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tv   Poekhali  1TV  July 14, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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the european commission, musk says, has proposed a secret deal. social network x deletes posts that go beyond the desired agenda. in return, the platform does not fine you. according to the entrepreneur, other social networks allegedly agreed to this deal, but nex. but before, when it was still called twitter, i didn’t really refuse such offers. earlier, bloomberg wrote: “ges intends to impose a fine of 6% of global profits on the social network by the end of the year for violating eu standards for monitoring online content.” the football battle is a vibrant sports festival in volgograd. teams zenit and krasnodar played the russian super cup. this match traditionally opens the new premier league season; almost 45 spectators watched the game. a great holiday has arrived, our city, we hope for beautiful football. let's watch wonderful football. we came from a very long distance from udmurdia for 1,600.
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zenit quickly seized the initiative and imposed the game at a high tempo, the first ball flew into the krasnodar goal already in the thirteenth minute, after the first half 3:0 in favor of the st. petersburg team, in the second the krasnodar team managed to score twice, but missed another one goal, in the end 4:2, zenit. won the super cup for the fifth time in a row, that ’s all for now, now on the first channel the program was seen in a video, thank you, hello, you are watching a program in which the stars eat the best food, and...
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scandals are stopped with the word fu or not, they saw the video , excellent in all understandings of the program, that’s who will appear in our studio today. the first cat is a masseuse, a spitz diver, just don’t jump, don’t jump, tyoma, a samoyed, to whom this life is already very clear. and the cat who blossomed in flower shop. until now, the patriarchs of prudy were associated with only one animal, the hippopotamus cat. now yasha the spitz has joined him, and, by the way, they look damn charming too. just don’t jump, don’t jump, honey, i’m a fool. well, that's it. that's it,
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leon has had a walk, he's had a walk, amar is visiting us today with his spitz dogs, whose names are syoma and yasha, and as you understand, from the video the guys came from moscow, where else, what happened in the video, come here bun, every morning walking by the pond, and the boys love to chat with swans, this time once again they ran and ran, but then an incident happened, that is, they don’t swim every day, no, the boys barked there too, but then they stopped reacting to each other, that’s normal.
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by the way, let’s talk about this, the swans are fed on patricks, which is what you can do right now, in fact, they are specially there, we also have people there who. they clean the pond and in general actually ask them not to feed them, not to feed them, because they are fed special food in the morning, they are from the nursery, they are taken to the nursery in the winter, then when it gets warm, they are brought back, we generally have swans, which are in city parks and ponds, they are under the care of specially trained people who feed them bread with specially trained food, yeah, for ducks and geese, and for whatever you can't, you can't, you can't give. great, yes, this is what yasha eats on
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patricks? carries a glass, well, yes, yes, this, this is not coffee, this is water, coffee, no, no need, that’s it, thank you,
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thank you, things are so great. everything is happy, well, yash, under the glass, that's it, let's go, let's go, yashchenka, come on, give me a glass. how did you come to spitz, why did you choose this breed, and you repeated it twice, they themselves three times, three times, this is
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the third, yes, now there are two in total, yes, one already unfortunately, last year yes, unfortunately, that’s why place of the matic, yash joined us. well, 12 years, but is it necessary to immediately take another dog, that’s how it is, well, it’s easier then, yes it’s easier, it’s easier, firstly, if you have two dogs, well, this dog, in particular, it became easier for semyon to survive this tragedy, and they were together, yes, they grew up together, and well, this is for you too, because given yashu’s activity, he simply filled the entire space with his love, his activity and helped to distract himself, this is syoma’s story, what is it like? syoma’s story is like this: there was a period when we lived in sochi, moved to sochi, and i once went to get food, there was a girl standing near the pet store who had a three-month-old syoma on her palm, and that’s not even what there to go somewhere, i asked how much it cost, at that time it cost
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some ridiculous money for a spitz, and i asked why because of this white speck, who was said to be defective, well, naturally, with the strength of my character, i said to myself, you are defective , and took the dog. great, he accepted him right away, because well, whoever experienced the departure of a pet , and even if he had to make up for it, syoma matured sharply, that is, from that moment he ceased to be the youngest, he became the eldest, that’s all, when we went to volgograd for yasha, he i accepted him immediately, that’s all. why yasha and not some girl? and that’s all too, you know how it happens, if you have an animal, you see, today it’s just like that, i went to buy food, i bought it, and i saw him on his birthday, i was passing from astrakhan to sochi, in volgograd i stopped for the night with my
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friend anya, anya is a spitz breeder, just so you understand, how does it turn out, then the cat is her mother elvira mikhalovna, six months later, when the matik died, he had. a huge pedigree, he is beautiful, no one bought him, and elvira mikhailovna said: “who are you waiting for, who are you waiting for.” and when she found out that matik had died, she immediately called and said, that’s it, i understand, i’m giving it to you by fate. some very sociable and friendly spitz dogs, this is some kind of special upbringing, how to get the dog to be like a half-cat, they are affectionate, gentle and very kind. all with affection and love, that’s the only way. i’m with them, yes, i communicate with them, like, they don’t know any dog ​​commands from me.
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great, about the characters, what do each of them like? and they, like all dogs, love to walk, they love it very much, and they also love it when they scratch them, and they also love it, technique, he always reacts like this to any technique, i know that you and your comrades follow trends, try to repeat them on social networks, yes, look, he’s 8 years old, a year and a half ago. years, during this time i never told them what my name was, and now listen here, guys, look at me,
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look, wait, i’m syoma, my name is amar, how could you, how could you, you hid it, it was really a shock when i saw these videos in world trends, i think this was filmed in one go, let me check, but actually. to the theater, to the cinema. sergey puski finger is a dream for any artist as a partner.
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seryozha, combining the incongruous. he's an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves a camera. he is interesting to watch, he holds the frame. have you thought about changing your profession yet? no. he filled the entire frame with his human power. he could do so much for cinema, for his country. on that shore, where i have never been, the traces of my feet on the wet imp, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipales, when i am not it will be, today on the first, something bitter is our fate, mish, how we didn’t live our lives, marvara, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, there are airborne forces, you just wait for me, you hear, i love you,
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there is no life without you, have you gone crazy, gone crazy, he beat you often, leave him, i love him, what about you, you put me in a sad uniform, you think i’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf , you don’t know the shores, your son is alive, what son you walked with the bear, will we really find out where he is? two shores, the premiere, tomorrow after the program , in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken, do you know how she breaks, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow, okay, come on let's think, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation... sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you there is
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a second very well thought out option escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation. era according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov. if you have warm
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pants, a blood pressure monitor, and have ever been to a youth party, then you probably know the feeling of being the next hero. let's see. and outside the city, winter, winter, winter, takes me away. this video really reflects who the labradors are, who the samoyeds are, the labrador is a merry fellow, all any kipis except the hunger strike, they love everything except the hunger strike, and
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the samoyeds are like that, where to run, why run, that is, they are this video is very like that. i got a lot of feedback from the audience, although i actually got a lot i think the videos are interesting, i love filming dogs, i have a lot of dogs, well , for some reason this one seemed to get a special kick, well, i also really, really like it, and how long have you been with dogs and we have been passionate about dogs for many years, from very, very early childhood, my mother says that at the age of 4 i could not say the word univermak, i said urmak, but i spoke the word airedale terrier perfectly and it was for everyone.
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i love them madly, there is no aggression towards people, yes, that is, they are like that for any reason, then i am like that myself, that is, i love active recreation, i love an active life in general, this video was made in bishkek to my friend, you have a lot of international friends in kyrgyzstan all over the world, honestly you are like that.
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let’s voice it, i’m not really lucky, why such a name, now we are a whole story, because everyone asks me why such a name, and the puppy was born to my friend in tomsk, and i sort of decided to adopt the puppy, she says: natasha , well, what should we call him, he should have been called with the letter b, i’ll be honest, i’m from b football is far from weak, that's what you call the boat. we have a world champion, a european champion, a vice world champion, to be honest, he has traveled to so many countries, well, guys, well, probably even me , how old is he, he is now 7 years old, how did you become interested in training, and well, i have been since childhood i
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didn’t live in the city, in the village, so we had nothing except mongrel dogs, so i wanted to do something with the dogs, i trained them. i read a bunch of books about dogs, there was some kind of boom built for me, we took the dogs around the boom, then i built a barrier, well then there i am, i really needed to do something with dogs, not just love them, but go and feed him for walks, no, i really loved dogs too, well done, he was supportive, and my dad was generally great in this regard, and then, when i had already entered the institute in tomsk, i went to the school of young henler, henler is, if you know, a person who, while a dog is at a show, i liked the show most of all, of course, i now do handling, that is, professionally, my life is, well, love for dogs. naturally yes i go constantly around the world at various exhibitions, that is, and well, i also have puppies all the time, this is mine, well, even this is not an attraction, this is not a hobby, this cannot be called a hobby, you know, if this is a hobby, it’s like it’s too expensive a hobby, yes, it’s just my lifestyle, yes, that is, i live like this, but everyone has come to terms with it, my mother has come to terms with it, my husband has come to terms with it, that is, the husband just knows what you do on the weekends, i say,
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oh, i’m leaving there somewhere, that is, he, in principle, is always used to the fact that i’m almost everything i'm leaving somewhere this weekend, dash, how are you doing? in such a mood, i’m fine, in general it’s good among dogs, you have your own dog, but what a corgi, sanya’s name, and why not, why not a labrador, because labradors, there are too many of them, i already want something, corgi, did you somehow choose, mom approved, dad approved, or did you just say, i want this breed and we’ll take it, well , for some reason, at first i initially wanted a dachshund, but then my mom talked me out of going for a corgi, but that’s how corgis are they were nice, of course, when my daughter... listed the liver the breed she wants, she said, corgi, far away corgi, well, corgi, in fact, i also love corgi very madly and would probably like to have one, dasha, in her way, turned out to be a catalyst who accelerated this process and we... so that the child was spoiled by the corgi dog, let's look at sanya, sanya's name is corgi, yes, let's look at sanya, yes, very
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low landing, happy birthday to our sweetheart, today our beauty is 2 years old, she was born on january 1, new year. well, that's all you need to know about the rank, the dog that can do anything, anything, she puts up with everything like that, she’s just patient in general, okay, oh, well, that’s also similar, it’s a question, what do we have at home in scorg, we have everything at home in scorg, because before after... we bought a corgi, we gave everything as a gift to a scorgi, she waited for everything, for all birthdays, for everything in the new year, we gave everything to a scorgi, we have all the things, we wanted her to get tired of it, well, yes, but
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i’m not tired of it, but give a corgi, the royal corgi’s favorite cartoon, probably, oh, this is a massage, we’re doing it, she’s enjoying herself, she’s lying down. having a family, children, a beloved wife, i didn’t really want another family member to appear in our house, i’ll be honest, i think, well, a lot
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of marks, a lot of worries, because it’s like a person, but my son demanded, i say, i want a friend , he even closed himself off a little, my wife and i were very worried about why he did this, it turns out that all his classmates at home have friends, girlfriends in the form of animals, but we didn’t have any, he says: i want a friend, he tearfully asked . we corrected this mistake, my wife and i thought for a long time who we were we want to buy one for our family, we spent a long time looking at different breeds and settled on a toy poodle, yes, by the way, a toy poodle, a very cute dog, very smart, it seems to me, even a circus dog, because he is so smart, much smarter than all of us put together, i take it with me to work, to events, hello. very smart, very submissive, well , we are very surprised how cute the dog is, and
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what other options were considered breeds, considered, i think, not too many, we considered, we did not consider large ones dogs, toy poodle, corgi, corgi variant, because our children have royal corgis. i don’t see any particular differences, but in general we have a way boy, what is the name of this cute dog, the name is hal, and not because there may be a loved one, not because he is green, yes yes. for the letter x we ​​had to come up with, hitchcock, some other options, but they presented hitchcock, hitchcock, hitchcock, you'll get tired, yes, hulk, hulk, hulk, somehow, much simpler,
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thank you very much for coming to us today , nice to meet you, grandma, yours, everyone in general to your family, big greetings from us, well, now a short advertisement for the following hero, challenge, every day. what else could they do? mother and daughter transfer this energy to each other, but did they light it up? i want you like you! two stars, fathers and
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sons, watch after the evening news. how to choose the right sunglasses, and what threats the bright summer sun poses to our eyes. about this and much more in the program to live great! tomorrow on the first! so let's quickly film the program, because in exactly an hour i have an appointment for a massage with to the next hero, if i’m late, i’ll have to wait another year for my turn, in the meantime , watch the video, our cat has a feature, she can really give a massage, my husband and i saw that she likes to move her paws and figured out how to teach her to squeeze in the right places and for a long time, now we show her where to go, she does her job, and very
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efficiently, now this is her superpower. tank and feature, you are programmers, yes, i am a programmer, and tank is a bug, some kind of normal, you need to explain to the audience what unwanted behavior of the program is, feature is like a feature, it behaves as it should, but maybe you didn’t understand something, it’s a feature, yes, and programmers often don’t bother to fix it. mistake and say: this is not a bug, but a feature, this is a feature, yes, yes, that is, that’s what we wanted, which one is a bug, which one is a feature? the bug is a big red-haired one, the feature is whiter, who appeared first? both of them appeared together, they are brother and sister, yeah, we got them both, like a wonderful circumstance, we didn’t want to take cats right away, there were always some circumstances that we needed to go somewhere or have some business, plans, in some way moment we saw the ad,
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the owner liked the kittens... in fact , we got them, but on the day we confirmed that we were taking the bug and the feature, and four kittens from the same litter fell from the fifth floor, four at once, yes, we don’t know, this is some kind of mystical story, and moreover , everything is fine with three kittens, but with one, guess who, with a bug, just an error, it had consequences, but nevertheless, now everything is fine already, we managed it, yes, the name leaves an imprint, we knew. that there is such a saying, whatever you call a ship, so will float, but i don’t know, it seems to me that this is a feature of a bug, he has various specific features that we call bugs, for example, he buries food, we don’t understand why, but at the moment when he is full, it is vitally important for him to hide how -so i’m eating, some kind of stash, in this case it’s not a bug, it’s just a fig, there is a similar bug that many cats bury food, but it
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seems to me that they dig up water, and massage is probably the most useful feature features, how to teach a cat to massage? each of us there are strengths, weaknesses, the feature has a strong side, it has some kind of feature, just the feature is that she loved to squeeze the blanket, so she just stepped over with her paws, we noticed this at some point, picked it up and since, i don’t know, 20, 30, 40, well, for a certain amount of time, these small steps led to the habit when we showed her the place where she needed to squeeze, but... first she had her stomach, arms, in some moment she realized that we like the result, what she does, she likes what she does, and so we connected,
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and these are your first, right cats? yes, yes, the first animal in principle, but how did you even meet, we met in the twenty -first year, i work as an organizer and organizer of events, we met in sochi - with lyosha, he was a participant in the program, i was the organizer, and after the program we somehow we corresponded a little , then we realized that we had a lot of common interests, in particular, we then talked about two cats, so i thought that you started with this, hello, do you want get a cat, we'll be together, yes. music connected someone with cats, you know, and well, later they began to live together, in july we had a wedding, an unusual wedding, a shrek party, congratulations, what does a shrek party mean? this is a wedding in shrek style, we were shrek fiona, our guests were all in costume, that is, there was no white dress, there were no such things, super, well done, very handsome guys in general, and about these guys, because they brother and sister, how closely they are connected, what they do together, generally affects their
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relationships like brother and sister or just a cat, they are generally parrots, not homewreckers, they always sleep together, they always eat together, they don’t share with each other, they always check each other’s food, that is, we put it in two bowls for them , they... first ate a little, then swapped places, ate again, then swapped again, suddenly the second one tasted better, so somehow we wanted to separate them, not that we wanted to separate them, we they were separated, they took the bug to the vet, and the feature simply couldn’t find a place for itself, it kept running, meowing, looking for him, that’s it, since then we, if someone needs to go to the vet, we are the second for the company, this is the frame, what’s there? vodichka,
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i really like to joke about the fact that fich is the wife of an it specialist, she is very similar, an it specialist’s dream, a beautiful cat. thank you very much for coming to us today, it was nice to meet you, there is a flower shop in the world where one flower is not sold for any money, by the way, it is located here in rostov-on-don, and we’ll find out what kind of flower it is from the video. peony the cat works in a flower shop. one cold autumn day a kitten was thrown under the door of a flower shop. the store owners warmed and fed the foundling, gave him a flower name and now he is their mascot and the favorite of visitors, great,
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guys, today our guest is irina fedor , the same cat whose name is peony, hello, hello! story about the peony cat. we got him in the cold autumn 2 years ago. it was a very cold evening. and under the porch of the store we heard some kind of plaintive squeak, incomprehensible. and then they found him, he was tiny, he just fit in the palm of his hand. we decided to leave him overnight. then he stayed with us. it was just on the eve of mother’s day, there were a lot of buyers, we thought that we would somehow build it, but everyone fell in love with it, all the florists, we really liked it, and we didn’t even offer it to anyone , here is a cat in a flower shop, how do you pull him away from the flowers, does he spoil anything? he doesn’t particularly spoil it, he only likes panicum and he loves stoma, well, he smells panicum so much, this is sorghum, yes, so fluffy, yes, yes
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, like this, he likes to gnaw it like this, and so he doesn’t spoil anything, doesn’t do anything, and in general doesn’t do any particular mischief , he probably broke it a couple of times for all this, little things, of course, whoever counts designer peony bouquets, you can buy some, but if he... laid his paw on them, he usually just counts receives, entertains, he is a manager, he meets everyone, he is the soul of our store, i understand, but he only lives in the store or takes him home, no, he directly lives in the store, spends the night, so he just does business there, so he earns his living food, he greets guests, this is his most important duty, even those who don’t like cats, they always say, well... i don’t really like cats, but your cat is somehow special, and men, some more often say: we love dogs, but everyone pets the peony, so so he checks the quality of the assembly, the freshness of the flowers,
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but at night he stays there, he doesn’t eat the flowers, the flowers are in the refrigerator, but he sleeps, he has his own chair, his own couch, his own bed. do his friends come to him? cats look like a bengal , he looks like friends come, he has a red cat, a friend, he comes, they’re just friends, sometimes peony is allowed to enter, even eat food from his plate, very beautiful, and... red-and-white, this fighting cat, it seems to me, is red-haired, they even fought, last year they fought, this year they are friends, now he is his noticed.
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good evening, he just wanted to go get something to eat. he’s a friend who came to see you, your friend is getting closer and closer to the move, uh-huh, you want to treat him, spy, spy, now he’s going to get some food, in my opinion, but he’s completely lost his conscience, the redhead. stunned, it’s him in his, in his bed, it’s already crossed
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the border, okay, peony, it’ll have to be red taking such an arrogant cat, and in general, a peony, does it change, does the cat change his attitude towards work? yes, very much, now i’ve left for peony, you don’t know yet, you don’t work, wait, don’t run in here, you’re already working, okay, now you’ll tell me about it, but you tell me for now. he’s all gone, everyone writes how boring it is already without the peony, he went on a business trip, and without him it’s already bad, or maybe everyone already misses him, because now they come not only for beautiful bouquets, but also just to stroke the peony, and regular customers are always come in a bag of food, butterflies are his special accessory, but where do they come from? yes, we order them, buy them everywhere, yes, many people know him, because he has, probably, so he became even more famous, that he began to have butterflies, he...
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a big glass like this , flowers are put in it, this is a cappuccino, yes, yes, such a cappuccino looks like a mimosa, look how beautifully i have already done it, i helped.
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very beautiful, well done in general, this one is chic, original, well done, cool, very nice, it was a pleasure to meet you today, thank you so much for coming to us, a big hello to rostov, it’s great that you watched us, go to the first one’s website, there you can watch all the videos, vote for them, send us yours, so that we can see you again here, bye bye !
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hello, you are watching precious stories and my presenters are sergei mikhailovich nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkino museum and ekaterina varkan, well, sergei mikhailovich and i, when we meet, i often tell you about pushkin, and today will not be an exception, but we... that’s how -that we noticed that we usually, well, we need to show some illustrations, of course, we usually show such classic canonical portraits of him, kopensky, tropinin, so, but today we consulted and decided that we need to make such an unusual show to surprise you with unusual portraits, let's start from a remarkable, in my opinion, work by pyotr konchilovsky, it has two titles: pushkin writing poetry, but there are also two images.
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both of these images are in the collections of the all-russian pushkin museum. to be more precise, our funds include: it is this painting by the artist pyotr petrovich konchalovsky. we see here pushkin at the moment of creative inspiration, and he is covered with this blanket, a little like a tiger skin, and yes, it would seem so. but it was conceived from the very beginning, but however, in our funds there is also a photograph, a photograph of the first version of this painting, in this photograph pushkin is depicted. the way the artist decided to show him, the way he really was, most likely yes, because this pose, with his legs bent under him, he sits on sofa and the moment of creative inspiration, which the artist showed so well here, it , of course, attracts attention to his
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appearance, to the face of the poet, to the very pen that pushkin holds, it is known that pushkin was very fond of gnawing the feathers with which he wrote. they are all gnawed off and, so to speak, look like very small feathers, the legs, the naked legs really did not please those people in the commission, yes, who looked at this picture, because we must remember that this is the beginning of the thirties, this is the first version of 1932, this preparations have begun for the big pushkin events in 1937, when there was... a grandiose exhibition in the historical museum, when there was a luxurious exhibition in the hermitage, and more generally, in many countries, and the famous exhibition in paris in the hall they played, everyone tried to show pushkin as interesting as possible, here this work caused, as it is sometimes customary to say today,
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an inadequate reaction, because least of all they began to pay attention to pushkin and his inspiration, most of all to the fact that... the poet’s legs are striking here and so, by the way, feet that they didn’t notice the decanter with a glass, well, yes, there is such a thing, but it remained in the final version, then the artist had no choice but to cover these naked pushkin’s legs, to cover the bright spot with the same blanket that we see today and of course , the picture might actually have benefited from this, but... it’s such a funny thing that the first version was a little artificial, more so, perhaps, natural, but you have a museum, sergei mikhailovich, we know, this is not a secret, a large number of rarities, here we are today, in fact, we would like to talk about pushkin’s canes, pushkin’s canes, so we
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know that today four canes are known, three of them can be seen in your museum in pushkin’s apartment. amethyst, here it’s a little blue in color, but in reality, amethyst plays like a windbreaker, especially in the light it looks completely different, so the first cane , alexander sergeevich, loved to walk, he was often seen in the summer garden - with this cane,
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when this happened misfortune and pushkin had already died in a duel, then this cane was passed on. v as a gift to peter pletnev, a professor at st. petersburg university, a friend of alexander sergeevich pushkin, and pletitnev always went with this cane to the university where he was a professor, and gave lectures and did not leave the lectures, each time, not forgetting to pay attention, that this is a pushkin cane, and even when pletnev became the rector of st. petersburg university.
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version that abram petrovich was lying, tore it off and passed it on to his descendants, yes, there is such a button from the uniform of peter the great, here it is kept in the family. for a long, long time, and then alexander sergeevich took this button and put it here in the reed cane, which he
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still loved to walk with, it is really very elegant, light, pleasant to hold in your hands, although perhaps everything is not so clear in that sense that this button was kept without movement or was still sometimes worn until the moment, like alexander serge, made at the beginning of the 19th century, this is the story. about peter's uniform, yes, all this is of course very interesting, although, as far as i know, at the beginning of the 18th century under peter the buttons were smooth, this whole story with the fact that they were decorated there with monograms or coats of arms and so on and so on, this whole story began somewhere at the end of the 14th century, when a similar rose appeared, which means that this is an image, embossing on this seemingly pure votelitarian object, under
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nicholas i, an unimaginable number of monograms, symbols, and signs, and so on and so on and so on, appeared on the cane, but nevertheless, this of course a wonderful item if alexander... to repeat only what i already said, that it plays with the saint with many facets, it is very colorful and interesting, more interesting than
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what we see now, and it is believed that amethyst is in ancient greek, which means non-intoxicating, that is, it has the color of diluted wine, like the greeks drank, and as if it was such a talisman for people who did not become drunkards, so i will say, so pushkin generally avoided this, so to speak.
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at first pushkin walked around with pistols, again the criminogenic situation was for exclusively for protection, and then he got himself this stick and walked around with it to defend himself, he wrote to us that the stick weighs 18 pounds, that is, 8 kg 165 g, and that’s actually what it weighs, here you can i should also add that since at that time there were quite a lot of dogs, which, naturally, could seriously attack any stranger, sometimes the cane was used for its intended purpose, to fight off the dogs, but pushkin, as you remember, had one more task, he threw this cane and i caught him when they asked him why he was doing this, he said that he was training his hand
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in order to be very firm and hold in a duel... the owner of the dachshund says that she had no conflicts, no one gave birth to varenike tired, the poplov jumped off, and in our yard, today on the first day, you are the wife of my best friend, let’s not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when
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i started to figure it out, there were a lot of dubious details. measles, stay with me, he is generally an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that something was wrong with him , that you were pestering me, i really want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week, fortune teller, first thing tomorrow, what's taking so long, maybe there's a problem? you are watching precious stories, sergei nekrasov, ekaterina varkan. sergei mikhailovich, if we take a stick as a sports equipment, yes, then we can assume that pushkin was generally characterized by sports inclinations, in such large quantities, so to say, in a wide variety,
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we have never particularly talked about this, but it seems to me that today it is quite possible.


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