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tv   Velikii  1TV  July 12, 2024 11:50pm-2:01am MSK

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properly. pyotr sergeevich, i literally need to leave for half an hour. in the meantime, eat, look around the park, well, in view of what we talked about, don’t mind. something happened? no, no, no, everything is valid. sorry. pyotr sergeevich, take us away from this pig into federal subordination. and i, masha. if there's any chance. that this guy will help us, not just crawl on a table or crawl on his knees, i’ll dance naked for him, but instead of preaching now, you’d better come to my office, there’s a bank on my windowsill basul cucumbers, just don’t take it, first take the basket under my table, put the jar there and drag it here, but you can’t just have a jar without a basket, oh no, little girl, you can’t, so there’s some hope that you won’t break it, katyusha, here , give the plates here, yeah, he wasn’t only a fisherman, he...
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pyotr sergeevich has a lack of enzymes in his body, in connection with this he has gastroenterological problems, i’m glad, how good it is that you called, listen , i thought, maybe we’ll have a wedding at the estate, the beauty here is unimaginable, ponds, stables, borsky house, dad, let's find such a colorful local, that is, they can fly to the maldives, but 400 km from moscow, they can’t, yes, that’s it, come on, i’ll come tomorrow, kiss you, call you back, can i help you?
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yes, they’ve all gone crazy here, they ’re taking me to the toilet under escort, not under escort, accompanied, shut up, kharkevich, you understand that i have a deputy minister in the region now, and that he’s waiting for me now, let’s call your deputy minister , let him come and decide everything at the government level, you, kharakevich, are sick, yes this is bullshit, extremism, lock up the governor and him...
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and try these mushrooms, i collected them myself, salted them myself, yeah, here are the eggplants, here are the katyushenkins. these are absolutely extraordinary, larisa petrovna always exaggerates ordinary eggplants, katyushka, in general we have such a modest person, delivery, yeah, but in general it’s a pleasure to treat you, sergeevich, in general, by the way a person eats, i can tell about the character, here you've been through a lot of bosses, but you're completely different from them, but that's the truth, that's it your face is so intelligent, it’s clear that you are a completely different person, on a completely different level, really, nikolaevich, well, about the face, of course women know better, but in general, this is my first time. i see such an understanding of cultural problems in a federal official. pyotr sergeevich speaks little, but in every word one can see a sharp mind and an education that is so rare these days. thank you. let's drink. yes. we have such a tradition: the first toast is always to pyotr
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sergeevich shcheglovity. but today, i think everyone will agree with me. we'll drink the first toast for his affection, pyotr sergeevich drozdov. pyotr sergeevich, this museum is this. our life, they want to take this life away from us, i really want to believe that as long as there are people like you in the government, this will not happen, for you, pyotr sergeevich, thank you, unfortunately i don’t drink, i don’t drink either, and you vitya, have a drink, i allow it, but you’re refusing in vain, it was arkady himself who insisted on currant buds, peter serge is not allowed for health reasons, but here you are... this is our classic, a great russian writer with magnificent notes from a fisherman, they instill in us a love for our native
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nature, we all grew up reading russian classics, our task is to pass it on to the next generations, nikolaevich, i’ve been thinking for a long time that in general russian classics should be banned, well , at least in school, let adults read, there’s no need to fool children, that ’s why, because he’s a young man coming out into life with some wild ideas. “your classical literature teaches nothing, there are no such men, such women, such relationships, no, well, maybe once there were, well now definitely not, a person who believed in all these ideals
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expects nothing but disappointment in life, there are no such saints as prince myshkin, there are no such decent people as tatyana larina, what happened now, stupidity? "or cynicism? it’s interesting that you are a person, pyotr sergeevich, and why are you kicking me, vladimir nikolaevich? by the way, it hurts, i, but it seemed to you, maria linichna, it didn’t seem to me, you want me to shut up, god bless you, speak your mind, just think, what don’t you see, that everything has already been decided, there won’t be any museum, there’s nothing to do with him, masha, stop, but no, why? it’s very interesting, it’s interesting, you’re interested, yes, it’s interesting, when people squirm in front of you, they’re putting out their latest crap, it’s interesting, yes, you look at it and laugh, his face is intelligent. masha, masha, masha, you
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will send your children to england to study, right? and the fact that here , without the culture that you have not yet managed to sell and destroy, is that without russian literature there will be a nation of rednecks criminals? you don’t give a damn about that, you don’t drink, you save the skins, you didn’t leave anything for the people except vodka, without us, if your museums have straight lines, you ’ll excuse her, you know, we’re all just on edge here, larisa petrovna , are you now apologizing to whom, to whom, to this? but we’re getting a manicure, finally, and i kept thinking, when will we get to the most important thing, in our country an intelligent person must be dirty, ragged and poor, you can’t, because he’s an idiot, but if a person looks decent,
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he takes care of himself, which means he is a thief, and his face is disgusting, and the children i don’t have are already bastards studying in england. i don’t drink because i’m saving the skins, and not because i have an ulcer, but because i earned this ulcer by wandering around the country, which all consists of such idealists, a backbone. noble,
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well, shall we remain silent? you shouldn’t have offended masha, pyotr sergeevich, she is the honest person among us who...
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well, vladimir nikolaevich, will you leave too? no, what can i do with you? what are you telling me? pour, pour, what now? no, it’s not coming, sergei ivanovich, come on,
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call drazdov right now in front of us and explain everything to him, you actually know what time it is, 10, and you think it’s decent to call the deputy minister of economy and development at 10:00 pm, well, let’s wait until morning. for 6 years he fooled her, as a result, not only did he not marry, but he also published a dissertation under his own name, what a good fellow, well, well done, so she got the idea here from this fellow from moscow, out of shame, like, well, what are you saying, what am i , rolled up, rolled up, woman yes, interesting, i
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again a man, married, so what, but the fact that for masha a married man is the same as dead, it took me 2 years to understand this, i need to apologize to her, yeah, come on, call him here, who is he, well for yours, for your deputy in science, maria, here you sing, how you behave, how this person, how... wants to apologize, he won’t go to see the person he’s apologizing to,
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he goes to him himself, exactly, to her let's go, let's go, well, here's what i can do, please don't shout, is your governor some idiot? victor, victor, where are you going, get up, please, stand up, i say, exactly, what
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a bastard you are, ah, i’ll be fired from work tomorrow, and you? masha, they're bowing at your feet, masha, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, masha, masha is sleeping, let's go, let's go, masha is already sleeping, masha is sleeping, masha, look how many stars there are!
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petya, putin called you.
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i won't tell them their real name. do you remember rudolf abel, my friend? he and i worked together during the war. the center knows that we were friends. you'll smile somewhere else, colonel. i'll call him rudolf
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abel. and then they will understand that i have been arrested. rudolf ivanovich. dabel, a citizen of the ussr, he is an illegal resident throughout america, put pressure on him, scare him, for collecting and transmitting information on atomic weapons to the ussr, you face the death penalty, silence will not help, the only way out is to start cooperating with us, do you hear me, you can think whatever you want, but we have to save you, they will kill you, my beloved, they won’t succeed, they won’t break you, tell the authorities that i was terribly scared, we agreed, on the birthday of the legendary intelligence officer of the us government against.
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thank you very much, come on, pyotr sergeevich, i ’ll make you feel better, now i’ll pour you, as they say,
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similar, similar, oh, no need, eat, eat, sergeevich, here ’s some pickle juice for you now, this is just what you need, the bathhouse is already heating up, then into the pond, where we have springs. literally living water, in 2 hours you’ll be as good as new, for god’s sake, forgive me for causing you so much trouble, now victor is coming from the city, he’ll bring me my things, we’ll leave right away, we won’t let you go anywhere, we pumped you up yesterday , we and we’ll pump it out. i’m looking for you everywhere, why? but the thing is, please don’t touch anything, i’m sorry, to be honest, i don’t
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remember yesterday’s events very well, so we argued, i got excited, in general, i would like to apologize to you, you would like to apologize, and don't remember why? put the cup in its place, sorry, no, you didn’t, you misunderstood me, of course i remember, i don’t remember later, i shouldn’t have drunk, believe me, this happens extremely rarely, the degree of our conversation was, it seems to me, unnecessary, here at you have a moral malaise, it will go away tomorrow, put the cup in its place, lord, maria denichna, the man... came to apologize to you, well , help him somehow, you know, you also said damn nothing to me yesterday, and that is , you remember, put the cup down in place, and oh
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god, what is she doing, i’ll pay for it, what are you in a restaurant, this is a museum exhibit, this is a genuine goldfinch cup, this is a disaster, listen, for the sake of fairness , i didn’t break it, so what’s the difference now, you understand that i can’t even go to a restoration workshop with this, let me i’ll go, but what does this have to do with it, i already beat, i beat this cup and arkady was already gluing it together, the whole museum is laughing at me, if they now get this cup again, these jokes of theirs , eternal mockery, will start again, i’m all for you.
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come on, you better, i don’t know where it is, yes, okay, i decided here. he saw them twice, but no, i asked for it, arkady, i have one thing for you, i don’t know, you are engaged in restoration privately, i have one image, interesting, family, i think, southern letter , perhaps even a cossack, well, there were many old believers among the cossacks. masha, move away from the shelves, out of harm’s way, bring your question, sergeevich, i did everything
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i could, thank you, thank you. you understand, there are no restorers left in moscow, let’s go, maryana, thank you, arkady, thank you, one of the few who managed to maintain friendly relations with turgenev, with dostoevsky, after their quarrel. leo tolstoy, who knew the goldfinch during his stormy youth, was surprised. how, how, with such a hot temperament, he managed to maintain unchanged wisdom. what did you drop there? a jar with tassels, but it’s iron, and you know what i just remembered, yesterday vladimir nikolaevich and i, i think we went home, yes, i heard, but why didn’t we go out, we were scared, but no, why did i... kazoo daila,
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what were you doing? kazoo daya, what goat? why do you need a goat? what do you mean why? all our museum workers keep livestock, otherwise they won’t survive. what do you think my salary is? well, small, 5.00 rub. marya lenichna, why are you even here? where should i be? in moscow, yours? i've already been there. why does it have to be in moscow? in mikhailovsky? polyana in spring. there for sure the salary is higher. yes, but i don’t study pushkin or crowds. do you have a napkin?
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yes. well, it’s ready, thank you very much, let’s go, so why did you bother with shcheglovitov, he’s a writer. second, if not third row, where did you get such an opinion, well, i also read books once, you must agree, this is not tolstoy, not turginev, not even liskov, that means liskov was assigned to the second row, in vain, perhaps, but why after all, shcheglovitov, i don’t know, well, probably out of romanticism,
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when i... in my youth i was completely shocked by him story, imagine, a brilliant military man, a reveler, a rake, a duelist, at first sight falls in love with a religious, pure girl, she also reciprocates his feelings, then he has a duel, and in this duel he kills his opponent, well, it would seem, nothing could be simpler , he is under arrest, nothing is stopping him from getting married, but she refuses him. goes to a monastery to atone for his sin, and this turns his whole life upside down, but he? he leaves the regiment, gives the family of the murdered man most of his fortune, leaves here, becomes a writer, lives here all his life.
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having never married, his freemasonry is also from there, all this mysticism of his, and you believe that everything was so, i don’t believe it, i know that he really loved her all his life, imagine.
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mentions of that fateful day: again and again. yes, letochka, he’s not around right now. and yesterday he performed in full, like in the good old days, i kept saying that i should fight with him or something, lida, i received from him yesterday, i still have to listen to something from you, everything, sorry, i have on parallel line governor, yes sergei ivanovich, where did you go, and what are you yelling about, i don’t understand, mashechka, these are employees of the musfilm film studio, the same. creative intelligentsia, like you and me, and then they will make a film about our pyotr sergeevich shcheglovitov, and where should they film it in africa? larisa petrovna, i won’t let them into the museum, let them film it wherever they want, we have the most valuable exhibits here, and they will have shcheglovitova played by this one, what
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’s his name, this one of yours, first of all, mashika, this one of my favorites, a good artist, and secondly, the museum needs money if you are not in course, that’s it, the conversation is over, i... it’s clear that this is clear to you, but he looks at you like that, eats right with his eyes, don’t talk nonsense. white birch friend, maybe you can give me a lift, i would like you to wait, listen, where did
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the governor go, the creature, not ours, yours, they locked him up at the factory, that they took him hostage? agitated, well, the foreigners had to be taken away urgently, and now he’s making fun of me for being a hooligan, it’s a pity i wasn’t there, but they didn’t give me anything, sabers, cloaks, a silver bearing,
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one guy brought a goat, an orkharovian, i’ll tell you i swear, he says, this is normal for you, but you know what he wanted, he slipped me a letter so that i would translate it to his federal pancake house... translated, normal, no, federal pancake house, oh, what are you saying, what day is it today, saturday, no, not this, not this, let's please take a photo, the bride's relatives are on the right, please, the bride and groom are jumping up, everyone else, don't stop smiling, and once, the next one is defeated, what are you doing, are you crazy , whether? citizens, don't worry, it's not loaded, what are you doing? here are the brutes, okay, we’ll cover it with epoxy, it’s okay, who will return the money for the disrupted car filming, who will return the money to me for the turgenev tree,
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in general, citizens, no one is driving you anywhere, please, what the hell are you doing, masha, because i told you that these weddings should be banned, this is a museum, not a sort.
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absolutely focused on themselves, despising everyone, and apparently that’s why they are very successful, that’s how i want it now, how i want it, i wanted it, i’ll do it, that’s how you run the country, and i understand, now about... yes, i’ll be brief, marya lenichna, you
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don’t know me at all, but you’ve already come up with a biography and character for me, don’t sit on me, you’re an arrogant idiot, well, believe me, i’m not so arrogant and... such an idiot , for example, it’s very interesting for me to talk with you, yes, i understand that this is like reporting from the moon, but who told you that i’m not interested in reporting elephants, what? where are we going? it’s not far here, i need to bring the gun home.
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let's be careful, don't sleep on your shoes, mock us, is that enough? mom, please, wait, hello, grandma, yes, great! already, i there i put some potison zucchini on the porch, thank you, but it wasn’t necessary, why shouldn’t it be, nothing grows on you, is it me, it’s me yesterday, yes, you, you, oh, oh, excuse me, listen, well, i’ll fix the manigin, i don’t have the tools right now, what a disgrace, but
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why are you smiling? well, to my thoughts, i want to invite you to lunch, it’s not worth it, i actually have a working day, well, that’s enough for a lunch break, do you have the right? well, i have, but then you need to warn, warn, i’ll give you away. i'll wait, how in the morning? listen, you are so harmful, what about marya line? hello, museum! yeah, yeah, just a minute. mashunechka,
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fax from the ministry of culture. for volodin and yours. he knew that we were changing clothes and not going, this is impossible, firstly, we have a meeting in 40 minutes, there are people all around, let’s rush somewhere, change clothes there, there, in front of us, here.
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that means call the ministry, the secretariat, say that i urgently need a meeting with the minister, preferably on monday, but i’ll say that we seem to be in a hurry with the fund, yes, yes, i’m stuck here, just for a second, and leave the deputies on monday too, but later, put it off for about three hours, and i’ll call you. yes, but museum workers are beggars. because of the ridges, but at the same time you are interested in a report from the moon, what are you talking about? i’m talking about this, about this, all this time you not only knew that the museum was closing, you came here to choose land for your ministry, what are you going to build there, an economic education foundation with restaurants and bedrooms, i hope get off the lawn, stop,
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stop, stop, mari, linishto, i knew, i didn’t know, what difference does it make, of course i knew, in general it’s my job to evaluate? efficiency of economic facilities, so i don’t quite understand why we have to talk about it in such a tone here, let’s go to a restaurant, i ’ll tell you everything, i’ll explain, do you think that after this i’ll go somewhere with you, after what? , the decision has not yet been signed, what kind of idiot do you take me to be, a moscow redneck, a bastard, choose an expression, i’m still a federal official, right? dangerous, aggressive, crazy, intelligentsia, no, how do you like it, yes, horror, psychopath, hysterical, what does she imagine herself to be, and we have 150 million of them, already 140, but it doesn’t matter, look at
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the hatred for moscow, if it’s a scoundrel, then it’s definitely moscow, that is, it’s moscow that prevents them from being people, if there were them. what in what sense? yes, directly, i will contact the investigative committee, you will have a serious investigation into the fact of fictitious bankruptcy of the participation of the regional leadership in the sale of the enterprise, takgeevich, if you can be more specific from this point, i’m talking about fictitious bankruptcy, can you be more detailed, i think that
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serious proceedings are about to happen with the plant, and with the museum too, yeah, with the museum too, what... lovely, how interesting you tell it, what happened there in the museum, but nothing happened, and i don’t think it will happen, the minister knows your decisions, don’t worry, i’ll decide with the minister, so i don’t know yet, well, well, why are you in such a hurry, boy, you’re telling me, and you, you, who else? are you crazy sergenich? i ’m not, here you are, my dear, apparently overheated, you should rest, oh, i immediately see the old school, star porthos aktiva, let’s go, you see, to
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museum, we'll stop by, there are a couple more issues that need to be resolved, and you, gentlemen, prepare my documents for tomorrow, of course. leather coat, hat, wide gait, this is klyuev, this is klyuev, of course i’m a dude, we are from the state security committee, do all the objects in the room belong to you, 575 horses, this is called a herd, stop saving, there was a youth, poor , i really wanted to help my mother, since i was a strong guy, what was there for me to unload the carriage, any work must be done well. hello sharlock, hello my boy, 100% hit the character, any role where boris vladimirovich appeared, i believe that it was a decoration for any movie. we had the full feeling that we were an ordinary family, this was a loss, the loss of the head of the family, that we all called him dad. a wonderful artist
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who left a big mark on the theater and cinema scenes. on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. its tomorrow on the first. i didn't learn to rest, when i tried to do it i almost went crazy. in the new season on the first. a woman is killed and we say, what the hell is our heart about? exploded. do you know how it tears, it’s just the shoulder giving and the elbow pulling. well , okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there's someone targeting you. in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is in mortal danger, or you have a second one very well.
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i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semenov. get out of the corner, come on, just like that, nastasya, philip, yes,
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yes, what are you doing, come on, you ’re ruining my bike, how did you get here, and my dear, just wait, it’s calm now, ah, oh, be careful, you’ll break the rock, so that’s it, now, oh, well done, like that, shouldn’t we move at all with you or what? even so , no one will miss you until tomorrow, that is, they won’t miss me. hey, be careful, be careful, that’s it, what should we do, what should we do, there’s no one, there’s no one, yes, what
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did i do wrong, lord, lord, you you he didn’t give me a husband, he didn’t give me children, i live. in the wilderness with a goat and chickens and i’m not complaining, but why are you still laughing at me? what is my life like? i can't stand it anymore, i wanted to tell you that the decision on the museum has been suspended. by my own will, by the way, at the cost of a serious conflict. marie linichna,
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i came to you to advise you to behave more carefully with people next time and not to make hasty conclusions. be healthy, marilinichna, happy. i'm here, help me, where, what are you doing there? oh my god, oh my god, maryana, you didn't hurt yourself, did you? well, my life is similar, calm down. well , nothing hurts anymore, my joke, well
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, they definitely didn’t damage anything here, well, they brought everything here, and there’s some kind of chill now, now it’ll be warmer, stupid joke, now. oh, don't cry, please, leader!
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tell me, are you worried that you are bald? honestly, it’s very, well, in vain, it suits you very well. “you
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’re actually very handsome, i wanted to ask you to leave, i don’t know, you’re not talking about this, you, why did you come, well, to tell you about the museum, but no, not for these”? for what? behind this, behind everything, behind this, after all, all men are the same, everyone just needs this, and the main thing is that this is exactly what offends me so much, you know, this is why i avoid relationships, in the 19th century
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it was possible to love a woman. for years, decades, like the goldfinch in his sophia, love, worship and not dare to touch, and now, why, please, so beautiful. and you love your work, how can i tell you, sometimes i want to blow up this whole damn mother, what is this country, in my opinion, without it on earth it will be much better, you don’t have meat, i don’t eat meat. oh well
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yes, i should have guessed, pollen, dew, fog, moonlight, that's what you should eat, and drink, of course, you don't have one either, you just have something to drink, that's what it was, mother duck, mother duck, mother duck, mother duck, yes, is that how mother duck played? wait, how do you do that? and the legs were sewn, and you immediately liked me? no, not right away, when? and i know when, when i fired the gun. no, even
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earlier, when, when the cup was glued together, much earlier, when yesterday, once upon a time , she created a scandal and told me that there are green onions, come on, like this. just imagine, to me 6 years old, and she addresses me in front of everyone, peter, listen, i can’t imagine your mother at all, and in general it’s so strange that you have a mother, well, of course, a deputy minister cannot have a mother, i’ll tell you a terrible secret, even the minister has a mother,
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please take it! and oh, so, like that, oops, hello, yes, dear, give me salt, no, it won’t work out that quickly. yes, and i also need to talk to you, right away, yes, okay, come on, kiss, come on, plates, come on, so mom, mom, mom, she hasn’t talked to me for 4 days, i’m 6 years old, and she’s 4 doesn't talk to me for days sit down, it was mom who called, no, alitka, who is this? my bride, what kind of bride, i think, apparently an ex, alidka, is aware that she
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is an ex, not yet, wait, sing, i don’t understand something, that is, you started all this with me here, and you in moscow is a girl waiting for you to be on her? you're getting married, yours, don't stress, i 'll decide everything, but i'm not stressing, go away, what are you saying, i told you everything honestly, i could tell that it was my secretary who called, petya, you told me that you. .. not married, and i ’m not married, i was going to get married, so go ahead and get married, goodbye, masha, you're kind of strange, people come together, diverge,
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i was going to get married, now i'm not going to, i should have maintained my innocence before we met, that's right. i’m wrong again, i’m broken, i ’m not going to build anything on someone else’s misfortune, i’ve already tried, thank you very much, march, these are not your problems at all, you think so, you have a girl there, to whom you proposed, confessed your love, probably now wedding. i'm sorry, but i don't want to be anyone's nightmare, no matter what kind of nightmare, mash, i told you, i'll figure it out, but i told you, that’s it, petya, go away, yes, oh,
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i’m not going anywhere, i’ll stay here, i feel very good here with you, okay? get out , you insensitive, cruel trash.
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can you find out what all this means, and what interests you, where did i spend the night? this doesn’t concern me, this is your personal matter, i ’m interested in your position on the issue of closing the museum, and we are new again, yes, it’s crazy, but your mentally unstable employee, maria linichna, can tell you about the closing of the museum, she’s aware, after all. .. we went to moscow, well, go to your moscow, kharya, you redneck shamelessness,
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now i understand foam, this is not foam, liquid soap, we try it, you feel the difference, yes, andrey sergeevich, a completely different taste. those cars that i installed here were all junk, i ended up bringing this beauty to myself from italy, and i say, as you can see for yourself, olga nikolaevna is not able to master it, olga nikolovna, seryozha came, he just came in, let him come in, well, you signed everything, andryush, you were right as always, it’s as if people were replaced, honestly.
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hello, pyotr sergeevich, how glad i am to see you see? hello, sergech. oh, see, andryusha, what did i tell you? for some reason, pyotr sergeevich didn’t love me? let's figure it out, ilish. why was the signing of papers on the fund stopped? andrey sergeevich, i reported to you that the estimated cost of the project has been inflated many times over. in addition, there is a functioning museum there. we'll sort it out with the museum. with the estimate too, petya, you know that the ministry is directly interested in this project, but we can find another site, well, listen to me, petya, the ministry in which you have the honor serve, is interested specifically in this project, and not in any other, and the museum will perfectly exist in another place, by the way, a huge museum center has been built in the city, especially andrei sergeevich, well, you
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saw my report, all the documents, i of course i apologize, but this is pure theft, that’s exactly what i wanted to ask you to do is to examine the estimate, you show me directly, pyotr sergeevich, where in your opinion the figures are too high, and we will quickly reduce them, listen, well, at least some you need a conscience to have, what is this? your museum aunt taught you to say such pitiful words, you don’t write poetry yet, sing? that's what i want to tell you, i really appreciate your connections at the top, but you are wrong to think that you allow you to become impudent, so you will give a balanced... the documents must be
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on my desk on friday, otherwise i'm afraid, petya that a colorful story about your adventures, about how you changed the ministry’s decision under the influence of alcohol and a suddenly flared passion, can make your further employment impossible. communications won't help, do you want to tell me something? no, andrei sergeevich, i realized my mistake, i’m ready to help, i’ll correct sergei ivanovich’s estimate, that’s how smart you are! free,
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goodbye, pyotr sergeevich, petenka, you and i are adults, now it seems to you that you have fallen in love, you know, i’m even happy for you, it’s wonderful, you’ll somehow have fun, cheer up, sing, well.. what does our wedding have to do with it? well, we have 4 weeks, do you want it? going to her, to my eccentric. enjoy life with goats and chickens, let's talk calm down, petechka, i’m a grown girl and i know how life works, i’m going to get married once
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and for all, for the rest of my life, and no masha, lena, natasha, or snow. cannot prevent us from building a reasonable, happy family, we can make one clarification, that is, you lida, by marrying me, i assume that i will cheat on you, i don’t assume, i know, i’m embarrassed to ask, it is planned that you may have hobbies , yes? “of course, life is long, of course, i can have hobbies, but firstly, you won’t know about them, and secondly, i know how to control myself, unlike you, you need to be a complete idiot
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to build a marriage on physical fidelity, sing, the meaning of our union is that you and i are two comrades, i am your best friend, support and protector, and you are mine , petenka, i assure you that many men dream of a wife like me, but i chose you because i believe that our couple has great prospects. and love, is that an empty phrase for you?
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yeah, give me a seed, you can’t do that, how hard is it? i don’t know what happened there, so we’ll do this, you now go, calmly get ready tomorrow morning , go to st. petersburg, there is a conference on dostoevsky, listen to this boring stuff, you love it all, walk around a beautiful city, you need to get out of this hole, go to the hermitage, when was the last time you were in the hermitage, meet some professor, i don’t want to go anywhere, this is not discussed, this is an order.
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pyotr sergeevich, have a conscience, you haven’t answered any of the phones for three days now and haven’t left the apartment, they’re looking for you. "let's call an iv if you can't do it yourself cope with your condition, you can’t always have one reaction to difficulties and lack of understanding: binge drinking, by the way, your ulcer is a direct consequence of the fact that you are trying to solve everything alone, leave,
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because you can’t appoint the komsomol city committee to a museum, he he brought me some upholstery for the living room armchairs, i told him, vova, this is belarus, a gomel weaving factory, i recognize it from a kilometer away, but there was no upholstery in grombiks in the 19th century, you know, there was no such thing. and it couldn’t be, but for me, what difference does it make, nail it with what you have. i won't, you tell me,
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i tell him why we need an apiary, why do we need an apiary, let’s finally do an interactive excursion, why should i be a deputy in science, not science, but a tourist, god, “i was an excellent specialist in tyuchiv, now i could sit in bryansk, to go to a conference in munich, but no, i should have met you, what about love, take care of love, guys, mash, it’s easy for you to say, you’re alone, you came home, you’re your own mistress, and every day i see this stupid red rouge, listening to nonsense about how many types of spinning wheels there were in oryol provinces. i’m dreaming about these spinning wheels, god, i
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’m so tired of you, pyotr sergeevich, let me in, please, you need to talk, i’ll help you. get up, let's go, pyotr sergeevich, where we're going, to the boss, it's clear. why quit, it’s clear, but
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i’m asking you, don’t, why did you come? “i decided to chop wood for you,
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like your wedding, next month, if the bride agrees, but she changed her mind, mash, “marry me, next month, i, why me, that is, you refuse me, well, i i won’t go to moscow.” there’s no need to go to moscow, but what about yours? ministry? and i don’t work there anymore, i
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quit, petya, i don’t understand something, what don’t you understand? well, why are you silent, in agreement, no, but i don’t know what to say, petya, i don’t know how to behave and what to do, i know, get up. come to me.
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hug me and tell me how glad i am, my beloved, that you came to me, why are you crying, why are you crying, you’re a crybaby, how did you fix the fence, put the gravel on the bell, fetch some water, hello! masha, hello, i, sergeevich, by the way, agreed to be an assistant to the governor, and not a laborer at farm, i would like to quickly begin my immediate duties, it’s high time for you to prepare for the inauguration, vitya, you’re still an idiot, wait, what are you,
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now we have a governor, well, yes, governor, you’ll be a governor, vitya, and it was you who chopped the wood, right? who? petya, you’re lying to me again, are you going to always lie to me now, but why are you just lying, lying, what kind of aggression is this ? masha, put your knee down, you’ll drop it on your leg, i won’t be the governor, you understand, sing, what kind of vulgarity is this? "i don't i’ll live in the residence, i’m a museum worker, masha, calm down, okay, everything will be fine with your museum, put down some logs, but i don’t even want to talk to you, no problem, you know why, because everything you say, it will all be a lie, and it will be like this all the time, why is this necessary, why did you come in the first place, if you, let’s go our separate ways, come on,
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yours, then for..." the fence, put me back the way it was, you can put the barn too, yes barn, in general everything is as it was, i don’t need anything from you, masha, masha, you’re sick, you understand, you need to get treatment, your head is not all right, and your conscience is not all right, you just don’t have it, but what did i do in the end, no matter what you did, that’s all it will be bestiality, everything there is based on lies and deception, and you, by the way, are the same as all of them, come on, wow, i ’ll put up a platform for you here in the yard and give you a megaphone, but it’s not funny, you can calmly explain what you're up to? listen, if you don’t understand, then it’s useless to explain to you, and in general, come on let's stop this conversation, we will never agree with each other, never, why is it interesting to know why two adults, reasonable, loving people cannot understand each other?
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letta get some paint in my hands, i want it, i want it.
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hello, this is a podcast! 20 years later, me and its host konstantin mikhailov. the song summer became a real hit of the summer of 2006 and our guest is a girl with a unique,
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unforgettable voice, the lead singer of the group chile irina zabiyaka. hi there, hello. hello. you have such a rare voice for in general, for show business, for a pop performer. do you consider yourself a pop performer? i’m generally self-taught, and somehow at one time i chose music.
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not the kind that is sold in stores, this is a homemade guitar that i learned to play, my fingers were in a knot, and there with strings you could cut your fingers in half, there were no nylon strings, what nylon ones, nylon ones i saw for the first time in moscow, yeah, do you remember the day when the chile group was formed, probably the chile group was formed, in principle, when we and seryozha began to make material, it was just not called the chilean group, that’s the first name. already sang before me, he had his own group in kaliningrad, it was called the group scream, scream, yeah, with the same group we went to poland, yeah, then we noticed the reaction
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of the poles to my voice, after which we completely, seryozha himself i decided to put me in the lead and go back myself, and you were on the back, yes, i was on the back at first, but i didn’t know how to sing at all, i was afraid of the studio, then they immediately put me on the big stage, come on becky, sing along, it’s good, at least not to sing the song right away. so that i could sing there, then yes, i began to sing myself, and what was the reaction of the poles, what was it, and you know, seryozha sings, they dance, dance, everything is fun for them, and then my part begins, i start singing, they freeze, they just suddenly stop, they begin to peer at me, who is singing it, that is, it was a direct reaction to the voice, to the timbre, i know that to the ear of an amateur, your voice can be confused with a man’s, all musicians definitely .. .this girl is all musicians they hear a woman’s voice, yes, why is it phenomenal, cool, i look at you and you haven’t changed at all since the summer video,
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what’s the secret? i may have looked bad then, you just know, when you feel bad, now it’s better to make a video, somewhere you look disgusting, then 10 years later, in general, you noticed in general when the first clips of artists are shown, they are still so different in the first clips, as if you know , how... such ducklings are a little disgusting, they are not yet fully formed, they have not yet created a proper image, so when i watch the first clips, everyone looks in a different way, this is childhood in the eyes, and when i am with...
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50 kg and somehow with my rustra 174 cm - this is a wonderful weight, yeah, you don’t disdain pasta and you make sausages with meat, pasta, all this i eat salads, they say that until the evening you can eat such food after six, it’s undesirable, but for me, life only begins after six , you know, at 11 at night, so it’s up to you to lay out this clearing for yourself like this, i don’t have to eat the first one. it seems to me that something is happening better at night , and it seems to me that the muse hears you better at night, yes, because it’s quiet, so you think, that the muse has to come, you have to wait for it, or it has to be right by the scruff of the neck, come here, well, in my
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case it is... when i sit down, i immediately understand whether i will be able to create something today or not, then since you have the first phrase, if it’s successful, that’s it, the song from beginning to end, it seems to me that this is not a sin, after all, this is love, the great vera vasilyeva already at 25 had two stalin prizes, a girl with dimples on her face was adored in the ussr, she turned into the queen of the satire theater, she went and played, and she was dressed up. i was taken aback
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when i walked in, she was wearing heels, shoes, lately she rarely appeared in public and did not give interviews at all, we were lucky enough to persuade her, i took great care of my husband when he was sick, i really felt sorry for him, what sacrifices vera vasilyeva made to play the main role, why did she not dare to give birth, i i didn’t hope for anything good, she called someone else’s daughter hers, when i know that she is nearby, i...
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in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, i agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting. i tried to play so that it fits comfortably in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever. i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it was not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me. it was a very long time ago. say something in that beautiful voice. you don’t have enough funds for... i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i have so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call, well, because it’s brilliant, it’s simple, recover from the shock, and then answer to my question, well, of course, only i can do this, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to give us a rating in
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the application. this is a podcast 20 years later and i and its host konstantin mikhailov, my guest is the lead singer of the group chile irina zabiyaka, hello again, the name is chile, i understand that this is a question. which has already been heard a million times, this is the same number of responses to it, after all , where does the name come from, chile, in general, i just liked the sound of chile, but for the public it’s boring, you know, yes, why? or just so, well, there was no intrigue, and this intrigue was invented, by the way, i haven’t been hiding it for a long time, but the chilean revolutionary, it was such a big pr campaign, in general chile just sounded like a proposal, don’t want
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chile, i say, oh, but i like it, i have an association not with the country of chile, but with the sperdets, with color, uh-huh, with spiciness, well, with something like that. you know, it seemed to me that it was very organic with me, you probably like red hots, well, like yes, yes, what kind of music do you listen to yourself, i listen to rock and roll, dancing minus me i really loved from russian bands, i really loved nirvana, sprink, all this yes-yes-yes, blur, you go to carauki, no, you know, other people’s songs for me are horror, fear, why strangers, came to karaoke and... i’m just interested in people’s reactions, when you suddenly put on a song by the group chile leto and sing in your own voice, it seems to me that it will be like that of polish fans, but how similar he sings, and even if he’s wearing a porik, it will generally be similar , it looks like you’re singing, he’s not
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just singing, he’s even pronouncing words also, it’s just that if you ask an academic singer to sing my song, you will understand that i don’t really sing the south. there was a competition where people sang all my songs, some were educated, some were self-taught, some sang well, some sang poorly, so they were all standing on stage, singing, i sat, listened and said, good, bad , here, a girl came out, an academic singer, she sang her heart out, and you know, it seemed beautiful, she flew somewhere around the world, i can’t even repeat that, she’s right there, you know, her melody goes like this, no just like... i was flying somewhere in the world, there are a lot of doroks, you see, my speech pattern goes like this, uh-huh, sung, that’s when i realized that i’m not really just singing-singing, let’s now listen to how you sing a song from the heart, yes.
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i was flying somewhere sacred, there were a lot of roads, but i chose here. i knocked on closed doors, no one opened and no one answered. whose hug i was, you became like family to her, the streets are waiting for the steps of their passers-by, but
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this heart, so unlike him, doesn’t love her, but why then does she kiss him, but she doesn’t love her heart . but no one can love him like that, she burned him i threw it to the wind, the goals were from mine, what i wrote myself, i only trusted the fire, words from yours were not enough for him. dark night, hug the cook, you are for her, dear staga, the streets are waiting for the steps of their passers-by, but they are so
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different from him, it’s from the heart, he doesn’t love her, but why then does she kiss him, it... doesn’t warm her , but no one knows how to love him like that, it’s his heart, he doesn’t love her, but why then does she kiss him, it doesn’t warm her heart, but no one knows how to love him like that,
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how did it happen to come to moscow, was it difficult and what were you like? prerequisites from kaliningrad? well, at first we went with a man, one day we arrived with one, he then tried to deal with us, this is a local kaliningrad man, i remember that he brought us to spend the night in some apartment, some one of his relatives. where in one room, i don’t know, six people slept, oh, it was terrible, and somehow this first trip around the sites of moscow, it was about nothing, we returned to kaliningrad, the second one was already interesting, then it was icq is popular, and since i’m a nocturnal person, i was sitting in this one, in some a moment comes to me at night, hello, i write hello, and so we got into a conversation with a man, it turned out to be a musician from moscow, he was surprised that
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we also make music, i sent him a copy of the song, and he listened to it, said, wow, how cool you are, uh-huh, he says, come and live with me, i practically live in the studio, and i have two dogs at home, and you will live with me, i have a three-room apartment, live there, go and look for me in general, you understand, this was an accident, you understand, it was some kind of thing? then it was funny, this moment now we are just like friends, and you know, even when i arrived at the dog, i said yura, what kind of dogs and little creations are there, i have good dogs, there are two dogs like that. kind mongrels, who, you know,
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look at me like that, and then one, one is so fat, you know, she has this dog-like smile, she wears this, i immediately understood, she’s definitely kind, the second one looked at me with scorn, and so it’s the first night, yura went to the studio to spend the night, that’s it, there’s someone to take care of the dogs look, seryozha is sleeping, i turn on the tv, which means this fidgety one is sitting on one side, suspiciously on the other side. you see, she sits like this in front of my face, her muzzle in the chair, she beeps at me, well, for half an hour, and i ’m afraid to get up, and i remember that when she barked in my ear, i thought that at that moment i just have a break in my heart because you are a suspect’s dog, as it turned out, she really wasn’t kind in her young years, this dog was not kind, he told me that later, so, but since she is now elderly, she no longer bites, so that’s what left us with the dog.
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two thousand, i think that seryozha would
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have understood me that electronic music quickly becomes outdated, precisely thanks to mixing, mastering, some instruments, and there, say, the emptiness of the sound of the kick drum, it is different at different times, and you know, what ’s surprising, remember the group real to real, i like to move it, it still sounds drop dead, that’s how they managed to do it then, the rest of the groups are all failing, but they are so easy, thanks to madogascar is the second. years, uh, maybe we should
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do some kind of mastering on our old compositions for our twentieth anniversary, but with a live sound we sound closer to rockopop, i add guitars. but harder, well, so that there is such a drive, so that it carries you away, then again, when you have a completely live sound, you are no longer tied to outdated electronic music, yeah, yes, yes, yes, that’s why i always dreamed and wanted to i had a full-fledged group, and not just dancing-shams, that’s because i wouldn’t have to fool around 10 years later there was a reworking of the phonograms.
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it’s important, if i take it away, it’s not new year’s in bed. ira, in the chamomile field, what can you tell us about this song? and this song, by the way, is not our composition, this composition was by another author, this is a commercial composition, and people really like it, but i like the video in this song, i tried
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to transfer this song more into the video, yeah, because this one the buzz, this freedom, this summer, chamomile. field, this is beauty, but there is this inner mood, unity with nature, it’s such a thrill in this video, in the song in this one, it’s also there, we listen to it in a chamomile field performed by the group chile in a podcast 20 years later. dinach, hundred square meters, the door opens, it’s warm, it’s a hot afternoon, i love everything that’s
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around me, i knew it. i will wonder whether you love me or not, in the chamomile field in my heart, you will kiss me, you will kiss me, you will kiss me, you will kiss me.
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what do you say, if i fall in love with you senselessly, my mother will even stop not understanding me, i’ve been waiting for so long, but when that time comes, i so glad that you are with me, on the chamomile field in my heart, i won’t guess whether you love or not, on the chamomile field in my heart, you will kiss yourself, on the chamomile field in my heart, i won’t guess, you love or you don’t
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love, in the chamomile field, my heart, you will forget to kiss yourself, kiss your dog. decide to introduce yourself, the head of the political department of the division, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing. he doesn’t need to pretend, look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema? sergey puskiy finger is a dream for any artist to have as a partner. seryozha is a combination of incongruous things, he is an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera. he is interesting to watch, he holds the frame. have you thought about changing your profession yet? no. he filled the entire frame with his human power. he could do so much for... uh, cinema for his country on the other shore where i have never been,
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the traces of my feet in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipales, when i’m not there, on sunday on the first, you are my wife best friend, let's not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl's side, but when i started to figure it out... there were a lot of dubious details, since he'd stay with me, he's generally an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that there was something wrong with him... it’s not that you pestered me, i really want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week, the fortune teller is on the first monday, what’s wrong for a long time? maybe some problems? this is a podcast
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20 years later, its host is konstantin mikhailov, my guest is the lead singer of the group chile, irina zabiyaka. hello, once again. do you remember then 20 years ago, what you dreamed about and what came true? well, 20 years ago, i just arrived then. yeah, i was in kaliningrad often, that i wanted to give up everything, something didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, you always know, seryozha even had a couple of depressions, i say, but if you’re depressed, it will rub us in, let’s go, as it will be, so it will be , the funny thing is that we went to moscow in the summer, i i say, let's not take winter clothes. i have the intelligence, please tell me, i didn’t have it then, apparently, it seems like it’s already been more than 20 years, but we won’t take it,
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because we will earn 100% before the cold weather, well, in principle, we entered into an agreement right in the cold weather with the corduroy company, i managed to freeze and get sick, they miscalculated just a little, but it happened a month and a half later, and what i wanted was a month, but from work. well, you still remember what you dreamed about, so i ’ll earn money and then the ellipses, that’s what i before the birth of the child, i was generally an immaterial person, then money was not so important to me, i did not suffer that i did not have my own home, that is, you did not look into the future, you lived here now, yes, after all, it’s a child, he lands a little bit and that’s right, it should be like that, even for such an airy person like me, i need to be brought back. probably, after birth, i still began to think about the material component, that this is important, that this is necessary, this is school, i don’t know,
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some vacations have already been planned, that is there is spontaneity, but it has become a little less, but it’s like, yes, where are the holidays, well , last year we went to kaliningrad, we went to buzuluk, a wonderful place between orenburg and samara, i really like to go to kyrgyzstan. it’s dark as if you’re in a coffin, he says, even turn on the tv for us, well, it’s impossible, i’m that kind of person, it needs to be quiet and
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twilight, and my husband, he’s similar in this regard, we never have overhead lighting in the house, we we only love the side, so muted, this is where i get high, if they had told me 20 years ago, ir, yes, you will live in the village, i would have said, oh well, gentlemen, no, what’s out of town, here is the most... life, but somehow over time, yes, probably something has changed, or, on the contrary, my true nature has come out, without this illusoryness, some kind of illusory vanity. yeah, you know, while you live in moscow, you do a lot of unnecessary and superfluous things, when you live outside the city, you go to moscow only for the necessary, important things, that’s what you know, that’s real life, it’s there in the countryside, you are all relaxing together, i don’t know what we have, somehow somehow we are all together, this is my dream, probably all together, first of all, we have separate meals, the child does not eat what
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we eat, that’s why i have... i mean, for us, for example, i’ll cook stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls, and matveychik will say, i don’t like it, i’d like fried potatoes, please, well, that is , we have this here from time to time, sometimes we coincide, everyone wants fried potatoes, hurray, that’s it, today we all eat fried potatoes, and this happens often, but i’m apart i cook for him, but he is unpretentious, he basically likes what children like, potatoes, pasta, sausages, salads, that’s all, he usually cooked it for 10-15 minutes, made it. we already have, yeah, peppers, dumplings, dumplings, that’s all i fool around with sometimes, but it’s boring, what to watch a movie together, play monopoly computer games, what we like to walk together, we spend time together, this is walking, and this is atvs , travel, this is swimming, this is him now with his dad, for example, he goes to the gym, they both do kickboxing, yes, here
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we are a little different, and when we all get home, we are all... each in our own space, well, this is great, well, yes, you know, it seems to me that we just have a type of activity, we are a creative family, yes, my husband is a musician, me too, and somehow we don’t need it for us, it’s not like we work from morning to evening 5 days a week, yes, then we, of course, when we have this kind of routine , then in the evening people all eat at the table, share news, no, listen, what do you dream about, what would ideally happen with you, with your family, i don’t know, and in general, what do you dream about in 20 years, in 20, oh, about health, probably, yeah, i want
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everyone to be healthy, you know, when you’re 20 years old, you somehow don’t think about health at all, yes, well somehow the parents are also quite young, but when the parents are already elderly, my mother is elderly, you understand how important this is, after another 20 years , health, because the mood is most often spoiled by poor health even after 20 years somehow this seems important to me, so that you can calmly walk, walk, enjoy somewhere. go, have enough money just for small trips, there is no need to fly somewhere there for fabulous money, it doesn’t matter, it’s a thrill of happiness, it’s all here, because i’ve toured a lot, i understand that we have there are a lot of incredible places in the country, yeah, and you don’t have to travel far, it’s important that in 20 years you have the health to do it, because sometimes you know, you
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’ve seen on roller skates, yes, where older women dance. thank you very much, i think that's a great point, here this coupe usually makes a wish come true, so let's consider that this is your desire, i wish you health, i wish you further creative heights. this is a podcast 20 years later, my guest was the lead singer of the group chile, irina zabiyaka, and we will listen to the song: love is poison. you can find the podcast episode 20 years later on the channel one website, they say, love is me, and they don’t
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sing songs, they are silent, they say, lychees... so a whole year, they say that it will pass soon, or maybe no, then forever, or maybe, or maybe, or maybe there is someone who loves while dying, the story is like this, and they don’t turn off the lights in the apartment until the morning,
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it seems like yes, it seems like no, they say that ’s it. this is nonsense, some wizard, evil and wonder, invented love, called it the one that lives somewhere, and sows odds and ends, from white flowers, draws on the body, is sad about something, and does not sleep at night, and knows, and knows that somewhere there is such a lai-lai that she loves lara while dying. the story is like this, or maybe there isn’t, they ’ve forgotten everything, barking, is it the same in the whole world, barking, and
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it doesn’t turn off in the apartment until the morning. greetings, dear connoisseurs of humor, this is a podcast of jokes, my guests are two wonderful judges, two wonderful comedians, and a tv presenter, they star in various projects, in general, people are very close to humor, alexander and... that one of you should now take a driving test or are you sitting somewhere in some kind of... then in business class there in vladivostok you would
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be driving, you would understand how much where we are going for some reason, well, while you are driving somewhere, i would like to talk about something today, perhaps our viewers have long wanted to hear this, we are still talking here about yumo, yes of course that we will remember some jokes at least at least our viewers count on this, but... still, we should have some kind of, let’s say, quite serious topic, for example, today i propose to talk about the heroes of jokes, let’s say in a broad sense, why some characters, it doesn’t matter , cartoons, heroes of some movies, or just some personalities, including some political ones, become heroes of jokes, and some don’t, for example, well, that same cheburshka, yes, who is a hero.
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reached its peak, yes, then in the nineties i just became an integral part of some kind of, let’s say, social circle of people, so tell me, what do you think it takes to become the hero of a joke? is this possible today? it seems to me that you need to get there - well, roughly speaking, to be in that time, in that place, in a trend like, well, that is, for example, uh, cheburashka crocodile gene, after all, these are such characters that everyone knows, they are placed by modern circumstances , for example, yes, i just know such jokes, yes, they put you on the steering wheel.
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piglet is there too and ostik but here they are all together well, they became heroes there, yes, well, it’s also not clear why, because it’s not clear how to joke about a sailor, about a cat, that’s right, it’s hard to come up with jokes about a cat, here , by the way, about vinepukh too, it’s not like how famous cheburashka is, of course, but is also famous, it seems to me, after all, these are some stereotypical elements of our society that can be easily projected onto a chubby bear, onto earedness, that is, some kind of physiological humor, that is, vinepuh. one of the points, that is, it turns out, whatever one may say, get a higher education, work, that’s all equally eared, that's right, roughly speaking, yes, if you can do it, you're a sad donkey, that's it. i
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can see my vices in a cheburashka, you don’t, you’re perfect, i’m perfect, thank you, this is the first channel, we’re on the ideal channel, well, i don’t care, i know so many jokes, they ’re all so harsh about such bloody things , i remember an anecdote when piglet sits and yells at the whole forest, and with burning tears, he cries in general, osik comes up to him and says: why are you such a sad little piglet, and he suddenly yells... kostya looks, but he doesn’t have eyes one and one leg missing, and he says: piglet, what happened? that one, i bet with a vine fluff that he wouldn’t tear my leg off, you see how terrible it is, anyone could have, this situation could have happened in any case, also my uncle could have come to the sailor, and the sailor could, it’s not interesting, you know, it's not interesting.
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but you see, maybe because it was difficult to come up with cooler humor that was embedded in the animation, because for me, for example, when you perceive it by ear without watching the cartoon, yes, that’s exactly how it’s written the dialogues, everything is brilliant there, when the mother says at the beginning, choose how he brought the cat, either he or i, and dad answers, he says: no, well, i choose you, i ’ve known you for a long time, but i’m seeing this cat for the first time. that is,
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if this was the second meeting, that’s it, goodbye, take your different sizes and somewhere, and, considering that she later sings somewhere, she’s some kind of artist, she’s a singer or whoever, you know, here by the way, regarding what vanya says, it seems to me that another reason for the situation, well, in this cartoon, in vinepuh there are clear images, this boring one, what with you piglet, superhero, superpower, donkey melancholic, sad, everything is clear, piglet in general. he was the only one who had a gun at home, who is he anyway, by the way, he’s a provocateur, he’s a provocateur, and he had a ball, and a gun, in general, who is he, is he some kind of retired special forces soldier or something, but i don’t understand, no, by the way, it’s interesting, yes, but venepuh is just kind, okay, let’s take it to the discussion then, i just want to understand that the cartoons there aren’t so abstract, here’s vovochka, well, in my opinion, one of the most popular characters, but who is he, this is some kind of schoolboy, but at that time, for example, the same boy.
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who was there and was friends with khatabych, his name was volka, a very strange name, remember, it was apparently voldemar, but not volka volka, volko volka, his name was volko voldemar, by the way, it’s true, yes, well, it’s apparently voldemar, that is, well, they could then , because all the children knew him, everyone looked at khatabych and loved him, everything is obvious, this is a collective image of a hooligan, this is a guy in every yard, volka, he’s not a hooligan, i agree with here sasha, yes, well, more or less we have filled in the definition, this is a collective image of a hooligan, because
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recently i was also thinking about this topic, the old fourth-fifth grade, because i have a children’s joke, when it means that an english lesson is open at school and present from the commission from gorono, well , some teacher there is in the commission there checking to see how a young teacher, which means an englishwoman, conducts a lesson with children, they just started speaking english and she, too, well, the commission was preparing in such a summer dress very short, it means he writes like this on the board: some kind of task for translation, and that means the class is sitting and vovochka is sitting in the last game and behind them, already behind these last rows, sits this representative with glasses, so burnt out, at that moment her chalk falls off she bends down, the dress is very short, it means she picks it up quickly , so kids, who can translate this phrase , vovochka, once the hand, she says, vovochka, yes please, he says, wow, what an ass, he says, well, let’s get our things out of the classroom, collect notebooks, all in a briefcase.
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turns around and says: but you, uncle, don’t know, it doesn’t suggest that, a cute school joke, taking into account, as you say correctly, a collective image of something like vovochka, he’s some kind of... such a lieutenant rzhevsky, who well , he was responsible for, say, vulgarity, obscenity, and why was he appointed, because , well, maybe it was a collective image of all the hussars at that time, yes, that is, or whoever, just i think that this is again according to the trends to go to the lunch hussar,
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this is where it comes from, war and peace, about the poor hussar spell out the words.


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