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tv   Ne mogu skazat proshchai  1TV  July 14, 2024 1:10pm-2:55pm MSK

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it’s quite possible to devote this to this, well, let ’s remember, here, first of all, it needs to be said that this began largely in the lyceum, because it was in the lyceum that there was a whole program of, as we would say today, sports of such sports education, which is usually not talked about , and this is really extremely interesting, of course there was the subject of fencing, where, by the way, pushkin was an excellent student, he fencing was excellent, so the subject was related. with equestrian sports, horse riding, although very small in scope, only for those lyceum students who wished to become officers, special officers came, teachers from st. petersburg also taught them very seriously horse riding, but the manesh, which was literally there 150 meters from the lyceum, its publication is still preserved, of course, the manesh remembers pushkin and...
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to say laurels here already a great poet, but the question arises, a huge hall, and that it was used there once every 3 years, not at all, when the solemn ceremonies took place, the furniture was taken out of the hall, a thick carpet covered the parquet floor of this large hall, and there we were doing gymnastic exercises, so that was also there. on a huge
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expanse of a pink field not far from the oryol gate in catherine park, where there really was a field strewn with roses, and even on akenta, aninsky at one time in one of his beautiful poems dedicated to tsar silvius exclaimed there were roses there were roses, but in the time of pushkin. ross was no longer there, the field was given over to the lyceum students, and there they were engaged in outdoor games, games with a sword. moreover, pushkin, as is known, wrote such a very specific poem by gavriliada, and so in this pavel to gavrilyan, he simply in one of the digressions, addressing his friends, asks, do you remember, friends, a rose field, and not only that they walked there and enjoyed life.
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standing on the very shore of the lake is the famous girl with a jug, about whom pushkin once wrote an urn with water, having dropped her shoe, the maiden broke it, the maiden sits sadly, idle holding a shard, and so here in this space, in this space there was a pool, they swam there with great pleasure very good swimmer, a swimming pool, but what a good swimmer, we knew that there was a swimming pool at the lyceum, i think, what a delight, because we just know that he swam at mikhailovsky. nikolaevna to tsarskoe
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selo, he started the day by going to alexander park in the morning and swimming there in these ponds, too, when i remembered that pushkin was great at sailing a boat, apparently in mikhailovsky, again we remember mikhailovsky all the time, where he could freely go on boats to swim, so he invited girls with him. go for a ride, i i thought that here i could make an absolutely wonderful selection of his hobbies in mikhailovsky, which were not alien to sports, and a st. petersburg artist helped me here, igor shimordanov, he at one time painted a wonderful series of works, dedicated, it means, to the life of pushkin mikalovsky, who, if you look at these works, who had a very good life there, here pushkin is waiting for the girls on the boat with arina radionovna, looking and, therefore, waiting for
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the girls to come up, here he is with arina radionovna, too, without waiting, apparently, for the girls at some point, it floats along, that is, around savkina hill, and then,
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as it unexpectedly turned out, it also fits in quite well, so to speak, there is a wonderful picture, pushkin, a wonderful attachment, no, but there is, when he’s trying to get into aeronautics, he even, you know, tried to fly, look how wonderful it is, and of course, one cannot, so to speak, not pay attention to such a wonderful intellectual game as cards, that’s who didn’t know, the olympic committee recognized bridge a sports game, that's...
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yes, he believed that it was imperative that they should play chess, with natalya nikolaevna, in the living room still on moika 12 in the apartment chess table, and we remember this every time on excursions and in some detail let's talk. we continue our podcast precious stories. we are talking about pushkin with sergei mikhailovitch nikrasov. my name is ekaterina varkan. and now, in fact, sergei mikhailovich, a surprise for you, who is prince pyotr ivadovich shalikov?
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they said he was just desperate, that he was so wanted to treat a dear guest, then once upon a time he came to see him and was not there, so even he talked about this with great sadness, so in fact, they knew shalikov in general quite well and according to our guesses, they could very well have met at the card table, and this was a common way of spending time ; everyone was keen on it. so, in the historical museum there are maps, which means they are simply drawn on pieces of paper with a pencil, this is a map, which, drawings shalikov himself, who apparently didn’t have any cards at hand, they drew, played, perhaps they also played with pushkin with these cards, i don’t know, but at least these are
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shalikov’s drawings, i heard that they exist, but i see them for the first time, here’s a surprise for you, i said, mikhailovich, i prepared it, i knew, thank you, here i am...
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the first such holiday at the state level, the first pushkin anniversary, and so, at his request, grigory alexandrovich agreed to sell mikhail to the state treasury .
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pawn tables, and table, chair, table round, small, these were billiard balls, moreover, what is also very touching is that when he died, and he was buried there in markucha in 1906, his widow , from time to time, coming to st. petersburg, brought those things, which pushkin still remained and her letters to the head of the imperial lyceum, the boss, were preserved. precisely because it was a general, general miller, and of course, naturally, she,
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addressing the lyceum students, addressing the lyceum professors, each time commented on her gift, which, along with what you had conveyed by my late husband, grigory isanovich pushkin, here i am passing on another one, another one, she somehow set very important tasks for herself, and as you know, she remained...
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during the campaign of 1829, that on july 19 he came to paskevich, getting ready to leave, and received a turkish saber as a gift, although paskevich invited him to continue the campaign, but pushkin was frightened by the emerging plague and decided that he needed to get back to his own home, although...
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work, pushkin is the first one who is not traveling abroad, he never been abroad though asked to go to europe and even asked to go to china, well
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, due to various circumstances it turned out this way, although he traveled around russia, traveled a lot, we all know that, so he finds himself on the border with turkey, just during this campaign, and his accompanying says that here is arpacha, arpacha is a river that was actually the border, the russian-turkish border, and pushkin was completely happy. that he finally saw a foreign land and even crossed it, yes, on a horse, it means he crossed it joyfully, it means he’s finishing this river its brilliant. sad, but this coast had already been conquered, i was still in russia, it turned out that the day before russian troops had taken it, very interesting, then, of course, in varzrum it was absolutely piercing, piercing, i just don’t know better, well, texts in memory of a man his
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piercing ogreboyedov’s memoirs, which, well, you just cry all the time, so...
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it’s especially explosive, so to speak, because you and i remember that he went to the caucasus on the night after may 1, which means he rushed, and without even receiving official permission, what then he also received, so to speak, a reprimand , to put it mildly, but he left after an ambiguous answer, which means natal
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nikolaevna goncherova’s mother to the proposal, he made an offer, but that is, he did not receive consent, but also a refusal. received and was, of course , upset, disappointed in the night, which means he rushed headlong to the caucasus, and imagine, here he is going and that means he meets the mushroom eater, the best years of his life and even married the one he loved, but this can’t be, can you imagine, there is some kind of envy here even, well, in a good way, yes, from pushkin, that ’s amazing, well, actually, here we don’t forget what parallel means...
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he writes off an interesting story, it is completely impossible for us now to find out what kind of cane pushkin went to the caucasus with, whether he had cane? well, this question is really such a controversial one, because there is no absolutely accurate information about this, and if you consider that a cane usually accompanied a socialite on a walk in
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the city, or somewhere on an estate... in field conditions it was an item not the best necessary, so an exception may have been made here, it was not for nothing that pushkin depicted himself with a pike, well, firstly, he wanted to emphasize that he, too, next to these brave cossacks , was ready to go into battle and even rushed once already, this all happened, but then we are nowhere we come across references to some... objects that he had with him, in particular the cane, but he rode back from the sabre exactly, he rode back with the saber absolutely exactly, and today we can admire it, it’s one of those very bright ones.. .
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is not good, therefore, speaking about paskevich and pushkin, about their relationship, probably here we should not idealize this relationship, although saber is really good, the relationship between them, of course, was polite, of course, the relationship was respectful, but it was not a meeting of friends who were not friends, because there were serious fighting, i think we will find more.
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85 elephants, 86 elephants, 87 elephants, 88 elephants, 89 elephants, 90 elephants, 91 elephants.
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good morning, hello! eh, you hear what you need, time, you know what time, people are sleeping everywhere, you can, what can you do, time 6 is possible clean up, you can’t clean up, damn it, i’m telling you, you can’t clean up, go clean up there, screw it, screw it.
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the public has gathered, well, yes, really, it means that while
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stray dogs are being shot here in our area, comrade captain. commander, i saw everything, i can tell you everything, commander, i was here, right here, here is the snow, i’m clearing the snow, and the dachshund is nearby, damn it, right here, right from the roof, boom, and it’s going to cry for you, you saw it, that they shot from the roof, but how ho didn’t say that from the roof, that means it’s a squeak, they shot from a small gun, girl, are you
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a ballistics expert, no, the kneeler told us that vladimir sergeevich, yes, he was very eager, but did not wait, i told him, by the way , that we have these outrages in our area, that our dogs are being shot, and this is not the first case, not the first case, and i told him she said that i signaled you and that you are not reacting, comrades, please contact me, i think we need to start the inspection from the roof, did you find out the owner’s address, why, then, so that the dog’s corpse can be taken for examination? take the testimony, he thought, the place, the place he said.
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why are you so cold? volodya, volodya, someone came there. volodya, there’s the police, volodya, it’s just ordinary rat poison, it’s in meat, in sausage, that ’s what dogs love, they scatter it in parks, in squares where dogs like to walk, no, well...
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it doesn’t take it off the floor, he doesn’t even take from me, he kicks, until volodya says that he won’t take it, well done, but don’t worry, there haven’t been such incidents in our district yet, but all over moscow, oh, dogs are being poisoned, what are you and domestic, homeless, yeah, they call themselves dock hunters, but these are dog hunters in translation. they even have there is a criminal community on the internet, and on this internet it’s generally terrible, and there are also people meeting people, i have one friend, she met a man on the internet, corresponded, corresponded, then married him, came to moscow, i say, you’re not you’re afraid that he’s some kind of maniac killer or someone like yours who poisons dogs, but i’ve traveled, i know what kind of people live in moscow, i’m from nizhny novgorod, uh-huh, oh, i’ll take volodya away from here.
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wait, you know how good it is there, fox, rivers, nature reserve, well, i liked it with bebeshki, with what, well, with giblets, thank you very much, let me cook it for you now with critters, come on, i love it when a man eats, and that is, once i went on a flight, i didn’t drink dumplings, and volodya didn’t eat anything, well, maybe he’s a borscht lover, that’s how you and chardesai work, conductor. moscow, dnepropetrovsk, wwii, victor says that the dog should be walked in a muzzle and on a leash, and that a muzzle will protect you from a bullet? what should i look for? shen, don’t freak out,
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complete the task. look for traces, and if you notice someone suspicious, where? here, on southwestern, like this five years ago. well, let's go, you'll miss me, well
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, don't forget your hat, it's cold there, goodbye, yes. thank you very much, goodbye , yeah, okay, i know you won’t be late, goodbye, thank you very much, everything was very tasty, good luck, come on, that’s it, come on, bye, see you, well, ducky roof, we looked around, everything clean, the owner of the taxi says that she didn’t have any conflicts, no one threatened, that the dumplings were tired, the poplov jumped off, why did you come,
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we’re looking for the arrow, but you yourself understand, this is the case not fast, your dog lovers, well, people are nervous and impressionable, well, well, i want to ask you for help, hello? a little somehow, well, calm them down, there’s no need for this extra information about the little thing, there’s no need to bougie the situation, look for the shooter, major, look well, don’t be afraid, do n’t be afraid, he doesn’t bite, the dog must be led on a leash with a muzzle, rules there is, well , excuse me, if he doesn’t bite,
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that’s why you let the dog out at such a time, and i’m a fatalist, i’d rather go for a walk at night, so you shouldn’t be so frivolous, because this is not the first time, did you tell me that you have already killed two stray dogs? pinochet, where are you, pinochet, pinachet, what is this, come on, come here, come here, sit,
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sit, sit, well, where are you walking, explain to me, where are you walking? what do you eat all the time? should i be looking for you all the time, or what? dog fatalist! go home, asshole! so, why? that's it, you ate on the street, that's it, go, go to your place! that's it, the place, oh, what a sausage, ah, you won't get it, i realized what, ah, that's it, that's it, go, go
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to the place. that's it, brother. oh, great, what did they ask you to tell me, and what to me fry with him, they said, you decide for yourself, who said, the janitor at the fifth house found it, says don’t talk, i found it, and he himself will decide, listen, fedya, my head is splitting, formulate the words from... more clearly.
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a dream for any artist to have as a partner. seryozha is a combination of incongruous things, he is an incredible man. i realized, my god, this man also loves the camera, it’s interesting to watch him, he holds the frame, have you thought about changing your profession yet? no, he filled the entire frame with his human power, he i could do so much for cinema, for my country. on the shore where i am. i haven’t been,
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my footprints are in the wet sand, so you dream, you dream, sergei puskipales, when i ’m gone, today is the first, something is bitter about our fate, mish, how we didn’t live our own lives, varvara, so that i don’t have him here i saw, i won’t let you live, they’re calling you, airborne forces, just wait. do you hear, i love you, there is no life without you, are you crazy, let him go crazy, he often hurts you, leave him, i love him, and what are you doing, you make me sad put it on, you think i’m afraid to touch you, i’ll explode, one day you’re a wolf cub, you don’t know the shores, your son is alive, what son you walked with the bear, will we really find out where he is, two shores, tomorrow after the program time in the new season on first
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, a woman is killed and we are talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, what do you know, how it ’s torn so only the shoulder is given away by the elbow, it’s pulled , well, let’s speculate, let’s say you ’re a mole, they’re looking for guidance on you in all parts of the soviet union and no matter how good you are neither was the preparation early or they will still recognize you too late. and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, let him appear urgently to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version. i really hope that you don’t have
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to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book. the main thing is that no one cares how you are, everything is fine, everything is great! what kind of holiday? it’s our day off, but they’re
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going to bury it like that, what does she say? she says, it’s a sin to grieve for dogs like that, but you just have to grieve for people, why have you become an angry person, by the way, doesn’t call, how is she? doesn't call, doesn't call. why should i call? well, how's your friend anyway? well, are we having a day off? it's time for us, how are your knees? dear, respected, you have to take the trash to the trash heap, the janitor will be scolded for this, listen, whoever you can, what
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prayers, huh? who are you, who are you, hey, what are you doing? what are you climbing? what are you climbing? why are you climbing? i’m sorry, i can’t just arrest a person, he’s just a man, why did you let him go, why did you let him go, no one let him go, he was taken to the trampunk. come on in, well, as always, bye guys, we're here, it's a pain, it's fucked up, judging by the dog's bite,
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it was for violating public order, she only warned you, but i don't give a damn about killing these dogs, but you have two bruises. yes, if it weren’t for the jacket, i would have bitten my arm to hell with them, if a german shepherd wanted to bite off a hand, a jacket wouldn’t hurt it, i have a service dog myself, oh, here we come! yeah, we're here, hello, what are you doing here? i had a conflict with this man, he threatened to kill my dog, but she was crazy, she hit me on the hood,
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vitali mikhailovich and mumbled, he was so drunk that he almost ran over the dog, i hit him in the heart, i hit him, well, tell me , when it was? so in august, comrade senior lieutenant, i, as mr. don’t drink beer’s lawyer, can notice that the citizen inflicted material damage to my client, material, he was forced to repair the car, which means he had a reason to kill the dog, i would like to take the conversation in a different direction, why the situation itself became possible, the dog was walking without a leash not in a specially designated place, but in the yard, and for this there is an administrative penalty, a fine in the amount of 500.
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imagine walking into the entrance, and some chuchmek is standing near the door, eavesdropping, hello, come in. you know, volodya, it seems to me that i need to call vitya, then god forbid he’ll also say with his glancing eye, they’re going to rob us, what the hell, well, this is your friend from the police, and what kind of woman is that, but how do i know, i had a handkerchief wrapped all over my face, i was bored, and i’ll sort out the things where, take them, i’ll figure it out myself, of course, where
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else to go, who should go, thousands of pharmacies, shops? don’t touch, oh lesya, the robbers have come, what are you saying? “it’s me, hello, what about them, don’t drink beer with this evil one, we have friends,
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we won’t go to war, let them pay fear, it will be a lesson for them, no, well, i understand that you’re cool, so why do you need this, i don't have money i will conduct this business on a voluntary basis, is it just for the sake of it, i didn’t sign up for money, in a different way? our people cannot be educated, not only ours, in general, a person, an animal, he must be trained, the basis of training is encouragement and punishment. in europe, people follow the laws only because they know that punishment is inevitable, that if you don’t clean up your dog’s shit, the neighbors will immediately call the police and you will be fined, and if your dog bites someone, it will be euthanized without any discussion. this is my city, i'm here i was born, i live and work here. i pay taxes, i want the laws to be followed here, sit down, hey, you're a tough dude, but like this one
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, don't drink beer, he always throws garbage here, right here, well, you saw it yourself, yeah, the garbage spills, the box falls out, and what it said cartridges, i don’t know, but he said who he was? the janitor from the fifth house, no, he said the box from the cartridge beat, where, then, he has a gun, well, let's go, where, well, where, to the janitor from the fifth house, let's ask him what he saw? no, but like deer, you can’t go there, why? well, everyone is sick with him, his husband, children, everyone, everything, wait, it’s her, it’s her, but not... it’s him, i can’t carry out checks in the apartment based on the janitor’s testimony.
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lyusha, it’s either master or bust here. look, you have a dove with a bullet in it. he was found in the courtyard of the house where don't drink beer lives. you have every right to search any apartment in this building for weapons. i can’t do it without a warrant, vladin is quartering me. nothing will work out for you in your profession, you don’t know how to take risks, guys, this is not yours, don’t drink beer, it looks like he’s a black digger, and let him say what he has in his hands.
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come on, come on, here she is a beauty, well, why, but how come, one was here and... also, over there, over there, lying by the blue one, here, here, over here, like that, and don’t drink beer in the window, here there, yes, yeah, it was your secret janitor from the fifth house who told you everything, uzbek, but no, but what do you want to say, russian, tadik, fet, what are you darkening, if there was a tajik, you would babble among each other in your own way. you guys are drilling something all the time, but don’t pay attention to your knees, she’s always angry, especially when you’re pregnant, fet, don’t
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jump off the topic, this is your janitor from the fifth house is an uzbek, because you and the uzbeks don’t understand each other, you speak russian among yourself, yes, yes no, yes no, okay, ask him, when did he find these pigeons, yeah, that ’s it, then? damn, come here, where are you going? so, what are you doing, since when did you start eating on the street, and why is your face so happy, why did i just wash the floors, volodya? come here, come here, give me a paw, give me a paw, lord, well, he
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will accept anyone other than you, when he will he begin to recognize his own? what are you doing, i'm going now, let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk, hurry up, let's go, just not for long, otherwise my dumplings will stick together, uh-huh. about, come on, let's go for a walk, but he came again, get out of here, i don't have time
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to play with you, let your new mistress play with you, uh, give it here, give it here, my hmo, ma, get out of here!
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apparently, come here, sit down, like you, it’s fine, here the floors are being washed.
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yes, hello, vladimir sergeevich, well, you will swear, i didn’t have to let go of the pipiva, his lawyer is now korablev, in general, in in general, the case was opened, but, uh, well,
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no thanks. and don’t be afraid of anything, you and i will go to the end, there is no romance here, you can’t get through, you can’t get through. uh, honor, get out of here!
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why are you standing here, but you can’t, you’ll hurt yourself, you’ll hurt others, do you hear me, wash the queen! i came to moscow to wave a broom, so wave it, you don’t need to teach me, understand? come on, get out of here, i won’t leave, well, look, what about vulchetai, you’re a lousy partisan? what are you doing, i’ll give you the keys when you sober up, sick, damn woman, how
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about a beer, coolie, you’re a real man, come on. go away! vladimir sergeevich, oh my god, vladimir
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sergeevich, man, man, help, but such dogs need to be euthanized, and you yourself need to be euthanized. normal, warmly dressed, can sleep for a long time,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, well, neatly, neatly, well, neatly, neatly, neatly, quietly, quietly. you fly, so carefully, oh, sweaty swamps, don’t turn his back, god forbid, he’s choked up , he’ll stay on his side, he shouldn’t drink at all, but he didn’t drink for 3 months, and then he broke the chain. "it’s okay, i’ll take him away from here, we have him there reserve, river, fishing, what's there, come on,
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a pensioner is unnecessary, we'll rent out an apartment and we'll live there, neat, neat, neat, okay, thanks, i'll go, goodbye."
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i saw it myself, no, that's it, well, we're separated they’ll shoot us, they’ll just shoot us one by one, instead of the dogs, if we don’t protect ourselves, no one will protect us, so you say, we’ll catch this scoundrel ourselves, what a cat? who knows how to get into the entrance,
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hey, man, wait, let’s talk? i need, what i need, dude, what i need, commander, commander, they shot at me, where’s the body? a dog, well, a carcass, here, here, the commander, i was passing by, and the dog’s owner was nearby, and suddenly, from somewhere, bang, the dog screamed, witnesses, where is the owner, where, ah, witnesses, commander, let’s go kill the devil, where did they go, well, kill the devil, who am i telling, police, stop. why is he
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walking free among you, he is under investigation, we are citizens of this country, according to the forty-fifth article of the constitution, did you deign to read it, comrade senior lieutenant? so here is the forty-fifth article, everyone has the right to defend their rights and freedoms, only please note, this man could not shoot, he does not have a weapon, his weapon is being examined. i’ll sue everyone, leave me alone, and now whoever saw how the dog was killed, i’ll ask you to testify, attic, attic, i personally trust you, yeah, if they have something stuck there, they come in to cut down the castle, immediately higher rank, got it, okay , and let them tell you that they are acting in the interests of the state, and you tell me, you know, larisa anatolyevna, my state, otherwise they intimidated your friend last time and cut down the castle.
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which friend, which farhat, the castle was cut down, but he didn’t tell me, he was afraid, and rightly so, by the way, he was afraid, because i took money from him for this castle, in which entrance the castle was cut down, fifth house, third entrance, key didn’t fit because the lock was replaced, and we have completely different locks, if they wanted to shoot at dogs like that, why did they prepare like that? why didn’t she come herself? who? horse in a coat? the janitor from house number five? i don’t understand, you just right away, my yours don’t understand, the hajana is worthless, why are you swearing, but how deer? why are you making us all fools? i'm not, you're smart, don't be offended, she. uzbek, what are they all like? well,
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i can’t tell you, non-tajiks are completely different. you know what, you practice your eastern tricks on others. let's go, you know, how are the deer? let's go, let's go, she laughed at me, i told her why change the lock to shoot at the dogs, i beat him twice myself, and he shot at me. oh allah me. i mean, who needs you, volodenka, you need to put the jams in the freezer.
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this violent one from apartment five, who has they found the gun, he didn’t shoot, the police will figure it out without you, yes please, that’s it, well, what do we have, he wouldn’t have changed the lock, he’s a man of impulse, that’s understandable. there is a man of rash actions, and what else? i wouldn’t even shoot at pigeons, he has dovecotes behind his garages, and did you look at everything there? nothing special? nothing special. was she on the roof? what for? the police were there, then it snowed, everything was covered. why did you leave then? to the children? when did you return? in october. it's clear.
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which is understandable? it's clear that don't drink beer how. who do you think is giving us nightmares? what? i say, who is the criminal? listen, did you submit the bullet for examination? what are they saying? you can’t tell from a field of small things which barrel it was fired from, and why didn’t you say you were leaving? so i came, you didn’t open the door, you were probably sleeping. i don’t know, the tv was on, the lights were on, well, maybe, i don’t remember, but what can you say about this athlete, who is mean in a green suit, well, neat, the car is always clean, yes, a strange guy, but where
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do you live, in general, yes how i returned, the boss didn’t let me into the basement anymore, oh, don’t leave, why are you, thank you, sorry. in the hands of such an irresponsible owner, such a dog becomes a living weapon, and if this person falls asleep on the playground drunk , his aggressive dog will guard him, a child will come out to the playground for a walk, your honor, i believe that this dog is needed, of course, in the most humane way, but excuse me, put me to sleep. your honor, may i? yes. it seems to me that the representative of sca got a little carried away with rhetoric. and you and i , lawyers, understand that the law applies on people, not dogs. and in this case, i can prove that the dog was used as
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a means of self-defense. and grievous bodily harm was not inflicted on him. and people have already done this. your honor. allow me. your honor. i am the defendant's lawyer. i want to propose a settlement agreement, that’s it, goodbye, what are you doing, calm down, gova, i’ll give you the money, you’ll pay a fine, we didn’t agree like that, you know who this korablev is, who he is, he’s one of those who goes to the end, young good thing, i’m not going to wander around the courts with you, listen, you told me that you don’t know him, well, how did i know that this was the same ship, you never know ? hold it, please, i threw genya a photograph, he says, yes, he is kranglevsky’s lawyer, who? woof, i think, pensioners, at least watch tv, from every iron, we sound, goodbye,
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goodbye, uh-huh, here it is, the new generation, it has a smell, the most important day, interrogation of witnesses in the kranglevsky case, one might say, a rubicon , which is still not terrible. i don’t understand, but i know this korandlevsky, but he got a fine because of the dog knocks out, every day is like monday above, here star families fight with each other, absolutely everyone benefits from this, i will come to you, you felt so good, this was transmitted here in waves.
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watch after the evening news! rom castro is a product of the stellar group. how to choose the right sunglasses and what are the threats to our eyes? the bright summer sun is hiding. about this about many other things in the program to live great. tomorrow. on the first.
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the key doesn't fit, what should we do? through another entrance, go, what to do, come on, idiot, keep. stand, sit, ah, well done, well done, uh, our guys went to clean the roof, can you imagine, they can’t open the lock, the key doesn’t fit, you’re the same as the one that was cut down, which means someone changed the locks in different houses in advance to get in onto the roof, i wonder how many more locks there are,
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why? listen, i just thought, he shoots at dogs, in fact they also shoot at pigeons, but this is all a distracting maneuver, such a smoke screen, you know, he shoots at dogs first, everyone thinks he’s a maniac, a schizophrenic, a madman, but then he shoots at a person with the same small gun, you can’t tell the barrel by the bullet, everyone thinks he wanted a dog, but he hit a man, and everything is covered, beacon... missed, the person they want to kill must have a dog,
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let’s go , so, well, how can we find out who this person is, let’s go home, maybe they really shot at fedya, why did they need him, because the person who they want to remove should be next to the dogs, he has an interrogation of witnesses today, korablev, lie down, lie down, ship. oh, take the dog away. and feder, let's all go to the forest, let's take care, call the police, yeah,
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stand. calm down, calm down! is there really a contract killing in our area, well, don’t be so happy, this case will be handed over to petrovka anyway, you can’t
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imagine what serious forces are involved here, this lawyer is handling such a case, well done, fedya, thank you, you’re good at shoveling her cattle, ouch! he sings, sit, well done, yes, brother, you won’t go on reconnaissance with you, here it is, corrupt love, for a treat, but there is no unselfish love, love, prove, yes, yes, whoever you have in the east does not have selfless love, kolyma is full of nepotism, and you have differently, yes, here we have it differently. so where is your wife? where's your husband? didn't show up?
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i’ll find samir, that’s what i came here for. you were a fool, you will remain a fool. volodya! hello, listen, it’s okay that you won’t have time. so it’s not my talents, it’s not for me, tell it to your woman, i’m straight out of jealousy, i’m afraid that the shovel will kill me, i made it, time is 2259, great, punch it, sorry.
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volodya, i feel sorry for you, but it’s a pity, of course, but what can i do, my head is split from freezing, well, you give me, yeah, i like it, i mean, well, look what quality, they only make this in chernivtsi, you bring a hotel magazine, you point your finger like that and say, i only want this, they make you an exact copy of the figure and 100 times cheaper, yeah, why do you need it, volodya, atomri, this is oksankina, she’s just i ordered it, and i brought it from chernivtsi, well, young people,
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now you are married, they are hitting the sus, i caught fish, i need to clean it, you take off your dress, otherwise you will get it dirty, but... get married to oksana, so i won’t do anything like that i will, that's it.
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what does janik like to do most, what to say directly, well, it’s very intense, yes ok, he likes to drink, what are you doing here, did you come here to work or relax, the detergent has run out, you can take it, give me one of
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these tangles, groom, give me a petal, right?
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you need to take off your jackets, we will write the name of the bride, but in an unusual way, i will now show you the first letter o. well, something like this, yes, it’s good, but yes, yes, it’s a pity, the groom’s relatives didn’t come, they would have been happy for their dzhigit, yes, oh, what a book we have, oh, no. with the unique taste of zhytomyr, in my opinion, it’s funny, we’ll have fun, pour me some wine, please, you coped with this task, but i don’t mind, have fun, i really like
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to dance, galya, volos, help me, please, what, well, i’ll tell you now, save it, or move it, here, is it possible? now another test for our groom is called a funny dart, here you go groom, thunderous applause! warmer, warmer! warm, oh, warm, warmer, it's cold here, oh, you'll freeze, oh, you'll freeze, it's warmer,
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warmer, warmer, hot, hot, but first you need to gild the handle again, here it is, sayakatlov, dear guests, applause, on health, dear guests, this is our business card.
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you, my girl, for the fact that you came up with everything so well, look, yes, in general, i want to get drunk, so that you will always be together, and so that you, volodya, so that you never offend her, men throw her here, yes, ok, make it happy, what, let's choose happiness, well... happiness, not a sin, maybe there's no need to force yourself, happiness is syada, cutlets, dzhanika, i said
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lava shamal, your cutlets, bon appetit, bon appetit, that's it , i went, where the hell, no, no, i have a meeting tomorrow, but then again, wait, i tell you, i...
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everything is fine, everything will be fine, you’re in intensive care, girl, let’s go out. hurry up, i love you girl, bye. they will scold me, thank you aki, that the bride, there is mass poisoning, that’s what they bring to us, you don’t want to go to the infectious diseases ward, but how do i know what poisoned her to the infectious diseases ward, so we’re taking her to the vysatsiya room, her whole wedding is there, we’re taking everything there , come on, come on, okay, okay, wait, wait, oksan, what happened, she had poisoning, what happened, they said it was
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fortune teller: tomorrow on the first, what’s taking so long? maybe some problems? mikhailovna said that every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could do this person right. just to nail it down so that they don’t touch the actors, days pass without you, it didn’t happen again, well, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring and three poplars on the ivy, oh, she looked with such key eyes, like she knew how to do it, she just looked and said: i don’t need a khabzon, but she she broke, she simply broke, she is a great woman,
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a wonderful fantastic director. i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass, for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday on the first, that’s it, go home, go, you had a job, you don’t have a job, there was a restaurant, there isn’t one now, go, go, go to the khenkal room with your dazhikom, tell me, yesterday i poisoned 100 people at a wedding, tell me where your kitchen is, i’m ready work, go see them, why are you saying that, it’s still unclear what happened, here are all the witnesses, the food was fresh, tribute, fresh, in my own restaurant, at my own wedding, well, janik, well, my wife was taken to the hospital , where am i now after this, where is it right, here i am in complete shit, thank you all, go over there, he just
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pulled up, oh you creature, wait, wait, i’m now, but wait, come here, you you think you defeated me, yes, you think, now everyone will only eat your inkali, you think it’s you there is no trial, you know who you poisoned, you poisoned the pursuer from mur, he will find out the truth, he will find out everything about how you run your business, i understand, if... the restaurant closes, i beat your head, damn, i swear to my mother, it’s all over, zhani, that's it, move away, zhani, something happened, or something, guys, hello, hello, listen, how much will you take to walk the dog, and volodya turns out not to have been poisoned, but to have a suspicion of strokes and his hospitals won’t let you go, do you know
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how expensive treatment is in moscow? 100 rub. well, this is in the morning and evening, but no one got poisoned in the kitchen, pinochet to go for a walk, oh, god saved me, i had no time to eat on my feet all day, well, the wedding was fun, i had so many improvisations prepared on the second day. “excuse me, please, tempered, whatever you want, i can swear that it wasn’t me, not my people, who poisoned the wedding, but i...” what’s more, i want everything to be fair, so that they don’t hold a grudge against me, janik now , unfortunately, he doesn’t understand anything, but what can i do for you, and besides, he’s in such a state, you know, this is a deposit, if
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necessary, i’ll give you more, you’ll need helpers, but whistle, we'll find it right away, don't flash the money, i need to consult with someone, i understand, i prepared for the second day of the wedding, but it doesn't disappear , oh, hello, hello, hello, and i tell them, i'm healthy, let me go already, i it’s a honeymoon, well, why celebrate a honeymoon in the hospital, what was that? a? what happened? what happened? svest found nothing. the shashlikers did not spoil this shishkalny. i’ll bury myself, the bastard, they ’ll remember zhannik for a long time. wait, what
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was their motive? what is the motive? they want to i closed myself. a visitor is coming to see me. i have the best cook. they lure him away, they constantly revolve around him, these dogs revolve around him. and how are you? do you think they could bribe the cook, if they could bribe the cook, they could bribe the waiter, they could bribe the dishwasher, well gianni, my little one, calm down, everything will be fine, what have you been drinking, chanik, you're driving, oh you well, bastard, ah, i’m in grief, isn’t the situation clear, everyone betrayed me, that’s it, i’m here anymore... i can’t trust anyone, not even the dishwashers, the restaurant they will close, how will you continue to live, the conductors will hang around again, and hang around, i ’ll let you hang around now, that’s it, lesya, lesya, we
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’re leaving yours, janik, give me the keys, that ’s it, the fish are in the park, jannik thinks that the empty washers could be a motive, what a motive, well, i didn’t have time to ask, let me go... in the evening to get some foam, come on, get ready, let’s go, where volodya asked you to come, i can’t, i have work, so volodya knew that you were like that you’ll say, well, you need money, you can put it aside, yeah, that
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’s not enough, well, there’s a lot right there, what are you talking about, that’s not the point this, well, mavlyudochka, what am i going to tell volodya, huh? food began to disappear, leave me alone, he promised me that he would transfer me to a cold shop, this is
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a completely different matter, i’m the cook, no, he will work, he will hire you, they don’t hire him anywhere, who needs a cook who poisoned a wedding , they don’t even take the final one, it’s already good, it means that this chef has a conflict with the owner, yes, it seemed so to me too, it’s time for me, well , what’s your hurry, you see, i’m going to my place...
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and why did i think, that you and i have a purely business relationship, business of course, then what does the forest have to do with it, the forest has nothing to do with it, well then help, dapa, mavlyudapa, there’s a lugbek vomiting, let it all go, so that means it’s a matter of pilaf, well , it looks like it’s so, it’s clear, okay, come on, come on, be. wow, sycamore,
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dzhannik, open it, dzhannik, open it oksana, johnny. listen, i won’t leave, oh, look at him, and i knew you were here, what are you doing with yourself, i ’m asking you, what are you doing with yourself, what are you doing? i decided to kill you, and you decided
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to leave me as a widow, don’t shout, i know what i’ll tell you, you decided at the wrong time, oh, what is this? this, jannik, listen to me, jannik, listen to me, no one is taking the restaurant away from you yet, don’t you see, i feel bad, well, bad, what is this, what is this, who am i marrying, i’m a man married... why are you turning into a rag before my eyes? jannik, what’s wrong with you, right? yes. you are my good one. yes, i understand everything. you 're my honey. come here. come here. you're my honey. you feel bad, yes, your head hurts, i brought you your favorite beer. yes, now you’ll drink beer, little head. everything will pass it will be fine, you, go wash, i
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’ll kiss you, go wash, i’ll kiss you, then, go wash, let’s straighten your blouse, if i kiss you, i’ll straighten the little light. the meat is fried until golden brown, then, when the meat and rice are ready, the cauldron is lined with lavash so that the edges hang down, and then rice, meat, spices, dried apricots, raisins are put there ...
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only until the one who is sealed , which is a lot, it’s just an advance, yes, it turns out like this, only the waiters ate pilaf, they got poisoned, this chef cooked shakhplov, yes, he didn’t let anyone near him, what the doctors say, well, they say, i’ll live, but why... why did the chef and the owner quarrel? they honestly
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say, i don’t know, zukhra says that the chef is sowing, maybe because of this, well, because the owner got married upstairs. who sheppor translates as a holy man majakhet that immediately majakhet is simply a believer who observes traditions but does not allow, for example, swearing in the kitchen. and who is this? this is galyukha, oksanka’s friend. why doesn’t golyukha, oksanka’s friend , love her friend so much? oh, well, he’ll also say that he doesn’t love him, well just jealous. just imagine mavlyudushka’s fate. she seems to be
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pretty, has a good job, has money, but doesn’t have a man, and is alone with her son. and this is the boy. you have a task to find out why galya fought with the bride, did they fight, uh-huh, oh, and where was mavlyuda, and you should have seen, oksanka is so healthy there, asya, when you find out, make sure that mavlyuda is nearby, so i i can do everything myself, you taught me different things, resya, did you hear what i said, i think it can be cleaned, oh, thank you, otherwise in none i don’t take it to the dry cleaner, but i’m not a good cleaner, you won’t spoil it, right? of course, i don’t give 100% guarantees, oh, what are you talking about, i want to sell it, it’s so expensive, you ’ll try, oh, it looks like it’s torn, where? well , it was probably the pebbles that broke when...


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