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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 16, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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i bought it in the city, it’s your birthday soon, an anniversary, misha and i decided to give you a surprise, give you a ticket to a sanatorium, with misha, yes, he suggested it, i know you don’t like him, but he’s a very good person, egor, in the end, it’s not his fault that you and sugar started to quarrel. it’s you, let ’s put the cognac in the buffet, and i’ll see why my friend is bursting, come on, now,
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the door is stuck, yes, the door is old, it’s stuck, he’s a dog, say thank you, he’s attracted attention, well, alive, alive, with a light steam , thank you, misha, what happened? what do you have here, that everything is fine, i won’t go to the sanatorium anyway, don’t buy me with this, thanks, dogs, i’ll give you a tag, are you crazy, they cost fifty.
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saravina is here, the red price is 35, okay, okay, i'll give you 20, thank you, listen, i'll have it soon. there will be a large product, you generally deal with icons, i can set you up with one, but he’s cool, dude, he won’t take anything, antiques, i’ll talk, come back tomorrow, she will say.
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and she went, went, went, just like that, mother hen.
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oh, are you a fox? don't look how the fox snuck in here, you don’t cry, we’ll arrange everything again, no, grandpa, don’t, it’s too painful to lose someone all the time. yes, how can it be like that!
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look, you can't see him, no. that’s it, go to bed in the evening, don’t wait for me, i’ll be late, maybe in the morning, understand?
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no, he’ll definitely come, he’s a man of his word, although i’m almost russian, i mean, but you’ll see.
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you, you called me for him, you idiot, we have nothing to talk about, understand? “i ’m not going to do anything with him, wait, wait, wait, listen, well, we are business people, well , at least listen, brother, i’m not your brother, i understand, don’t get excited, since you’ve come, sit down and talk. there's a big game on the air. today , foreign minister sergei lavrov is in new york. russia is now presiding over the
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un security council for a month, and the minister’s visit is connected with this. i am sure that the minister will have many meetings, and of course, there will be a constructive approach, but for now it is so designated.
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the united states continues to escalate confrontation. recently at a summit in washington , the leaders of the alliance countries confirmed their claims to a leading role not only in euro-atlantic, but in the asia-pacific region. it is declared that nato. they say , is still guided by the task of protecting the territory of its members, but for this it is necessary to extend the dominance of the alliance to the entire eurasian continent and adjacent sea areas, nato’s military infrastructure is moving into
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the pacific ocean region with the obvious goal of undermining the ocean-centric architecture, which for many decades was built on the principles of equality , accounting... explain that russia has not yet organized some kind of big celebration of how biden is pushing china towards russia, but what did i tell him, that maybe there was a celebration, but i haven’t been invited yet, i haven’t been invited to it yet, but really senator, what ’s happening, well, that’s exactly what’s happening, what you said, if you mean pushing. china into the embrace of russia and vice versa, i deliberately use this very vocabulary,
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because the question is formulated in this way, and we , our chinese colleagues, well, maybe in different, as they say, verbal constructions, are asking the americans quite a long time ago, because the policy of the americans, well, at a minimum, well, let’s measure it, say, decades, this is approximately what it is aimed at, indeed it is, and apparently this is explained by such... the confident position of washington that they are ready, ready fight on two fronts, they will cope with two rivals, because one seems to be in charge - it’s us, the second , on the contrary, he is of course rising, but has not yet reached the degree that allows him to compete with the americans on an equal footing, i repeat this in my assuming the american assessment, it is completely untrue, as for -
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as a rule, the main topic of the chairmanship is most often attended by the foreign minister of the country that takes the chairmanship, sometimes he invites or sends a signal or himself, it turns out that other high-ranking officials also come from capitals, not only permanent representatives. members of the security council, but also guests from the respective capitals, i don’t know how this time, but our minister came to this very first one, what is called an open meeting, it is declared, its topic is stated as a discussion of such general issues of multilateralism, why am i interested, and i must explain to our viewers, those who do not know this yet, to be an ambassador to china for 10 years, so were ambassador to the un.
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only the isolation of russia didn’t work out, that this time they decided not to even try, no, well , apparently it’s still simple, just a return to normal, a return to the rules of the game, the russian foreign minister happens, as a rule, there can be, of course, some special occasions, but as a rule, there are two such occasions every year, one occasion at the end of september, this is the so-called ministerial or leaders’ week, when they come to the session of the general assembly, well, if it is some kind of anniversary, for example, there is a sixtieth anniversary, here i am i remember, it was the seventieth anniversary, then
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the president can lead our delegation and the heads of other states, at a regular session the delegation is headed by the minister of foreign affairs, this is one reason, the second reason is the chairmanship, if the chairmanship of the country is announced, that’s what i’m talking about i already said, in this case, serge came for this, what are you talking about restrictions, well, on our permanent diplomats... working in new york and those who come, one restriction is imposed, geographical, no more than 25 miles or there are 40 -odd kilometers there, calculated from the center of new york, it’s just what they call:
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i want to ask you, andrei andreevich, you are an outstanding specialist in international relations, you teach international relations, i tried to remember a situation when one great power without the need, and voluntarily decided to simultaneously challenge her main adversary, but napoleon, of course, eventually did it, but first...
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remember that would show that there are precedents, of course, there cannot be precedents in the nuclear field , there were no nuclear weapons, but to challenge two main rivals at the same time, without even trying to deal with one, then the other. thank you for a very interesting and deep question. i believe that the continental blockade that napoleon tried to limit britain to interaction with our country, by the way, with russia.
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the united states is currently the initiator of such a strategy. the line is still fighting russia and china indirectly, using tools in the form of other national states. what remains of ukraine, the united states is now making efforts to create military-political alliances in the pacific, seeking primarily to rely on allies to contain china, and counting on... their weapons, pumping them with ideological messages, they will be able to distance themselves from this crisis, in order to collect the main advantages of this crisis, without intervening directly, for as long as possible, this line of the united states is known from both world wars,
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the united states was the last to join the hostilities during the first world war, the landing took place quite late. american troops to the european continent during the second world war, and probably the current strategy also assumes that if the americans get involved directly in this situation, then this will happen at a time when it will be necessary to deliver some decisive blows, to take decisive actions, in the place of those countries that the united states now sees as instruments of its strategy, i would think about how much it would cost with this specific instrument, for example. ukraine shows that this is an extremely expensive enterprise that affects the vital interests of the state, and the immediate benefits of this for ukraine.
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the americans are really with you, the americans are really using it here, they don’t fight themselves, they don’t get drawn into war, in general, for now i think that there , reasoning and discussing the results of their activities, they believe that they are operating very successfully, well, that russia is drawn into heavy fighting, russia is cut off from europe, completely cut off economically, they need to say,
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in my opinion, there is not enough consolidation on this side, china, russia, india, those countries that seem to be in opposition in this conflict, they are still not consolidated enough, the americans, the americans succeeded in general to consolidate completely, look, there , no one blathers a word there, only orban allows it, and then, you know, it is unknown what will happen to him, but in fairness, my next question is for you,
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well, it’s possible, although we need to see, although we need to see what will happen after the elections, you know, this is also a question, i understand that, in principle, in my opinion, the americans are experiencing, in general, of course, this is very close to what we experienced at the end of the soviet union. very similar gerantology biden is increasingly reminiscent of leonid leach in the last 2-3 years, absolutely, after leonid ilyach, remember, yuri vladimirovich was also completely sick, he came, quickly left, then chernenko, that is, as they say, and at the same time, and at the same time the system tried to save them, because the system did not want change. the same thing, in my opinion, is happening with the united states. the united states, like any great empire, it goes through the same stages as...
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with yeltsin, something like that, now he wants to change this system, trump is not a pacifist of blood, he is not afraid, well, elson was not afraid either blood and was not a pacifist of his blood, the blood of his compatriots has no direct analogues in history at all, i just mean that trump , as it were... as it were, he expresses with his, his intuition, his instinct those necessary changes that are necessary for american society, but as far as he can and knows how to carry them out, this is absolutely not a fact, we have repeatedly used your participation in the program to say that life is increasingly reminiscent of a movie, and i must say that here i am i don't know in the cinema
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rush at...
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she is very determined, so for her, in general, these, so to speak, these symbols, flags, i am fighting and, so to speak, an assassination attempt is not so important, so it seems to me that it is absolutely, too much serious antagonism in american society, during such antagonisms, emotions, even of this kind, it seems to me that they don’t play, that’s why.
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vance, his ardent supporter, charismatic, young, but rotten, for whom it is very important to win there. trump on the international stage. dmitry, you are one of those people who probably the most extensive experience of personal direct observations of the american interior.
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party, which at a certain moment resisted him as the main candidate, and his conditional takeover of the party, exerting ideological influence on the composition of the party to such an extent that he could afford to ignore any other votes, i recall, he considered, in particular for the position of vice president , now one of his opponents in the previous race, mark rubio, who...
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is free to choose his vice president and does this is absolutely arbitrary, secondly, he shows that his ideas are turning into some kind of ideological movement, he is not its only representative, because if you listen to an early interview with the vice-president, possible vice-president vence, this is a fairly wide list of the most radical arguments , which are used in their practice by donald trump, e. his figure is important, we need to study his biography, his views, his line of behavior, this is due not only to the fact that trump may again be the victim of an assassination attempt, four american presidents died in the performance of their
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official duties, according to the constitution the vice president becomes president in this situation, it is important for us to study his views, including in order to understand what the republican party itself is turning into, to what extent...
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on the one hand, how -you feel better when there is one of the presidential candidates who is willing to improve relations. and does not support the enemy of russia, i'm talking about ukraine, you start to think, but they instead want to tighten american policy in relation to china is already quite tough, does this mean that a change of power in washington, if this change takes place? may change american priorities in
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the struggle for hegemony, but will not change the very intention to achieve hegemony and destroy, try to destroy those who stand in the way of this hegemony, i say in this case naturally china, well, in my opinion, the answer, the answer is completely obvious, really, you know , like communicating vessels, something can... change there, but ultimately everything pours out to the same level, as the fight went against two, so it will go against two, and to say that 60 is on one side of the scale, and 40 on the other, or vice versa, in the end everything is averaged out anyway, because look, what happened at the nato summit, which just took place, there in the china document it was said that china...
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what it actually consists of, here we return again to the documents to
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a very serious position, china, which is not directly related, yes, nothing at all to do with the conflict in ukraine around ukraine is artificially placed on a par with russia, that is, china is simply catching up with russia, saying that it has revealed its essence, both politically and accordingly.
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with the european union, at least i don’t fully understand why, we are going to advertising. leva, leva, you see how they tore him to pieces, no screwdriver is needed, there are no traces, there is no break-in, there is a corpse, he was about to dump him, free, but you won’t see your son, son, don’t get involved in this abomination, and you are sure that artyom is yours son?
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fortune teller, tomorrow is first. i found a notebook father, in which he wrote down all the facts of corruption, it was this notebook that disappeared from my safe, in general there is not much time, either i will find them, or they will find me, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program time, in in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and our heart hasn’t broken, you know how it breaks, right? only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. well, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your no matter the preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified. and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well
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thought out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. “i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you you don't have to blame yourself for being didn’t want to help us"? you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book by yulian semenov, a big game is on air, it is well
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known that... he did not put forward, hungary, a nato member, hungary resists the expansion of sanctions against russia, but then, as a rule, his loved one wrings out something for himself, then he supports these sanctions, as if reluctantly, but now
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the european union has begun to really persecute orban, for the fact that despite the fact that hungary is now. that marked the beginning of the hungarian chairmanship, the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen, decided that the european commission would be represented at the level of senior civil servants only during informal meetings of the eu council. you know, senator, i have the impression that they in the european union have gone crazy with their own
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arrogance, that they have some kind of feeling of indispensability. remains, so our ties with europe, i mean with organized europe, institutionalized europe, they
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are already reduced to a minimum or even to zero, this first, second, the european union has become bolshevik, i put this word in quotation marks, that is, it has become saturated with an ideology based precisely on russophobia, that is, the fight against russia as its main enemy, in my memory, i was once the director of the economic department of vida, we conducted certain negotiations with... the participants of this caravan, this was not always the case, because there were times when our relations with the european union were built on a very
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solid economic basis. here, let me remind you, this is all here, in my memory, alive, twice a year meetings were held between the government of the russian federation and the entire european commission, that is, all the commissioners, when it became somehow even a little burdensome organizationally, one of our participants said that i would like to see it. as much economic as, i mean from the point of view of my external profiling, this is already a political
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organization with certain claims, this is where what you were talking about manifests itself, that same arrogance that just comes from everywhere, as they say, like dough from a kneader, do with well, at this stage we simply can’t do anything, we don’t have a dialogue, by the way, orban literally yesterday or the day before yesterday spoke in favor of restoring some contacts. between russia and the european union, but he meant, of course, political contacts, because , again, even orban is not talking about economic cooperation, although he himself buys and continues to buy our energy resources. there have always been many wars in the world, this is generally the idea that existed for several decades after the cold war, that war is the unnatural state of humanity, unfortunately, historical analysis does not support such a conclusion. but on the other hand - in general, wars, as a rule, ended
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either in the victory of one of the parties, or in some kind of reconciliation, a very good example for me is the war between russia and japan, a fierce war, and a few years later japan, russia allies, and there are many such examples.
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to the previous nature of relations with europe, i, for example, can’t imagine how i personally could do this, and you? well today i i also have a hard time imagining it, but history teaches us that in general, yes, this is normal, this happens all the time, we fought, the most brutal war with the germans was from europe, in general it was, that’s a different story, we defeated them, so that's the whole question. that’s the whole question: to win, of course, and europe is behaving this way today because it believes that they can win, with them, they
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are not talking about what...
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the point is that the main countries of the anti-western coalition, russia, iran and china, they themselves are accustomed to being poles, you see, in the west now there is only one pole , the usa, all the other countries agreed with this , they united, but here, as it were, we have this, in my opinion, that is somewhat disturbing, but these, first of all, i think, well, iran seems to be so, i i understand that everything is leaning more and more, but we need to consolidate our own, as they say, this one...
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but if this happens, then, well, this always happens in the world, after some time, the worst enemies, as they say, begin to communicate, begin to trade , first of all, begin to exchange information like this the war between them actually wasn’t even very necessary, and he says that later they will make films about the fact that, well, yes, that’s why it’s all, it’s all understandable, humanism, how...
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russia is a separate civilization, i i completely agree with this, this does not mean that there must necessarily be a conflict between civilizations, remember, this was predicted by the famous american political scientist, internationalist, sam huntington, so i want to understand from your point of view, we are now in a period of such extreme hostility, very acute conflict with the west. i'm convinced that this the conflict is almost entirely the responsibility of the collective west, but let 's imagine that this conflict, well, if it was not possible to completely resolve, then it was at least possible to bring it under control, one can imagine that we would return to those relations with europe that were before
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twenty the second year, your questions are always
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generous after her victory , she left the french capital without demanding any significant indemnity, maintained order in europe for about a decade and was a guarantor of the status quo, chairman of the holy alliance, an organization that at that moment contributed to the preservation of monarchical regimes in europe and prevented revolutions, was difficult for the west. forgive this significant participation of russia in european affairs, with some vindictiveness, they were looking for a reason to defeat us, the reason, as you remember, was found to be quite indirect,
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the holy land, palestine, uh, control over the world, but in the end everything , of course, ended geopolitically, our relations with the west are not without important psychological components, the west contains in the image of russia... as psychologists of the jungan school would say, the image of a significant other, taking out everything bad that can be imagined in ourselves onto us, as a result, of course, a caricatured, sarcastic picture is formed, which has nothing to do with reality , which is well understood by sober people in the west, and this image, in general, is looking for some kind of resolution, a resolution in the form of a victory, which they and we are still counting on...
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the european commission is investing in the next, apparently, four-five-year cycle of continuing this crisis, no one is looking for negotiations. the countries of western europe also do not currently have a significant impulse to seek measurements with us. first, they still expect that victory may be delayed, but is achievable. secondly, they are using this opportunity to consolidate europe on anti-russian grounds. and no matter how much we don’t like it. in many ways this can work out, we see the independent line of the hungarian leader, he is echoed by the prime minister of slovakia, there are some other european minor
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leaders who are not leaders of the first order, who speak in the spirit of the need to reach a compromise, but as we see, in addition to some economic costs, europeans in the current crisis are dying in very small numbers, and more often this... this is due to the activities of secret activities their military personnel in the ukrainian theater, obituary, officers of the polish army, some other european armies, they appear more and more often, it is clear that these are military advisers who were present on the battlefield, and for them, of course, this is such a metaphor in which they are pleased to be, a confrontation with russia, an attempt to inflict another defeat on it, to punish it for encroaching on autonomous interests, independent from the west, in this sense , a certain echo with the events of 150 years ago.


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