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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 15, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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it’s like baghems, that is, in any case , in the environment in which i grew up in the capital, it was generally believed that a military profession, a working profession, it’s all somehow not right, but a baghemka is yes, a baghemka, a culture, a media , artists, journalists, that’s all, in short, i received 65 rubles, it was not enough, especially since for these 65 rubles. well, i worked very hard, like everyone else. the rest, that is, i was not in any special position, but let’s say i kept numbers, that is, i worked with a fresh head, what is a fresh head, in the newspaper, i don’t know how it is now, then these were the functions of the person who signed the newspaper for publication, as they say, that is , he put his signature, after which the newspaper went to the printing house. was printed and a few
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hours later cars all over moscow were delivering it to the kiosks of the press union to subscribers at the post office, which means why a fresh mind, because it was assumed that the responsible members of the editorial board, and i headed the department studying youth in this newspaper, he was all day rests fresh such comes in the evening for graduation, when it’s already the stripes are laid out, he reads these stripes and... and since he is fresh, he finds certain mistakes with a fresh look, uncluttered, and he reads directly from top to bottom, from the header to the last signature, everything, including the imprint, everything, everything - checks everything, but - in fact, i don’t know about the rest of my colleagues, i just don’t remember this, but i never had the patience to sit there all day at home, relax there, i don’t know what to meditate, what to do, no, just ...
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the first five were not sold at all, that is , it was all based on letters from readers - it was done according to electronic letters, naturally there was no internet, no e -mail, paper letters just stupidly arrived with a note that this was in this section, people printed envelopes, took them, counted letters, all this was manually entered somewhere, everything was counted like this, then the first five were not for sale, there was sixth, seventh, eighth, that is, from ninth place to sixth... it was possible
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to move up, that is, in principle, i repeat, everything was quite fair, and dima sternly said: " yura, we have a lot of girls it works, the balyk is good, the cognac is excellent, we need more candies." yura said, yes, now i ’m rushing and bringing it, and he said, no, we won’t have time, we’ll sign the number, and therefore don’t forget the candies in the next hit parade, when yura tried to take the cognac back - dmitry shaverny came up with the following story with his hit parades: 5 years ago, in 1919, i was working on a book for the anniversary of a very famous soviet rock band, and i recorded interviews with musicians, naturally with journalists who wrote in. including with dmitry
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shavrin, and he, in particular, in his interview, which was published in this book, said that our legendary composer... pakhmutova wrote denunciations to the cpsu central committee, that is, the highest governing body, for those in the tank let me explain, i was complaining about these same charts, that some strange, not professional rock bands, but worthy songs appear there, which means they don’t appear there, because one of the speakers of this book, that is, from the people i interviewed...
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i seem to be talking with a person, if the person with what needs to be said, then i’m generally categorically against bills and censorship, i can either refuse a person altogether, in principle, no, you won’t be there in this book, let’s say, but if i agree, then i can only correct some - the turns of phrase are unsuccessful there, having naturally agreed on this with the person who spoke, because he must issue a visa, that yes, in this final form, here is the text, well, something there throws out even something that puzzles me like...
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sasha categorically ruled out the possibility of pakhmutov writing a denunciation to me. also, by the way, this seems, well, some kind of wildness, perhaps shavrin himself was told that she complained somewhere at some kremlin banquet, she could tell someone in a conversation that there is such a section, such a hit parade, there are such and such songs in the first places of some songs, it’s not even a fact that she had her own in mind, although she is wonderful, brilliant...
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they burst open, that is, they began to bring in enormous amounts of money to journalists, because they simply in fact, there was a paradoxical situation in these last years, the years of the soviet era union, when journalists did not receive money, but at the same time had a very significant influence, that is, they were actually really the fourth estate, because this inertia is not so much trust in the press, but understanding there
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egor, there is no way for you, i won’t let you in, there won’t be , that means the world, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, tomorrow after the program time, this is a podcast of the chronicle of the end times, and i, evgeny dodolev, am telling you about such a media phenomenon as jeans, a lot of people, we ourselves, without wanting it, a journalist, well, i look for myself.
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without alcoholism, when the vineyards were cut down, when there were monstrous queues at the wine departments, they were fighting with the gray wine itself, with our essence, that is... they forbade drinking, the journalists worked on this matter, working on this agenda, without stopping at the same time drinking, in in general, in short, we published it, having returned from - i don’t remember the name of the boarding house, but it doesn’t matter, from near moscow, it was such a raid, like a raid, from this raid we returned , this article came out, this report about that in a boarding house you won’t believe this, students
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they drink, oh, laughter and sin, yes, this boarding house was on the balance sheet of the ministry of foreign trade and, i don’t remember what day of the week this article was published, but after the weekend there was a resolution that two deputy ministers were removed, komsork mgemo lost his position , because there were mostly mgemo students, and komsork of some course, many people suffered, many years later at some party i crossed paths with umar dzhabrailov, a very famous businessman, chechen entrepreneur, he said with a grin that he too he was some komsomol leader in the gemot there , he also suffered through the article, i didn’t mean that, just, well, well, well, we
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went on a journalistic duty, we fulfilled ours, i’m not proud of it, but in short, i’m just describing the situation, how weighty a word was, and i repeat, they weren’t officially paid for these words, but people like, well, dzhabrailov, that is , future oligarchs, businessmen, they already clearly understood for themselves that... in fact, they performed the functionality one or
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another advancement, that is, very quickly these that is, without any details, but the prices have risen, including the prices for the services of corrupt magazines, that is, the people who practiced posting these materials, i’m not saying that here, that i’m so honest and incorruptible , i just don’t know what i would do if they offered me money, they didn’t offer me, i don’t know why, but to me , well, i just heard from one, from another, here, there, since they gave a person there, there car, i thought how somewhere very close, in general, in short, somehow, somehow i was unlucky, so, therefore, in this aspect i remained an honest journalist, although, you know,
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conditions were negotiated, these materials were published, and i must say that often ordered materials, they the quality was much better than journalistic materials, well, just significantly, why, because above them, if i don’t know, some bank or some oligarch worked there, well, there were whole teams collecting invoices, professional people wrote, that is, it was a very high quality product, which magazine...
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i like the material, i’ll put it in, where to send the person, and well, i sent it to the financial director there, this money was sort of cashed out and... in 2008, mikhail vladimirovich and i went to kiev to launch a franchise of our publication there , we published a russian-language version here in moscow under the license of a german weekly, and our kiev friends said that they wanted to publish this one
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there in ukraine, so we went to launch this publication, and of course i was shocked. how completely different things were there these things, because they were very offended by my friends and colleagues when we said that well, we are older brothers, not in the sense that we are somehow larger and larger-scale, but in the sense that they are several years behind us in some ways, as far as media was concerned, that is, it was 2008, and in this sense they were in the nineties, then... we also found out that they were directly connected to this monetary turnover for materials, also the special services, this was a discovery for mikhail vladimirovich and me, so - now i’m moving on to the most interesting thing, in my opinion, in this conversation about jeans
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, the aspect about covers, which means covers have always been expensive, i came up with such a thing in... a publishing house, since there were several publications, one magazine was advertised in others, well that the next one was coming out there, i don’t know, the june issue of this magazine, and advertising was in all the other magazines, so the person who got on the cover, and there was one business magazine, in my opinion, was the only business magazine where you can was e put men on the cover, because all the other women's magazines were, that is, there were a lot of what are called: men's magazines - this means with women not always dressed or not very dressed on the covers, and there was one magazine where we published people, they took money for it, well, officially at the cash register, that is, how it was formalized, that is , we agreed with the person that he would buy official advertising for the module, in this or that
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building, no matter where, just the amount for the cover was put there, but i always explained when negotiating with pr people, that this is the face that you want to promote, it will not only be on the cover, it will be in all these magazines, and considering that on average an advertising page cost 10,000 more, that is, he’s kind of there for 30,000 received the hundred thousandth such package. here, but we didn’t take money from everyone, because we would like it to be, firstly, a recognizable face, and secondly, one way or another, in general, it would be pleasant for someone, either the owner or the editorial team, or in my opinion, as a publishing director, reader, so one day
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a banker approached us, i won’t name this bank, not because it was headed by some eastern comrade, because it doesn’t matter who and... and i for myself, as soon as they left here are the people from this bank looking at me, i decided for myself that under no circumstances would this person come, because it’s simply not good for the magazine’s reputation, but to refuse, to say that no, that we have some kind of discrimination based on i couldn’t use this or that attribute, so i decided, out of the blue , to just name the number that, well, obviously unaffordable, i will repeat once again that the cover cost from twenty, twenty to... 350 thousand dollars, i just said, you know, we have everything reserved for the next few months, so excuse me, 150,000, what was my surprise and dissatisfaction, when my interlocutor, that means this pr man, grunted and said, okay, you can list them as cash or so, i realized that
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that’s it, well, we’re in trouble, that we have to answer for the market, that we’ll have to. publish this cover, it was the most expensive one i sold, i say sold by me, because i made the decision, the money did not go into my pocket, but from the covers i sold. we continue to talk to you about jeans and corrupt journalists. this is a podcast chronicling the end times. my name is evgeny dodolev. another story came out with the covers, i remember. when i bought, that means i was buying, our owner was an oligarch, on his orders i purchased certain publications there, this...
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i immediately concluded that we would have a different team, we were buying only the brand, only the name, i'll just explain why this is it’s important to buy a name, and not buy, let’s say, a team or, i don’t know, a kettle or a computer, everything that is on the balance sheet of this magazine, because the advertiser was lined up under the name immediately under this or that brand, that is, it’s simple was a business decision.
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knew that if such and such a publication appears in russia, then certain brands will automatically be included in this publication, they did not write them off, who will be on the cover, what will be written there, because there is a license , it is clear what format it is, what there content, that’s why i say again that this brand was purchased exclusively, especially since when a magazine brand is acquired, then you have the opportunity to place there the materials that the licensor released, that is, the publishing house that sells you the license, it provides you with a whole package of different filming and materials that can be translated so that you can print them in
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your publication, so i understood that this would be some kind of waste of time, and he came, he was very temperamental and explained to me that the purchase is about to take place, and they have already planned the next issue, it’s almost ready, and there’s a cover with a singer, some kind of, well, one of the... panties, and what’s very important is that it comes out, because shooting, by the way, was expensive, several thousand dollars could be spent on renting studios, on a trip somewhere, on such a photo shoot, because usually not just the cover was shot, that is, there was also the so -called undercover material, that is, there were several the strips are filled with shooting and some photograph remains for the cover, here he said so insistently that it was really important. she said that at that very moment, when i was finishing my second glass of mineral water, i made a decision for myself that what the hell, well, there wouldn’t be this
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singer, just 100%, and if he hadn’t arrived, i wouldn’t say, i would probably use already prepared material rather than shoot from a new cover or get it from the licensor or even bother there, but when the content of the issue is ready, in my opinion we... we took the licensor from hollywood stars and put enough of this undressed, well, as the format of the publication suggests, literally a few days after the release of this magazine, so-called serious people came to us and said that what the hell is going on, we paid $30,000 there, where is our cover anyway, i say, well, you are asking those who you paid.
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it was shot for the cover, day x comes, when the issue should go on sale, and i get a call, again, from a patient, he says: what kind of bullshit, like, i just stopped at a gas station, there’s a magazine there, on the cover there is a nice, well-known lady, uh, i say, so i have nothing to do with this at all, i just recommended a person who will record the interview, well, now i’ll figure it out, i call andrey, i say, andrey, what happened, there’s a very angry felix , tears and throws, he in turn tells me , i’ll call you back, you know what they did, well, yes, i don’t even know if anyone has done this before or not, they’re on one on the cover, here on the front, well, actually on
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the cover. they put the lady’s face, i don’t know whether it was sold or not, on the last page, well which also, in general, the cover, this is called the fourth cover, well , they put a businessman on the professional market, that is, formally, in general, they fulfilled the conditions, because the agreement was oral, that is, it was not formalized, they said, let’s put it on this one cover, i don’t know how it ended, because well... he’s a serious man and so to speak, it’s unlikely that he liked how they treated him, but i think that somehow this issue was settled, but with the covers there were things like this this kind of story and i remember how in that very magazine a licensed, men's magazine, i mean i'll explain once again, this is where girls usually appear quite naked, on the cover
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of this magazine, in addition, we also report to the licensor, because the licensor, in general, monitors what is happening in those publications , which are rented out under a license, the pr people of one mayor of a northern city contacted me and said that... they took him on the cover of this publication too, because he’s in a business publication, and i’m just doing it for fun, i say, i i'll figure it out now, i'll just i’ll just call the city of london and ask our licensor if it’s possible to solve it, because the covers, the fact that we sell covers, they knew that we were getting money, because this money was cashed, that is, it wasn’t pure jeans
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send it sideways, let's see what kind of girl, the girl arrived, and she parked right on the big androinskaya street, we had an office building of a publishing house, there are tram tracks there, she parked right on the bentley tram tracks, everything is as it should be , comes, there already, by the time she reached my office, it had already been a couple of trams - from both sides, she came in, well, absolutely nice without showing off, that is, never. i didn’t say that i came in a bentley, but i couldn’t resist, i said, but i said, who is your dad? she says, my dad is a builder, she said, but later it turned out that he is in charge of the construction of our entire north, there are arkhangelsk, murmansk and so on, but by the way, he worked very well, everyone was happy, that is, this story is the cover didn't end, but ended with what i found
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i decided to arrange a very efficient employee... so as not to pay the models, i invited the girls working in the publishing house, i repeat, there were about a dozen publications, to do photo shoots, if they are ready to undress, then that’s how our our girls of our publishing house , i thought, well , i’ll have to persuade, you know, i had to build a filter, because well, a lot of people wanted it, i... worked in this publishing house on blocks, and i couldn’t refuse her, although i must say that i then i got very strict from my relatives,
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i’m catching up after this issue came out, we practiced sessions like this, that is, in addition to covers, we did there, for example, there are restaurant chains, when a restaurateur has several establishments, we did girls , a waitress from... one restaurant, a hostess from another cafe, the director from the third coffee shop, here’s a trick, we came up with it ourselves, i mentioned my niece, who worked with blocks, what are blocks, these are these things too, which are very close to jeans, this is when uh what - an organization so i dealt with... an airline, the largest, i won’t name, it pays not to write about it at all, not to mention it, that is, i had a special person sitting in the editorial system, looking through the name of this
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airline did not appear in any material, in any of the magazines at all, decent money was paid, that is , about 10 thousand euros per month for... each publication, that is, 100,000 euros per month were paid there, that is, more about one and a half million a year, the airline paid, so that she would not be mentioned, well, that is, when she needed to be mentioned, she paid separately, sent it, and to be honest, it amazed me, because for this money it was possible to do some, i don’t know, well, a lot some, well, really some cool things, i don’t know, build a hospital , some kind of boarding house.
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and readers simply don’t see, otherwise the end of times would have come, this was actually a podcast, a chronicle of the end of times, and i, evgeny dotel, told you about such a phenomenon as jeans. all episodes of the podcastlab project you can watch it on the website of the first channel hello, this is a psychic podcast, and we continue to open the windows of your lives into a world that is bright, joyful and practically
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problem-free, or at least we are trying to do so. today we are working with a psychologist, doctor of cultural studies, professor, andrei sberovsky, our heroine veronica. veronica came to us with such an amazing and... and maybe even a little flirtatious request, which, however, had depth behind it. if i understand correctly, veronica, you are tired of being a strong, strong-willed, strict woman, yourself are you tired of yourself, or are those around you tired of your strength and will? well, it happens that some people suffer from this. let's tell us in more detail, what brought you to us? lately, since i've been building a business, it's happened because... that i had to end my relationship with my spouse, and so, wait, you ended your relationship with your spouse and you had to build a business, yes that's it, well in order to survive, or because you finally got the freedom to do it, precisely in order to survive, in order to
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pay off your debts in order to feed children, and accordingly, so that we could live somewhere, i had to have more than one child, two children, 6.8 years old, beautiful girls, yeah, but what happened to your husband, where did the debts come from, unfortunately? the majority of the russian population has a lot of debt, including my husband, so he didn’t have a credit history, or rather it was very bad, it was like i had to take on a lot of debts, he left and left you rich for... so what there was something wrong with him, with your husband, why did everything happen to him? great, he is a wonderful expert in his field, a specialist, but unfortunately we couldn’t find something in common, or rather we diverged in general knowledge, i probably went into business, into sales, i wanted some other life, my husband decided to stay in the same positions where he has, although he has enormous potential, but unfortunately... i wanted to realize it, you know, andrey, i now have the feeling that i am sitting at a meeting
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with some major director of a large plant, who gives a countdown of the past period, problems and prospects, well, for now there is a feeling that the director likes to be a director, in fact, i don’t see a contradiction yet, because i see a girl who went into self-realization, went consciously, broke up with her husband consciously, that is, the girl, in principle, chooses the model under which to live . it’s not supposed to be easy, but i understand that there are some problems there, yes, that is, it’s far from easy, yes, it comes with a huge burden directly from the point of view of the children, from the point of view of work, from the point of view of obligations , that is, i really had to accumulate a lot of obligations on myself, not because i want it so much, i really don’t want it that way, i want everything in ease, i want to relax, i want to get high, and not work to satisfy needs, and who are these needs? determined what? you need exactly this level of need, you need now i
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have my own picture of the world, it exactly contains the level of my life, as i want, this is realization, this is constant travel, these are new opportunities, but so what? and i feel there is comfort in this, we say, you feel comfort in what, at that moment you will feel comfort when you reach this picture of the world, or now, when you achieve it, do you feel comfort? the key point is that... i used to see that there is some level of comfort that i want to come to, but now i understand that i am going to this level of comfort through a process that you no longer like, it is difficult for me , where the heaviness manifests itself, you are nervous, you do not express yourself emotionally, you break down, you have insomnia, so what then, what the heaviness is in stress, in fears that things might not work out somewhere, that i, for example, might not be able to keep up with the children somewhere. that is , when electrodes are attached to your heels, through which current flows, yes, you run faster,
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it comes that fear, where there is fear, you need to grow, yes, but what is the problematic story itself , because the person who walks into business, in principle, especially such a serious, adult person, as if yes, voluntarily, he usually understands that life is also a business, it is a struggle, it is such a constant story, where there is no rest no sleep, in principle, people, in fact, get pleasure from the fact that they are all needed, no one can do anything without them, because in fact this is... one of the options there for a person’s self-realization, therefore, therefore, what is here problematic story? is the problematic story that you didn't know it would be so hard, or it turned out to be too hard than you expected, which is the biggest problem area? well, that ’s exactly what even modern society probably dictates, women want to achieve some heights with ease, peaks, when, probably, there is a partner who accompanies you constantly and supports you, this is much easier to do. at the moment there is not exactly that support from
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the point of view where, probably, i would have started much easier, faster and i understand that from the point of view of relationships, as is probably the case with most women, we are still inexperienced at the age of 23, get married, then our views differ completely, some grow in relationships, some remain at this level, in principle i always had a gradation that when we got married, my husband was much higher me, we are 20 years apart, what’s more, wow? yes, but after he seemed to stop in place, i began to grow very sharply, and this delta for us has increased multiple times , my wife, that is, it turns out that you have outgrown it during your marriage, but in fact, but look, but let’s still, again , understand, because in order to solve a problem, it is important to understand what the problem itself is, that is, you have two parallel requests, a request, well, maybe creating some kind of personal life, searching for a partner who will accordingly,
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with friends, even with children, the request is this: i want to live at the same pace, i want to live at the same pace with the same achievements, i want to live in the same tension in a pleasant way, yes, but so that i feel easy and happy. so that a concrete slab of obligations does not hang over me, so that a concrete slab of obligations does not lie on my shoulders, and so that the hammer does not slam down on me from above that a contract may be broken, a loan may not be paid, obligations to some
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partners or employees will not be fulfilled , we see who we see in front of us now, yes we see an excellent student, but she is an excellent student. it’s just that from her toenails to the top of her head, yes, she is imbued with this - largely imaginary world, ambitions, excellent grades and obligations, so it seems to me that this is the problem, you are certainly right to the point, and if we probably , we think how it all started, always all the problems from childhood, i want to point out here that now everyone tells me, you’re like a soldier in a skirt, that’s what you need, that’s what you do. you’ll make everyone around, delegate there, and control, but you want to come like this, guys, let’s go, they did this, this, this, this, but you have to live in a slightly different rhythm to be heard, but i know that there are wonderful examples where a woman comes as a leader, she easily distributed tasks to everyone, she has everything it turned out, but i think
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that this is at the level of thinking and some kind of attitudes, because as a child my dad gave me such a serious attitude, wrong, i don’t want a word, i have a word for... life, then 99% grow up in this installation, some people live easily, some don’t, so in fact, this is what parental attitudes, we often overestimate their importance, because everyone is told good attitudes, people live differently, so here let’s not make them responsible for accepting your models, you still need to understand it yourself. pleasure from yourself, as you get from a businesswoman? yes, then you need to understand that those who perhaps you imagine are such easy-going girls managers, in fact, half of them may cry in the evening, in fact, they drink bitters there, yes, because in fact they in every possible way, the classics of soviet cinema,
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yes my yes, because now there are simply social networks, there are those that create images that do not correspond to reality, therefore. well, as a psychologist with thirty years of work experience, all these light , strong women are not really that, but it looks good, it’s a well-developed mask, with which each half of them has their own psychologist, someone still has a husband there or a sponsor who is simply not visible, in fact, therefore, but in fact the idea itself, itself here is your desire, to somehow make life easier, of course, it has a right to exist, of course we will help you, because in this part natalya and i already know how to do it, so to speak, and... let's look at your psychological characteristics again , can we first clarify what is manifested in our heroine’s opinion, these are the flaws that she talks about, but that’s where you are, you ’re pinching someone, you ’re bullying someone there, you can’t give in a different tone order, to call for a meeting, just
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there was a request from the point of view of children, i say, children still need to be shown, we don’t teach them, we... don’t raise them, we just show some kind of example, and even now i notice with my eldest child that she someone like that might pre-shout at a younger person somewhere, that is, this is how you have to do it, that is, set boundaries yourself, and i myself set boundaries for the children, that is, i influence them, it turns out the same thing in a team, okay, in a team o' okay, i can set some boundaries, my own rules, because this is my business, my rules, probably from the point of view of the children and the people around me, well, as if to those around me, okay, no, i’m probably more for the children, yes, i dictate my rules, then, that i explain this correctly, but the key thing is that i don’t just forbid something, i always explain why it’s needed, why it’s like this, yes, and what you don’t like, let’s give a probably banal example, as all parents know ,


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