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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 12, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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goodbye, maxim, i will pray for him, he was not baptized. come on, i’ll help you, come up, i haven’t shed a single tear, wait until the night, olenka is on... i must,
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i must, let me go, forgive me, son, i’m alone now, i have no one left.
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and what misha decided, he will punish the people whom the war, the whole village, or your wolf cub, who knocked out the people, him in the first place, but for what, well, there was an accident, lightning, and the rest is all on... conscience, no he has a conscience, don’t, varya, i told olga today, hatred destroys the soul, forgive it’s necessary, all this is a coincidence of circumstances, but we cannot unravel the main will of god, god’s providence.
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i remember how little maksimka was, how he called us you, mom, remember? antoshka, brother, when they showed him, he was scared at first, he even started bawling, we had a good family, and the children were happy, don’t blame yourself that maxim left home.
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he showed character, he did everything for the sake of his beloved, he acted like a man, but he left us this beautiful granddaughter as a gift, no, we have a bigger family, what are you saying, our blood is in the dance, our continuation, masha, young, she's beautiful, she'll get married. tanya will call someone else father, i don’t know how to live on, i don’t even understand how to live on, for what? we must, we must find strength, we must. cry,
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cry, it will be easier. and the sires, what are you, head, volka, volka, and the gremis are leaving, as they are leaving, where, absolutely, i saw how things were loaded onto a cart, it can’t be, let’s go faster. how could it be that dad couldn’t leave without
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saying goodbye, how could that be, aru? well, how can that be? hello zo, why are you here? she's registered, that's right, well done, don't think about it, he's a child he will see, he will take it in his arms, he will change again, he will not see, now no one will see, and he is not needed. so he said, what have you done, fool, really, you wouldn’t have raised him, now it’s too late to read varvara platonovna, it will be better for everyone, how did your parents let you, they don’t know, no one knows, and you
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are silent, excuse me, i i'm late for the bus. stepushka, but i keep thinking, why did god not give us children for such sins? i seem to have kept all the fasts there, but all the same, you have nothing to do with it, my dear. this is for mine sins, it is better for the lord to know who to reward, who to punish, then so be it, but you pray constantly, apparently not enough, wait, somewhere, let
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me warm up dinner, i won’t, my dear, i’ll go and pray some more. are you here? yes, what? i wanted to ask, maybe masha needs something, how can i help, but how can you help, i’ll get everything she needs from the collective farm, i invited her
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to move to us, but she refused out of the blue, things didn’t work out with her. you've lost weight, i feel bad, i feel bad, varyusha, my poor, dear, so open, open, i say, bust,
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i quickly said that i would beat you. oh, what do you need, danikki, now give it to me, okay, come in.
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what, don't you like me? no, i don’t like you, but okay, don’t touch me, let me go, stand, denis, let go of the child, i said, stand, so let’s steer. “go for a walk, i said, go for a walk, i told you,
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now it’s up to you, when i let her go, will you be okay?” i won’t be hanging around there for long, you’ll end up wanting to crash, you might end up crashing until the morning, what do you think, girls, it ’s scary there, what a screw-up you are, that at home, listen, the child is crying,
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that’s it, now you’re playing, well, why are you i didn’t go to the neighbors, tell me, they weren’t there, i was afraid, you’re my dear, come to me, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, my dear, well, you didn’t open it, don’t tell anyone, okay, what happened here, okay, i won’t say, we’ll just, we’ll just forget everything, yes, like a terrible dream we’ll forget, don’t be afraid, boy, i’m already warmed up, come on, come on, come on. i was frozen,
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i was so crazy there after the thunderstorm, there won’t be any work in the field today, well, i don’t care what to do to go to your collective farm, why did i just do preventive maintenance, is this like an interrogation, are you crazy? i'm going to the district committee for a meeting today, but that's all you knock out the bridge repairs, then it’s already scary to walk on it, well, not all at once, so i won’t have breakfast, since you’ve finished eating, come on, that’s it, let’s go, this is
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for aru, uh-huh, do you remember how kostya fell from the bridge? well, here the grandfathers have already been waiting for you, hello, tolik, hello! well, come on, since, bye, let's go, listen, your
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mother is messing around with this guy, why what, but everyone knows that it’s your mother. penchuzhka, well, repeat, what the hell, oh, are you good, lyoshka, mm, and what are you doing, early in the morning, and so ardent? that my wife doesn’t let me in at night, but everything is fine with us, me you can’t fool me that varika writes reports at night, he married a deputy, he got it, you
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started your organ, lyosha, i can see it in your eyes. you unfortunate man, there is no hot bed for you, no lush pies, but after all, the cooking of love does not whisper as much as i hiss, so you are my mistress, to warm up the passion, mistress, lyosha, the word love, every man wants the women stood under him, and didn’t lie like a log, well, it’s okay, i ’m patient, i’ll wait, if you give up your cooking , you’ll be all my don. irka, are you home, they took your tolik to the police, run, oh you brat, damn, he got into a fight again, yes, skutino, it’s a serious matter, mother, he didn’t just get into a fight, and
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he knocked down two guys, one is lying in the first-aid post, and the other was taken to the hospital, a fracture, probably a concussion. oh, what a brute, when will you learn to behave like a human being, tell me, why did you attack people, look at me, take it easy, lady, from assault, what will happen to him, 108 or 109, serious bodily, up to 5 years for minors. but if the victims do not write a statement, they will do without a colony, but we will register him let’s put whoever was taken to the hospital there, cheplygin, vitya, i’ll go talk to them, then we’ll take the testimony and have a conversation for now , okay.
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so why are you whistling? i saw you through the window anyway. what do you have there and sweets? sweet? yes, why? well, i thought you were having a beer, well, there’s a cake, a ring, a shortbread, a strip with icing. oh yes, four stripes. four rings, uh-huh, wait, oh, run, yes, and give me a beer too.
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the sun, turn off the sun, tanya, there is no sun, it’s already night, the kettle is boiling, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, my little one, there’s no kettle, you just have a fever, 39.9? danechka, you lie down alone, okay, just be patient for a little while, i’ll be right back, okay, i’ll run for the doctor, kettle,
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if you don’t want to do it in an amicable way, things will get worse now, come here, let me go, let me go, tanya, let me go, i said that you're suffocating.
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because i want to marry you, and you get up, get up, stop fooling around, mashka, mashka, do you hear, stop pretending,
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people, get up, come on, fire, fire, bring water. sashka, give control, i’m calling the firemen, got it, makar, pour water, be careful, mikhail zakarovich, watch out, masha, tanya, where are you, now, now.
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okay, at least the girl survived, what? masha is alive, no, son, mazh died, her daughter survived, and soon she was taken to the regional center.
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tanya, what are you drawing there, well, show me, show me, show me, show me everything, tanya, and i can even see it. again this lying down, so much time has passed, and she is still silent, the doctor said, it’s from shock, we have to wait, but be careful, they will see, the director will swear, you don’t care, you don’t care, but
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they’ll fire me, okay, follow me, everything’s okay you're killing yourself, but i don't intend to suffer because of her, shut up, talk about her again you open it, you’re washing yourself with blood, i understand, you’re crazy, okay, bring me what you have, fried fish, that’s it, where are you soaping up, not much else, well, get out of here, alyan, okay, don’t make noise, he’s with me, come here, sit down, bring him a beer, hold it, listen, what’s there? your niece is still
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silent, silent, maybe he has moved, but what do the doctors say, this will last for a long time, probably forever, yes, okay, i see a fish. tanya, go outside for a walk, a coat, like this, hold a carrot, make a snowman with the guys, a handkerchief. another handkerchief,
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that’s it, go put on your mittens. why do we have it? as if she was not alive at all, her heart was breaking, what happened there, what happened there, what started the fire, the kerosene stove could have caught fire, that’s why everyone says that the kerosene stove, only why masha died, but tanya didn’t, she could have run for water, tripped , fell, hit her head, lost consciousness, that’s all. “i shouldn’t have accepted it, i had to overcome myself, for the sake of maxim, now there is neither him nor her, i was frozen
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like a dog while i was waiting for the bus, thank you, well, nothing, they already promised me in the regional committee that there would be an additional one. , so i’ll go to the central committee if necessary, oh, forgive me, maybe i’m of course interfering with my own business, but you’re a friend, i can’t look at this calmly, why are you blind, you don’t notice anything at all, what are you talking about, about your husband alexey irga ermakovy, fuck talk, well, people have been whispering for a long time, and you’re still in the clouds, don’t you know that he ran to her when he was still dating you, but i don’t gossip i’m listening, even if i was running, i won’t judge, i needed a young, single woman, oh, what broad views we have, what generosity, take everything mine, whoever carries it,
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how much will you throw men away, creature, oh, you gave misha to olga, because you didn’t even fight for him, now you’re giving irka’s second husband, well, look, you’ll be left alone like that, to me being alone, i’m not used to it, creature, var, are you offended, or what? varna, i’m out of friendship, i’m with all my heart, well, you’re not offended, lyub, they really aren’t offended, yes.
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don't be afraid, she's crazy, she's crazy, give it back, tanya, let's go, are you afraid or what? then let's go together. who the hell did he bring if i kill tolik?
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brat, tell him, i barely got you out of the penal colony, and you keep wandering around, i’m sorry, i woke you up, i have urgent business with you. what's the matter, you can pass, oh, and this is my husband's coat, you have it, yes, lyosha, you're here, varyusha, but you thought the wrong thing, i'm here completely by accident. you idiot, why did you let her in here? you said open it, so i opened it.
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denis, you have no eyes, you're a lucky freak, get out of here, let's get up. danya,
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have you healed or what? tanya, it’s him, he’s cool! but she said that you, hush, hush, hush, calm down, what a devil, where is it on the hill, i crashed into him, it was he who killed my mother, who killed her, they killed my mother, yes, so, tell me how it happened, did you see something? do you remember how it was? yes, varenka, well, i
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really love you, but this is stupid, this is very stupid. and i went, but i couldn’t even imagine that i would find myself in such a situation? well, varika, forgive me, well, forgive me, well, what else can i do, i swear to you, i will never do it again. get up, lyosha, don't. i can’t live with you anymore, but are you a saint yourself, or what? you think i don’t know how you ran from your husband to ermakov, but don’t be afraid now, well admit that he is your lover, i will not allow myself to raise my hand. that's all now.
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but you got married quickly, and how it happened, and the main thing is to slow down in time, it was your father who was fussing all over to get you hired as an engineer, and i immediately saw, you rotten fellow, how sharp-sighted you are, however? i’m not complaining,
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i’m still getting whites in my eyes, it’s good that i’m back, at least we’ll eat like human beings, otherwise it’s all on potatoes and moonshine, but how can we live without it, otherwise the piece won’t fit into our throats. come on, why are you standing there, go away, you little wolf, that means you’re just a thought, i’ll kill the bastard, misha, don’t go to them, misha, misha, stop, misha, don’t you dare, we need the police! whoops the sword, god, stop it, it’s overgrown with mud, like a parasite,
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misha, denis, at home, yes, why, misha, misha, misha, stop where you are, stop it! come on , stop, misha, i beg you, oh you nit, misha, and by the arm, you’re defending your bandit, he killed masha, they’ll put you in prison, dad, shoot at me, well, go away, varya, mikhail, cool,
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cool , i’m a sin, sign it, i admit my guilt completely, i wanted to kill you and it’s a pity if i didn’t finish the shot, you think that’s what you’re saying, yes, you don’t say that in words rush, my advice to you, say that you didn’t remember yourself, it’s called a state of passion, that’s how it was, as soon as he found out, he burst into flames like a match, we couldn’t hold him back, so tell him how much he faces if skolchin dies, sometimes 15 years old, sometimes a tower, but
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it’s necessary to judge the skolchin. for murder and arson, write a statement, if you prove that he is guilty, then you, mikhail zakharovich, will get a lighter sentence, write, write, son, hello! “i want to know how the investigation is going, my son is sitting in a pre-trial detention center, and you are still marking time, your son, he admitted to attempted murder, there are witnesses, so from our side everything is clear, the case has been transferred to court, wait, how about in court, and according to our statement, when you will look into it, the prosecutor’s office refused to
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initiate a criminal case against kolchin , that is, as she refused, he killed the woman and the house under '. they considered the child’s testimony not enough, well, she told everything in such detail, well, the girl was sick, delirious, with a high fever, well, who can figure out what she really saw there and what she fantasized, well, think for yourself, how can you base accusations on such testimony? could you, varvara, as a deputy, help so that a case would be opened against denis for attempted murder, skolchin denis yegorovich causing him grievous bodily harm, ermakov and mikhail zakharovich sentenced to five years
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in prison, how is that so? as if, taking into account mitigating circumstances and the state of strong effect, in case of repeated violation of the law, the suspended sentence will be replaced with a real one, where is the justice, why is it suspended, its 15 years you need to roll away, blood will flow, silence in the hall, one more cry, they will take you out. i understand, there is no justice in the world, son, it’s okay, you ’re in charge, get better, and then we ’ll settle accounts with ermak, no, without me, i won’t come back like this, like this, i’ll find a job in the city, it’s not
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enough for this molokhol shot me to the end, he didn’t... well, yes, i understand you, but it will be hard for me, son, oh, you still have to cry, dad, well, will you come to visit me, yes, of course, hey, is tanya talking about me? everyone is talking, people they believe, but no, since the case was not opened, it means that the investigator did not believe her, that’s all the demand, but what do you care about people, today they will wander, and tomorrow they will forget? and that’s right, you’re thinking correctly, dad , oh, yegor sinovich, i’ll probably later, yes, what
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then, come on, come to irkuti, i’ll go, come in, hello, you, the main thing is i’m getting better, son, yes, come on, i i cooked some chicken for you here. testicles, here’s some broth , zoya, you’ll go to the city with me, but teach me, i won’t get married, but i don’t care, marriage is a petty-bourgeois prejudice. like this i like you, zoyka, zoyka, you called,
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called, yes. what are you doing, ermakov, you are disgracing the party, there cannot be criminal elements in our ranks, you want to say that by the resolution of the district committee bureau you are expelled from the ranks of the cpsu, the party ticket is on the table.
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that's it, i can leave the management of the collective farm, we are removing you too, today you will hold another meeting outside and elect a new chairman, now that's it, that's it, go, i have nowhere to go. with you, you feel bad, man, be patient, help, someone, good morning to everyone who
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is celebrating this day with the first channel, with you today svetlana ziniva, this is me, this is timur solovyov, in person on the calendar friday, friday, friday, july 12, weekend, dear, beloved, approaching, how we are waiting for them, it’s so hot, beautiful, interesting, like summer i want to spend these days. but today we celebrate the day of the flight attendant, we will remember that until july 15 we need to pay taxes, the flight attendant, and all of us in general, we will get acquainted with the rescued squirrels and moose calves, and we will also learn the rules of the parent’s day at the children’s camp, we will learn how to collect the most the right soap bubbles, and you know that there are wrong soap bubbles, they don’t give pleasure to the people who blow them, deliver them, let’s choose sausages for the grill, you immediately want to lick your lips, in general we have a lot of interesting plans, but right now. on the volleyball course, we’re running to warm up, before the sausages that’s it, good morning, in beach
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volleyball the team consists of only two people, this means that all the athletes in this game are generalists, they know how to attack and fight back, this requires especially high reaction speed and good coordination. we throw it to our partner, his task is to catch the projectile and immediately throw it back, we try not to throw the ball to the sides, we aim directly at the partner’s hands, and perform the exercise. it turns out, then let’s complicate the task: one athlete throws
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the ball to his partner, who throws his own. projectile up, as high as possible, in order to have time to catch and send back the second ball, and then catches his own. the exercise perfectly develops coordination and reaction speed, this is what children simply need, and it is also a good warm-up for the whole body and a pleasant way warm up. let's continue! on the calendar , july 12th is world day of flight attendants, what do we congratulate everyone for whom this is a professional holiday? dear desa sisters, happy holiday to you, i know that not many people love you, but forgive me on this day, yes, you are caring, you are brave, you are resourceful, you are charming, thank you very much for your care, we really appreciate it, you put up with us being so difficult, flying with screaming children and huge bags, and your job is not easy, not easy, very
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responsible, flight attendant. this one is boring the devil proved the opposite to everyone the other day, especially as a flight attendant - that’s half your life in the sky, alexey from izhevsk wanted, dreamed, did. cleaning is carried out as normal, power is loaded, emergency lighting is normal, he is 52, he has been a flight conductor in the sky since 1992. fate itself had already decreed that i had the opportunity to give birth.
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nicky must be physically prepared for anything that is worth closing the door, it looks easy, only this colossus weighs 40 kg, anastasia is a second generation flight attendant, she is 32, 9 years in the sky, most of all loves, you won’t believe it when there are children on board, they are always emotional, joyful, fun all around, they draw, write, often draw us, then give us these drawings, it’s so great to receive, once a year everything... day workers are undergoing retraining, today anastasia is putting out a fire on an aircraft, a training device with augmented reality, they check not only the speed, the correctness of the sequence, first an oxygen cushion for themselves, then extinguish and then provide assistance, flight attendants, of course, are not doctors, but must be prepared for anything. christina literally delivered the baby on board, flight, moscow, khujand, a woman with
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abdominal pain for the last weeks, there were doctors on board. the doctors began to examine her, but... it turned out that contractions were already starting, well, that’s it, the doctors said: we’ll give birth. there is always a birth kit on the plane for such cases. closer to the decline, we got a girl named light, everything was successful, safe, thank you very much to the doctors, well, of course, we assisted. it would seem that how to prepare for this, flight attendants are endurance and steel nerves. marina guseinova, pavel kulygin, nazir nagumanov, andrey senchenko, channel one. we continue our good morning. so, let's take a look at what 's going on on this internet, what did yegor uspensky find, what do you think, colleague? by the way, you know that this is a man whose router is included in the guinness book of records, now let’s see, my dear brothers and sisters, comrades, yes, let’s say, horned, horned, right now our video review is opening with luciano, this a cat who works as a salesman at
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his owner's shop in minneapolis, look how diligently he counts. money, yes, yes, yes, these are not pieces of food, this is money, these are euros, so he has already earned 5 million, well, he’s just raking in practically with his paw, of course, 5 million is not euros, but likes - this is much better than a euro deserves - it’s hard to imagine a person who could resist the temptation to burst all the bubbles on the packaging film, what can we say about the dog, look, this is a gringa, and he is passionate about the process, and it seems to me, but he is too stressed, but he needs it necessary, well, it wouldn’t help me relieve stress. if i did the same thing, you can just look at it, look at it, and stress too , like a hand, so, let’s move on, because we have the weekend ahead, today is friday, why not dance, this bear here decided, and look at a few simple movements, remember, both i and timur nightingales dance in approximately the same way, and since timur has been living in the forest for a long time, soon he will be covered with fur and become a real russian bear, and i will take you on a leash to
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fairs to earn money , it's already there clubfoot, in conclusion. personal income tax, who this concerns, who needs to hurry, we’ll tell you now. personal income tax (ndfl), as a rule, is paid automatically, salaries are withheld, but sometimes we have to file
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a declaration ourselves, calculate the amount, and of course, pay, it is important not to be late. it’s better, of course, to still have time to pay the tax before july 15, but if suddenly for some reason it doesn’t work out, starting from july 16, a penalty in the amount of 1,300 keys will be charged.
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receives income in other countries, pay you can visit the federal tax service website in your personal account. if you didn’t have time to file your declaration, you should do it now, the tax will come and a small fine. nadezhda pravdina, yuri lebedev, channel one. this is a city whose coat of arms depicts the most powerful beast. we are in the glorious city of yaroslavl. and fonya was filmed here, everyone’s favorite ivan vasilyevich was also filmed in the yaroslavl region. so. to sterilize what you prepared in yaroslavl style you need a thin, thin straw, we are trying, but if you were 10 years old, you could join the squad of young
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cosmonauts, a child's dream has come true, technology is something girls, women are quite capable of, quite capable of, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on sergeevna, you're on the throne, let's go, premiere, on the first, this is the news on the first, studios maria vasilyeva, hello, the development of st. petersburg, economic and social issues were discussed by vladimir putin at a meeting with alexander beglov, at the beginning of your...
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great attention is paid to the construction and reconstruction of educational institutions, when they brought to my attention that in in the nineteenth year there were a shortage of 100 schools, 200 kindergartens, from the nineteenth to the twenty -third we introduced 68 schools and 164 kindergartens and 12 health care facilities, and in the twenty-fourth year, this year alone, we are completely closing the deficit. fulfilling your instructions, we will introduce 57 kindergartens and 37 schools this year, so we will close the deficit from 2025, we will move on to the smooth
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construction of social structures, this is how much housing, exactly how many social facilities, no social facilities, no housing, in general, in comparison with other federations, st. petersburg is in a good position, but of course it’s still poor... well, immediately before the meeting, vladimir putin inspected the raneinbaum palace and park complex, the president was shown the chinese palace and the rolling hill pavilion, which had opened after a long restoration, part of the once huge entertainment complex buildings from the time of catherine ii. all work was carried out with support. gazprom company.
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now to the topic of svo. crews of tsantsepek heavy flamethrower systems, groupings of troops vostok from buryatia provided support to our motorized riflemen and destroyed fortified defense areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. they worked from the shortest distance; immediately after firing thermobaric rockets, the vehicle was hidden from enemy drones in a specially prepared canopy. the attack on the enemy's rear areas was carried out by uav operators of the group's airborne troops. in just an hour, they destroyed more than a dozen enemy vehicles, which were used to transport ammunition and personnel. and in the navdeevsky direction, the bmp-3 crew of the center group of troops destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants, ensuring the offensive of the assault units. having received data about the target, the servicemen brought the armored vehicle as close as possible and opened dagger fire on the enemy positions, forcing him to leave cover. doctor. are trying to do everything possible to
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save the children who suffered due to the terrorist attack of the kiev regime on shibekin. the night before, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, reported that five children were injured, two seriously. condition. the ukrainian drone operator dropped the ammunition directly on the playground, knowing full well that he was attacking the defenseless, and did it deliberately. however, there are no military targets nearby. the children are in the hospital; they have undergone operations in russia. the media called the incident a deliberate terrorist attack and called for international condemnation of kiev. a powerful natural fire has been extinguished for the second day near the city of energodar, where the largest zaporozhye nuclear power plant in europe is located. one of the reasons for the fire was massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. by fire over 10 hectares of territory are covered. residents complain of heavy smoke. more than 50 employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations and 17 units of special equipment are working on site. russia, china, korea,
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iran threaten america and undermine security in europe. this statement was made by us president joe biden at a press conference following the nato summit, and added that he has a strategy to counter the rapprochement of these countries, but he will not tell reporters about it. they, however, were more interested in the much more pressing question for the states, what the actual condition of their leader was, whether he could he will reach the end of the race for a new presidential term, since he refuses to withdraw from it. just in case, they also asked how the current owner of the white house assesses the chances of vice president kamala haris to defeat republican donald trump in the debate, and here biden made another reservation; he appointed trump as his deputy. i would not choose vice president trump to be vice president, so i think she is not qualified to be president. so let's start with this.
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donald himself has already responded to this clause. trump, on his social network, he wrote that biden has a syndrome of obsession with his personality. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it’s friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, aren’t you looking forward to friday? july, beautiful day, we wish you a wonderful day. so, it’s real july heat outside, comrades, in many regions it’s breaking all records, on the one hand, it should be hot in the summer, in the winter we’ll still experience this heat i’m bored, i love the heat, and i love the heat too, yes, i don’t even turn on any air conditioning, but on the other hand, comrades, you can’t joke with the heat, direct sunlight can hit right on the crown of your head, and there’s not much protection there anymore from these rays, you understand, so you need to protect your crown, in general, now we will.
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to understand this issue, not only, by the way, people, what is heated, what is not heated, cars of all kinds, yes, household items, in general, everything must be protected from direct sun. you also have a storage room on your balcony, but not everything is safe to store there. sergey from krasnodar, you understand, heat is synonymous with this region. every year there are new temperature records: the heat is unbearable, this year it’s even up to 55. here everyone knows from childhood that they can be stored under straight lines. stable, we store it quietly, the only thing needs to be organized so that direct sunlight does not fall, sergei has no aerosols on the balcony, this is dangerous even if it’s +20 outside, why let’s sort it out with physicist azat odeev, first we glue temperature sensors, leave the sun , the temperature is rising
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before our eyes, only 3 minutes have passed, we have a can of paint at 46.8° celsius, well, on another can, the white one, we can’t withstand all the pressure, but in fact it ’s not the metal itself that can’t withstand, it’s the connection of these cans there from below to above , they are starting to break already, the weakest point, the joints, they can no longer withstand about 15 atmospheres, paint, antistatic agents, hairsprays, lighters, all this explosion. dangerous, the ministry of emergency situations staff and i conducted an experiment, instead of the sun there is a fire. at a temperature of 200° it took 54 seconds for it to happen. and what with gadgets? the danger is in the batteries, we heat up the small ones from the phone, they swelled up
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and began to smoke, and now the battery is for the tablet. a similar situation, he even became soft. both failed after 4 minutes, and they were not under charge. a color reaction occurs, the temperature rises, a chemical reaction occurs, our separator breaks, this is a thin film that separates the anodes into the cathode, when electrons from which run across we actually generate electricity, when it is damaged, a short circuit occurs, there is so much energy, it literally does not fit, it is looking for a way out, this is best seen on the battery in a metal package, the rigid metal case collapses at the joints and this is enough for a fire. we release air when we don’t see how hot it is, but at the same time we couldn’t even touch the protective box. when charging the sun, the heating rate doubles. yes, physically , not a single battery shattered into small pieces, thanks to the packaging, hard metal or soft plastic. where is the battery located? phone, tablet or scooter, it doesn’t matter,
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hot steam is enough to light up the same wallpaper. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry likhachev, anzhelika pankratyeva, channel one. that's when you spend the whole day on your feet, your feet. for healthy people after intense physical activity, chamomile flowers, fresh mint from the garden and birch leaves will help relieve fatigue, put everything in a basin, pour boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, add
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magnesium salt, add warm water , immerse your feet, oh salt. draws out excess fluid speeds up metabolism, mint soothes, birch relieves swelling, and chamomile relieves fatigue, after 15 minutes we rub our feet with a terry towel, like this until they turn red, i understand, this is how you need to be careful, this will also help get rid of swelling, if you have an acupuncture mat, it’s time to stand on it , and now you can... lie down in a gomak, but not just like that, but with your legs up. if you have the strength, you can spin the bike in the air with your legs. also, if you are prone to swelling of the legs, we review the diet, add parsley and spinach to salads, they are rich
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magnesium to remove excess fluid, we put garlic or celery for dessert... we will have wild strawberries or strawberries, and of course, we take care of our feet, wear orthopedic insoles, while working in the garden, take a break for gymnastics every half hour, and also as a physical education, we ride a bike, yuki, follow me, well, right now the topic is relevant for people who live in their own house, no, for example, i’m now choosing what kind of lawn, roll or seed, and the lawn, i thought, what do you choose there, roll or sowing season, i don’t even know, at the height of the summer season this is important, because you want this gas. go out and lie down, and for this you need to do what to the lawn? break,
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no matter how strange it may sound. which lawn to choose, roll or seed? their main difference is in the seeds. in the rolled lawn , mainly meadow bluegrass is used, this is considered the best grass for lawns, in principle, it will form the most dense grain. in the first year, rolled turf grows slowly, so on an industrial scale ... it is grown for 2 years, under under the control of agronomists, watering, mowing, combing, for seeding lawns they choose a grass mixture, mainly izrais, it quickly sprouts in just two or three weeks , a green lawn is already formed on the lawn, in order to grow a dense seeded lawn yourself it takes a lot of time and effort, first level the ground, then compact it after sowing, then it will be easier for the grass to take root and reseed regularly, in the first year it will grow quickly, but unevenly, it is much easier with rolled grass, it is grown in the field and cut already
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ready. the combine cuts off the top 1.5-2 cm of soil, this is the main part of the root mass, from this part the growth of water-sucking roots begins, and if you cut it thicker, it will take root worse, how it will take root depends on the quality of the turf, you can check this way. you just need to lift it, if it hasn’t torn in half, then it means it has... with rolls, speed is important, their lifespan is short, after cutting it lasts only 1-2 days, then they wither from lack of watering and nutrients, so the sooner lay them on the site and water them, the better. can be stacked the lawn is directly sublinked, you can add a layer of fertile soil, it will allow air to pass through better, water on it, and the root system of a rolled lawn will develop faster. the main question is, when the lawn is completely ready, the passive one will grow into a continuous carpet only after 2 years, the roll will not take root. faster, after 2 weeks you can run and jump on it, it will also send out new water-sucking roots into the ground, and it will not be possible
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to tear the roll off the ground, so for the quick results of a rolled lawn, its only drawback is the cost, it is three times more expensive than seed lawn, but no matter what type of lawn it is, seeded or rolled, it is important to maintain it properly, mow once a week, and water, especially in the heat. yulia shuvalova, pavel dits, ilia saeji, maxim tkachenko, channel one. the hero of our next report - very unlucky at first, but then fate turned out well, because they were lucky to be found, sympathetic people, far away chicks, elk calves, squirrels, they are now being prepared for a new adult life, let's see how they are doing, well isn't it a chalk, these squirrels were saved by the mows of the rozhtinsky park, the cat was hunting the kids, i drove my mother away, they were very small, there were no parents, and we decided to feed them, their tassels grew... they became more red-haired, their tail became fluffier, they looked like squirrels already,
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they adore people, they crawl on them like walking through trees, in your arms all the time, they don’t think about running away, they feel that they won’t be hurt here, they sleep on the security guard’s pillows at night, well, how can we release them into the wild now, we’re thinking about making them something beautiful after all house, summer is a time of such loss, little moose calves whine like... puppies were left without a mother in the kindergarten of a moose farm in the kostroma region, this year there are already 19 of them. winx the elk calf was attacked by dogs, there are scars from bites on his hind legs, his mother ran away, only now he began to let people in when he realized that he was safe here they are loved, they reciprocate. yes, they caress you very much, they love to lick your face , especially if you sit next to them, they will lick you all over. they also like to butt heads, but that’s how they play. well, how to abandon a defenseless animal, the matveevs of iskursk also could not, this is our beautiful chick, and
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our little one, we heard the squeak of the ventilation, it turned out to be a chick, we untwist it, break it and take it out, but what to do, a living soul, well, then we decided to take it out to the balcony to look, maybe one of its parents will see it, but he began to scream. a lot of jackdaws gathered and mom appeared, she recognized him, and he lives on the balcony, mom and dad fly in to feed, the matveevs are watching, they named the babies, according to a familiar ornithologist, he will soon spread his wings. it’s a pity, we’re used to it, but wild birds always strive to be free, you need to be ready to let them go. sergey abramov sotnik, natalya kravchenko, channel one. let us remind you that today is july 12, a great orthodox holiday, the day of the all-praised supreme apostles peter and paul. this holiday has been around for more than ten centuries; this day is considered one of the brightest of the year in every sense. day
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of the apostles peter and paul, midsummer. today we celebrate the morning in nature. smiling at the sun, she reached her zenith, her highest point, the sun is already beginning to lose power, because peter and paul at the beginning of the day turned down, petrok would come, they said, and pinch off a leaf, and from that time on the tree began to lose leaves. let us remember the apostles, many people know peter, the first among his disciples to call his teacher christ, that is, the messiah, for this the lord called him a stone, which is how the name peter is translated, and gave him symbolic keys to heaven, so on the icons... peter is depicted with a bunch of keys. during his lifetime, paul did not know christ and was a persecutor of christians until the lord himself appeared to him. his name was saul then, and christ himself somehow revealed himself to him, appeared there, and he asked him saul: why are you persecuting me? in fact, the apostle paul is probably the only
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person who christ revealed all his teachings, and so he revealed himself directly to... directly to a person. after that, paul began to preach, they say he only met peter a couple of times, but why are they always depicted together, they suffered martyrdom on the same day, just before july 12, this one - the day of remembrance of the holy apostles is celebrated, and since peter was a fisherman, on this day it is customary to go to the water, fishing or to sources, so far they believe that if you draw water from three different ones, you will be healthy. a whole year for beauty, for health, let's drink, drink, father, for beauty, take a sip, this day is generally considered one of the warmest and most joyful, since the chief apostles met the savior in paradise, so a belief has appeared among the people, today we should rejoice , have fun, it was believed that whoever rejoices on this day will extend his life by 3 years, mm, so we extend
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his life, but if on the contrary the person is sad and god forbid, he cries. then life you can reduce it by 3 years, that’s what people thought, why isn’t it a reason to spend this day with a smile? sergei abramov, centurion, vasily valetov and yulia kuvabina, the first channel for four seas, for four suns, summer rains, and it’s good that he doesn’t know about this one, i still won’t leave him, because he’s... good, good, of course , what concerns you, everything that concerns me, god, what a man, and i want, the main thing that a man has is to have
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a propeller. fantastic after program time challenge every day like monday above here star families fight with each other, but absolutely everyone benefits from this.
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fathers and children, sunday is on the first, so, two indisputable facts, well, the weekend is ahead, i confirm, well done, he doesn’t argue, well , good upbringing, barbecue season continues, here he is again, he doesn’t argue, the right man, he doesn’t argue with women, fry in malgali you need to make sausages with your soul, you will argue, your saliva will flow, no, we are now preparing the sausages so that they are juicy and tasty, we will prepare several options, and you decide for yourself which one you want... oh, i want it too, always are expensive sausages for frying the best, let’s figure it out, chef gleb ostafiev will help, here we have almost 659 rubles per kilogram of sausage and sausages 400 rubles per kilogram, i’m even surprised that the more expensive ones cost, uh , for some reason more, because judging by the composition
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here we have turkey fillet, thigh fillet, water, chicken skin, and these are more expensive, i remind you, they look less healthy than these ones made from pork. the chef was confused by the chicken skin in some expensive sausages, while in others there were a large number of food additives. let's see how it affects the taste, let's prepare and go treat it. let's start with those that have the highest price, from 600 rubles. it seemed to me as if the cat felt like it was more like a foamy drink, keep in mind that it’s a little stingy, i like fattier meat, for me it was the most juicy and fatty. the tasting confirmed everything the chef said. a large number of spices, polyphosphates, flavor enhancers. of course, they raised doubts that the manufacturer used high-quality raw materials. and average price sausages our tasters
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didn’t approve of about 500 rubles per kilogram, i liked the thin ones least of all here, they’re kind of tough, i got a small vein, although the composition is not bad, only meat and spices, according to experts, the problem here is in the collagen shell, it’s a bit harsh, usually made from animal skin, there is such a thin layer, just this thin layer. they don’t write about the casing on the label, but you can figure it out: the collagen is uneven, it can burst during frying, and the cheapest sausages from 399 rubles unexpectedly surprised me, my choice was the middle, you can feel the pleasant taste of the meat, this is the most delicious, there was nothing in it, no veins, nothing, but the feeling that it’s just natural meat, firstly, it doesn’t taste, and secondly, it’s a little like that. with meat, very tasty, almost everyone liked it, like average-priced sausages, there is only meat and
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spices, but on top there is lamb casing, it is softer and more tender than collagen, so the price when choosing is not always an indicator, be sure to look at the composition, the shorter the better , plus, if possible, we evaluate the shell, and before we check by frying, if such a slippery film has formed on the sausage, this means that in full... for those who have settled outside the city, everyone knows these words concepts perfectly well, and most importantly, objects can get to know you, but in this matter they no longer newbie, and you’re not a newbie, you’re an old man, here we are now. let us share our invaluable experience with you right now through the screen. it will be broadcast live by alexei boyaji. get in close. if you have not held
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an ax in your hands, then collecting firewood is a dangerous process for you. therefore i suggest prepare the workplace. large nails are needed - 120 and 200 mm. we place the log on the log and use the butt of the ax to hammer the nails into the sides. let's do this a little. we need to drive in four nails at an angle, we place the deck, now it is stable, the nails have sunk into the ground, we drive in smaller nails on top, two are enough, like this, almost in the center of the deck, we cut off the heads with a grinder, we need the point to remain, basically everything is ready, this is a machine for convenient and safe chopping of firewood, we place the log directly on the spikes and make a control blow with the butt of the ax, as we they say, we plant a log, now you no longer need to hold it with your hands, your fingers are
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safe, we chop, once and twice, the firewood falls off to the sides, but part of the log is still standing on the log, it’s convenient, let’s take another log. just take care after completing the process that no one sits on these spikes. we plant a log on them. you can leave the deck in this form. the america's cup enters its final stage, the semi-finals. our colleague , channel one sports journalist maria rumyantseva, has all the details. lionel messi took almost all the gold in the world as part of the argentina national team. the only tournament that... captain albie celesti has never won, this is the america's cup in its current format. 8 years ago, leos and his comrades themselves gave the title to the chilean national team, losing in the final in a penalty shootout. for messi
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, the memory of that game is one of the most unpleasant, because it was he who made the first mistake. at the current tournament, history repeated itself in the quarterfinals with ecuador. an attempt to perform a blow with a ponenka was a fiasco. fortunately, my teammates this time the argentines did not disappoint either. advanced to the next stage of the playoffs. the most star player of the tournament received a considerable portion of criticism ; already in the semi-final game with the canadians, fans finally saw the real messi, albeit the first. it was not he who scored the goal, but the execution was very similar. julián alvarez beat the defender with a handkerchief and left the opposing goalkeeper unlucky. towards the end of the first half, messi took a shot, but the ball went just wide of the post. it is not known whether leo watches hockey, but at the beginning of the second half of the meeting, he played like a real nhl star when converting the majority. enso fernandez fired at goal, and messi gracefully sent the ball into the net. true, canadians are canadians, for
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mercy's sake. a winner never gives up. in the end they had two chances to score, but in the first case goalkeeper damian martinez played reliably, and a minute later tanya allavassia lacked accuracy. the result is 2:0. argentina team in the final. there, messi and company are waiting for a meeting with the colombian national team, which knocked uruguay out of the fight. this game solved everything the only goal that was scored in the first half. jefferson lerma sent the ball into the goal after a corner kick from khamis rodriguez. for rodrigue. this program became a record sixth. the colombians had to finish the match with ten men. daniel munoz was sent off for a second yellow card. in the second half, the teams exchanged shots into the woodwork. first, luis suarez missed his chance, hitting the post, and already in stoppage time, matthaus uribe tested the strength of the uruguayans' crossbar. bottom line 1:0. the colombian national team is in the finals, and darwin nonis, whose wife
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lorena and her two-year-old son came to support him, friday morning continues right now. we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. we'll get back to you soon. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. issues of socio-economic development of st. petersburg became the main topic of the meeting, which vladimir putin held with governor alexander beglov. the conversation took place in reniembaum, a famous museum ensemble in the suburbs of the northern capital. they talked about the most pressing construction and reconstruction of educational institutions, the expansion of public spaces, and the creation of new parks and public gardens. and soon a center for active longevity will be opened in every district,
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and volunteers will be supported.
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well, just before the meeting, vladimir putin inspected the soroninbaum palace and park complex; the president was shown the pavilion of the kotal hill, which opened after a long restoration of the chinese palace, is part of a once huge entertainment structure from the time of catherine ii. all work was carried out with the support of gazprom. now to the topic of svo. crews of heavy flamethrower systems, groupings of troops vostok. provided support to our motorized riflemen, destroyed fortified defense areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, and worked from the shortest distance. immediately after the salvo of thermobaric rockets, the vehicle was hidden from enemy drones in a special prepared copanire. the strike on the enemy's rear areas was carried out by uav operators of the airborne troops of the dnepr group. in just an hour, they destroyed more than a dozen enemy vehicles, which were used to transport ammunition and personnel. and in the navdeevsky direction.
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4000 people, they fight in the hottest directions, in avdeevsky and taretsk, liberate villages, in the most important solidarsky, pin down enemy forces, hold the defense in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. now they are storming chasov yar and volchansk. on the unit's snipers work in difficult areas. the enemy is literally hunting for them. and many of these aces are women. women are the best snipers because we have a different breath, absolutely, we
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see differently, unlike the male gender. we are more frantic, frenzied. well, because we are women, we are mothers, we see what happens from a mother's point of view. how many children were killed? not every man will perceive it the way a woman perceives it. our defenders need quadcopters, fpv, drones, sights, rap systems, and also transport, motorcycles and cars, all -terrain vehicles, everyone can contribute, just point your phone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen, follow the link, all the instructions are there, you can also participate in the collection on the website a powerful natural fire has been extinguished for the second day near the city of energodar, where the largest zaporozhye nuclear power plant in europe is located. the cause of the fire was massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. over 10 hectares of territory were engulfed in fire. residents complain of heavy smoke. more than 50 people work on site employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and 17 units of special equipment. residents of ukraine
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are trying by all means to avoid being sent to the front as part of forced mobilization. one of these jumped out of the window of the military registration and enlistment office, where he was brought by force. the man broke his leg. caught from the notorious tisza river on the border with romania. the body of another man who tried to escape to a neighboring country. against the backdrop of total mobilization in ukraine , personnel shortages are intensifying due to a shortage of drivers in the capital, taxi fares have increased. meanwhile, the kyiv regime is gathering to lower the conscription age from 25 to 18 years, according to informed sources , us secretary of state antony blinken demanded this, otherwise he threatened to find a replacement for zelensky. the verkhovna rada has already launched a trial balloon, where they called it unfair that men under the age of 25 are fully fit for service . they walk around freely, although they could stand up as friends. meanwhile, the ukrainian ministry of defense is keeping an eye on seventeen- year-old boys; they may be given a fine or even a summons if they do not register. and officials also complain that young people far more people communicate in russian than
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in ukrainian, and they propose to organize on-site inspections in educational institutions, and citizens are encouraged to be more active in reporting that someone speaks russian. to this, the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova , wrote in her telegram channel that... learning the language, the kiev regime will lower the age of mobilization. and that's all for now. and now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning, dear friends, we are glad that you are celebrating this day in our company. company today, oh, a five, svetlana zeynalova. it's summer at five. and timur solovyov is friday on the calendar. friday, the most beautiful day, july 12th. summer, holidays, children in summer camps, it’s great there, of course. fun, a lot of new friends, various interesting activities, you won’t get bored, and like many children, of course, they miss their parents, although it seems to me that they haven’t missed their parents for a long time, but here he comes to the rescue, parent’s day, you you can come remind me what you look like, say,
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daughter, son, it’s me, your beloved dad, mom, we haven’t seen each other for 2 weeks, moms and dads are rushing to see their children at camp for parents’ day, it’s also a holiday, they ’re making... cheese. dodge everything with packages, kilograms of gifts. good morning, good morning. and here it is, the long-awaited moment. hello, my whole squad is watching this. hello, good one. how bored are you? the packages rustled, and what was there? banned. not on the list are sweets, vegetables, fruits, fast food, anything that spoils quickly. just one burger, parents will say. what if it goes bad? while they were driving, or even worse, the child will hide it in the nightstand until evenings, these are perishable products, they can spoil, kids, they can be put aside somewhere, forgotten, the counselor can’t tell about it, can’t convey it, that’s why we all
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the teaching staff carefully make sure that such a kid is brought to me, yes, yes, a list prohibited products cannot arrive, but for the safety of children, he brings, for example, cherries, strawberries, well, it took so long. that’s why in many camps they don’t organize parent’s days, it’s calmer, but the children are waiting for their mothers and fathers not only because of the gifts, to share their impressions, i was really looking forward to it, i wanted to parents come for a walk, talk there normally, and not through a smartphone, parents come and watch our dances. the children are preparing for the concert, everyone really wants their parents to look at them, to show them in person, and not tell them over the phone, or for them to see. this is through gadgets, this is a meeting of a storm
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of emotions, to show what we have learned, to introduce to new friends, parents are also interested, but in general we are in this camp for the first time, as if we were in others and wanted to see where he is, what he is, when we taken to the camp, we we thought, thank god, to relax and live peacefully in silence, but now we’re already bored, i want to see them again, i want to please them there with something tasty, there are those who didn’t come, it’s sad, but that’s how you look at it, i said so that they don't come? why? well, like, they’ll just arrive, and then they’ll collect me in 5 days, like, no one will really miss me, like this, well, a lot of time will pass, i have this logic, that’s also an option, parent’s day is a voluntary thing. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novakhatnyaya, vasily valetov and yulia kuvabina, channel one, soap bubbles, that’s who invented them, because this man is a genius, thank him very much for this, you see, and for children it’s fantastic. for adults, you know, this, when you get up, they put such a big soap bubble on you,
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it’s cool, that’s right, a cool way to feel like a child, not a single computer game can compare with this, well, you can argue, of course, well in general, all sorts of kits for the production of these same bubbles in there are a lot of stores, but we need to choose the best ones, of course, the one that won’t break you off, which will make the biggest soap bubble, soap bubbles are a working way to please the inner child, switch to relieve stress, a proven fact. even the most serious adults smile. anastasia and alexandra, animators of the soap bubble show, know exactly what is in the ideal composition. the whole secret is in distilled water, since ordinary tap water contains many impurities that will have a negative effect. included glycerin or - special purchased liquids. let's compare six samples from 30 to 300 rubles. we test together with children and parents. vanya has soap bubbles in modern long packaging. wand. comfortable, blows out a lot of bubbles at once. lida has a similar jar,
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only in a mini format. anna received the classic packaging. the air ones fly, and taisi’s sample failed, you get bubbles, but there is a nuance. they constantly spill out on me, well, everything can get dirty, my hands are wet. vasilisa is also unhappy, the bubble immediately it bursts, i don’t even have time to look. maybe ksenia is lucky, she doesn’t have bursting eyes. bubbles, however, you can’t figure them out right away, i had to tinker. this is something not very comfortable, it’s very hard to blow, i’m afraid of bursting my cheeks. the kids said these were the best bubbles, but i don't think so. it’s not clear why, and the composition is far from soapy; by the way, it’s not on the packaging at all. chemist maria vinogradova explains that the material is based on a polymer. what specific material it is depends on the manufacturers. apparently is a trade secret, such
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viscous, very sticky, after contact with air, it dries, but what about soap bubbles? why did we come across those that immediately burst? let’s determine the concentration of soap in the compositions using indicator paper. soap is characterized by an alkaline reaction, the color of the paper changes to green, this is about seven pages, out of five options, two have exactly this. the reaction is neutral, there is not much soap in the composition, among them are the same ones, the difference is that among the components there is glycerin, apparently there is quite a lot of glycerin, and this the component is added to strengthen the soap bubbles, but in this particular case it bursts very quickly, that is, it lacks this elasticity that soap gives, the proportion is broken, the design also influences how soap bubbles behave, see for yourself, we change the stick of the sample that flowed out to the classic one, the solution drips, but
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significantly less, due to the fact that there are corners, so when choosing, we check the composition, if it contains glycerin, then only after the soap and pay attention to stick, preferably with round or oval edges. anna grebenchakova, dmitry likhachev, vasily valetov, channel one. so, dear friends, the employees of the moscow zoo posted it on their own page on the internet.
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sunny, good-natured, sociable, tactful, gets along well with people, knows how to behave in public, at the same time he can be said to be sincere, will always try to understand and... help, he also has a keen sense of beauty, he has a sense of style, an artist, a designer , fashion designer and in general everyone who makes or sells something beautiful, he is the best assistant, the disadvantages, as often happens, are a continuation of the advantages, he is sensitive, impressionable, it is easy to unsettle him, on such days we overreact to all sorts of trifles, we are subject to mood swings, we spend money easily for all sorts of fashionable things, aries stars hope that you have taken note of this, dear men... if your soul mate is an aries, tolerate her whims and do not skimp on tender words and get a great day, cheerful, fast and financial, and he can also set you up with interesting people close to you in spirit. taurus have a smooth day filled for the most part with all sorts of activities, something like a meeting, meeting or family council is not excluded. when it comes to money, remember
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that they love counting. for those who are currently on vacation, do without extreme sports on the water. geminis are charming today. eloquent people know how to find the key even to difficult people; if someone needs a good negotiator, call the twins. gemini ladies, you are simply charming, just take care of your wallet, and don't throw your clutch bags anywhere. a successful day for cancers; anything that requires both precise calculation and professional instinct on the verge of intuition will go especially well. lonely cancers, the luminary strongly advises you to free up the evening. leo is also doing well, though on the romantic front. nothing like this is expected, but in the business sphere everything will go just fine, just be careful with fire and flammable liquids, expect guests in the evening. virgos are just having a good day, when everything turns out quickly without problems, they will go well commerce and shopping, there will be a chance to agree on something with someone, and they may also reveal some secret to you today. libra runs the risk
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of suddenly falling in love; the stars have nothing against it, but they must warn you. the day, let’s say, is a little unrealistic, by the way. all sorts of tempting prospects in the business sphere, this also applies, with scorpios everything is fine in their personal lives, one hint was highlighted, if i may, sometimes we cut such days, forgetting to measure them, but you understand, if you have children, give them more attention, sagittarius may try to ruin their mood for no reason, don’t follow his lead, the ladies of this sign today are more unpredictable than usual, but so sweet that men will certainly forgive them for this, capricorns will have a chance... to benefit from a certain situation. most likely it will be work related. after lunch, he may have to solve some technical problem, perhaps fix something; in the evening, it looks like he is going to invite you somewhere. aquarius has a normal working friday, two tips from the stars. first, be selective in new dating, and secondly, do not be tempted
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by all sorts of super loans and mega discounts and do without alcohol. pisces will have to help someone, perhaps deal with the problems of older relatives. and even now something new may enter your life, a new job, a new hobby, or maybe a new relationship, well what can i say, good luck to you, right now, dear men, you and i have a couple of minutes, i hope this is enough for you and me to make ourselves a cup of coffee or tea, and to take a break, that is, you will cook with the men, and i will cook with the women i won’t go anywhere to look carefully at the makeup artist safi kovalenko, but maybe we’re all together? or maybe we’ll all unite together, look, you were scared to be left alone with so many women, okay, we ’ll support you, come on, stay, everyone, you forgot to put on a headdress, you got sunburnt, your skin
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started to peel, they just invited you on a date, without makeup i can’t do without it, how to apply it correctly? i'm makeup artist safi-kovalenko, i'll show you how to hide flaking. daria, please! first of all, moisturize, dry skin especially needs it. next we apply sunscreen, followed by foundation. mix it with a smoothing makeup base, it will visually reduce flaking. we put it into the product with a damp beauty blender, but do not apply it with strokes. so we will only emphasize the unevenness of the skin, we go over the face with careful movements, we seem to glue the peeling, now we use a makeup fixative, it will ensure durability, we use attention to add volume, a creamy bronzer, a dry texture will only emphasize the imperfections
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in order to beautifully and evenly work out the line cheekbone, we use this technique: slightly stretch our lips and press them to our face. finger like this under the cheekbone, apply bronzer on top, moisturizing lipstick without excessive shine is suitable for the lips. focusing on the eyes will also help distract attention from flaky skin; colored mascara will help out. let's apply it like this: first we run a long-lasting concealer over the eyelashes, let it dry, powder it a little, and then apply colored mascara in two layers, pull the brush to... the top, and now we have voluminous eyelashes with the effect of spider legs. this is a summer trend. in addition, draw a light
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pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. this technique will help open your eyes even more. wow, well i think it turned out great. dash, well , it’s just a blooming rose, the skin looks moisturized and radiant. this is a city whose coat of arms depicts the most powerful beast. we are in the glorious city of yaroslavl. afonya was filmed here , everyone’s favorite ivan vasilyevich was also filmed in the yaroslavl region. so, boyars, for you to erase what you prepared in yaroslavl style. you need a thin, thin straw. we try, but if you were 10 years old, you could join the corps of young cosmonauts,
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a child’s dream has come true, technology is something girls and women can do, quite, thank you, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, vari sergeevna , you touched it, let's go, premiere, tomorrow on the first. i need to get married once and for all, i think you love me, oh, and you didn’t pass me by, i’m a wife, i don’t care about my husband, a fun wedding, my condition is serious, my spine is hurt, everything will be fine, miles, but... collectively, he can now you understand this, hello, seryozha, why did you let her in,
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mom, we don’t need guests, be a man, be a person, free her, what do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself, i can’t say, goodbye, tomorrow is on the first day, ours. i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i
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covered so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because it’s brilliantly simple , pull yourself together after the shock, and then answer my question, well , of course, this only works for me, not for anyone anyone else, the route has been built, don’t forget to give us a rating in the app, i arrived in taita one day, in fact, you could n’t do anything else, go and ask everyone if you’ve been to taita this evening with nikolai tsyskaridze, on the first , hike, hike, yes, by the way, one of the most summer words, by the way, i went in the winter, now i want to try in the summer in the forests, in the mountains, tomorrow here, today here, tomorrow there along the rivers, because it could be such a hike, easy a picnic walk, or maybe difficult, requiring special... preparation, compliance with the rules, and such rules cannot be violated in any way, svetlana, but how, if i don’t know them, now you’ll find out, rafting on the river,
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climbing mountains, traveling in the taiga thicket, difficult hikes, i also wanted to, firstly, i need training, on simpler routes, rafting - start with rapids up to the third category of difficulty and from six, for example, here even children are taught to raft on the lower katun, the following movement results: a similar principle with walks in the forest for beginners and a test near moscow, everyone failed the equipment test , shoes should be strong with tough. it’s good to hold your ankle with the sole, trousers or trousers, they are definitely not jeans, because jeans will sweat or if it rains they will take a long time to dry, i’m not the only one, how to dress and what to take with you, the second important point, we ask about this in advance guide, in our case we solve the issue on the spot, a headdress made of a t-shirt, pants and what about jeans and socks, anti-tick style, and don’t forget repellents,
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as soon as you go into the forest, they swoop in, conquer the mountains? says instructor denis rogozhnikov, it’s also better gradually, this summer he going to elbrus, i run, train my cardio system, i definitely do stretching, well, of course, here’s a health check, find out about all the contraindications, the third important point, in the mountains the key thing is the absence of problems with the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure, let alone elbrus above 5,500 m? it is very important to breathe correctly, since at altitude the air is discharged...
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we also clarify this, as well as about the presence of a satellite phone. after passing certain routes, i am obliged to call back; in the event of some kind of emergency, they immediately raise helicopters help us. over the past year , emercom employees rescued about 400 tourists, killing 20 people. most often , the organizers are to blame for incidents, so we check that the guide must work legally, undergo training in his field and undergo state certification. we passed exams and took courses.
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that not everyone can make the decision, it’s scary, because you know that, as they say, some kind of capital investment is needed, some knowledge is needed, the knowledge is there, in fact, it seems to me that the most important thing is to come up with some kind of your own original startup, svetlana and so that you really love the business you will be doing, well, i can, you know, to sell sausages, this has already been invented, i will upset you, oh damn, business in the city is not necessarily an office, a meeting is a game. 5.2. there are even agricultural farms, just compact ones. cityfarm is a trend in entrepreneurship, a real plantation on racks. as a child , we had a private house and we planted and grew, i really didn’t like doing this, i always said, i’ll grow up, i’d rather buy a bag of potatoes, a bag of carrots, a bag of onions, i don’t i'll grow it myself. and now alexandra grows microgreens and edible flowers for
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restaurants. there are already more than a hundred clients. simple logistics, products. there is no need to transport it over a long distance, you can start from one tray on the windowsill, and there, for example, buy one lamp, test it, from trends, classics, making a business out of a hobby is still the ideal formula. since childhood, valentin loved comics, without art classes, he drew and created his own stories, at one fine moment i sat down and said to myself: why not? not doing this? my wife sewed my first comics together to make it look like a book. now he collaborates with publishing houses, gives lectures and hosts podcasts about comics, creates... new intracultures, for example, sketch battles, tournaments for artists, there are comics, many are biased towards them and think, how will you make money with this? already in the first year of work, i realized that i earn a lot more, and besides, i enjoy it more. another trend is hiring for your own business. sergey sushev worked in a restaurant, worked as a home cook, now, on the contrary, it is the main source of income. in a restaurant - this is some kind of stability, after all, here, if we
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are already entering the market on our own, then... we do, of course, x2, x3, but here the story depends more on you, they cook for families, sometimes bachelors or ladies who want to conquer their companions, by the way, a romantic dinner is not about haute cuisine at all, they often ask for cutlets, mashed potatoes and borscht, we literally spent 3-4 hours cooking there, no one will know about it, so i ’m leaving, and you already imagine it as yours strappy, if your business is still scary, there are platforms for additional income, run, run, this is... the great dane is my dear zucchini, a nanny for such zucchini hamsters or a dogsiter in the top city requests, foster care for animals while the owners are at work or on vacation, there are a lot of regulars who really want me to sit with them... because when my parents are on vacation, you can say that for them my home is like a sanatorium, so they also relax, that’s how sweet it is, it’s happiness is the case when working conditions are not minority, but
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income depends on the breed, animal care diet, well done, high five, anna popova, konstantin struchkov, stepan erofeev, polina losan, channel one. friday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues.
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following your instructions, we will introduce 57 kindergartens and 37 schools this year, so we are closing the deficit from 2025 , we are moving on to the planned construction
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of social structures, this is how much housing, exactly how many social facilities, there are no social facilities, there is no housing, in general, compared to other federal subjects near st. petersburg good position, but of course there is still work to be done. yes, we have completely improved this year, but for a reason, since the twenty-fifth year, as you said, new schools are good, we are closing this problem, but we asked to pay attention to the central areas and schools, kindergartens of the seventies , the eighties, we developed a corresponding program, from the twenty-fifth year we completely begin to engage in large-scale reconstruction, now to the topic of airborne military forces, crews of heavy flamethrower systems of sanitary units, groupings of troops vostok from byryatya turned out to be... support for our motorized rifles and destroyed fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense in the south donetsk direction, worked from the shortest distance, immediately after a salvo with thermobaric rockets, the vehicle was sheltered from enemy drones in a specially prepared excavator. the strike on
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the enemy's rear areas was carried out by uav operators of the airborne troops of the dnepr group. in just an hour, they destroyed more than a dozen enemy vehicles, which were used to transport ammunition and personnel. the losses in the ssu are very large, but kiev doesn’t talk about them, a captured militant spoke about it. according to him, as a driver, he personally transported the bodies of the dead, cargo 200. he also said that their units mainly consist of people aged 45-55 years, who are unfit to fully carry out combat missions. two more armed forces officers themselves surrendered in the area of ​​the village of rabotina, raising a white flag. at the same time, when their own people learned about their intentions, they opened mortar fire on them. a russian drone with... a loudspeaker showed the militants the way to to our positions, both say that they got to the front as part of forced mobilization and told how this happened to each of them, they went to change their licenses, came
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to change them and arrived, the police arrived and collected them, took their phones, took everything, documents and the military registration and enlistment office, left to the supermarket - in the hall.
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kyiv. russia, china, korea, iran threaten america and undermine security in europe. this statement was made by us president joe biden at a press conference following the nato summit. and he added that he has a strategy, how to resist the rapprochement of these countries, but he will not tell journalists about it. they, however, were more interested in something much more pressing for the states. the question is what is the actual state of their leader, whether he is able to reach the end in the race for a new presidential term, since he refuses to leave them. just in case , they also asked how the current owner of the white house assesses the chances of vice president kamala haris to defeat republican donald trump in the debate, and here biden had another reservation: he appointed rivals in the fight for the presidency. i would not choose vice president trump to be vice president, so i think she is not qualified to be president. so let's start with this. number one. the fact is, i think i'm
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the most qualified person to run for president. donald trump himself has already responded to this reservation. on his social network, he wrote that biden has a syndrome of obsession with his personality. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. they say it shows good morning, wake up, dear friends, this day has already begun. on the calendar, july 12 is world flight attendant day, on which we congratulate everyone for whom this is a professional holiday. dear sisters, happy holiday to you, that i know that not many people love sisters, but forgive us on this day yes, you are caring, you are brave, you are resourceful, you are charming, thank you very much for your concern, we really appreciate it , you put up with us being so difficult, flying with keying children and huge bags, and your job is not easy, difficult, very responsible. the flight attendant
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is boring, this package proved the opposite to everyone the other day, especially since a flight attendant is half his life in the sky, alexey from izhevsk wanted, dreamed, did. cleaning is proceeding as normal, power is being loaded, emergency lighting is normal. he is 52. nick has been in the sky since ninety-two. fate itself had already decreed that i had the chance to be born in an aviation town. and my parents were also involved in aviation. my mother worked as a communications center, my father was an aircraft technician and maintained aircraft. i really i liked going to work with my father. i didn’t even think about it, i went through training and received a medical education; the stewards have a lot of tasks. constant monitoring of the well-being of passengers and some flight parameters. in any unusual situation, you need to react immediately. the ability to react in stressful
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situations is one of the most important qualities: flight attendants must be physically prepared for anything that is worth closing the door? it looks light, but this colossus weighs 40 kg. anastasia is a second generation flight attendant, she is 32, 9 years in the sky, more loves everything, you won’t believe it when there are children on board, they are always emotional, joyful, full of fun, they draw, write, often draw pictures of us, then... a device with augmented reality, they check not only the speed, the correctness of the sequence, first give yourself an oxygen cushion, then extinguish the fire, and then provide assistance, the flight attendants, of course, are not doctors, but must be prepared for anything, christina literally gave birth on board, flight, moscow, khujand, a woman was sick in the last week ...
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first channel. that's when you spend the whole day on your feet, frankly, your feet are not happy about this. well, of course, they’re not happy, especially in the heat, here you are, yes, picking around in the beds, so how can you help your legs? after all, you could just kiss them and say: don’t hurt, but not everyone can reach their leg. but denis lovkov will give good advice on how to love your legs. after working in the garden, my feet swell and tingle. perhaps these are symptoms of heart disease,
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it is better to make an appointment with a cardiologist, but the legs can swell in healthy people after intense physical activity. will help relieve fatigue. chamomile flowers, fresh mint from the garden and birch leaves, put everything in a basin, pour boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, add magnesium salt, add warm water , immerse your feet, oh, salt draws out excess fluid speeds up metabolism, mint soothes, birch relieves swelling, and chamomile - fatigue, after 15 minutes we rub our feet with a terry towel, like this until they are red, i understand, this is how to carefully, this will also help get rid of swelling, if you
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have an acupuncture mat, it’s time to stand on it, and now you can lie in gomoke, but not just like that, but by raising her legs up. if you have the strength, you can spin a bicycle in the air with your legs, also if you are prone to swelling of your legs, we review your diet, add parsley and spinach to salads, they are rich in magnesium, to remove excess fluid, add garlic or celery, for dessert we will have wild strawberries or strawberries, and of course take care. we wear orthopedic insoles, while working in the garden, we take a break for gymnastics every half hour, and we also ride a bicycle as a form of physical education, yuki, for me, let's go, the heroes of our next
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report were very unlucky, at first, but then fate turned out well, because they were lucky to be found by sympathetic people. there were no parents, and we decided to feed them, the tufts on their ears grew, they became more red-haired, the tail became fluffier, they began to look like squirrels . they adore people, they crawl on them like on trees, in their arms all the time, they don’t think of running away, they feel that they won’t be hurt here, they sleep on the guard’s pillow at night, well, how can we release them into the wild now, we think about making some kind of beautiful house for them, summer is the time for such losses, little moose calves whine like puppies,
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they are left without a mother, in the kindergarten of a moose farm in the kostroma region, this year there are already 19 of them . winx was attacked by dogs, his hind legs have scars from bites, his mother ran away, he only now began to let people in when he realized that he was safe, they are loved here, they reciprocate. yes, they lick themselves very much, they also love to lick your face, especially if you sit next to them, they will squirm all over you, they also like to butt heads, but they play like that, well, how can they abandon a defenseless animal, matveeva from kursk couldn’t do it either, we have a beautiful chick, yes. our little baby, we heard the squeak of the ventilation, it turned out to be a chick, we untwist it, break it and get it out, but what to do, a living soul, well then we decided to take it out to the balcony, see, maybe one of
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his parents will see it, but he started screaming, got ready there are a lot of jackdaws, and mom appeared, she recognized him, so he lives on the balcony, mom and dad fly in to feed him. observed, gave the babies a name, according to a familiar ornithologist, he will soon spread its wings. it’s a pity, we’re used to it, but wild birds always strive to be free, you need to be ready to let them go. sergey abramov sotnik, natalya kravchenko, channel one. rybensk, hello. rybensk took its origin from the fishing sloboda, where fishing once took place . in one season, our merchants made a real economic breakthrough. it’s just fresh, i was still swimming yesterday, it’s very rich, really intense taste, almost like japanese smoked charcoal turns out, a scientist to sterilize, the best day in the world, vologda differs from other cities in that we ok, you won’t go to the store today, for
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bread, then for milk, for vologorsk milk, hush, hush, are you crazy or something, look, and once, that’s it, i understand, two, come on, i suggest you try. just cooks on wheels, on the weekend on the first, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, monte shoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product. stellar group vodka, pechora, a product of the stellor group, and you know how we
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met him, we had a train in the septic tank, well, i’m there for the time being i was collecting laundry, he falls into the hollow, drunk, can’t stand, he’s staring at me with his eyes, let’s go to tashkent, let’s go to tashkent, i say, men, what a tashkent, we’re at the kiev station, and in our yard. on sunday on the first, an axe, a block of wood, a block, as you also call your other halves, oh, let’s do this without this, for those who have settled outside the city, everyone knows these words, concepts perfectly well, and most importantly, objects can be learned by you, that's who is no longer new to this business, and you're not a newbie, you're an old man, that's it we will now share with you our invaluable experience right now through the screen, live broadcasting it...
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now it is stable, the nails have sunk into the ground, we drive in smaller nails on top, two are enough here, like this, almost in the center of the deck, we cut off the heads with a grinder, we it is necessary that the edge remains. in principle, everything is ready, this is a machine for convenient and safe chopping of firewood, we place the log directly on the spikes and make a control blow with the butt of the ax. so we, as they say, plant the log, now we no longer need to hold it with our hands, fingers in
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safety, we chop, once and twice, the firewood falls off to the sides, but part of the log is still standing on the log, this is convenient, let's take another log, just make sure after completing the process that no one sits on these spikes, we put a log on them , in this form the deck can be left, so, two indisputable facts, so the weekend is ahead, i confirm, well done, he doesn’t argue, that’s good upbringing, the barbecue season continues, so again he doesn’t argue, such a right man, women don’t argue, fry sausages on a jig i need saliva to flow, no, we are now going to cook the sausages so that they are juicy and delicious. we’ll prepare several options, and you decide which one you prefer. i also want whether expensive
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sausages for frying are always the best, let’s figure it out, chef gleb ostafiev will help. here we have almost 659 rubles per kilogram of sausages and sausages 400 rubles. per kilogram. i’m even surprised that the more expensive ones cost, for some reason, more, because judging by the composition here we have turkey fillet, thigh fillet, water. chicken skin, but these more expensive ones, i remind you, look less healthier than these ones made from pork. the chef was confused by the chicken skin in some expensive sausages, while in others there were a large number of food additives. let's see how this affects the taste, let's prepare and go treat passers-by. let's start with those that have the highest price, from 600 rubles. it seemed to me as if i could feel the cat. this is bigger. foamy drink, keep in mind that the little soy ones, yes, i like fattier meat,
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for me it was the most juicy and fatty. the tasting confirmed everything the chef said. a large number of spices, polyphosphates, flavor enhancers, of course, raised doubts that the manufacturer used high-quality raw materials. and our tasters did not approve of sausages with an average price of about 500 rubles per kilogram. i liked the thin ones least of all here. some kind of tough, a small vein was caught, although the composition is not bad, only meat and spices, according to experts, the problem here is in the collagen shell, it’s a bit harsh, they usually make it and the skins live. there is such a thin layer, it is this thin layer that is removed and made from its collagen membrane. the labels don’t write about the casing, but you can figure it out: uneven collagen can burst during frying, and the cheapest sausages from 399 rubles were an unexpected surprise. my choice fell on the middle, you can feel the pleasant taste of the meat, this is the most delicious,
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there was nothing in it, no veins, nothing, the feeling that it was just natural meat. it's piping, secondly, it's a little like that with meat, mm, very tasty, almost everyone liked it, what a medium-priced sausage, it's only meat and spices, but the lamb on top is not casings, it's softer and lower collagen, so the price when choosing is not always an indicator, be sure to look at the composition, the shorter the better, plus, if possible, we evaluate the casing, and before frying, we check if it’s on sausage? such a slippery film has formed, which means that the process of bacterial life is in full swing. there are only three rules, we follow them, then it will definitely be delicious. evgenia popova, dmitry roshkov, yulia bykova, channel one. the america's cup enters its final stage, the semi-finals. our sports colleague has all the details channel one journalist maria rumyantseva.
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lionel messi took almost everything as part of the argentina national team. peace. the only tournament that captain albie celesti has never won is the copa america in its current format. 8 years ago, leos' comrades themselves gave the title to the chilean national team, losing in the final in a penalty shootout. for messi, the memory of that game is one of the most unpleasant, because it was he who made the first mistake. at the current tournament, history repeated itself in the quarterfinals with ecuador. attempt to execute a panenka kick failed. luckily, teammates this time. they did not disappoint and the argentines advanced to the next stage of the playoffs. the most star player of the tournament received a considerable amount of criticism. already in the semi-final game with the canadians, the fans finally saw the real messi. true, it was not he who scored the first goal, but the execution was very similar. julián alvarez beat the defender on a handkerchief and left the opposing goalkeeper in trouble. towards the end of the first half
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, messi made a shooting attempt. but the ball went close to the bar. an unknown person is watching. spain will meet with the colombian team, which knocked uruguay out of the fight. in this game, everything was decided by the only goal that was scored in the first half. jefferson lerma sent the ball into the goal after a corner kick from khamis rodriguez. for rodriguez, this was a record sixth assist. the colombians had to finish the match with ten men. daniel munoz was sent off for a second yellow card. in
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the second half, the teams exchanged shots into the woodwork. at first, luis suarez missed his chance. hit the bar, and already in injury time matthaus uribe tested the strength of the uruguay crossbar. result 1:0. the colombian national team is in the final, and darwin nonis, whose wife lorena and her two-year-old son came to support, should wipe away his tears with his teammates as he prepares for the match for third place with the canadians. it’s friday on the calendar, watch today on channel one the most incredible show “fantastica”. fantastic transformations.
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how to throw a great party, what you need for this, a good mood, cool songs, and honestly, i admit it not modestly, my presence must still be there, i haven’t seen any gaps, buns from vrekinbok are good at any time of the year. she is the one responsible for the comfort of the fantasy show, the freekingod - well, some kind of everyday life is constantly coming to life around her, that is, she is there, her pots and floor lamps will fly, she, in general, well, it’s as if i...
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this whole symbiosis of everything that is real and what is not real, it creates a wow effect, i have a fantasy project, this is the future from our television, how we
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stepped forward somewhere, until we understand how, well, not everything, and i, for example, don’t understand how this will develop further. so be it, yes, so be it. so be it, bright performances, incredible transformations, inspiring music, simply fantastic, today on channel one. maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. let us remind you that today is july 12, a great orthodox holiday, the day of the all-praised supreme apostles peter and paul. this holiday has been around for more than ten centuries; this day is considered one of the brightest of the year in every sense. day of the apostles peter and paul, the middle of summer, today they greet the morning in nature, smiling at the sun, it has reached its zenith, its highest point, the sun
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is already beginning to lose power, because peter and paul reduced it by an hour a day, petrok will come, they said, he will pinch off a leaf, from now on the tree is already beginning to lose its leaves, we remember the apostles, peter is known to many, the first among the disciples called the teacher christ, that is, the messiah, for this the lord... christ revealed all his teaching, and so he revealed himself directly to man. after this paul began to preach, they say,
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i only met peter a couple of times, but why are they always depicted together? they died as martyrs on the same day, just before july 12, this day of remembrance of the holy apostles is celebrated. and since peter was a fisherman, on this day it is customary to go to the water for fishing or to springs, they still believe that if you draw water from three different ones, you will be healthy for a whole year, for beauty, for health, let's drink, drink, father, for beauty, a sip, this day is generally considered one of the warmest and most joyful, since the supreme apostles met the savior in paradise, so a belief arose among the people that today we should rejoice, have fun, it was believed that whoever rejoices on this day will extend his life by 3 years, so we prolong his life, but if on the contrary the person is sad and god forbid if he cries, then his life can be shortened by 3 years, that’s what people thought, why isn’t it a reason to spend this day with
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a smile? sergey abramov sotnik, vasily valetov and yulia kubabina, channel one. friday morning continues, right now we give the floor to our colleagues from information service of channel one. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. we are coming to you. we'll be back soon, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, issues of socio-economic development of st. petersburg became the main topic of the meeting that vladimir putin held with governor alexander beglov, the conversation took place in araninbaum, in the famous museum ensemble in the suburbs of the northern capital.
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raninbaum, the president was shown opened after a long restoration . well, just before the meeting with vladimir , the chinese palace pavilion of the rolling hill, putin inspected the palace and park complex , part of the once huge entertainment structure of the times of catherine ii. all work was carried out with the support of gazprom. now to the situation in the nwo zone, the calculation of the acacia self-propelled guns. the first guards tank army of the west group of forces disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units and destroyed five units of enemy military equipment. the enemy tried to deliver to his ammunition positions, however, were identified by our reconnaissance. the crushing blow was not long in coming. our artillerymen from the dnieper group of troops are leveling the enemy's defenders with the ground, firing from hail at night, not sparing with ammunition. the main thing is to complete the task efficiently. operators of
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unmanned aerial vehicles help to find targets and point russian guns at them.
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we see what is happening from the mother’s point of view, how many children were killed, not every man will perceive it the way a woman perceives it. our defenders need quadcopters, fpv, drones, sights, rep systems, as well as transport, motorcycles and off-road vehicles. everyone can contribute, just point your phone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen, follow the link, all the instructions are there. you can also participate in the collection on the website doctors are trying to do everything possible to save children who suffered due to the terrorist attack of the kiev regime on shibekin; the night before, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, reported that five were injured children, two in serious condition. the ukrainian drone operator dropped ammunition directly on the playground, knowing full well that he was attacking the defenseless, he did it deliberately, while there were no military targets nearby, the children were in the hospital, they had undergone
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operations, the russian media called the case. near the city of energodar, where the largest zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in europe is located. the cause of the fire was massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. over 10 hectares of territory were engulfed in fire. residents complain of heavy smoke. more than 50 people work on site employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and 17 units of special equipment. had to passengers boeing 737 800 who were about to take off from tampa airport in florida. during acceleration, takeoff on the landing strip , a tire on one of the landing gear wheels exploded and caught fire. smoke poured out from under the fuselage. this can be seen in footage taken by eyewitnesses. the takeoff had to be cancelled. there were 174 passengers on board, who were taken back to the terminal; no injuries were reported. just the other day , a wheel fell off another passenger boeing during takeoff at los angeles airport.
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all this happens in the background. the scandal surrounding the american aircraft manufacturer revealed facts of numerous violations in production and defects, there is slaughter and problems on a cosmic scale; for more than a month now , two astronauts have not been able to return from the iss due to unpaid equipment.
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everyone here knows from childhood what can be stored in direct sunlight and what cannot; you cannot store any cylinders, any flammable objects. and those items that do not melt, are not afraid of heat, are heat-resistant, we store quietly, the only thing that needs to be organized is to avoid direct sunlight. sergey has no aerosols on his balcony, it’s dangerous, even if it’s +20 outside, why? let's deal with
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physicist azat adeev. first, we glue the temperature sensors, leave the sun, the temperature rises before our eyes. 3 minutes have passed in total, we have a can of paint 46. it cannot withstand the increasing pressure, the pressure increases greatly and because of this, it is not the metal itself that cannot withstand, but the connections of these cylinders there from below to above, they are starting to break just about, as always this is the weakest point, the joints they can no longer withstand. atmospheres paint, antistatic agents, hairsprays, lighters, all this is explosive, the ministry of emergency situations and i conducted an experiment instead of the sun, a fire, at a temperature of 200° it took 54 seconds, it happened, but what
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about gadgets? the danger is in the batteries, we heat up the small one from the phone, it swelled up and began to smoke, and now the battery for the tablet, a similar situation, it even became... soft, both failed after 4 minutes, and this is them were not charging, a chicken reaction occurs, the temperature rises, a chemical reaction occurs and our separator ruptures, this is such a thin film that separates the anode into the cathode, when electrons run across from which we actually generate electricity, when it is damaged, a short short circuit, there is so much energy, it literally does not fit, looking for a way out, this is best seen on the battery in a metal package. the rigid metal body is destroyed at the joints and this is enough for fire. our air is released when we don’t see how hot it is, but at the same time we couldn’t even touch the protective box. when charging the sun , the heating rate doubles. yes, physically, not a single okoum shattered into
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small pieces, thanks to the packaging. hard metal or soft plastic. it doesn’t matter where the battery is located in a phone, tablet or scooter. the hot steam is enough to set the same wallpaper on fire. elizaveta intishova, dmitry likhachev, anzhelika pankrai. the first channel, we remind you, is on calendar july 12, if you declared income received in the past 2023, you must pay tax by july 15, only 4 days left, and where is our song friday, friday, friday, taxes, taxes we pay, okay, we are talking about income tax individuals, personal income tax, who this concerns, who needs to hurry, now we will tell you that personal income tax (personal income tax), as a rule, is paid automatically. salaries are withheld, but sometimes we have to submit a declaration ourselves, calculate the amount and, of course, pay, it is important not be late, it is better, of course, to still have time to pay the tax before july 15, but if suddenly for some reason it does not work out,
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starting from july 16, a penalty will be charged in the amount of 1,300 of the central bank key rate for each day of late payment on the total amount of debt , the tax office does not send out notifications, payment details can be obtained at... you will see this tax in your personal account on the website, if you filed a declaration through your personal account, who needs to report to tax office yourself? to the one who rents? for rent an apartment or a dacha, to someone who sold a car that he owned for less than 3 years, or an apartment, house, plot, if they were owned, as a rule, up to 5 years, sometimes less, it could be 3 years, for example, if a person had the only property, or he received the property as a result of concluding a gift agreement between close relatives, and also received this property as an inheritance, there is no need to submit a declaration to pay tax if you sold an apartment or land.
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assumes that yegor uspensky found it, what do you think, colleague, by the way, you know that this is a person whose router was included in the guinness book of records, now let’s see, you are my dear brothers and sisters, comrades, let’s say, horned ones, rogues, right now our video review is opening to lucyana, this is a cat who works as a salesman, poops on his owner’s bench in minyaapol, look how he diligently counts the money, yes, yes, yes, these are not pieces of food, these are money, these are euros. now he has already earned 5 million, well, he’s just raking in practically with his furry paw,
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of course, 5 million is not euros, but likes are much better than i deserve - it’s hard to imagine a person who could resist the temptation to burst all the bubbles on the packaging film, what can we say about the dog, look, they’re slapping a gringa, but he’s carried away process and it seems to me, but he stresses too much, but he needs it, it is necessary, well, it wouldn’t help me relieve stress if i did the same. look and it’s also stressful, so let’s move on, because we have the weekend ahead, today is friday, why not dance, this bear decided, and look at a few simple movements, remember, both i and timur solovyov dance in approximately the same way, and since timur has been living in the forest for a long time, soon he will be covered with fur and become a real russian bear, and i will be there for you on a leash to take you to fairs to earn money, there is also a clubfoot, in conclusion, let me introduce you to the japanese inventor yamaguchi kata, who collected. a car made from designer parts, it works, here it is in front of
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you, please, it seems to me, yes, it’s obvious, this is not a video montage, no, it wrings out, dries, however, the jeans of the dress will not fit in the car, on the other hand, well, we will walk around in dirty ones, but we will wash the socks, but the socks are also only small, your forty-two will not fit there, fantastic , after the program, time, this is a city whose coat of arms depicts... the most powerful beast, we are in the glorious city of yaroslavl, and everyone’s favorite ivan vasilyevich was filmed here in the yaroslavl region. so, boyars, to sterilize what you prepared in yaroslavl style, you need thin, thin straws. we are trying. but if you were 10 years old, you could join the corps of young astronauts. a child's dream has come true. technology is.
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almost a religion, what is the model of a beautiful woman in montevida? for our women , comfort comes first, some feel comfortable without makeup, others won’t go to the supermarket without full makeup. what are you drinking, this mote? yes, these are special leaves from a tree, various other herbs, mate is not sold in coffee shops and restaurants, everyone makes it for themselves only at home, come often dance, i come here not only to... dance, but also to find a gentleman, you know, i’m already
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at such an age that i want to meet my love, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, good morning, dear friends, we are glad that this day you meet in our company, company today, oh, on the five, svetlana zeynalova, on the five, summer, and timur solovyov on the calendar friday, friday, the most beautiful day, july 12, summer, vacation, children in summer camps. of course great, fun, a lot of new friends, different interesting activities, you won’t get bored, and like many children, of course they miss their parents, although it seems to me that they haven’t missed their parents for a long time, but here.
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how the packages came off, rustled, and what was prohibited was not on the list, not sweets, vegetables, fruits, fast food, anything that spoils quickly, just one burger, the parents will say, and if it spoiled while they were transporting it, or even worse, the child hide it in the nightstand until the evening, these are perishable products, they can spoil, kids, or they can put it somewhere and forget. don’t tell the counselors about this, no to convey, that’s why we are carefully monitoring all the pet staff so that they don’t bring such things to the children, yes, yes, the list of prohibited foods is not to come, but the safety of the children, brings, for example, cherries, strawberries, well, it took so long, 30° heat, in a plastic bag,
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of course, the image has already happened, the child has eaten, of course, it’s starting, that’s why in many camps they don’t organize parent’s days, it’s calmer, but... children are waiting for moms and dads not only because of gifts, to share impressions, very i was waiting, i wanted to parents to take a walk, talk there normally, and not through a smartphone, parents come, watch our dances, children are preparing for a concert, everyone really wants their parents to look at them, so show them in person, and not tell them over the phone, so that they can see it through gadgets , this meeting is a storm of emotions, show what we have learned, introduce new friends, parents are also interested, well , this is our first time in this camp, as if we were in others and wanted to see where he was, what he was like when we took them to the camp , we we thought, thank god, to relax and live peacefully in silence, but now we’re already bored,
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i want to see them again, i want to please them there with something tasty, there are those to whom we didn’t come, it’s sad, but that’s how you look at it, i. .. so that they don’t come, well , like they’ll just come, and then they collect me in 5 days, for me already, well, like no one will really miss it, not much time will pass, i have this logic, that’s also an option, parent’s day, business voluntary, sergey abramonov sotnik, anastasia novokhatnyaya, vasily valetov and yulia kuvabina, channel one, soap bubbles, that’s who invented them, because this man is a genius, thank him very much for this, you understand, and this is for children. no computer game can compare with this, well, you can argue here, of course, well, in general , there are a lot of all kinds of kits for producing these same bubbles in stores, but we need to choose the best, of course, the one that won’t break you and which will make the
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biggest soap bubble, soap bubbles - a working way to please the inner child, switch to relieve stress. it’s a proven fact: even the most serious adults smile. anastasia and alexandra, animators of the soap bubble show, know exactly what is in the ideal composition. the whole secret is in distilled water, since ordinary tap water contains many impurities that will have a negative effect. contains glycerin or specially purchased liquids. let's compare six samples from 30 to 300 rubles. we test together with children and parents. vanya has soap bubbles in a modern long package. the stick is comfortable, blows out immediately there are a lot of bubbles, lida has a similar jar, only in a mini format, it’s good, anna got the classic packaging, the airy ones fly, taisi’s sample let me down, i get bubbles, but there is a nuance, they spill out all the time, well,
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everything can get dirty, my hands wet, vasilisa is also unhappy, it bursts right away, i don’t even have time to look, maybe ksenia is lucky, she has... non-bursting bubbles, however, you can’t figure them out right away, i had to tinker, it’s something not very convenient, very blowing hard, i'm afraid to burst in the cheeks, the children said that these are the best bubbles, but i don’t think so, why it’s not clear, and the composition is far from soapy, by the way, it ’s not on the packaging at all, chemist maria vinogradova explains that it’s based on a polymer material, what specific material does it depend on? the manufacturer is apparently a trade secret, such a viscous very sticky, after contact with air, it dries, but what about soap bubbles, why do we need dad? and those that immediately burst, we will determine the concentration of soap content in the compositions using indicator paper, for
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soap is characterized by an alkaline reaction, the color of the paper changes to green (eph is about seven) of the five options, two have exactly this, in the rest the reaction is neutral, there is not much soap in the composition, among them are the same ones, the difference is that among the components is glycerin, throughout there is quite a lot of glycerin visible, and... this component is added to strengthen soap bubbles, but in this particular case it bursts very quickly, that is, it lacks this elasticity that soap gives. the proportion is broken, how soap bubbles behave, the design also influences, see for yourself, we change the stick of the sample that flowed out to the classic one, the solution drips, but significantly less, due to the fact that there are corners, so when choosing , we check the composition, if it contains glycerin , then just so... after the soap and pay attention to the stick, preferably with round or oval edges. anna grebenchakova, dmitry likhachev, vasily valetov, channel one. so,
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dear friends, employees of the moscow zoo on their own page in the long-awaited footage of katyusha the panda was posted on the internet. oh, i want shots like this too. can i also post them on my page on the internet, look how she wakes up, she stretches, she yawns, well, it just seems to me. they took these shots, i also wake up, well, i also look the same, something like this. we continue, our good morning on the calendar is friday july 12th. and there is an astrological forecast on our air right now. finally. july 12, eighth lunar day, twenty-fifth sunny, good-natured, sociable, tactful, gets along well with people, knows how to behave in public, and at the same time he can be said to be sincere, always. tries to understand and help, he also has a keen sense of beauty, he has a sense of style, an artist, a designer, a fashion designer and in general
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everyone who makes or sells something beautiful, he is the best assistant, the disadvantages, as often happens, are a continuation of the advantages, he is sensitive, impressionable, it is easy to unsettle him, on such days we overreact to all sorts of trifles, we are subject to mood swings, we easily spend money on all sorts of fashionable things, the aries star hopes that you this has been taken into account, dear men, if your soul mate is an aries, tolerate her whims and do not skimp on tender words and you will have a great day, cheerful, fast and financial, and it can also bring you together with interesting people close to you in spirit. taurus have a smooth day filled mostly with all kinds of routine. something like a meeting, meeting or family council is possible. when it comes to money, remember that they love counting. for those who are currently on vacation, do without extreme sports on the water. gemini today. uncharming eloquent, they know how to find the key even to difficult people. if anyone needs a good negotiator, call gemini. gemini
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ladies, you are just pure charm. just take care of your wallet, and don’t throw your stuffed bags anywhere. a successful day for crayfish. anything that requires both precise calculation and professional instinct on the verge of intuition will work especially well. lonely cancers, the luminaries strongly advise you to free up the evening. the lions are also doing well, although nothing like this is expected on the technical front, but in the business sphere everything will just go with a bang, just be careful with fire and flammable liquids, expect guests in the evening, virgos are just having a good day when everything works out quickly without problems, commerce and shopping will go well, there will be a chance for something, with come to an agreement with someone, and they may also reveal some secret to you today. libra runs the risk of suddenly falling in love; the stars have nothing against it, but they must warn you. the day, let’s say , is not much, it’s not much fun. by the way, this also applies to any tempting prospects in the business sphere. scorpios have personal affairs life is fine. one hint came through,
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if i may, sometimes we cut such days short, forgetting to measure them, but you understand, if you have children, pay more attention to them. sagittarians may try to spoil their mood for no reason, do not follow his lead. ladies of this sign today are more unpredictable than usual, but so sweet that men will certainly forgive them for this. therogs will have a chance to take advantage of a certain situation. most likely it will be work related. after lunch, you may have to solve some technical problem, be maybe fixing something, but the evening looks like it’s going to invite you somewhere. aquarius has a normal working friday. two tips from the stars. firstly, be selective in making new acquaintances, and secondly, do not be tempted by all sorts of super loans and mega discounts and do without alcohol. pisces will have to help someone, perhaps deal with problems. older relatives and even now something new may enter your life, a new job, a new hobby, and maybe a new
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relationship, but what can i say, good luck to you! right now, dear men, you and i have there are a couple of minutes, i hope this will be enough for you and me to make ourselves a cup of coffee or tea, and to take a break, that is, you will cook with the men, and i will cook with the women, i won’t go anywhere to look closely at the makeup artist safi kovalenko, and maybe we’re all together, or maybe we’ll all unite together, look, you’re scared to be left alone with so many women, okay, we ’ll support you, let’s all stay! you forgot to put on a hat, you got sunburned, your skin started to peel, you just invited a date, you can’t do without makeup, how to apply it correctly? i'm makeup artist safi kovalenko, i'll show you how to hide flaking, please give me, first
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of all, moisturize, dry skin especially needs it. next we apply sunscreen, followed by foundation . mix it with a smoothing makeup base, it will visually reduce flaking. we collect the product with a damp beauty blender, do not apply masks, this will only emphasize the unevenness of the skin. we go over the face with careful movements. we seem to be gluing the peeling. and now we use makeup fixative, it will ensure durability. to add volume, please note, we use cream bronzer. dry texture will only highlight imperfections. to beautifully and evenly work out the line of the cheekbones, we use the following technique: slightly stretch out the lips, press a finger to the face like this under the cheekbone, apply bronzer on top,
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a moisturizing lipstick without excess is suitable for the lips. and also , focusing on the eyes will help distract attention from flaky skin, colored mascara will help out, let's apply it like this: first we apply a long-lasting concealer to the eyelashes, give it let it dry, dust it a little, and then apply colored mascara in two layers, gradually. up, now we have voluminous eyelashes with the effect of spider legs. this is a summer trend. in addition, we draw a light pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. this technique will help open your eyes even more. wow, well i think it turned out great. dash, well, it’s
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just a blooming rose, the skin looks moisturized and radiant. friday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to find out about the latest events in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the development of st. petersburg, economic and social issues were discussed by vladimir putin at a meeting with governor alexander beglov, we started with the important topic of indexing the pensions of working pensioners. recently, they themselves turned to beglov with a request to raise this issue with the president on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum, the head of state of this
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supported the initiative. and now the governor handed over to vladimi. schools and 164 kindergartens and 12 health care facilities, in the twenty-fourth year, this year alone we are closing the deficit completely, following your instructions, we will introduce 57 kindergartens and 37 schools this year, so we are closing the deficit from the twenty-
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fifth year, we are moving to a smooth construction. the rolling hill pavilion, part of what was once, after a long restoration, a chinese palace and a huge entertainment structure from the time of catherine ii. all work was carried out at
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support of gazprom company. now to the topic of svo. the crews of the tsontsepek heavy flamethrower systems and the vostok grouping of troops from buryadye provided support to our motorized riflemen and destroyed fortified defense areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. we worked with the shortest one. station, immediately after firing a salvo of thermobaric rockets, the vehicle was hidden from enemy drones in a specially prepared excavator. the attack on the enemy's rear areas was carried out by uav operators of the airborne troops of the dnepr group. in just an hour they destroyed more than a dozen enemy vehicles, which were used to transport ammunition and personnel. in the direction of the bmp-3 crew of the group of troops-center , they defeated a stronghold of ukrainian militants, ensuring the offensive of the assault units. having received information from...
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two sushniks themselves surrendered in the area of ​​​​the village of rabotina, raising a white flag. at the same time, when their own people learned about their intentions, they opened mortar fire on them. a russian drone with a loudspeaker showed the militants the way to our positions. both say that got to the front as part of forced mobilization and told how this happened to each of them. i went to get my license replaced, came to change it and when they arrived, the police arrived. i collected it, they took the phones, they took everything, the documents and the military registration and enlistment office, the super matin came out , they took it as it was, stingy with the package, came out, they took it, they put the minibus in,
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they said it needs to go to the tcc. russia, china, korea, iran threaten america and undermine security in europe, us president joe biden made this statement at a press conference following the nato summit and added that...
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syndrome of insanity on his personality, says shows good morning, wake up, dear friends, this day has already begun, on the calendar july 12 is world flight attendant day, on which we congratulate everyone for whom this is a professional holiday, dear people, happy holiday you that i know that few love.
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emergency lighting is normal, he is 52, he has been a flight conductor in the sky since 1992, the service itself already decreed that i happened to be born in an aviation town, and my parents were also connected with aviation, my mother worked communications center, my father was an aircraft technician, he serviced planes, i really liked going to work with my father, i didn’t even think about it, i went through training, received a medical education, there were a lot of tasks, constant monitoring of the well-being of passengers, some...
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flight parameters, any non-standard situations, you need to react to them immediately. the ability to react in stressful situations is one of the most important qualities. flight attendants must be physically prepared for anything that involves closing a door. looks light, but weighs this colossus is 40 kg. anastasia is a second generation flight attendant, she is 32, 9 years in the sky. what she loves most, you won't believe it, is when there are children on board. they are always emotional, joyful, all around. fun, they draw something, write, often draw us, then give us these drawings, it’s so cool to receive, once a year all flight attendants undergo retraining, anastasia is putting out a fire on an aircraft today , a training device with augmented reality, they check not only speed, correct sequence, first give yourself an oxygen cushion, then extinguish the fire, and then provide assistance, the flight attendants, of course, are not doctors, but they must be prepared for anything, christina literally took it on board.
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childbirth flight moscow khujand woman in the last week of abdominal pain, there were doctors on board. the doctors began to examine her, and it turned out that contractions were already starting, well, that’s it, the doctors said, we’ll give birth. there is always a birth kit on the plane for such cases. we are getting closer to the decline, we have a girl named light, everything is going well, all is well, thank you very much the doctors, well, of course, we assisted, it would seem, how to prepare for this, the flight attendants - endurance and nerves of steel. marina guseinova, pavel kulygin, nazir nagumanov, andrey senchenko, channel one. opening your own business is a dream. it’s just that not everyone decides to do anything, it’s scary, because you know that, as they say, you need some kind of capital investment, knowledge, some are needed, the knowledge is there, in fact, in fact, it seems to me that the most important thing is to come up with some kind of your own original startup, svetlana and so that you really love the work you will do. well, i can say
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, you know, to sell sausage, but there it’s already invented, i’ll upset you, oh damn, business in the city doesn’t have to be an office, a meeting and a 5:2 schedule, there are even agricultural farms, just compact ones, a city firm is a trend in entrepreneurship , a real plantation on shelves, as a child we had a private house and we planted, grew, i really didn’t like doing it, i always said i grew up... i’d rather buy a bag of potatoes, a bag of carrots, a bag of onions, i won’t do it myself grow. and now alexandra grows microgreens and edible flowers for restaurants. there are already more than a hundred clients. simple logistics, products do not need to be transported over long distances. you can start with one tray on the windowsill, and there, for example, buy one lamp and test it. from trends to classics, turning a business out of a hobby is still the perfect formula. since childhood, valentin loved comics, without taking art classes, he drew and created his own stories. at one point i sat down and said
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to myself: why not do this at all? my wife stitched together my first comics to make it look like a book, now she collaborates with publishers, gives lectures and hosts podcasts about comics, creates new intracultures, for example, sketch battles, tournaments for artists, there are comics, many are biased towards them and think, yes, how do you make money with this? already the first year of work, i realized that i earn a lot more, and besides, i enjoy it more. another trend from hiring: his own business, sergey sushev in a restaurant, worked part-time as a home cook, now, on the contrary, it is the main source of income. in a restaurant there is some kind of stability, but here, if we are already entering the market on our own, then we do, of course, x2, x3, but here the story depends more on you, we cook for families, sometimes bachelors or ladies who want to conquer your companions, by the way, a romantic dinner is not about haute cuisine at all, more often they ask for cutlets, mashed potatoes and borscht, literally there we are for 3-4 hours...
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at my house, it’s like in a sanatorium, so they also relax, so so sweet, these are happiness is the case when the working conditions are poor, and the income depends on the breed, the diet of the animal, well done, high five! anna popova, konstantin struchkov, stepan erofeev, polina losan, channel one! hiking, hiking, yes, by the way, one of the most summer words, by the way, i went in the winter, now i want to try in the summer through the forests, through the mountains, tomorrow here,
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today here, tomorrow there, along the rivers, because this could be a hike like this, an easy picnic walk, or it can be a difficult one, requiring special preparation, adherence to the rules, and such rules cannot be broken in any way, svetlana , but i don’t know them, now you’ll find out, rafting on the river, climbing mountains, traveling into the thicket of the taiga, difficult hikes, i also wanted to, firstly, i need training, on easier routes, rafting should start from the rapids up to the third category of difficulty, out of six, for example, here even children are taught to raft on the lower katun, the result is the following movement: one, one, one, like a prince... with walks in the forest, for beginners and the moscow region equipment test, everyone failed . shoes should be strong, with rigid sole, hold the ankle well. trousers or trousers, they are definitely not jeans, because jeans will sweat, or if it rains, they will take a long time to dry. i'm not the only
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one. how to dress and what to take with you is the second important point; we ask the guide about this in advance. in our case, we solve the issue on the spot, a t-shirt headdress, pants and what? there are jeans in socks, anti-tick style, and don’t forget repellents, as soon as you go into the forest, they fly, conquer mountains - says instructor denis rogozhnikov, it’s also better gradually, this summer he’s going to elbrus, i run, train my cardio system, i definitely do stretching, well, naturally, here’s a health check, find out about all the contraindications, the third important point, in the mountains there is a key absence of problems with the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure, what can we say about elbrus above 5,500 m? it is very important to breathe correctly, since at altitude the air is thin and there is little oxygen. in addition, the weather here is very different, in the summer it can be -20, three layers of clothing, plus equipment. high-altitude boots, crampons, harness, what is called
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a special safety system, mask on at this altitude, ultraviolet radiation burns absolutely everything. the next step: any difficult hike or rafting must be registered with the ministry of emergency situations. how many people, exit goal. exit point, waypoints, that is, along the route, where rest will be planned, and so on. you are going with a guide, which means he registers, we also clarify this, as well as about the presence of a satellite phone. after passing certain routes, i am obliged to call back, in the case of some kind of chip, helicopters immediately rise and help us. over the past year, emercom employees saved about 400 tourists, 20 died human. most often, the organizers are to blame for incidents, so we check. must work legally, undergo training in his field and state certification. we passed exams and took first aid courses. those certified are included in the unified federal register of tour guides on the minecon development website, but they only hope for their legs and little. on our hike, only
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denis had a first aid kit, but everyone should have one, as well as offline maps downloaded in advance. how far have we come already? about 7 km, we are still 13. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khishnyakov, evgenia. the first channel in the new season is on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about what the hell and my heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks, so only the shoulder is given and the elbow is pulled, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole , you are wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is... a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option to escape abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. i'm always careful. major, find the head of the
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security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book of julian. vodka veda productlar group cognac old. arel is a product of the stellar group. bourbon steersmann. product of stellar group. whiskey
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mancacher. product of steller group. you need to get married once and for all. i think. do you love me? op. on behalf of the traitors. the condition is serious, the spine will go, everything will be fine, take it away, take it away, collector, now you can understand this, hello, seryozha, why did you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests, be a man. man, free her, what do you think, if i, and this is you, think for yourself,
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i can’t say goodbye, tomorrow on the first, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he does not need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater to the cinema, sergei, give me your finger - this is a dream for anyone. artist as a partner. seryozha combines the incongruous, he is an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera. he is interesting to watch, he holds the frame. have you thought about changing your profession yet? no. he filled the entire frame with his human power. he could do so much for cinema for his countries. on that shore where i have never been. traces of my feet in the wet sand, so you dream,
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you dream, sergei puskipales, when i’m not there, on sunday on the first, when you spend the whole day on your feet, your legs , let’s say, are not happy about this, well, of course, they’re not happy, especially in the heat, yes, you're digging in the beds, here's how to help your feet, because you could just kiss them, say don't hurt them, but not everyone yes... to their feet, denis lovkov will give good advice, like his own love the legs. legs after gardening they swell and buzz, perhaps these are symptoms of heart disease, it is better to make an appointment with a cardiologist, but the legs can swell in healthy people after intense physical exertion. chamomile flowers, fresh mint from the garden and birch leaves will help relieve fatigue. we put everything in a basin, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for about an hour,
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add magnesium salt, add warm water, immerse the feet, salt draws out excess liquid, speeds up metabolism, mint soothes, birch relieves swelling, and chamomile relieves fatigue, after 15 minutes. rub your feet with a terry towel, like this until i’m red in the face, i understand, this is how you need to carefully, this will also help get rid of swelling, if you have an acupuncture mat, it’s time to stand on it, and now you can lie down in a gomak, but not just like that, but with your legs raised up. if you have the strength, you can spin the bike in the air with your legs. also, if you are prone to swelling of the legs, we review the diet, add
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parsley and spinach to salads, they are rich in magnesium, to remove excess fluid, add garlic or celery, for dessert we will have strawberries or strawberries, and of course, take care legs, we wear orthopedic insoles every other time while working in the garden. we take a break for gymnastics for an hour, and also for physical education, we ride a bike, yuki, follow me, well, right now the topic is relevant for people who live in their own home, no, so i, for example, now choose which roll or sowing, lawn, and the lawn, i thought you were choosing there or sowing, i don’t even know, at the height of the summer season, this is... relevant, because you want to go out on this lawn and lie down, and for this you need to do something with lawn, break it up, no matter how strange it may
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sound, which lawn to choose, roll? or sowing, their main difference is in the seeds. in a rolled lawn, predominantly meadow bluegrass is used; this is considered the best grass for lawns; in principle, it will form the most dense grain. in the first year , rolled turf grows slowly, so it is grown on an industrial scale for 2 years, under the control of agronomists, watering, mowing, and combing. for seeding lawns, a grass mixture is chosen, mainly from ryegross. it goes away quickly. already in literally in 2-3 weeks a green lawn has already formed on the lawn; in order to grow a dense seeded lawn yourself, it takes a lot of time and effort, first level the ground, then compact it after sowing, then it will be easier for the grass to take root and regularly re-sow, in the first year exactly, seeds they will sprout quickly, but unevenly, it is much easier with a roll, it is grown in the field and cut off
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ready-made, the combine cuts off the top 5-2 cm of the soil, this is the main... part of the root mass, from this part the growth of water-sucking roots begins, and if you cut thicker, he will be worse how it will take root, how it will take root, depends on the quality of the turf, you can check it like this, you just need to lift it, if it is not torn in half, then it means it has mature turf, with rolls speed is important, their lifespan is short, after cutting only 1- 2 days, then they wither from lack of watering and nutrients, so the sooner they...
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such a spectacular dessert is usually served in restaurants, but we will prepare it at home, it ’s not difficult, i crush the cookies into crumbs, put them in a mold, compact them tightly without
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removing the rings , spread the ice cream, make it in there is a small depression in it, i fill it with jam, both fresh and frozen berries are also suitable, i put the preparation in the freezer, but for now i will prepare the miringue, which is also called baked meringue, separate the yolks from the whites, add powdered sugar in parts, beat the mixture into a fluffy foam so that the meringue turned out tender, i pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice, using a pastry bag, on top , if you don’t have such a device, you prepare the blanks, i burn the dessert with a gas burner, you can safely bake the whites in a preheated oven at 200° for 2-3 minutes immediately i’m serving dessert before the ice cream starts to melt,
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help yourself, it’s very tasty, it ’s friday on the calendar, look today. channel one has the most incredible show, fantastic, fantastic transformations, favorite songs, incredible numbers, it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away, summer means long walks in the park and unexpected confessions, a troubodour will help you find the right words. at night we have concerts where i sing my serenades, so you can open your windows and hear my voice. everything that concerns you, everything that concerns me, everything is just beginning, beginning, summer means picnics and gatherings on the veranda, pippi will charge you with a sunny mood, how to throw a great party, what you need for this, a good mood, cool songs, and i honestly and immodestly admit that
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my presence should still be there, of course, if not you. good at any time of the year, for the cozy show it’s around her all the time. it is she who answers the fantasy, the freekingod -
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so be it, bright numbers, incredible transformations, inspiring music, simply
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fantastic, today on channel one, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, the first channel. friday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service, it’s time to find out. about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, we will return to you soon, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, issues of socio-economic development of st. petersburg became the main topic of the meeting, which vladimir putin had a meeting with governor alexander beglov, the conversation took place in roniembau. institutions, expansion public spaces, the creation of new
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parks and public gardens, and soon a center for active aging will be opened in every district; they will support volunteers who care for the older generation. and, of course, the most important topic is the indexation of pensions of working pensioners. recently they themselves turned to beglov with a request to help and raise this issue with the president. on the fields of st. petersburg. and it was necessary to put everything in order, this is a manageable solution, which people have been talking about for a long time and
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the government has been studying for a long time, well, well, what exactly in petersburg, we returned to this again and made a final decision, but immediately before the meeting, vladimir putin inspected the raneinbaum palace and park complex, and the president was shown those that had opened afterwards. chinese palace pavilion of the boiler slide, part of the once huge entertainment structure of the times of catherine ii. all work was carried out with the support of gazprom. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, calculations of the acacia self-propelled guns. the first guards tank army group of forces west disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units and destroyed five units of enemy military equipment. the enemy tried to deliver ammunition to his position, but was identified by our reconnaissance. the crushing blow did not force. wait for themselves, the enemy's support forces are leveling the ground, our artillery from the dnepr group of troops is firing from hail at night, they don't skimp on ammunition, the main thing is to carry out
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the task efficiently, find targets to point russian guns at them, operators of unmanned reconnaissance supercams, the north force groupings help, having noticed enemy activity in the crossing area, they immediately they transmitted the coordinates to headquarters, and the militants were covered with powerful fire. most importantly, for those who are now on the front line, our support is with you. military correspondent of the first channel amir yasupov, together with the popular front, is opening a training camp for fighters of the volunteer corps, and it numbers almost 40 thousand people. they fight in the hottest directions. on vdeevsky and toretsky they are liberating villages, on the most important solidarsky, they are pinning down enemy forces, holding the defense in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, and are now storming chasov yar and volchansk. they work in difficult areas the unit's snipers are literally hunted by the enemy, and many of these aces are women. women are the best snipers, because we have a completely different breath, we see differently, unlike the male sex, we are more frantic, frenzied. well
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, because we are women, we are matter and we see what is happening from the mother’s point of view, how many children were killed, not every man will perceive it the way women perceive it. our defenders need quadcopters, fpv, drones, sights, rap systems, and also transport, motorcycles and off-road vehicles, everyone can contribute, just point your phone camera at the qr code that you see on the screen, follow the link, all the instructions are there, you can also participate in the collection on the website pobeda.onf. doctors are trying to do everything possible to save the children who suffered due to the kiev regime’s terrorist attack on shibekin. the night before, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, reported that five children were injured, two in serious condition. ukrainian drone operator dropped ammunition directly onto the playground, knowing full well that he was attacking the defenseless, he did it with precision, deliberately, while there were no military targets nearby, the children were in
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the hospital, they had undergone surgery. one of them will be sent for treatment to moscow. the russian media called what happened in shebekin a deliberate terrorist attack and called for international condemnation of kiev’s actions. a powerful natural fire has been extinguished for the second day near the city of energodar, where the largest zaporozhye nuclear power plant in europe is located. the cause of the fire was massive shelling from the direction of vysu. over 10 hectares of territory are engulfed in fire. residents complain of heavy smoke. more than 50 employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations and 17 units are working on site. the passengers of boeing 737 800, who were about to take off from tampa airport in florida, were quite nervous. while accelerating along the runway , a tire on one of the landing gear wheels exploded and caught fire. smoke poured out from under the fusel, as can be seen in footage taken by eyewitnesses. the takeoff had to be cancelled. there were 174 passengers on board and they were taken back to the terminal. no information about the victims reported. just the other day, another had
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a passenger. for more than a month now , two astronauts have not been able to return from the iss due to problems with the ship produced by this concern; it is still unknown when they will be fixed. that's all. good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it’s friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, aren’t you looking forward to friday or something, july, a wonderful day, we wish you a wonderful day, so it’s , comrades, the real july heat, in many regions it hits all records, on the one hand, in the summer it should be hot, in the winter we will still miss this heat, i love the heat, and i also love the heat, yes, i don’t even turn on any air conditioning, but
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on the other hand, comrade. you can’t joke about the heat, direct sun rays can hit right on the crown, and there is not much protection from these rays, you know, so the crown must be protected, in general, now we will understand this issue, not only by the way, people are heating up, that it doesn’t heat up, all sorts of cars aggregate the sun, and household items home, in general, everything should be protected from direct sun, you also have a pantry on your balcony, but not everything is safe to store there, sergey from krasnodar, you understand, heat is synonymous with this... region. every year there are new temperature records: the heat is unbearable, this year it’s even up to 55. everyone here knows from childhood what can be stored in direct sunlight and what not? you cannot store any cylinders, any flammable , flammable objects, but we safely store those objects that do not melt, are not afraid of heat, are heat-resistant. the only thing you need arrange so that direct
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sunlight does not fall. sergey has no aerosols on his balcony, it’s dangerous, even if it’s +20 outside, why? let's deal with physicist azat adeev. first, we glue the temperature sensors, leave the sun, the temperature rises before our eyes. only 3 minutes have passed, we have a can of paint at 46.8°, well, on another can, on a white one we have 44°. such a cylinder will explode at 70-80°. we have butane inside, butane stoppers. with temperature the pressure increases greatly and due to the increasing pressure it cannot withstand, but in fact, it’s not the metal itself that can’t withstand, it’s the connections of these cylinders there from the bottom up, they start... yes, they can’t withstand about 15 atmospheres, paint, antistatic agents, hairsprays, lighters, all this is explosive, we are with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations conducted an experiment, instead of the sun there was a fire. at
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a temperature of 200° it took 54 seconds for it to happen. what about gadgets? the danger is in the batteries, we heat the small one from the phone. it swelled and began to smoke. and now the akum for the tablet, a similar situation, it even became soft, both failed after four minutes, and they were not charging, a chicken reaction occurs, the temperature rises, a chemical reaction occurs, our separator breaks, this is such a thin film that separates the anode into the cathode, when electrons cross, from which we actually generate electricity, when it gets damaged, a short circuit occurs, there is so much energy, it literally doesn’t fit, looking for a way out, the best way is... on a battery in a metal package. the rigid metal body collapses at the joints, and this enough to cause a fire. our air is released when we don’t see how hot it is, but at the same time we couldn’t even touch the protective box. charging
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the sun, the heating rate doubles. yes, not a single okum physically shattered into small pieces, thanks to the packaging. hard metal or soft plastic. it doesn’t matter where the battery is located in a phone, tablet or scooter. hot. the steam is enough to make the same wallpaper light up. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry likhachev, anzhelika pankratyeva, channel one. so, dear ones friends and employees of the moscow zoo posted long-awaited footage of katyusha the panda on their own page on the internet. oh, i also want such shots, but can i also post them on my page on the internet, look how she wakes up, she stretches, yawns, well, it just seems to me that they took these shots from me, and so did i. i wake up, well , i look about the same too, yes, we continue our good morning on the calendar friday, july 12 , on our air right now, the astrological forecast is finally july 12, the eighth lunar
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day 25 sunny good-natured sociable tactful gets along well with people knows how to behave in public at the same time he can be said to be sincere will always try to understand help also he... feels beauty, he has a sense of style, an artist, designer, fashion designer and in general everyone who makes or sells something beautiful, he is the best assistant, the disadvantages, as often happens, are a continuation of the advantages, he is sensitive, impressionable, it is easy to unsettle him, on such days we overreact to all sorts of trifles, we are subject to mood swings and easily we spend money on all sorts of fashionable things. aries stars hope you've taken note. dear men, if your half. you are ready to endure her whims and do not skimp on tender words and you will have a great day, cheerful, fast and financial, and it can also bring you together with interesting people close to you in spirit. taurus have a smooth day , mostly filled with all kinds of routine,
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and something like a meeting, meeting or family council is not excluded. when it comes to money, remember that they love counting. for those who are currently on vacation, do without extreme on the water. geminis today are charming, eloquent, and capable. find the key even to difficult people; if someone needs a good negotiator, call the twins. gemini ladies, you are simply charming, just take care of your wallet and don’t throw your clunky handbags anywhere. a successful day for crayfish. anything that requires both precise calculation and professional instinct on the verge of intuition will work especially well. lonely brandies strongly advise you to free up the evening. leo is also doing well, although on the romantic front nothing like that. is expected, but in the business sphere everything will go just fine, just be careful with fire and flammable liquids, expect guests in the evening. virgos are just having a good day, when everything works out quickly without problems, commerce and shopping will go well, there will be a chance to agree on something with someone, and
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they may also reveal some secret to you today. libra runs the risk of suddenly falling in love; the stars have nothing against it, but they must warn you. the day, let's say, is a little unrealistic. by the way, all sorts of tempting... this also applies to prospects in the business sphere, everything is fine with scorpios in their personal lives, one hint was highlighted, if i may, we sometimes cut such days, forgetting to measure them, but you understand, if you have children, pay more attention to them. sagittarians may try to spoil their mood for no reason, do not follow his lead. ladies of this sign today are more unpredictable than usual, but they are so sweet that men will, of course, forgive them for this. capricorns will get a chance to benefit from. certain situation, most likely it will be related to work, after lunchtime, he may have to solve some technical problem, maybe fix something, in the evening, it looks like he’s going to invite you somewhere. aquarius has a normal working friday, two pieces of advice from
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the stars. firstly, be selective in making new acquaintances, and secondly, do not be tempted by all sorts of super loans and mega discounts and do without alcohol. pisces will have to help someone, perhaps deal with the problems of older relatives. and yet, now something new may enter your life, a new job, a new hobby, and maybe new relationship. well what can i say? good luck to you. and straight. now, dear men, you and i have a couple of minutes, i hope this is enough for us to make ourselves a cup of coffee or tea, and to take a break, that is , you will cook with men, and i will cook with women, not anywhere i’ll leave to look closely at the makeup artist safi kovalenko, or maybe we’ll all be together, or maybe we’ll all unite together, look, you’re scared to be left alone with so many women, okay, we’ll support you, let’s stay that's it, you forgot to put on a hat, you got sunburnt,
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your skin started to peel, you just invited a date, you can't do without makeup, how to apply it correctly, i'm makeup artist safi-kovalenko, i'll show you how to hide peeling, give me, i ask you, first of all, moisturize, dry skin especially needs it. next, we apply sunscreen, turn to foundation, mix it with a smoothing base for makeup, it will visually reduce flaking, scoop up the product with a damp beauty blender, do not apply with strokes, this will only emphasize unevenness skin, we go over the face with gentle movements, we seem to be gluing the peeling, now we use a makeup fixative, it will ensure durability. to add volume , use cream bronzer. dry
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texture will only highlight imperfections. to beautifully and evenly work out the line of the cheekbones, we use the following technique: slightly stretch out the lips, press a finger to the face like this under the cheekbone. apply bronzer on top. for lips, a moisturizing lipstick without excessive shine is suitable. an emphasis on the eyes will also help to distract attention from flaky skin; colored mascara let's apply it like this: first we run a long-lasting concealer over the eyelashes, let it dry, dust it a little, and then apply colored mascara in two layers, pulling the brush up. and now we have
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voluminous eyelashes with the effect of spider legs. this is a summer trend. in addition, draw a light pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. this technique will help open your eyes even more. wow, well i think it turned out great. here is just a blooming rose, the skin looks moisturized and radiant, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken, do you know how she breaks, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls? well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted,
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there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well -thought-out option for escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, which will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. a man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko,
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confrontation with the prime minister according to the legendary book. salaries are withheld, but sometimes we have to file a declaration ourselves, calculate the amount and of course pay, it is important not to be late. it is better, of course, to still have time to pay the tax before july 15, but if suddenly for some reason it does not work out, starting from july 16, a penalty will be charged in the amount of 1,300 of the key rate of the central
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bank for each day of late payment on the total amount of debt. the tax office does not send out notifications; payment details can be obtained. at the inspectorate or online, you will see this tax in your personal account on the website, if you filed a declaration through a personal account, who needs to report to the tax office themselves, to the one who rents out an apartment or dacha, to the one who sold a car that he owned for less than 3 years, or an apartment, house, plot, if they were owned, as a rule , up to 5 years, sometimes less, it could be 3 years, for example, if a person had the only real estate. or he received real estate as a result of concluding a gift agreement between close relatives, and also received this property as an inheritance. you do not need to submit a tax return if you sold an apartment or land for less than a million, and a garage or car space is less than 250 thousand. and those who receive
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income in other countries also report to the tax authorities themselves. you can pay on the federal tax service website in your personal account. if you haven’t had time to submit your declaration, it’s worth doing so. now the tax will come, and a small fine. nadezhda pravdina, yuri lebedev, channel one. axe, block of wood, deck, as you also call your other halves. oh, let's do this without this for those who settled outside the city, everyone knows these words and concepts perfectly well, and most importantly, you are no longer a beginner in this matter, and you are not a beginner, you are an old man, so we will now share our invaluable experience with you directly. now through the screen, it will be broadcast live by alexey boyaji, come closer, if you haven’t held an ax in your hands, then preparing firewood is a dangerous process for you, so i suggest preparing a place for work, you need large nails 120 and 200 mm, put the log on a log
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and with the butt of an ax, hammer in nails on the sides, do it at a slight angle, we need drive in. we put four nails on the deck, now it is stable, the nails have sunk into the ground, we drive in smaller nails on top, two are enough here, like this, almost in the center of the deck, we cut off the heads with a grinder, we need the tip to remain, basically everything is ready, this is a machine for convenient and safe chopping of firewood, we place the log directly on the spikes and do a test... hit with the butt of the ax, so we, as they say, plant the log, now we no longer need to hold it with our hands, our fingers are safe, we chop, once and twice, the firewood falls off to the sides, but part of the log still stands on the deck, it’s convenient,
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let’s take another block of wood. just take care after completing the process that no one sits on these spikes. we plant a log on them. you can leave the deck in this form. summer, holidays, children in summer camps, of course, it’s great, fun, a lot of new friends, various interesting activities, you won’t get bored. yes, and like many children, of course, they miss their parents, although it seems to me that they haven’t missed their parents for a long time, but here he comes to the rescue. parent's day, you you can come and remind me what you look like, say, daughter, son, it’s me, your beloved dad, mom. moms and dads haven’t seen each other for 2 weeks as they rush to visit their children at camp for parents’ day. this is a holiday, they are preparing a concert. dodge everything with packages,
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kilograms of gifts. good morning, here is the long-awaited moment. hello, i have the whole squad. the bags rustled and that there were no sweets, vegetables, fruits or vegetables prohibited on the list. food, anything that spoils quickly, just one burger, the parents will say, and if it spoiled while they were transporting it, or even worse, the child will hide it in the nightstand until the evening, these are perishable products, they can go bad, kids, or they can put it somewhere, forget, the counselor can’t tell about it, can’t pass it on, that’s why we carefully make sure that such a baby is brought to me with all the training staff, yes- yes, the list of prohibited products is not to come, but for the safety of children, he brings it to...
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parents come, watch our dances, children are preparing for a concert, everyone really wants their parents to look at them, so show them in person and not tell them over the phone or so that they saw it through gadgets, this is a meeting storms of emotions, show what you have learned, introduce you to new friends, parents are also interested, well, this is our first time in this camp, how would we have been in others and... see where he is, what he was like when we took them to the camp, we thought, thank god, we could relax and live peacefully in silence, but now we’re already
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bored, we want to see them, again we want to please them with something tasty, there are those we didn’t come to, it’s sad, but that’s how you look at it, i told them not to come, well, they’ll just come, and then they collect me in 5 days, like no one will really miss me like that, not much time will pass, i have this logic, it’s also an option for parent’s day. the matter is voluntary. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnyaya, vasily valetov and yulia kuvabina. first channel. let us remind you that today , july 12, is a great orthodox holiday, the day of the all-praised supreme apostles peter and paul. this holiday has been around for more than ten centuries. this day is considered one of the brightest of the year in every sense. day of the apostles peter and paul, midsummer. today we greet the morning in nature, smiling at the sun. it has reached. of its zenith, its highest point, the sun is already beginning to lose its strength, because peter and paul, the night of the day diminished, petrok will come, they said, he will pinch off
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a leaf, from this time the tree begins to lose leaves, we remember the apostles, many people know peter, the first among his students he called the teacher christ, that is, the messiah, for this the lord called him a stone, this is how the name peter is translated, and gave him symbolic keys to heaven, which is why on icons peter is depicted with a bunch of keys. paul at he did not know the life of christ and was a persecutor of christians until the lord himself appeared to him. his name was saul then, and christ himself somehow revealed himself to him, appeared there and he asked him , saul, why are you persecuting me? in fact , the apostle paul is probably the only person who christ revealed all his teachings, himself, directly to man. after this, paul began to preach, they say he only met peter a couple of times, but why are they always depicted together? they died
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a martyr's death on the same day, just before 12 july, this day of remembrance of the holy apostles is celebrated. and since peter was a fisherman, on this day it is customary to go to the water, fishing or to springs. they still believe that if you take water from three different ones, you will be healthy for a whole year. for beauty. this day is generally considered one of the warmest and most joyful, since the supreme apostles met the savior in paradise, so a belief appeared among the people. today we need to rejoice, have fun, it was believed that whoever rejoices on this day will extend his life by 3 years, so we prolong life, but if, on the contrary, a person is sad, but god forbid he cries, then life can be reduced by 3 years. this is how people thought, why isn’t it a reason to spend this day with a smile? sergey abramov, sotnik, vasily valetov and yulia kuvabina,
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channel one. dear friends, it’s friday, the weekend is ahead, be happy, spend these days so that your soul sings, and be sure to be healthy. this concludes our program, your day is just beginning. bye. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria korableva, in this issue. the national treasure, how the legend was revived, the restoration of the chinese palace in aranenbaum, an excursion for vladimir putin and a conversation with governor biglov, pensions, schools, kindergartens, an informed choice in the sight of children, five
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were wounded. in serious condition, a ukrainian drone strike, the city of shibekina, the civilian population, children, especially children, where are you throwing, you are throwing at children, personal stories, like the way to the front, we are more frenzied, frenzied, we see what is happening to points of view mother, my dear niece remained in my apartment, under full fire, a volunteer corps in the most important solidarity direction, helping the fighters is very simple, the project is all for victory. biden wanted to announce zelensky in his repertoire, but what happened? and this is not the only embarrassment in the team of the american president; his performance was praised with the words “damn good”.


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