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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 15, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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under the guise, it’s time to remember today exactly this special project of ours on the air, because there is something to remember and realize what happened with i don’t know, from the bell tower of the great historical experience of the united states of such events, if you understand what i mean, however, let’s go in order, so , footage of attempts on the life of the former us president, according to some versions, and the future us president donald trump, is being discussed by the whole world, shots were heard during his speech. in front of his supporters in the state of pennsylvania, and let's see how it was again, and then, in fact, we will try to understand what it was, please, when the worst president in the history of our country came to power, this is what happened to our country, if you want to see the real state of affairs, then just look at what happened. he has
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a weapon, he’s on the roof, don’t go there, everything ’s clean, let’s go, get up, sir, let me put on my boots, give me my boots, put this on my head, it’s bleeding. of course, the most powerful shot, simply the most powerful, you have to understand, friends, you and i just watched this chronicle, you have to understand that this the chronicle has already, so to speak, these shots have become historical, they will, i don’t know, be studied on a par with the famous, so to speak, newsreels from afar.
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american president kennedy was shot, this is true, you know, you are now seeing historical footage that for decades, if not centuries, people will study, watch, analyze, and so on, well, by the way, it is necessary, there may be a trump supporter, maybe opponent of trump, but what composure and what a sense, so to speak, of the place of time, this here’s a gesture against the background of the american flag, well guys, it’s cooler, well, you can’t think of anything, just plant a dozen, i don’t know, his words are fight, fight. fight, shouted, fight, fight, don’t give up, well guys, i don’t know, really, this is very cool, i repeat, whether you are a trump supporter or an opponent, but you have to give him self-control, and the reaction, of course, means that well you saw how the bullet literally struck and passed a centimeter from the head, hit the ear, blood, panic, and so on, who shot at donald trump, well, colleagues, i heard, discussed in last part, well, let’s also say that about him, just in case.
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they have everything like that in general, how do we know how they have everything there in general from the movies from the movies we know how they do everything there so coolly that’s why. maybe the problem is in our perception of reality through the prism of hollywood, maybe a lot of things there don’t match, so to speak, or maybe it’s just, you know, because in the history of the united states, in fact, now comes the moment, the time to remember, in the history of the united states this has happened many, many times , many times, for them it’s sorry, i’m without any cynicism i’m saying, but it’s just a fact, for them it’s a kind of tradition, they do this quite regularly, let’s now remember just some of the attempts on the lives of current and former american presidents.
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donald trump will now forever go down in us history as another president on whom an assassination attempt was made. this phenomenon even got a name, the curse, also known as the presidential curse. according to legend, the curse was pronounced while dying. indian chief who cursed every american president elected per year, which is divisible by 20. the damned had to die or be killed before the end of the presidential term, despite the fact that some historians consider this legend to be nothing more than superstition, it is still alive in the mass consciousness of americans. the first american president to be assassinated was andrew jackson. by the way...
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but the gun misfired, so abraham lincoln failed to escape. the founder of the republican party was mortally wounded on april 14, 1865, in a theater box in washington. over the years, attempts were made on roosevelt and truman; the story of the assassination of the thirty-fifth american president, john kennedy, is generally shrouded in a number of conspiracy theories. the official version is that on november 22, 1963, he was mortally wounded during a trip to... texas, kennedy was killed by former marine lee harvey osfald. all this happened live, when the politician and his wife were driving along the city streets in a car. 2 days after the tragedy, oswald was shot near the police station at the moment when he was taken to federal prison.
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the thirty-eighth us president gerald ford was assassinated twice. on september 5 , sacramento was shot by a member of the charles men terrorist gang. i noticed a lady in a colorful dress who seemed to want to come closer to me, and i assumed she wanted to shake my hand, so i lingered instead of continuing to walk. when i stopped, i saw a hand emerge from the crowd containing a weapon. the next attempt to kill gerald ford was made on september 21 at los angeles. he was shot by leftist activist sarah jane moore. the bullet flew within meters of the president. on march 30 , 1981, in washington, twenty-five-year-old disc jockey john hinckley shot ronald reagan as he emerged from the hilton hotel after a speech. ulya, having pierced the chest, passed
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one and a half centimeters from the heart of the us president and got stuck in the lung. in addition to reagan , the white house press secretary and a secret service agent and police officer were seriously injured. forty- second state president bill clinton, the only american leader to survive dozens of assassination attempts. in total, attempts were made on clinton's life about 30 times. on suspicion, more than 80 people were detained in the assassination attempt; they also tried to kill george w. bush. in 2005, during a trip to tbilisi , a grenade was thrown at him, but it did not explode. no. the presidential curse and barack obama have gone. in april 2009, according to media reports, intelligence agencies prevented an assassination attempt on the current us president in istanbul, where obama took part in the alliance of civilizations summit. july 13, 2024, forty-fifth
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us president donald trump has officially become the eighteenth american president to have his life assassinated. yes, well, of course we are wondering, what is it? well, yes , of course, it’s more interesting for us to speculate not there, how it happened, even no one there was instigating and teasing him there, because it’s clear that you can’t ask him, so okay, and the special services are doing this and will find out, strangely enough, it seems to me, this is the second thing, and the first thing, of course, is to try to understand what the consequences of what happened will be, because on the one hand i saw, well, you probably saw it too, i was just counting tens. analytical materials, what is there from, that means, such a range, from america is on, that means, on the brink of a civil war, which is about to begin, to america has entered the phase of civil war, trump pump-pam and so on, that is, what kind of - it’s kind of creepy, on the other hand, or maybe the third one already, if he is the eighteenth president on whom
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there was an assassination attempt, but we don’t remember 17 revolutions after each assassination attempt, no, life went on as usual, maybe nothing will change, givorg, well, it will definitely be clear...
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the character, trump will never forget this and no one, trump will take revenge very harshly, because who should take revenge, that’s just interesting, that’s the question, look, eh... and you can talk as many times as you like about whether there was a conspiracy among the democrats, whether there was a conspiracy, whether the secret service took part in it or not, whether they organized the assassination attempt or not - that’s the question, but the actions of biden’s democrats and the democratic media, who dishonored trump, who made him the antichrist excited a huge number of young idiots, one of whom shot, and millions more write hashtags from the series, what a pity that... you didn’t hit, how did you miss? yes, this is very popular, now number one,
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trump will blame the democratic elite for this, of course, thank you, dmitry olegovich, please tell me, oh, i beg your pardon, dmitry pavlovich, so we showed, yes, how many different types there were assassination attempts, a kind of directly political, straight tradition, come on, i understand that it’s easy to simply take and mechanically rearrange the previous plots on our lives, even taking into account some coincidences there, i don’t know, weapons, the meaning of this murder, and so on. impossible, stupid, doesn’t work, everything has changed and so on, but nevertheless, to analyze the consequences of those assassination attempts, to try to predict the consequences of this assassination attempt in this way, let’s go over the historical analogies, well, if we go back into history, then really for the usa this is an absolute tradition, because according to the second amendment to the constitution, almost everyone can have a weapon, and the offended a huge number, in the 19th century they died or not...
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he was a populist president who fought against the mainstream elite, yes, abraham lincoln abolished slavery, and there was a huge transformation there. theodore roosevelt, who , by the way, was not mentioned here, there was also an attempt on his life, he is also like that, he is often compared to trump, he is also a republican, a reformer who fought the elite, that is, this rather speaks of the current nature of american politics, that she's really capable of being so street there is a civil war, this is really so, but it is understandable, understandable, that is, if...
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there are no psychopaths there are a lot of people you have quite regularly, but the only feature that changes the picture is a huge amount of weapons and this is a huge country, america, so this happens more often, well , this this is a fairly universal phenomenon, i would like to say a widespread thank you for this interesting comment, let’s talk about the consequences now, i agree with gevorg a lot of trump: there is, of course, a temptation to take advantage of this
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case in full, and yes, it would be strange if he did not do this, but how can he take advantage, that is the danger, if he tries to control, manipulate his specific, not entirely adequate electorate, if he spreads all these conspiracy theories, you know, the specificity of the electorate is that they pray on on on... trump, he went, he is an idol, he is almost a messiah for them, and if he says, he can incite this, he can swoop in this is political revenge, and which will, of course, lead to violence, i, i i doubt that he will have, trump will have a peaceful appeal to his electorate, i think that he will not resist the temptation to incite this, not the only thing, michael, i want to know what it is, well, just in case, to clarify.
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and the beautiful actress in upa golberg, here she is sitting giving an interview to the dream, that’s how you feel about the situation, he says: you know what, i’m sorry, but i’m quoting this, which means she’s a talented actress. biden says, even if he shits his pants, he says, prove to me that this will stop him, that means honestly carry out your duties as president, end of quote, it means about the electorate, which means it is devoted to its leader as a mission, here’s an example from another camp, from the democratic one, this is the path of many glorious people, so let’s take this out of the equation, i’m trying understand,
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i repeat, realize what objective, yes, yes, there are, of course, there are angry demagogues with the democratic one. in short, do you think how this will affect your country, if broadly and specifically in the elections, if a little narrower? well, of course, for the elections - trump's chances have increased now, yes, of course, this, this is in his favor, but my prediction is that he will spread all these conspiracy theories, that this is precisely the depths of the state, this is the order of biden and sores and hillary and obama, and you see, and an inadequate electorate can perceive it.
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to use it, yes of course, listen, well, it would be, well, it would be stupid not to use it, really, it would simply be criminal and stupid not to use it, criminal, i assure you that the electorate is inadequate, not quite adequate to accept this word, then there is also just like when he said your voices were stolen, everyone accepted it as the truth, well , yes, especially since they really were stolen, that’s such nonsense. there are indirect signs, you don’t have to buy it cheap, for some reason, that’s why, this is a democratic country, the united states of america, this is not just a democratic country, it’s literally a beacon, if you want to be guided by, then be guided by this beacon then you will come to democracy, what does the lighthouse report to us mean, to doubt
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the results of biden's honest victory are prohibited by law, friends, i'm not joking there now, no... that means i'm not trolling you, the law is forbidden to doubt, so you write on facebook that it was stolen, no, that's it, no, yes, and i can give you a few cases like this, when it was precisely for such a post on facebook that an organization banned in russia, fortunately, they came to people, you understand what’s going on, so come on, well, as if on indirect grounds , after all, - something, something is a little wrong, listen, why, we are now, we are not talking about the elections are already here, we are now talking about a specific assassination attempt, come on, let me tell you again so that. add a little firewood to the firebox of our discussion. another us presidential candidate. are there several of them? remember, robert kennedy jr., what a famous surname. so he remembered the murder of his father. his father, don't be confused, is not john kennedy. john fitzgerald kennedy, who was killed in dallas, is another kennedy, john's brother, but he was also killed. this is how it happened. please. i was with my father
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when he died in los angeles. i understand, what consequences such events may have.
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because america is on a turning point, one civilization, here is classical american america, which we knew for 200 -odd years, it is being replaced by others, well, lgbt, leftists there, and so on and so forth, one part is declining, white christian, the traditional population constitutes only less than 40% of the population, these minorities are all kinds of sexual and... racial and so on, which kamela haris personifies, leads, inspires, they come to power, that’s where the problem of all this, that is is happening here.
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it’s not all yet, not everything has been played out, well, first i want to start with statistics, if you look at successful assassination attempts on presidents, that is , killed or wounded, there were seven such attempts, four killed, three wounded, and trump is also included, so that’s basically all there were republicans, only one kennedy democrat, this is to the question that this tradition is more suitable for democrats, eliminating their competitors, the second point is, indeed, america in some part. is a divided society, there are a lot of contradictions inside, many say, it would be nice if the outside world could somehow put pressure on these contradictions, then it will definitely fall into a civil war, and we see and there are a lot of films
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coming out, in general, and the concept of a post-apocalypse, when computer games are like empty streets, people go there, in america it is very developed, just as, by the way , survivalists are developed, when they understand that it will fall into the middle ages there, then we will survive, we have food supplies here, bows there, and here we are with our own there. .. in a small circle, we will live, we will be in shelter, they have a whole movement on this, but in reality, of course, they have not yet reached the stage when some armies will fight opposite each other, but for the democrats what happened now in the framework of this shooting became even more dangerous, trump has become doubly dangerous for them, as a future presidential candidate, or rather a candidate, he already is, a future president, because he will begin a very tough purge of speeches. i understand, now there’s a short pause, you heard what michael said, michael is interpreting it all here what is happening and what will happen , that’s how, that trump, of course, i quote michael
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our expert, means that trump will of course take advantage of it, it will begin, it means that they will simply attack their offenders, which means that the democrats and so on will be used to the fullest , i quote michael again, an inadequate electorate, etc., etc., and td, in general, will aggravate the split and everything else, because violence and violence. they resign themselves and say: okay, to hell with you, it didn’t work out, let’s somehow, maybe cough up some kind of consensus, i repeat, this they used other terms, but i
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thought in english that this was exactly the case, so trump suddenly became, look how amazingly polite he became, he said, yes, joseph biden called me, he was amazingly polite, so to speak, and so on, agreed that he leaked biden, he is not polite towards biden, he leaked it again, he said that biden said that he would remove it against me, he said that he would remove it.
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now the question related to ukraine is of great importance: is the counter-offensive for which they are preparing necessary? after all, they were preparing it in order to raise biden’s rating, is there a need for this now, the question immediately arises of how the ukrainian scenario will develop in this part, well, and the ukrainian trace in this assassination attempt, but no, but the interest, well, not interesting, well, there is interest, of course there is interest, but what does it mean?
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a rare case, something is changing in the world, of course, please, well, the third point, the family itself, the biden family, they understand perfectly well that when trump becomes president, they will all go to prison together, and hunter biden will get a full term, and biden is older, and they will raise all the issues with corruption, they will raise all the issues with burisma, when trump called zelensky, said, give me the documents, you have incriminating evidence there, when the fbi showed us retouched documents that some ukrainian officials have. dirt on the biden family, he will bring it all up and give it a go, so for biden, even now it will be very sweet to say that i will strengthen your security, this is a huge problem, each of the candidates understands that for him he will lose - this is tantamount to completely closing one’s future for it’s not just a political loss, it’s a very serious matter and a matter of life and death, literally, as for ukraine, by the way, yes, michael is right, look, they seem to be arguing, and michael, andrey, it seems
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sporting. but everyone agrees that trump has a good memory, a very, very good memory, who is well, evil, well, he is vindictive, who, interestingly, in trump’s opinion, just cruelly abandoned him on the eve of the elections, are not ukrainians, that’s why he hates ukrainians , of course he remembers all this, let's now short advertisement and let's come back, you're my best friend's wife, let's not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl's side, but when i started to figure it out... there were a lot of dubious details, if you stay with me, i'm generally an amazing person, very modest, i i immediately felt that something was wrong with him, that you were pestering me, i really want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week, fortune teller , today on the first, that so long, maybe
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any problems? i want to live my life, i’m happy for you, misha, you’ve waited so many years for your happiness, the skolchins will never be together, how they will be, it’s not up to you to decide, i would step aside, there’s no way for you, i won’t let you in! there will be no peace, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, a fatal experience, peeling with fish, sacrificing a hand, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish, such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do? on the beach, about this and much more, in program to live great, tomorrow on the first,
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fantasy, on friday on the first, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we say, what the hell and my heart didn’t break, what are you , you know how it tears, just the shoulder? gives and the elbow pulls, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this fatal danger, or do you have a second very well-thought-out option of escaping abroad, well, of course i would run in, which will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i always. major,
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find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer, suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for what you didn't want to help with is a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, you don’t have an account, i want to live my life, i’m happy for you, misha, you’ve been waiting for your happiness for so many years, since kolchin the serovaks will never be together, how else will they be? it’s not for you to decide,
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i would step aside, egor, there is no way for you, i won’t let you in, there will be no peace, two shores, watch the time after the program. deadly experience. peeling, fish, sacrificing a hand. professors, don't be afraid of the point. peeling with fish is such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe, and what in general? should be done on the beach, about this and much more. it’s great to live in the program. tomorrow, on the first day. we continue to work live, but you see, we have finally formed a consensus. this, we don’t know, so to speak, whether it was a loner according to michael, the shooter loner, you see, he has already completed his investigation, no, no, not a loner, he was used, he believes that he is not a loner, michael
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believes that he is a loner, i repeat, the investigation is still ongoing, be that as it may, but our studio consensus is that this is one way or another a manifestation, so to speak, situation in the united states, splits, you can, here. some kind of internal political tension in the united states of america. look, a year ago, almost a year ago, what american journalist tucker carlson said and wrote was precisely about trump. let's listen. they impeached him twice under ridiculous pretexts, they fabricated a lot about what happened with... january 6th to impeach him again, it didn't work, he came back they indicted him, it didn't work and he became more more popular, then he was charged three more times and each time his popularity grew. so if you start with criticism, then move to protest, then to
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impeachment, and now move to indictment, and none of them work, what's next? it's obvious that we 're getting closer to murder, august 31, 2023 , this. oh that was cool, we gotta get rid of these guys, they're coming into our country, one more shot is all, it's a lot of fun, but i
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shouldn't have done that. you should practice target shooting, you can practice at home, make a small donald trump doll and have a good time. shoot dehumanization, you know, yes, i’ll repeat this, friends, this is what you see in the new zealand western world, so to speak, humanism, european values ​​and all that, like that, make a target in the form of trump, so to speak, and shoot at it, that’s it now tell me, well, at least someone tell me , that this has no influence on that shooting, and subsequently, of course, i i will laugh in your face, another story about the situation in american society.
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by the way, michael, you were talking about an inadequate electorate, this is an adequate electorate, inadequate democratically for i want to say, but i got wet like kaplan got wet, i want to say that the two sides are radicalizing, and for a long time, democracies, they, of course, like this is this woman, they are exaggerating very much, yes, what if... if you become president, a fascist dictatorship will come, there will be the end of america, a civil war, they are inciting precisely this demagoguery, and the trumpists, they say that if biden comes to power, communism will come, the end of america and
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civil war, that is, each side wants to save america, as they see, you know, what’s the matter, what every country sees , well, a significant existential threat. it’s good for you there, have fun as you wish, i’m interested in repeating , after all, exclusively from this angle , how will it affect us, me, my country, and so on, so i’m asking the same question , i don’t know enough, this is an illustration. this lady is absolutely in a state of excitement and absolutely sincerely look she is yelling that he missed # how did you miss it is very popular now in the states how did you miss it means on new zealand television yes i am sure in the states there are such games too yes they are shooting at the doll of donald trump and so.
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the problem here is that the democratic party, a few election cycles ago under obama, began to sharply radicalize and move to the left. the republican party, its key electorate, key young people, most importantly promising politicians began to go to the right, and as soon as the generation of trump and biden leaves the political arena, it will be replaced by even more radical people who are unable and, most importantly, unwilling to come to an agreement with each other, so that america does not...
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. wins, smears his opponents like a roller, that’s it, stability, calm, prosperity, friends, this is not for me, as it is, i outlined the plot for you, but somehow you don’t need the karka, it’s not profitable for you, of course not, it's not croaking, it's called reasoning,
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cross out the word croak and your dictionaries, that you, that russia is beneficial, this is political chaos.” we are trying to consider all options, all scenarios, of course, i started with this, in my opinion, friends, if america now begins to crumble, believe me, under these rubble it will be very difficult for us, so of course no, yes, but we must calculate all the options, please, i understand that the building is already dilapidated and the rubble can topple you if you are on the lower floors, you know, like these roman baths, when from above clean water, it then drains, that’s where the europeans are... so that when the dollar turns into just a piece of paper, so that it doesn’t get to us. america is an empire, this is a fact,
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every empire has cycles of rise and fall, and so here is the cycle of the fall of an empire, which is practically irreversible when you spend more on maintaining your repressive apparatus around the world than you collect in your metropolises. america overcame this stage a long time ago, decades of america’s trade and economic balance, minus a trillion dollars, that is, they print, send, buy everything.
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andrey mentioned the fall of the empire. michael, you can leave the studio if you don’t like watching this, we’re pleased. well, that's what we're talking about. let's watch a fragment of the film "fall of an empire". please. citizens of america, the so -called powers of the west, texas and california. they suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the us army. mr. president, do you regret the decision? use airstrikes against civilians, today they will go to washington, we
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need to go there, in the capital journalists are shot on the spot, let's go there, we will die, an explosion, one nation under god, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all, come on! some of my colleagues, we will be buried under the rubble, if america collapses, the whole world will be buried under the rubble, so i said, thank you for appreciating, several colleagues,
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including the respected presenter, but i’m not good , so it turns out that in principle it is beneficial for all of us, as one of my colleagues told me, not in the studio, so that america does not collapse, but so that america, drunk from its dominance there in sissy and so on, is carefully removed from the stage and placed at the table, so that she can’t do it? i would like to bring america down a little, force it because everything has gone very far, but this is how to realize the limits of your capabilities, pragmatize it, do a little so that it thinks more about itself, this is the only chance for the whole world to go through this scenario with losses, that’s how since great hopes are pinned on trump,
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i expressed it incorrectly, a collapse in the united states, of course, is not beneficial for russia, because it will not seem good to anyone, but if the united states said, if the united states gets stuck in this chaos, it will get stuck, this is of course beneficial for russia, because that the us is not will not be up to ukraine, it will be beneficial to china, because the usa will not be up to taiwan, this is all very, so you can, you are 4 years old, this will be yours, your golden hour, because you
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can watch how everything goes, how they go all.
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yes, and this is like a democratic scarecrow, that if trump comes to power he will retard something, everything will fall apart, probably won’t fall apart, it will gradually incite anger, collapse, yes, and here the main risk is this decline in controllability in america, yes, that it will really collapse right away, by the way, this is not even beneficial for us , absolutely, absolutely, this is the fourth time we’ve told michael about this, it’s certainly not beneficial for us, but rather, you’re saying
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to provoke anger, everything will happen like someone else, i don’t remember it myself who has hyamingoy something? heroes when they asked him how your bankruptcy happened, he says: first gradually, and then suddenly, so, film me and michael, i want to stand up with you, just like that, let’s go there on camera, make america land again, advertising, let's come back, you are my wife best friend, let's not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl's side, but when i started to figure it out, a lot of dubious details came together, if you stay with me... well, in general , an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that there was something wrong with him... it’s not that you pestered me, i really want to know the truth, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week, fortune teller, today is the first, what’s taking so long ,
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maybe there are some problems? there's something bitter about us fate, mish, how could you not live your life so that i wouldn’t see him here, i won’t let you live, you are being called up, airborne, just wait for me, hear me, i love you, there is no life without you, have you gone crazy? crazy, he often tells you, leave him, i love him, but what, you put that uniform on me, do you think? watch the time after the program, the fatal experience, peeling with fish, sacrificing your hand,
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professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish, such a super popular... procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do? on the beach, about this and much more, it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow on the first. she must love stirlitz of the soviet union, but not so much as to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could literally kill this person just so that the actors would not be touched. it didn’t repeat itself, well, how can you compare a carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 spring and three poplars on ivy. oh!
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to mark the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere is on saturday on the first. two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first. i want with my life live. i'm happy for you, misha. we waited so many years for our happiness. they will never be together. how else will they be? it’s not up to you to decide , i would step aside, there is no way for you, i won’t let you in, there will be no peace, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch
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the time after the program, a fatal experience, peeling with fish, we sacrifice a hand, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish, such a super popular beach procedure, is it so... it exists in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option
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of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in to pick out the moles, here’s the question: be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service and have him appear urgently. control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov.
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the information channel on the first continues its promise, time will tell the program, we are working live. at the center of all world news, of course, is the assassination attempt on donald trump, the internet is discussing all possible versions, but is also teeming with memes. on the topic of the superpowers of the former president, and it seems that america has a new, real superhero, you know, here you often think about these supermen, superheroes, in in america, everyone, in my opinion, dreams of becoming supermen, but few people dream of becoming a man, well, everyone is wondering who ordered this assassination attempt, many american media write that the trail leads to the democrats, here are the journalists: usa today we remembered the words of joe biden from earlier this month, when he said that trump needed to be targeted. i have one task - to defeat donald trump. i am
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absolutely confident that i am the best person to do this. so, we 've finished the discussion. it's time to take trump is in sight. and now the publishing house’s own correspondent is contacting us.
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but it is necessary to take into account that the polls after what happened with donald trump have not yet come out, sociologists have not yet had time to survey voters on this matter, but here it is also worth considering that 3% is always such a statistical error. maybe 3% in one direction, 3% in the other, and you also need to take into account the fact that now sociological polls, they are very, let’s say, lame, because there is a certain part electorate, that is , registered voters are taken into account, unregistered but possible voters who plan to come to the polling stations are taken into account, but now there is still such a group. people who do not answer
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polls, who, in principle, do not participate in political life, but these traditional people, who have traditional values, who lean more towards the republican party, they may well vote with their feet and actually come to the polls, and this those people whom sociologists were not taken into account in their surveys, but of course we will see this in november, that is, there is such a thing as the raleigh effect. and any student of political science learns this first of all, when a very strong large coalition begins to form around the leader in connection with some tragedy that happened, for example, you can remember the situation with september 11, when 50% were for george bush, and then immediately 85, so this will really push the presidential race, but you shouldn’t expect, of course, that there are conditionally...
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long-range weapons, and also improved ukraine's defense capability. i am following the advice of my commander-in-chief, the chief of staff of the armed forces, as well as the secretary of defense of our intelligence officers. in the west , they doubt not only the legitimacy of biden, but the legitimacy, of course, of zelensky, this is the face with which italian prime minister giorgia meloni stood, immediately after the announcement of the ukraführer’s speech, well, from her emotions, it seems to me that it’s obvious to everyone . how glad she was that he would speak, the west is clearly tired of zelensky’s endless wishes, this is for me it seems that you can constantly turn your face when we announce zelensky, in general , these are not the best times for square, the ukrainian elites are talking about the afghan scenario for ukraine, this is what local public pages write: on the sidelines there were rumors that the ukrainian political elite began to talk more and more loudly about afghan scenario for ukraine, after the unsuccessful attack on trump. with the arrival of trump, the ukrainian crisis could...
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there will be no more defiant statements from zelensky to trump, we will build a diplomatic line with an emphasis on negotiation process mediation mission from
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the united states. well, here, of course, it’s worth remembering these defiant statements by zelensky, which ermak mentions, we remember that at the forum in dovovos zelensky from... was openly rude to donald trump, that’s how it was. the question is: even if trump does not support us, my position is this: imagine that we do not agree to give up our territories, and he will stop helping us. putin, say, will occupy us after a certain period of time. then the question is, what will trump do after this, if after ukraine russia occupying a nato country? that is, he decided that if he did not freeze the conflict, if he allowed putin to enter ukraine completely, then he would stop, but putin would not stop. in this case. this means that europe lost and lost the largest and most powerful army in europe, so i will say as my father told me: think first, then speak, well , the ability to speak does not confirm the ability to think in general. mikhail, there’s a fuss in ukraine. well, there has been vanity of vanities there for quite
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a long time, and it seems to me that this story, these events, they just seemed to simplify the choice for zelensky’s office, specifically for iermak and there. a very narrow circle of people who accept, in the sense, come on, mikhail, tell me how you forgive, they were just before the democrats just last week, look, of course they were, without seeming to fulfill their demands in terms of internal ukrainian politics in general, and as if being in a constant conflict, i have already said that the united states has prepared sanctions against ermak, it’s true have not yet been introduced, but the meaning is different, ermak and his trusted... people, their paid lobbyists , long ago built a certain line of relationship with the republicans, until recently, naturally, they did not step on the pedal and did not accelerate much, but it seems to me now is the time for them to finally decide, and i know for sure that this information
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appeared even before yes, that one of the scripts that is now being seriously prepared, work is underway, there is a team that is working on it, this is preparation, well, let’s put it this way , probably for january. referendum in ukraine on the prospects of peace negotiations with russia, that is, what to give and what not to give, that is, they are preparing for themselves what questions there will be, which is , first of all, readiness, that is, they want to get legitimization of the decision about, as they call it, in the referendum now the korean scenario of stopping the conflict along the actual battle line of the collision, that is , they want it to look not like their personal decision, but that we the people decided so... and after that, in the case, as they assume now the most likely arrival of trump, so that they can synchronize with trump’s position, which will close the ukrainian case with peace of mind, go to china, relatively speaking, the indo-pacific, and the fact that serious work is underway to prepare this referendum, i know this for certain, well,
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let’s let's pay attention to ermak's last phrase, which means he said, there will be no more defiant statements from zelensky to trump, we will build. the best, well, do they really hope so, well, judging by the way ermak speaks, right? well, firstly, they have no choice, they have to do it, at least they think so, and that the task is not to build long-term, multi-year relationships with donald trump and america, their task
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is to survive several months, live a few more months ahead, then we will think about what to do, indeed, if trump comes, and the numbers are already there, in fact, here we just need to look at sociologists and bookmakers. after the assassination , the chances of trump winning increased by as much as 10% points from 55 to 65%. biden has it for you to understand now there is about a 15% chance of winning. that is, they believe that they really need to somehow synchronize with trump, but they forget one important detail in my opinion. for some reason they believe that the democratic bob is dead and can be kicked. it is forbidden. the american administration, a democratic one, will very negatively perceive any attempts now. and the company towards trump, any attempts by the ukrainian authorities to come to an agreement with the republicans behind the backs of the democrats, then it turns out there must be some kind of reaction to this statement by ermak, there will be one, no, if this is a statement.
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statements from the americans are usually hidden, that is, they will call, explain how they are doing , and this kind of reaction to this kind needs to be carried out, partly it was the dissatisfaction of the democratic party with zelensky’s behavior that explained his hesitation around the so -called peace plan over the past few weeks, and therefore here we need to wait and see how the democrats react to this, but in any case... we, my personal opinion, don’t care about all these attempts about a referendum, about some kind of peace plans and so on, we should this whole process needs to be treated with great skepticism and great concern, because these conversations that are going on now are an attempt to gently, but forcefully, involve us in some kind of negotiation process for the sake of negotiations on freezing the conflict, while vladimir putin clearly voiced our conditions, first, the beginning of the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from our...
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the framework of the peace process before the arrival of trump, so that in the future we would go within the framework, well, within these frameworks that ukraine needs in the west, they do not like there are certain nuances, because on the battlefield they are not doing as well as they would like in the political field. after the assassination attempt on donald trump, the situation is also tilting in the wrong direction, not in zelensky’s favor, but they have a traditional recipe: if something goes wrong with you, urgently change the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. for this purpose, rada deputy maryana bezuglaya was brought into battle, who, citing sources , stated that syrsky was ready for a ceasefire and the surrender of troops. i was confirmed by two most important points of the opposition between syrsky and his environment. he agrees to subscribe. the ceasefire regime has all sorts of variations on the theme of surrender and enforcement of peace, he does not believe
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in victory, he sincerely believes that we are not able to gain an advantage over the russians on our own soil, because he thinks symmetrically and makes the only logical conclusion for himself. but syrsky himself perfectly understands the real situation on the battlefield, yesterday he met on the front line with the director of the color revolutions, bernard henri levy, he was nicknamed the horseman of the apocalypse,
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military yes, but here you just have to be crazy not to understand, war is pure mathematics and a comparison of the potentials of russia, which is now higher than the collective nato in the production of defense products, compared with ukraine as a patient on a ventilator, the sockets were pulled out, he died immediately, but this is logical, another question , this is not his independent initiative, in fact, you asked the question whether zelensky and his team will be needed by trump, they have something to sell him. he is a businessman, he understands that they may be interesting for him in two areas: the first thing is to end the war in 24 hours, he
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is his election rally, and here in zelensky this is the key issue, and perhaps this scenario is being prepared, to show that we are ready, when you build us a position that is interesting for us, to preserve our assets, in including the united states, give some guarantees and the second point, trump will want to put the biden family, especially the main biden, in prison, he needs compromising evidence, which is, yeah.
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repressive machine, that any deviation from its course, any independent initiative, a meeting of syrsky, who is ready to do anything, put, put people in packs, because he is a traitor for them, he is a russian from vladimir, and will never meet with anyone on his own, especially in front of the camera with everything else, what is the main task of the west now, western transnational corporations and zelensky, the huge money that will be spent on the restoration of ukraine is... another trough with which they will earn money, they want to sit on the flow, but this frenchman, who was in the fourteenth year, he says: i feel europe, he feels money, he has already come to negotiate contracts, now there is competition between the british, who say: we have already created a fund for the restoration of ukraine, 300 billion russian money, please, for the restoration of ukraine through us. the americans came, blackrof said, no,
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the british are on this side, wait, we have already created a bank for the restoration of ukraine, all the money will go through us, but this is a new one. billions of dollars, so now they already understand, they are already planning the twenty-fifth year, i agree with my colleague that it is from this moment that the main negotiations will begin , anything can happen, and a conversation about a possible military coup, yes with bernard anrelivy, but there may also be talk about provocations, because we are perfectly we remember that for the sake of media effect, the same bernard anelvy is ready to do anything and more than once he, so to speak, cheated the ukrainians, gave them direct instructions, there are a lot of examples, but we can give, we remember very well bucha, this failed counter-offensive. mikhail, what do you think, well... what kind of provocations can now come at the instigation of the same bernard henri leviy, the ukrainians, or after all, maybe we are really talking about a military coup, because zelensky has already fed up everyone? well, i’ll start with
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the ending of your question, it’s unlikely that syrovsky is capable of organizing a military coup, if this is possible, and some kind of conspiracy is possible among the ukrainian military, definitely not tsirsky, tsirsky came and will leave with one goal, to collect himself negatively, to take everything from himself, as they say, but the thing is the appearance of levi next to irsky, it seems to me, completely fundamental, because for all levi’s visits, and this was not only on the maidan, this was already after the beginning of the revolution, he already visited ukraine, he only met. with ukrainian politicians from top to bottom, even though i was in odessa, talked with the governor of odessa, by the way, after that the french started an unmanned maritime program in odessa and are still supervising it, and i think that these are interconnected things, in this sense this is really work, if in odessa it was a story about provocations against the crimea of ​​the crimean bridge, and leviz is behind it
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including, he is not just a wandering philosopher or a representative of soros’ money, he is also deeply incorporated into... a provocation, and a provocation of what nature, but at least the story that ours tells, if i’m not mistaken, some kind of fundamental service may be preparing foreign intelligence, that a hypothetical explosion is being prepared for a cascade of reservoirs, and these hydraulic structures and hydroelectric power stations on the dnieper, and with all that it entails. the kiev reservoir is also being said that the dam may be torn down so that this can happen and about the kiev and about kakanevskaya, that is , again, this is potentially serious, they are already modeling the situation that could happen in
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the event of the kiev reservoir being blown up, there is a dam there and naturally they will blame us for this. how real is this situation in general? so, look, at one time , back when i was a ukrainian , i delved quite carefully into the story about the environmental consequences of blowing up a reservoir dam, this is an environmental disaster, because at the bottom there is still a huge layer of radioactive sludge from the chernobyl oyas that leaked out of pripyat, this is a terrible thing indeed, very dangerous, we’ll see how events develop, we’ll definitely tell you about it, a short advertisement and we’ll come back. you're my best friend's wife, let's not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl's side, but when i started to figure it out, there were a lot of dubious details, if you'd stay with me, he's generally an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that there was something wrong with him... it’s not that you pestered me, i want to know the truth, but
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we are lovers, still look at your place take a closer look at who it could be, let's go next week to... a fortune teller, today is the first one, what's taking so long, maybe there are some problems? our fate is somehow bitter, mish, how could you not live your own life, varvara, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, you are being called up, airborne forces, just wait for me, you hear, i love you, there is no life without you no, are you crazy, let him go crazy, he often beats you, leave him, i love him, and what, you put me in a sad uniform before...
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watch after the program, time is deadly experience of peeling with fish, sacrificing your hand, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish is so super popular. beach procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do on the beach ? not so much that...
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a wonderful, fantastic director, i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass, for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first. a woman is killed, and we say, what the hell, my heart didn’t break, do you know how she’s torn, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, okay, let's think about it, let's say you're
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a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in to pick out the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope you don’t have to. blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello, colonel
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kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the other day , ukrainian demographers revealed something that others had understood for a long time, that in ukraine it had the effect of a bomb exploding, soon the population of ukraine will decrease to 35 million people, and this is the most optimistic forecast, and here it is worth adding all those who left ukraine and is not going to return, the figure will clearly not be there anymore, this is even reported by the director of a ukrainian institute. ukrainians of course, a few are shocked, how can this be, and
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what to do, but no one asks the question who is to blame for this and who is responsible, but this kiev terrorist regime, which 10 years ago launched a criminal, so-called anti-terrorist operation, is responsible, here are our colleagues from the project “myzhiva” they talked about the fates of young people whose lives they changed. this is war. back in 2014, i was 15 years old and when i came home from school i watched reports about donbass, even then the ukrainian army was bombing civilians like these four-story buildings, people are
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even ordinary peaceful civilians. 10 years later, people here remember this day as if it were yesterday and will never be able to forget it. our life was falling apart, our youth was falling apart. in my eyes everything was just crumbling like a house of cards, it’s certainly scary, and the fact that 10 years have passed since that moment, now i look back, and our youth was shot after the fact, that is, we dreamed of a completely different youth, lina, by the way, you remembered about your youth being executed, i remember 2014, at some point you i just disappeared, yes, i didn’t show up at the university, and then i found out that you joined the militia, well, i wanted to be involved and in solidarity and help in some way, initially...
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it was so that i joined the militia there, i i was ready to even wash the barracks, even darn socks, even cook food, well, any task, one day the guys handed me a weapon, they realized that i had never made friends with him at all, since then i’ve been a war correspondent, now the guys will learn to storm the trenches,
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pash , i know that this place means a lot to you, as it does to all danish residents, january 2015 year, a tragedy, it seemed to be the most resonant case for us, right up to the start of the northern military district, the shelling of a public transport stop.
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code and let people watch, boys, what are you doing, if you have no conscience, you know, if you can’t understand what you’re howling about, who’s really making the beast, where have you come, look at what you’re doing you are doing, they came to kill children, your language is a ban on you, and i... why do you think he did it? well, then we kind of had hopes, yes, that something human would awaken in them, when they actually see where these shells are flying, yes, that these people will then go there to their homes and, well, in a sense, they will tell some kind of truth, yes.
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i saw your photos from the airport, how you also started traveling there on military filming, working for the union, you joined the militia, well
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, at first i was somehow scared, well, there’s such a little blue-eyed girl somewhere there at the front, and then, when you i also started doing military journalism, i understand, well , in our... i arrived, but how did you get here, why the vostok battalion? battalion i got into the east, during the shelling of my city, as they say, i signed up as a volunteer and now i’m howling. how did you feel when you went into your first fight? to be honest, it was scary, well, when i saw that i could, we could, as they say, beat them so that we could drink from them. or felt the taste of victory, let’s just say, do you remember we actually had a graduation, or rather a recruitment of 98 people, and accordingly, when all these actions began, yes
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, 2014, there were about 30 of us left, probably, that is, everyone else dispersed, in all directions , here well, it’s like they chose different sides, in fact , of those who left for vinnitsa, few stayed in... the fact that i studied at a russian school, then i had to switch to the ukrainian language, algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, there , when, i don’t know, a circle is a cola, a triangle, a trekutnik, everything in that spirit,
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here at the university there was also such a policy, and it was these people who were the first to leave, actually to vinnitsa, when it was announced that donna was now in vinnitsa , well, the balance of power in our department has become clearer. on march 8, 1914, this began the conversation began, the teachers, who were just discussed, began to speak out for the ato, then the ato was planned, an anti-terrorist operation, they were so persistent, this is what we need to kill there, i listened to them then i said: you are women, mothers , sisters, wives, and you are in favor of killing people and destroying houses? here, but they don’t, don’t calm down, do n’t calm down, don’t even understand what i ’m talking about, well, i then, i still regret that i said that, but i told them, well, if you need it, otherwise, let yours suffer
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home first, on the twenty-sixth the planes, well, these ones sparkle like they do and he already wants to kill us, some child like that could even say, but she understood everything, well, in short, tears rolled in my eyes, i say sit down, and when am i from there? two, like two helicopters, flew over me, i remember these, well
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, right above me. you, in fact, like the military correspondents who generally worked here in the donbass, wrote chronicles, in general our donbass history, these are glorious commanders, yes, simple men who picked up machine guns, took up arms, went to defend their home, russian volunteers came here, who did not ask who would give them a salary. orders, he understood perfectly well, well, he lived as if in war, yes, he felt where, i don’t know, roughly speaking,
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you need to put monks there, yes, where you need to take the rp with you, it will come in handy, and the soldiers obeyed him, because that well, they see that the guy really understands and how the unit is growing and growing, and the same slavyansk he confirmed that yes, well, the engine is already there, like a legend, here now there is a war for the entire slavic world, here now. this issue is being resolved, if western forces defeat the slavs here, then tomorrow this could happen in russia, we don’t need this, the leader then also seems to be him, yes, yes, he followed him, as it were, he was his already a direct deputy, as it were, and when the engine was gone, it was, well, logical that he took his place, because he was, as it were, his pupil, he went through all these stages, so well, it was, of course, one of the most combat-ready of our units with such a commander, we
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we agreed to meet, and you chose this particular place, a dirty grave, why here? well, here for me, first of all , it’s symbolic, so when the conflict began in donbass in 2014, i took part in these surroundings, then a few years later i learned from my relatives that my great-grandmother was also liberating our land from fascism. at the time of the start of the war, you are 18 years old, well, it’s like youth, but only everything is ahead, and here is war. youth, well, until i was 18
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, i led such an active young life, hanging out, relaxing there, said that he even celebrated his birthday here, celebrated his birthday right here, yes, well, yes, a birthday, someone celebrates it in taverns, someone celebrates it in the trenches, so that’s what happened to me, saur the grave is the most important strategic height, which has a colossal influence on the battlefield, you can simply see all the cities, all the plantings, all the fields and... they were rushing to wrest the cities of donbass, and if they took this height, they would keep everything under complete control height, we would have been crushed in '14, this, well, this is unambiguous, any military man will confirm this.
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in fact, i’m already an adult guy, i’ll be 30 next year, after the first battle, my life probably changed, these are all the values ​​that i had before the feeling of combat, they are nothing compared to those that i have now, because that now i value life, i value my parents, my comrades, my loved ones, won’t you notice at all? about all the events that happened to you? look, i'm a religious person, and for me , regretting the past and dreaming about the future is such a dubious moment, we live here now, we must act according to our conscience here now, and if something happened earlier in my life, well, it means it happened by the will of god, i regret it, i personally think, here now, that i did everything right.
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next up is the big game on air first. good afternoon, the big game is live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. of course, the main news comes from the united states of america. the whole world froze in amazement, surprise and horror. another attempt on the life of the ex-president and may the future president of the united states of america, who. very many, especially in western
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europe, it is almost inevitable, so, the assassination of trump, i must say that so far i have , in any case, many more questions than answers, one of the most mysterious, in my opinion, pages of american history, but we will try together with our colleagues here in the studio, to figure out what really happened there, was it...
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ensured trump won the election, will they now kill them, or what? the fight continues there, about killing, a threat physical, it is there for a candidate who has stirred up american society. for trump , the main thing now is that his voters can get to the polls, and that he will be on this ballot, and that by that time he will be alive, and preferably free. huey long, very much criticized the then president roosevelt, and was very revered
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among the south of america, and he was so active, like a skating rink, it’s just that in 1935 there were 3 months left before the elections, he was simply shot. much of what is said in the program a big game, at first westerners label it as a conspiracy theory, that it’s all nonsense, then after three, four, six months it comes up, they start talking about it too, we even joked more than once that it feels like they are watching the program it’s a big game, but
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probably with some delay or not immediately they will admit that they are telling the truth here. for me, what is very significant about this whole story is that everyone immediately began to play it out, which means that, as far as the special services are concerned, various comments, as for the white house, as for the dem party, that is, someone is throwing fog, someone is trying to try to play history in their favor, and of course, they see very suspiciously, it looks like the shooter turns out to be such a loner . there are practically no traces of him going anywhere, but now life is such that everyone is somehow included in the social environment, there is really such a special term, it ’s applied to terrorists, a lone wolf, these are those who commit terrorist acts alone
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acts are not part of the organization, but with on the other hand, many people pay attention to fairly professional, professional actions, but... i expect that this story will turn into such a dead end, like, well, nothing is clear, well, someone shot, but there are no traces of this boy is not going anywhere, a complicated story, he is a registered republican, but once donated 15 dollars, on the contrary, to some democratic company, which is an organization that is close to the democrats, in general, nothing. no - it’s unclear , apparently in such a situation this story will be well, what is called the end of the water, much like with the assassination of kennedy, and approximately the same as with the assassination of martin luther king, where there was also an investigation, but the chains that from this murderer of martin luther king led to
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various american political circles were not further investigated, well, the very fact that the story: it may turn out to be one where all ends are in the water, this is of course very, very suspicious, therefore, from my point of view , the political context will probably never... be proven in the near future, but it will become in the same row, how about me the story seems to be that the assassination of kennedy is the murder of martin luther king, right here really, this is a practically completed murder, it’s a pure coincidence that he was not killed, absolutely everyone already agrees on this, so for me this story is about this in a row - this is american political life, where there is betrayal.
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was not involved in this, then it was a failure of the secret service, it’s simple, it’s simple , it’s clear, because well, how many people were there who showed that this was a person there he climbs onto the roof with a gun, yes, they told the police that, they talked about the secret service, no reaction, well, larry johnson, who was a cia analyst at one time, by the way, is a small arms specialist himself, a rifle instructor, a rifleman in the army, that's what he said, let's listen. the us secret service didn't do their job; they were late. you know, before i
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saw the video of these counter-sniper guys, i was inclined to think it was just pure secret service incompetence, but it looks like they saw the shooter, they were slow to react and only started shooting at him after he fired, which i can interpret to mean that it was, to some extent, the secret service that may have been complicit in trying to kill trump, because there is no explanation.
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to kill the president of the united states, and the whole thing is really the incompetence of the service, especially since now there is a new boss there, whose main goal, when she was sworn in there, said that this was her before her appointment. actually was responsible for security at the pepsicola company, was responsible for the implementation of security protocols at the company’s facilities in north america, and when she came to this post, she stated that her main task was to ensure equal gender, racial and other representation there for, i think transgender people too, that is, rather all to the detriment of the service, maybe it’s just a failure of special ones - such unprofessional ones, which, well, in principle, are not found even in
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similar organizations in other countries, that is, it has, let’s say, not very good long-standing reputation, but on the other hand, i ’ll answer like stanislavsky, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it for one simple reason, that such unprofessionalism is impossible in this kind of organization, if only... if only because the shooter was at a distance of only 150 m from targets, this is very small, this is, in principle , zeroing in an ordinary gallery of tire, and - the boy shot, in principle, quite accurately, the tramp was saved, saved by the fact that this turn of the head by a centimeter, that is, it cannot but be played out in any way. about other actions of the secret service, of course they call various questions, why they took him away like that, why they didn’t cover him there, and most importantly, why there wasn’t this security cordon, not metal frames, all the points protruding, let’s say, above the target, they
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are taken under control by snipers, if the sniper sees someone - that... with a gun, he immediately strikes, if the secret service finds out that a person with a gun is going in there, they must immediately take some action, the same goes for the police, so i'm still inclined to think, that it was some kind of veiled attempt on the life of a candidate presidents, much less elaborate, well, let’s say yes, well, we mean a prepared assassination attempt, not just some kind.
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2001, and a huge number of people died there and we still don’t know what happened on september 11, but there is still no accurate information, not to mention the fact that no one knows who killed kennedy, not a single one, no one else, yes, and robert kennedy, jr., by the way, also mentioned this, it should be noted that then there was also a kind of lone killer, serhan.
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well, naturally, investigative journalism has already appeared, so let’s do it let's hear what susan cratbury has to say. information from secret service sources. trump's security detail was so busy that many of the agents assigned to saturday were temporary replacements from different offices. this is not protocol for sitting presidents and vice presidents, but is typical for former
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presidents. trump has a permanent staff, but it is much smaller in number. therefore, the headquarters is sending temporary agents for reinforcements, the source said. according to him , the secret service office in pittsburgh was handling the visit of jill biden and allocated a lot of resources to her. in addition, due to lack of resources, preparatory work was carried out only the day before the visit. another source said permission for the counter-sniper team was not received until the day before the rally, which was not enough time for the two- person team to conduct its analysis. trump is not easy. former president, he is the first in modern history to run for president again, several cases have been filed against him, there is controversy surrounding him, who made the decision to direct resources to jill biden event? a really interesting story, well, a specialist on turkey is not here today to discuss turkish problems, although today is the day of democracy and national unity in turkey, a new holiday in general, which was established
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precisely in honor of the deliverance of erdogan. chaos, instability and violence, and what is happening in relation to the former president and candidate for president of the united states shows how the united states
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is in a period of domestic political turbulence, if you will, it is going through an era breakdown and perestroika, they cannot come to terms with the fact that what was said in the journalistic investigation is not enough resources. that they are no longer in the same position as they were 30 years ago, when they were at the top of the world political process. the united states has a lack of resources to implement domestic and foreign policy, and frenzied conflict, conflict on the external contour, inside, this is what leads to this kind of excess, which, purely by chance, did not end.
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resignation, here is robert kennedy, jr., just the son of the assassinated candidate for the presidency , the leadership of the secret service must leave for the united states. unguarded roof 120 m from the house. numerous witnesses say they shouted to the police officers for 3-4 minutes as they watched the guy with the rifle crawl up to the scene and prepare to shoot. take it. shove your secret service up your ass, prayers to trump and his family. indeed, several people, this is a video, showed for several minutes that a man on the roof with a gun, not far from
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president trump, there was no reaction to him being shot after he fired these shots, that is, well, it’s obvious that the american system, in general, is probably law enforcement, it’s no better. than the american railway system, which is also cracking every day, but on the other hand, of course, all this happened at a time when there is a brutal election campaign that is polarizing the country, and where trump is being presented as a figure similar to hitler, that’s how much it is contributed to the assassination attempt, we'll talk after the commercial, there's something bitter about us. bamish, how did they live their lives? varvara, so that i don’t see him here, i won’t let you live, they are calling you, airborne, just wait for me, hear, i love you,
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there is no life without you, are you crazy, have you gone crazy, he explained to you often , leave him, i love him, what are you doing, you put on a cop uniform, you think i’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day, little wolf, i don’t know the shores. them with your hand, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish is such a super popular beach the procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do on the beach
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? stirlitz should love the soviet union, but not so much as to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors would not be touched. days pass without you, it didn’t happen again, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments spring tritopols on ivy. oh, she looked at me with such key eyes, like... she looked and said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she just broke me, she’s a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i’m grateful to fate that i had
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the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass, for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, premiere on saturday on the first, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking goddamn it, my heart didn’t even break, do you know how it’s breaking, just the shoulder is giving and the elbow is pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have... a second very
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well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, which will choose the moles , that's the question, be careful, i always be careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was with a stutter suddenly says how... cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov, mikhailovna said, everyone. a woman of the soviet union
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should love stirlitz, but not so much to leave my husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors would not be touched. days pass without you. it didn’t repeat itself, well, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring tritopolis on ivy. oh, she looked at him with such a key. “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she simply broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass, for tatiana’s centenary." premiere on saturday on the first,
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big game, live we continue to discuss the assassination attempts on ex and, maybe the future president donald trump, but this assassination attempt was accompanied by a campaign of hatred against trump, it can be illustrated by a huge number of television commercials, but the easiest way to illustrate this is with pictures, covers of leading american and . european magazines, where he is simply depicted as hitler and a threat to america, to american democracy and to the rest of the world, i think even translation of what is written on the covers is not necessary, it is natural that this campaign of hatred is gaining momentum in america , in fact... republicans
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are now emphasizing that democrats are precisely the ones provoking violence in the united states, as speaker of the house of representatives michael johnson says. it is an objective truth that donald trump is probably the most persecuted and attacked political figure in history, perhaps since lincoln and the civil war. when my fellow democrats come out and say, “democracy is going to end, the country is going to end.” in an emergency situation, if donald trump wins the presidency, it's simply not true, when they use this kind of rhetoric and inflame it like this, there are people who take it to heart and react like this, and note that there has already been president of the united states and no one there did not establish a fascist dictatorship, but now for some reason he believes that he should, and tucker carlson, naturally, also reacted very vividly to the persecution of trump and he also predicted. in fact, this is an assassination attempt
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, let's listen: import the third world, become the third world, that's what we just saw, this will not stop trump, he will win the election if he...
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by the way, this can also happen again, although it seems to me that the likelihood of a second attempts are still somewhat reduced, but for him this is still only one of the barriers, this barrier, there will be a verdict in august, then there will almost certainly be fraud in the elections,
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not even almost, but just certainly fraud in the elections, then there will be all sorts of quibbles with the results, that is, his company, and in addition to the business that has taken place, he has other things going on. about state treason, for attempts to allegedly influence the results of the last elections, that is , for him this is running with an obstacle, that is, it’s one thing he’s fighting for the votes of voters, and at the same time he also has these walls, walls, walls of the state, state by car, various administrative and even criminal problems, and i think that his election campaign related to voters is...
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the electoral college must vote, then some surprises will begin around the electoral college and his admission to office, this seems incredible, but we'll see , these ones, i definitely don’t agree that there are still colleagues of electors, colleagues of electors, there may be one or two people who will vote wrong, but there was no such experience, with which i still probably would not agree, although here we can argue with you. here's mine look when you said that the likelihood of another assassination attempt on trump is decreasing, in my opinion, it is actually increasing, because after what happened, after these triumphant pictures of trump with a raised fist, well,
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it’s simply impossible to come up with better advertisements for yourself , trump is simply doomed to win, and the only way to stop him will be... his murder, and those who are against his presidency will of course make further attempts to eliminate him, but this is my point of view, until after this assassination attempt trump... was in the hospital, he was treated, he gave only one interview to the new york post, this is a newspaper that mainly supports the republican party, well, that's what he said there, a very, i would say, restrained statement, let's listen : the doctor at the hospital said he had never seen anything like this , called it a miracle, i shouldn’t be here, i should be dead, trump noted. the ex-president survived by turning his head slightly to the right to read the table. with information about illegal immigrants, at this moment the bullet flashed through. trump said that when
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secret service agents took him off stage, he still wanted to continue talking to supporters, but the agents told him it was unsafe and he needed to be taken to a hospital. indeed, well, a miracle , most likely, just saved him, the irony of fate is that he turned away to look at the emigration figures, this is a topic that he raised all the time on which... he was going to criticize the democrats, it’s really surprising, and i , to be honest, i’m not surprised that trump wanted continue speaking after this injury, because well, in fact, in the united states, there have been episodes of assassination attempts on presidents or presidential candidates during election campaigns in the history of the united states, we know this list of people who died,
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that it was difficult with him do something, robert kennedy was assassinated in dallas, in texas, reagan was wounded in the first months of his presidency, trump is now joining the list of those american presidents who were subjected to assassination attempts, that is history attempts are actually very, very serious, but the american law enforcement system, and the system of ensuring the security of presidents, in my opinion, it can work in both directions, from murder to
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prevention, that is, the kennedy assassination, it showed in many ways that most likely it was the secret service that was behind this, that is, he is protecting you, it turns out to be a very serious threat, well, america is generally the most democratic country in the world, because everyone there can shoot at the president, well this is... democracy, this is not what democracy is about at all, this is not their understanding of texas democracy about the law enforcement system , the secret service does not exactly relate to the law enforcement system, it is a security system, these are bodyguards, they have completely different functionality, completely different tasks, but as a rule , all services are involved in such events, as we saw in the footage there is the police, there is the secret service and , apparently, there is. representatives of either the national guard or some other military units, that is, this can be seen precisely by the clothes, then there is
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the counter-sniper group, also strange behavior - in terms of the fact that it is clear that one sniper already sees the shooter, leads him, but at some point he actually turns his head away, that’s all the fact is that the training of such groups cannot be some kind of temporary, invited or something else, these are very high-level professionals who, well, i just know a couple of people who are such snipers, they... understand the situation perfectly at one glance, just like that to miss an exceeding point, and even at such a short distance, they saw him and did nothing, this leads to certain thoughts, with kennedy, by the way, they acted in my opinion much more professionally, in any case, the shooting was carried out from several points, trump, by the way, he promised to declassify these materials, well, yes, all this, the shooting was carried out from several points, but in the end there was only one killer, according to... the official version of the investigation was harvey oswald, he was one killer, a lone,
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but the shots were actually produced with different points, well, well, yes, there was a magic bullet theory, well, their bullets are flying, it’s interesting, but for biden, of course, this is an unpleasant episode, to put it mildly, because if trump had been killed, well, that’s one thing matter, since trump survived, then for biden, of course, there are only disadvantages, only disadvantages, because firstly, he is under suspicion... his team is under suspicion, under the suspicion of the secret service of the united states of america, and of course, the first thing is that biden's team made anti-trump videos from american television, because it... to look monstrous, but biden already made statements after that, let's listen to what he said about the assassination attempt on trump. last night i spoke with donald trump. i'm glad he's recovering well. we spoke briefly but clearly. there is no place for this kind of
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violence in america. attempted murder goes against everything we stand for as a nation. we are not like that, and america is not like that. we cannot allow this to happen. unity is the most illusory goal, but now it is not nothing is more important than that. i am confident that this investigation will be thorough and prompt. investigators will have all the necessary resources to bring this case to completion. look, while this investigation continues, here's what we'll do. mr. trump, as a former president and republican candidate , is already at the highest level of safety.
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trump was killed, what was the likelihood of a civil war, and biden is doing everything to really calm the nation, let's listen to another statement from him, we don't know yet motives of the shooter, we do not know his opinion, we do not know whether he had help or support, whether he spoke with anyone, law enforcement officers, as i speak, are investigating these issues, i want to say what we know , the ex-president was shot. you know that the political situation in the country has become very tense, it’s time for everyone to cool down, we have a responsibility to do this. yes, we have many differences, the stakes in this election are incredibly high, the choices we make will shape the future of america throughout the world. the coming decades. he said this without
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looking up from the reclan, again without blinking his eyes, but for him the situation is absolute.
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the united states of america, this is the combination of a deficit of responsibility, it is very important, and despite all the calls to cool down, as biden said, america is unlikely to cool down in the near future, and the world has seen a deficit of a plumb line the united states has seen throughout the entire time outside the united states, now it is boomeranging the united states the states of america are getting the return of the very chaos they wanted to control, it is impossible to control chaos, but the americans... destroyed regimes in other countries, contributed to the assassination of the leaders of other countries, all this happened, and now the americans are faced with this within their own country, and the whole world is watching this process. yes, the american political system is indeed clearly weakening when someone says that there is a need to copy the american political model,
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and what exactly should be copied, but trump did not naturally interrupt the election campaign, he already went to... the speech that he about to say congress, however, there remains some intrigue about how he will rewrite it: i want to draw attention, vyacheslav alekseevich, to your words about the fact that... trump’s reaction is so calm, moderate, but the democrats, i also want to draw attention to this is attention, because their reaction would be generally ideal, if
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the murder had taken place, then there would really be a risk of civil war, they broadcast everything: calm down, calm down, we must unite, everything will be investigated and so on, but a miracle, a miracle took him away, apparently trump understands how high the stakes are, and he doesn’t want to escalate now, he doesn’t want to escalate. so he talked with the current president, he praised the secret service, he said that the guys around him were great, that they saved him, he’s not giving in, because it would be very easy if he started criticizing, then they told him everything, well, because of him, people died there, and he still criticizes there, this would all start, he behaves very moderately, avoids the traps that he can fall into, but the question is, if he will speak sluggishly... at the congress, this will of course be bad, he said that his speech would not be focused on biden, well, or rather, in my opinion, it was leaked to the press from his advisers that he planned to focus on
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criticizing the current president of all his absurdities on his personal condition, now he is rewriting the speech, apparently it will be about some of the most fundamental things for america, and he can try with the democrats.
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on the first one, that for so long, maybe there are some problems, something bitter is our fate, mish,
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how have we not lived our own lives, marvara, so that i i haven’t seen him here, i won’t let you live, they’re calling you, airborne, just wait for me, hear me, i love you, there is no life without you, are you crazy, let him go crazy? he often tells you, leave him, i love him, and what, you put a sad uniform on me, you think i ’m afraid to touch you, you’ll explode one day , little wolf, you don’t know the shores, son, alive, what a son you walked with the bear , will we really find out where he is, two shores, premiere, watch the time after the program, deadly experience, we sacrifice the fish with our hands, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish is such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe, and what
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should you do on the beach in general, about this and much more, live in the program, great, tomorrow at the first, mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not enough to leave...
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“she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked, like a boss of broken glass, to the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not it burst, do you know how it breaks, it’s just the shoulder giving back and the elbow pulling, okay? let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your there was no preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i always be careful, major, find
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head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter, suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for that , that you didn’t want to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, you are the wife of my best friend, let’s not have hysterics. at first i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when i began to understand, it was many questionable details. kohl, stay with me, he’s generally an amazing person, very
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modest. “i immediately felt that something was wrong with him, that you were pestering me, i really want to know, yes, we are lovers, you still take a closer look at your place, who it could be, let’s go to paris next week , the fortune teller is on the first action today. in direct connection with the big game, boris aleksanovich rozhen, a military expert, who will now tell us about what happened on the fronts of the special military operation during those years. it’s been a couple of days that we haven’t seen each other, good afternoon, what’s your news, good afternoon, the fighting over the past few days has developed very intensively, there is a lot of progress, if you go along
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the front line, then... in that direction , fierce fighting continued north of rabotin and verbovova. there are important, but important changes on the temporary ledge, russian troops have completely liberated the village of urozhainoye, the enemy remains close to the northern outlying villages, but in fact the village is already ours, the ministry of defense has already announced that a clean-up has already been partially carried out there, accordingly, after the completion of stabilization measures , further progress in the direction can be expected. makarovka, accordingly, this was an important achievement of the enemy, as they presented it during the summer offensive of the twenty-third year, now we see that this so-called achievement was leveled by russian troops, in the ugledar direction fierce battles continued on the outskirts of konstantinovka in the direction of the konstantinovka highways ugledar. there are serious progress in krasnogorovka both in northeast, so in the northwest of the city in the northeast, in recent days, part
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of the city there has come under our control, and this morning the enemy also admitted that there is an advance in the northwest, control over the city for the enemy is literally already being reduced to the northern and northwestern outskirts, west of avdeevka, our troops are fighting on the outskirts of the raised village of progress in the direction of the village of volchye, and in the evgenovsky area the enemy inflicted heavy losses, here the front also continues to move towards west, the assault on novoselka is underway, the first part is... already controlled by russian troops, accordingly, they have lost part of the position to the east and north of an important village, because its loss will lead to a very serious advance of russian troops to the west in this area. this means that in the area of ​​new york and derzhinsk in new york, our troops continued to advance in the center, in the center of the city and along the western outskirts, as well as to the southwest of new york, and we also advanced in the area of ​​​​the village of kirov, well,
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no.. . both in urban areas and to the west. in the direction of the outskirts of zerzhinskaya itself, here the enemy also lost a number of important... positions, he cannot stabilize the front here yet, which means that in the chasvyar direction our troops have advanced a little in the forest between the kanal microdistrict and kalinovka, behind which battles also continue, on in the seversk ledge, our troops advanced north from the razdolovka in the direction of the excavation, here the front slowly stretches north, in the direction of seversk, but in other areas there are positional battles on... there is progress in makeevka, there are battles on the outskirts of stolmakhovka, there is progress at
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senkovka, here two forest plantations came under our control, to the northeast, well, in the kharkov, kharkov region, our troops repelled the next enemy attempts to attack in the leptsy area, and also our troops advanced a little in... last week, the enemy tried to push us out of there, but he didn’t succeed, we are gradually expanding our zone of control there, as we see, in most areas our troops maintain operational initiative, the enemy continues to lose territories and populated areas. yes, thank you very much, boris aleksanovich for your accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the northern military district. well, in kiev they also evaluate our results. evaluates success very highly, apparently, well, there is such a deputy head of the defense committee of the ukrainian verkhovna rada, maryana bezula, she made an interesting statement, let 's listen, two most important
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points of the opposition of syrsky and his entourage were confirmed to me, he agrees to sign a ceasefire and any options on the issue of surrender and coercion to peace, he does not believe in victory, he sincerely believes that... that we are not able to gain an advantage over the russians on our own land, because he thinks symmetrically and makes the only logical conclusion for himself. he believes that in this way he could go down in history to save a whole layer of the general’s mafia, which is closer to demolition than ever before. dmitry vitalievich, first of all, in your opinion, in general, how true is this , and if so, what does this mean for the ukrainian authorities? well, first of all, the commander, any commander should not be such a concept. faith, that is, he must not believe, he must think and think mathematically and logically, this is the first thing about syros, it seems to me that zelensky’s office is simply preparing him for slaughter along with his team, that is, someone had to, will be to blame for all these failures
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that are now plaguing the illegitimate ukrainian regime, because well , indeed, our troops are fighting almost everywhere, but they are moving forward step by step and the most important thing is that the pace of this...
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in the defensive line after we liberated avdiivka, and this remains the last, largest settlement in the yasenovad region of the donetsk people's republic, from where the enemy carried out command actions, logistical transfers of ammunition personnel in this direction, now our military personnel are liberating this settlement; i repeat, the fighting is taking place in urban areas and i think in the near future. he will be released, this is facilitated by the recent release settlement sunrise, this is the northern novoselovka first, which the day before we liberated, we went into the flank, one might say, of this settlement, if you look further south in the karlovka area, the fighting continues in the area
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of ​​​​the reservoir and the movement on our side goes from yasnobrodovka to the volcha river, but here due to the terrain, the enemy has so far managed to hold the line, but again. i repeat, on our side the movement does not stop every day, we are moving, moving forward a little, but there is movement, and to the north it is also important the settlement of vozdvizhenka, to which we... are moving from novoalleksandrovka, from vozdvizhenka to the highway that goes from krasnoarmeysk to konstantinovka, the enemy’s main artery in this direction, there is about 6-7 km from the line of combat contact, this is the shortest road to the highway , our military personnel are now pushing through, uh, fighting their way to cut this artery, and cutting this artery for the enemy in several directions at once will cause very, very
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big troubles for the enemy in terms of supplies literally in several directions at once. thank you very much, vladimir razin, war correspondent of the popular front from the avdeevsko-pokrovsky front. well, take care of yourself and look forward to your contributions. the most frank confession, budanov, who stated quite openly that they were preparing an assassination attempt on the president. kiev regime budanov openly admitted that ukrainian intelligence was preparing an assassination attempt on the president of russia, so this attempt was prepared, again , with american money, without which there would be no malicious activity of the guru, the sbu as a whole banking would not exist, they openly admit to terrorist activities. and they even boast that they tried to do this,
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and apparently this in itself implies that they will continue to do so, i think this is an open, open statement, the west no longer turns its nose up at such open terrorists, moreover, the west is purposefully reconfiguring the kiev regime as a terrorist one, that’s what you showed, that there are some... terrorist actions, so budanov,
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apparently, reports that yes, i’m in the vanguard resetting to a terrorist regime, westerners nod that yes, yes, well done, unfortunately, this regime is becoming openly terroristic and westerners tried to legalize it in this form, what is called legitimizing it in switzerland, then at the nato summit, but this is just such a terrorist regime ... they killed hundreds of people, simply for the suspicion
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that they were helping the afghan mujahideen, they resorted to terror within the country, and what happened to trump actually also fits into this general pattern the united states, as a terrorist state, where methods of solving problems are completely unimportant, the main thing is that they justify the goal set by the american deep state, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be... defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you word at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. on the eve of metalluga day.


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