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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  July 13, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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infrequently once a month, or maybe twice, in order to somehow constantly maintain it. vera kuzminichna said, of course, twice, that is, she strived to play, and this is the most important thing, i think, she overcame stairs, because we have a small hall where they played, they performed the play vera, it required overcoming stairs, physical training, and walked , and walked, played, and was dressed up, and was disposed towards the people, towards the audience, who sat and came to her, and this is an amazing connection, actresses and spectators who they didn’t even come to watch the performance, but just to see her. in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters, forward, with a shaky mustache. kostya raikin
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agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting, i tried to act in such a way that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but it was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you have not enough funds to call, i'm a car voiced, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this. call me, call me, i have so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because it’s brilliant, come to your senses after the shock, and then answer my question, of course, it works, only for me, no one else, the route was built, don’t forget to give us a rating in the app, i’ll fly in somehow, in fact, you couldn’t do anything else, go ask everyone,
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tonight with nikolai tseskaridze on the first one. what do you know about uruguay? this is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in latin america. i also know that there are more cows living here than people. the national meat of uruguayans is beef. it's almost a religion for us. what is the model of a beautiful woman in montevideo? for our women , comfort comes first, some feel comfortable without makeup, others won’t go to the supermarket without full makeup. what are you drinking, this mate? yes, these are special leaves from a tree, and also different herbs. mate is not sold in coffee shops and restaurants, everyone makes it to myself only at home. do you often come to dance? i come here not only to dance, but also to find a gentleman. you know, i’m already at such an age that i want to meet my...
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love, the life of others, the premiere is tomorrow at the first, and what she was like as a friend, in communication in such a human way, in everyday life, every day with you, she was a wonderful friend, with you could talk to her about everything, sometimes it even seemed like i was saying, verochka, this is probably not interesting to you, she says why is the baby so wonderful, i asked daria how it is clear that everything they know that she’s kind and calm, but they want to, well, we can’t look through the closed door, what’s really going on there at home, and whether there’s rubbish there, i don’t know, some kind of grievances, some kind of conflicts, giving honestly told what happened at the time when they all lived together was impossible. it is said that if
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she really didn’t like something, she simply fell silent, and she behaved like that with everyone, absolutely everyone, and if we praise petroenvich they had some kind of disagreement, she simply fell silent and went into the room, and then he came, berchik, and we’ll drink tea, she says, we’ll do it, and nothing more, well, with us, in general, there weren’t such strong break-ups, when she fell silent, i wanted to say: what - you were probably visiting for the last time in march, yes, i'm sure kuzmenichno, i think on march 8th, but i was here on maslenitsa, i don't remember, there were even some dates, but i was just so taken aback when i walked in, and i understand that she's 97 years old, she's wearing heels , in shoes, in a dress, with her hair done, with a manicure, she was getting ready - for all the arrivals of guests, if it came to her. congratulate
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someone from the theater with some date or television comes, she was preparing, and this, of course, always caused amazement, even recently, literally in march it was, listen, there... there were only a few months left, who could have thought at all , that in august there will be no verakuznaya? vera kuzmenshnaya really believed in fate, she really believed in fate, she somehow, even standing here, says: you know, if there is a beginning of the end, then you directly understand that this is the beginning of the end, she understood that if fate getting sick and fate not to survive the illness, then she will accept it, she says, you know, don’t try too hard, if anything, this was always her strength, to accept fate, since fate decided for her, but at the same time she always said that you have to be ready, and also, and this is also exclusive, it turned out that the whole country celebrates vera vasilyeva’s birthday on
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september 30, but she has two birthdays, in fact, one day is on the birth certificate, and the other day is in the passport. this became clear only in 2002, when elder sister valentina kuzminichna died, it was necessary to confirm kinship, two sisters went to a brother's funeral, and somehow then it was necessary to open an inheritance case, and it was necessary to confirm that they were all brothers and sisters, finally the middle sister found somewhere in her archive, so to speak, them everyone’s birth certificate, well, they found it, were happy, and put everything together. in the folder, i say, can you look, she says: well, look, a lawyer came up with something interesting, and she says, well, puzma vasilyevich alexandra andreevna, well, date of birth, well, it’s kind of clear who’s where mechina was born in moscow, antonina kuzmichina , tver region, and i look, the dates are not the same,
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and everyone’s dates are wrong and i show them, she says it says september 1st, she says, how good, exactly 9 months from january 1st, we become. we began to celebrate twice, on september 1st we usually invited those closest to us, and september 30th is already such a national holiday, and it so happened that she didn’t play on stage for only 3 months, only 3 months, and she was so afraid that she would have to leave , that’s it, he won’t be able to go out and play, well, i must say huge thank you to dasha for the fact that, of course, we in the theater thought about how difficult it was for veri kuzminichna to go on stage, when... we made various decisions about zucchini, some other evenings, then dasha said: “don’t even think about it, this prolongs her life, indeed, it was very significant for her. she told us, vera kuzmenichna at the last meeting, you know, the truth, she says, i’m
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very afraid that i won’t be able to just play, i won’t be able to play, but just sit at home,
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that's what i lived with, that i don't want to part with, that's it . i adore this, now i’ll go out on stage and hug them like that, mikhail zadornov, the legendary satirist writer, he came out on stage and talked to us about different things, about foreigners, a german came to finish learning the russian language in the moscow region, you know how... on our signs in the store says closed, on the other hand it’s open and they hang it openly, he came in but can’t get out, about the mysterious russian soul, if a woman says no, that means yes, but later, about how we can live better, money for the sake of life, and not life for the sake
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of money, about many other things, we have collected the most a complete collection of the best issues of the legendary satirical writer. someone very correctly said that an aphorism is a carefully edited novel. here are a few of these novels, written over my eighty-year life, i will read to you: if a woman says no, it means yes, but later, interestingly, the women laughed, the men tensed, and the women immediately understood what it was about, that’s the difference in my opinion a look between a woman and a man, a woman is even ready to make love for the sake of love, and a man for that... is even ready to love, and i’m listening to who
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reacts, women react more, but one man applauded on the second, that is, you recognized yourself, but i, well, i wrote all this myself, many men were ruined by drunkenness, smoking, gluttony, unwillingness to take care of the house, but even more men were ruined the desire to quit drinking, smoking and start taking care of the house, this starts with yourself. difficult, but understandable, men, as a rule, remain especially long under the impression they make on women, they lived happily for a long time before they met each other, mine will be sad, yes, i will gradually get closer to the funny, well, this is completely sad, don’t wish your neighbor your wife, again women are happy. if a woman says that she loves you, this does not mean that she loves only you, but if she
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swears that you are her second, guys, you understand me, she is not lying, she does not specify after which you, interesting , the first part of the phrase, the men laughed, the second , the women were happy, well, that’s right, monkey. crazy and became a man, once a month the body needs to be given a shake-up, don’t drink, masochist in hell, heavenly pleasure, russian wisdom, such nashinskaya, if you suffer from a hangover in the morning, it means that in the evening you decided to drink a glass for your appetite. and this is the toast i propose, remember, it would be successful in
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any company, no matter if you had succeeded us, for the fact that we are you, and not you us, i believe that in order for people in family life to be happy, it is necessary to clearly distribute responsibilities , the main issues in the family should be decided by the husband, and not the main secondary ones, the wife, women, don’t be offended, now i’ll explain everything, for example, build a dacha or buy a car. child or getting a dog, how much to spend a month, what to put aside in money or rubles, who to borrow from so you don’t have to give it back, all this is not the main thing in a person’s life, it should be decided by the wife, who will be the next president, when the end of the world will come, that's what's important in... life, the following monologue was rarely shown on tv, but it is still relevant.
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napoleon on the elbe, already at the end of his life , admitted that he made the main mistake in his life, he went to russia, did not figure out russia, he figured out all the countries, because a genius from he was a genius, but why count them, he went to any country, to germany, to austria, the formula is already waiting for him, an army that will defend their country, an army is waiting, the army is all defeated for him. this is a game of ox soldiers, that’s it, he broke it, repaired the king, made him a vassal, entered russia, here’s an army, no, an army, he’s for the army to the right, kutuzov is to the left, he’s to the left, kutuzov is to the right, and kutuzov generally has one eye on him, he’s one he only sees the side, napoleon is behind the army, the army is away from him, it’s sucking in, sucking in, russia, the weather. it's deteriorating, he 's never wandered around the swamps so much in his life, he just doesn't know
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how to do it, the horses are running out, the food is running out, the food is running out, in another country these issues are easily resolved, he went to the peasants in germany, to any village, took the food, he took the horses, he took the peasants into the army, then the peasants themselves came in ; they haven’t eaten for centuries, they have nothing, the horses have died in the last century. this is all the food that grew, a little, was deformed, burned so that the usurper would not get it, napoleon says: “these are barbarians, they burn the root, they burned their brains and are rejoicing, all of europe was shocked, a german cannot burn berlin, there are a lot of values ​​there, but the russians don’t care about these values, the main thing is that you bitch get away, and you are
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patriots, my friends. or he could not figure out one thing, that in the whole people there is something that he thought only he had: dignity, until the end of his days he could not understand why the russians drove him to paris, according to all formulas, according to western ones, they they should have driven him only to the border of russia, that’s all, that’s your damn business, the rest is everything, we caught up and that’s enough, no, no, no, no, we chased you with all our hearts, you bitch, did you trample our land?
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who has nothing, he, he, he is chasing after them, there is no one, not a soul, only bearded faces from the forest, looking at him all the time, he can’t catch anyone, finally, he finally caught someone, some the scythian tribe decided to take the fight, he was so happy, with the remnants of his army, he decided to defeat the scythians, they lined up at dawn, an incident from
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history, amazing, he puts the dots on each other, they lined up, the trumpets sounded, in this time... hares ran between the armies, all the scythians chased the hare, it was more important to them, they chased the hares with all their hearts, dari left, having piled up everything from us. at the end of his life, napoleon admitted that the russians still outwitted him, even in military affairs, it was near the border with france, russian troops stopped at the border with france, and... he is a poor fellow, he defeated the russians three times while they were driving him to france across europe, three times, ours are chasing and driving him, so that, well, they don’t fight, napoleon lost because he ran out of people, you know, he didn’t know the truth alone, in russia people never run out, here, for the fourth time, having recruited his last army simply from youths, he bypassed the russians from
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the rear, decided to defeat them from the rear, ours said, why do we need him, let’s go take him. paris is all, still turn around, there is a clear road, we are a paradoxical people, tell our man that there are 338 billion 6848.589.691 stars in the sky, he believes, and when he comes to the door where it is written in paint, i will definitely touch it. we have a special logic, a person comes to my store and says: there is non-alcoholic beer, they say there is, he says, then two bottles of vodka, what, what is the logic of a russian person, only our man catches up with the bus, jumps up and asks what number, half a bus for him, and the devil knows, these
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people cannot live well in the next 500 years, until... when foreigners come to russia and don’t know the russian language, it’s normal if they do, that’s it, that’s it, a german has come to finish learning the russian language in the moscow region. you know how on the signs in our stores they write closed, on the other side it’s open and they hang it open, he came in, can't get out. and when he went to the market he asked: what is a woman? ota says: these are nice yellow tomatoes, he
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says: why are they white? because they are still green, but when he was walking along the highway he saw that the grandmother was driving out the geese, i’m afraid to tell you, honestly, ready, yes, ready, for sure, he screams, he shouts at the geese, get out of the dogs, he thought that he learned the language incorrectly, you know, he opened the dictionary, checked, like a geese, goes up to the grandmother, says: granny, these are geese, she says: and you little one is a complete idiot, yes, he says: a why do you call them dogs? i
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gave one american seller 10, they had to get 5 dollars 45 cents from me, i gave 10 dollars 45 cents, clinch, he says, why do you already have enough, why did you give me change, i tell you to be even. he says: why do you need an even one? i say, it’s easier for you, he says, i already have everything, a conversation between two morons generally takes place, thank god the manager, our russian emigrant, came up and said: please, remove the small change, if you prove to him why you gave it, he don't work will be able to spend the entire second half of the day, it will jam, they will never figure us out, because they figure it out with their minds, but we do it from the heart, try to explain to them how this is so?
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something from the heart, our soul is paradoxical, how we answered them for our humiliation during the olympic games, they humiliated, humiliated our athletes, we hit them in the guts, from the heart, they said, we won’t take your crust, right away theirs bush flew to ours, was offended by his legs, and ours coolly told him, he said: “you treated our athletes for doping, and we treated your chickens for doping!” we, therefore, we are paradoxical, that we know how to do something from the heart, this is necessary, every year
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the whole people are surprised, the same tv news, again winter suddenly crept up in january, what will you do, the government did not warn that in january winter will come. i understood, i understand that the russian people will never be digitized by the west, no unified state exam, no western reform will cope with us, you know, i once traveled from bam, i traveled from bam for 7 days with an agitation brigade, the heat was like this summer in moscow, when what's on the train i want it when it’s very stuffy and hot, so, and i get off at one station and say: to the conductor, i’m running to the factory, she says, so bad, ours, she says, the train is 4 minutes, i say, i’ll give you two bottles, only our
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woman could answer, run, i’ll hold the belt, whatever the horse is at a gallop, hold the belt, our woman, she can work with a stopcock, i brought quite a lot of vodka, i kiss the purse, i gave her two bottles, three, i say, eh... take it to the drivers, the train is still moving along the rails, it won’t turn anywhere, only ours could return, only from our drivers say, they asked you to convey it, they will stop you anywhere, decide to introduce yourself, the head of the division’s political department, colonel ramzin, he is generally a man of army bearing, he doesn’t need to. pretend to look at me, where should i go to the theater, to the cinema? sergei puski finger is a dream for any artist as a partner, seryozh combines the incongruous, he is
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incredible. i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame, you haven’t thought of changing your profession yet, no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he could do so much for cinema, for his country, on the other shore where i have never been, my footprints in the wet sand will end. rom kastro is a product of stellar group.
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you’ll miss me, as i will, don’t forget your hat, it’s cold there, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, good luck, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you later. well, we inspected the attics and roofs, everything is clean, the owner of the dachshund says that she had no conflicts, no one threatened, that the dumplings were tired, the poplov fell off, and in our yard, tomorrow on the first day, and you know how we we met him, our train was parked in a septic tank, well, i was there while i
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was collecting bed linen. he falls into a hollow, drunk, can’t stand on his feet, he’s staring at me with his eyes, let’s go to tashkent, let’s go to tashkent, i say, men, what a tashkent, we’re at the kiev station, only our man is walking down the street in winter, complaining, that he is cold, then he goes into the store, buys ice cream and goes outside to eat it, only our people see each other with horror, seeing a friend on the street, asking what happened to you, you look so good today, only in our country they ring the doorbell at home when their wife asks who is there to answer theirs, only our women eat up all the spoiled food in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t go to waste, only our men call their wife on a working day before a holiday from work and say: we have a short working day today day, so i’ll be late, only our women,
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like... husbands go to work, slamming the front door, shouting: you’re the one who left, married couples generally have their own logic, i overheard a conversation where two people were quarreling in a company, he asks her, you said everything, she says: no, what else, i have nothing more to tell you, only, only our man can, at 8 am in a crowded subway car, standing on one leg and holding a briefcase in his hand, solve a crossword puzzle with the other hand at this time, only our men ask his wife a question: how much time do you need, so that you are ready in 15 minutes, only our jealous people call their wife at home in the evening and ask: are you home? only our men wake up their wives at night with the question: are you sleeping? only ours, when called by his last name, asks: who am i? a fool
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includes such a one, but these people don’t care, who will manage them, only in our office at the stand can a plan for sudden inspections be posted for everyone to see, only our fishermen are carried away every spring on the same ice floe. heavy rain driving without windshield wipers, something magnetic storm, something moving in the stomach, only our man can drive in a zhiguli and his wife leans her belt out of the passenger window.
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this can all be explained by only one thing: here is the energy, but there is no point of application of the energy, that is, the direction is not concentrated for this energy, so the guys write, let's go, a completely new story, in altai, we went on a picnic, opened the doors of a lada, there was food in the back seat, we went to make a fire ourselves, drink beer before that, and close the doors, a russian person doesn’t close them behind him, anyway, open them and then take them , and there they have food, and she was passing by, felt the smell, stuck her head in and began to chew what was there, and these saw a cow after a while, never to think, one immediately said, now i’ll arrange for her,
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ran to the pendal, still had to think first, a pendal is a cow, and a cow, when she is given a pendal. she makes her head up like that, boom, like that, and her head is in the lada, there inside, she puts her horns into the roof like that, only our boys can push a cow in a crowd through the lada , try, oh, well, what our men they are doing, of course, this cannot happen anywhere in the world, they gave it to the administration of a northern city, two businessmen decided to make an exclusive gift and gave it. two hippos, northern city two hippos, no enclosure, good it was summer, they began to build an enclosure, and while they were building the enclosure, they lowered the hippos into the local stinking river and fenced them in with nets, but these are
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hippos, they are not plankton, they fenced them in with nets, the hippos broke through the nets and swam, as it seemed to them, to africa. so, here, two men went fishing, yes, they drank, otherwise, what about going fishing, actually dozed off with fishing rods, one got a bite, he only opened one eye, the other was no longer open, when he saw a stink in the local river the open mouth of a hippopotamus, this locomotive firebox, the father’s hook got caught, he didn’t warn the second one, got on his bike and pedaled into the village, but when the second one took the bait, he overtook the first one without a bicycle, oh, and along
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the amguni river there is a tributary of the amur, the amgon, two men were swimming from fishing, they also drank, and next to him an elk was swimming, his antlers were sticking out , they think, they tied a rope to the elk like this to the horns, they think it will come out now, we’ll take it, the second end of the rope to the boat, but the elk turned out to be healthy, did not want to get up, went ashore into the taiga straight away, only our boys are on the boat in the taiga , i ask, i ask them, guys, we were rowing with oars like this, he says, what are you doing, the bottom has broken, we are running in this pubic area, this is making us sick. full country, why? my theory is one: an inquisitive mind, quick thinking, creativity, the rational does not work, i read the hemisphere in the newspaper, a motorcycle is for sale after a collision with a belaz, all documents are in
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order, the newspaper sells a summer cottage, a summer house, a vegetable garden, bushes, a garden, a toilet, everything bears fruit. on the door of a house in a residential area of ​​moscow, from such-and-such to such-and-such, façade paintings will be made on your house work using the industrial mountaineering method. we kindly request: do not cut the ropes for workers, and this is about layoffs, well, i read the advertisement brilliantly: i am urgently looking for a job, nanny, peadabras. pedobraz is an abbreviated form of pedagogical education, i understand, but i wouldn’t want to have a pedobraz as a nanny, i generally think that we are not
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laughing in vain, i believe, i insist again, with humor, many problems can be solved, across the border of poland our tourist group and a pole customs officer were moving from belarus, he was told: they were processed at customs in poland. how can the americans
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compare with us in terms of intelligence? an american, a professor, asked our student in america: i want to ask you a question about russia. that student says: “i know that there are bears around here.” he says: no, no, i know that this is an invention, a horror story for us western people. tell me, it will be -40 below zero, yes, yes, tell me, dress warmly, yes, but how do they ride on the bus? after all, on the street -40 , you dress warmly, you get on the bus, it’s warm there, well, stupid, it’s real, and he says, there hangers, or something, our guy remembered my speech, he says, no, we keep the temperature on the bus -40, he says, someone was surprised, really, he says, well done, what a big deal...
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vacation time is coming , i like to travel most of all on vacation, maybe this will be a surprise, but i still like to travel around russia to western countries , i went there, it’s somehow not so fun, not so interesting, everything there is expected, there is such a european-quality renovation of nature already, the clouds are moving in formation.
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50 km of swamps turning into forest, advertising, and these advertisements on the roads are strung on a skewer, and between the swamp and the forest there is italian furniture, who needs this furniture there, understand them, below is the slogan: we will furnish you, and when i travel, i think it’s interesting how we managed from the west take the most unsightly thing,
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over this question, and the earrings sway, and
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the pigtails rise, finally, hollywood films, but it is no longer possible to watch, thanks to hollywood films, our youth thinks that war is romance, when they realize that it is not romance , it's already late it happens, thanks to these films and thanks to what television shows, i actually once said, in my opinion, a very correct phrase, television, this will now cut out what i say, but television today has a huge audience, and it should cultivate it . has, has, thanks to television, today many young people have forgotten how to speak russian, they think that okay, this is the russian language, you know how... they speak great in russian villages, not okay, okay, ours language is the language of feelings, where western languages ​​are the language of information, okay, this is information, i love you, who knows english, this is information, i told you that i love you, russian language, i love you,
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this is the language of nuances of feelings, you cannot rearrange i love you love i you, you i love you can’t, in russian you can say whatever you want, i love you, i love you, i love you, yes i love you, they say, we have nuances in the language, i’m not talking about synonyms, i’m in love with you, i’m in love with you i'm impressed, i 'm in awe of you, they have clearly two expressions, that's it, you'll never translate it into their language i didn’t understand the word enough, because it’s a condition. i’m traveling around russia and i’m surprised, everyone says: okay, guest worker, innovation, lysine, casting, wow, well, wow, they got it, honestly, i tell everyone, you saw your face in the mirror, yeah it suits you, one the businessman
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managed to name his daughter diorrhea, diorrhea fedorovna, can you imagine, he sentenced her, yes, i say, you are still a son. you name it, you come to any squiggle in russia, there used to be hotels, now it’s a hotel, five stars, three stars for convenience in the yard, two for the sink above the bed, i arrive at the hotel, hot water flows from two taps, from two in crimea, i say, i’ll leave, i didn’t come to crimea for that... he says: well, you have the best room in the hotel, you even have , now you will experience pleasure, you even have a jacuzzi in your room, i tell him, and you tried to take a jacuzzi in bubbling boiling water, in these
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turbulent eddies someday, this happened in the summer, and he tells me: oh, stay. when you pull the plug out of the socket, half the wall immediately falls off, you turn on the kettle, the tv turns off well, i was recently in odessa, i got into the shower, i ’m afraid to even tell you this, i started getting electric shocks, i called the administrator, i said, why am i getting electric shocks in the shower, she tells me, is she ready? ready, she asks me: you probably turned on the tv, turn it off immediately, we all have such a shock when the tv works, like russian people, what kind of parallel, but at the same time beautiful words are written instead of the administration, faya of the hotel reception, reception , i
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ask who you are, he says, i’m a receptionist, i say, you’ve been studying this for a long time word in general, you take the cockroach out of the hotel first, downstairs in the faye... it’s written in russian buliks, whoever knows english will enjoy it. in the evening there will be a male topless event at the bar. i saw a vegetable stall in moscow, called a vegetable boutique, and the restaurant is blinhaus. and at the entrance to the hotel it is written in russian letters “elpen sebya”. something is bitter about our fate, mish, how have you not lived your life, barbarian, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, you are being called up, airborne, just wait for me, you hear, i love you, life without you don’t exist, have you gone crazy, gone crazy, he’s often without you, leave him, i
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love him, and what, you put me in a sad uniform, you think i’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf. you don’t know the shores, your son is alive, what a son you walked with the bear, will we really find out where he is? two shores, premiere, from monday on the first, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, steersman bourbon, a product of the stellor group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac, montage. shoka, product stetellar group, you are the wife of my best friend, let’s not get hysterical, at first i was naturally
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on the girl’s side, but when i started to figure it out, there were a lot of dubious details, since, if he’d let me live, well, in general, he’s an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt , that there is something wrong with him , that you pestered me, i really want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still look there. who could it be? let's go to paris next week, fortune teller from monday, on the first. what's taking so long? maybe some problems? in the new season on the first. a woman was killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts didn’t break. do you know how it breaks? is that just it? the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls. well, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts
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of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified. and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. i always be careful, major, find the head of security, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version goes to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko.
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confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. you know, the last time i was in my beloved america was in the late nineties years when i was still allowed there. and that's nice. laughing behind me, yes, i understand, in the late nineties - i had not yet crossed out my visa in my passport, on the tv screen, and it was, i remember, there was my performance in boston, that’s interesting, i arrived when i came to boston, and i go into the elevator, the administrator accompanies me to show me my room, i have a concert in the evening, he asks a stupid question, she’s american, that’s it, how did you get there? as if she's interested, i say, bad, she's stuck, because, because there is no answer, she says, but in general, what
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in general, i say, everything is bad, that’s it, she stopped talking to me, because for her it was some idiot who came, because they have to answer according to a formula, but i was interested another thing, in the elevator at the rezhentsikhaet hotel it was written in russian no smoking, i immediately realized that there were apparently a lot of russians... living in the hotel now and that the americans were completely stupid and thought that the russians did not know what no smoking meant , apparently the americans think that the russians think that it is not to wear a tuxedo, which means indeed, i see that our well-known businessmen are hanging out downstairs in the fay, when i was going out to a concert, i was getting ready to go, suddenly an american, quite elderly, came up to me , it’s clear that he’s an intelligence officer, it’s clear that only the cia and the kgb cut their hair like that, so the same way, and speaks good russian, you
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are zadornov, and he is like this, an aged james bond, like this, i say, yes, how do you know me, and he says, i am in charge, he told me so, with an american smile, he says, i head the cia department for russian studies, i tell him, i’ve been shot before would be for such a conversation, he says, times have changed, he says, i ask him, what are you doing in boston? you have an office in washington? he tells me: we, he said so, we are holding a conference of russian democrats and businessmen, we have a closing ceremony in the evening, a banquet of this conference, everyone will come, everyone was there, then, i saw it later, and he asked me: you have a concert, i say, but are you so bad at working in the cia that you don’t know whether i have a concert or not? where i say: i can invite you, he came to my concert, sat in the front row, recorded behind me, that is, while performing,
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i practically felt like a traitor, he... then he told me, your performance is very important to me, because we, he admitted so, imagine, what happened to me, he says, based on your speeches we study the psychology of russians, well, well, i really would have been shot for this in soviet times, but he tells me: let’s close the conference in the evening in the hotel restaurant where you are staying , and come have some tea, i i’m treating you to tea, that’s how i said tea, that’s how i set the tea, i didn’t even buy buns with kuperdyai.
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this is a deliberate betrayal, to raise blind people, to monk the youth, to glaze, transform, turn the population into an electorate, so that a computer replaces a living teacher, so that a piece of hardware replaces a living person, so that young people cannot think independently, so that they do not have their own opinion, so that their opinion is recognized from above or from the internet, so that they don’t know how to write correctly, don’t want to read, and if they accidentally read something. so that they can’t retell it, you know that young people can’t retell anything, they, they say, here they have such a mixture of obscenities with interjections, when they, oh, damn it, back and forth, like this kind of crap, cool, yes, this one was retelling hamlet to another, i don’t know what it was about, what it was referring to, john kennedy said, in sixty-two or something, or in sixty-
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one, i don’t remember exactly, that the best education in the world was in the soviet union, and that... their parents in the most perverted way. i am the enemy of freedom of sex children, they will fuck i would formulate it this way: today there are many temptations, nevertheless, we must remember, the main thing is money for the sake of life, and not life for the sake of money.
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why do i have the right to say this, i do. i live, and if i am joyful in the morning, it means i live correctly, and if i still sleep well, it means i live very correctly, so i have the right to share this advice, if you listen, you will also live well. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day.


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