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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  July 14, 2024 9:35pm-11:01pm MSK

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they were taken to a safe zone, then they were evacuated, they stayed with the guys for some time, they were given water and food there, having gone through a very difficult journey, hornet, together with other paratroopers, finally got to the last house in front of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, where the main base was located militants in the microdistrict, there was an ammunition depot, an exit point for enemy infantry, they first struck there, launched an assault at 5 am, flew in, well, two opponents held the first entrance. they were sitting on the first floor, we
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immediately remove two of them, the third is from the basement begins to drag him too, we take this house, we hung a flag there, the brave fighter shershen , together with his brothers in arms, is returning from the chashy ravine, the task is completed, we will get to the house, god willing, shave, wash, it was a hard day yesterday, well, we are all - they did, dmitry kulko, andrey podgornov, ilya repnin. first channel. the ministry of defense reported that the crew of a su-34 fighter-bomber carried out a precise strike with a fab-300 aerial bomb on a temporary location of militants in the north grouping zone. this bomb, like other less powerful ones, is equipped with a universal planning and correction block. let's consider it. our studio allows. here it is, a design with wings and a guidance unit. after leaving the aircraft's fastening.
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the squibs fire, the wings open, gliding begins, depending on the altitude and flight speed of the carrier, it can reach several tens of kilometers. the main thing is that the plane does not enter the enemy air defense zone. when aiming a bomb at a target, the electronic unit eliminates interference from electronic warfare equipment. it should be. elena pich saw how the fab-300 was being prepared at the airfield. and that she leaves behind? it's huge. the three-ton aerial bomb has become the most talked about ammunition in recent weeks of this sensation. at first everyone was surprised by the modernization. in the ussr, a bomb was made to simply be dropped from an airplane, but now it has become a precision weapon. it also turned out that the carrier could be not only the heavy timber of strategic aviation, but also the su-34 front-line bomber. this is what the first use of this bomb by the russian aerospace forces in the kharkov region looked like in objective control footage. projectile. falls in
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tens of meters from the point of temporary deployment of ukrainian troops, but the explosion is so powerful that the fireball covers everything within a radius of several hundred meters. after the publication of this video, the generals of the ukrainian armed forces began to complain about the new powerful russian weapons, and the western press vividly described the consequences of such attacks. cnn journalists reported that the terrible bomb undermines the morale of ukrainian soldiers, and the independent cited the american institute for the study of war. the fact that russian troops have figured out how to launch. the pap-300 is a significant achievement and will increase the destructive potential of ongoing russian air strikes against ukrainian forces and infrastructure. it is this bomb that our enemy calls the most terrible weapon: fab-300, that is, it weighs 3 tons. in fact, now it is only possible to see it in this exact form before it is secured under the belly of the plane. later she will receive her own wings, a planning and correction unit. one might assume that she was scared.
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not only by combat power, but by the fact that compared to missiles, they are cheap and no one will save on them; such bombs are in production in production, and there are also many of them in warehouses. a fairing that improves aerodynamics is put on the front part, a module that makes it possible to fly far and accurately to the target is assembled right next to the aircraft, by the engineering and technical staff. now the same universal module has been attached to the bomb, thanks to which it becomes not just a powerful weapon, but also... high-precision is not visible here, but inside this module there are the very wings that will open when the bomb flies to the target. launch, the bomb comes off its mounts, turns over and spreads its wings. a unique solution allows the aircraft to strike while being tens of kilometers from the target. when dropped at a speed of 900 km from a height of 10-12 km, such a bomb can fly 40, 50, 60 km and more.
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depending on the speed of the carrier aircraft, our aircraft does not need to enter the zone of destruction of enemy air defense; the bomb itself , due to the lack of an engine, remains invisible, with combat power. can't help but be considered, after all, it leaves behind a huge crater, a large affected area, in which only ruins remain. it is difficult to imagine a target that could not be hit by an aerial bomb of such a nominal mass. from the point of view of combat power, experts do not consider the three-ton aerial bomb to be anything special. we have five-ton and nine-ton ones, but we shouldn’t discount the psychological effect of an explosion of ammunition of such power, after which. western patrons of ukraine, led by we will return to our strikes against the enemy as biden, with whom the closer the elections are, the more often i will bring shame upon the world. everything will happen
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today. in the meantime, the epiphany that happened to the american agency bloomberg. russian president vladimir putin has stepped up diplomacy. both within the country and abroad, despite attempts by the united states and its allies to make him a global pariah in connection with the russian invasion of ukraine. in just two months since the start of his fifth presidential term in may, putin has held more than twenty meetings with leaders from europe, asia, africa, latin america and the middle east. let me add that this article appeared immediately after the successful visit to moscow of the indian prime minister. narendra modi chose russia for his first foreign trip in the new term. anton vernitsky about this and... others that have so alarmed the bloomberg agency in our president’s contacts with foreign leaders. the beginning of july 20204 turned out to be hot in terms of weather in terms of political activity, and even during this hottest time, people began to talk more and more often about the countries of the global south. not from a
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climate point of view, although this is important, from the point of view vision of a new world order. the world is conventionally divided into two parts: the global south, which includes the vast majority of asian countries including china and india. the entire middle east, africa, latin america, that is, those very densely populated regions, and the global north, otherwise called the golden billion, led by the united states, around which canada, the european union, israel, australia, japan, singapore, south korea are building their policies , so russia, despite the fact that it is geographically located in the northern hemisphere, is huge part of our territory is generally beyond the arctic circle, the global south is closer, why, of course, we well understand that the formation of a world order from... reflecting the real balance of power, the new geopolitical, economic, demographic reality, is encountering fierce resistance from the ruling elites of states, the so-called golden billion, acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of
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the long-term interests of their own peoples, they today strive to fix a certain order on their so-called: rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right to dictate their will to others, right in the best traditions of the classical .
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india is gradually but noticeably changing its vector. trade with our country is growing at a colossal pace: 12 billion dollars 3 years ago, more than 65 billion in 2023. last year, trade turnover increased by 60%, even more than 66%. for the first
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the current year quarter added another 20%. judging by the joint statement signed in moscow, putin and mode expect that by 2030 the amount will generally approach 100 billion. as for the main points of economic cooperation - these are energy, pharmaceuticals, military-technical sphere, the production of russian-indian brahmas cruise missiles will begin already in 2025, plant in the north. in india, a no less famous indian enterprise has almost been built - a plant for the licensed production of our kalashnikov assault rifles. and the growth of trade and economic connections occur in a variety of directions. thus, the russian direct investment fund, together with indian partners , will invest about 100 billion rubles in companies involved, among other things, in the production of medical equipment. we will import equipment from unfriendly countries with indian hemodialysis equipment, this is certainly very good news for many of us. patients who have renal failure. in russia, according to the sechninov institute, more than a million
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people need hemodialysis, that is, periodic connection to the machine , an artificial kidney, without this they simply will not survive, and companies from india that produce equipment for this are saving lives after the sanctioned departure of western manufacturers from our country. in addition, indian pharmaceutical companies today are not inferior in quality to german ones, which also left our drug market, and have practically replaced them. according to kiril dmitriev , an agreement between rdif and india on the construction of a large pharmaceutical plant was signed in our country, as an agreement in another equally important industry, shipbuilding, we are talking about joint investment, that is, india does not join the anti-russian sanctions policy imposed on the world by the united states, no matter how the state deb condemned mode’s visit to russia, saying that this is of concern to the united states, the indian prime minister did not react to this and said to putin: thank you. the whole world should. recognize that thanks to russian-indian cooperation in the energy sector, we have ensured stability in
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the global market. some of the world's citizens were in danger from fuel shortages, but thanks through our cooperation, we were able to avoid difficulties for them and for many indian citizens. for this i am very grateful to you. it’s not just about the oil that our country supplies to india; cooperation is much broader. this is alexey likhachev’s tour of the atom pavilion at vdnkha for vladimir putin and narendramode in confirmation of long-term cooperation with india. with other countries of the global south, interested in moving away from the very rules imposed by the united states and changing them at their own discretion, because today independence is defined by in terms of energy independence, we are at odds in nuclear energy. khlikhachev, by the way, recalled that once upon a time, when the indian economy had just begun to grow, the west tried to stifle it; in the late nineties, the west refused to supply fuel to your stations, in particular to aeepur, having developed special fuel, special tablets, already we consistently supply fuel for your
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reactors to tarapur and rajasthan, that is, russia has saved india from the energy crisis more than once, and this is appreciated there; now rosatom is completing construction in this in the country of aestku denkulam, two of the six power units are already operating, having reached their designed capacity, the station will provide electricity to several indian states with a population of almost 200 million people, but if we remember the nineties, then new russia sincerely believed in friendship. of the us government, they went and lived on a permanent basis as representatives to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced, every day for nuclear fuel, a building was built where they worked, they had a work table there, on the table there was a flag of the united states, there this was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners. but the zakian partners quickly showed their true colors. it must be said that it is already obvious that at
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that moment we lost all the majority of international contacts, we were saved by vladimir vladimirovich putin, the president of the russian federation, the russian people saved us, i support them. this is a gesture that speaks eloquently of all words for understanding what was happening then. putin's arrival in the closed city of snezhansk in march 2000, where american intelligence officers felt at home, and his surprise at their presence it showed that, as it were...
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but as we see, the countries of the global south and the global majority are more inclined to believe that it is necessary to develop relations globally. constant replenishment of such organizations as the sco and brix, which already occupy more than a third of the planet’s area, where almost half of the population lives; belarus joined the sco last week; here is the flag raising over the organization’s headquarters in beijing. as for requests for cooperation within the brix framework, wishes were expressed by 30 countries a pause was taken in order to develop
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an expansion procedure, first of all , to determine the status of a partner country, as... with vladimir putin last week in astana. at the same time, more and more often countries declare mutual settlements with each other in national currencies. to ensure their financial security, sovereign countries, primarily the brix members, are beginning to abandon the toxic dollar; its share in export-import transactions within the framework
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of the association last year was only 28.7%.
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this is one of the main distinguishing features of the new world order, creating alliances not against someone, on the contrary, for common benefit, finding common ground without trying to dictate to someone your own rules, invented solely for your own benefit. anton vernetsky anastasia berestenko, channel one. ukraine is preparing a new provocation at its hydraulic facilities against its own citizens, in order to then blame the blame on russia, our foreign ministry reported. another enemy. ordered a study of what would happen in the event of destruction dump, kiev gas and kanev reservoir, the consequences have been modeled as follows: a million people will suffer from the dnieper spill, areas of kiev and another 250 settlements will be flooded, such conclusions cannot be neglected. but the provocation of the zelensky regime, which has already happened, the ukrainian
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anti-missile, which went astray and ended up in a children's hospital in kiev, was tried to be passed off as those that destroyed... an unknown kiev resident counted a total of six missiles that arrived at the artyom military plant flying x101, the same , which, if you believe the reports of the kiev air defense, that day they shot down 11 out of 13. on that day, the ukrainians seemed to have forgotten about the ban on filming the results of arrivals. many video strikes have appeared on the network, confirming that it was the plant that produces missiles and aircraft equipment that was the target of our military. perhaps it was on its ruins that the remains of our kha-101s were found, which kiev is now passing off as fragments of the rocket that hit
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the akhmat ded children's hospital. the ministry of defense denies. numerous published photos and video footage from kiev. clearly confirm fact of destruction due to the fall of a ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city. the footage that apologists for the kiev version cite as supposed evidence actually proves only one thing: this is not a kha-101. there is no main distinguishing feature - cruise missiles, or, in fact, the wings themselves. instead, they have short handlebars. a wingless something, judging by the silhouette, is a nato anti-aircraft missile aim-120 mrm, used, in particular , by the norwegian zerkanes , therefore those cubes that supposedly show eyewitnesses of the impact are inherent directly in anti-aircraft missiles. the warhead of the kha-101 is high-explosive fragmentation and weighs 400
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kilos. in the free zone they also use double ones weighing up to 800. it is clear that this is a completely different fireworks display, well, remember the arrival of the x101 along the dnieper. and this is clearly visible in the footage, let’s compare visually once again, here are our kha-101s with
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a wide body and clearly visible wings even from a distance, here is the fall of a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile, there’s no need to look for differences here, here you’ll find at least one similarity, most likely this the missile captured a russian target, but accordingly then lost it, but the self-destruction did not work and the missile did not fall... the main reason for such incidents is due to the fact that ukraine very often places its launchers in the city right next to a children's hospital. the main goal is to effectively cover the remnants of our air defense with a human shield. the single-net missile system nasams has a short range, about 20 km, the active one is even less. shoot the nose at missiles of the x101 class he can. at the final site, but
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apparently it was located in a residential area and the houses were closed in the observation field, so it did not ensure the destruction of the target, and after all, how many cases have there already been when ukrainian armed forces missiles lost their targets, the brave ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners hit residential buildings, then into a polish tractor. they are always accompanied by attempts to accuse us of shooting at residential buildings, threatening some center of social significance there, and once again playing the card of ukraine being a victim of aggressive russia in nato, as they say, the pies have arrived for the holiday, and we need to once again tell something about russia, how evil it is, how dangerous it is, so give money to ukraine. this was clearly visible in the un security council. kiev's western allies hastily requested the meeting in time for the start of the washington nato summit. vasily nebendya just dug his western colleagues into
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the facts, appealing to the norms of international humanitarian law. how is it that ukrainian air defense misses all five strikes on the plant, but clearly hits the children’s hospital. after all, maybe a representative of the kiev regime can answer this question for us. we are also waiting for reactions from the norwegian authorities, who, apparently , have installed zelensky’s cliques. the installation of nasa, did they authorize it to be used to attack a children's hospital, and also, and also to be located in residential areas in violation of ihl norms, there were many such tragedies before, and the banking, that is, the office of the president, constantly lied to people that the russians are specifically targeting residential buildings, the bank needs to be constantly heated hatred among the masses and justify the continuation of the war, but the position of the collective west was agreed upon in advance and some facts influenced it. we are here today because russia, a permanent member and current president of the security council, hit a children's hospital, killing and
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injuring children in the middle of the day, we saw children, bloodied and wounded, seeking salvation. actually, it's called emotional manipulation. a year ago, before the vilnius summit, the zelensky regime also tried to disperse the topic of shelling residential buildings in kherson. a year earlier, the ukrainian armed forces were closed. civil column near zaporozhye, more than thirty people died, in a distorted reality, russia was again blamed, and zelensky cynically used that day to demonstratively sign an application for accelerated entry into the alliance on a table placed outside. for some reason , such incidents very often coincide with nato meetings; they predict such events. in this case, we can talk about a coincidence, but it’s very strange, a typical coincidence, just in time for the next nato meeting. interrupts the current one the current agenda for ukrainians is capture, burial, that is, headhunting, and another reason to raise money for themselves.
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the ritual pilgrimage of western politicians to bucha, capitalized by the kiev regime into new military tranches, shown to the nato secretary general the wreckage of the supposedly russian point u, long removed from service in our country, but it was exactly the same missile of the ukrainian armed forces that was previously fired at kramatorsk, killing more than 60 people, and 15 killed during shelling of konstantinovka, killed cynically just in time for the arrival of the us secretary of state, day after day. russia was then accused, but only of frame on... the reflection of not a russian, but an american harn missile was illuminated, a second video fragment destroyed, as in the case of the hospital, the harmonious version of the kiev authorities, no, in public the western masters of kiev, of course, will continue to turn on the mode, i see here, not here i see, everyone has put it on and sees everything, in telegram channels they are already discussing the insight with reference to sources in the ukrainian delegation of the nato summit, allegedly, western leaders refused to discuss the incident
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with akhmatget, because in this case the investigation not from... this is life, it happens. since then the alliance has ballooned. as for biden’s language, pearls are increasingly falling off, for which trump, a rival in the fight for the white house, persistently invites him to have his head examined. it’s their business, of course, but the states are going to deploy long-range missiles in germany against russia, the likes of which have never been seen in europe. and this plan for joe biden's presidency. mikhail akinchenko will continue. guests from thirty-six countries
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came to washington to celebrate. speculated on the topic of why the white house over the past year, a specialist in the treatment of parkinson's disease has been called eight times; the us president seems to have also been overcome by limerism, a mental illness caused by an obsession with a specific person; to overcome the illness, biden regularly accepts new military packages. today, i am proud to announce a new security support package for ukraine, the eighth package i have approved since the passage of the national security law. minister
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of defense. will inform us about the details of what i i signed it yesterday, i think, in the evening. and somehow it immediately became even a little more exciting. the american president, it turns out, doesn’t even really remember what exactly he signed up for when, even if it concerns weapons worth a quarter of a billion dollars, and it was only yesterday. the minister of defense, of course, shared the details: a decommissioned patriot complex, missiles for it for other air defense systems, artillery shells, cartridges, in general, a standard set, but the most long-awaited gift was announced by the american secretary of state, that’s just why. did it on behalf european countries. i am pleased to report that as we speak, the transfer of f-16 aircraft from denmark to the netherlands is underway. these planes will take to the ukrainian skies this summer. blinkin did not have time to voice this news, and zelensky again did his thing. they say this is good, but not enough. give me more. russia uses 300 aircraft in ukraine, 300. they have more, but they use 300. they give us about ten or twenty. even if we
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had. 50 is nothing, they have three hundred, we need it, because we are defending ourselves, we need 128 aircraft, our partners have them, no very modestly, considering that we are actually talking about carriers of nuclear weapons , of course, no one is going to give them to the ukrainians yet, but here is the fact: on american television, from the state department, we hear about russian escalation, but all the statements made at the nato summit in washington indicate that the real escalation takes... summer, summer is already here, and this means that the netherlands and denmark have already sent these planes somewhere. it is also obvious that ukraine does not have a sufficient number of trained pilots for these aircraft. this means that nato pilots will wear ukrainian uniforms. meanwhile, the question is not only about the pilots of the aircraft, but also about their locations. the f-16 is a complex vehicle that requires qualified maintenance and the necessary infrastructure. in the nato countries bordering ukraine, in
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romania or poland, that’s all. there is, of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are located. there is no clarity with nato aircraft yet, but it is known who will now responsible for the movement of all western military equipment for ukraine, the washington summit declaration announced the creation of a kind of unified delivery service, and a decision was made to create a nato center for providing security and training support to coordinate the supply of military equipment to ukraine from allies and partners. according to international law, the center does not make nato a party to the conflict. the last clarification is clearly addressed to moscow, not by chance. by all indications, the new center resembles. command rooms, from where control will be carried out ukrainian army, staffed not by some civilian logistics specialists, but by 700 military personnel of the alliance, headed by a three-star general, and the center will be located at nato headquarters in wiesbadan, germany, where all operational information about
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the military situation in the alliance, judging by everyone, are fully aware of what it looks like, let's be honest, not every step we take in support of ukraine is a given, it's not easy, because our... we confirm that we will extend an invitation to ukraine to join the alliance when for that there will be agreement of the allies, the necessary conditions will be met. among the conditions there is even more democracy and economic reforms, although it would seem that what kind of democracy can we
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talk about in a country where the sole power in his hands has been usurped by one person, whose elected powers have long expired. but western liberals know how to be flexible in such matters, especially when we are talking about something very specific. tony blinken said that ukraine will inevitably become a member of nato, which means that ukraine will still be remain russia's mortal enemy, linked to the west, and the west and ukraine are going to continue to wage war against russia for the foreseeable future. the military understands that if you are in russia’s place and you are worried about an endless war with the west and ukraine, then you need to take as much ukrainian territory as possible, this is the first thing. and secondly, you must go even further to turn ukraine into...
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troops from these regions, and they will also officially notify you of the abandonment of plans to join, ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal nato, on our part, will immediately, literally at the same minute, order a ceasefire to begin negotiations. the washington declaration was essentially a written renunciation of peace, and only the words about the mandatory consent of all members of the alliance to admit ukraine to nato, which several countries insisted on, give strong hope that the ukrainian crisis will not escalate. i understand the desire of ukraine, it is a sovereign country, but ukraine’s membership in nato directly leads to the third world war. from the very beginning we stated that we will not become part of this war, we stand exclusively in support of peace,
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the solution is not in bloodshed and suffering, but in long-term peace achieved through dialogue. anything else would bring more harm to ukraine than good. turkish president erdogan was only one of two direct participants in the summit who called for peace. “i asked the president to support our peacekeeping mission, the positions of the warring parties are still too contradictory, but if friends join forces, we can take the next step towards peace. the hungarian prime minister himself didn’t do it in one step, flew around the entire globe, first meeting in kiev with zelensky, then negotiations in moscow with vladimir putin, then beijing meeting with ezenpin, well, before leaving." nato summit in washington viktor orban looked into the residence of the likely future president usa of donald trump. donald trump has proven during his presidency that he is a man of peace, he will do it again. thank you, victor, peace must come and quickly, too many
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people died in a war that should not have started at all. we we want to do something, and i want to change the policy of supporting war to a policy of peace, then now is the time. the question is how? not yet, judging by the reaction to orban’s peacekeeping activity of key summit participants. answering questions from journalists about hungarian initiatives, assistant to the us president. security sullivan called them an adventure that is not consistent with us foreign policy. here they prefer adventures of a completely different kind. during the summit, washington and berlin announced the upcoming deployment of long-range weapons in germany in 2026 defeats. the us has decided to deploy precision strike capabilities in germany, which i believe is a very good decision. this fits into all the decisions that we have already made, it is something like containment, it ensures peace. the world according to scholz is tamagaf cruise missiles with a range of
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over 500 km, as well as strike systems with a range of over 500 km, that is, the same medium- and shorter-range missiles that reagan and gorbachev agreed on the elimination of back in 1987, only then these weapons were called a threat to the world and stability in europe, but now it turns out the opposite is true. however, the current crafty formulations deceive few people, including in germany. deployment of additional strike missiles on german territory. do not improve our security, on the contrary, it increases the risk that germany itself will become a theater of war with dire consequences for everyone who lives here. this madness must finally stop, we need a federal government that represents the existential interests of our country, they subject to the wishes of the united states, which would not be directly affected by the consequences of a major european war. but even after the unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty in 2019, it still refrained from creating and deploying
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such weapons on its territory and promised not to do this until it saw practical hostile steps from the west, these steps have been taken, but russia is ready to give its answer. in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from this treaty and by announcing that they are starting to start production, we also consider ourselves entitled to begin development, and... in the future, production, so we are conducting these developments, we are ready to start production, we are already, in principle, so to speak, there they gave appropriate instructions to the industry, but this seems to be not enough for the alliance, from europe, from the shores of the atlantic, it is now moving to the shores of the pacific ocean, it is no coincidence that the summit invited guests from australia, new zealand, japan and south korea. in the nato declaration of the pacific designated as a zone of interests of the western military bloc, after the words about the dialogue and cooperation. the people's
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republic of china's declared ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values. the deepening strategic partnership between russia and china and their joint efforts to undermine and reshape the rules-based international order are causing serious concern. at the same time, the document calls china an accomplice of russia; beijing simply could not help but pay attention. on those statements. the nato washington summit declaration heightens tensions in the asia-pacific region and is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric. materials related to china are full of prejudice, slander and provocation. we strongly reject and condemn this and have sent a serious statement to nato. analysts from foreign affairs magazine have laid out the consequences of the bloc's pacific expansion. most asian countries do not consider beijing an existential threat and are unwilling to choose sides in the rivalry usa and china. many regional leaders, as well as some in europe, have expressed
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concern that increased nato intervention is not only forcing them to choose sides, but also dividing asia into rival blocs. in short, nato's asian proposal is the worst imaginable. it only increases fears about the alliance's intentions and infuriates beijing, but at the same time does not provide partners with any means to contain china. half-worlds means confrontation with china, which in will ultimately only provoke the conflict that the alliance wants. to avoid, literally, déjà vu, anyway, in recent decades the alliance has used the same thing against russia, despite all warnings it moved to the east, which ultimately led to hostilities in ukraine and the transformation of europe into a territory of military instability, and, judging by declassified document from the american national security archive; preparation began in 1994. for the first time, the idea was formulated in writing by the assistant of the former president clinton. opportunity needs to be maintained.
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biden sounded somehow completely obscene. the secretary general led the alliance through one of the most important moments in history. i understand that having fucked your wife, i personally asked you to stay in your post longer. excuse me. the rest of the room either didn’t hear stoltenberg, or most likely
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have long been accustomed to the senile characteristics of the current us president. but american citizens had to blush once again.
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primarily from a political rival biden donald trump, and in the world too, especially following the results of the summit, it is with trump that hopes for a more peaceful american policy are pinned, however, perhaps all these are just vain expectations. the summit declaration , among other things, also became a kind of insurance against possible future political upheavals in america. whoever becomes the next president of the united states, he will no longer be able to simply brush aside, for example, a joint commitment, starting next year, to spend a minimum on arming ukraine. 40 billion euros, about the same thing, when this is all over, the document says nothing. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo pavel evdokimenko, channel one, washington. trump, as you saw, survived an assassination attempt today; let me remind you that his presidency included the so-called seventh round of nato expansion.
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montenegro entered there and negotiations on the accession of another part of the former yugoslavia, north macedonia, ended. what were the alliances like... he had a desire to make up for his mistakes during the election campaign and show himself cool, decisive, all-powerful, in this context he decided to compare himself with ronald reagan. ronald reagan had a favorite expression, here you go again, which
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means, well, where are you going again. ronald reagan was targeted. on agreements with the soviet union and an agreement on nuclear disarmament. reagan and gorbachev agreed that the creation in europe of a class of missiles with a short flight time to the soviet union would pose a great threat to nuclear stability. this threat was not only for the soviet union. it was also a threat to the united states because it...
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that nato, in those years when the soviet union was clearly an enemy, behaved with reasonable restraint, and even in 1953, when a rebellion occurred in the german democratic republic, washington naturally sympathized with the rebels, but was not ready to take any hostilities. in 56 there was an uprising in hungary. once again, president johnson expressed regret and did nothing. well, finally, in the eightieth year
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, dramatic events took place in poland, president carter's national security adviser, guzinsky, is incredibly sympathetic to, shall we say, solidarity activists, but neither the carter administration nor the reagan administration that replaced it did anything. in military terms, there was an understanding that creating an unnecessary confrontation with the soviet union could be more costly and dangerous for the world. and then interesting things happen: the soviet union disappears, the warsaw pact is dissolved, russia is headed by people who really want to be on the side of the west, at the head of the ministry foreign.
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un security, but then it’s even cooler, the year ninety-nine, and the united states and nato allies, without any sanction from the un, bombed belgrade, they say that it was a technical violation of international law, that is, in real words, if the united states does this , then this is in the name of global good, so even if it is illegal, it still must be recognized as good. well, then the intervention in iraq. saddam hussein was simply killed, creating, well, if you like, a comradely
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lynching, where they were allowed to deal shiite militia hostile to saddam hussein, whom the united states itself called terrorists. there was an intervention in libya, there was an american intervention in syria, and now we see a virtually undeclared war. russia, and this despite the fact that russia, well, i will say this, at least until 2014 before the illegal coup in ukraine, that russia tried as much as possible to avoid a serious conflict with the united states. i think it's becoming increasingly clear that when we deal with nato, and more specifically when we we're... dealing with nato under the biden administration, we're dealing with people who are not willing to accept anything
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other than force. this is the only argument that people understand. naturally, russia should not take any emotional, ill-considered steps. but russia , from my point of view, can and must face the truth, which is... being done by the president of russia, vladimir putin, that there is creeping aggression against russia, and that this is all being done, if you like, with increased arrogance. american foreign policy, on for decades was built on the doctrine that the united states should strive to have better relations with china and russia than these. joe biden for the first time openly stated that he is going
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to destroy the possibility of russian-chinese cooperation, and he will destroy this not through some new constructive policy towards china, especially russia, but through open pressure on china, punishment of china, sanctions against china, well , that... and take measures to protect russia, which, if possible, would convince the united
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states, stop in the madness that... they started, it was dmitry saems, leading the big game on the first. go ahead. saudi arabia could sell off its eu securities if the west confiscates russia's frozen assets. 300 billion dollars, mostly stored in the eu, fixed capital. touching is not allowed. they want to take the interest for zelensky, but this will also be outright robbery. europeans risk destroying their financial credibility with their own hands and... provoking a chain reaction. this year saudi arabia has privately hinted that it might sell some european debt if the g7 decides to seize nearly $300 billion in frozen russian assets, sources familiar with the situation said: the kingdom's holdings of euro and french bonds could amount to tens of billions of euros, but probably not are large enough to make a big difference if they were sold, but
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european officials were concerned that other countries might follow saudi... sweden dropped the case sabotage on the nord streams, since it has not identified the accused, we do not intend to return to the issue of blowing up gas pipelines from russia to europe along the bottom of the baltic in the fall of twenty-two,” the swedish prime minister said. he refers to the fact that the events do not fall within the jurisdiction of his country. russian foreign ministry directly points to the true reason. let me remind you that the crime was committed in the special economic zone of sweden and the reason for this is legal. the apathy is that the main beneficiary of the terrorist attack is the biden administration, which did not hide the corresponding plans. stockholm has neither the right nor the will to object to the states. in essence, we are talking about an international conspiracy to cover up the serious crime of a terrorist attack, and stockholm has been assigned a corresponding role in this mutual responsibility. let me remind you that our prosecutor general’s office, after the explosions on the streams, initiated a case about an act of international
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terrorism. we have repeatedly requested the data, but have never received it. in addition, in sweden the investigation was conducted and closed by denmark ; in addition, germany, the story there was revived a week ago, when the weltham newspaper reported that the pipeline explosion was planned back in 2014 before the reunification of crimea with russia. the prosecutor's office in berlin has not yet closed the case. this is sunday time, see below. threshold of death ukraine. we are already setting trends ourselves, an exhibition of innovation and industry, see for yourself and show others, our interesting and relevant, harm yourself, dietary supplements without control, stories of victims and advice from doctors, what we don’t know about what many eat by the handful. we
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will continue after commercials, don't switch, you're my best friend's wife, let's go without hysterical, at first i naturally was on the girl’s side, but when i began to figure it out, there were a lot of dubious details, since, if you stay with me, well, in general, an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that something was wrong with him, that you pestered me, i want to know the truth , yes, we are lovers, you still look at that... just take a closer look at who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller, tomorrow on the first day, what's taking so long, there might be problems any? pechora vodka,
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a product of stellar group. veda vodka, product stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon storsman, a product of the stellar group, visky mancacher, a product of the stellar group, сnop gin, a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. something is bitter about our fate, mish, how have you not lived your own life, barbarian, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, you are being called up, airborne, just wait for me, you hear, i love you, there is no life without you no, are you crazy, let him go crazy, he has been driving you around a lot, leave him, i love him, what are you doing, are you wearing my uniform,
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do you think i’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf? tomorrow after the program, tatyana mikhailovna said, every woman of the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actor very carefully, she could directly kill this person in general, just so that the actors were not touched, without days pass by, it didn’t repeat itself, well, since you can compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring in tritopol on the ivy. "oh, she's so on him she looked with such prickly eyes as he knew how to do, she just looked and said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she simply
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broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into all this, and my soul walked like a broken glass. for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere is on saturday, on the first. why didn’t my heart break? do you know how it breaks? so only the shoulder gives way and the elbow pulls. okay, let's think about it. let's say you're a mole, you're wanted. there are threats against you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option
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of escaping abroad, well, of course i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him... urgently report to the control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. you're my best friend's wife, let's not get hysterical.
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at first, i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when i began to look into it, there were a lot of dubious details. kohl, stay with me , he's an amazing person, very modest. i immediately felt that something was wrong with him. that you pestered me, i want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller, tomorrow is on the first day, it's sunday time, we continue, in ukraine, over two dozen popular tourist routes in the carpathians are closed. kiev is increasingly tightening control over the western border, through which people flee from military commissars, often risking being shot
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or drowning in the stormy, cold mountain yew. a dozen and a half dodgers have not reached neighboring romania since the beginning of the year, but these are the ones who were found and counted. ivan kanavalov will tell you more. successful. the tactical actions of russian forces changed the strategic situation on the battlefield. they don’t just liberate territory; they occupy new settlements every day. they are hacking entire lanes of ukrainian armed forces’ creperains, which have been under construction since 2014. ukrainian units are inexorably moving towards the druzhkovka-konstantinovka, slavyansk, kramatorsk arc. this is their last fortified line. next is the ukrainian armed forces. there is no longer anything to rely on, significant forces, with this the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine will need serious problems to defend this line, the personnel of ukrainian units and formations are decreasing in a catastrophic progression in meat attacks
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without the support of armored vehicles, in the russian army they are taking care of fighters. the task of minimizing losses, as it was set in the first months of the special military operation, is regularly confirmed by both the president and the minister of defense, anyone. a large-scale offensive means a multiple increase in losses, especially if it is connected there with an assault or with the liberation of large cities, and therefore i believe that... the command chose the absolutely correct tactics, albeit slower, even if it takes, so to speak, more time, but we will save the lives of our military personnel. ukrainian public pages write that zelensky at the nato summit in a narrow circle presented a plan for a future counter-offensive in the ssu, but the leaders of the alliance do not believe the narcofuehrer, rightly believing that he might try to carry out fictitious offensives for the report, to no avail, killing as many ukrainians and military
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equipment as possible in exchange for new tranches, so nato secretary general stoltenberg decided to send his representative to kiev to coordinate with the ukrainian authorities. it is worth noting that the americans sent their overseeing general agut to kiev before last year's counter-offensive, but he was unable to prevent failure. eight from equipment, and we have one alyosha, one alyosha. the tank laid down well, well done, minus two tanks, minus. as for the replenishment of manpower, it comes with great difficulty, confrontation between military commissars and ukrainian citizens is only growing. with the law on mobilization, the powers
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of employees of territorial recruitment centers are given to the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, but they expand them even more, up to beatings and torture of mobilizers, for the death of a conscript in a shopping center, and there are already many such cases, no one has ever answered. in response, civilians are increasingly ambushing military commissars and burning cars with the symbols of the armed forces of ukraine every night. these were burned in the vinnytsia region. the partisans are burning, and the military commissars are switching to expensive foreign cars without all sorts of symbols, their income allows them to do this, this military commissar has it. the law on mobilization truly became a disaster, both for the military commissars and for the entire kiev gang. the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on economic development could not resist and told the ukrainian publication. people are massively trying
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to book in a shady way. according to our conservative estimates, the volume of the shadow booking sector starts at $700 million per year, careless honors - $2 billion per year. direct purchase on site from employees of the retail center cannot be calculated. july 16th ends the deadline for updating the military registration data of conscripts, those liable for military service and reservists. ukrainian public pages write that there are almost 8 million citizens. nezalezhny who fail to do so will likely be fined. fine from 17 to 25,500 hryvnia. in rubles this is from 35 to 50,000, you will have to pay as many times as the evader did not appear on the summons. and if there is no money, property, both movable and immovable, will be confiscated. this is a huge shadow market in which both the zelensky administration and, naturally, the military sit interested in the corruption component and surviving. the last money from the population,
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realizing that the war would soon end not in their favor. western media, instead of victorious reports about non-existent victories in the armed forces of ukraine, are increasingly turning to the topic of the ttc of ukrainian cheaters, that is, draft dodgers. like, for example, the dutch publication nunl. i just don’t want to go to the front, there are drones and missiles flying there, it’s very unsafe. i don’t think i owe life in my country, thirty-two-year-old ukrainian alexey told newnl in kiev. human.
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you can also break your leg under anesthesia and get a reprieve. now such medical services are available, for example, in dnepropetrovsk. it is becoming increasingly difficult to escape from the country ; barbed wire has been strung along the border river tisza. checkpoints are deployed 30 km from official border crossings. front intelligence agents operate widely. these young people were taken, as
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they explained, to the border on a grain truck, then they had to walk, but they came straight to the border guards.
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the boy was 15 and 18 years old. and here is the western press notes that ukraine is steadily approaching the threshold of death. losses of a third of the population capable of performing military service. this is followed by defeat in any war. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one. the kiev regime has again shown its essence. a nine-month-old child, three adults were wounded during ukrainian shelling from a volley fire installation in the village of oktyabrsky in the belgorod region. at night , an enemy drone was shot down over the region; before that, on saturday, militants carried out drone terror in the border areas, under daily shelling of shibekin, a drone was purposefully aimed at the playground, there was a camera on it, the operator acted deliberately, five boys were wounded by shrapnel, one of them, the heaviest,
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was transported to moscow. the next day , a drone took a direct hit on a car, windows were broken in nearby high-rise buildings, and eight civilians were injured. such attacks must be stopped. every day , more than a thousand people apply to selection points across the country; they have decided to join the ranks of defenders of the fatherland. in total, since the beginning of the year, according to the ministry of defense, a contract has been concluded with the department 190,000 russians. bryansk, belgorod, kursk, there are also a lot of relatives living in these areas, well, sometimes my heart just bleeds, or something, well, people shouldn’t, well...
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here. from the official chronicle of the development of st. petersburg, vladimir putin discussed this week with the governor of the northern capital. as alexander beglov told the president, most are socially significant. decisions are made based on the opinions of residents, so the city program was developed on the basis of 400 thousand proposals from citizens,
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volunteers and non-profits took an active part organizations. it is also planned to open a school of npo management so that their participants can exchange experiences. as for secondary and preschool institutions, educational institutions, active construction is currently underway in the city. by the end of the year, the deficit problem will be resolved. the governor presented the silver age project, a priority for the city. take the life of the older generation to a new level. another important topic is the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. alexander beglov suggested that the head of state should resume it. vladimir putin idea supported. the law was signed into law this week. 4000 employees. and working pensioners are also growing. health options, that is, this is a good decision, thank you very much, and we asked you
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to pass them on to you, the decision was long overdue, and everything needed to be put in order, this is a fair decision, which people have been talking about for a long time and the government has been studying for a long time, but it’s good that it was in st. petersburg that we returned to this again and accepted it. supporting families, especially large families, is a national priority, about the most important thing, vladimir putin spoke with them on monday at vdnkh, where he met with the finalists of the competition, this is our family’s most massive project of the russia land of opportunity platform, we also discussed the use of maternity capital, compensation for disabled children and much more. as for the competition itself, its success is phenomenal. more than 100,000 families took part, 300 reached the finals. among the participants there were many fighters.
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are taking part in today's combat work to defend russia, the whole country is proud of them, you are the whole country, thank you for accepting participation in this competition, it’s a good idea, we’ll try to organize this work in the future, more about supporting families with children, this week it became known that family mortgages will be valid until 2030, as... or in the ministry of finance, take out a loan at 6 % for the purchase of a new building apartment or the construction of a house will be available to families with a child under
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6 years old, or raising a disabled child, regardless of age. in a number of regions , the program includes parents with two minor children. the maximum amount is 12 million rubles. for moscow, moscow region, st. petersburg and the leningrad region, in other regions 6 million. above this is already at the market rate. let me remind you that the family mortgage was supposed to end on july 1, but after. and another large-scale project. exposure parameters. a new stage begins in the history of the federal assembly. vladimir putin proposed to extend it, preserving the main exhibitions. russia is changing its registration. all the achievements of a large country will soon be displayed at the expo site, where a national center will be created by order of the president. in the meantime, the first results and work at vdnkh have been summed up. from november 23 to july 24 , more than 18 people attended the exhibition-forum,
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the industrial exhibition inoprom 2024. it was held for the fourteenth time in terms of the number
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of participants and the agreements signed became a record. the main theme is technological cooperation. domestic. new products from the automotive industry to the it sector have aroused great interest; our country is ready to share with those who are determined to work, taking into account each other’s interests. andrey goldarev will continue: please go through identification. identification completed successfully. future. here you can see the future with your own eyes. technologies and innovations, serial samples and just scientific developments. for 4 days between.
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these are now being developed in the urals, the first ones. this is, for example, a model of a high-speed train, samples will appear in 4 years, first the trains will run along the moscow route. burg, and then to yekaterinburg, adler and minsk, and at a speed of almost 400 km/h. at the beginning of this year, the concept of the project was presented to vladimir putin. from the inside, we created interior solutions. what is it for ? it is necessary so that we collected reviews, collected feedback in order to develop the correct layout solutions in terms of accommodation, comfortable placement of people in the carriage itself. and future passengers already. very comfortable, everything is very technologically advanced, new, made of good materials, the only thing is that the seats are quite hard, it’s great that there are tables where you can do something. there are even more new products inside the pavilions, for example, a hybrid power plant for aviation, running on the usual kerosene and electricity, this is suitable, for example, for an air taxi, here various electric vehicles, but this is perhaps one
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of the most popular foreign industry exhibits among visitors, an arctic all-terrain vehicle for extreme conditions. north and what amazes here is not only its size, the most important thing is hidden under the hood, there is a hydrogen engine installed, such fuel will definitely not freeze. this foreign industry is already breaking all records, with a record number of participants, over 900 russian foreign companies, and a record number of signed agreements is expected. delegations from 60 countries participate in foreign industry, of which 27 are government delegations, which are headed by heads of ministries. from countries friendly to russia , including the usa, germany, france, japan, and korea, all businessmen and diplomats who live in russia, and many come specially, are interested every year in what russian industry will show to the world. and to show that here, for example, is the first serial robotic manipulator for loads up to 120 kg. 20 of these are already working in the southern urals. by the end
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of the year we plan to produce 450 robots, next year until 1. everything is completely russian domestic, this is already a robotic line, while some robotic hands are feeding the workpiece, others are already preparing to process it, all this became possible thanks to the cooperation of seven enterprises at once. 2 years ago this was not the case , literally in 2 years a completely edematous industry and seven companies were formed, and despite the fact that to some extent we are competitors, we have built partnerships because we understand that cooperation is better than competition. such interaction.
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an indicator of efficiency, which , in our mood, we should already be in the top 25, as it were, countries in the world, many new products were presented to the company by manufacturers of urban public transport, inoprom also has new electric buses, or here is a tram, what is there, well, first of all , all the brains are here, in these three screens, there is a climate control system, more than twenty video cameras, for convenience, individual buttons are located here on the chair, and you can simulate a train. went to the stand of the sverdlovsk region, mishustin was told about the results of the project, which was launched 2 years ago, the first intermunicipal tram line in russia, which connected two cities - yekaterinburg and verkhnyaya pyshma. the first half of the twenty-third year and the first half of the twenty-fourth year, the growth of passenger traffic was 65%. the fact that passenger traffic has increased by 65% ​​in a year is the answer to
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your project, i want to congratulate you on this . we must understand that the new modern tram does not run on old rails, accordingly, by launching new modern trams, we are in ten cities we are changing not only the rails, but we are changing the infrastructure of the city, for the first time in history, all exhibition areas of foreign industry are more than 50 thousand filled, this fourth one even has separate national stands, including tajikistan, the united arab emirates and uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, belarus, kazakhstan , each country represents its own... belarus, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan, together the premiers inspected
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the national stands. the largest this year is the united arab emirates, this is the partner country at proma. we are glad greetings dear colleagues, i know that there are a lot of companies that are interested in investments, including international ones, i am sure that you will find worthy partners here. representatives of more than 50 companies arrived, and this. once again emphasizes the special nature of friendly russian-emirati relations. mutual trade turnover at the end of last year reached a record level of almost a trillion rubles. several partnership agreements were signed within the framework of the forum in yekaterinburg. we are interested in modern technologies that are used in many areas. we held meetings with russian companies in the fields of energy, oil, gas, and clean renewable energy. we are also interested in cooperation in metallurgy.
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the domestic industry not only survived, maintaining its position; the industry, contrary to all the forecasts of our opponents, is demonstrating serious growth, gradually occupying the niches of departed western companies. it has already become obvious that the policy of illegal sanctions and unfair competition is ineffective. she. causes serious damage to its initiators themselves. we intend to continue active participation in the formation of the broadest possible international economic
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cooperation. and i want to emphasize that we are open.


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