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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 13, 2024 6:00am-9:46am MSK

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indeed, this is an ideal environment for creativity, because no one bothers you there, it’s true, but i’m afraid of my human feeling, down to earth, that space, forgive me, anton, space is hostile to humans, there’s nothing for us to do there, we can explore, this advances science and so on, but we will never live there, we will fly there, do something, explore something, but the hostility of space. to us, in my opinion, absolutely, this black lifeless space, absolutely cold, i think that we need to look for something here on earth, this is our home, but what about the colonization of other planets similar to earth? for me, this is beautiful science fiction, so far it’s science fiction, i’m very 50 years old, not exactly 50 years old, but stanislav, well, first of all, of course, i would like other directors to fly there, already finally they shot some new films there and we finally saw all the science fiction. yes,
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the science fiction that we have seen, how very different it is from reality, how space-themed films we have seen in large numbers over the past 10 years, and each of them is more and more perfect, and it seems that we the effect of presence is very very convincing with each new science fiction film or even with a real film on a space theme is very high, and uh, probably, as if a colony will appear in the end, like we'll be like really like tourists there. well, yes, space tourism should definitely develop, i just because weightlessness, a feeling, is a feeling that probably every person should experience in their life, that’s exactly what the movie “we can’t” talks about live without space." thank you very much and i remind you that today our guest was director animator konstantin brondit and i, as a co-host of this program, the history of film animation, stanislav dedinsky, permanent leading pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this was a space stories podcast, everyone.
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you can watch the episode of the podcastlab space stories on the website hello, this is the popular science podcast schrödinger’s cat, and i’m its host, the editor-in-chief of the magazine is also schrödinger’s cat, gregory, and today we’ll talk about. unique expedition from arkhangelsk to siberia, about why to build wooden ships, our guest evgeniy shkoruba, captain, head of the shipyard of the pomeranian shipbuilding partnership, traveler, and generally a very colorful and interesting person, hello evgeniy, where is arkhangelsk, where is mangaza why everything this? arkhangelsk is somewhere north of moscow, about a thousand. some
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kilometers, well, mangazia - it was the first siberian polar city, which was located on the tas river, this is a tributary of the abi, and it was such an outpost, pioneers, industrialists who went to siberia in the 15th and 16th centuries in order to extract furs, and generally opened up siberia, well, look, this is the route of the expedition that is planned for this summer, it’s more than 3.0 km from the european part of russia, the ship goes to siberia, bypassing the urals, bypassing yamal, and coming to western siberia, almost to the yenisei. yes, well, you can look at the scale, at the beginning there is a section that we walked that year in the fall from velikiy usyago to arkhangelsk along the northern dvina - this is 700 km and 3,000 km from arkhangelsk along the white sea, you see. through the throat of the white
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sea, then through the kaninsky peninsula, there is volok, then past the cheshka bay, russian, pomeranian strait, ugra shar, this is a very iconic place between the island of vaygach, uh, then we go out into the kara sea, this is byrad lip, and we cross the yamal peninsula, uh, there will also be a portage, but it doesn’t take up all of this length, where there are three crosses, but... there will be about 700 m there, we will drag from one lake to another, here we are already we go to op, to ob bay, then to tazovskaya bay, here on the taz river we will find mangazeya where it was, it arose in 1601, it ended its existence in 1672, that is , it existed for 71 years, but it was so legendary that i still remember the boiling mangazeya, such... in fact
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, it’s almost a mythical city, yes, it’s really a very interesting story, because people came there by sea, and in general there are a lot of unknowns around there, these are the fields. circle, when the industrialists went there, why they organized it there, well, it was it’s probably convenient to come from the op river basin to the yenisei basin, that is, through the plateau, through volok they also passed there, two huge territories were connected there, in which there was, where there was a lot of sable, arctic fox, these, all that , which was highly valued at that time in europe, was valued in asia, that’s why they went there, and in general, if you look at the data now, our pioneers reached from the urals through all of eurasia, eastern, in just one human century, in 50-60 years, can you imagine what kind of history could maybe touch on a specific person who, uh, crossed
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the urals there as a child and reached the pacific ocean , bypassing all these huge siberian rivers, built boats, uh. hunting for this fur, which was very expensive at that time, the little ice age, he eventually went out into the pacific ocean, and was another 20 years ahead of the americans when he discovered alaska, but we came earlier than the europeans, who we walked there through canada, well, it was really our era of great geographical discoveries, as i understand it, this here is the basic karbos boat on which you...
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well, here is such a simple boat that has survived to our time, that is, as we now know, karbyses began to be built at least 500 years ago at the very beginning of the development of the white sea of ​​the arctic by russian pioneers. and of the many, out of dozens of ships that were created on the coast, the karbos is the only sea vessel that has come down to us, so , in fact, we chose it on our trip to mangazeya, because it is a continuous tradition, not really described , not
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documented, we built the first karbys in the seventeenth year, it was built for us directly by the keeper of this living tradition, than in general... the master goes into the forest, cuts down trees there, makes kokurs, splits boards, takes spruce branches, all this sews all these boards together , that is, not a single nail, without nails, with one ax - then he expels the resin from the remnants of these roots , covers it all with paint, now the boat is ready, yes, here you go, preparation for the akora, this is how we prepared the kokora for our karbos matera, she's big, you see, that's the main thing to find an even root that comes out in one
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axis of the tree trunk, well, you probably have to dig like this, maybe 30 trunks, to find an even, good kakura, it’s not that difficult, here... a dutch castle is shown, here’s one kokora lying large, there will be a bow, a stem, and this is the stern, we call it a stern, here they are, uh , they are joined together, you get such a u-shaped part, we call a bookmark, this is the keel, the most important thing for a vessel, the stem and the stern, this is the most important part , so here she is already docked here, you see, artyom was our boss. a specialist shipbuilder, because now he is choosing a tongue and groove here, the tongue is the place where the boards are stuck in order to fasten them, then the laying is placed on the slipway, here it is already standing on the slipway,
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next to our shipyard in arkhangelsk, ready for in order to start sheathing it, yes, but in order not to make a mistake with... the size, with the width, with the shapes of the carboss, we made such a 3d model, we inserted patterns, these are temporary patterns, similar to... they span like this parts around which the boards will be bent, and the drawings of the boards come, the boards are the boards - this is the boards - this is what is stuffed, what actually makes the plating, if the ship is built first, the whole island, all the frames, uh, beams, that's the whole backbone , which must hold everything that gives strength to the vessel, already, when all this is ready, all these longitudinal transverse connections are... installed, secured, then they are dressed in the skin, but in folk boats, on the contrary,
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it is enough to only make the laying, and then we fill the boards one by one, they seem to form the shape, create the shape, we first make the skin, and then we insert the frames inside. artyom, you see, he is steaming the first patterns that should be twisted, this is the moment when we have a board. it practically goes in the middle of the body, you see, it lies horizontally, it should be folded vertically towards the pins, it turns out that each board, here it is folded, this sets the shape of the body, and this, of course, is the most difficult thing, you see this thing, a lever , which presses, the pliers are clearly visible here, how they work, that is, one board is clicker sewing, the next board clings to the previous one, and it is stitched with these... things, that is , correctly speaking, they do not build, but sew, but
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we say, do not build a boat, do not rivet a boat, do not glue a boat, just to sew a boat, this is where we prepare branches, fir trees in order to make a vitsa from them, a vitsa - this is understandable, here is something twisted, yes, if you take a spruce branch, try to sew it with it. just like that, it will break, but if we take it and twist it, it will it is split into fibers and it actually turns out to be a rope, a wooden rope has another name, because it is called because it is twisted, here they are, the blanks of the rope, in this form they can be stored for centuries, one might say, they are dried, so they are already twisted like this twisted, and to use them in shipbuilding, it is enough to boil them in a bucket for an hour, then they become soft again and we sew with them, that is , not a single nail, there is not a single nail here,
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but temporary self-tapping screws, here you can see, here, but in in the end we remove all this, we are left with a nailless connection, as it has always been, and this, in fact, they abandoned this method, well, already in the 20th century, back in the 20th century they also sewed boats, well, in some at the moment it became unprofitable, so they began to rivet them with copper rivets. steel nails, iron, forged, well, it so happened that we managed to build half of the boat in arkhangelsk, and we already completed the main part of this boat, this karbys in moscow, we brought it to the courtyard of the moscow museum, laid the laying, stepped on and here they continued, here is the sewing process, you see, a twisted, twisted branch, a piece of viza is threaded into a drilled hole between two. holes where the stitch will go, a groove has already been hollowed out so that it fits flush there so that it does not
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rub, and so constantly twisting, twisting, they make the next stitch, while each exit and entrance is fixed with such a chop, such a peg, so that it would not give back, so every time they pull it, pull it, insert a peg on the other side, stitch it, pull the peg on that side again inserted. this is really such a beautiful work and it emanates from some kind of antiquity , some kind of originality, until we held this master class in moscow, where probably 300 people or more took part, i think that people who know how we still have to sew the vitsa, we have fewer than astronauts, but now there are more, obviously, after the covering is ready, all the panels are installed, the cocors come to the fore and from these cocors they are inserted.
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you can also say - what is the advantage of such an expression? well, first of all, it’s very simple, it allows you to tack, that is, go against the wind. it is very easy to remove, which is important, if a squall suddenly approaches, it is enough to remove the slats, we have one corner, the upper corner will be freed up, our sail area will be halved, sometimes it is necessary, when a squall approaches, there is a thunderstorm on land and sea squall, then suddenly it here it blew,
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and here you can quickly take off the sails so that it doesn’t put it on the water, so that the karbas doesn’t... take water, well, the word matera, yes matera, our name for our karbos means a seasoned, mainland indigenous shore, where they returned, to which the sailors returned, they were always looking for their shore, here comes this karos or some ship in the fog, and since you have some kind of shore here, you think yours is not yours, you come closer to a different island, let’s say, here you are looking for your own, your port, this... you find your seasoned shore, schrödinger's cat podcast is with you, and we are talking about an expedition from arkhangelsk to siberia on a wooden carbass, reconstructed using technologies that are many, many hundreds of years old, with us is the leader of this expedition, captain,
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head of the shipyard of the pomeranian shipbuilding partnership, evgeniy shkoruba, this. here is a structure made according to recipes 300-500 years old, it floated on the water and went along the river as it was, in general it did not fall apart, did not drown, did not capsize, well, for me it was a discovery that it went very easily, and there was little wind and uh, no one knew how to row at that moment, and it was like that, without any strain, she went, well, actually... speaking, she emphasizes this seaworthiness of this form, which is why karbos lived to see us days, because it is a very simple vessel, on the one hand, but it is very seaworthy, its very shape, it is so ideal for its class of sea vessels, it was already september, we went down on september 19, so with fair winds we went down, fascinated by its
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progress, how persistent it was, well , it’s true... this time was already when the northern dvina became very shallow in the fall, it was a warm summer, and we often ran into shallows, often we had to crawl out of the karbosa like this, look for a way, drag him through the shallows, when everything was fine, this is the course called a butterfly, you see, two sails are turned from right to left, in such a situation, of course...
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we don’t have a tent here, which we will have this summer, well, healthy, well, without a roof, that is, all roofs, yes they call it violently, the roof blew in sometimes, well, i must say, it’s work, it’s work to row, not for half an hour, but all day, it’s the kind of work that is exhausting, well, the oars there are so serious, there how many 4 s in my opinion, yes, yes, they had to. large because the height of the abortion is large, and in order for this lever to work, to touch the water, they had to be made large, but that’s okay, i liked them, they were somehow so simple, and how many times a day was it possible to walk the maximum along the dvina, about 30-40 km, that’s with the flow, of course,
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we walked quite lightly, and i’m scared of what will happen to us this year, we will have to... walk 50 km by sea, and we will need to keep up, we have a strict schedule, how it will be this year year, i honestly don’t know yet, this is such a big intrigue, most of all, it seems to me, for me, uh, on such karbasakh and tourists now go and go to margazeya, but in such a way as to pass exclusively - on oars and under sail, this has not happened for a long time, it probably did not happen at all. let's see how we cope, that is, 3.00 km, strictly oars and sail without any motors, without motors with regular stops to talk. meet with the local population, talk about the history of the discovery of siberia by pioneers, why is this necessary in general, collect new data, but all this is slowed down,
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imagine, well, here you are sitting on the shore, there is no wind or it is headwind, if you have 3 months or 80 days there, well, you can calmly sit there for a week, walk, look at something, relax, a good breeze blew in you, you sat down with a tailwind... like the wind he says to us, capable of five, you went there for 5 days, 7 days, you did 1.00 km, and then the weather changed again, again you sit and wait, but here you just got up to speed, since you have some kind of village , you have some village where you need to perform, they are going with you rectors, lecturers are traveling, they are speaking, you missed this weather, this will probably be a big obstacle? what to go against the wind, as i understand it, as your experiments showed, well, in general it’s surprising that sailing ships can go against the felt, not only karbos, karbos has
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a long enough fin, so it doesn’t blow to the side, in general a person had humanity has had three big revolutions in sailing, the first is that he, in principle, learned to sail with the wind, he guessed there to open some kind of conventional umbrella on a raft, his then it blew down with the wind, then it had... an exciting wind, which we ourselves accelerate, this is the so-called apparent wind, or a crosswind, that's right, heading, the faster we go, we create
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this wind - headwind movement, we have it in the opposite direction, but if we have an angle to the wind, then it continues to work, we fall off, so it starts to work, modern racing yachts accelerate, karbyses of the second revolution, that is, practically this is the place where pomur lived, when he did not live at home, that is, this is what it is naturally. i don’t know what to compare karbas with, and i don’t even know what to compare it with, well, in general, there is no arable land on the coast, as they say on the coast, the sea is our field, people lived by the sea, and this is a journey, somewhere you have to go, this and uh fisheries, when you go out to sea, uh, and accordingly, of course, little by little you gradually settle in, we have a galley organized, cooking, here you go, the moment when we ran out of gas, we made something like this box, put it on the bottom, covered it with sand and began to burn with it a fire, a completely different matter, i must say,
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that is, in this small boat it was possible to accommodate, i see a film crew here, someone is resting, someone is burning a fire and preparing soup, but for the river it is big, for the sea i think that it will be small this year, this is the story of how... we made a mistake when we built it in moscow, and we had a moment when we were arguing whether we needed to rigidly attach the frames to the bottom, to the embankments , and decided that , well, we probably need to attach everything more firmly to each heel, we had one dowel wooden, and we didn't take into account that, when the skin swelled, it began to increase in length, in length, i mean.
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and he works on one of the morning ones , so we came in the morning to go further, everything is floating here, it became clear that this was a critical, critical situation, we had to pull the carbos ashore, turn it over, remove the excess wooden dowel , close this hole and now in arkhangelsk we will remove the excess leg, we will make this... the structure more alive, it is a wooden structure, it what makes it different is that it all moves there, all the components are basically sewn together, they
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don’t have to be rigidly fixed, they...
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it’s already easier for you, because it’s cold, cold, how they waited and worried about all this is incomprehensible . we continue the conversation about why in the modern world to build wooden historical ships, our guest evgeniy shkoruba, captain, leader of the expedition from arkhangelsk to mangazeya, shipbuilding in general, when it appeared, and it has already been there for many thousands of years, it arose and is connected with wood , wood is the main material, and accordingly it depends on wood... its
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design, its shape depends, there’s no getting away from this, just in the last 100 years, let’s say, metal began to appear, and how can you not learn a good architect if he doesn’t study greek orders, for example, and also if the future designer does not know how the wooden body, which everything has grown, is constructed, he is unlikely to be truly literate, except... the conclusion is also a school for working with wood, this is such a large training program, what as for mangazeya, then, in principle, all of siberia, all of our eastern eurasia, it passed precisely thanks to boats, because the pioneers knew how to build boats, they knew how to build boats across the sea, they walked along a big river, for example, they walk along pechora, climb some some tributary, they are faced with the fact that the river has become too small, and they need
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a kural. maybe it’s actually because we had
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a fleet. because they didn’t have local tribes there, they didn’t know how to build such large ships, our cossacks on these wooden planks, like they had fortresses, like warships equipped with firearms, they were elusive, and thirdly, this is probably beautiful, considering that a wooden ship, unlike other materials, you can see how every detail works, this like again in greek architecture, here you have how... here you have a beam, you see how the structure works, from this you already get some visual pleasure, the same with a wooden ship, you see this keel, that's a powerful beam longitudinal, which sets the entire scale, the entire entire length of this vessel, you see how frames or ribs are attached to it, springs that define this entire volume, then
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comes... the breakwater, which you feel, how it works when it cuts this uh, water, if just recently there, about 50 years ago , wood in shipbuilding was like the cheapest material. the most affordable, then now it’s already an ecological material, it’s a classic, it’s fun, having fun on a wooden ship, going through it, building it with your own hands and to walk on it, but of course, this whole process of transition there, this is also solid physics, and it was necessary to find these links, how to find a way through perpendicular rivers, we have big ones. our main siberian rivers, they seem to run perpendicularly, they flow from south to north, how to go along them to the east, we found these rises, how you could roll, along the cat and drag, drag
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how you will roll it straight here on logs, just like the yamal portage , you’ll have to do it, there’s a long distance there, no, it’s not huge, it’s about a kilometer there, less than a kilometer, but 700 m. but there you’ll have to drag carbs for 300 km against the flow of the river, here i am, i’m just in a stupor at 300 km against the flow, that’s not to row, this means either there must be a very good clear wind that is fair, or we will go barge hauling, just like we will wash barge haulers on the volga, and if everything is overgrown there, listen, in this big expedition, what is the degree of unpredictability, and well, in general.. . the sea is always unpredictability, you know, it’s in international rules, there is a clear definition of the category, a vessel, it is called a vessel underway, this is a vessel that is not aground, not anchored and not moored to
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the shore, so as soon as you have given all this all this rigid connection with the land, then , then if you have no sails and no weight, there is nothing, you are already underway, the captain is already responsible for everything that happens. you are already sailing somewhere, even if you are not in complete control of it, this example just shows how important this is, that the sailor feels when he entered some bay, laid anchor, looked that he was not being carried anywhere, he said, wow, that’s it, here he can rest, he landed his plane, it’s not for nothing that sea ships are taken so much , so much in accordance with aircraft. because both here and there it is a flight, and here and there it is most difficult to maneuver during takeoff and landing, because the plane that it needs to land, it must slow down, it becomes poorly controlled, the same thing happens with a boat when it folds
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speed, some side wind blew, this ship was carried away, no one knows where, but here it is not allowed to maneuver at high speeds, at high speeds, because it will get stuck somewhere, of course there are a lot of unpredictable things. the truth is that now modern technology, mainly space, gives navigators, we see where we are on the map, which no navigator could ever imagine, so that he knows 100% where he is, it was just bad taste, so to speak, that i know that exactly i am here, you can find out the weather and choose good weather, and of course there is communication, but for us this is all compensated by the fact that we are walking, we are generally
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equipped, but have no experience, somewhere we will be next to them, what needs to happen for you to say, the expedition was successful, well , i think that even if we arrive on time, it will already be a great success, even better if we manage to do it on time, we can meet this schedule, we know from historical references i can’t even imagine that it took 2 months to travel from arkhangelsk to mangasia, and some were even faster how is this possible, it will be great if we don’t turn on the engine, if we don’t ask for a tow...
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it will be the best, probably, because the goal of the project is not just to go for yourself, this is not tourism, and not even to tell lectures, not some kind of personal research, but the task, in principle, to tell. to show the citizens of our huge country how interesting it was, how exciting it was, to dive a little into the topic of our fellow citizens, because we know very little about that, and have no ideas we don’t have, well, somehow they walked, well, somehow they got there, but no one stopped them, like yes, it really was something big , a movement, you need to know this, then you can be proud of it, then maybe this is to think about it, make films and so on, this is our super... task to make a good film, where everything will be, like where, how we go, how we
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set the sails, how we storm, how we wait for the weather there or vice versa we go , we take risks, but if we can show all this, it will be luck, and what should captains and crews before such an expedition, if there is some kind of ritual, 7 feet under the keel, tailwind , seven feet under the keel, tailwind, and the weather, the weather, and it all depends on the weather. let's wish this unique expedition from arkhangelsk to mangazeya a tailwind of 7 feet under the keel, good weather, and generally all sorts of good luck, because it obviously will not interfere in such a difficult task. thank you! you had a podcast with schrödinger's cat, and we talked about an expedition on a wooden carbass from arkhangelsk to siberia, our captain is with us, the captain of this expedition, the leader. evgeniy shkoruba.
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you can find all episodes of the schlädinger cat podcast on the website of the first channel good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, in the irina murumtseva studio on the calendar: saturday, july 13. summer weekends seem to be lazier due to the heat, but we have something to cheer you up. this morning we'll go to the greenhouse for summer fishing and check how our cucumbers are doing. immediately a forced march through the baikal-amur mainline towards the most remote corners of the country, together with postmen, and we’ll also definitely note puzzle day, let's prepare something tasty and do a little warm-up, what would we do without it, especially since we 'll be exercising now for proper posture. good morning, royal posture is the key to health, so my daughters and i take great care of it and anthem. we do it every day, you too join in,
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the exercise will benefit everyone, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, pull the top of the head up, while inhaling we put our right leg back, put it on the toe, at the same time we spread our arms to the sides, while exhaling we return to starting position, take turns taking a step back, now with one foot, then with the other. and now we increase the range of movements, with an inhalation we open up even more, slightly tilt the body back, try to lift the chest up, connect the shoulder blades, do not tilt the head back, keep the neck straight, as we exhale we close, round the back, bend the arms, connect the forearms in front yourself. the exercise will help to stretch your back muscles and
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prevent the development of tiredness, and if you do it in the fresh air, the benefits of gymnastics will be double. let's continue! this the summer turned out to be truly sultry, the heat is breaking all records, when the thermometer creeps past the 30° mark, we are no longer surprised that this temperature is so unusual. in some places it can be under 40, or even higher, but we are surprised, someone is grumbling, and nature, as you know, has no bad weather, about the brains in the fall and winter, about this heat , we will remember with a sigh how quickly it passed these days, so don’t grumble, take care of yourself, of course we’re cooling down, the heat has exceeded 30°, in the sun it’s still 49, in volgograd even on working days the day at the pool is crowded, during lunch breaks they run from offices to the water, at work it’s just straight... stuffy, the air conditioners can’t cope, i
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wish i could work, sitting in the pool you begin to envy the bears in the bahcesarai zoo, this summer they have showers every day, eagles, by the way, have never been so happy with water, the ostrich is also eager to swim, and the capybara does not come out of the water, the whole south is burning with heat, look at the meteorologists’ map, 30 plus almost everywhere, hot air is blowing from the subtropics and even from tropics, and here, in continental conditions, in cloudy weather with long daylight hours, this air continues to warm up at night; in conditions of short nights, it does not have time to cool down, so there is such a cumulative effect. it feels like +40 in astrakhan, local residents decided to conduct an experiment, fry eggs on the hood of a car. we waited and waited, only a little
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weathered, which was what we needed to prove, it just seemed like the asphalt was melting. every year we whine, everyone. we survive for a year, it seems in kuban it’s a little above thirty in the shade, but it feels like you get up in the morning right from 9 o’clock, it was generally baking 54, i couldn’t go out into the garden anymore, they are saving the harvest as best they can, now in every garden you can see the following picture: it’s impossible for the tomatoes to all burn from the sun, i cover them so that they don’t burn from the heat. what can we say about the polis of heat, the village of uta in kalmykia, here the thermometers are approaching the 2010 record, 45.4° in the shade. several days it was more than 42°, to be more precise, 42.5, 42.3, on the ground the temperature heated up to +72°.
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you can definitely fry eggs here, all the grass has withered, there are fires every day, but the locals have nothing to do with it. we are already accustomed to the heat; for us, i don’t know, this is already a normal temperature, and we work great and cope well, save ourselves like the whole country, drink water, protect our heads, hide in the shade. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. get ready to go shopping, buy a little of everything so that it’s fresh, but retail is always more expensive, and we all want to save money i would like to, one of the options is the so-called joint purchasing, this is when... something is bought by a large group of people who want it at a wholesale price. however, there are some nuances here. joint purchases appeared when there were no marketplaces yet, but now they have become very popular again. with the departure of many european brands, with the rise in prices for goods of the remaining
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brands, joint purchases are again becoming profitable, interesting, and relevant. savings can be up to 200%. organizer. plus there is the opportunity to order what you need you can’t find it in stores, but it’s a big minus, you have to wait a long time. i ordered sneakers once, they arrived for about 2 months, during which time, of course, i was already thinking that perhaps i could have bought other shoes. in addition , sometimes he brings not what is needed at all.
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ekaterina filipchuk ordered a small bag and waited a month. i receive it, look, and not only that, it’s all a different color. it was also a different size, a large bag arrived that didn’t suit me, well, no way, when the item doesn’t match the description, you can return it, here when what you ordered arrived, but it didn’t suit you, no, the participants in joint purchases even have their own slang, adding, perhaps, the main word, it means resell this thing, this product to another buyer, that is , find another buyer for this product, and of course, another serious disadvantage is the high risk of running into scammers, liliya khakimova. i came across this, the product just comes in a bag, you open the bag, and it’s empty, you record it all, take pictures, send it to this site, and you get money they return everything in full or not, it depends on your luck, so we definitely check the organizer, if the organizer of joint purchases does this on a regular basis, this is a business
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activity, it must be officially registered as a self-employed person or as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. because a very large number of payments that come to the card of the collective purchase organizer may arouse suspicion from the bank, and the bank may block such a card, and even with a proven organizer carefully, there is a risk of getting carried away and buying too much for the company. nadezhda pravdina, vasily valetov, channel one. tver, tarusa, old rusa, the names of ancient russian cities sound like music. these three cities celebrate their birthdays over the weekend, a great occasion. will go there on a little trip and i assure you, in each of this city there is something to see, well, we ’ll probably visit them right now. tver. tarusa and old rusa, today are birthday people, how old they are is still arguing, but what
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they are ancient and you can see them as soon as you get here. staraya russa was even named after the river, now parusya, in ancient times simply rusa. peter i founded a salt factory here, under catherine ii they built a salt factory, evaporated the water and obtained salt, you can taste it even today, just a little on the tongue, it is very expensive. the city is a resort with mineral healing baths, the tsaritsen springs still flow, the water is always 4°. dostoevsky’s favorite place, walked along these cobblestone streets, bought sweets in this shop, lived in this house, here you go, house, entrance, entrance, you can directly, the courtyard, as it was under dostoevsky, this is the house of fyodor pavlovich karamazov in the novel by the brother karamazov, apotheose novels were written here. demons, a teenager, the karamazov brothers, ancient temples, ancient fountains, a water tower in the center, what
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a work of architecture, i can’t even speak of a water tower, i want to say it in french, chateau, water castle, 1909, 41 m in height , for this combination of new and old, artists and poets adored ancient cities, tarusa for hundreds of years has not lost its... provincial comfort, here the artist vasily polenov, the poetess marina tsvetaeva, the pianist svyatoslav richtor and the prose writer konstantin polustovsky worked on the banks of the aka, but once upon a time tarusa was a distant fortress, an image of four fortresses, kolomna koshira, serpukhov tarusa, which, therefore, was erected by moscow, which were defenders of this particular territory. the same epic landscapes have been preserved here, perhaps that is why the army of tarusa captives is growing every year, as they call those who came, fell in love and stayed to live here. there are no less lovers in tver, every self-respecting writer came here.
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at minnow or guglione, order pasta with parmesan or boil scrambled eggs in tver. pushkin was here several times, and this place is one of the most picturesque places in tver. and the first permanent bridge across the volga is the old volga, they say there is only one golden stave here. where, who will tell us? tver is the birthplace of the songwriter andrei dementyev and the most famous merchant afanasy nikitin. it was he who paved the way to india and glorified his homeland, and mikhail krug sang it. they say tver is 889 years old, but she's still just as good. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova - channel one. this weekend, as always, we are traveling together with channel one. on saturday and sunday, a gastronomic journey of a chef on wheels. today on the first scientific and educational reality show our everything, and tomorrow the project of dzhanna badoeva and the lives of others.
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we wake up, here’s your villain, cedar-cedar, i’m a pine tree, do you hear? first connection, over the weekend we approached at space speed, we are gaining altitude, together with zhanna bodoeva we are flying to uruguay. there are more cows living here, than... there are 10 or 15 million people. uruguayans love condensed milk very much, they even eat it with meat, and even in the maternity hospital. people, by the way, come with their whole families. when my wife gave birth, there were about 15 of us, to make it more fun, we then ordered pizza with beef for everyone. thanks to this house, we are flying to our native one, where our chefs on wheels are cooking this weekend. welcome to the capital of the southern urals, the city of chelyabinsk. what is the signature dish? in the urals, of course, there are dumplings, how is the local recipe different? ural dumplings consist of three types of meat: beef, pork
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mutton. and what will the chefs surprise the urals residents with? i'll make some more mousse, parmesan and a small salsa that will be in a plate below. it sounds like the name of a dance, but there is no time to dance; the cooks still have a trip to zlatoust planned. what stunning landscapes here. here you can not only admire the panorama of zlatoust, but also... ring the bell, the picturesqueness of these places inspired the chefs. friends, just look at this beauty, it’s already delicious. guess what dish it is? don't forget to write down the recipe. set fire to the twigs for me, some kind of magical ritual. and that’s it, then the substance is fed into the chamber. what kind of substance? the host of the program “our everything” wants to know everything. are sneakers from a new manufacturer comfortable? and how to clear the light?
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money changer, well, everyone’s beloved ivan vasilyevich also filmed in the yaroslavl region, marfa, marya sergeevna, well, that’s enough cinema, the tsar wants more tropical things, so, today on the first channel we’ve all gone, tomorrow the lives of others, cooks on wheels are with us all weekend. svetlana neimanis, joseph kobrin, channel one. i really
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want to relax well on the weekend, lie on the sofa, relax, put yourself for a break, do you want to, will you not want to, if you have three more children, or not? father of many children alexey ivanov offers an excellent option for relaxing with children, line games. well... what is a vacation for anyway? dad, let's go play! as often happens, as soon as you decide to sit down to rest, the children are right there! hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i have three children, and i know how to help tired parents, let's play lazy games! game one: abc back. dad
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lies down on his stomach. and the boys will take turns writing letters on my back with their fingers, my task is to guess what they wrote, let's go, let it be, this is the letter f, yes, this is the letter s, incorrect, soft sign, another option, let the children. dad lost, but i still had time to lie down. game number two: find the chocolates. i will hide them somewhere in the apartment, and
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the boys’ task is to find them. they definitely won’t find it here, and right there in the vase, boys, i’m sitting, drinking tea, and you’re looking, if you want, you can ask me questions, go ahead, it’s cold, it’s cold here. wait, i found it, i found it, i found it, it took a lot of time to find the chocolates time, plus 20 minutes for dad’s rest, the next game - i’m an artist, as i see it,
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the boys’ task is to draw me, i lie down on the sofa and freeze... i start posing, well, i like it, well done, cool, time has flown by with lazy games very quickly, the boys had fun, and i rested a little, there are a lot of options in such games, it’s much better than sending the children to the room and hanging out on the phone. tomorrow is fisherman's day, it is traditionally celebrated on the second sunday of july, i wonder why exactly this july sunday has been chosen, maybe the bite
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is better, but be that as it may, dear women, if your... dear men, early in the morning, otherwise you started collecting your gear the evening before, plan a bachelorette party, or whatever you’ve been wanting for a long time to do in the absence of her husband, every day the fisherman notes... bites, bait for her, they do not spare. we plant it meatily, powerfully, deliciously. the cold also helps to find a place where samosas are found, and to lure a large predator from the bottom they use an unusual device, the quok.
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they say that in the volga it is possible to catch specimens weigh 100 kg more. chekhon season has begun in woodmurtia on the kama and its tributaries. it is the most delicious, the fattest, the fattest. there is simply no one, this is our delicacy, the most popular type of fishing with an elastic band, in general, we have dropped the load, here will be our end point of the elastic band, it is now stretched, and already a fishing line with hooks is lowered into the water along the elastic band. the action of the elastic band is very cunning, no other gear has this. the fact is that our elastic band is floating, that is, our hooks do not follow us all the time. horizon, they walk along the sides of the triangle , so we get it as if we are several. we fish with a layer of water, it’s impossible to go home without a catch, this is the most natural silver, the silver of our river, the salmon fishing season has started in the magadan region, the ola river is a favorite fishing spot for many
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magadan fishermen, one license allows you to catch up to 10 pink salmon, a little higher you can go downstream for free, although no more than three tails. along the lonkova river, fishermen make their way along the drainage.
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find an enemy object and attack its business in a matter of minutes. the artillery crews of the self-propelled howba of the twentieth combined arms army of the group of forces struck the west. and also about the courage and dedication of our soldiers on the front line. guards and ordinary crew of the rszzu hurricane artyom artyomov noticed the enemy drone in time and neutralized it with the help of an anti-drone gun. the artillery
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avoided the enemy attack, changed position and continued working. major vladimir gaidenko discovered a group of ukrainian militants who were preparing an ambush on the route of our column, organized a defense, and took an unequal the battle managed to inflict serious damage on the enemy and forced him to retreat. the crew of the bal missile system of the caspian flotilla successfully fired at a naval target of a mock enemy; the crew fired an anti-ship cruise missile from a coastal range. security along with... for ground targets, it is distinguished by high mobility, it is capable of hitting an object at a distance of up to 120 km at any time of the day and in any weather conditions. every day new personnel come from ukraine from catching people as part of forced mobilization, here are the employees of the military registration and enlistment office in in search of new recruits, they staged a raid on... the roads, and they stopped not only
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cars, but also minibuses. in one of them, passengers were outraged that the armed forces of ukraine were looking for replacements among ordinary people, and suggested trying to serve a summons on the sons of one of the officials or large businessmen. a video is also being circulated on social networks in which military registration and enlistment office employees and a police officer grabbed a passerby, knocked him to the ground, and then tried to push him into a car. the man actively resisted and seized the moment when they released him and ran away. one of the people in uniform. rushed to catch up, but immediately turned around, the squad left with nothing. and in the odessa region, as telegram channels report, the parents of one of the mobilized wanted to meet with their son, but they were not allowed into the territory of the military registration and enlistment office; an employee blocked the woman’s path and pushed her; she could not stay on her feet and fell on a wheelchair user. as a result, both ended up on the ground. the raids, which
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are carried out as part of forced mobilization, are causing increasing indignation among people, some are turning to radical forms of protest, they set fire to the cars of military registration and enlistment offices, two were burned at once in vinnitsa, two more in odessa, and there were reportedly cars not from the military registration and enlistment office, in sou, and in odessa one of the military men set fire to the car of an employee of the territorial recruitment center. ukraine will not be given the number of f-16 fighters it needs, at least this summer, as bloomberg reported, kiev will be able to form only one squadron of 15 or 24 aircraft, despite the fact that the plan was to receive all 300. another source speaks of only twenty combat vehicles by the end of the year. among the obstacles are the dismal state of ukrainian airfields, runways, as well as delays in training pilots and recruiting personnel for fighter maintenance, allegedly due to... advisor to the us president jake
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sullivan and a representative of martin, which produces the f-16, they generally refused to comment on the situation, despite the fact that they promised to provide them to kiev more than a year ago. in any case, it is unlikely that this will change anything, the american magazine "national interest" notes that fighters that were designed during the cold war have little chance of surviving in a modern high-tech conflict, and as vladimir putin previously emphasized, they will burn at 16.
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what are these drones doing outside the airspace of the republic, a us official said, according to existing rules, the greek side is not obliged to inform. the minister of defense was summoned to parliament against the backdrop of moscow's statements about the direct participation of the west in the attack on sevastopol, flight missions for high-precision missiles transferred to kiev. the regime is formed not by ukrainians, but by nato military personnel. and finally about the weather, it is abnormally hot now in the south of russia in crimea at the beginning of next week. up to +38 - this is 7° above the climate norm. a storm warning has been issued for the peninsula. the air will become even hotter in the rostov, astrakhan regions, stavropol territory and krasnodar territory. there during the day it will be +40 and above. blazing sun in the regions of the north caucasus and the far east. well, in the capital this weekend the forecast is again up to +30. but this heat is a little it will rain and today and tomorrow they promise a short thunderstorm with strong winds up to 17 m/s. the car under the trees is better. do not leave
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it a little cooler in st. petersburg -26, but everything is conducive to relaxation in popular resort locations of the city and region, and therefore 10 additional commuter trains will be launched on the line on the finnish direction of the october railway. and that's all for now. and now a word of good morning to my colleagues. on the calendar, july 13th is international puzzle day. on this day in 1944. ernő rubik, hungarian sculptor, was born architect, inventor of that same rubik's cube, which has become, perhaps, the most popular puzzle in modern history, of course, people continue to invent,
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the rest of the assembly cannot be pulled out; it sits for 9 hours, if i spend an hour or two there, i will not be able to get a result like this big, like from 9 o’clock, parents don’t mind, on the contrary, they are glad that children are not into gadgets, spitcubing develops phenomena such as handwriting,
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spatial imagination, concentration, and naturally memory, because memorization plays a very important role here an important role, especially in blind assembly, what... is it like that? we did not speed up this video or use any special effects. one question, how is this possible? there is a special alphabet for memorizing, each element has its own letter, and this is how i calculate the chain, it turns out that i put together a word from two letters and remember it that way. another type of training is to compete with a robot. the average robot, which is in mass production, assembles in 10-12 seconds, and well, that’s how our guys assemble it. faster, it’s interesting, it’s high-tech, it’s the dream of anyone from pitcuber to overtake the world leader named max park, he solves a rubik’s cube in 3.13 seconds. maria kuskova, angelina ivanova, stepan erofeev, evgeny marinkov,
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channel one. on july 13, on the calendar, people said that this was the very top of summer, the very top. the hottest, the most stuffy, this year everything is the very, very hot, by the way, it came ahead of all the tops, please be careful, don’t overheat, and take care of yourself, well, don’t adjust your plans only with an eye on the biggest star, but on other planets, astrologers' forecast for the weekend, frankly speaking, a great summer weekend came to us, both are open, cheerful and generous, not averse to going on a visit, gathering nice people at home, organizing an outing with the whole family to nature or to... some kind of excursion, in a word, company guys, as for household chores, it is better to entrust them to today: he is skilled, gets along well with all sorts of tools, and besides, he knows how to inspire his family to work collectively, regarding shopping - this also to him, he is great at counting money, he can
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bargain, so he won’t spend too much, tomorrow is more dreamy and a little lazy, he likes to lie on the couch or go to the beach in a hammock, but he is a great cook, some kind of event with... shines as an aries, don’t get too carried away with the sharp and bold, okay, some of the aries these days will want to be in the center of attention, so to speak, to fluff their tail, don’t go overboard with this either, everything will be great for you, taurus will do well in gardening gardening work - everything related to the house and plot, there will be an opportunity to agree on something with someone, to enlist someone’s help and support, guests may come in the evening or tomorrow, a great weekend with the twins when you have time to do the housework. get busy and relax, find out something interesting, you may receive news from someone you haven’t seen for a long time, if you go to the beach, don’t go overboard with your tan. it’s a good time for cancers to update, improve, put something in order, this applies to both your home and your personal life. if someone asks you to borrow money, don’t
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be greedy, you’ll be more careful later fire. lions, especially lionesses these days , are absolutely charming, you just can’t help but fall in love with them, but with money, your charm... is unlikely to work, lock them somewhere so they don’t run away, be careful on the roads. virgos are strongly advised to forget about business for at least one day and be thoroughly lazy with taste, and it won’t hurt you to get a good night’s sleep. tomorrow some interesting and useful meeting cannot be ruled out. the stars remind libra that perseverance and stubbornness are not the same thing; play less sports with your neighbors at home. controversy these days easily turn into quarrels, but why do you need this? and more careful? sharp objects. scorpios - one of these days can teach you something, open your eyes to something, or maybe you will see some person in an unexpected light, and the stars also promise some pleasant surprise or... a small gift. sagittarius will need patience and prudence. you may be drawn into someone else's conflict or
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provoke a scandal. otherwise, you have a very good weekend, including shopping. and do without alcohol. for capricorns , something or someone can change plans for weekend. however, this will not upset you, rather it will even entertain you. capricorn ladies are especially for you. these days are very good for cosmetic procedures. for aquarius, this weekend may or may not present some interesting event. new knowledge, in general, something that will add vitality, for those who are going on vacation, have already packed their suitcase, check if you forgot to put something in there, pisces may remember an old debt or some kind of unfulfilled promise, but you will figure this out somehow, dear parents, if you have a growing up in your family small fish, don’t pester her or his upbringing too much, and be careful with electricity, good luck to you, in mid-july it’s hot, boiling, fried, growing, work doesn’t stop at the dacha plots,
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it’s the hottest season . oksana stankevich, like many gardeners, spends all day on her plot filming stories for us, for herself and her family , the cucumber harvest. the time has come. when entering the greenhouse is a real pleasure. look how well the cucumbers grow. just have time to harvest. some summer residents are greedy don't cut them off right away. they want the cucumbers to grow bigger. absolutely in vain. firstly, young fruits are tastier than overripe ones. and secondly, the law applies to vegetables. the more often you harvest, the faster a new one grows, so there is no point in delaying it. as you
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understand, cucumber is a prolific plant, so that new small ovaries also grow, it is advisable to feed them, for example, with complex fertilizer, and if you are a supporter of environmentally friendly. for gardening, you can use a glass of powder - this is about 100 g. pour 10 liters of water into a bucket, stir, pour half a liter under each vine. the hall contains about 30 minerals that are necessary for proper plant growth. by the way, this... fertilizing will benefit not only cucumbers, but also tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, currants,
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and cabbage. and don’t forget to shape the cucumbers. now they are actively putting out side shoots, if you don’t shorten them, soon everything will intertwine with each other, it will be inconvenient for the cucumbers to grow, you will have to look after them, so we trim the shoots and thereby limiting their growth. now the greenhouse is full. order, cucumbers are fed, formed, just have time to harvest . it’s summer, cooking in the fresh air is a pleasure, and if you’re tired of traditional barbecue, maria surova offers something original, a barbecue you’ve definitely never tried before. what other kebabs should i cook? and what? if it’s chicken hearts, i’ll try it, i’ll fry it on skewers, they need to be soaked,
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it’s more convenient to do this in a one and a half liter bottle of water, i’ll leave it while i prepare hearts, i cut off all the excess artery, the fat can be left, after frying it will melt, it’s still chicken, not pork, and marinate, three cloves of garlic, sweet smoked paprika, coriander, turmeric, ginger. and soy sauce, be sure to try it before using, it can be moderately or highly salty, it depends on whether you add salt or not, i won’t, mine is very salty, i leave it to marinate for at least half an hour, but you can make it in advance and leave it to marinate overnight , in the meantime, a five-minute tomato appetizer with marinade tastes better of course, from sweet varieties, i cut into small slices, chop the top and cilantro into a bowl, add salt, sugar, black red hot pepper,
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two cloves of garlic passed through a press, olive oil. and apple cider vinegar, mix well and let it brew for 5 minutes, it’s time to fry the hearts, string them on skewers crosswise so that more can fit, grease the grate with oil and lay it out, moderate heat, fry for 5 minutes on each side, serve the kebab with a tomato appetizer. unusual, but very tasty, special in this weather appetite. well, with a brisk step, jogging, we move forward as best we can, and present the most interesting news from the world of sports, the floor to my colleagues, the sports journalists of channel one.
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today in volgograd, with the super cup game between zenit and krasnodar, the next russian football season starts. a new captain will take the field. after matvey safonov left for the french psg, the armband passed to eduard spertsyan. he is a graduate of the krasnodar football academy. eduard has already spent 14 years in the club system. a here is dynamo, which will play the first official match of the new season in voronezh against the local torch; the starting rounds of the russian championship will have to do without their captain. true, the reason is more than valid. the blue and white central defender has been called up to the paraguay national team to participate. in the olympic games, while the football player himself committed an act worthy of respect, he refused that part of the salary at the club that was due to him during the period of departure. for the same reason , cska midfielder abazbek will be absent feyzullaev, who was called up to the banner of the uzbekistan olympic team, however, there will be someone to replace him in the middle line. the army club announced the signing of
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a two-year contract with ex- lokomotiv midfielder rifatomdinov. it has seriously intensified. so much red and blue. another cska recruit was mali national team striker sikuyta, who played for salzburg last season. for the austrian club, in 106 matches, hoyta scored 43 times himself and helped his partner do this 23 times. returning to the super cup, we note that in today's match krasnodar legend yuri gazinsky, who returned to the club, may also take part. the thirty-four-year-old midfielder signed a contract with the team for one. on july 13, on the calendar on this day in 1944 , boris klyuev, actor, theater teacher, people's artist of russia was born. his life
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was inextricably linked with the small theater. today boris vladimirovich could have turned 80 years old. don’t miss the documentary egyptian power on channel one, i hope to retain the right to laugh when i want, thoroughbred, thoroughbred man, there are few of them, i would like to be surrounded by such men more often, washed, in a delicate mode, i’m a dude, this is precisely because i had a hungry childhood, at the age of 4 buriev was left without a father, he ran up to everyone... a brunette on the street with timid hope, dad at the age of 13, seeing how hard it was for mom, went to work, since i was a strong guy, what is there for me to unload the carriage, well, nonsense, now i understand that we were deceived, boys, here, but nevertheless , the crumbs that we received, i
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brought them with pride, 3 years in the army, then school, small theater, in the room of the dandy intellectual klyuev... lenevsky lane was often noisy. it was a time when people came to visit without calling. all my friends walking at night always came under my balcony. i pushed my wife, she silently went to open the cans. boris klyuev trembled with the theater, a haven to which he could always return. the cinema was wary of him, either wed or some kind of overseas guest. hello, charlotte. hello, my boy, mycraft holmes, agent rionon from detective tas is authorized to state, and of course, earl rushforth, which of us haven’t purred to yourself at least once? boris vladimirovich taught at the shchepkinsky school for half a century, and was able to discern talent where
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others did not see it. i remember lyadova lena, how everyone voted against her. he inspiredly composed the image of the pensioner nikolai petrovich. egyptian force. i remembered the neighbors in the old moscow courtyard who shouted to their wives through the window: “drop 60 kopecks, and so as not to scatter, wrap them in three rubles.” but this is an idea. people in training sat like this with such knees in these t-shirts, smoking on these cigarettes and beat them with all their might. by blood iron, dominoes, egyptian strength, egyptian strength, this is the name of the documentary that channel one will show today on
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the eightieth birthday of the great artist, let’s remember boris klyuev together. inna kazanzhan, joseph kobrin, channel one. it’s mid-july, which is also the middle of summer, the weather not only whispers, but insistently calls, let’s go swimming. why not, just friends, be careful on the water near the water, do not forget about the safety rules, they are very simple, but why do many people neglect them? more than a thousand people have drowned since the beginning of the season, the main reason is alcohol, intoxication, the sea is knee-deep for everyone, and without calculating their strength, they begin to drown. the second reason is heat, temperature changes, it’s hot, the water is cool, there may be a spasm, and people also lose consciousness because of this. and tone. third, people jump into the water, not knowing that at the bottom it was empty, and in a second a snag floated up. more often this happens on a wild beach. like here? there are no lifeguards, no
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toilets, no buoys, no one behind people doesn't follow. of course, people want to swim, you can’t prohibit it, just warn it. and here are three rules. first: alcohol in the heat is dangerous, blood vessels dilate to the limit, in cold water they narrow sharply, spasm, loss of consciousness. secondly, do not leave children unattended. ramazan hasanov, a volunteer of the all-russian student rescue corps, rescues such kids several times a week due to parental carelessness, they don’t get stuck on their phones, they leave their children unattended, they sunbathe the same thing, very often the biggest problem, to be honest. third rule: save one, don’t drown yourself, don’t swim close to a drowning person, otherwise he will be dragged to the bottom in panic. the same t-shirt can become an excellent element for saving a person, that is, how this happens is that we throw a t-shirt from a distance and pull it out like that. and if a person is unconscious, we pull the hair, or here ’s another way: we put our right hand in,
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put it on his shoulders, on our shoulder, and in the same way we swim to the shore, on the shore we call an ambulance, listen to breathing, eat turn over on his side, he’s not breathing, start resuscitation, count the last ribs, put two fingers up, this is our ball-shaped process, with the hard side of the palm and the other hand behind... open the lock, our back is straight, our arms are straight, elbows, throw back the head, five breaths, 30 compressions, if breathing does not appear, two more breaths and 30 compressions, the pulse is back, you can turn it over, lever technique, even a child can handle it, we put our left hand on his right cheek, hold it, bend his knee, that’s it dot, two dots on ourselves, everything, in this way we definitely don’t forget to correct it. make sure your knee is at 90° and your palm is at 90°. two points: one, two, we are waiting for emergency medical assistance. and we are monitoring the victims. but it is still safer to swim
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on equipped beaches. sergey abramov sotnik, sergey morin, ilyarik kazubov and yulia kuvabina. first channel. all week we celebrated the anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. bam is one of the largest railways in the world. its length is 4. right now our correspondent dmitry kuzmin invites you on a great journey along the bam and, of course, will introduce us to those who created this highway. bam is 50, we are going to visit those who built and stayed here, start in ustkut, 37,000 inhabitants, in the seventy-fourth yaroslav stepanovich felled wood here, a pioneer, tall, handsome, curly-haired, he was like that, brave, now he’s gone, now he’s gone. everyone from all over the country wanted to go to the construction site of the century on komsomol vouchers, without, like lyubov nikolaevna and vasily andreevich, they also came to see you and remember their youth, i say, give me a ticket for the woman, they say
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where exactly, i say, well, where is everyone going me there, please, i’m an adventurer by nature, when i saw him in checkered pants, i think i’ll kill the guy, no one will get this, thanks for the pies, the path is not close, but what views, lida the guide has been admiring it for 3 years. on our first trip it was something of a shock; we simply didn’t leave the window because it was so beautiful. severo-baikalsk, parking for an hour 2400 inhabitants, it seems everyone is ready to show the way to the taiga sea, on foot.
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the unique severomuisk bama tunnel was completed in 2003; it is one of the longest in the world the longest in our country, 15 km, today we drove it in 15 minutes and 40 seconds. severomuisk, a village of 800 inhabitants, the most famous here is viktor gatsenko, the foreman of the tunnelers, he has the order of lenin for that very tunnel. it was difficult, there were faults, the most difficult ones were working with the guys, it was flooded. then they pumped it out and then went to work, carrying out the excavation, thanks to the guys who held on, who didn’t panic, on the bama it’s usually like the parents built it, the children exploit it, so in the mororans, they also settled next to work, here is a house and a garden, young, handsome, mustachioed, but the girls
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ran after him, of course. well, of course, the new charm chose me, 4.00 people, near the train, a whole delegation, eva ivanovna and her friends have something to tell, how it was and how it happened, the hair froze to the trailer, the husband got up, melted the potbelly stove, cast off the hair, then they pulled the blanket on and dressed their son victor sr. to school, they built playgrounds, and they made a beautiful museum for us, the school was improved for us, we are happy that everything is so good with us. another three hundred kilometers and a new meeting with yugtali, only one and a half thousand, but receive warmth. bam lives, we have gotten away from the problem that existed in the nineties, who said that bam is the road to nowhere, now the road to the future, there is something to extract here, there is something to transport. 173 million tons of cargo per year is not the limit. and finally, the capital bama with a population of 28. tynda is called the most distant district of moscow. here krasnaya presnya and
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arbat were built by muscovites. in the museum of the history of bam they preserved the barrel in which they used to live, with all the furnishings, even toothpaste, bam, pine, the smell is still there, in tinda there was a whole street of barrels, and this street was called diogenes street, after the type of thermos it was made. here, in eighty-four , two sections of the highway from east to west came together, the culmination of the all-union construction, this is how i came to bam, i was 20 years old, the smile was still the same, lyudmila aleksandrovna was preparing the links.
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i felt a competitive spirit in myself, and therefore quickly found a singer; the winner of the television project, the voice of bogdan shuvalov, challenged him. however, such is our alla, such is her challenge: sweet and marmalade. and what else can you do it with your head? personally, i catch marmalades in it, let’s see what the winner of the tv project, the voice of bogdan shuvalov, has to say about this. and love, crazy petty. i'll break your
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window. bogdan, good morning. hello. i'm very glad to see you. congratulations on the victory. look, you are truly incredible. tell me, in principle, how has life changed after the voice? i'm still coming to my senses, yes. at least the neighbors are the same, bogdan, they greet you like this. person, sporty, athletic, do you play sports? yes, i'm sure your entire audience is now turned to the screen in order to support you and wish you victory in our competition. so, we catch the marmalades in our mouths,
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play until three points, the most clever and attentive one will win. so, to the start, attention, march, i broke my tooth there, this is a dangerous injury, the score is 1:0. bogdan shuvalovo's first attempt, yes bogdan, oh, and he was also being modest, so, my second attempt, i choose a star, start, attention, march, yes, damn it, what is it, the score is still 1:1, you so, eh... not in general, i already like the game, the score is 2:1, bogdan is ahead of me, yes, i am the world champion in
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these competitions, everything is now 2:2, now the winner of ours will be determined. bogdan, well, i congratulate you, first of all, on the fact that you have very strong, yes, teeth, some are even in place, from the good morning program you have a medal, bogdan, thank you very much, continue to win in everything, we we will support you, have a nice day, good morning. cnop gin, stellar group product, monte shococa cognac, stellar group product, rom kastro, stellar group product, pechora vodka,
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stellar group product, veda vodka, steller product group, what a woman dreams of for the weekend, well, of course, relax, do it... the next plot, however, if a woman has decided something, then she will achieve it, find it and accomplish it by any means, up to 6 and if there are eight of them, like the heroine our hours a day, that is, a quarter of our lives for almost 20 years, women do laundry, cleaning, shopping, cooking, children, in addition to work, natalia has a special day today, all eight children with dad, she goes to the salon herself to...
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so wonderful little things, like a fresh haircut, a cool manicurist, these are all very, very important little things for women. it would seem like a manicure, a session of relaxation and psychotherapy. natalya glows. how are you doing at school, how do they help each other study in general? no, i help everyone study. but we brought a real psychotherapist to the spa to find out how it all works. beauty treatments also relax and allow. a person can remove muscle tension, restore their own strength and self-confidence. oksana has four children. nason is 6 o'clock, and today she is also lucky. we only dream of rest, as they say, yes. but first, dambo rubinstein's test on
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self-assessment of dospa procedures. oksanochka, how nice do you feel? i’m already pleased, even that i’ve already gone to bed. very nice. and the test after. all indicators have increased as expected, the joy that we feel affects the healing processes, the regeneration processes, the processes of sanogenesis, restoration of health, it’s not for nothing that we have more and more beauty salons, market growth up to 15%, they work until the last client, at 11 , that’s it, then we’ll wait for you tomorrow, how’s natalya, a masterpiece, and wow, is that even me? i think this is my second wedding, okay? arranged, rested, rejuvenated, brighter, i hope this feeling will last for at least a week, otherwise... for the entire six months, well , exactly what i needed, they actually saved my mother,
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compare before and after, a rested mother, as you know , happiness in the family. dmitry kuzmin, ilya ridkozobov and ksenia maklyakh, channel one. well, what kind of summer is a woman having if she hasn’t tried on and walked out on a new dress? irina materanskaya will now inspire us with options for both dresses and walks in it. yes, it’s completely summer mode. another no school for you and nasty lessons, that’s it the children have already returned from camp, there’s no need to die like that, we’ll find advantages in this too, it’s finally saturday, which means you’ll have a moment for yourself, in any incomprehensible situation, we take the children, any children you can find in the house, even if they’re older, go for a walk , in other words, you run away from all problems, the first thing is that my... loves walks because of the green color, it calms all natural colors too, and also
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water, so we move closer to a river, pond or fountain. doctors have found that the air near the fountains has a tonic the effect is like in a forest in the mountains. it's all about the high content of negative ions, and the smallest water dust has a positive effect on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, plus the sound of water also has special magic. soothing, like the singing of birds, which also helps our brain switch, any activity, scooters, bicycles, catamarans, continuous anti-stress around, and even just walking. how many steps should you take a day? i think where it’s more than exactly 10,000, you pass, well, somewhere there needs to be, i think somewhere around oh, there’s 300,000. 200,000, here
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come to me, or you have to walk about 3 km, it’s not enough. we periodically change the pace of the walk so that blood circulation increases and breathing becomes clearer, such a pleasant cardio workout, 45 minutes of brisk walking a day improves blood flow to the brain, which means thinking will become easier and more fun, a separate type of pleasure for our brain is eating in the fresh air . what are you all for? you love walks for the food, you can eat some, you can just buy corn and go eat and enjoy the view. why is it so delicious? it's simple: on on the street, the body receives more oxygen, which means that all parts of the brain work more actively. thanks to our genetic memory, our great-great-great-great ancestors always ate outdoors, this is what we are more used to. main telephone numbers are far away. we all need a digital detox, at least a couple of hours a week. on
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walks, you don’t have to take photos, take some paper with you, and draw something there. draw this fountain, how people ride boats there, the clouds are also very beautiful, as psychotherapists say, if you want to solve a problem, draw it. in 40 minutes any drawing cortisol level. stress can decrease from 18 to 15 units, and this is a very good result. irina, sonya, alisa matheransky, channel one. do you know what the best dress is? those who sew themselves and talk to the tv have probably already answered me, it is unique, which no one else has, because it is sewn with their own hands. together with olga nikishicheva we will now create exactly this. dear friends, today we will make an original and
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bright sundress. let's take as a basis an old beast made of denim, which has long been stored in the wardrobe and a cotton flap 1.5 wide and 2 m 20 cm long. you will also need a knitted elastic band with a zipper, which we will insert into the side seam of the sundress to make it more convenient and you will not need to rush to the store for new clothes. let's start the work by opening the side seam on the left side of the bustier, then we will insert a zipper here, and now we take the lower part, make a fluffy skirt from calico, divide it in half. we fold two rectangles
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with the right side inward, sew the sides using a machine, leaving the bottom unstitched 50 cm on each side, this will be cut and we will leave 10 cm at the top unsewn for the zipper, we bend and hem the hem, a little tailoring trick, we unfold the side seams from the inside out, fold them and stitch them, this way there is no need for an overlock. we got these sides with slits along the top edge, turned them up and made a drawstring, take a knitted elastic band with a length equal to the width of the bustier and thread it into the drawstring. the sundress can
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be assembled by connecting both parts. sets and a skirt, we cut and fix everything on the machine, add a zipper to the side seam, we fasten the skirt, we gathered it with elastic so that the back of the corset is also elastic, and it’s very comfortable to wear, that’s a new thing! such an elegant and bright sundress will be appropriate for any occasion, in the city, on vacation, and no one will guess that they made it with their own hands from what they found in the closet. summer is a time when many children are left to their own devices and spend a lot of time alone while their parents are at
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work. not everyone has grandparents nearby , which means respected adults, so what our expert on security. if you think that the child is old enough and can go for a walk alone, i recommend walking along the entrance with him several times. before leaving the apartment, we look through the peephole; if there are strangers on the site, we wait until they leave, only now we open the door and sit down. into the elevator. what will you do if the booth stops and someone comes in? that's right, we get out of the elevator and go down on foot, we forbid children to ride with strangers in the cabin. we don’t run in the yard, we look around to see if there are moving cars, and only then we go
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walk. the following situation: a child wants to go to the cinema with friends, before letting him go, build a route together. there should be no garages, construction sites or vacant lots on the route. please promise that you will follow this road. i believe you. you also need to remind your child how to behave correctly at a bus stop. we don’t go close to the side of the road, it’s no use if it ’s there, we don’t climb, we put the pass in our pocket. when entering the bus in the cabin, it is better to wear a backpack on your chest. this way no one will be tempted to climb into it. before as let your child go to the cinema. be sure to check that the mobile battery is fully charged. you can go. it's better to meet children from the cinema. and at the same time, let's check how much the lesson has been learned. show me how you will enter the entrance. if there is a stranger at the elevator, what should you do?
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right. we go up the stairs or wait for the elevator to come down again. well done. prepare your child for new situations. so you will be calm for him. on july 13, on the calendar , people said that this was the very top of summer, the hottest, the hottest, the most it’s stuffy, this year it’s all very, very hot , by the way, it has arrived beyond all the tops, please be careful, don’t overheat, and take care of yourself, well , adjust your plans not only with an eye on the biggest star, but on other planets, astrologers’ forecast for the weekend, we will say: a great summer weekend has come to us, both are open, cheerful and generous, not averse to going on a visit, gathering nice people at home, organizing an outing with the whole family into nature or on some kind of excursion, in a word, company guys, when it comes to household chores, it’s better to entrust them to today, he’s skilled, gets along well with all sorts of tools,
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and also knows how to inspire his family to work collectively; when it comes to shopping, that’s also for him, he’s great at counting money, he can bargain, so what is not superfluous... he will spend the day tomorrow more dreamy and a little lazy, he likes to lie on the sofa or go to the beach in a homak, but he is an excellent cook, some event with treats shines for aries. get too carried away with the spicy and fat, okay, some of the aries these days will want to be in the center of attention, so to speak, to fluff their tail, don’t go overboard with this either, everything will be great for you. taurus will do well with gardening work, everything connected with the house and the plot, there will be an opportunity to agree on something with someone, enlist someone’s help and support, guests may come in the evening or tomorrow. a great weekend with the twins, when you have time to do some housework and relax and... something interesting, you may receive news from someone you haven’t seen for a long time we saw that if you go to the beach, don’t go overboard with your tan. it’s a good time for cancers
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to update, improve, put something in order, this applies to both your home and your personal life. if someone asks you to borrow money, don’t be greedy, you’ll then have to be careful with fire. leos, especially lionesses, are absolutely charming these days, you simply can’t help but fall in love with them, but your charm is unlikely to work for money... and it won’t hurt you to get a good night’s sleep; tomorrow some interesting and useful meeting is not excluded. the stars remind libra that stubbornness is not the same thing, play less with family and neighbors, arguments these days easily turn into quarrels, but why do you need this and be careful with sharp objects. one of these days can teach spies something, open their eyes to something, or maybe you will see some person in an unexpected light, and the stars also promise some pleasant
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surprise or small gift, sagittarius will need patience and prudence, you may drag you into someone else's conflict or provoke a scandal, otherwise you have a very good weekend, including for shopping, and do without alcohol, capricorn something or someone may change your plans for the weekend, however, this will not upset you, rather... it will even entertain you. capricorn ladies are especially for you. these days are very good for cosmetic procedures. for aquarius, this weekend can give some interesting event or some new knowledge. in general, something that will add brightness to life. for those who are going on vacation and are already packing their suitcase, check if you forgot to put something in there. pisces may remember an old debt or some unfulfilled promise. but you'll figure it out somehow. dear parents, if you have a little one growing up in your family. fish, don't bother him or him too much with raising him, and be careful with electricity, good luck to you. when you visit us in
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moscow, be sure to check out the tsaritsina nature reserve museum. these days the dachna queen festival is taking place there. our correspondent anna popova has details. to the dacha in tsaritina. at the beginning of the 20th century, people didn’t just walk here, they lived here. to ground yourself, to stop somewhere, to philosophize somewhere, to meditate in space, they help with this, the festival about
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the connection between the nature of creativity is being held for the sixth time, i’m sure that this year the program is simply wow, 150 events for the whole family, the main point of the festival is the green parterre, exercises in the morning, after performances and concerts for children, the program for adults starts at 6 pm, this year we will have completely different participants on stage, we will have a theater from voronezh, a musical group from barnaul, and even a colombian singer, we are going international, let everyone know that such a russian dacha, also master classes , creative laboratories, everything is serious, intensive courses for several days, each participant will make their own project, themes are mosaic, sound design, wood decorations, creating a character in manga style, teenagers are exactly on topic, almost everything the area from the eleventh checkpoint to the bridge is designed for a variety of... formats, somewhere you can play, somewhere you can enthusiastically listen to music, and somewhere you can just relax to get the most out of the atmosphere and dachas, installations made from
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eco-friendly materials, the place for your photos. it's about what city people just lack is unity with nature. there are other art projects in the neighborhood, for example, an exhibition of portraits of great creators on shovels. whatever the canvas, the author was inspired by dacha. i found old shovels, then it was like a fog. already 28 works. and you can consider the dacha as just a space, yes, you came there, lay there, barbecue, mashlik, that’s it, but in fact, you can turn this small space into some kind of center for... whoever can move forward and present the most interesting news from the world
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sports, the floor to my colleagues, sports journalists of channel one. today in volgograd the next russian football season starts with the super cup game between zenit and krasnodar. the bulls will be led onto the field by a new captain. after matvey safonov left for the french psg, the armband went to eduard spertsyan. he is a graduate of the krasnodar football academy. eduard has already spent 14 years in the club system. but dynamo, which will play the first official match of the new season in voronezh against the local torch, will have to do without. his captain, however, the reason is more than valid. the blue and white central defender has been called up to the paraguayan national team to participate in the olympic games. at the same time, the football player himself committed an act worthy of respect. he refused that part of his salary at the club that was due to him during his departure. for the same reason , csk midfielder abazbek feyzullaev, who was called up to the banner
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of the uzbekistan olympic team, will be absent. true, there will be someone to replace him in the middle line. the army club announced the signing a two-year contract with ex- lokomotiv halfback rifat zhemaleddinov. the red-blue attack has seriously intensified. another cska recruit was mali national team striker sikuyta, who played for saalzburg last season. for the austrian club, koita scored 43 times himself in 106 matches and helped his partner to do so 23 times. returning to the super cup, we note that a legend may also take part in today’s match.
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there are more cows than people, 10 or 15 million. uruguayans are very fond of condensed milk, they even eat it with meat, and even in the maternity hospital. peoples, by the way, the whole family comes. when my wife gave birth, there were about 15 of us, to make it more fun, we then ordered pizza with beef for everyone. thanks to this house, let's fly to our dear one, where are our chefs on
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wheels cooking this weekend? welcome to the capital of the southern urals, the city. how is the local recipe different? ural dumplings consist of three types of meat: beef, pork and lamb. and what will the chefs surprise the urals residents with? i'll make some more parmesan mousse and a little salsa that will be in the bottom of the plate. sounds like the name of the dance, but there’s no time to dance, the cooks still have a trip to zlatoust planned, what stunning scenery there is, you can do more than that.
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this theater is already more than 250 years old, wow, and how many years this car has been running, he probably knows and...
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we'll see you in just a few minutes, now we'll find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. grouping of troops north repelled two counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces and hit manpower and equipment six ukrainian brigades in the holding area. during the operation, the enemy lost up to 215 militants , a kirpi armored vehicle, two m777 howitzers and two ammunition depots. the crew of the army aviation on the k-52m helicopter supported the vostok group of troops, struck
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the enemy stronghold in the village of chasov yar with s-8 unguided missiles and vikhr guided missiles. enemy support forces and crews of 12-mm mortars from the north group of troops are being destroyed. the buildup of forces on the part of the militants was recorded by an unmanned vehicle. reconnaissance , our artillerymen immediately moved into the indicated square, we use modern surveillance technologies, means of combating air targets, there are no difficulties, there are specialists who have been trained in unmanned aerial vehicles, in the fight against radio-electronic ones, that’s why we have specialists, we are working. every day new footage of people being captured as part of forced mobilization comes from ukraine. here, employees of the military registration and enlistment office, in search of new recruits, staged a raid on the roads, and not only cars, but also minibuses were stopped. in one of them, passengers
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were outraged that they were looking for replacements for the armed forces of ukraine among ordinary people, and suggested trying to serve a summons on the sons of one of the officials or large businessmen. also , a video is being circulated on social networks in which employees of the military registration and enlistment office and police officers tied up a passerby...
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and in the same place in odessa, one of the military men set fire to the car of an employee of the territorial recruitment center. ukraine will not be given the number of f-16 fighters it needs, at least by this in the summer, as reported by bloomberg, kiev will be able to form only one squadron of 15 or 24 aircraft, despite the plans to receive all 300. another source speaks of only twenty combat vehicles by the end of the year. among the obstacles is a depressing state. and delays in pilot training and fighter maintenance personnel, allegedly due to language barriers. advisor to the us president jake salevan and a representative of
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lock martin, which produces the f-16 in general refused to comment on the situation, despite the fact that they promised to provide them to kiev more than a year ago. in any case, this is unlikely to change anything. the american magazine national interest notes fighters that were designed during the cold war.
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there is no obligation to inform the party, the minister of defense was summoned to parliament against the backdrop of moscow’s statement about the direct participation of the west in the attack on sevastopol, flight missions for high-precision missiles transferred to the kiev regime are not formed by ukrainians, but by nato military. several major sponsors at once the us democratic party has frozen $90 million in donations until they find a replacement for joe biden to participate in the upcoming presidential elections . the new york times reports this. citing his sources, the elderly politician's latest public appearances raise more and more questions about his physical and mental state, each of his attempts to dispel doubts only exacerbates them, now at a campaign event in michigan, a key swing state, biden joked that he was 41 years old, when he decided to assure those present that he was in good shape, he did not turn out to be very convincing, and i assure you, i, i am fine, big
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businesses that donate funds to political parties in the united states are also calling the eccentric british billionaire richard branson, who has assets in the states, suggests that biden withdraw his candidacy from the election and give way; american businessman elon musk, as bloomberg reported, for the first time in many years allocated funds only to republicans, while previously, financially supported both parties. equally. meanwhile, biden's rival in the election race, donald trump, said that biden should immediately undergo mental testing and expressed his willingness to test himself at the same time. the sensational case of hollywood actor alec baldwin for manslaughter on the set was unexpectedly closed without the right to review. the lawyers asked for this, citing the fact that the prosecutor's office hid some facts that could be related to the incident. the court agreed with this.
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the incident, we recall, occurred in the twenty -first year at a rehearsal, the pistol that baldwin was holding fired, the operator died, the director was wounded, the actor assures that he did not press the trigger, and the shot was spontaneous, the weapon turned out to be loaded not with a blank, but with a live cartridge, for which a props technician who worked on a film set received a year and a half in prison earlier. that's all for now, good morning to everyone who is meeting. with us new days, new weekends, in the studio irina morumtsova on the calendar july 13, we are getting ready to celebrate a holiday tomorrow, russian post day, with all our hearts we congratulate all postmen, in general, everyone who is involved in this holiday, thank you for your great, important, necessary work, remember, just recently they said that no one will need mail for a little while longer , maybe we have become less likely to send letters and postcards, but without mail it’s still... nowhere, it
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is becoming more and more in demand and necessary, especially where mail is highly anticipated, on horses, on boats, russian mail is delivered to all corners of the country by all in accessible ways, andrei viktorovich delivers mail twice a week, loads it into the boat forward, but this is in the summer, in the autumn , the water drops, the river beds were not cleared from the soviet...
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elena madyevna 32 years in the service in the village of khut , peikhem kozhaun, tva republic. people are waiting for her with letters everywhere, especially in the village of arban sivi, seiba. this is the most remote village, there is no road there and i deliver mail on horseback. the road is very swampy, there are mountains, there are only five pensioners in the village. it's four-plus hours on horseback, and it's not. just tourist route, it’s really dangerous there, mud, rain and my horse got stuck in a swamp, i had to get off the horse and pull it out, but that’s how i worked for many years, and i know how to handle a horse, not a postman, a real fighter, right there they always wait and greet you warmly, the village of komarovka , primorsky krai, the postman comes to natalaluyev not only with parcels, with news, and how can you talk and encourage without this?
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the bear, thank god, doesn’t walk around during the day, it’s them at night, and the foxes, badgers, and raccoon-like dogs that we have here in the big prevail in numbers, well, i’m not afraid of them, it’s 300 km to travel here on transfer roads, sometimes you meet someone on a tractor, don’t forget, the postman is carrying a pension, it’s a big responsibility, the postman’s profession is not an easy one and not everyone can be in this job, so you just need love, i love my job, and she... reciprocates. elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, evgeny andreev. first channel. this summer has turned out to be truly sultry, the heat is breaking all records. when the thermometer creeps past the 30° mark, we no longer we are surprised that this temperature is so
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unusual, in some places it can reach 40, or even higher, but - we are surprised, someone is muttering, and nature, as you know, does not have bad weather, dank autumn. and in winter we will remember this heat with a sigh, how quickly these days passed, so don’t grumble, take care of yourself, of course, cool down, the heat has exceeded 30°, in the sun it’s still 49, in volgograd even on a weekday the pool is crowded, during the lunch break they run from offices to the water, at work it’s just downright stuffy, the air conditioners can’t cope, i wish work, sitting in the pool, you begin to envy the bears in the bahcesarai zoo, in the summer they have a shower every day, the eagles, by the way, also never enjoyed the water so much. ostriches are also not averse to swimming, but the capybara does not leave the water. the whole south is burning with heat. look at the meteorologists' map, 30
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plus almost everywhere. hot air comes to us from the subtropics and even from the tropics. and here, in continental conditions, in partly cloudy weather. long duration of daylight hours, this air continues to warm up at night in in conditions of short nights, it does not have time to cool down, so there is such a cumulative effect. in astrokhani it feels like +40. local residents decided to conduct an experiment, frying eggs on the hood of a car. we waited and waited, only a little weathered, which was what needed to be proven. it only looks like asphalt.
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they are saving the harvest as best they can, now in every garden you can see the following picture: the tomatoes are all burning from the sun, it’s impossible, i cover them to fry them. they didn’t get burned, let alone the pole of heat, the village of uta in kalmykia, here the thermometers are approaching the 2010 record, 45.4° in the shade. several days it was more than 42°, to be more precise, 42.5, 42.3, on the ground the temperature heated up to +72°. you can definitely fry eggs here, all the grass has withered, there is a fire every day.
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cocktail for the whole family, you are going with friends for a picnic, i suggest preparing a refreshing cocktail for the whole company in advance, i cut berries and fruits into slices, i have strawberries, apples, lemons and oranges, and you can choose other ingredients, i put it in a jar, pour in tonic to make the cocktail bright and effective, and add. i mix the ingredients, let the preparation brew a little, add pineapple juice for a bright tropical taste so that the drink remains cold, add ice to the top, a refreshing cocktail for a friendly
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company is ready, all that remains is to pack disposable cups and you can go on a picnic. on the calendar, july 13, dear. who couldn't. more than 400 million units sold official
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speed building championship to assemble the first version of the cube, the creator took more than a month, modern craftsmen do it in 10 seconds. arseny borovkov, one of the best spitcubers in russia. my record is 5.24 seconds. i just trained a lot and did it for a long time enough, that's why i collect so well.
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collects in 10-12 seconds and well, since our guys collect faster, it’s interesting, it’s high-tech, the dream of love from pitcuber is to overtake the world leader named max park, he solves a rubik’s cube in 3.13 seconds. maria kuskova, angelina ivanova, stepan erofeev, evgeny marinkov, channel one.
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a man, be a man, let me free, mom, we don’t need guests, be her, what do you think, if i, and it’s you, think for yourself, i can’t say goodbye, today is on the first day. olds barrel cognac is a product of the stellar
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group. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. whiskey, mankatcher, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of stellar group. get ready to go shopping, buy a little of everything so that you have something fresh. but... retail is always more expensive, but you want to save money. we all want it. and one of the options is like this so-called joint purchasing is when something is bought by a large group of people at a wholesale price. however, there are some nuances here. joint purchasing appeared when there were no marketplaces yet, but now they have become very popular again with the departure of many european brands, with the rise in prices for goods of the remaining brands. joint purchases become again profitable, interesting, relevant, savings can be up to
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200%, the organizer of a collective purchase orders directly either from a wholesaler, from a wholesale base, or from a manufacturer, therefore here the markup will be minimal, for example, irina fedorova, your order, purchases fabrics and bed linen. the average retail store has the price for quality satin, colleague. the opportunity to order something that you can’t find in stores, but there’s a big minus: you have to wait a long time. once i ordered sneakers, they arrived for about 2.5 months, during which time, of course, i was already thinking that perhaps i could have bought other shoes. in addition , sometimes they bring not what is needed at all. ekaterina filipchuk ordered a small bag and waited a month. i receive, i look, and not only that,
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that everything was a different color, it was also a different size. a large bag arrived. which didn’t suit me, well, no way, when an item doesn’t correspond to the description, you can return it, that’s when what you ordered arrived, but it didn’t suit you, no, the participants in joint purchases even have their own slang, add, perhaps, the main word, it means resell this thing, this product to another buyer, that is, find another buyer for this product, and of course, another serious disadvantage, a high risk of running into scammers, liliya khakimova encountered this, the product it just comes in a bag,
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they come on the card of the organizer of the collective purchase, they can arouse suspicion from the bank, and the bank can block such a card, even with a proven organizer carefully, there is a risk of getting carried away with buying too much for the company. nadezhda pravdina, vasily valetov, channel one. tver, tarusa, old rusa, the names of ancient russian cities sound like music, these three cities celebrate their birthdays over the weekend, an excellent reason to go there on a little trip and... the birthday people, how old they are, are still arguing, but the fact that they are ancient can be seen immediately when you get here. staraya russa was even named after the river, now called russya, in ancient times
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simply rusa. founded a salt factory here, it was built under catherine. the plant evaporated the water and obtained salt, you can taste it today, just a little on the tongue, it is very expensive, the city is a resort with mineral healing baths, the tsaritsen springs still flow, the water is always 4°, dostoevsky’s favorite place, i walked along these cobblestones pavement, bought sweets in this shop, lived in this house, here you go, house, entrance, entrance, you can directly, courtyard, as it was under dostoevsko?
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for this combination of new and old, artists and poets adored ancient cities. tarusa has not lost its provincial comfort over hundreds of years. here on the banks of the aka river worked the artist vasily polenov, the poetess marina tsvetaeva, the pianist svyatoslav richtor and the prose writer konstantin pustovsky. but tarusa was once a distant fortress. an image of four fortresses, kolomna koshira serpukhov tarusa, which, therefore, were erected by moscow, which were the defenders of this particular one. the territory here has preserved the same epic landscapes, perhaps that is why the army of tarusa captives is growing every year, this is what they call those who came, fell in love and stayed to live here. there are no less people in love with tver; every self-respecting writer came here. have minnow or guglione, order yourself in tver, with parmesan pasta or
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boil scrambled eggs. pushkin was here several times, and this place is one of the most picturesque places in tver. and also the first permanent bridge across the volga , the old volga, they say there is one golden stave here, where, who will tell us? tver - the homeland of the songwriter andrei dementyev and the most famous merchant afanasy nikitin, it was he who paved the way to india and glorified his homeland, and mikhail krug sang it. they say tver is 889 years old, but it’s still just as good. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. i really want to relax well on the weekend, lie on the sofa, rest, put myself on pause, i want, i want to, if you have three more children, or not, there are many children... father alexey ivanov offers an excellent option for relaxing with children, lazy games . well, why anyway?
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need a vacation? dad, let's go play! as often happens, as soon as you decide to sit down to rest, the children are right there. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i have... children, and i know how to help tired parents, let's play lazy games. game one: abc back. dad lies down on his stomach, and the boys take turns writing letters on my back with their fingers. my task is to guess what they wrote. go. is this the letter f? yes. this is the letter s, wrong, soft sign, another
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option, let the children put objects on your back, and you have to guess what it is for authenticity, you can even close your eyes, this is a gun, no, this is a tv remote control, no, no, this is a telephone, yes, dad lost, but he lay down. i still managed, game number two: find the chocolates, i’ll hide them somewhere in the apartment, and the boys’ task is to find them, i definitely won’t find them here, and then there, right in the vase, boys, i’m sitting, drinking tea , and you are looking, if you want, you can ask me questions, go ahead! it’s cold here, wait,
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i found it, i found it, it took a lot of time for the polish chocolates, plus... 20 minutes to my dad’s rest, the next game - i’m an artist, as i see it, the boys’ task is to draw me, i lie down on the sofa, freeze, start posing, there’s no sign. well, i like it, well done, it’s great, the time
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passed very quickly playing lazy games, the boys had fun, and i had a little rest, there are a lot of options in such games, it’s much better than sending the children to the room and hanging out on the phone, tomorrow is the day. while it is traditionally celebrated on the second sunday of july, i wonder why this particular july sunday was chosen, maybe it bites better, but be that as it may, dear women, if your dear men started collecting their gear early in the morning, or even the evening before, you are planning a bachelorette party, or whatever you have long wanted to do in the absence of your husband, every day the fisherman celebrates in his own way; the season is now in full swing in astrakhan. hunting for yourself, hunting, because first you need to hunt down yourself and prepare carefully. a spinning rod with a powerful multiplier reel, but the breaking load
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of the braid should be at least 50, or 60 kg, because we come across powerful fish, that ’s why here, as they say, the gear doesn’t forgive mistakes. hunting itself, fishing for one bite, they don’t spare bait for it. we plant it meatily, powerfully, deliciously. the cold also helps to find a place where samosas are found, and to lure a large predator from the bottom, they use an unusual device, kwok, they say that in the volga they manage to catch specimens weighing 100 kg more, like gozilla, in udmurtia on the kama and its tributaries the saberfish season has begun, she is the most delicious, the fattest, there is simply no one fatter than her, i know that a delicacy, the most popular type of rubber band fishing. in general, we dropped the load, here will be our end point of the elastic band, it is now stretched, and already a fishing line with hooks is lowered into the water along the elastic band. the action of the elastic band is very
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clever, unlike any other. there is no such thing, the fact is that our elastic band is floating, that is, our hooks do not always follow us in the horizon, they walk along the sides of the triangle, so we get it as if we were fishing several layers of water, go home it’s impossible without a catch, this is the most natural silver, the silver of our river, salmon fishing has started in the magadan region, the ola river is a favorite fishing spot for many magadan fishermen, one license is allowed. you can catch up to 10 pink salmon a little further upstream for free, although no more than three tails. along the lonkova river, fishermen make their way 100 km to the upper reaches. you can freely catch grayling and kunja here. murmansk has its own specific fishery - crab. the crab is caught
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with traps, cone traps. our bait is herring, kray prefers herring for one the crew spends from 5 to 12 days going after the crab, we approach the area, set up orders, let it stand still for two days, or preferably three days, so that the crab gets comfortable, climbs into the traps, we begin sampling, if the fishing season usually ends in the fall, the season is long, from the beginning of summer until january 15 of the following year. artyom lepyokhin, liliya lobkova, marina glushenkova, nazir nogumanov, channel one. in mid-july everything is seething, boiling, frying and growing. at the dacha plots, work continues unabated. the best time to eat is the hot season. oksana slankevich, like
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many gardeners, whole. for days on his plot, he films for us stories about the cucumber harvest for himself and his family. the time has come when entering the greenhouse is a real pleasure. look how well the cucumbers grow. just have time to harvest. some summer residents are greedy and don’t cut them right away; they want the cucumbers to grow bigger, which is absolutely in vain. firstly, young fruits are tastier than overripe ones, and secondly, the law applies to vegetables. the more often you harvest, the faster a new one grows, so there is no point in delaying it. as you understand, cucumber
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- the plant is prolific, so that new small ovaries also grow, it is advisable to feed them, for example, with complex fertilizer, and if you are a supporter of environmentally friendly gardening, you can use ash. a glass of powder is about 100 g, pour it into a bucket and fill it with ten. liters of water, stir, pour half a liter under each vine. the hall contains about thirty minerals that are necessary for the proper growth of plants. by the way, such feeding will benefit not only cucumbers, but also tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, currants, cabbage and zucchini. and don’t forget
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to shape. now they are actively putting out side shoots, if you don’t shorten them, everything will most likely become intertwined with each other, it will be inconvenient for the cucumbers to grow and you need to take care of them, so we trim the shoots and thereby limit their growth. now the greenhouse is in complete order, the cucumbers are fed and shaped, just have time to harvest. summer: cooking in the fresh air is a pleasure, and if you are tired of traditional kebabs, maria surova offers something original, you definitely haven’t tried this kind of kebab before. what other kebabs should i cook? what if it's made from chicken hearts? i’ll try it, i’ll fry it on skewers, they need to be soaked, it’s more convenient to do this in a one and a half liter bottle of water, huh.
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i leave it while i prepare the hearts, i cut off all the excess from the arteries, the fat can be left, after frying it will be rendered, after all, this is chicken, not pork, and marina. three cloves of garlic, sweet smoked paprika, coriander, turmeric, ginger and soy sauce, be sure to taste it before using, it can be in moderation or very salty, it depends on whether you add salt or not, i won’t, mine is very salty, i leave it to marinate for at least half an hour, but you can make it in advance and leave it to marinate overnight, but for now, a tomato appetizer with marinade. five minutes, tastier, of course, from the sweet varieties, cut into small slices, chop the dill and cilantro into a bowl, add salt, sugar, black red hot pepper, two cloves of garlic passed
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through a press, olive oil and apple cider vinegar, mix well and 5 minutes i’ll let it brew, it’s time to fry the hearts, i’ll string them on skewers, across so that more can fit, i grease the grate with oil and lay it out, moderate heat, fry for 5 minutes on each side, serve the kebab with a tomato appetizer, unusual, but very tasty, this weather has a special appetite, good morning to everyone who meets with us, new days, new weekends, in the studio irina morumtsova on the calendar on july 13, we are preparing to celebrate tomorrow a holiday, russian post day, we sincerely congratulate all postmen, in general everyone who
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is involved in this holiday, thank you for your big, important, necessary work, remember, just recently they said that no one will need mail for a little while longer, maybe we have become less likely to send letters and postcards. but without mail there is still nowhere, it is becoming more and more in demand and necessary, especially where mail is highly expected, on horses, on boats, russian mail is delivered to all corners of the country by all available means, andrei viktorovich delivers mail twice a week , loads the boat forward, but this is in the summer, in the autumn the water drops, the rivers were not cleaned from the soviet times, at the entrance of the proto throw into a scream, there you almost have to carry the boat on yourself every autumn, in winter he delivers packages on a snowmobile, he works in the altai territory, the village of shalabolikho, 15 km along the river, a detour of 300, it is even more difficult
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to get to the village of inya , it turns out to be 300 km around, 50 km through the forest you go off-road, the main thing is to deliver the letters, even if the engine broke down, it happens, i found everything somewhere at my brother’s matchmaker’s neighbor’s place. i delivered on time, the postmen say they don’t work, they serve. elena madyevna 32 years of service in the village of khut, peikhem kajaun, republic tva. people are waiting for her with letters everywhere, especially in the village of arban sivi, ceiba. this is the most remote village, there is no road there on horseback, i deliver mail. the road is very swampy, there are mountains, there are only five pensioners in the villages. on horseback there. more than four hours, and this is not just a tourist route, it’s really dangerous there, mud, rain and my horse got stuck in a swamp, i had to get off the horse and pull it out, but that’s how i worked for many years, and i know how
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to handle a horse , not a postman, a real fighter, they always wait there and greet you warmly, village of komarovka, primorye territory, the postman comes to natalalueva not only with parcels, with news, and how could we do without it? this job, so you just need to love, i don’t forget, the postman brings a pension, the responsibility is great, the postman’s profession is not easy, and not everyone can be in it for his job i love, she reciprocates her feelings, elizaveta nikishova, elena
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savina, evgeniy andreev, first channel. it’s mid-july, which is also the middle of summer, the weather not only whispers, but insistently calls, let’s go swimming, why not, that’s all. doesn’t follow, of course, people want to swim,
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you can’t prohibit it, just warn, here are three rules: first: alcohol in the heat is dangerous, blood vessels expand to the limit, in cold water they narrow sharply, spasm, loss of consciousness. secondly, do not leave children unattended. ramazan hasanov, a volunteer of the all-russian student corps of rescuers, rescues such kids several times a week due to parental carelessness, they don’t get stuck on their phones, they leave their children unattended, they sunbathe the same thing, often very... my problem, to be honest. third rule: when saving one, do not drown yourself; do not swim close to the drowning person, otherwise in panic he will be pulled to the bottom. the same t-shirt can become an excellent element for saving a person, that is, how this happens is that we throw the t-shirt at a distance and pull it out in such a way that we can swim away as the rescuer. and if the person is unconscious, we pull the hair, or here’s another way, we put our right hand in, put it on his shoulders, on our shoulder, and in the same way from... float up to the shore, on on the shore, we call an ambulance, we listen to the breathing, there is food,
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we turn over on the side, he is not breathing, we begin resuscitation, we reprimand the last ribs, we put two fingers up, this is our xiphoid process, with the hard side of the palm and the other hand we close the lock, our back is straight, our hands straight, elbows, throw back the head, five breaths, 30 compressions, if breathing does not appear, two more breaths and 30 compressions, the pulse has returned, you can turn it over, technique: levers, even a child can handle it, we put our left hand on his right cheek, hold it, bend it his knee, here one point, two points on yourself, that’s it, in this way, be sure to remember to adjust the position so that the knee is at 90° and the palm, two points, one, two, we are waiting for emergency medical care, we are monitoring the victim, but it is still safer to swim on equipped beaches. sergey abramov sotnik, sergey morin, iliar
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kazubov and yulia kuvabina. first channel. all week we celebrated the anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. bam is one of the largest railways in the world, its length is 4,324 km. right now our correspondent, dmitry kuzmin invites on a big trip along the bam and, of course, they will introduce us to those who created this highway. bama is 50, we are going to visit those who built and stayed here, start in ustkut, 37,000 inhabitants, in the seventy-fourth yaroslav stepanovich felled timber here, a pioneer, tall, handsome, curly-haired, he was like that, brave, now, now not, now there’s no, that’s it, people from all over the country wanted to go to the construction site of the century, on komsomol vouchers without, like lyubov nikolaevna and vasily andreevich, they also came to see us off and remember their youth, i say, give me a ticket for a woman, they say where exactly, i say, well, where are they going? take me there, please, i’m an adventurer by nature, when i saw him in
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checkered pants, i think i’ll kill the guy, no one will get this, thanks for the pies, the path is not close, but what views, the lead conductor has been admiring it for 3 years, for the first time the trip was something of a shock, we simply did not leave the window, because it was very beautiful, severo-baikalsk, parking for an hour, 24 thousand inhabitants, it seems everyone is ready to show the way to the taiga sea, a 7-minute walk through the park. what is the main essence of bama, to get around baikal not with from the south, from the north, so that there would be another such northern transpipe just in case, what a beauty, it happens like that, angarakan, technical station, but some of the locals are trying to get hooked on the hare, wow, listen, he gets right on the bandwagon, bam , almost 4.00 km of untouched taiga, every fourth one is laid on permafrost, but the most difficult section is when our 112 ambulance disappears into the mountains, unique. they
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just finished building it in 2003, it’s one of the longest in the world , the longest in our country, 15 km, that’s it today we drove it in 15 minutes and 40 seconds. severomuisk is a village of 800 inhabitants, the most famous here is viktor gatsenko, the foreman of the tunnelers, he received the order of lenin for that very tunnel. it was difficult, there were faults, the most difficult thing, we worked with the guys, it was flooded, then they pumped it out. and then we went to work, to carry out the excavation, thanks to the guys who held on, who did not panic.
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tynda is called the farthest district of moscow, here the red presnya and arbat were built by muscovites, a barrel was preserved in the bam history museum, which they used to live with all the furnishings, even
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toothpaste, bam, pine, the smell is still there, in tinda there was a whole street of barrels, and this street was called the street. it is made like a thermos. here, in 1984 , two sections of the highway from east to west converged, the culmination of all-union construction. this is how i came to bam. i was 20 years old. the smile is still the same. lyudmila aleksandrovna was preparing the link for installation. you take these pliers, stack the sleepers, these ones, then lay them down. we had such a specialist, valya, that in three strokes she was even better i killed some men, these castoli, there was a lot of energy.
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however, what kind of alla we have, such is her challenge, sweet and marmalade. what else can you do with your head? personally, i catch marmalades in it, let’s see what the winner of the tv project, the voice of bogdan shuvalo, has to say about this. and love, crazy bird, i will break your window.
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bogdan, good morning, hello. see, congratulations on your victory, listen, you are really incredible, tell me, in principle, how life changed after the voice, i’m still coming to my senses, yes, well, at least neighbors are the same bogdan, like this, neighbors in st. petersburg still live somewhere, they recognize us, they actually recognize us, and at the most inopportune moments, when you go to the trash, these are these to the pharmacy, something more says, we voted for you, but why now, bogdan, you are an incredibly beautiful person, athletic. so, we catch the marmalades in our mouths, play until three points, the most clever and attentive one will win. so, off to the start, attention, march, there’s a tooth that’s broken. this
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injury is dangerous. the score is 1:0, the first attempt is bogdan noise. and he was also modest, so, my second attempt, i choose a star to start, pay attention, march, but by, damn it, what the heck, the score is still 1:1, you’re like, no, the whole game. i already like it, the score is 2:1, bogdan is ahead of me, that’s it. yes, i am the world champion in these competitions, everything
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is now 2:2, now the winner of our competition will be determined, come on bogdan, i believe you, bogdan earns the third point, bogdan, well, i congratulate you first of all on the fact that you have very strong, yes, teeth, some are even in place. programs good morning, medal to you, bogdan, thank you very much, continue to win in everything, we will support you, have a good day, good morning, what women dream about on weekends, of course , relax, this is problematic if you have 1 2 3 children, and if there are eight of them, like the heroine of our next story, however, if a woman has decided something, then she will achieve it, find it and accomplish it by any means. up to 6 hours a day, that is, a quarter of life, almost 20 years, women have laundry, cleaning,
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shopping, cooking, children, in addition to work, today is natalia’s special day, all eight children are with their dad, i’m going to the salon myself to look like the photo in my passport again, i’ll cut my bangs myself to quickly, because there’s absolutely no time, today they kindly let me go, because it’s summer, because there’s no need take everyone to school, to the garden and to all the studios 10 times a day, this is my holiday. yes, coloring, haircut, styling all as a gift, charity event to help large families, when you have eight children, you just completely forget about yourself, we would like to to please the family of such mothers a little, with such wonderful little things as a fresh haircut, a cool manicurist, these are all very, very important little things for women. it would seem like a manicure, a session of relaxation and psychotherapy. natalya glows. how are you? do they, like her, help each other learn in general? no, i help everyone learn, but we brought a real
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psychotherapist to the spa to find out how it all works, beauty treatments also relax, allow a person to remove muscle tension, restore his own strength, self confidence. oksana has four children, sleeps for 6 hours, and today she was also lucky, we can only dream of rest, as they say, yes, but... first, the dambo rubenstein test for self-assessment of dospa procedures. oksanochka, how nice do you feel? i’m already pleased, even that i’ve already gone to bed. very nice. and the test after, all indicators increased as expected. the joy that we feel affects the healing processes, the regeneration processes, the processes of sanogenesis, and restoration of health. not in vain.
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wow, this is actually me, i think this is mine a second wedding, you can arrange it, you are rested, rejuvenated, brighter, i hope this feeling will last for at least a week, or even for the whole six months, well, right. what you need to do to save your mother, compare the before and after. a rested mother, as you know, is happiness in the family. dmitry kuzmin, ilya ridkozobov and ksenia maklyakh, channel one. this weekend, as always, we are traveling with channel one. on saturday and sunday, a gastronomic journey of puvar on wheels. and today on the first scientific and educational reality show our everything. and tomorrow is zhanna badoeva’s project and the lives of others. we wake up, here’s the villain,
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cedar-cedar, i’m susna, as you hear, the first connection, the weekend has approached at space speed, we are gaining altitude, together with zhanna bodoeva we are flying to uruguay, there are more cows living here than people, 10 or 15 million, uruguayans they love condensed milk very much, they even eat it with meat and even... in the maternity hospital, people, by the way, come with the whole family. when my wife gave birth, there were about 15 of us, to make it more fun, we then ordered pizza with beef for everyone. thanks to this house, we are flying to our native one, where our chefs on wheels are cooking this weekend. welcome to the capital of the southern urals, the city of chelyabinsk. what is the signature dish in the urals, of course, dumplings. how is the local recipe different? ural dumplings consist of three types of meat: beef. pork , lamb, and what will the cooks surprise the ural residents with? i’ll also make mousse, parmesan and a small salsa, which will be in
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the plate below, it sounds like the name of a dance, but there’s no dancing... the chefs also have a trip to zlatoust planned, how amazing it is here landscapes, here you can not only admire the panorama of zlatoust, but also ring the bell. the picturesqueness of these places inspired the chefs. friends, just look at this beauty, it’s already delicious. guess what dish it is? don't forget to write down the recipe. set fire to the twigs for me, some kind of magical ritual. and that's it, further. what substance is in the chamber, what kind of substance? the host of the our everything program wants to know everything, is it comfortable to wear sneakers from a new manufacturer and how to clean light-colored shoes if they get dirty by accident? you think i'm fooling around, i'm serious business, i’m preparing the props for filming, it’s magical, when i got my sneakers dirty, i
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was already mentally saying goodbye to them, zhen, what can you do now? so, today on the first channel our everything went, tomorrow the lives of others, cooks on wheels are with us all weekend. svetlana neimanes, joseph kobrin, channel one.
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good morning, royal posture is the key to health, so my daughters and i take great care of it, and we do gymnastics every day, you too, join in, the exercise will benefit everyone. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, pull the top of the head up, while inhaling we put our right leg back, put it on the toe, at the same time we spread our arms to the sides, while exhaling we return to the starting position, one by one. we take a step back, first with one leg, then with the other, and now we increase the amplitude of movements, with an inhalation we open up even more, we slightly tilt our body back, we try to lift our chest up, we connect our shoulder blades, we don’t tilt our head back,
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we keep our neck straight, and as we exhale we seem to close , we round our back, bend our arms, and bring our forearms together in front of us. exercise will help stretch your back muscles and prevent the development of fussiness, and if you do it in the fresh air, the benefits of gymnastics will be double. let's continue. this is the news at the first in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, paratroopers of the dnepr group of troops, using lancet loitering ammunition, destroyed an electronic warfare station of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone in the kherson region, reached the target using unmanned reconnaissance, specialists skillfully corrected the approach of the lancets, observers recorded the exact defeat. in the ovdeevsky direction
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armored vehicles and enemy personnel are destroyed by crew members. attacking him is a matter of minutes. artillery crews of self-propelled howitzers mstas of the twenties combined arms army of the west group of forces hit a ukrainian ammunition depot and armored vehicles, disrupting the delivery of shells to enemy firing positions. worked with high-precision projectiles, fighters on the bravery and dedication of our front line: the guard, an ordinary crew of
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the hurricane rszzo artyom artyomov noticed the enemy drone in time and neutralized it with...
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two military registration and enlistment offices burned down at once in vinnitsa, two more in odessa, and there were reportedly vehicles not from the military registration and enlistment office, but in the ssu. and there in odessa, one of the military men set fire to the car of an employee of the territorial recruitment center. ukraine will not be given
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the number of f-16 fighters it needs, at least this summer, as bloomberg reported, kiev will be able to form only one squadron of 15 or 24 aircraft, despite the fact that the plan was to receive all 300. another source says only about ... and personnel selection for fighter aircraft maintenance, allegedly due to a language barrier. adviser to the us president jake salevan and a representative of lock martin, which produces the f-16, generally refused to comment on the situation, despite the fact that they promised to provide them to kiev more than a year ago. in any case, this is unlikely to change anything.
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defense of the republic, declaring in parliament that athens was not involved in this attack, nevertheless did not deny that american reconnaissance vehicles based there were taking off from greece to coordinate similar strikes, but what are these drones doing outside the airspace of the republic, the official said. according to existing rules, the united states is not obliged to inform the greek side. the deputy defense minister was summoned to parliament amid moscow's statements about the direct participation of the west in the attack on sevastopol. the flight mission for... high-precision missiles transferred to the kiev regime is not formed by the ukrainians, but by the nato military. the crew of the bal missile system of the caspian flotilla successfully fired
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at a mock enemy naval target, the crew struck from a coastal range with an anti-ship cruise missile. safety during the maneuver was ensured by surface ships and vessels. the coastal complex of bal protects from attack from the sea, but with the same success it hits ground targets. it makes him different. high mobility, it is capable of hitting an object at a distance of up to 120 km at any time of the day and in any weather conditions. and finally, about the weather: it is abnormally hot now in the south of russia in crimea, at the beginning of next week it will reach +38, which is 7° above the climate norm. on the peninsula a storm warning has been announced. the air will become even hotter in the rostov and astrakhan regions in the stavropol territory and in the krasnodar territory, there during the day. it will already be +40 and above, the scorching sun in the regions of the north caucasus, the far east, well, in the capital this weekend the forecast is again up to +30, but this heat will bring down the rain a little, and today tomorrow
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they promise a short thunderstorm with strong winds up to 17 m in second, it’s better not to leave cars under trees, in st. petersburg it’s a little cooler +26, but everything is conducive to relaxing in popular resorts locations in the city and region, and therefore on the finnish direction of the october railway... 10 additional commuter trains will be launched on the line. and that's all for now. well, what kind of summer is a woman having if she hasn’t tried on and walked out on a new dress? irina materanskaya will now inspire us with options for both dresses and walks in it. yes, the regime in the summer is completely different, no school and nasty lessons for you. the children have already returned from the camp, there is no need to die like that, we will also find advantages in this. it's finally saturday, which means there will be a moment for yourself. in any unclear situation, we take the children. whatever
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you find in the house, no matter how grown up, you go for a walk, in other words, you run away from all the problems. the first thing you can love about walking is the green color, it calms all natural colors, and also the water, so we move closer to a river, pond or fountain. doctors have found that the air near the fountains has a tonic effect, just like in a forest or in the mountains. it's all about the high content of negative ions, huh. the finest water dust has a positive effect on the central the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, plus the sound of water also has a special magic, soothing, like birdsong. what else helps our brain switch? any activity, scooters, bicycles, catamarans, all around anti-stress, and even just walking. how many steps should you take a day? i think somewhere more than exactly 10,000, are you passing? well
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, somewhere you have to, i think somewhere, oh, there’s 3000, 2000, come to me, or somewhere 3 km you have to walk, that’s not enough, periodically we change the pace of the walk so that the blood circulation increases, and breathing cleared up, such a pleasant cardio workout, 45 minutes of brisk walking a day improves blood flow to...
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thanks to our genetic memory, our great-great-great ancestors always ate outdoors, this is how we are more used to it, main phones are far away, we all need digital detox, at least a couple of hours a week, you don’t have to take pictures on walks, take some paper with you and draw something there, draw this fountain, how people ride boats there, taka is very beautiful. as psychotherapists say, if you want to solve a problem, draw it. in 40 minutes any drawing, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, can decrease from 18 to 15 units, and this is a very good result. irina, sonya, alisa matheransky, channel one. do you know what the best dress is? those who sew themselves and talk to the tv have probably already answered me, it’s unique, which no one else has, because it is sewn with... our own
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hands, together with olga nikishicheva we will now create just such a thing. dear friends, today we will make an original and bright sundress. let's take an old denim bustier as a basis, which has been stored in the wardrobe for a long time and a piece of siitsa 1.5 m wide and 2 m 20 cm long. you will also need a knitted elastic band. a zipper, which we will insert into the side seam of the sundress to make it more convenient and you won’t need to rush to the store to get new clothes. let's start the work by opening the side seam on the left side of the bustier, here we will then insert the zipper, and now we will take on the lower part of the pissing. fluffy skirt, divide it
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in half, fold two rectangles with the right side inward, sew the sides on machine, leaving 50 cm unsewn at the bottom on each side, these will be cuts, leaving 10 cm at the top. not sewn for the zipper, we bend and hem the hem, aprtnov's trick, we unfold the side seams from the inside out, fold them and sew them, so there is no need for an overlocker, we got these sides with slits, we turned them up along the top edge
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and made a drawstring, we take a knitted elastic band, the length , equal to the width of the bustier and thread it through the drawstring. the sundress can be assembled, we connect both parts of the corset and the skirt, chop and fix everything on the machine, side seam add a zipper, fasten it, we assembled the skirt in public...
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she didn’t give interviews to the public at all, she rarely appeared to us lately, but we were lucky enough to persuade her. i took great care of my husband when he was sick, i felt very sorry for him. what sacrifices did vera va make? to play the leading role, why didn’t you decide to give birth? i didn't expect anything good. she called someone else's daughter hers. when i know that she is nearby, i am not afraid of anything. now that faith has not become a forge, we are in the same apartment. gifts, gifts, gifts. who will be now
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possess the incredible inheritance of the great vasilyeva, who will get her jewelry? we lay out these decorations so that everyone can choose what they want. our exclusive, the last interview is the last will of the great vera vasilyeva. exclusive with dmitry borisov. today is the first one. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it. i tried to act in such a way that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours. i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough funds to call, i i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a show, chow, i am
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speed, children immediately recognize me, so call me, call me, i quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call me call me, many children are left to themselves and spend a lot of time alone while parents are at work. not everyone has grandmothers nearby. and grandfathers. this means, dear adults, what our security expert osman dilipage is about to tell you is worth listening to. if you think that the child
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is old enough and can go for a walk alone, i recommend walking along the entrance several times. with him. before leaving the apartment, look through the peephole. if there are strangers on the site, we wait until they leave. and only now we open the door. we get into the elevator. what will you do if the booth stops and someone comes in? that's right, we get out of the elevator and go down on foot. we prohibit children from riding with strangers in the cabin. we don’t run in the yard, we look around to see if there are any moving cars, and only then we go for a walk. the following situation: a child wants to go to the cinema with friends, before letting him go... build a route together, there should be no garages, construction sites or vacant lots on the way, please promise that you
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will take this particular road, i believe you , we also need to remind the child how to behave correctly at a bus stop: we don’t go close to the side of the road, we don’t get into the crowd if there is one, we put the ticket in our pocket, when entering the bus in the cabin, it is better to put a backpack on your chest, so no one will be tempted to climb into it. before... letting your child go to the cinema, be sure to check that the mobile battery is fully charged, you can go from the cinema for children it’s better to meet, at the same time let’s check how much the lesson has been learned, show me how you will enter the entrance if there is a stranger at the elevator, what should you do? that's right, we go up the stairs or wait for the elevator to go down again, you're doing great, prepare... for new situations, so you will we are calm for him, in the heat we just want
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to cool down with something, at least something, the champion of russia in the art of barmany , alexey sviridov, heard our desire and offers to prepare a fruit cocktail for the whole family. you are going on a picnic with friends, i suggest preparing a refreshing cocktail for the whole company in advance. i cut berries and fruits. slices, i have strawberry, apple, lemon and orange, and you can choose other ingredients, put it in a jar, pour in tonic to make the cocktail bright and effective, i add blue soda and blue syrup, mix the ingredients, let the mixture brew a little, add pineapple juice for a bright tropical taste so that the drink... remains cold, add ice to the top, a refreshing cocktail for a friendly company is ready, all that remains is to pack
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disposable cups, and you can go on a picnic. this summer has turned out to be truly sultry, the heat is breaking all records, when the thermometer creeps past the 30° mark, we are no longer surprised that this temperature is so unusual, in some places it’s even below 40. it happens, or even above, but - we are surprised, someone is grumbling, and nature, as you know, has no bad weather, dank in the fall and winter, we will remember this heat with a sigh, how quickly these days passed, so don’t grumble, take care of yourself, well of course, we’re cooling down, the heat has exceeded 30°, the sun is still 49, in volgograd even on a working day the pool is crowded, during the lunch break they run from offices to the water, at work it’s just downright stuffy, air conditioners. can’t cope, i wish i could work, sitting in the pool, you begin to envy the bears in bakhchesarai
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at the zoo, this summer they have showers every day, the eagles, by the way, have also never been so happy with the water, the ostriches also don’t mind swimming, and the capybara doesn’t come out of the water, the whole south is burning with heat, look at the meteorologists’ map, 30 plus almost everywhere, hot... air comes to us from the subtropics and even from the tropics, and here, in continental conditions, in conditions of partly cloudy weather with long daylight hours, this air continues to warm up, at night, in conditions of short nights, it it doesn’t have time to cool down, so there’s this cumulative effect. in astrakhan everything feels like +40, local residents decided to conduct an experiment, fry eggs on the hood of a car. we waited and waited, only a little weathered, which was what we needed to prove, it
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just seems like the asphalt is melting, every year we whine, every year we survive, it seems like in kuban it’s a little above thirty in the shade, but it feels like i get up straight in the morning once from 9:00 she generally baked 54, i could no longer go out into the garden, they are saving the harvest as best they can, now in every garden you can see such a picture: the tomatoes are all burning from the sun, it’s impossible, i cover them so that they don’t burn from the heat. what can we say about the heat polis, the village of uta in kalmykia, here the thermometer columns are approaching the 2010 record, 45.4° shade. several days it was more than 42°, to be more precise, 42.5, 42.3, and the temperature was heating up on the ground. you can definitely fry eggs here, all the grass
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has withered, there are fires every day, but for the locals at least, we are already used to this heat, for us already. i don’t know, this is already a normal temperature, and we’re working great and we are coping well, saving ourselves like the whole country, drinking water, protecting our heads, hiding in the shadows. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. on the calendar, july 13th is international puzzle day. on this day in 1944, ernő rubik, a hungarian sculptor, architect, and inventor of the rubik's cube, which became perhaps the most popular puzzle, was born.
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more than 400 million copies sold , the official speed-building championship; it took the creator more than a month to assemble the first version of the cube, modern craftsmen do it in 10 seconds. arseny borovkov, one of the best spitcubers in russia. my record is 5.24 seconds. i just trained a lot and did it for a long time enough, that's why i collect so well. his.
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will play a very important role, especially in blind assembly, what do you think? we did not speed up this video and did not use special effects, one question: how is this possible? there is a special alphabet for memorizing, each element is studied with its own letter, and this is how i calculate the chain, it turns out from two letters i i put a word together and remember it that way. another type of training is to compete with a robot, an average robot, which is in mass production.
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intelligentsia, actors, singers, writers and poets traveled closer to nature, and this is the theme of the dachna tsaritsina festival this year, closer to nature, because people are in such a state that they really want to get closer to nature, to feel, to hear this world, to hear nature, somewhere to ground yourself, somewhere to stop, somewhere to philosophize, to meditate in space, in this
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they think that the festival about the connection between the nature of creativity is being held for the sixth time, we will have a theater from voronezh, a musical group from barnaul, and even a colombian singer, we are going to the international level, let everyone know what a russian dacha is, also master classes, etc. .. everything is serious, intensive for several days, each participant makes his own project, themes are mosaic, sound design, wood decorations, creating a character in manga style, teenagers are exactly on topic, almost the entire site from the eleventh checkpoint to the bridge is painted a variety of formats, somewhere you can play, somewhere you can enthusiastically listen to music, and somewhere you can just relax to
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fully enjoy the atmosphere of the dacha, installations made from eco-materials are a place for your... the photo is about the fact that city people just lack unity with nature, there are other art projects in the neighborhood, for example, an exhibition of portraits of great creators on shovels, which is not a canvas, inspired by the dacha, i found old shovels, then, as if in a fog, there are already 28 works, and you can consider the dacha as just a space, but i came there, lay down, kebabs, mashliks, here, but in fact, you can turn this small space into some kind of center for creativity, inspiration, creation, you have made a little paradise for yourself. festival program on the website of the tsaritsina museum, every day new, cultural, country, this year. until july 21. anna popova, stepan erofeev, ilya saech, channel one. tomorrow is fisherman's day. it is traditionally celebrated on the second sunday
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of july. in general, i wonder why this july sunday was chosen, maybe the bite is better. well, whatever it is, dears women, if your dear men, early in the morning, or even the evening before, began to collect their gear, you are planning a bachelorette party, or whatever you have been wanting to do for a long time.
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the most popular type of fishing is with an elastic band. in general, we dropped the load, here will be our end point of the elastic band, it is now stretched, and a fishing line with hooks is already lowered along the elastic band. the action of the elastic band is very tricky; no other tackle has anything like it. the fact is that our elastic band is floating, that is, our hooks do not follow us all the time. horizon, they walk along the sides of the triangle. here we have it, as if we were fishing several layers of water, it’s impossible to go home without a catch, this is the most natural silver, the silver of our river,
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the salmon run started in the magadan region , the ola river, the favorite fishing spot of many magadan fishermen, for one the license allows you to catch up to 10 pink salmon, a little further upstream you can catch it for free, though no more than three tails.
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got comfortable, climbed into the traps, we begin sampling, if the fishing season usually ends in the fall, the crab season is long, from the beginning of summer until january 15 of the following year. artyom lepyokhin, liliya lobkova, marina glushenkova, nazir nogumanov, channel one. tver, tarusa, old russa, the names of ancient russian cities sound like music, these three cities celebrate their birthdays over the weekend, an excellent reason to go there on a small trip and i assure you, in each of these cities there is something to see, but we, perhaps, are right now we’ll visit them, tver, tarusa and staraya rusa, today are the birthday people.
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you can try it today, just a little bit longer tongue, it is very expensive, a resort town with healing mineral baths, the tsaritsen springs still flow, the water is still... always 4°, dostoevsky’s favorite place, i walked along these cobblestone streets, i bought sweets in this shop, i lived in this house . here you go, the house, the entrance, the entrance is straight ahead.
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1909, 41 m high. for this combination of new and old, artists and poets adored ancient cities. tarusa has not lost its provincial comfort over hundreds of years. the artist vasily polenov, the poetess marina tsvetaeva, and the pianist svyatoslav worked here on the banks of the aka river richter and prose writer konstantin pustovsky. but tarusa was once a distant fortress. image of four fortresses, kolomna koshira, serpukhov tarusa, which means.
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one of the most picturesque places in tver, and also the first permanent bridge across the volga , the old volga, they say there is one golden stave here, where, who will tell us? tver is the birthplace of the songwriter andrei dementyev and the most famous merchant, afanas nikitin, it was he who paved the way to india and glorified his homeland, and mikhail krug sang it. they say tver is 889 years old, but it is still just as good. first channel. good morning to everyone who is celebrating with us a new day, a new weekend. in the studio irina mormontseva on the calendar, july 13. we are preparing to celebrate a holiday tomorrow, russian post day. we sincerely congratulate all postmen, and in general everyone involved in this holiday. thank you for your great, important, necessary work. remember, just recently they said that in just a little while,
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no one will need mail. maybe we have become less likely to send letters and postcards, but we still can’t live without mail, it is becoming more and more in demand and necessary, especially where mail is highly anticipated, on horses, on boats, russian mail is delivered to all corners of the country, by all available means, andrei viktorovich delivers mail twice a week, loading it into the boat ahead. but in the summer in the autumn the water falls, the river beds have not been cleaned since soviet times, at the entrance there is a scream, there you almost have to carry the boat on yourself every autumn, in the winter he delivers packages on a snowmobile, he works in the altai territory, the village of shalabolikho , 15 km along the river, 300 km detour, getting to the village of yanya is even more difficult to get there, it’s 300 km around, you walk 50 km through the forest off-road, the main thing is to deliver letters, even if the engine broke down, sometimes i
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found only five pensioners somewhere, it took more than four hours by horse to get there, and this is not just a tourist route, it’s really dangerous there, mud, rain and my horse got stuck in a swamp, i had to get off the horse and pull it out, but that’s how i worked for many years, and i know how to handle a horse, not a postman, a real fighter, they always wait warmly there meet, village komarovka
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primorsky krai, to the post office... he goes not only with parcels, with news, and how can you talk and encourage without this? well done , smiling, no need to cry, deadvitia, about 400 people live here, some have anna’s number, they pass on requests, ask how the road is, worries, the tiger , thank god, doesn’t walk during the day, the bear, thank god , doesn’t walk around during the day, it’s them at night, and foxes, badgers and nato-like dogs, which predominate here in large numbers, well, i’m not afraid of them. it’s 300 km to go here on crossroads, sometimes you’ll meet someone on a tractor, and don’t forget, the postman is carrying a pension, it’s a big responsibility. the postman profession is not easy, and not everyone can do it. to be at this job, so you just need to love it, i love my job, it reciprocates. elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, evgeny andreev, channel one. how to choose the right sunglasses, and
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what threats the bright summer sun poses to our eyes. about this about many other things in the program to live great. on monday, on the first. middle. julia, it’s the middle of summer, the weather is not only whispering, but insistent urges, let's go swimming, why not, just friends, be careful on the water near the water, do not forget about the safety rules, they are very simple, but for some reason many people neglect them, more than a thousand people have drowned since the beginning of the season, the main reason is alcohol, a state of alcoholic intoxication, everyone is knee-deep in the sea, and without calculating their strength, they begin to get dark, the second reason is the heat: temperature changes, it’s hot, it’s cool in the water, there may be spasms, and people also lose consciousness because of this and drown . third, people jump into the water, not knowing what was at the bottom, it was empty, in a second a snag floated up, more often this happens on a wild beach, like here, there are no lifeguards,
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no toilets, no buoys of any kind, no one is watching people, of course, people want to swim, you can’t prohibit it, just warn, here are three rules: first, alcohol in the heat is dangerous, blood vessels expand to the limit in cold... in water they narrow sharply, spasm, loss of consciousness. secondly, do not leave children unattended. ramazan hasanov, volunteer of the all-russian student rescue corps, several once a week he saves such babies due to parental carelessness. they don’t get stuck on their phones, they leave their children unattended, they get sunbathed, the same is a common problem, to be honest. the third rule, when saving one, do not drown yourself, do not swim close to the drowning person, otherwise in panic he will be pulled to the bottom. the same t-shirt. can become an excellent element for saving a person, that is, how this happens is that we throw a t-shirt at a distance and pull it out in such a way that we swim to the rescue, and if we pull the unconscious person by the hair, or here ’s another way, we put our right hand in,
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put it on his shoulders, on our shoulder and in the same way we swim to the shore, on the shore we call an ambulance, listen to his breathing, turn him over to his side, he’s not breathing, we start resuscitation, count the last ribs, put two fingers up, this is our ball-shaped process, close the lock with the hard side of the palm and the second hand, we have a straight back, straight arms, elbows, throw back our head, five breaths, 30 compressions, if breathing is not appeared, two more breaths and 30 compressions, the pulse has returned, you can turn it over, lever technique, even a child can handle it, we put our left hand on his right cheek, we hold it, we bend his knee, one point, two points, on ourselves everything in this way, be sure to not forget to correct posadashev, so that the knee was at 90° and the palm, two points, one two, we are waiting for emergency medical
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care, monitoring the victims, but it is still safer to swim on equipped beaches. sergey abramov sotnik, sergey morin, ilyazubov and yulia kuvabina, channel one. saturday on calendar. traditions, in the morning i still felt a competitive spirit in myself, and therefore quickly found a singer, the winner of the television project, the voice of bogdan shuvalov, challenged him. however, what kind of alla we have, such is her challenge, sweet and marmalade. what else can you do with your head? personally, i catch marmalades in it, let’s see what the winner of the tv project, the voice of bogdan shuvalom, has to say about this. and love. crazy birds, will break your window, bogdan, good morning, hello, very glad
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to see you, congratulations on your victory, listen, you really incredible, tell me, in principle, how life has changed after the voice, i’m still coming to my senses, yes, well, at least the neighbors are like bogdan, like that. neighbors in st. petersburg, you live somewhere, they recognize you, they really recognize you, and at the most inopportune moments, when you go to the trash here at the pharmacy, something more says about we voted for you, i’m like , why now bogdan, you are an incredibly beautiful person, sporty, athletic, you play sports, yes, i’m sure your entire audience now i turned to the screens in order to support you and wish you victory in our competition, so, we catch the gummies in our mouths, we play, from three points the most dexterous and attentive will win, so, to the start, pay attention, march, there a puma broke a tooth, this is an injury. the score is 1:0, the first attempt is bogdan shuvalovo, yes bogdan,
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oh, and he was also being modest, so, my second attempt, i choose an asterisk, to the start, attention, march, and by, damn it, what is it, the score is on- still 1:1, is that right? not overall , i already like the game, the score is 2:1, bogdan me ahead, yes, i am the world champion in these competitions, everything is now more acute, the score is 2:2 now the winner of our competition will be determined, come on bogdan, i believe you, bah!
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bogdan earns the third point. bogdan, well, i congratulate you, first of all, on the fact that you have very strong, yes, teeth, some are even in place, you got a medal from the good morning program. bogdan, thank you very much, continue to win in everything, we will support you, have a nice day, good morning. our saturday morning broadcast ends. irina muromtseva was with you, have a nice weekend, take care of yourself, don’t overheat and don’t catch a cold either, catch warm days, preferably somewhere in nature, in the good company of loved ones, and do what makes you happy, what gives you strength, be with us, be in the first place, see you, bye.


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