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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  July 14, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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of the republic of tuva, this square is called ara, which in translation from tuvan means a cattle breeder, but there is no smell of cattle here, of course, magnificent fountains, buildings of a musical drama theater, similar to a ship, topped wooden structures, made in the scythian-siberian animal style, special attention attracted by the huge prayer wheel of khurda, located in its center, people come up and spin it and, by the way, you can immediately determine who is a tourist, who is a local, because tourists spin indiscriminately, two or three revolution, local... listens sensitively to the ringing of the bell, which counts the revolutions, three, seven or nine, this is very important, inside the drum there is a border of 115 million buddhist mantras, each of its revolutions is read prayers and mantras, so rotate the drum if you if you are alarmed or have bad thoughts in your head, it is strictly forbidden; you should first calm down, come into balance, and only after that you can engage in prayer. in soviet times , the square was, of course, named after lenin.
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igora, who is clearly visible, had the same name from almost anywhere in kozyl. the tradition of laying inscriptions from large stones on mountain slopes was widespread here during the years of soviet power. this power itself used natural education as an effective advertising space for the propaganda of communist ideology. more often than others, schoolchildren and students posted the slogan “glory to the cpsu” on the slopes. now at the top of the mountain, which returned its original name “dagea”. beauty is a completely different slogan, although, no, beauty is wrong here. words of the mantra "ommani padmekhum", one of the main ones among all buddhists, this is not just a prayer, an appeal to the buddha of compassion, in accordance with buddhist sacred texts, it carries the full power of his blessing in love. anyone who can see, hear or recite this sacred mantra receives the blessing of the buddha of compassion. which means it’s you now. the inscription mantra was even going to be included in the giles book of regords, the fact that the height of the letters is 20 m, and the length of the inscription itself is 120.
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and mongolia, as well as national shimanist beliefs, which have centuries-old traditions. in turn, tuvan shimanism was enriched with buddhist practices. these spiritual phenomena still have both separate and common influences on traditional holidays and cults. at the beginning of the 20th century in tuva there were several thousand shamans and several thousand lamas. kham kizhii is what people call a shaman here. he is a mediator between the world of people and the world of spirits. people become shamans for various reasons, well, some are shamans from birth, others... as a result
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of illness, others receive this gift from another shaman, helping him as a student. shamans become from the spirits of nature, water, earth, sky, there are hereditary shamans. often this gift is revealed only after generations. and if a person does not use this gift, he begins to get sick. shamans can be both men and women, and even teenagers. they heal the soul and body, help with everyday problems; especially for our group, tuvan shamans performed a special ritual for health and well-being. in total, from tuvan shamans. there are nine cult rituals. in the past, most often tuvans resorted to the help of a shaman in case of illness. with the help of an incense burner, the shaman cleanses his clothes, the tambourine of the sick person. well, what follows is a conversation with the spirits, and then the ritual process itself. at the end, the shaman can report the results of the negotiation, or he can remain silent. the shaman told us to carefully monitor our health. well, of course, the work is hard and stressful. our collaboration with the shamans turned out to be fruitful, unlike our colleagues who later. convenient shooting from the video card
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, the footage of the ritual disappeared. buddhism did not come to the territory of tuva immediately. third its wave came in the second half of the 19th century. then the mongolian lamas began active missionary activity in this territory and the first buddhist monasteries began to appear - khuree. by the second half of the 19th century, there were khurees in every district. these were large farms that served hundreds of serfs. they had livestock and were engaged in trade. tuvans are buddhists. often made pilgrimages to mongol monasteries and had close ties with them. ustau kharee, that is, the upper temple, one of the largest temple monasteries complexes on the territory of tuva. the monastery was founded in 1905; there was nothing like it not only in tuva, but in the entire territory of the former union. construction was carried out under the leadership of a specially invited tibetan lama, kuntan rimpoche, and with the participation of chinese craftsmen. the entire local population constantly participated in the construction of the temple. it was destined to stand for only about 30
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years, because in the early thirties the monastery was closed, in the thirty-seventh the main temple of tsukchen was ordered to be completely demolished, but the high the glazed walls stood, the lamas who lived in the monastery were repressed, their legs were shot. at the end of the forties of the last century, all the buddhist temples of tuva were destroyed, and only a few of them remained throughout russia: vulanude in st. petersburg. almost half a century later, it was decided to restore ustu-khure. the old walls were left, and a new temple was erected not far from the destroyed one. the interior decoration of the new ustuye khuree is decorated with bronze statues of buda and a thousand cast bronze figurines about 30 cm high workshops of nepal. 30 years ago , an unusual event took place in the republic of tuva , the 14th dalai lama himself came to his speech . a huge number of people gathered in the square to get at least a glimpse of the future of compassion embodied in the human body, no less than 40,000 people came, that is, half the population capital cities. when his
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holiness the dalailama finished his speech to the people of tuva, the crowd gathered together, everyone wanted to come at least a step closer. while traveling, pay attention to the many colored flags and ribbons tied everywhere, this is the main rite, and the offering of a flag to the wind, when pieces of silk fabric with images of deities and prayer texts are offered on hills, they are tied on wooden structures, the wind shakes the flag , it is believed that prayers are considered, it is also customary to tie hadaks, their main colors, white, blue, green, yellow, red, white, by the way, are served to respected guests. what do you know about uruguay? this is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in latin america. i also know that there are more cows living here than people. national the meat of uruguayans is beef. it's
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almost a religion for us. what a model of a beautiful woman in montevida. for our women, comfort comes first. does anyone feel comfortable? wear no makeup, some people won’t go to the supermarket without full makeup. what are you drinking this? mate? yes, these are special leaves from a tree, and also different herbs. mate is not sold in coffee shops and restaurants; everyone makes it for themselves only at home. do you often come to dance? i come here not only to dance, but also to find a gentleman, you know, already i’m at such an age that i want to meet my love. the lives of others. premiere.
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fortune teller tomorrow on the first, why so long, maybe there are some problems, we will continue our wandering and acquaintance with the domestic exotic called the republic of tuva, the national wrestling khuresh, when we just...
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passing through the city of chedan, the second largest after kyzyl, we by chance we ended up at the khuresh youth wrestling championship, which took place in a city wasteland, but everything was absolutely adult-like, the boys fought.
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at her at the time of the fight, definitely a support group arrives: friends, relatives, in general in tuva it is customary to give boys a male upbringing from a young age, they master horse riding, learn archery, and of course, i learn the basics of the national wrestling khuresh. it is believed that wrestling develops physical strength, endurance, and the ability to resist an opponent generally develops character. near the center of kizyla there is a sacred place, the source of the yenisei river, which the tuvans call ulukhen. here
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the waters of the big and small yenisei merge, forming one of the largest rivers on the globe. more recently, a sixteen-meter statue of the golden buda appeared on this site. he is essentially just a baby when compared with kizhi kzhee, a stone sculpture whose age scientists date to the 8th-9th centuries. ad, that is, it is already more than 1,200 years old, such statues in the middle ages were erected in honor of famous warriors and distinguished heroes, this one is named genghis khan. now in the steppes of tuva there are about 200 more of his brothers. our chengis khan with a fierce expression on his face, despite the apparent ferocity, people go to to him in crowds, since among the people this statue has another name. symaranyir kzhe, which in translation, as you know, means a statue
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that is whispered to. his head is covered with a cap pulled down over his forehead, from under which the end of a braid sticks out behind him. yes, the legs come here to tell the sculpture in the ear about their desires, troubles, aspirations, and, judging by its damage, this ear has already heard so many different things. but before you ask, you must first feed. spirit, leaving him sweets or money, or white food, milk, which many bring here on purpose. we they watched how these same spirits consumed milk, for their dear soul, they swooped in a whole flock onto the cup, sipping drop by drop, savoring the pleasure. and the big, black spirit at first watched the process for a long time, but in the end he couldn’t stand it, he came up and quickly emptied the cup to the bottom.
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meaning of life, we are guests on this planet, we are the biggest here for 90 or 100 years, during this time we should try to do something good, something useful, if you help others become happy, you will discover the true purpose in life and its true meaning. the lama of the tschening temple named mergen bashkay, imbued with our conveyance of respect and sympathy, donated a rosary, in the hope that through... i won’t say that we
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make you happy with our essays, no, but i hope that somehow -they bring you benefits, okay, let’s part, good things for now, happily, see you soon, bye, your fifteenth demi-lama, aka the sounding board. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the maxim sharafuddinov studio, this is the main thing today. bullets for donald trump. an assassination attempt, the politician himself is covered in blood, he died.


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