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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 16, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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there are wizards, there are so many of them, they are all like that, how can you not yet be charged with these emotions, not become a queen too, bravo, bravo, tanya, what can you say, but now a real carriage really suggests itself, luxurious in order to take you not only to ball, but for any other events that you come up with, and i think this will be a must.
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all the same, but in our youth we are all beautiful, but we need to try, now i will try, now, now i am a queen, i need it according to my status, vladislav, a few words about our queen alla, another image again something with stunning, of course, now you can’t say that she’s a businesswoman, but most likely a wife. all the same, on the queen, yes, there’s some kind of fairy tale, there’s some kind of banal phrase, now i’m really all of us, journalists, stylists, you know, in fact, it seems like these are designers, makeup artists, hairdressers, any specialists who work in fashion, in fashion...
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exclusively for her, and it doesn’t matter how much money she’s going to spend, maybe perfume, all these shoes in the world are tailored , she’s going to spend nothing at all, but just come and see what she could do, no matter what her budget is, no matter what her figure is, no matter how old she is, she is the person for whom this whole industry revolves, you know, you always remember that , when it seems to you that the seller in the boutique somehow looked at you incorrectly, the queen is in this...
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then fill out the form on the website of the first channel using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you at the first, goodbye. the first channel presents.
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so, dear friends, a fatal experience, peeling with fish, sacrificing a hand, professors, don’t be afraid of the essence, peeling with fish, such a super popular beach procedure, is it so safe, and what should you do on the beach, about this and much more, in the program. life is great, well, let's start our program with these charming old grandmothers, just look how beautiful they are in the summer, how beautiful they are in the summer, my god, but when i'm next to them, it means we'll have stupid ones questions, today there are stupid questions about mosquitoes, as i always repeat, there are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers, and we are all... we are all
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educated people, so today there are stupid questions about mosquitoes, we are waiting for the first guest. and everyone tells me that this is a stupid question, but i want to ask it, my mother buys ultrasonic mosquito repellers all the time, she is sure that they work, but i personally don’t see any difference, please tell me, do they really work and if not, then how can you protect yourself from mosquitoes? so, friends, ultrasonic repellent, there is what scientific research says, these repellers are effective, an effective way to protect against mosquitoes, that is, they do not repel, do not repel, that is, you correctly felt on your skin that you are being touched and in the presence of these repellers, the most effective
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way protection against mosquitoes is the use of repellent sprays, what should you pay attention to in the inscription? repellents are in darkness, we need to pay attention to children at what age they are allowed to use this repellent, second, can this repellent be applied to the skin or only to clothing? this means that this is the first thing you need to pay attention to, but that’s not all, there are repellents that contain certain substances that are also prohibited.
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what indication is there of leather or fabric? this is a fundamental question, okay? we are waiting for the next guest. just don’t laugh, i’m constantly bitten by mosquitoes, but my husband isn’t bitten at all. he says that i am a sweet woman and the queen of mosquitoes, tell me, this is of course offensive, why? first, what is offensive to you? god, my husband is so warm, warm says, queen, you are the queen of mosquitoes, you are a sweet woman, let's start with a real video of how a mosquito bites, because
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this animal is cunning and it bites so cunningly, it doesn’t just poke where it goes with its trunk, which... by the way, six channels has, finds, finds a vessel, it plunges into the vessel, you see, before our eyes the vessel is emptied, nothing but suction power andrei petrovich, so, by the way, this is not a mosquito, but a mosquito, so to be honest, you are not the queen of mosquitoes, and the queen of mosquitoes, andrei petrov, thank god, if i were to be accused of sexism, as you usually do, because only mosquitoes bite women. gender, they are very wise and intelligent, because they need to raise offspring, that’s why they drink blood, in fact, but they love women and men who are more overweight, they sweat, that means it’s the sweat gland, wait, andrei
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petrovich, the sweat gland secretes sweat, secretes sweat, and mosquitoes are very able to sense these odors, among other things... other things, mosquitoes have a special probe like this, right here, which picks up minimum concentration of carbon dioxide, it turned out that overweight people and even pregnant women emit more carbon dioxide, and mosquitoes feel this and fly to this smell of carbon dioxide, so for mosquitoes you are a nourishing woman, fragrant, and therefore attractive, conclusions to lose weight use. there will be, we are waiting for the next guest, i probably have a stupid question, but is it true that with antiperspirants, then mosquitoes are tormented not by clothes that can protect from a comoro bite, because
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there is some difference in what color clothes i’ll go into the forest, they specifically called an ophthalmologist to answer this question, because the question is straightforward. i’ll tell you right away what color they like more, they like red, orange and black more, this is the long-wave part of our spectrum, it is these colors that they fly better, and they like white, green, blue and purple less, whole studies have been conducted on this matter , chose these colors and observed how these mosquitoes, so to speak, what... look, we have the data of this study on the screen, you see, it turned out that the most
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attractive shades of red and black black, so what are you wearing, you are in white, here we have a red dress, this color will be attractive, again not for mosquitoes, but for mosquitoes, because the question is in them, like this we have a configuration, we are waiting for the next guest! “i’m afraid to seem funny, but don’t laugh, and my husband and i were walking in the park, we went into a cafe on the open terrace, and the waiter offered us orange juice and said that if we drink it, we won’t be bitten by mosquitoes, well, of course i doubt it, what is this about establishments, probably just so that we would order more, so, but..." is this related to orange juice? yes, my husband says that this is
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a coincidence, but i doubt it, by the way, this is a very interesting question, herman shech, really, can the orange juice we drink protect us from mosquitoes, yes or no, in principle, yes, but why does it contain a substance that repels mosquitoes, if you drink it, this substance will be released on the skin. mosquitoes, you can drink orange juice or take any essential oils with an orange scent will also repel mosquitoes. in principle, there are several other natural substances that can repel mosquitoes, and the first studies have shown that coconut soap, that is, if you are a person who washes with it, and after that it also... contains essential oils that repel mosquitoes, in addition, sage and
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eucalyptus oils repel mosquitoes, i have eucalyptus oil, sage oil and orange-scented oil here, i didn’t even know what they were yes, let’s at least smell it, i know what it smells like, eucalyptus, but what it smells like is sage, well , if you put it on like that specifically, not everyone will understand, sage, not everyone will understand. well, eucalyptus oranges, you can really use this, oh disgusting eucalyptus, if you smear yourself with it somewhere decent, well, in short, about the orange, really, this is what i need to tell my husband, andrey, i came to say what i have, yes , no, there are, there are smells that, on the contrary , these mosquitoes adore, these are flower smells, who loves flower smells,
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mosquitoes will come, got it, orange juice a great crowd, we will wait, when there is less iszol, we are waiting for the next guest. since everyone is asking stupid questions today, i’ll ask mine too. now it’s summer, there are a lot of mosquitoes, and on tv i heard that malaria mosquitoes have also appeared, just recently i was bitten by a huge mosquito, i managed to slap it, but it managed to drink my blood, tell me. what to do in such a situation, a tragedy in development, but is it worth
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being afraid of malaria insidious people in russia, andrei petrovich, not in russia at all, in general we ourselves know what it costs, so let’s do it now let's show you the photographs, they are of course different in appearance, but i will directly emphasize that they are still different for professionals, if you are not a professional, firstly, you don’t see how he bites you, it’s not that he bites you, you look and you think, well... i don’t know the difference between a redfish, i bit, slapped, and there he is a redfish or some people are afraid, there are, well, let’s say mosquitoes, which are many times larger than the standard size.
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the show was held for many years in the soviet union in russia to control malaria populations swamps were drained of mosquitoes, we have practically no zones endemic for malaria, thanks to whom this service was first in the soviet union and rospotrebnadzor is now responsible for this control, therefore, as always, with love and tenderness we say hello to our dear friend. of course, we thank the person anna yuryevna popova very much for the fact that we have done everything, this is a huge job, at the time of my, my very youth and childhood , i went on a lot of business trips, namely to countries, well, now countries separated from the former cis, where they were just engaged in controlling
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maleria, well, that is, in short, we sleep peacefully, we are not worried about maleria mosquitoes, right? but if someone is traveling abroad to southeast asia, to central africa, to those countries that russian tourists now travel to, then it is recommended 2 weeks before the trip to start taking the drug, drugs that kill malarial plasmodium, continue to drink 2 more weeks after - after arrival, this is prevention, then you will not be afraid that someone has bitten you, it will not there will be, but drugs, in fact, that prevent malaria, they exist, you need to take them. yes, this must also be understood, because we saw patients who returned from abroad with severe forms of malaria, our infectious disease specialists saved them here, so say hello if you are going somewhere on vacation. that’s all about mosquitoes, actually, let’s pause for a moment and then continue. a step in the wrong direction, i
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throw it over. and i fix the foot, as if with this bandage crosswise, what to do if you twisted your ankle joint at the dacha, the rule of first aid, the agony of choice, in the field we use a special device that measures sugar, we urgently buy everything in the store, tynk, sugar, how much there should be, from 10%, above ten, which melon is the most delicious, we go to the salt for the answer years. terribly beautiful, what the legs look like, eaten by fish, obviously they eat the epidermis, those scales that form on our skin, when they don’t have enough food, they are ready to eat, in principle, anything, everything about the fashionable procedure at resorts, two
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shores, premiere of a serial film, look after with your wife about work, thank god, she doesn’t know where i work, a wife should believe in the genius of her husband, feed him and not interfere, i have all the moves written down, when your duet with mikhail derzhavin took shape, count here silet, ready, we bring you good things, he knows how to joke, but we love him not
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only for this, i haven’t sung this yet, alexander’s day. shirvinta, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, saturday, on the first. the atmosphere on the project is such that it seems that we have also become kindred spirits. well, this is just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun. i was upset that i don’t sing and, apparently, will never be able to sing with my daughter. promise me love, look at you, i think that all families in our country will sing with their children. we don’t need a special
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reason to get together with our families, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday is on the first, well, friends, that’s it... the three of us separated from dr. gandelman, because we are leaving him here to the mercy of fate , he is preparing an amazing topic about melons that they grow up in russia, not in the southern regions, in the urals, but we go to the dacha to professor kanavalov, i always say, the dacha is rich, beautiful, wonderful, we have a whole theme of failure at the dacha, german shaevich, behave decently while we are gone , soon! well, friends, we are back at the dacha, today we will have
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such a topic, the injury is absolutely female, of course, i’m wearing heels, even at the dacha, what is a female injury, this is a dislocation of the ankle joint, how does it happen, it happens very simply , so i walked and walked of unearthly beauty, just like this i have the leg turned up, or just like that and...
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so i first fixed the bandage, the next movement i throw over the foot and fix the foot as if with this bandage, crosswise or at the foot.
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look, here’s the fixation around, andrei petrovich did it, these cruciate ligaments, you see, that hold our foot, in fact, he completely repeated
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what living nature came up with, all people should learn to do this primitive bandage, right, but what amazes me most is that nature is provided for, she has already taken care of us, because who will take care of us except nature? there is a huge amount of ligamentous apparatus of the ligaments, which, in general, on the one hand give elasticity, on the other hand , flexible on the one hand is very strong, so they hold these bones securely, i want to ask a question, this is what it is, it’s serious, it’s absolutely clear to me, since i wear heels, this is a common injury in women and children.
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in sandals when they don't have this one . and this often happens to children when they just fixation of the ankle, this is such a serious problem, it doesn’t matter in any case, whether a child or an adult, even if you were given such a bandage, even if you applied cold and you anticipated swelling, but i advise you to go to an orthopedic traumatologist, why, because
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well... you need to go to the doctor, there will be no swelling, but the pain will go away on its own, if the child has swelling and he is crying in pain, definitely, because this will still require an image and maybe even an mri image, because you need to look at soft tissues and ligaments, like this,
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dear friends, now we... let's go grab a piece of bread and have a snack, run and run to the program to live well on the set, where our wonderful friend, comrade, practically brother, is waiting for us, and to me, in general, my brother is already such that there’s nowhere else to go, as long as i’ve known him , no one knows him so much, i always tell him: only i love you, mother and sister, that’s all, and he agrees with this, dear friends, well, in general, it was a saying, the fairy tale is that it’s time for us to return to it’s great to live in the studio of the program, so we... we’ll do it, well, like this, we’ve sorted out the issue, german shavach and returned to you, i, as they say, even on my own feet, this is good, and we bandaged it well, so, today is an amazing topic, you all know, of course, such a fork race, the tour de france, everyone knows it, it is very famous , and we thought, but what does
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the tour de france have to do with it, summer has begun? and decided to make a whole series, which we called very simply: tour de fruit, fruit to the studio. today we have melons from the urals, if you thought
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that there were no melons in the urals, you are very mistaken, sol iletsk is called a city, now there is a map on our screen, straight from this salt and leska themselves bring us a melon to the studio, bring us salt and ice smoke, luxurious yellow melons like that, you know from... we came straight from the salt of letska, an agronomist arrived today who works in the production of melons, that is, not the fact that there are little people there in the garden, people grew melon, some devotees, and there is melon production, you knew when you studied in the city of kemero, that in the urals, only in a warm climate, look, it turns out that orenburg is generally engaged in melon crops , and
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every third melon or... in orenburg in general who knew, raise your hands, every third melon and watermelon have arrived, we are shocked, how is this? what will happen, it must be cold here, like here in western siberia, this is the southern urals, it’s warm here, the sun is shining, just like in the south, a tan distinguishes us from, wait, this is orenburg, orenburg, so what? you have such a long sunny day there that the melons have time to ripen, of course, when you plant them, when you collect them, now let's see how these melons grow in orenburg, there are whole plantations there. look, the fields, melon fields, all in orenburg, we thought we were somewhere in the krasnodar region, you are straight from this suleleti farm, straight from the salt forest, when we are now watching the harvesting of melons, the yellow konark is being harvested, it came to us from spain, here it is also
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presented on our table, it is distinguished by its white flesh, which is very sweet and elastic, it can be served both in its traditional form and in salads, which is what i give out. daylight hours are at the level of the astrakhan region because we are on the same lane, not everything is right it’s scary andrey petrovich, you have a solletsky haze , yes please, the only drawback in this melon is that you can’t tell fortunes from it , it doesn’t have cracks, then we can have another melon, a home-grown fortune teller grandmother from israel, mikhail yegorich mikhail yegorich, but in general it’s a melon. i want to give this spoon to the audience so that everyone can scoop it up like this, put it in their hand and eat it, of course, let’s try it, friends, ice melons, orenburg melons, ural melons, well, look, of course, the first thing we have to tell you is,
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so that your pride is completely bursting soliletsk, it’s a big city, how many people there are, up to 30,000, about 27-25 , they grow, well, melons, watermelons, yes, a melon group, yes, that is, 30,000 are employed... both men and women, let’s go to our models, we’ll tell you , what’s good about melons in general and ice salt in particular, it means, look, the most interesting thing is that melon contains approximately 60% of the daily requirement of vitamin c. we need vitamin c for the elasticity of blood vessels, here the vessel is normal, elastic, when we have enough vitamin a. this is the first, this is our stomach and from the stomach at the beginning
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gastritis, then an ulcer, then cancer. and here’s the melon, and here’s the melon, and the melon contains almost 60 percent of the daily value of vitamins in just 100 g. that’s a lot.
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how to choose? on the field we use a special device that measures sugar, that is, we approached, yes, checked, if it’s a melon, and how it works - you can buy it, that is
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, you can pierce it for free sale, or a refractometer, but it just pierces and measures the juice percentage of sugar content, if it reaches 10-12%, then the melon is ready for cleaning, yes, well, if you damage the melon. and what to do with another melon, but no, these are the same varieties, german shavch, they don’t bake every melon, they do some kind of experimental food for themselves, you see what an unpleasant person, i’m shocked by the progress in salt lettuce, wow, they check the level of glucose in the smoke, what is the name of the device, a refractometer, a refractometer for determining glucose, sugar, yes sugar on the brix scale, and on the brix scale it’s even easy to remember, brix is ​​now an international community, everyone we urgently buy in the store, tynk, sugar, how much should be from 10%.
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already the required amount of sugar and at the table it does not grow and how old are you 30 are you married no so again last name first name address last name first name address what a good literate smart guy has been working for 30 years not married and there is a girl in general the women of russia are stunned these women are stunned. ponyagin, here you go, how does
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smell play a role? well, honestly, i pay attention to him, i choose any fruits, vegetables, i have everything in the store, he is a professional, the next question is how to properly store a melon? on a production scale, melon is stored at a temperature of 2 to 4 °, in a darkened room, a refrigerator, in short, well, yes, the air humidity there is 70.
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it’s beautiful horrors, what the legs look like, eaten by fish, obviously they eat the epidermis, those scales that we have form on the skin, when they don’t have enough food, they are ready to eat, in principle, anything, everything about the fashionable procedure at resorts, you are the wife of my best friend, let’s not get hysterical, at first i was naturally on the girl’s side, but when i started to figure it out, there are a lot of doubtful ones
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details, if you stay with me, he’s generally an amazing person, very modest, i immediately felt that something was wrong with him, that you were pestering me, i really want to know, yes, we are lovers, you still look there take a closer look at who it could be, let's go to paris next week, fortune teller, today is the first.
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for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere is on saturday on the first in the new season on the first. a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and my heart hasn’t broken, do you know how she’s torn, they just give up her shoulder and elbow pulls. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and
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no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well -thought-out option for escaping for... well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that... you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere
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based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. so, dear friends, we hope that you, like us , are in the program to live healthy on the beach, only we are not in the real world, but we hope that you are in the real world, beach pleasures, beach entertainment, resort beauty, this is the topic of our program today, today we have a special topic, peeling with fish, well, mikhail egorovich, let’s launch, now we’ll show the video how...
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to get rid of the infection, i put my hand in, it feels like it’s tink, tink, tynk, i don’t know, she’s pissing, she doesn’t bite me, but she doesn’t cling to me, it’s a breeding ground, we said that water is a breeding ground for infection, when it’s not boiled,
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we have a girl in the studio, please tell us where you are, nastya , where did you go through, did you have any consequences or is everything in okay? yes, last year i vacationed at the seaside, and you know, there are quite a lot of places where you can go to have this procedure done, i didn’t dare for a very long time, but when it was already the last day of vacation, i decided to go after all, because there always what you put there, legs, yes, legs, you can have arms there, there are fishermen, that’s what we showed, show it again, they’re like horses, ours are just some weird unfortunate fish, yes, there really there were also big fish, right. so what? but it was nice enough but then, when i returned home, i saw what was on my leg, and such a red wound had formed, so crimson. like an abscess, and this, of course, was a cause for concern, well,
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is there any kind of prevention? well, what kind of prevention, which , unfortunately, is necessary after this procedure, but it’s still a peeling, that is, an infection can be introduced, then you must treat your feet, still rinse, rinse well, so that the infection does not remain there , i especially have to pay attention, look, if these are legs, yes, when you cut. nail, yes, you do n’t cut it in such a semicircle, on your toes you still cut the nail evenly so that your cuticles are not damaged, because the main problem is these wounds that appear around the nail, and then that is, after a pedicure there is nothing for the caps, you shouldn’t go there at all, because the surface is really falling off right away, german shavich, you are mournfully silent, are you a victim of a pedicure, no, why? i’m just saying, how can you get out of this water without washing your hands and feet after this peeling, it’s not clear who puts their hands there, it’s not clear
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what else these fish eat, that is, they wanted to do this procedure, they did it, then you can calmly wash everything, then what you would have had, you didn’t have, mikhail egorovich and i were the only ones who he put his hands here, so now he and i decided to... slowly treat our ruhi with perth-containing gel andrei petrovich, knowing the complication, said he would not put his hand there. i also swore before the start of the program, they decided to sacrifice professor kanovalov, and then i passionately shoved something, i think he’s sticking it, and i’ll stick it now. in general, treat your hands and feet if you don’t want these fish, and in general this water itself, maybe not even fish, to cause you some kind of infection? that’s all for today, we have nothing more to tell you today, although in general misha has nowhere to go, we had a good time,
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dear friends, may you live healthy. hello, this is an information channel on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of ruslan astashka, alyasya losieva. so, our military continues active combat operations in the kharkov direction, units of the north group of troops destroyed three tanks, two american m3 seven howitzers, a 155 mm m-198 howitzer and up to 200 ukrainian armed forces military personnel in one day. footage of the destruction of a ukrainian tank by our fpvdrone in the kharkov direction is spreading online, so you see such an epic explosion. fierce fighting is now
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continuing in the yar area in the dpr; our military continues to methodically push out ukrainian militants from well-fortified positions, the catastrophic situation of the armed forces of ukraine in the hourly ravine and the further prospects for the offensive of the russian army were told by the correspondent of the german publication derschbiegel. there are 30 shells in total, this should be enough for the next 24 hours. after the capture of bakhmut a year ago and avdeevka in february this year, chasovya is the next target of russian troops. this is a strategically important city; from here it will be relatively easy to attack larger cities of the dpr. this footage shows how, south of the yar clock, the ukrainian military is digging new trenches, they are preparing for new russian offensives. the time for surprises is over, but in the near future,


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