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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 12, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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whoever hears this will immediately understand that the play will be about adultery, cunning and villainy, the title for the russian poster is still being debated, draft, i didn’t kill my husband, but actually this is a play about love, let’s get a divorce, the chinese treatise needs to be translated into russian philosophical thought, the stage in heaven is the play "dramma", in our theater in the foreground it is chekhov's comic, behind which lies deep meanings. after this, your divorce is recognized as fictitious, after which you will marry again, in order to to get a divorce again, isn’t that problematic, i just need all these problems, i want to give him an ak on his ego, an important image around which the story revolves, a wok, a chinese frying pan, it rises and falls, through it like actors appear through the portal, the meaning of the frying pan is poetic, the fact is that in china, when the meal ends, the dishes are turned over, the frying pan is also turned over, which means: the end
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of the relationship, and this is the beginning of the plot. european psychological theater connects with eastern elements of chinese opera, roots that century. as a result, a unique alloy is born. it ’s like ballet, that is, you understand that any turn you make, a glance somewhere, or or this is already a language, that is, you, together with the text, you must distribute it, connect it, that this is an event, she looked, and this is already an action. the director patiently monitors all finds.
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my name is. the hieroglyph tin is the first hieroglyph, and we stood like that, 15, 10 at a time, it’s terrible, it’s just very hard. then we stood for 5 minutes, but we felt the organization of this culture, such consistency in self-knowledge, this is where the philosophy of the theater of nations, combining different things, will begin to create something new with an experiment on a global scale. that’s all for now,
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we are following the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work live, our special project is time to remember, in the studio anatoly kuzichev, that’s what we want today remember not to discuss accordingly with our experts. it just ended in washington. an event that, it should be noted, ukraine was waiting for with great hope; there were, so to speak, a lot of announcements, considerations, and expectations. so, the event is a nato summit, and a difficult one. this year the summit is a anniversary one, it is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the north atlantic alliance and bloc. as they say, you know, when they describe a party that was a success, everyone was there, everyone was there, even macron, there were such considerations that things weren’t going well for macron right there at home...
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so it’s unlikely not, that was also, in short, everyone was there, taking pictures, well, everything is as it should be, that’s the only thing you pay attention to, well, not who is this in white, what kind of white shoes, oh well, god bless him, but although it looks strange, but that’s how to go down in history without making much effort, well, some, some, well done, the mood of the participants was actually there, well, judging by the statements and resolutions and the outcome. but not at all festive, because if you believe a large number of american and not only american analysts in general, then we are talking about what is at stake in general now the very existence of nato, will it even exist later, sometime after the seventy-fifth anniversary, this is what the american publication the hill writes about this, let’s read: the moment of unipolarity has finally passed, and we have entered a new geopolitical era,
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which is already based on multipolarity . the question for the united states and its european allies is not whether nato can be saved, but whether the resources that are currently being spent on maintaining the grozny structure are necessary. alliance can be successfully spent creating a more flexible architecture security that also meets the challenges of the 21st century. it involves a more modular approach to security cooperation, with different countries taking the lead in solving problems depending on their capabilities and interests. does all this mean that in a few years we will not be celebrating nato's eightieth anniversary? hardly, does this mean that the centenary of the alliance in 2049 is unlikely, beyond any doubt. interesting, yes, ah, well, let’s talk about this, too, because yesterday i i’ll quote this as an epigraph in general to our discussion today, about nato. yesterday in this studio one of our experts said very well, who it was, dmitry evgenievich, dmitry evgenievich kosarev said, quoting one of our
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leaders, the beginning of the nineties or the end of the eighties, probably the beginning of the nineties, after all, we say “we did a terrible thing to you,” one of the soviet leaders said, addressing the americans, “we have deprived you of an enemy.” deep thought, very interesting, today, maybe there, too, we will have the opportunity , in this sense, to speculate about nato’s prospects for ourselves, in fact. if nato collapses, then we, well, probably , at least in the current situation, we will only be better off, but let’s remember now, after all, this is our project, it’s time to remember, let’s remember under what circumstances and in general why this north atlantic was created alliance. attention to the screen. nato-75 all these years , the north atlantic alliance has been repeating two things like a mantra: we are a purely peaceful organization, defensive and will never expand to the east. the risk of war between nato and russia from
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a nato perspective is zero because nato is a defensive alliance and will never act aggressively to attack russia. now a new line has been added to this nato text: ukraine, which sleeps and sees when its older brothers will finally accept it into their alliance, but they generously shower promises to their shavarny friends. nato means our future. ukraine may be ready, but the alliance is not ready. on the central issue now about the future ukraine's membership remains vague. the stepping stone will take place when the time is right, when there is
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consensus. but it turns out that this story has not lasted for the first decade. only now has it become known that back in 1994 the white house planned to start. preparing ukraine for nato membership. this is stated in a document recently declassified in the united states addressed to then national security advisor anthony lake. washington should support the desire of kiev and the baltic republics to join the alliance to protect them from the influence of moscow. however, this should be done secretly, given russia's sensitivity on this issue. at the same time, the united states tried to drag russia into nato. another document declassified in the united states states that the former president of russia. it is necessary to create a kind of cartel, including the usa, russia and european countries,
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which will help strengthen international security. but this could be a trap; nato has never stopped seeing us as an enemy. the north atlantic bloc was created in 1940 to protect europe, as they said, from soviet expansion. 6 years later in 1955, in contrast to the countries of the socialist camp, they created another military alliance, the warsaw pact countries. it collapsed in the ninety-first year after the collapse of the ussr; already in 2004, us president bush welcomed new members into the ranks of nato, former participants in the warsaw pact. today we proudly welcome bulgaria, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, slovakia and slovenia. "we welcome them to the north atlantic treaty organization, when nato was founded, the people of these seven nations were captured by the empire, they suffered cruel tyrony, they fought for independence, they earned their freedom with courage and perseverance. the united states preferred
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to forget its promise not an inch to the east; in 1990 , us secretary of state james baker swore this to ussr president mikhail gorbachev." according to a declassified transcript of the meeting, he repeated this promise at least three times. this is confirmed by an archivally declassified document with minutes of the meeting of the political directors of the us foreign ministry, great britain, france and germany.
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the americans and nato members in general, if more broadly, meant that they were preparing for secret negotiations, that is, with ukraine, to draw it into nato, and why secretly, but because it was also said there, because they understood russia’s painful attitude towards this, well, look, that is, they understand, they understand the sensitive attitude towards russia, they understand that for russia, in fact, this is, so to speak, a matter of national security, so they do not refuse negotiations, they conduct them secretly, accordingly,
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here is the us ambassador to the ussr, yes, that means george ken, the famous author, let me just
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say a few words, the famous author of long so -called telegrams, long telegrams, there were a million words, where he described, justified the inevitability of confrontation, so to speak, everyone understood the inevitability, here was a group, a group of kremlinologists , these are kenon, thompson and bohlen, who believed that stalin was going to strengthen, consolidate his control on... the territory of the ussr and as they called its satellites, that is, they mean the countries of people's democracy, here's ni the nitsa group categorically simply ignored this opinion, their position was that the ambitions of the soviet union were to forget all of europe, most of asia and africa. based on this doctrine, they proposed, again a secret document, it was declassified only in 1975, they proposed an appropriate strategy to combat the soviet union, with proliferation.
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that is, calculated gradual coercion, yeah, that is, in other words, this is what we just said, they say one thing, they do something else, yes, that means they say: we will not expand, but they are expanding, right here... and we are talking specifically about the strategy of constant, gradual, sudden movements, no need to make, yes, i understand, no, the strategy itself is clear, now it is very effective, but something has changed since forty-six, communism has changed - damn it, this is the next point, the fact is that among american, as it were, analysts, and that means the military, there is, in principle , a consensus, that is, if you ask the official, they will completely deny
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it will be, but the concept is that the collapse, firstly, you understand, that for the americans in soviet times,
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and this anti-bolshevik bloc of peoples and the cia and the future bnd, the federal one, are supported. germany, so there they gathered all the collaborators they could from europe, all the nazi collaborators, they preached the same thing, the collapse of the soviet union, the collapse of the socialist camp, and in general the formation of small nationalist dictatorships on the territory of the socialist camp, the social bloc, now, this very anti-bolshevik bloc people, nice to you lives in kiev, it is called an anti-imperial bloc. peoples, so i support, all the methods remain the same, you see, if you remember george cannon, he is now on our screens, on your screens, and i am him, i have heard several times how american senators, i do not found, unfortunately, i’ll tell you right away, i didn’t find anywhere, so to speak, the original, any of this document, but many americans quote it, allegedly he said this, the same george kenno,
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who could listen, no matter who, by whom they there they call the russians, the soviet union, the russian empire, and so on. this is ours, he once said, some kind of, well, like a natural enemy, you understand with enemies, i think, if we talk about it, well, okay, they didn’t fall apart, they, so to speak, didn’t ruin the union, i repeat, i’m just here i’m trying to reason with canon logically, well, okay, let’s assume, well , let’s not assume, here’s an alternative history, russia, 173 small countries have collapsed, but it’s still the same, as we remember cannon, which ones, no matter what they dress up as soviet union or into the russian empire, enemies. that is, the question arises: is physical destruction something at stake, that’s the only way? well, how else can we understand this, volodya? well, not enemies anymore, enemies, you know, a lot of little enemies, it’s always easier to interact with them, well wait, it’s always easier with them what? destroy? you can quarrel with each other, plant weapons on someone, you know, well, how
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they dealt with the indian tribes, yes, i understand, well, that is, the brilliant isolation suffered, that’s how the indians sort things out with each other, they don’t even interfere, don’t really get involved, just throwing up weapons and giving recommendations, you know, their troops are still not there, the most important thing is to maintain parity of military power so that the struggle is mutually exhausting, that’s all , officially
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no, now is the important moment, i’ll just finish, it’s just that everything was said correctly here. they are very consistent, that is , despite the fact that 75 years have passed since the founding of the north atlantic alliance, this is how they proclaimed their goal: to keep russia outside of europe, the americans in europe, and the germans, and germany under their thumb, that’s how they still operate, nothing has changed in their strategy, they just roll back further and further, biting off a piece of that same russia , which... poses a threat to them, that’s all, in this sense they are consistent and so, this is russia, which poses a threat to them, they themselves came up with a threat, but in order to somehow be, to live, to comprehend. now on what basis do we present for them a threat? i’ll just go back to the very beginning, back when they agreed on what
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the north atlantic alliance was, and canada, the united states and great britain, when they agreed that such an alliance was needed, they based their agreements primarily on the fact that they had a civilizational alliance , that is, this is a civilizational union, this is what green russia is different. civilization, therefore, on what basis do we become friends, look, in a suit, and i have a european one, my face too, well, sort of, i’ll go through the veins, and mental, and can someone formulate this, well, i don’t know, one key, or not one key, let’s try, let’s try, the fact is that western civilization is based primarily on the principle of individualism, that is, well if we speak in lednice, yes, that is, a monad, a person, already an individual - the center has heeded this.
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wafe, chief of staff of army group b, wehrmacht general staff officer, commander-in-chief of the allied forces of europe, who is this, lieutenant luft wafe, senior, and so on and so on and so on, well, i don’t, i don’t even
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i’m inclined there, you know, so to speak, to give some hysterical comments, like they’re like, they’re taking revenge, maybe so, well, of course, many have this feeling, but i think that there, first of all, the combat experience there, probably i meant the german school there and so on, after all, they had already fought with the russians. remember the famous speech of the sss in the canadian parliament, i say, i fought with the russians when it was not yet mainstream, in general, that’s what you mean, then of course, they sorted it all out, fired speaker, but in my opinion there is a residue, i apologize, in fact i would like to return, we are talking about nato here, this is nato , actually, i understand, that’s what i’m talking about, and nato, this is it it was created, as it were, for those three purposes.
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was created, so your logic should be the opposite, that if this is so, then we don’t need a multipolar world, firstly, we
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absolutely need one single consolidated threat, that’s why we will fight with this russia, okay, that means now it’s ukraine , tomorrow they say there moldova, already mentioned in this series, they will find someone, so to speak, to use as this expendable...
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challenge, wow, between russia, which means there are deep fears, faced with hybrids and so on, but in general, yes, throw a challenge to our interests, security and values, wow, they formulated about china, please, everything is well formulated, i remembered one interesting report by the us national security commission, it was published there somewhere at the end of the 20th century in ninety- six ninety-seven with the assistance rant corporation, the nixon center and the like, their priorities are set
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nationally. us national security policy, that is, there are the following points: and control and maintenance of the reliability of financial markets, trade, the energy market and the environment there, secondly, and preventing the emergence of a hegemon, or a strong power, in europe or asia, which could counter the interests of the united states, preventing any nuclear strikes. chemical, bacteriological on the territory themselves the united states, that is, this is the principle that described the creation of military alliances, why they need it, so, that is, nato, in essence, if we look at it now, this is not some kind of bloc of states, this is a projection , the military-political projection of the united states on europe in order to keep europe under control, the question is not even the money that they collect there at 2% from the state, they collect much
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more money, earning precisely by keeping it under control. this entire system, absolutely, because if, say, the power of the united states was based on technological advantage, on control of finances, on control of trade routes, now the technological advantage is disappearing, control of trade routes was carried out with the help of, again, nato and the most powerful us naval forces so far, well, they remain so, we will talk about the next part , tell us well, the northern sea route, since it’s yes.
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vladimir remembered this, i will quote, these were actually the words, in my opinion, of the first secretary general of nato, lord dismay, the first who immediately clearly, so to speak, outlined the meaning and goals existence: to keep the states in europe, germany there, hell, so to speak, under, so to speak, under the heel, and russia outside. yes, everything, everything, everything, it’s true, they are surprisingly consistent, so to speak, and methodically, nothing has changed in these 75 years, in this sense nothing has changed, we have changed, advertising and we will return, across four seas, across four sun, summer rains, and it’s good that he doesn’t know about someone like me. i still
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won’t leave him, because he’s good, good, of course, everything that concerns you, everything that concerns me is me, god, what a man, and i think the main thing a man has is a propeller. fantastic after the program, it seems to me that this is not a sin, because this is love. the great vera vasilyeva already had two stalin prizes at 25, the girl with dimples was adored in the ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater, she went
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and played. and she was dressed up, i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels, lately she rarely appeared in public , she didn’t give interviews at all, we were lucky to persuade her. exclusive with dmitry borisov, tomorrow on
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first. what do you know about uruguay? this is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in latin america. and i also know that... there are more cows living here than people. the national meat of the uruguayans is beef; it is almost a religion for us. what is the model of a beautiful woman in montevida? for our women , comfort comes first, some feel comfortable without makeup, others won’t go to the supermarket without full makeup. what are you drinking this mote? yes, these are special leaves from a tree, and also different herbs. mate in coffee shops and not in restaurants... everyone makes it for themselves only at home. do you often come to dance? i come here not only to dance, but also to find a gentleman, you know, i’m already at such an age that i want to meet my love. the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first.
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will you be bored? well, as i will. don’t forget your hat, it’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, good luck, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you, well , we looked at the attics, the roofs, everything is clean, the owner of the taxi says, that she had no conflicts, no one threatened, that the dumplings are boring, i miss the poplov. and in our yard on sunday on the first, and you know how we met him, we had a train in the septic tank, well, while i was collecting bed linen, he fell into a hollow, drunk, not standing on his feet, staring
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he looks at me with his own, let's go to tashkent, let's go to tashkent, i say, men, what a tashkent, we're at the kiev station, rybensk, hello, rybensk, it started. from the fishing settlement, where fishing once took place. in one season, our merchants accomplished a real economic breakthrough. in rybinsk you need to find fish, just fresh, yesterday it was still swimming, very rich, just rich, tasty, almost like japanese smoked eel, it turns out, just sterilize rybinsk smoked eel, it’s the best day in the world. vologda differs from other cities in that we surround ourselves. you won’t go to the store today, either for bread or milk. i suggest you try our skablyanka, this is a local pike perch, which is caught in our white lake in kubinskoe. if you have a sweet tooth, i will
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make a cheesecake from moisture-cooked condensed milk famous and fermented baked milk, look at the consistency of the cheesecake, just cooks on wheels, on the weekend on the first, two stars from... you and the children, sunday on the first, we continue to work live, this is a project time to remember, uh, let's remember , not much time seems to have passed, on the other hand you’re just amazed, remember 2004, the orange revolution, orange scarves, all that, well, higher up on the street, well, let’s jump...
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it’s small, if you watch the cartoon carefully, oh my god, but if you look carefully, then it was already possible to understand where everything will come, let's see, i'll work it out again.
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story, he came for another visit, which means i went inside the white house, because i think i’ll catch something there in advance, and a stakeout is waiting for him outside, which means i couldn’t catch him inside, a steakout is the journalists waiting for the newsmaker , they are waiting for poroshenka, but they are lying in wait, yes, that means, and he drives 50 meters to the gate in a limousine, that means i follow him there, i...
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in general, chumachenko, who was born in the usa, in chicago, she is from chicago, like and me, in chicago, she took a course in the economics of the countries of the socialist camp, from a former oss officer, paul, paul dobryansky, of course, and then, she came as an economic consultant, kpmg, to ukraine, which was just undergoing privatization, you missed it, she worked in the state department for a long time, her career was.
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the glasses are taken off, there are pink ones, and so on, everything is clear, they are there, and the cartoon is whose who made the cartoon, it is written, that is, we found folk art on the internet, so it is said, that is, there is no author there, you know, that’s all, now let’s take the next step after this statement we now need to understand what to do with this because i’m returning us to the first part
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of our discussion, listen, remove the cartoon everyone everyone is stuck on it, it’s impossible to talk, remove it from the screen , please thank you, it’s better this way, look, now the second part, remember, what, what we said a few minutes ago, yes, that yes, they are a follower, they are like this, like an asphalt paver, slowly, purposefully, methodically, so they formulated it, they have a road map, so they follow this map and then go, until then, to unfortunately, if look, so to speak, look back retrospectively at these 75 years, yes, that’s how it is, the direction is the same, that’s what we think of ourselves, he says, let’s join nato too, he says, let’s do it, but a little later, and so on so on, all of them...
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china 2.35 exactly, russia - 1.320. okay, let's move on. what is it? these are tanks, right? and missiles on artillery installations, which means that nato, well, by the way, here is a case where russia has more missile and artillery installations both than china and than nato, as far as i understand. yes, 3.065. wait, wait, guys, the tanks were just planes, they have a big advantage. so, yes, that means the tanks are 5.1470. 7 and 11710 are fine, let's move on, please, but the combat ones themselves, about the planes, i just want to leave this slide separately, let it hang, which means unata, pay attention, 3,387 combat aircraft and 9.30 helicopters, they wrote down that this is easy to explain, now, now , now explain, china has 1,207
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combat aircraft, but 913 helicopters, but that’s not the point, russia has 809 combat aircraft, of course significantly less, oh well, 1.54.
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from the united states, it is built precisely on large-scale aviation air operations, that is, which act as air defense systems and play an important role in logistics, that is , a fairly large number of these aircraft are transport vehicles, but nevertheless, the superiority in air force of the americans and nato , it is colossal and we will assume that in principle it is enough, probably the most modern air force that now exists, so that we...
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i don’t know, it all depends on political situation, not from the economic, not from the technical, the fact is that these planes, firstly, are all being written off, what they transfer, because these countries are rearming with the f-35, that is, that’s why they, in principle, they will give it back painlessly, they will be compensated for this through some european peace fund or something else, so the planes, the ones that the netherlands are donating, are quite modern machines, no need to say that they are so old, they have been modified, these ambms they have have been modified to block 50, block 52, these are vehicles that are equipped with data transmission systems 16, which can carry modern weapons, including gliding bombs, quite long-range, of which the americans have a lot, yeah, that is, this is already a full-fledged one. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that a full-fledged carrier of western weapons, integrated into the nato system, with which there will be no problems with pilots, ukrainians have not been trained,
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there will be a huge number of retirees all over the world who will fly perfectly, the task of these aircraft will be precisely to weaken our air force, because what now our bombs provide quite serious support at the front to close this opportunity for ours. pushing it back, this is quite important, but again this is a step of escalation, as if it is going step by step, so i watched the discussion that unfolded on the pages of national interesest recently, that is, some authors write that you should not play these games, because that we are moving into an area that is already close to nuclear, and others say - yes, this is indeed a dangerous strategy to some extent, but on the other hand, let's let's look at how russia responded to all previous challenges.
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but if they suddenly invited me, i would of course say something like this, well, listen, the fact is that russia has a nuclear arsenal, nuclear weapons, and so to speak, it’s modern, it’s almost i don’t know, it’s perfect, i understand , what’s the matter, the question here is whether i would continue the discussion with national interres, the question is not who will win over whom more, if it reaches this level of escalation, it doesn’t matter at all, there are no winners, there is unacceptable damage,
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that they are this gas under the saucepan in which , in their opinion, so to speak, we are, they slowly, slowly add it, that is , if they turned it on right away, we would of course tense up and what we wouldn’t do on the plane, i also have a pretty
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clear answer, there is as much as needed and they will give it well, this is already responsible for the conflict to last as long as possible, i don’t contradict, but i want to add a very important point because we are talking about the fact that there is a line beyond which there will be an escalation in the nuclear direction, and here i must also regret state that there are two. schools of thought among american military experts, one school of thought is that this is indeed very dangerous, unacceptable damage will be mutual, there is another school of thought, also quite influential, which is that in fact there is really damage in the most extreme case , here in in the worst case scenario, for the united states it will be really very large, but it will not be russia at all, in other words, roughly speaking, he will say, oh well, the russians will destroy new york there, there will be no los angeles. but russia there won’t be any at all, but it’s absolutely frivolous, it’s an irresponsible approach, and it’s
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also because they have it. conversations were quite detailed on this topic, where i gave you the layouts and showed you, so there is also such a moment here, you see, this means that the states, but this is an illusory view, i had , you need to understand, that among american analysts, as well as people decision makers, there are individuals with very irresponsible thinking, and this is where a lot of problems arise. correspondence goes, you see, it turns out, just from ignorance, well, that is, they don’t just say, oh well, never mind, listen, what’s the difference, they say that they won’t get through, it’s not so much ignorance, it ’s just that you understand, this is modern a generation of americans lives in a world where reality is invalid, and what is desired, listen, well, if you have eight genders, not two, or there are 64, and not two, well, what can you say, and what can you say with your own confidence that yes we will protect everything and the russians will not break through anything, you
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live in a world of what you want, yes, of course, now i i want you. friends, everyone will say, i just want to tell you something about two schools of thought, sometimes the bearer of two schools of thought is the same person, well, there’s just some difference , there are people who carry two schools of thought at one point in time, like- then i worked, i don’t really know what to tell you, but okay, i once worked on one other channel, so they are gathering us for the nineties, so the management says: so guys, this is a very serious topic right now ... watch very carefully, very carefully keep an eye on, so to speak the situation, because because he says, our main shareholder has a point of view and more than one, in short, the main shareholder of nato, well, the secretary general, okay, nato, jens stotenberg has a point of view and more than one, well, at least, true, for him this is spread out in time, look, this is the point of view that is now, which he, so
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to speak, declares from the nato rostrum, please. the biggest threat to nato would be a russian victory in ukraine. we can't let this happen. a russian victory would be a boost to other authoritarian leaders, including iran. north korea and china. they all hold back russia's war, they all want nato to be defeated. the outcome of this conflict will determine the global security system for decades. they all, they all support the russian war, jens tutanmer said, and now look, the same ens, ah, but from 2018 . let's listen. we do not want a new cold war, because russia is our neighbor, and we want to cooperate with russia and strive for good relations with it. you can prescribe different scenarios, prepare for different options for the development of events, but one
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must be careful not to create uncertainties when conducting such an analysis. there’s nothing you can do about it, stoltenberg proceeded from this then, now, apparently, from something else, let’s now, it’s a good topic, big, important, after a short ad, we’ll discuss it, i won’t tell them their real name, you remember rudolf abel, my friend, we worked together during the war, the center knows that we were friends, you will smile elsewhere, colonel, i
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will call myself rudolf abel when they understand, that i was arrested. rudolf ivanovich abel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident throughout america. put pressure on him, scare him. for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr, you face the death penalty. silence won't help. the only way out is to start cooperating with us. you hear me. you can think whatever you want, but we must save you in your prison. my favorite period, they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, then tell the authorities that i was terribly scared, we agreed, for the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer, us government against rudolf abel, tomorrow on the first day, in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their
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voices to their favorite characters, forward kalivaus. to star in this film only because i did the voice acting, i tried to act in such a way that it would be comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me. i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, it was a long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i have done so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because it’s brilliant, come to your senses after the shock, and then... the route is built, not forget to give us a rating in the application, i somehow arrive on taita, in fact, you
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couldn’t do anything else, go ask everyone if you’ve been to taita, tonight with nikolai tsiskaridze on the first, challenge, every day is like monday above. do, mother and daughter throw each other this energy, well, we lit it, i want to invent you like a song, two stars, fathers and sons, on
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sunday on the first, how to choose the right sunglasses, what threats to our eyes, the bright summer sun. the sun, about this, about many other things in the program, it’s great to live, on monday, on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and the heart didn’t break, do you know how she’s torn, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow is pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you at all points soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well
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, of course, i would run in, which will choose the moles , here’s the question: be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all of our... everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was with a stutter and suddenly says how cicero, i really hope that you we don’t have to blame ourselves for the fact that you didn’t want to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, standing by the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, we continue to work live,
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channel one, time to remember, well, actually, what’s there, let's remember jans stoltenberg, there is pressure on the world, well, i retold in a nutshell, so to speak, a summary, that means two speeches by jelsa stonberg, please. yes, dmitry viktorovich. i wanted to go back to our first original article, as they say, the motivator because of the frailty only i gave you a reference to the original article. yes, well, okay, that's it. look, the article says that nato will collapse, but nato does not say that it will collapse. nato says that it can change from a unitary bloc to a confederal one, that some, let’s say, spain, will not be responsible for the actions of the entire bloc in ukraine. yes. nato will divide responsibility at different theaters into small ones, the interior will be divided, well, according to geographical principle or i don’t know, according to scale according to historical according to historical i don’t know.
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this is interesting by the way, but if this is the case, nato will simply remain, it will simply cease to be a unitary association, it will become a bloc of small blocs, i understand, can i ask a question , wait, everything is needed, it’s all. reduced to 1/5 article in your confederation of blocks will there be a fifth article? listen, well, i’m not the founder of nato and the united states, so that such issues, well, then nato decides.
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firstly, let's remember that in the fifth article you are absolutely right, but there is a very important point, you need to read the text carefully, in this text it is written that there is an attack on one, this is an attack on everyone, yes, yes, yes, but there is no obligation to automatically enter into some kind of consultations and do everything possible, do everything possible to provide all the possible help that is needed here, this is more literally, including, so to say, without excluding military force, that is, it... that is, now it turns out in ukraine that just such a test of the fifth article is being implemented, they are doing everything possible in their opinion in order to protect the second point, so i want to add this interesting thought about confederation of nato, you know why, because in fact, if you take the final document, there is actually a very transparent hint, if not directly said, that nato is going to globalize, that it is going to expand its presence there, well, everywhere in general, yes, well why because well, it’s clear that france. the united states
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is pushing something like this out of africa, or they are leaving, it doesn’t matter, so to speak, but their position, naturally, in the far east is weakening due to the fact that china is expanding and strengthening influence, you see, that means they need it there too, the americans are already placing something in the philippines and so on, then south korea, of course, there have already been conversations there too, that is, accordingly , we are probably talking not only about the confederation, but so to speak, this confederal structure is possible, it will be needed precisely in the case of this process of globalization.
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annalena berbak exhaled and said: lord, at least it was useful somewhere, but with us, yes, and with us , it’s 360 degrees, i immediately thought, with us they measure only one thing in degrees, so i thought, lord, don’t choke, guys, the second question is that the money in the documents is listed in euros, not in dollars, i looked twice, in euros and i think, wow, and then i think, this is how you pay in europe, but no, in brussels, that’s probably why, that’s why in euros.
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political bloc, this is point one, point two, we’ll still have to see what he says in a year or two, but just to make it clear, he won’t say it for sure, because he’s not going away in the fall, no, maybe he will say something, but not to us, the successor will say, imagine for a second that when creating the north atlantic alliance, they would have declared from the very beginning, you know, we want to grab poland and the czech republic from you, estonia, latvia, lithuania. states, that is, the latest modification, yes, which has passed military tests, the s4 abrams, it will not go into production, they are starting to develop a new tank, which...
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the human resource, militarily trained , is melting, melting, but nevertheless , do not forget that ukraine has a multi-million population country, if they squeeze it out of europe again into this army cauldron. what will men do to support their families, what option will they have? well, for example, when the hot phase of the conflict ends,
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let’s say there will be a smoldering phase, go ahead, get good money in euros, that’s the only way to protect the hegemon, but let’s still have a little time, unfortunately there is time left, but i just wanted to once again focus attention on... i showed that this is a threat to our values, i remember, yes, that is, you remember, i tell you our aspirations, our something else, okay, that’s what mit china answers, by the way, it’s also very interesting, and not only in the sense of content, but in the sense, so to speak, of the tone in which this answer sounds, let’s listen what the chinese foreign ministry says is a nato product. cold war , the world's largest military alliance, on the one hand calls itself a regional defense organization, on the other , constantly expands its powers, goes beyond the field of defense, provokes confrontation, which shows the mentality ingrained in it cold war ideological prejudices are a real source of risks threatening
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global peace and stability. but shouldn’t we, gentlemen, aim at some new warsaw pact in this regard? shanghai, why does he look at me like i’m crazy, he’s not needed, he’s not needed, no, because no, he’s the fact that - a military alliance between russia and china, it arises naturally, thanks to the efforts of the west and the united states , yes, but if formalized, it would still be even better, and this is this, this will be a process, it’s in ultimately formalized, you know, the point is that, let’s say, trump understood the danger for the united states, the rapprochement between moscow and beijing, did everything to prevent this from happening, zdignev, god forgive me, brzyzinski.
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confused, yeah, because if china, let’s say, is a world factory, then the task of russia, for me, as geopolitically in these alliances, is precisely to protect communications and maintain the military balance, as the most, let’s say, currently trained army force, that is, together, that is, this is a world
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factory, and this is an organization of the world perimeter security, something like this can be said, it is clear that we still have to build a eurasian security system somewhere in the future. and i agree here, some military political alliances are possible for us, but they will most likely be natural and situational, because as soon as we announce the creation of some kind of military bloc, we will instantly put it under attack, because it will be opposed with such force with which they did not oppose the warsaw pact, because as soon as we announce that we have an alliance with china, conditionally iran or someone else, they will immediately attack this union. and they will immediately hit this union so that it does not take place, it’s already clear, okay, we are, so to speak, not used to it, but they will hit, for example, adkb and armenia, that is, how? yes, yes, like the cst, by the way, yes, absolutely, here, here is armenia, so, let’s now, you know what we’ll do,
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let’s talk now, after all, we are theorizing, let’s go straight ahead, so to speak , let's build what is happening on earth and how, the seaport of berdyansk, berdyansk is not since i found myself under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, the infrastructure there is now being restored, the capacity of the port of berdyansk as of last summer, that’s interesting, an interesting figure, it was 1.5 million tons, seven of the nine berths were in working order, they could get into the port territory, well.. . was almost impossible, well, now it’s quite difficult, but our colleagues made an exception for alexander mozgovoy, he is now in direct contact with us, for which many thanks, as well as so to speak, to the port management, sasha, tell us, good afternoon, thank you. to you it’s great that you are with us, good afternoon, but here i’ll rather tell you about the situation not on land, on the sea, on the water, well, yes, the water area, getting into the port territory was indeed an extremely difficult task, i won’t reveal all the cards , especially...
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with grain, today, before our eyes, truck after truck with grain enters the port, is loaded, uh,
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the ship departs further along its route, which, again, i can’t say, because i don’t even have that information , it was not provided to us, everything, i repeat, is very it’s still secret, due to the fact that it’s really unsafe, just last year a year ago there was an arrival here at the port and well , they’re reinsuring it. maximum, and uh, which also needs to be noted, here in the berdyansk port, despite the most difficult situation, despite everything that i said, the lack of personnel, a historical record was set not so long ago for the loading rate of one specific vessel amounted to 402 tons per hour, i repeat, this has never happened in the entire history of the port, very cool, listen, and now, now there are no arrivals at the port. now, thank god, there are no arrivals either at the port or in berdyansk, people
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are resting peacefully, literally, i’ll move the camera now, i understand, this is where the beaches begin, yeah, no one is afraid of anything, thank god, and i also asked about about the water area, about the beaches , as far as everything was freed from explosive objects, they confirmed that there was no danger. no, they go there, calmly, people also relax without obask, thank god, thank you very much, sasha, alexander mozgovoy was in direct contact with us, thank you, and god forbid that it should be so, i know that i remembered, well, we still had time to remember our previous one, yes, i also remembered, i remembered the 1980 moscow olympics, they sent me away, it was so insulting , of course they send me to a camp somewhere, and that means misha was sent to a camp. who else was sent to the camp in the eightieth year, i was sent to sochi to sochi, to my grandparents, not bad, good, so that means
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why i remembered about the eightieth year, because in paris the same situation serious, the next olympic games are opening there in two weeks, and on the eve of the games, thousands of homeless people were evicted from the french capital, as reported, that is, just like in moscow, they also did all the beautiful things there, which means that the guests just well, because whoever has been in paris in recent years, they all come back with a nervous tic, then you seal off their people there for weeks, which means... so that there is no tic, they are taken out, there are a lot of them, well, how can i say, more delicately, so that no one offend, there are a lot of people from different continents, including africa, and it so happened that they mostly live on the streets, or rather lived, or rather, they were all taken somewhere 101 km away, they were promised, which means because of the lack of social assistance, that many ended up just so to speak, on the street, but in another city, well, such , such a story, why do i remember this, well, because firstly, the olympics are very interesting, i don’t don’t ...not about or for gloating, i’m just really interested in how they are everyone will be able to cope with this situation, and also,
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because he is a french actor with russian roots, you will now understand why with the russians, his name is olivier, olivier.
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fantastic after program time. this is a city whose coat of arms depicts the most powerful beast. we are in the glorious city of yaroslavl. afonya was filmed here. everyone’s favorite ivan vasilyevich also filmed in the yaroslavl region. so, boyars, for you to erase in yaroslavl style, prepared for you. you need a thin, thin straw. we are trying. but if you were 10 years old, you could join the corps of young cosmonauts, a child's dream has come true, technology is something girls, women can do, it's quite possible, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, serge, you've touched me, let's go, the premiere, tomorrow at the first one, we need to get married once and for all,
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i i think. you love me, oh, on behalf of no alterations, a fun wedding, a serious condition, the spine is hurt, everything will be fine, koleko, now can you understand this? hello, seryozha, why did you let her in, mom, we don’t need guests. be a man, be a man, set her free as you think if i, and it’s you, think for yourself, i can’t say goodbye, tomorrow at first, leather
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coat, hat, wide gait. klyuev, this klyuev goes, of course, that i’m a dude, we are from the state security committee, do all the objects in the room belong to you, 575 horses, this is called a herd, stop saving, i was in my youth, poor, i really wanted to help my mother, because i was a strong guy, well, what’s the point of unloading the carriage for me, any job must be done well, hello sherlock, hello my boy, one hundred percent. getting into character, any role, where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe that it was a decoration for any movie. we had the full feeling that we were an ordinary family - this was a loss, the loss of the head of the family, because we all called him dad. a wonderful artist who left a big mark on the theater and cinema scenes. to the eightieth anniversary
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of the birth of boris klyuev. tomorrow on the first. i haven't learned. rest, when i tried to do this, i almost went crazy, what do you know about uruguay, it is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in latin america, and i also know that there are more cows living here than people. the national meat of the uruguayans is beef; it is almost a religion for us. what is the model of a beautiful woman in montevideo? the place is comfortable, some people feel comfortable without makeup, some people won’t go to the supermarket without a full make-up, but what are you drinking, this mate, yes, these are special leaves from a tree, various other herbs, mate is not available in coffee shops and restaurants for sale, everyone makes it for themselves only at home, often come to dance, i come here not only to dance, but also to be a gentleman
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find, you know, already at such an age that you want to meet your love. the life of others, the premiere on sunday on the first, decide to introduce yourself as the head of the division's political department, colonel ramzin, he is generally a person. army bearing, he doesn’t need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema? sergey puski finger is a dream for any artist as a partner. seryozha is a combination of incongruous things, he is an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds frame, have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with his human power.
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grandmaster, the role of the villain, the leader of the freemasons, the grandmaster weaving political intrigues in the large-scale historical drama directed by sergei ginsburg is played by actor olivier siu. a frenchman with russian roots, a descendant of an ancient russian family, the musins ​​pushkins, among his ancestors are the golovins and botkins, and his french great-great-great-great-great-grandfather adolphe siou in 1855 opened the first chocolate factory in moscow, which later got it known to everyone. the name bolshevik, it was the factory of siu and co. in 1913, on the occasion of the three-hundredth anniversary of the house of romanov, that first produced our all-favorite anniversary cookies, but if
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olivier siu’s ancestors, representatives of the white immigration, fled from russia, then for him in 2005 it seemed the most attractive country in the world. i was nobody, just a man. where his mother, sister, brother and friends remain, olivier watches from his historical homeland and does not regret his choice at all. it would be very difficult for me to live in france now. i
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i saw how she changed, it happened before my eyes. america broke france. this is not russian propaganda. it's real. there is no democracy there now. it's just a word. the president of the country does what he was told to do. olivier has an inner feeling that if russia has chosen the path of a special military operation for protection. residents, which means he was the only true one, and as for russophobia, the west only needed a minimal reason, they were always ready for this, and i know that many europeans no longer trust the official point of view disseminated by the global media. in 2018, olivier siu asked to be granted russian citizenship, but only 4 years later, when our country chose a difficult path, and many fled russia, fearing responsibility, olivier received russian citizenship.
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the world has changed, yeah, you had no doubts, no, doubts, you know that, since 2005 i have been living as a citizen in russia, in my opinion, from the first day, and why russia attracted you so much, there are many things, but i always remember. ..
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then yes, there really are such people shocked, like me, you know, in france it’s a completely different story, respect doesn’t go into the tactile -
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everything inside is very loud, everything that says, i live here, it seems to me that here i always have the choice of taking the children, the family somewhere leave, but i’ll tell you, the level of education in russia is much higher now than in france, for example, and the people are so kind.
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novelty, she has a grandfather dmitry petrovich botkin, the brother of a famous doctor who died with the royal family, and she, you know, she, she carried this with pride, every time my grandmother was in russia and the ussr, she...
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you might now have, i don’t know, steamship factories there. the history of one of the largest trading houses in pre-revolutionary russia began in 1855. french entrepreneur adolphe siou, together with his wife eugenie, opened a pastry shop in the basement of nadverska. by mid-1884, the company already had its own building, equipped with the latest technology. for the first time it
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was illuminated. electric lights, the current for which was generated by dynamos, and the workshops were equipped with powerful steam generators. at the end of the nineties of the 19th century , the siu and koi trading house produced a wide variety of products from manpasye to biscuits. the pride of the forces was the first chocolate production in russia. the largest department in the factory was the caramel department. 150 wrappers wrapped 875,000 candies daily by hand, first in parchment, then in lead wrapper. siu and kolya sweets are not only a delicacy. some boxes included pictures for children, for example, with a series of natural history. simple devices for chemical and physical experiments with their descriptions. there were other series: abc, history, geography. adults could study the history of russia using chocolate wrappers. in 1913 , the biscuit shop produced the first batch of anniversary cookies for the three hundredth anniversary of the romanov dynasty. during the first world war the confectionery
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factory continued. and the family didn’t have a grudge against the country because they lost everything, you know, why why just? they, they were, of course, against the communists for a very long time, uh, they, they fought against the reds and lost, but they always
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remained russian, but they, they always wanted to return, yes, even if, of course, not all my brothers and sisters agree with me, uh, nevertheless... i am fulfilling the desire of my ancestors, and your mother? not a mother, she suffers from the fact that she cannot talk to people at the table about this topic, because people will immediately become super angry. when i was at the caen festival last year, i almost got into a fight with an englishman, because of what, because i lived as a frenchman. in russia, yeah, just because i'm a frenchman who lives in russia, you know, people there are also shocked, they are ready, and what did he tell you, he just he simply, it means that if you live in russia, you support vladimir putin, that
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is, that means you are the enemy of everything, they tell us that it is necessary to wage war with russia, but i want someone to explain to me why, how? summer beat in the usa, i met kind people, of course, people are kind everywhere, but the level of culture is very low, very low,
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they are kind, but really stupid, so i began to doubt that the model that we offer, we french need to get rid of our inferiority complex, we don’t want to be with...
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europe, political europe, which is now in order to survive, this monster survives only about the enemy, they, they, this
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macron and company, they are in place, on the place where they are, only because they can fight, with all this rhetoric, france is buying. new order. i think we have
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the opportunity to do something if we are brave and confident enough to bring the world together in a way that has never been done before. we lived in the post-war period for 50 years everything worked damn well, but it fizzled out, we need a new, new world order in a sense. we are at a turning point in history, which means the decisions we make in the next 4 or 5 years will determine what that will look like. russia will fall on hookah. it turns out that
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the majority of french people have a negative attitude towards russia. not the majority. i would say that the majority are for us. still. yes yes yes. and i'm sure that in france a huge part frenchmen, for peter to. will you go to paris for the olympics? no. participation in competitions, the same applies to additional personnel: athletes
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who have entered into a contract with the russian or belarusian military or national security authorities will not be allowed to participate in competitions. to be allowed to compete, any athlete must meet all anti-doping requirements. no flags, anthems, colors or any other symbols of russia or belarus will be displayed in any official place or on any official event. who does not believe macron, in russia, we are all
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in the same movement, they cannot understand, they want to destroy it, you know, they want to break it, it’s time to say the most important words, truth and truth are with us, we will win, victory is ours “it was olivier siou’s time, time will show who is who and put everything in its place. so i look at you all the time and think that you are still a gascon, i am a gascon, i am a gascon, and we have one a very famous gascon, about whom everyone has read, of course, of course, yes, of course." i grew up right in the city where dartanon is, you are similar
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to him in character, i uh, you see, for example, when negotiations are going on, with the producers, i, unfortunately, have this dartanon gas end, which, that it’s not like that, everything here is like that, and because it’s unfair to me, you’re a fighter for justice, yes, yes, yes, yes, what... what do i have, when, when i see that something that is unfair, also, if it’s close to me, i’m with i'll go crazy like a dokhtanyon, i'm yana, good afternoon, there's a big game on the air, and i'm vyacheslav nikonov, today the president of russia, vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council of the russian federation, this is how he set the agenda for the meeting. dear colleagues,
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today we will discuss with you additional measures to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. let's. as you understand, the meeting is being held strictly behind closed doors; issues of the development of our military-industrial complex are not for prying ears. well, today we have a special guest in our studio, sergei alekseevich ribkov, deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, we have the conversation is completely open on all those issues that sergei alekseevich himself oversees at the ministry of foreign affairs, this circle is vast, this is north america.
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because yesterday the brix parliamentary forum opened in st. petersburg, already traditional, and the president of the russian federation spoke there, by the way, you were also there in all the frames when this parliamentary forum took place, and let’s listen to what the president said: we are good we understand that the formation of a world order reflecting the real balance of power, a new geopolitical, economic, demographic reality, the process is complex and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful, and primarily because the efforts of the brics participants and other developing countries encounter fierce resistance from the ruling elites of states, the so-called golden
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billion, acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples, they today... seek to fix a certain order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever did not accept, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right to dictate their will. to others, right in the best traditions of classical colonialism, this is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create a monopoly on the ultimate truth, and such a monopoly is destructive, well, you are a sherpa
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in brix, a sherpa is a person who helps...
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some- then the antipode, the antidote, if you like, of the western poisoned arrow international relations, permeating everything now and preventing countries from developing normally, suppressing freedom of thought in international relations. brix, however, acts as a center of attraction, a magnet, and this is increasingly visible. including in terms of the composition of the participants of the st. petersburg parliamentary forum, the tenth anniversary forum is taking place on a very high note, i actually had the opportunity to visit there yesterday, and i noted with great satisfaction that there is interest and even enthusiasm
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in what is happening in brix and like this is being done, not only is it not going to ubl, but it is going on increasing, we welcome this in the year of the russian... chairmanship, events such as yesterday's forum, of course, go to the piggy bank and unification, well, why spoil the position of russia itself in the international arena ? and brix is ​​a rather complex structure, and we know that there is a contradiction between states, yes, initially this connection china india was problematic, it is always complex, now we have added 10 more states, between which there are also quite serious problems, egypt and ethiopia, for example, have very large water battles in connection with the use of nile resources, it is clear that saudi arabia, the emirates. have rather complicated relations with iran, although they are now on such an upward trend, but you feel
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this contradiction, has it become more difficult now with ten states or are you still able to somehow find a common language with partners. you know, yes and no, i cannot give a definite answer to this question today. it is correct to say that all participants in the association, including the so-called recruits who joined on january 1 well perceive as one of the elements of the intra-brix culture of interstate communication, the idea that bilateral problems of tension and some kind of friction, it is still advisable not to bring to the brix site, but of course, but political psychology. .. habits, history of issues, all this is also present, it would be strange to expect that we in brix will see
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an absolutely sterile, distilled environment in which everyone is busy only, strictly, exclusively, directly with that agenda day, which is present at every given moment, but something else is important, what is important is that everyone is united by the desire to achieve practical results in brix, to move the brix cause forward, that... we are supported in our role as chairmen, that the president’s signals are received with great attention, this was visible yesterday directly in the hall, and there was a corresponding response in the world, so i think everything can be overcome, and there is another nuance, we are not turning a blind eye to possible difficulties, for example, in the issue of reform of the un security council, it is clear that all approaches.
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the list of countries that in various forms along different lines have indicated their interest in rapprochement with brix numbers more than thirty, and it is growing, this is not a static list, we see that the interest of the brix is ​​growing, among the countries you mentioned, one can feel a genuine desire to get as close as possible to this association. having said this, i will also say that membership
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is not equivalent to other forms of collaboration. someone on this list of 30 plus said in advance that they would like to have options when depending on their interests, priorities, in some ways they could interact with brix, in relation to some other aspects. maybe take a break or even stay in the country, this is normal, now one of the tasks of the russian presidency in interaction with brix partners is to develop a category: states, partners for those who want to get closer to our association. brix, as they now say in foreign ministry jargon, have already gotten used to each other, understand well, have an idea of ​​who is where, on what issue, what to do with this group and how to absorb its interest in unification, today the issue has not been fully worked out, there are
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instructions from last year’s summit in yuganesburg for the summit in kazan. carry out such work in october, present the leader for a report and draw up a potential list of partner states, well, these are those who declared their interest, as for expansion, you see, there were five, there were 10, uh, what is called in one new year's night , from december 31 to january 1, this is a lot, this is a lot, we have no analogues... in other international organizations where something similar would be observed, therefore it would be irresponsible to say that the process of admitting new members will be permanent. indeed, there is a general understanding within brix that we need to focus on developing the category of partnership. as for the admission of new members, this is an issue that the leaders decide, in the past it was decided
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at the level of leaders. when this impressive one was formed , it was accepted, accepted into brick with the south african republic, when in the past a package of invitations to current newcomers, i am not anticipating anything, but by and large it is still necessary to expand the interfaces of interaction between brix and countries that are interested in this cooperation, to invite them to see from the inside how brix works, to evaluate, evaluate their capabilities. in relation to this already quite extensive mechanics, those who joined from january 1, all with enthusiasm, work on a high note, with great dedication, with good energy, we are very grateful to them, and we are grateful they are very supportive of the russian chairmanship; a very important issue, of course, is the creation of a unified payment system, and
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we have constant problems for business in connection with these sanctions. which are imposed on our country, and, of course, secondary sanctions that are imposed on many entities in partners in the brix partner countries, and people also suffer, because even when coming to the brix countries, they cannot use, say, their payment cards, their banking cards, problems related to, well, simply freedom movement, having russian payment instruments in hand, so to speak,
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brix on improving the international unification are preparing a report by the leader of the countries of the monetary and financial system, which will contain a list of initiatives and recommendations. the result of the report may be the creation of a multilateral digital settlement and payment platform brix bridge, that is, bricks bridge. which will help bring together the financial markets of the countries participating in the brits and increase mutual trade turnover, well, by bridge here we do not mean a card game, and the english word bridge, how far have we come here? i would like today’s progress in this direction to be more
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tangible and more... to punish the disobedient, western countries, and above all the united states, very widely use the toolkit of secondary sanctions, and this is taken into account. operators, including financial operators in the markets, to create alternatives in the literal sense of the word to the western-centric banking system to western
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reserve currencies without risk to themselves, well, it simply doesn’t work out, but there is a political will, and by the way, i must say that just during the parliamentary forum, its first day, several very powerful words were voiced... they felt discomfort that someone somewhere suddenly decided that banks, issuers of their cards should be punished because they belong to unacceptable jurisdictions.
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currencies, which is talked about a lot, a lot has already been achieved, and the share of national currencies in our trade with the brix countries in some cases approaches 100%, this is also not a panacea, but it is a wonderful fuse against encroachments on the opportunity to introduce sovereign trade, all this must be done in a complex, i am sure that the kazan ministry of finance and central banks, with the support of foreign policy departments, will issue a product that will...
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summer rains, and it’s good that he doesn’t know about someone like me, everything i won’t leave him anyway, because he’s good, good, of course, everything that concerns you, everything that concerns me, is me , god,
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or do you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in and pick out the moles, here's the question. be careful, i'm always
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careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. i won’t tell them their real name, do you remember rudolf abel, my friend, we worked together during the war, the center knows that we were friends.
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you'll smile somewhere else, colonel. i will call myself rudolf abel, then they will understand that i have been arrested. rudolf ivanovich abel, citizen of the ussr. he is an illegal resident throughout america. put pressure on him, scare him. for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr, you face the death penalty. silence won't help. the only way out is to start cooperating with us. you hear me? "you can think whatever you want, but we must save you, they will kill you in prison, my darling, they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, then tell your boss that i was terribly scared, we agreed, on the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer, the us government against rudolf abel, tomorrow is the first. do you know how we
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met him? we had a train in the settling tank , well, i was there, while i was collecting bed linen, he fell into the hollow, drunk, not standing, looking at me with his eyes, let's go to tashkent, let's go to tashkent, i say: man, what a tashkent , we are at the kiev station, and in our yard in sunday is on the first, challenge, every day is like monday above.
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two stars, fathers and children, on sunday on the first, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, from monday on the first. big game live, we continue our conversation with deputy minister of foreign affairs sergei alekseevich ribkov, who , among other things, is responsible for relations with the united states of america, and the united states was just holding the anniversary nato summit dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of this...
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president zelensky, i so focused on victory over putin, that it’s time to start worrying, oh well, and he said this as if in front of all his colleagues, the leaders of nato countries. after that, he discovered a big secret. everyone
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was wondering who would be biden's vice president if he became the democratic candidate again, and he revealed this secret, let's listen, i would not have chosen trump as vice president if i did not think that she was qualified enough, to be president, so let's start with this, the fact is that i think the most suitable person to run with presidents, i’ve already defeated him once, i’ll do it with... so trump will be his vice president, well, to which the american journalist michael knows, in my opinion, made a good joke. my main takeaway from this press conference is that president biden and vice president trump have done a wonderful job supporting ukrainian president putin. well, naturally, at this press conference the question was asked about the possibility of a dialogue between biden and putin, that’s what the president said. usa. now i have no
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compelling reason to talk to putin. he's a little ready to do in terms of making any changes in my behavior. but i am ready to deal with any world leader. well, the dialogue between russia and the usa is always sergei alekseevich shrebkov first, which means that several questions arise here at once, if at all we have a dialogue at least at some level with the united states of america, if so, then what is it actually expressed in, second , but is there any point in dialogue if the president of the united states cannot distinguish the president of ukraine from the president of russia, or vice versa, that’s correct, of course. says that putin is the president of ukraine, we probably wouldn’t mind, and he’s confused about who his vice-president is, and in general, is there anyone to talk to in the white house? i’ll tell you this, the dialogue has been reduced to a minimum not on our initiative, there are aspects where we do not
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confirm, for reasons of principle, the readiness to meet the wishes of... the united states, and here i mean, first of all, the dialogue on strategic stability and prospects control over nuclear arms, they consider us an enemy who must be defeated, along with this, without blinking an eye, they propose to conduct such a dialogue, this is impossible by definition, dialogue on other aspects, sporadic, extremely...
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the question arises: what are you doing there, what are you getting paid for? if you are seriously discussing this kind of story with washington. everything else on the american side is subordinated to the task of inflicting maximum damage on us. in all directions and in all areas of the environment, we do not believe that dialogue is productive in this situation, i... would like to tell you that for us it is absolutely the idea that any interference in american domestic political processes is inadmissible is imperatively indisputable, so who will be president and vice president, how this
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will happen, all this remains for us in approximately the same category as for anyone.
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communities and, of course, among american members of congress there is again a growing temptation to attribute non-existent intentions to us, therefore, after watching the video and listening to the audio of the summit in washington, we come to the conclusion that, of course, this the summit of non-leaders - the most successful, as they themselves call, alliance in history, is the summit of shame, this is a disastrous event that did not bring a drop of common sense to the international agenda, only aggravated tensions and increased
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the risks of how the situation could develop further. well, you tell us it doesn’t matter what happens during the election campaign, well , for example, i don’t care, i openly support joe biden, i think that he is simply the best president. for the united states in terms of ruin united states, it’s hard to imagine better figures, to be honest, someone thinks that trump could be a candidate for peace, well, in particular. orban, he just met with trump, and there was already a tweet in response from trump himself about how he welcomes the peacekeeping efforts of viktor orban, we can show, let’s show. peacekeeping mission 5.0. it was an honor to meet with president trump in maralago today. we discussed ways to achieve peace. good news for today. he will solve this issue. thank you, victor, peace. must come and quickly, too many people have died in a war that should never have started. do we
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know anything about trump's peace plan? no, it is unknown, i think that - it would be fair to say that - the signals that come in the public space from the side - of the former us president are being recorded. we, of course, to the extent possible within our capabilities, monitor the contacts that foreign leaders make while in the united states of america, we do not exaggerate the importance of either one or the other, we understand how comprehensive and self-sufficient the power of... the so-called deep state in washington is, where anyone can bring the most
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passionate, the most self-confident politician convinced of his own rightness to the mainstream quickly enough, i’m now saying this regardless regarding the figure of trump, once again we have no preferences, we cannot have them. we distance ourselves from all this, we take the position of outside observers, but a fact is a fact, the system can do a lot, this has been proven repeatedly, so to say that candidate x will automatically follow the same line, and candidate y will suddenly change it, i would be careful, let’s first go through this segment and see the results on the morning of november 6, and then we will express
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some more thorough assumptions about what is possible and what is impossible, well, this does not prevent me, for example, from having a personal sympathy for president biden, i think he is just a luxurious president, by the way, the president of russia, vladimir putin, also thinks the same, i also wished him success in the election campaign, we remember that, yes, yes, but, of course, the system can do a lot, you are right, but... that’s it, look, the ukrainian agreement that was signed at the summit, well, first of all , let's look at its contents, an amazing document, of course, let's look, we confirm that the security of ukraine is an integral part of the security of the euro-atlantic region and we intend to support ukraine until it defeats russia, we emphasize our unshakable commitment to a free, independent, democratic and sovereign ukraine. defend ourselves deter future aggression, declare our continued intention and commitment to ensure that ukraine can
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successfully defend its freedom, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity today and deter future acts of aggression. the signatories plan to honor these commitments as ukraine continues on its path to future membership of the eu, nato and the wider euro-atlantic community. this is where i would be i noticed, of course, the intention to support ukraine for those. until it wins over russia, yes, this in itself is symptomatic, the second thing is that ukraine will continue its path to future membership in the european union and nato, well, for the next 200 years, i think, it will continue, if by this time it still remains, but the most remarkable thing is that not all nato countries signed this agreement, i was honestly sure that if such an agreement was put on the table, everyone would sign it, but 10 nato member countries did not sign, including two countries. romania, slovakia,
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croatia, montenegro, that’s a lot, but to be honest, i didn’t expect what was happening there after the memorable decision of the 2008 bucharest nato summit, where the final document included the wording that ukraine would become a nato member. water has flown under the bridge and many events have happened, including tragic ones, i think that this is the formulation pushed at the time by the americans, and some other most...
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biden confirmed that every day he decides, he is what is controlled from the pentagon , and decides, the united states decides where to strike. let's listen. we allowed zelensky to use american weapons in the border areas of russia. if, for example, he had the opportunity to strike at moscow, at the kremlin, it would make sense, but it would not. the question is how best to use the weapons they have, the ones we give them. i gave him more
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ranged weapons as well as defensive weapons, so our military is following the advice of my commander in chief.
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application limits american weapons supplied to ukraine. perhaps this is true. perhaps all restrictions have already been lifted, and most likely, this is exactly what we are talking about, because they see that
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the situation in the northern military district zone is not developing in favor of kiev, their obsession with the idea of ​​defeating us overshadows common sense, to some extent begins to obscure their own sense of self-preservation, therefore this is the most dangerous, most dangerous course, there are no... things that we ourselves understand through channels that are still preserved and used in dialogue with the united states, but this kind of thing is more important there
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family photos under flags, this is supposedly a demonstration of the unity of the nato community in the face of the russian threat, but we don’t have anything other than a smile, this kind of posing under the camera... he calls it, these are people who have hit a geopolitical, historical dead end, trying to prove it to someone again , for the nth time, that only they are right, although life should already dictate the opposite to them, well, i must say that when we look at the brix summits, we see that these countries represent 45% of humanity, those gathered in washington... only 12 and that's it there is a big difference in the modern world, but they still really consider themselves the masters of the universe, well, they threaten, including with nuclear
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weapons, about this after the advertisement, it seems to me that this is not a sin, after all, this is love, the great vera vasilva is already in her 25 had two stalin prizes, the girl with dimples was adored. in the ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater, she was playing, she was dressed up, i was taken aback when i walked in, she was wearing heels, shoes, lately she rarely appeared in public, she didn’t give interviews at all, we were lucky to persuade her. i she took great care of her husband when he was sick, and felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera vasilyeva make in order to play the main roles, why did she not dare to give birth? am i okay with anything?
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, tomorrow on the first. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it. i tried to act in such a way that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever. i myself didn’t know that it was me. yes, it’s not me, i refused later. i realized, yes, that it was me, but it was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough means to make a call, i voiced the cars, i
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gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will immediately recognize me so, call me, call me, i’ve covered so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because it’s brilliant, it’s simple, calm yourself down after the shock, and then answer my question.
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and not sold in restaurants, everyone makes it for themselves only at home, come often to dance, i come here not only to dance, but also to have a gentleman at... you are already at such an age that you want to meet your love, the lives of others, the premiere, sunday on the first, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally an army man bearing, he doesn’t need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater to the cinema, sergei puskiy finger is a dream for any artist as a partner, seryozha, the combination of the incongruous. he is
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an incredible man, i realized, my god, this man is also cameraed, it’s interesting to follow him watch, he holds the frame, you haven’t decided to change your profession yet, no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he could do so much for cinema, for his country, on the other shore where i had never been, the traces of my feet on the wet without... so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipales, when i’m not there, on sunday on the first, you are the wife of my best friend, let’s not have hysterics, at first i naturally was on the girl’s side, but when i started to figure it out, there were a lot of doubtful details, if you stay with me, in general an amazing person, very modest, i immediately
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felt that something was wrong with him. that you pestered me, the truth, i want to know, yes, we are lovers, after all, take a closer look at yourself who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller from monday on the first, that for so long there could be problems on some two banks of the prime minister. serial film from monday to the first big game on the first, we continue the conversation with the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergei alekseevich rebkov. sergey alekseevich, nato summit adopted a resolution where they paid a lot of attention to the problems of nuclear deterrence, of course
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us. let's listen. what did they write there? nuclear deterrence is the cornerstone of the alliance's security. the fundamental purpose of nato's nuclear capabilities is to preserve peace, prevent coercion, and deter aggression. as long as there are nuclear weapons, nato will remain a nuclear alliance. arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation have made and should continue to make significant contributions to achieving the goals security of severotl. strategic stability and collective security. nato remains committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure the effectiveness, safety and security of the alliance's nuclear deterrent mission, including by modernizing its nuclear capabilities, strengthening its nuclear planning capabilities and adapting them as necessary. well, in recent days there have been several statements, including by
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the press secretary. will follow the path of building up their nuclear potential, further giving it an increasingly aggressive nature, can be discarded immediately, so only one thing follows from this communication: and the alliance strives for dominance in this area, too, as far as it is realistic in general to dominate in this area, too, it is doomed. like many other
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things from the category of claims to global dominance, and life simply no longer reminds us of this. this is loudly spoken of, simply by the political deafness of those who form the position of washington, brussels, and other western capitals in this sphere, it is comprehensive, and therapeutic measures in terms of exhortations, some kind of verbal signals, well, they work less and less, i want to say that the experience of conducting a special military operation...
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can conditionally be called a by-law, this is the basis of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence, there certain conditions have been specified when resorting to nuclear weapons is permissible, i think that the west, and especially the nato countries, ignore our potential in this area and some kind of internal conviction of this group... that it will not come to the worst, so that they didn’t do anything and no matter how much they mocked common sense and generally the doses of behavior in international relations, this conviction predetermines the need
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to say more clearly, clearly, more definitely what could happen if they continue this, the question immediately arises , i anticipate red again. lines, so we draw them, and then nothing happens, to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons for a very long time, firstly, there were no exercises, no exercises were conducted events that demonstrate a different degree of readiness of our strategic forces, there are many techniques that are caught even in the west with all its...
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before they left the treaty, now there was an official statement from the white house and the german government about the deployment of medium-range missiles on the territory of germany. let's listen to the white house statement. the united states will begin sporadic deployment of its multi-domain task force's long-range firepower capabilities to germany in 2026, as part of planning for the long-term deployment of these forces in the future, when... these units are fully formed, they will include the sm-6, tomogafk and the hypersonic weapon being developed, which will have a significantly greater range than existing ones in europe ground fire weapons. the use of these advanced
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capabilities will demonstrate the united states' commitment to nato and its contribution to european integrated deterrence. well, i actually found our country’s answer on the foreign ministry’s website, where was your statement on this matter... regarding the fact that we will deploy tserkonov, today our most realistic response to washington’s actions in germany may be the deployment of medium-range missiles to the european part of russia, russia will probably not move further, these will be launchers installations, previously they were rsd10 pioner, now most likely they can accommodate 3 m22 land-based zircon, some of them will probably have nuclear warheads, but only in a deterrence format, there is something to...
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resources in all these areas that make it possible to quickly counterbalance any attempts by a western group led by the united states to create. an unacceptable threat for us, because you understand how - at one time the inf treaty arose on the basis of mutual unacceptability for moscow and washington, and the emergence of certain systems that were perceived as deeply threatening to fundamental interests. something similar could happen now. but military science, military
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technology, our capabilities in this area have stepped so far forward that we do not feel the encroachment in a fundamental way on our safety only due to the fact that from the twenty-sixth year episodic deployment will begin, as written in this document, and then they will move on to permanent, episodic, ratified, and then permanent...
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doubts about our determination to respond materially and balance this everything that they are planning for themselves, so for them all this will be money thrown away, they will neither intimidate us nor add security to themselves, this, by the way, applies to quite and those who have been brought up quite to the day when this whole topic regained its relevance statement by chancellor scholz: that the federal republic of germany, together with
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three other european countries, will begin to develop similar systems, on their basis without the united states, that is , the intoxication of their own quasi-greatness with the desire to constantly speculate on their technological capabilities to the detriment of their own security, it is characteristic not only of the united states, great britain, but... also of the european continental powers, which also plunged head over heels into this matter, to their detriment. really to your detriment, well that’s a good word, robots, i think, i looked at the family photo of these nato leaders and thought, who do they remind me of? they really resemble robots that perform a function given from the outside, it is clear that from washington, but our strength... has always been that we had an army, a navy
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and strategic offensive weapons, which now certainly surpass western ones in quantity , in a qualitative sense, in this sense, are complete guarantors of our security, and of course, the potential of our foreign policy community, the ministry of foreign affairs, which has long been accustomed to think in global categories, to realistically assess what is happening, so thank you very much, alekseevich, for your work, for coming today. for what our diplomacy is doing, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, don’t miss it, this is the news on the first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this you


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