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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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in the trenches to help throw some water there, because it’s difficult to deliver water to the front line there, they often deliver it by drones, he picked up his copter, tied the water and flew to his guys, then he saw a terrible picture that there was actually an enemy drone hovering over their trench, what did he think of doing? our guy, he used this bottle of water as a bomb, dropped it on top of the enemy’s drone and destroyed it in this way, and then sent more water to the guys, i ’m 100% sure of this, that’s what it means to us naked. hello, news time is on first, oh we will tell you the most important events right now. light, water, communications, power supply was restored in the south of russia, the day before.
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after a failure at the rostov nuclear power plant, it was possible to restart the first power unit, it started working the day before and in large cities, first the power went out, then the water, the streets were stuck in traffic jams, all this against the backdrop of increased loads on the energy system, in the south there is now forty-degree heat, residents are flooded with tourists air conditioners and fans do not turn off, consumption has increased significantly, as a result, a historic one was installed the day before a record, figures even higher than in winter, restoration work went on all night, somewhere there was electricity. almost immediately, in some places residents spent several hours without electricity, in some places restrictions and special schedules had to be introduced, while hospitals did not turn off important social facilities, they temporarily switched to autonomous power sources. the electricity supply restrictions, which affected about 2 million people in the southern regions of the country, have been completely lifted. currently, all consumers disconnected as part of the temporary shutdown schedule have received voltage. the ministry of energy continues to promptly monitor the energy supply situation in those regions where abnormally high levels are observed. and to new
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data on the progress of the special operation, an iskander strike on the ukrainian armed forces training ground in the kharkov region, as reported by telegram channels, about one and a half hundred militants were eliminated. and footage from the ministry of defense in the southern donetsk direction , enemy fortifications and armored vehicles were destroyed, an accurate hit from geocide s self-propelled guns. well, our positions are protected from air strikes by anti-aircraft guns pantsir s complexes for video destruction of an enemy drone. also among the targets are rockets and missiles. including atacoms and stormshadow. the dpr is undergoing a baptism of fire for new molniya aircraft-type drones. lightweight, yet durable, and also easy to operate. the performance surprises even experienced operators. in addition, there is huge potential for modifications. new versions, made taking into account the wishes of the fighters, will soon arrive at the positions. about a powerful device with a deceptive appearance, report by sergei ponmarev. the lightning feselage itself, two aluminum. the tubes are a spar, the frame is
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made of wood, the elevator and the elevator are made of wood , the wings are a bit cutiy in appearance, the fact that such a simple appearance was deceivingly not understood at first by some of the fighters of this section of the 110th brigade, i thought it was something that didn’t fly at all, honestly how- it looked unreliable, but when we went out into the field for the first time and picked it up, the impression immediately changed, it was like a cool thing, unscrewed, a new aircraft-type fpv drone... lightning, here is footage of one of its first combat uses in the krasnogorovka area. now this city is near marinenkoy storms a unit of the southern group. the objective control video showed well-aimed hits, one after another, on the building where ukrainian militants were hiding. the first combat mission, hitting the target straight away, emotions went through the roof. the first day we had 10 sorties, nine were on target, that is , the figure was 90% out of 100. the command is in shock, this is the first time this has happened. the simplicity and lightness
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of the design actually provide a range of use of more than 20 km, the weight of the drone barely exceeds the weight of the ammunition with which it hits the target, and according to the fighters, the drone is... noticeable in the sky, but practically indestructible, tested by the enemy, who tried to shoot at him more than once, even if all the wings are stitched, he will continue to fly, so to speak, this is the first variation of the drone, there is huge potential for increasing the range, carrying capacity, improving maneuverability, all comments the plant's designers receive direct input from the departments, right now they're waiting for the next modernized batch, the next version, as far as i have information, machine vision has been added, that is, maybe...
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i'm good at it, my brain focused more on technical specialization, so to speak. their unit can be called medical. a partner with the call sign nikitych worked at a pharmaceutical plant in siberia. his great-great-grandfather participated in the first world war. grandfather was in afghanistan, father was not there. well, i shouldn’t pass by, i should also take part, but i kind of need to help my guys, who, if not us,
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don’t abandon their own. krasnogorovka is his first combat experience, taking into account the specifics of working remotely, he has not yet been to the city itself, but already i studied everything from the air, it seems. houses and streets, he wants to walk along them when they are released, he says, judging by the pressure of our guys on the ground, there won’t be long to wait. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov, channel one. a number of repressive requirements for conscripts are coming into force in ukraine today. now they are required to carry a military id with them at all times, otherwise they will be fined, issued a summons, or they may be immediately taken to the military registration and enlistment office. if the medical examination was completed more than a year ago, that’s also a story.
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kherson and zaporozhye regions, it goes there the process, you know, of restoring the entire infrastructure, but what is very important is to integrate them, including into the transport infrastructure, including, of course , waterways, we have already disconnected them.
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and that nothing interferes with the integration of the relevant structures of our new regions into the overall transport system of the country. prospects for a peaceful settlement in ukraine, the middle east crisis, and the entire range of interaction between russia and partner countries. the most important topics are in the spotlight of the head of our ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, at on the sidelines of events at un headquarters. a marathon of bilateral meetings. mikhail okenchenko knows what the results are. site organization.
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represented by our special envoy to the region. the further part of the conversation took place behind closed doors; representatives of switzerland refused to comment on its content, but the russian minister shared some details. there was a speech. it was such an intermediate culmination of the process that was started in support of
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the zelensky formula. i think he understood our arguments. you could say reassuring result when compared with other western countries. a striking example of the inability to conduct a constructive dialogue was the position of great britain and the united states at the security council meeting that ended the day before. they literally reacted with hostility to the russian minister’s proposal to build an equal system between them. to explain, what we heard from our western friends spoke volumes, and we i think it is useful to give people the welcome balanced approach to international issues that you the rest of the members of africa, latin america. what exactly the minister of foreign affairs heard in the next stream of accusations made by the west against russia, he said in an interview with our channel.
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recently signed by the governor of the golden state, which essentially prohibits schools from informing parents about their children's gender identity. in other words, that the boy suddenly decided that he was a girl on the contrary. when it comes to supporting transgender people, california is at the forefront; previously , children, including those from other states, allowed to perform gender reassignment operations without parental consent. and those who try to interfere threaten to deprive the right to custody. all this is presented as an incredible achievement. elon musk thinks they are new. the law massively infringes on parental rights, and children risk irreversible damage. this is
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the final straw, this law and many that came before it are an attack on families and businesses, and so spacex is moving its headquarters from hathorne, california to starbice, texas. about a year ago i made it clear to governor newsam that laws of this nature would force california families to leave the state to protect their children. the last preparations before the world festival of circus art idol, a celebration of beauty, strength and skill, it will begin tomorrow at the circus arena on vernadsky avenue, the largest in europe, with performances by the best artists and performances that will take your breath away. this year teams from russia and seventeen other countries will compete, including china, germany, spain and the usa. the first thing is to perform yourself big stage in europe, this is the biggest stage, number one for us. secondly, this is the russian circus school, it is considered one of the strongest to write, probably, history, its
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name at this festival. we show a very dangerous number, but with the help of it we told the whole story of our acquaintance and love. i am very glad that i am in russia again, the last time i was here was in 2018, it is an honor to participate in this festival, it is important for me to share my art with the world.


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