love me, oh, on behalf of the frontline workers, have a fun wedding. the condition is serious, the spine is hurt, everything will be fine, mili, take it away, take it away, he’s cool, now you can understand it, hello, seryozha, why did you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be a man, free her , what... do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself, i can’t say,
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goodbye, on saturday on the first, i won’t tell them their real names, do you remember rudolf abel, my friend, we worked together in during the war, the center knows that we were friends, you will smile in another place, colonel, i will call myself...
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a hero, go ahead, if he has a mustache, kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it, i tried to play it so that it was convenient in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i didn’t know that it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i
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quail so much, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, well, because it’s brilliant. this is the news on the first, we continue: moscow region, khimki, there is a large fire, a workshop for the production of ceramic tiles is burning, there is a column of black smoke above the enterprise, the fire has already engulfed an area of ​​2.0 km, the roof has partially collapsed. there is information that a large number of gas cylinders were stored in the building;
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it is not yet known whether people were at the enterprise when the fire broke out. skills are shown in the sverdlovsk region calculations. strategic all-around. grozny yars, a component of russia's nuclear triad, are moving into position. it is important to evaluate the level of training of our soldiers; they perfectly perform all the tasks required for combat duty. during the forced march , they repelled the attack of conditional saboteurs and overcame the contaminated area of ​​the terrain. and footage of large exercises of the armed forces of belarus and china. terrorist maneuvers attacking sokol take place at a training ground near the polish border. among the tasks is night landing. in 11 days the fighters and the command will exchange experiences and check how well the unit operates. as state representatives emphasize, the exercises are taking place in accordance with the annual cooperation plan between the two countries. in regions
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affected by abnormal heat, more and more people are turning to doctors due to exacerbation of chronic diseases. this trend, for example, in... and this summer in russia, according to the forecast, may become the hottest in the entire history of observations. the climate is changing, and here is the result: flora and fauna that are completely atypical for ours are surviving. latitude in the moscow region there is an invasion of giant spanish slugs, gluttons. omnivore and it’s better not to touch it with your hands, yana podziuban will confirm, he can eat everything, flowers, vegetables, sand, chicks if they meet on his way, and even slugs, yes, they eat each other, the huge spanish slug almost exterminated our miniature one, they say marigolds are against all pests, no one ever sits on them, but slugs eat them completely,
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areon vulgaris has nothing to do with spain, it probably has german roots. french, too, this slug is an invasive species, that is, a species that, with the help of humans , got to a place where it had not lived before, and if the species ends up in a region where it has not lived before, and there are no specific predators that feed on it, then at first it gives a huge outbreak of numbers, this is exactly the process we are now observing, then the slug will integrate into the ecosystem for decades, and once integrated, the number will fall and stabilize, tenacious and... these are their main qualities: in north america and throughout slugs were delivered to the regions of europe with cargo, with vegetables and planting material, and since winter in europe is gradually becoming warmer, slugs quickly become accustomed, that is , the only way to get rid of them is to survive several harsh winters in a row, the russian agricultural center professionally monitors pests, they damage everything , what this pest encounters on the way, their
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nature has endowed them with a mucous membrane that is capable of... retaining this infectious principle and spreading it to all areas, this is why they pose a danger, in the fields, natalya volkova is less worried, there is a set of measures, and deep plowing destroys egg laying, harvesting crop residues, and mechanical tillage, so dacha farms are really under threat, here the people's ingenuity knows no boundaries. we take regular table salt and the perimeter of the garden bed just like that, nicely. add salt, isn't this harmful to the soil? this is not harmful to the soil at all, because the salt will quickly dissolve and wash away, we call them sushi, we take something like this... a milk bag, dilute the salt there, take sticks and walk around, collect them, yes, there is only one truly effective way, attention, manual collection, yes, collect them with your hands,
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without gloves, collect them.


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